::&c23tfB&23aMWs KsasaBAaKa)eiam!iKSR3ibS3c3emsitR99w9 -wx -"; -"V it? t- .--- -.- . :.'-??- ?.... .;,.-.;-----J-., gaajaNaawM3wtawiniMeJlliiWWJ rr-. rr mr-r - ' i r ' j t --- - .. - - ,PIT--K3IM--ir -T-t5S5' UU-!JUfifcH taaHuam e ' j.Nfcasi - $JYAl tey && Ste T r : '35.,JJrSS 1 i fs &15 . i Absolutely Pure, .. . . ii r-et-rr'eai -J-C1 J. -U.C t-i: ! rcaji. lbI au "at: ut c-e vt4 ie l.C4t. KOAJ biKI.LlwttDia:(0. Wil. -tr- " Y iltv KAUn I.O.VN.. I have tn- i-encv i. tea ciirerent c jean ccn.pan.c. can ire you t be teneit A anv : tne.r B.truiiar clans . of matinr tra.cacs. J nereforc i rV nr .!. --r-- ii-rt s . -, Irxer rate. tM!i tit '.rh- r- ;n : :V1I & ft v . si! aa S "R"ebsr eoonlv I aiake "option king Plumb pretty hard for fall loans or cra:-ht loans for 1, 2. 3,-i. 5. ' ing a victim to Dock .HcKeeb;s au- i. f.- iTr-ar-- ... .o .'".r ft;i pirr property. Cei.j..'. placing 5-cr iartn Ii. tcr-s Del ore and save moc- ey aafl reret (. V BaHKEE. Bea Rr.' r '3 1 Sat i f'2n:. I SPLINTERS liaui.rru f t -. i. jrjFf.t. &i lad .viat ti,- t u j and o.u utr. j -.i -- .'.-.r t, . i-, Ef ep Tbi in I.nr TTind. We"! V'"' 'T re-irre Hnmrael. i-ar4 -- ;oean-i jl. We": j : - .--trz- Hummel. Eari: tlj-- nionitiic. Vel. .oi-i.-r rorv- HutEuael. Er:.. .u the njoraicc L-x)kHi fvtroerbaad. Oi. Doirk. 31- Keeby yi are "-t the -sod or a man. Oh. !)-- M. Keeby yc ar ". tlie laiKl a i-Lin. Ob. Doc!- -McE-e ty oa are ."ot the kini of i ai-a To tackle Hannter' band. Go and see B. A. Handy. Glassand putt at Deyo's. The best coin buskers soap is sold dt JL'evo I Best gloves and largest variety at I i.-lT ! Berg i Galusha. JjBenj. VanTHke of I &T-'ek visiting his n owa was here igT-'ek visitinz his nepnew. Hard coal at cost at t A TT-irrtv"- 1 3"llc"u:i- a' j Plumb, in a hired reply for 31c- Money will not buy enough votes to Keeby. in regard to the congressional efat Hummel alth ouch it has bouzht! pros v in the CniEF of last week . .-,--. , :,-ar (lnT,Tr;iTii.i.TianL We 3118. Bucker. mother of J. J. Pack- ,, ; ; : T..., U --.---. . Illinois. Tr "-rnrMn nnr h a had idea to have ;,,.,,? ,-. A-romo ctin?ec to . church street. " . Bemember Berg i Galusna are the only merchants that sell tne ".Patent, Shoulder- suits ..-. .. . , 3 rc - v v. aver. cansrnter 01 Lome at Panburv. Neb. 50 ets buvs a suit of underwear or 5.50 buys "a finer suit than any one else sells. Beeg & GaLUSHA. TV. --1 -.V-II r.l t r'itntr ITP.wlin Tnntps CO j i T-.-. saama in ha eetsins readv to give the people a coid "shake" this winter. Come to P. B. Heard's for cutlery, Eichtv patterns cf pocket kniTes to select from and twenty patterns of bolters who are trying to defeat the table cutlery ail at Chicago cost. I regular republican ticket by attempt- Mrs. A. C. Hosmer. and dauchter ; inc to elect a democratic ticket. The Ethef. wife and daughter of The ' peonle will hardly ndore such ac r -I . j... ..-?"" .. Tnn;.t.nn' Mr FTnTnmel is well Qualified .!. i.e u.uaii-u iu -iiiuut- where thev sro for a few weeks visit to friends. George Pucker, our Kansas friend, has been in the city this week. By the way Mr. Pucker has recently join ed the" immortal band of Benedicts. We extend cengratalations. Mr. A. K. Goudy. the present su perintendent of the puouc scnoois, n- z.r-A .i..r PIttttiK nrTr,5t that he i to be. or has been rewarded t7.t "hi--11 ont to the bis S. For hare Plntkb Lome oe a man. ana -?;Cteo above the founder of; Hi-t I- iat too late to re- if I -ee-ao--. Persons buy.ngclotnm-: are always in fear of bf..