i .M.iij ipwiuf Hi" a MP in n iii i ii ! i Wrtn HKtg-Crsa4jyftvcyaifcii ' mtm-i m.s.iH"-fs Mjtwjrttjvfc.'-. .a . , . - . - - i- giiimiLHIIIWimMlniU jXfi , .- -h X1 f o w A: m l5 Ducker's Cash Goods House 4 T FOLIET, ILL. MOKENA, ILL. J. W. DUCKER. BED CLOUD, NEB. J. J. DUCKER, G. A. DUCKER. .- .i ;i I! "& J -3 i a much to feel 'This nighl fided her an TT-JicfcfuI tha Iamcjicc w afterward : in earnest tbi emphasis rati "Hcbraculi xrildpiasncrl in a rcci would 1 Al nudtlcn i iiiff robo, Hi her; the dyi uont fcrwar or tiouuee oi into new lit ling ia its; "But lo instjntlc the ilaiac i "Laivrcal ttuubt 1 $ . -r. Ever shois lT 9lTQ believe that we are selling cloaks at as low or a lower price than you can get them at in any of the larger cities, when you fact that our Joliet store handles fort or fifty thousand dollars worth of cloaks in a year you can leadily sec that wc have a big advantage over merchants buying a few garments. I will discount any price you may bring me on (straight) goods of any kind. v la Dress goods, Hosiery, Underwear Of all kind we can and do show the best goods for the money that Ci'W STEWS. Combs, tooth, nail and Lair brushes at Deyo's. G. W. Frac:3 cf near CottIcs was in town Tuesday. For 6ilkand worsted underwear go to Bersj & Galusha. J. M. Ohaffin of Guide Roc!: was in the city Tuesday. For wool hosiery in mpns' and boys go to Berg & Galusha. - Bs K. Stowe went to Kearney last Saturday and returned Monday nignt. II. C. Cutter, the leading grain and stock dealer ff Cowls: was in Red Cloud a nhort tituc last Tuesday. J. T. Brissenden or Michigan a nephew of EI. A Ilovrarl is in the city He came all th. ..ay by nation. One must 3e.c ihe i.nd rwear before they can appreciate the ' j,v prices ta which C. Winner is seeing it. Go to Win StinirVy:- IV a first class shave or hai- u rcu vH be treat ed nice and c-ocure L -t v-L-s wrk. Oe who buys uod .oods for little money, buy wi-eij. He v out say ing by buyir.- at ft. V. Herd's, Pcr- . , kin's aid stand. Thoughi, ... . lalapncllau We arc indebted to Jirs .iohn Law my Krandfii for- some aainmoth potatoes. She hadunnouncmus have k-!ovrnthnt tac editor was SS" at? of Pat Ker.ry. Thanks, without a sbilli LpwA1W.V ',.s i,. r .i annninted SSSyanCoS:?ceiver of tll Rcd Cloud electric "OfcoursojiliBht cowpasiv, and v understand mad tiionumSfce will sti-t them n'",r soon. The tried to tcachm.itv!tss been in dari-nrssbn enough, vcrvamusiudn Z,. , Those two pip Ttm ito n0ij been u Ho look at the immense stock of cloth- !igr, at th 0'n p i'jj's v,V be as- ftonished to find such n assortment and the luw nnecs jnarked on them in plain figures. Henry Scott bar made a report of riis doings as recede ef thp Red Cloud iniiis ?.v.2.t:c undcrarnd has leaaed tln'ii to L P Aibnuiit. It is reported tbat the e:11 will be in oper- ition airam soon. Therowas a m:f',!:', reids ir rnpy if the r- r " - --' I "" display if fruit and ornamental trees. "The fomtnitrep ?wirHp' np l! orramm to J. A. Lopenan. A J i, fl'CK f,rziTLTJ. lLooK.:re. lOn and after the fii I day of Xo- fMbcr 1380, 1 Kill vosu..