--r t-iken m, Dut wnen tfcev can utl ntn an nouvwwc ft T . 1 -. -. If. I .- house like the boMen rage na, ...- -t t t is deins splendid wort tor our ?cnooi5!xr. FiamD. (l-Uiiiin s uiuainois xeyo taxes suoscnptious iu. u. - w t - :.!.-. -. ma-v An f I -j...... ..TVi-l cmrv . t IS t n.. . T.orMr. TlT-hlTSflPfl LTlfI anc under CIS Encicm. iiui.ci.fck, step-iasuery -a-. a u 3vv--i - pAye. u A.i-k.i.v. , -. ..- . and with an able corps of assistants, 'Duta sample of the efforts to defend saves you expense ot sending. thp schools will nake rood progress. I the hank 'outfit which holds atnort-i ,.,..-..,. . n-. fnr nr.v.'hincT proven in the last six years this .ear.f-jencs ctomn ail tney can to ooit tne v?anihes. C. Wiener has always ; zez ticket and elect Fussier? We, aade -nod aa-. thine that L act satis j xblnfc ve can answer the question. , fac. Goods ar; o!d by him oa-.hscfc is simply the fact that by so , z'neir men-,. ! doing they expect to get hold of the : -r. r t. -vt'-Ttii:-.-- Plumosa;, tuat John Mc-nnlm testimony was "wilhsg nl0aw , tnnt ne was ?mised nothing. Wc fear3Ir. PIsmb tnat that is anotner J. - -t. - --.-. tn lie tnat vou wiL nave vo answer for. .Vh- Vr stite to the editor Ot P1-"1- --"' Th Chief in .-e p.eeace o. "--, ;r.r- tne coantv for their in -! heaw stocks. Pecsie appre-: w tne time to " " -.-. .- i es tnat '-it tne election went nzni. ne ,- - ;-,. - t: . " v. ...j -i.'-o ' save tou 2o percent TToutd Berewared. How abou. th-Mfi-w- - --.-. -. ,.a , I. . . ., , - . u ' Ester'al, Bids s as.srtion. Mr. PIoeo, :s that willing t" :c.e. ...u - u-. - ... , ..-W - -..-.- .- , , t-stimon r is it purchased ' mg aV-ut it. C Wiener. - ri For correct fittine dothics co to I 1 ' Ben: & Gs.Iit.-E2. "" T . .. - . - .2 ,! t c r - I 3l Fir" IV TTlTTl--.- . 1 .. -iae ime o: icaas. iaere anc .: - . j Sa:el5 at the 2se Yori Stere. Bers S: Galcrha don't let priees stand in the vraj cf a sale, small fJ-Li. -l.Z- cnc-t. vercoat of Bere & 1 r pe?ie :. i.00 tuv an o Galusha's that other pepie thi.v are rettia: btrsnas in B. CU.ITJ i Bemeraber tve seli a melton over cat for 51G.00 that otker people asfc 52'.l"j for. Beeo oc Galisha. The Golden Eacle as nfual has a lane stock of cloves ani mittens. Bnvinc all . , kinds : goods in large j aables him to bey and sell nnantities en 4 W WLWi L,- You can't miss it if vou buvarck- i '.nif r rn'Tinz Hs V TT.rh;i- . but ne good and his priees s uit tnese . close tiaes. inmTT rsr.pr : r)0-T',' aa. - - . Sonic skunk of a W w I felloe Stol'i nA b.iddIe qR of hb hore oa 5und Jn .i-i.. t i.. --h .,-. v .. . ; . a a a, wa -u i w -r jv- '- Ulll XOiii .-- jth the fellow The Prshibs over the county are friends iate the hands of the ?LIi-ju iri4--t.. .- -ii .i.w ft... w-.-. tiaes i no man at a ii TTpTrni .-.r;: Mr Pr-h :"i0 tor Trr i'htT Tnnrr-i - tflit S C I ' Sad on the records or elsewhere acatnst j this ofnee and held by the First Nation- . honV h n- ;h-" H t!nft. VTMr VOU ..--. .w. fc.HM.w-.. . w- have to lie to carrv a &oint. i I -"A- ... t - f -r -,- i. ii.ev.tO. i -"c -"- - - -"-" l VOSl ;1B iTJie4 5 j--iu. -uic; uc ;mi I v --,-.- ; .K.;, : .: tr i -- v.; -.i--- v,v .' i t ill a:-trc: tt i.u cii -v-.. .i ..w-& ? t- !UC . ill kuCli T i oank. i-asslerha evid-tlv t'c uc with the nig ;. i his i.- a sad com mentary on the uemocratic nominee. Just step into J. J. Pucker's stcre and see the crowd in there buying dry roods. cloaks, etc. and note the Tleased look on their faces as they go t? e . , i.B;urcr, v.scuu -io-. m. -.i.c --..--. We rode ou: of ilcCooi last sun-lav i Future ox aU kincs cheaper Ja Ties of Fr;da acd for lie beaeSt f Jied bT ; . ever at F. X . laykr b. j :hs p. ,Ivt: pontic:, in Vo . :ih w. D.We a: -ie throt-1 All goods arc scldat the New Yor;:r-iHE Chiet: Be i a traj-, office ve-ib.de itore at the krffest cash price?. J Ajl,inare Denial from an Coneni j coaches. ad ihe --rar he cot then over - c- : 3Ian. I .. i ..--.- .v., .... . s -n, pleasec Ioob: on tne:r tace? a tney go . 3J competency tor tne o-ce. out of the store with Dig packages Uhcted however, I thins I shml ot under their arms and yon will no long- j 0Eij demonstrate cy competency but er wonder whv John is so popular. lalsomr ability to 11 without any M.. ..rhC-rallf-tterof J.E.!Msi5U-iK- .'. ".'. ?! CoilI -....nr, ve,rS. h.ia very suscen strode o: paraiy;: Frid3v last, from which he never -tt . T."- -J V" FT- I 1 ; en re-1 covered aDd which caused hi aeata . last Tuesuay. He was turned T.m. A-MM-. T-. a ?irl V To on i,J 'CUU.:U-. -UC i.-I-- i- "- ( svmpathv "of the communitv in their ,:;.:- ' .II- Plumb, m a hired reply tor .nc- i x- ... fc 7. f-f Qen """t vM ' ;.--- , v. v,i . don t tmnE he wa,. or ooui be nah as laaianant tor the don&le pros.. . a MiUll l iuiui. lie -u.s. u- -u--. i- .-.--, i no should have been wnen money . . .' ' vc-as offere-i. or naid for the nroxv dv "Dr.f V McKcebv's hirelinr. Wrisrht Thornbtnr. The same outfit offered ftv dollars for another proxy to the se convention. U! ecotistical. self as- . ered individual, . . .x-: xi-...v. tt-v,. tni Known a iuu. u.iu, -w -. -buu i iu-. jl -i., -.- . a:v christian, moral man. not aenciec; u receatlv sold out his principle to the I intellect. will deliberately advance the doc bis S. sivs "he ha no fight against j trmo that good people shonld tay ont of the republican partv." It would ap - ?ear ,oU frem the way he tacVels Geo Hummel, a temperance man. f or a man n ntr re.rfin Tntpc no Tireten tions. No. Plrrmh "rr.Tir Drams are too low down to be of mucn use to you in ngatmg ' for or against any party. j The Chief is given up pretty much tki5 week to a showing up the boodler uu-.. -... to fill the office, is an old settler, and if elected will go into the office un plesed to any tank r faction. A more honest and honorable man never lived than George Hummel, republican candidate for county treasurer. Speakinc of the McMillin affidavit, in which we stated that John McMil lin rcieved money for his affidavit, i c-ar-e on a man's soul as lour as . holds a mortgage on his propert. : That is probably the reason. Plum d lUaU- ? i . i .. H..nJ a-jf -n rha h tnat you .u.ucu .... -uw-.-.-. You know that the Bed Cloud a- tional bank holds a chattel mortgage on the Helmet. You evidently speak exp-ri'-nce --omexp.ice . L if :fac ir & J-l. Dans: is not in tne f : I T I . - j- m S t 1 ' - -. . t , xiznt ior ca-icru uc u-.u(.--,-.v . --- - r- - can,n,es held tnere. anu - n v a.; .c- cr.-tntv funds. The bolting outnt are rcns of the F. & M. kfc with- out an exception, and sO! that o jicKeebv savs thev ! p-i-ce oi uu-C- . ;,. - ! not in tne fizbt. O no. it very I co- u -T. ar.iT tti- ?:?. j ac -L-iiic. a mu-l x --v e T" tl . -.i.a-i f hur tttii ------ The following Important correspon-j denes annexed hereto bet eeu J. S White of Blue Hill and Geo. W Eummei. repuDiiean candidate lorf -. Ulan. - -II r .. .. ll-..