-ei? not sen ids cv tm n: k if cuimm- loatracts orm lv' -pie nteH. . iTlOUaABT. Come and see n in the city at county, Blankets, comforts, yarns, flannels, jeanH, casemeres. canton flannels, muelins, cotton batting, underwear, etc, arc" sold at lowest cash prices at the New York Store. A man like Dock McKeeby, whoit is reported failed to respond to the sick bed of a dying child which had been poisoned, is a great man to talk about the bad qualities of others Keep your own skirts clean Docky and you will have all you can do to manage your subsidized organs the Helmet, Democrat, and Republican. If the whole county gives Hummel support like he will get from the cen ter and east eidc of the county, the democrats will have occasion to re mark " That was a wonderful deep snow that fell on the fifth day of No vember." We arc of the opinion that democrats and mugwumps will be viry seldom in the county and what there will be left can be greatly benefitted by an application of the Brown-Scquard Elixir. Cowlcs Her ald. i The Herald wishes to say to the re publicans of Webster county vote the straight ticket. The Domince3 are all good upright and honest men who will perform duties honorably and creaic ably. Stories arc being circulated to the effect that the republican nominee lor treasurer is controlled by the First National Bank of Ked Uloud. JJiib a falpo and uniust report for Mr. Hum mel has only accepted his nomination j because he was chosen lairly at tnc convention and he has made nc prom ises or pledges to any oue in case he should be elected. The bolters aic crying fraud, booale, wkiskey etc, agiiout Mr. Hummel, but it will have little or no effect. It is simply a seheme to down the republican candi date. Mr. Hnnm,l is making a fair and honorable race and is worthy of the sspport of every true republican. Cowlcs Herald. ..-mm m BnekllH'M Arnica Salvr. The best s.-.'ve In the world lor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheuui, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corn; and all ekiu eruptions, and positively cured, or uo pay requued. it is guaranteed to ifive perfect satis faction, or maney refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Henry Cook. The best eastern and western coal, always kept on hand and at lowest prices at B. A. Handya Come in and see our new line of tinware, lanterns, coffee mills and agate ware fresh from Chicago and at Chicago cost. Perkins old stand. D. B. Hkakd. TBSSSCTW'JJS ,. our cloak room and the largest and finest stock of Wraps prices that are making friends and come and see us, some So and Advice. From the Cowles Herald. The Herald is not at all surpriM-d to find Hint a large number of influential democrats all over the county propose to stand by ir. Hum- mei. urn reinmuran eanumaio ut treasurer. The manner m which Fassler's nomination was brought about is beinnir-K to be understood. A jjang ot would be republican bosses in Ucd Cloud undertook to carry the republican pri maries in that city. As usual they were snowed under, about 5 to I. Then they undertook to buy enough proxies to j;et control of the conven tion. J here is not a man in ineoutut ur wnac is a chronic bolter. Xo republican ticket was ever put up in Webster county bur what t hoy bolted some of the nominees Their policy is, and alwnvs has been to rule or ruin the party. I'ailinK this year to xet control of the republican convention, they succeeded in capturing that of tht'demociats. Hie Herald knows wherof it sjicaks when It savsthc nomination of Kasslcrwas conceived and broucht about by this clique of republican and Mr, Fassier could not get the nomination until he nuide certain pledges to oflicia'.s of a certuin bank In Ked Cloud, all of whom are republiciiis. Kver since his nomination this cam: of republican sore-heads have had