- Hi t Jiltt -.-, w . -u- for :b j- Fron Holdrede :o Has 5ITOE TLUS. . tilKrs . IIimde a; jj rm:eof - na. per IVar ir: At tae risk of incBrrint: t .- . QiS3li-25!ire in s-rae qsarters ov pco- . . " ,K 1' . , ,, .',. I une :: took :-o perns :o reea. one:o' ..-ft.' --Kf -an-' If .TlH rW T0- . "" . tt jt i r j . .r s pnvate opo de, I , . eaeloe von -.he follow !!. . ,,, . J" srfa f. D.Ter I .. o ivr?.ih ?. ror tneaseives. -r V erv truly. J. S. Weitx. 3ember Ceatral Omraittee BlC" IilTL-OCT. 2I 1S59- JJ s? Tae-dajhe coniaeaced rafl T nT-in7-T Fn ' ! roadinr'for -.he 3. i M. and he ha-v.-. . . lU3aii-. r.xii. Jtai.rd":otheiK.iynofcondac:or. ThL- Keu Lioad. eD. f Li fcTideBC .hat heiS & -tler and that , IZAB 5:a: I jus: returnee on thc3. i:--t. jccreciiteanianif he attends G i'lAa c.it:- 5UDi7 i15i f tich'eclaiss :rom a viii;. i aijiuui-: , : Til: ..:-.. ,.--t C--.'Iiii-l til osence irtai me . .U.. meetm? or tee cjuntv ceaL.ci . . - , ,---, 1 mittec, and glac to inior yea r m. the di.t'Ciitioc here on the wt re- pu blieans is to stan. DV the rhoie iti:ket. iome Of our democratic , r: n . i i .t. -ij ..-. ..taa -.-c "j-';''" -: - - -, about your being tied up vitb tne , First National Bank of Kei Clond and .1. . t?.-- V.m.-o1 T.nr.1- rr Klrtf rlili i ri think .i.,- .re jasti5u 12 say ing that this storr is without anv W-i- 1 fvtT.i-?rirsn Arp thev not ricDt m ! tins? Thins: vou -ill nave n . reion co-aplain tf us making the inquiry '.-ieciallv in thi: precinct. ' J.5. White. Msmer Central Cnimittee. ' BED CLOUD. Oct. 23. 1SS). Mr Deae Whits: Yours Ct tne i -Utt IQSt it C12C.. I neec not a7 I how heartuv I apcreciat.- tne v?or. ..--- 1 hich I hear from other ource oe -j . your letter, you snd jorj " are cointr in mv behalf. -c . . . fnence -.. . -.? "a ar" 'iUIlc .f1 , ' TMna in" to vour :nencs in jjiu t FT..! that " I am in i-o manner', ; ; . . i -" x- i pledgee to eitser tie r irst - .a.xonal , Bank or to any otner oan in tnis city or county. jjy enemies nave seen fit here and there to question , ; V; '.ii -,3n First Xitienal Bank nor any of its offi- iOffl" " -Vnrhnrt .inihorized to ! f " ;. has ver mantioned ibe subject I 0f the county.depcits to me nor to anv j a. m' mr liirp 1 pvpr nledped I UV.t iW -.t w- - - myself nor nave I any understa.dmc directly or indirectly witn tnat bank or !- Illi. 111E. . MU1 MB V .-. - f ltnv of its oficers or anvbody j acju,j for lt. or Any other bank or any 0 j cincers ai to where the county deposits shall be placed. I do j I not nrcnose that iKyoody or.o. Uriimr for it. or Any other bank or any JSv tuSution shall dictate to rae L0; anv m-iitution snail uictaie to rue uuw anv j n fin the o. elec:edi Keturnm my - . . -..li :i ,!,- ,-.. , ,. .v.v rn mn in 1 mnr tianL l r.- -.Tr .Ansnw in and kindness to lti Ljouac w-'w . ma'Trpmoin. ( Truly Yours G. W . Kcamsr, j a. brot-aer Hslb saT5 ,he j.. tare "5- D " is not necessarily private , - b him to e t hee c. i ---- -. . --.-christian ' politics, and tnrn over an depar e-.i o. SSSET I : --,a-aitv. That article of hia I t.irr.- i?"i .ith(ir ui fool or snide cheiatian. and if he is really tne Sana oi a man the Ueliaet describes mm as saomo irst sae himself for libel for writing it and then prosecute Plnmb for giving it publicity. 