control of him. They were the parties at whose in stance he sought the prohibition nomination, and at whose instance everv other man oa the deiroOTitle ticket is being tradeu off and sold out. We are. sti situated, fortunately, at this time, to see what is goim; on, and venture t predict that l9iir before the election, the democrats of the county, will find out they are being mace i-Ht-paws oftoiuill gilded chestnuts out of the treasury, for the use of Fassier and the mer chants funk of liCfi ("hud. A number of Red Cloud sore bends who found out they didn't own nor couldn't buy .Mr, llur.i me; . 3 circulating tlir tory that he is controll ed livorm oi the rival factions in ::e: uc.t.i. nlicse in n know this is false. They know that sir. lluiriniet v.i.sthe dioi e of no faction i.i lied Cloud, and tiicv lso know that he is a man who knows i. iritcr. Mr. Hummel has msde no P'.eiiges i-.nd has no I'.oders'iinding with any fac tiuiiiu:!ieciuiutv. Wo del v any man or any .-et of meii'n showtf 3tr. Hiimm"l ias iiado a ;!;tl;e cf any kir.fllireetly or indirectly, secret ij or oi gnlv with any lwink or any faction in Ked Cloud." Kow irentlemeii tins is jour oppor tunity. Ifvou have any evidence to tin con- tmr- flu. H..rnTil will ll irl.lll to lUlWl'll If. TlfKcd Clo'iil ltepubiic.il' which v.-?'Se-tnl-( lislicd bv the big o to dowij the other irf.lKMS be c, '-M-fi"' c-rWii't oiitil them, if i issii. jut aftT the convention. spoVo of 3ir. IIii'nn"'l in the mo-,t ::uttoriiigte.nw, and preili ts. th.it he woul.l laakis an ticelleut ofilecr. and voiUsl be elected triumpliantlv. The o-aih- .- of tlu i Kona'aiwn tnoutai mat uin- n.;u i:i.- -mil Hummel. In alwut ten das they tound ih ydiili'r. Tlit u they v.c: la and ca,-..ui a the dninof ratle convention and now they want u:itheies..H;st.jbiue!Ui.c.ai3. ", n" mcl wis go(xl enough for the ltepiiblicon tn da ,-s slzir kis nouii naiiou. ii- s oou iuuurii for the rest of us lor the next two years. W. L. Haires, D. Frank Parker Ch-.. Seely, and JJcward Green from the Y . ai. C, A, and Dell Able, Will Keltogg, and chas DIcker.--nii from the hoyo brauch are at the convention at Omaha. A 850 wlt f.'333 At nn,i dollar Dsr week. Cnl'a L. H Wnllace. iewlor and official a- li examin er for B. 5a M. R. R. Ii .iiiint?C!u:i Z'J ratlc. Read t'.o foH..v.-3iig: r J. n. Morr!", Ne war!:, Arl:., says: -v .- j -xWn vn'.v. m- & ceS3of Lruigs, nacc -us and physi cians pronounced ins au Incurable Con sumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my bird bottle, and able to -rseo the work on my farm. It is tha fine, zl? icine erer made." Jesse Middleware Decatur, Ohio, says: "Had i not been for Dr King's New Dis covery for Consumption I would haye died of Lung Troubles. Was giTeaup by doctors. Ant now ia best of health." Try it. Sample bottle free st Heary CmI'i dragster. and we will save you money. J.J. Tur Shercr has accepted a position with I. B. Heard. N. B. Thomas who has been sick for the last sis weeks, is slowly re covering. AVicncr, the clothier, is also head quarters for bouts and shoes. You can find Sclz's hand made goods and cheaper grades there at rock bottom prices. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Tulleys celebra ted the 5th anniversary of their mar riage, on Wednesday evening. A number of guests assembled and a pleasant time was reported. Fassier, the democratic nominee, was closeted all day Wednesday with the bit; S, and has tied up with that outfit. Numerous gentlemen of his party have become disgusted with such aeiions on the part of their candidate for treasurer. l 1 sin rAnl r r rt l 9 f ..iiuu juu bo- - man ii i.uH wrony. i-e will eertamlv make a bad i....if; ... .... !,- :i! ul,n t... break in some Way that will show that he ij ?uiltv. Witness the fact in Plumb's paper. We charge him with being boodierized by the big S, and in return he accuses Tub Chief of being mortgaged and a whole lot of stuff of that kind instead of denying the charge satisfactorily. There is no lave araiasfc being mortgaged that we know of Piumb, but we think there is a statute against receiving boodle. And if there was a law arramst being mortgaged, no doubt you vould saner the penalty uuless the liiti. Cloud National bank has fin al!' dctoraiir.od that your paper was worthless add burned it up. i COplC i who live : Pl-imb, &c ln 15tv. ?n rrloc- l.r.i-ios -om 1-r. - ' ih A-.- IScscst'lisrry CoiikIi Syrup. ! civing splendid sati-faction to the trndo and theK"t pos'tivlv marveJon?, wh'- cmji b,- accounted for In r.c other way except tliat it Is witho-it dcut;; .ne best on !h market. Aakfoia-Mluisure yoa get the genuine. We Veep it. C. L.Cotting, lru'5i.-t. Creat English dy Murray's Specific; . -i. guaranteeu cure for a.1 i.er vou mseaes sucii as v;?al: m?x rry loss of brain povver hyst'-rin headache pain in the backuer--ous prostration rakefulh.esb Jeu corrhcea universal lassitude sem i nal weakness i m potency n d ;e n tial losi of power of the Ueuera "v n-gans; itieiths -r,:t ed by indiscretion nroverex.ition 9,1.1 U.llt.,li tt.i,nk,.ilt, ..o.l tn WMfr IWi PBK.MATCI5I: OLD A.JE. INSAX . . . .. ....!.. l.lb.4.Uh,l, iC.U " itv auu co suai-rxci. tinua box or six bosrs for ?5 00. Sent by mail on receipt of price. Full particulars iu pamphlet, sent tnc to every applicant Gaarmatcc Six Boxes ure any case. For every 55 order received we send six boxes with a written guarantee toro- n.t .,. vnnnAV IF ftlir atKW.Ifltf. does not effect a rare. Address AftafltAltf all communications to the sole manufacturers. Tax Muaaxv Minicnm Co. KansaalltvMe. .Id ia Bed Cloud by C. L. COTTING sole i I lUitl ft Jackets.-. customers for us and Dry you ever saw in DUCKER Bed Take Notice. Joseph W. Warren and !eo. W. Ball. You are lierebv notitied that on Ihe SStli day of January, to, I, !. Ilium purchased at private tax sale from the county treasurer, M. ft. AlcXitt. at the court-house in Ked Cloud "Webster county, Nebraska, for the taxes for the year ig, amounting to 57.4.1. me louowiug descrslioit land situated ia Webster county, Nebraska, taxed in the name of Joseph W. Warren anil tieo W. Ball, The north west ?,or the north-e;ist . section 1-', town 2, nuige 1 1 containing 40 acres. llie time for re demption of s:iid laud from the lien of said tax sale will expire January ath. lsiw, and if not redeemed before the above date expires I will muke application for a treasurer's tax deed. L. Baum. Take Notice. Joseph W. Warren and Geo. W, Ball. You arc hereby notitied that on the isth day of January l&S, L. Baum purcliased at private tax Kile from theeountv treasurer M. B. AicNitt at the court house in lied Cloud Webster coun ty Nebraska for the taxes of the year 188G amounting to S7.43 an the following described lands situated in Webster county Nebraska, taxed in the name of Joseph W. Warren and eo. W. IfcUI. Thesouth wwst l- of the north cast quarter, sec 11", town 2 range 11 containing 