31ae Eill Times Winner. Look at that natural wool under- wear at Bere & Galusha's Overcoats cheaper at Berg J Galu sha's than any where in the city. The New York Store is headquar ters for the the best makes of boots i and shoes. Farmers when you come to town take a little time and examint Berg & Galusha's pric es. Deyo is selling albums 20 pr cent cheaper tow than yau can buy them for during holidavs. atcinc prices and qualities at Berg & .-.lW-r . .!,., Our universal low prices what J catch the large ouyers from outer towns. Tne last ten weeks hey have ' seen quite numerous with us. , Beeg fc Galusha. The new Christian Church will be a , ----- w- - - nA-- - . n-v.ni- -rtrin nr trr.Trn u i --- f " T" i oe-ac erec-eu -vut - one thing a oout Bed Cl-a that can not be said of many citie. of her size., is viz: that she has ore cnurcaes than maaycities of tfcree times her ' size. What will you do with all the cl0thln etc, is asked every season 1 0f C. Wiener,but when one sees that f .. , ' - a , -, ,r ,t,a the p nes of sooqs are wav down at tne .-.a.s -.-": - -1 ,.,--.., t ir.c di Li;t ti-uu c uu uub wu-wti. - . - 'v i i .. .. - . . a ,. r - - . !... ..t-;.-) n.o: nee rmuuauyuwcu w w-- ., w ltf. . -.. I- TT. . JUfc.- fc -ifCUU .WA.- w ........ .n tt-c o n'hiTi-' ino Tmnii .ca e- SAILROAD S"ET1"5. I . 5?" Lou jointantl II!zh Cntr. r se Chicaco. ride over ine BcriicctO-i J. H. Dfirart called a: ocr oce i se--; dav and ?peat an faotrr -ociallr. Mr. , nn-. a a S ClorJ bo-.. Ja.-t t'C'O io oaiii-e?. i . . Shat nugnt hae been a very erio- i . - .1 - . rt r WW.. mtn - BCCiUC - li. i'CKU.ZZTM 5 . iW iiV CUElXIi: twees Orford and Ur.can. tec train broke ..i i i t i tiie rrar are&ia no. ino-:as; ina; had happenrd got oat and commenced - e - tmc orase-. nen &r came to tne enu oi iae uciiiicaeu pa.i ue uau 1. tu aer control. and :t i-ai moving verv -low. xhiniring he -xas coin- to land --afdv on z oihJ: car he "crave a jamp for it."bat om- ;:TDri-r! bevontl measTire when with onlv a few r-lih 1 a leap in the dark. I Cme in boi and tell n what von aJX If romtcne sret- hi5 nncer where a . linko- pinsnocld be. and it i- more or ' Us. m.hd we wan: to know it Then I there- i- no one who will vmpathize with 1 Vt-i Kir- a -w5.aer r-DOrter wilL If ' ! the Old Man pnt yon in the -weat box" let oi of :he otae: boy teu it. it r-..-.f rh ho.i tv-i v-rT for a few 'davs. or if one" of "the enziner- make a fine rnn and cove him-elf with clory Ie: ;- know :t. so - can tell his friends of it We arv here to civ. the raEroad new;. BT J3. T. Ho.. ETCCTT.j --.. r... ! f r?r -iu & t .r..--. k-: - " ui .--. i ? j Call at onr office and re acanamted. Young's C. 0. 1. Emporium. lead- ers :c low trices. Chlldrens all wool hose, only 10c per pair. r. ..,,. uisses wcoi uo;i - - ron 12c M 25c pair - 5Q inch - at Tard wonh 65e dre;s d33 -jach . a-o5c vard wonh 50c lDoubl;. d-es; 0'od5. , - q 12i WOrth 25c. o - - " ! 65c other. -k tl for. jlush -U cote, only 50c per yard irorth 75c. - ,. .. .... ". I..! ...., sell mminerv iu u, uu. pnee usually so.d tor ana give you me latest styles. Don't neglect to see nir tp arncV of dress .roods and U - UW " k. Wr woolen hosierv. Y0U-G's C. 0. D. E3IPOEIU3I. Unrui,T -t the assertion in his organ -that the conservative bnine men - . . ln,2. the repnblicans use in selecting the candi- ;e ;euujui--i " -- o office,r Tha: a TerJ ":. ta,ementon behalf of onr Qnid- , - . ;-- Xh- ?. n -r-v ..-.j ti, ttm-t u hrs- ' .j aiiru-K- of MS.bv5 own hatcn- ULLLit x.