40 acres. The time for redemption of said land from the lien of said tax sale will e.iire Jan. 2S 1890 and if not redeemed before the above date I will make application for a treasurer's tax deed. L. Kaum, 'Take Noilec To Josenh W. Warren and Ceo. AV. Bail. Youareherebynotinedthaton tliesthdayof llaT1,Kiry is.I. I. Baum purchased at privere wxsaie irom me. county treasurer v.. u. nc Nitt at the court 'iou.se in Bed Cloud. Webster county Nebraska, for the taxes of tlie vcar lsST. amouiitiiig to SZ.t.'ion tlie following described land situated in Webstr countv :.tora-,ka tav ed In the name of Joseph W. Warren and ;"o. W, Ba'l. iho .soiiUi-cast '4 nor Ji east 't section If. town 2. range 11 c!'tnlntnu' to acres 'Ihe timefor iisKinptiouorsciId land from tha lien of 5uid ta ;ile will i-splre J.ui iary 2T'i lsixi and if not redeemed t-efon; tht above date expires, 1 will make application for treasurer's tax deed. h. fituai. SIIKKIFF'M SAI.K. Not!c8 is hereby given that under and bv vir tue of an order of sale issued by I. II. Fort, clerk of the district court of the n,"lith ludiri:) district in and for Webster countv. Nebraska. upon a decree man action iicnduigii said court w Herein (.oronne xtirray tnMee. and James B. xurray are pTa nttff.and Ko, .1 li. public vendue for casa In hand at the e-Lst dLX)r Of tllO court linlio-' 111 'iO'J CIoi-l ; s . eo'I7C, . r- urt i.s 1" iM iY on thi ? th ,!r .-of Xnvftiiir I ! l)Ll. n , . .,I....T i. ... 1.- Tnll lOCJ 1L Ut.UV.ft I'. 111., lllf lI iiroiirtvto-wlt: 'fheeat half quarter of seciioa 13, in townsi range :u, west oi tnc mx i. m. in v. caster county .seiirassa. (tiven under ray hand this 2.1th day of October II. C. COTT. Truuki-j it Sv'eczy SheriiT. Plaintiff's nttorcevs. Takn .'tleo. ToHujrhJ.Jewett: Vou ari iu.i.by iiutlild thr.t on t'e lith .Lav of February 133, I lUum piipc'stf at m ivati-t-ix siH from tie county ti-a.-i.rer M. It. Mc N'itt at the coilrt house in Ked cloud, Webster county Nebraskit. foi the Lixe i! ttw ve.ir l"- amounting to zM. iht ."south cut i-t of uw south wer 1-4. section t to'vri t, r'tir. t" fi" Uiniug 40 acres, taM in the name of Hugh.), tewet.. ilietimifor roder.iii'.j.i .1 ....i t '..ml from the hen of said txx sale will cxp"'e Feb ruary I tth 1S?0 and if net red -IIlCl iK-i'TCth-above date! will make appllcitl a f3-at.?as-urer'stax dee.l. L. r-vj. iXakeNetl 9. T O You are hert.v notificl tt t mi th 11th dav of Februar-, is88 1.. Baum purchased at pri vate tax. sale .ram the county treasurer SI. B flcNIttatthe court house in Bed cloud Webster ceunty Nebraska for tho taxes of the year tsss amounting to 55J.0 Tlii south-west l-t of the south west l- section 33, town l. range lg con taining 4 acres, taxed in the name of Hugh J. Jewett. The time for redemption will expire Fehruanr 11th 1SS0. ami if not redeemed Mhw tho above date I will aakr application for a irewureraiaxuec. l.. havx. every day. Goods this or any other cloud, Neb. uois Stati of Ncbr.ioka- Webster county i To whom it maycon'"-a: The commissioners :4ppoiutcd to view and re port upoiiaroi'a::: 'ea-i ;n:jV4l for in .ict tain petition duly .dim.M -uid nl-d with t: county clerk ot said county as!;iii that a cer tain public road uc toi-.it;: m t,.ot- Conimenehig at thu .soutn-5ist corner of irc tion fifteen, (15) town one 0 rang" .lecn, ill) west, thence running north 0io f-ft var. 11 d- gres, 30 minutes w-rt and theiic east S.j feet varsdegrei'sjsri ininut.