-e-U. -. - - -..- w - !!?. There are not to exceed a half i ins . There are not to exceed a half dozen firms in the city wno kick on tne ticxet. andthsv are of McKeeby's ilk viz: bolters and democrats. As to the democrats Tei chuf ha.-, no kick bnt for a prenmed re- r.T.i.ii.. tn -!! hi nolitical honor for a -mess of pottage" we have no regard for him whatever, and that is what the big 8 are doins. Only trying friends, to get .vn hi- Hf(ri- one of Webster county best citizen viz: George HummcL who . is noiivelv not a tool for any bank or faction bnt an honorable, upright fair minded gentleman, and if elected will de posit the fund eqaally and honorably no matter how manr lies the big 5 tell oa him Those are the unvarnished facts in the case. -Bteaaardly Work. Some man or men too mean to draw au honest breath, in order to vent their spite on Capt. Munsell- threw poke root in his horses manger and poisoned them so badly that one died and the other made unfit -f or future work. The value of the team wa3 something like $400 and 3Ir. Munseil had refused that am ount several times for the team. A man who will do such dirty work should b elasse with the lowest type of manhood, and if caught should pay the severest penalty that the statute persecutes. Now is the time to buy your hard coal of R. A. Handy. The nicest and best line of kid gloves in the city at the New York Store. The cheapest place to buy lumber and coal in town is at B. A. Handy's. A nice dress flannel 36 to 54 m at vncte from docts to ci.uu per yd ; tne New York Store Cnm and let me fi-rure on your - - .- J ff r- X 1 sLdy .oc. or .o- r..--v.-anuy F ie c; cnue. . '"".. ," , " -n t? tt-.-- Iq staad- D- B' H' -"T7" .. T Are you gomg to any a carpet. If o do not fail to call and examine my -u " " - stack aatt prices. F.V. Taylsr. l - build. I can on all buildinc ;oliceted. Perkins B. Heaep. i jserg a ttaiusiia Are flaking Suits, 0?e coacs U ilUOI W OO-i i H n W,':U And That Avill interest you THIS iM-f 'r HUGHES, BEOWN & CO. Reliable Eeal Estate Agents ! Investments for con-resiJent-, nrets ar?ri. .-- . and no rls-.. Invest Now to Catch the IncomLig- tide this fall x-t--.j .n--: u rinfi'iv n.!vrner. Corre 'Boinl of Itan-fsration. Addre-v. rii G. A- Perbeck. WJ1L G. Brov,n. HENRY DEA-EE WALL Paints, Oils, Tarnish. Books, Red Cloud, New Jewelry Store Webster St. west iide, window in Haines" furniture store, S. M. SEAL, Phop. Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Spectacles. Repairing Watche and fitting Spectacles a gpecialty. Call and see me, at Spokesfield's former stand, D. M. PLATT, Eeal Estate and Loan Broker, Real Estate bought and sold. Money Loaned on farm chattels and personal paper County, Township and School District Bonds Etught Lung tim Commer cial paper, a specialty Also, soiicits Collections Office in Kaley Block, over Perkin s Hard ware Store, Red Cloud. HO ! THERE ! Boots I shoes at Cost I am disposing of my entire stock of boots and shoes at cost in order to close them out. Now is your chance. I AM GOING TO CLOSE OUT. A. COOK' Red Cloud 5 fo,', - J. r ?- 'i . 2 . " fl rt-. y5 "? c i 1XJ V uOj JK 5 i ViilitaflS WBrM. K -Hi -Ja-r - S. - i'T' - ' r "- anw-ifii. i-eteret-re nrnu 3C A-i rt.. ru.'.xaud, -r f'.'n. ve; "Tn:'- i;?. H- Broxa. COOi; ii. I PA 4- ationery, J Ld Etc. vDrasLa. ls af ma PWTT LP 1 P 1 5a id! 13 - 4w &rf-r -nnaiaMW! l5Mrvat -BSK.f; -. -?nc-,'-! .v.rrf.t? . J6"'r:,-,irf .irfTO.t-