-s northjiienccnortli 100 feet var. ' degree west to the center of mad running' east aud west, and known as tho Keil Cloud road, has rcportfd favorably ujmiii theojieningorKiidriviI, Ail ohjuctions there to or claims for (-kin.aiies must be tiled in tho oftlceof the county clerk ot said county onr In-fore noon of WedaesI ly. January Z!, IKK) or said road will be opemd v.itliout reference thereto. Ked Cloud, Octob'-r 17, Vi J. K. Bailkt. . County Clerk. Timber illiir5 r !' final Hroof. Notice for i'.ibiicitiou. United States Ijuid f)Rb . BLOOMi.H:rox, Ve' OctobPrT. Hsr. Notice is hereby "...on thai De.I.ivJudson has flIeilnoticeotint'iin- i' ".T.iiiriifh..?i.r.. clerk of district court, a'- ;s .1it.- i.i I-.I c Ii ml. Nebraska, on Satu y t . .v' .lav ;f Novem ber, ISS'J, on timbercilturr applii-athm No. icor, tor the north-wesi j t.t. Tot c. lion ao.1, iii township No. -'. notth, mki- l. u-.r. Henium-saswi-nesics. lir.m w, tlr.ldredgi'. IxuisC.U,in,f(x.d .I"Ji.ir. '.V. VaiusMUiil U-ore.e W. Knight all of Iraval-. Neb. '". F. As::::i,i:,Wcr. State of Nebraska Wf-'nt TCunv Notice i-herein l,.i''i c!-iimsaidi!Di:n1 i.nirhu . C, V,b er iat-ot Vet.s r ,,... .t, . . ..... that tfi tune tled for V. Itti- cVms .it-alns: ,-a.l cstat , issixmnn;iistromiii tt .. o,t.Vr 1 sj, allsuc.i ;i'so.is r..e nwniired n nreM-nt th 'ir cuiiim w.tli tlv vol.- hers t ih- ountv judge ok rlrt -pni-t :.. ,,..-,., ., ;, hef(r,. the 1st dav oi Annl te0 ;vi,t a'l -IVrus so hh-d i.ill bo .le-irjl before tli.said judge on the I'd d'.v of April i:v. . ii -.v k-- i m Uatcl septcml r"tti t-y. K::vfc A, cwek7v. lotinty.litdgt-. Tiisn Niillfi-. Joseph W. Warren '.'el -... 'V. Ttdl. Youarrh'-r-b, iiotifitri t.it ..a iiie :ii dav of Jan, li" I. IJ.I i:u ,1'ip-tjisei ;.: pri.at tix sHteiro.ii - i -u . -v . ! nr :! 2; lli;i't lOf a.-res iaud front tli lien of saM '.t ill . x ptre.lanuj'ryiy :s-jr.an. 1 n.? p-I"em"d Prfor the auovc d .tt- e-i.irrr. I .vi'.l -nan .inlic.itn; for a trea-ner tr .'oft. ;. j;A. j. jottri.., Je'V.ft: r u arc ti.. cj t.LI t .." ju i,i. liifiti'ti ot Fehfinn: t-ss. r,; 't-- -'ar p" .aS Ntfat hcc-u4t..t,. i.. iw... , UM, VrbCter roun.i er.sk.i r. if c !ar or ts amountiiir toc-WJ. 1 he north-east oi thiM)Htif.-.ve,rii m section 30. Utwii 1. r.nj.'e. l- ..itjiiMi-i' y .or.rC tinierorr-d.cn-ti ofiid l-r.-S from lU IjSf I ot slid tax sale wit! .-xoirf K-imvjrv nth isTV ar-l if -. ,t ' ;.- iik . , -. i:c th- auove date I will make application for a .nurer's tocdSd. L. Baum. TolIughJ..f(Wet.: You ar here-.y notiGcti tliat oa the Itth -lay of tebruary lnA L. -.-win pur.-h .ed at private tax sale from the county treasurer M. B. yi. Mttatthe courthouse in Ked cloud, Webster county. Nebrasfci. for the fixes of the year 1S arcountmg-to 35JO. The rth west U. of tlic south west ?4 section 33,tt 11 l.raime I2.cO.W taining 40 acres. taxd inth. name of IlugnwV Jewett. The time for reden. tioit of said lam? from the lien af said tax salen 11 expire Febn ary 11th law. and if net mlc-u ed before ib above date. I will malr application foratreaa nrer aCtjix dead. u BxxmT --e,f O. .ua-- liieco.in.iitusM!i iteit cloud, Wehiter eouu'v N .,f:rl't '- " . v..i. i to s..a on the lolloping described nroix'rv i Vi s!5i;-t I :r V.v su.r...ut NVIrs-u f t.it ;r .wing described ln me mime oi j-epn w. v.arren an.i fteo. ft'i iiLnh-tait . B3 t' .r rX- i. , ,..!. ..m,. nip 4. i.orta or 1 2Sr''"-, -'"" - '-v i .o:t.ii.iiig iu I -,:iv ii:.c- "i : :;-n:;e.'OII o, alu