The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 25, 1889, Image 1

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Vol. 17.
Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, Octobek 25, 1889.
No. 13.
& 1 W'C SJVa W A
i. i ic fcr vw -"
U-U Bffii
A "
etter !
Bnvtlcu bj-Onr Alert Keportrr and
Prepared for Our Header.
More for Less Money
llljj iiEoiliiiiJ
- Of Southern Nebraska,
A i--P fi-illnrnTirf
i""'J --"-n
Offers buvsis in need ol
lines, Better Goods and it Lower
Price than ever,
And it will sae you men-'
Trill call and" examine
and Uriels? of his
it von
ntb a rrominont Sjv?nor ?entlt;
le i!ifonrirl u tint it wis n:)re
en's Eiirnisliisg Goods,
Boots and Shoes,
ts and Laps,
Trunks and A'ahses,
- -- am i-i"irH
IWp iwu1w iwsfiv m. i.:r. goc any errors, ui icmuu
money for goods, if upon examinaTion mey are xuuiiu w.-
ferent tlian represe
nrnrf?J HW TVOni.
resSSEJJV i?
SiiU-r? V.Ji.
kV 3 V
jr H jtjt--
B'T "2
w onanger,
v tJ
I g i r 5 jf 5J0Q tO &1HJ.
U I ; e i s v
fi 2 J OTl
v Shoes
J Shoes
L. 1. Oatniaa ha- rcturbud from Pakota.
Attorney ChaSln .a- Ij thr clty:!.i-m-ek.
Hem. .lames McNeiiy .as In Lincoln th'.s
?ir. I). Sii dcr lias ticil; a line dv. elliuK on his
Mr. Will irou2l.ton.and w:fe lure rsturnetl to
the city.
Prof. Curraav. ill ?o to Montiiiia sou after
elittiou .
G. K. Chaiiey Iia-returned home from To;eka
this week,
Jim Sn.ith has taken a ioition with E. Mc
F.rland. .. R. Shlrevhasbocnoute-ton ajtmsins
trip this week.
M.K. IientKvand wife hae returned from
their trip to Dakota.
H.I. IUuneyand.T. L, 'White of Blue Hill
were in the city this week.
McKeeby has hired the Helmet to light us be
cause he Is afraid to do go.
Mr. L. H. Devo mil arrie home Saturday
from Iter extended trij to Ohio.
The Aniboy Milling Ci. are buildinc acorn
crib Ja tlie rear of their city office.
Geo. Teter of Tipton. Indiana wa- a pleas
ant caller IhU week. He was urprieil at the
advancement of Nebraska.
K. P. .SiiieM- the Mlented editor of the Mil
Kill Leader M-asu the lu-tropolls Una week and
paid our wigwam a friendly rtsit,
V'm. Stinelev, the ;opuUr 4th Avenue barber
Is lack azaln at hi- oil sMud 011 Fourth aenue
His wife who ha been iuite sick i recovering.
Geo. Young is crowing around the city loudly
all because he is lapi to a fin Ui!y loy. Geo,
1- doing as well as could be eijiected under the
M. W. Plckerson has one of the equip
ixd commisUu houses we hao eer oisored.
Dick is one of tbos nistlcrs tliat w ill always do
business if there is any to be done.
Jake Miller, that ignominious prinre of sore
head bolters is traelinc oterthe ountv with
tlieaemoiraticcsindidates trying to elect them
toofuce. I'oorJakeisintliesoup.
Th soiree nusicale the first of a series of en
tertainment- to be guen iy me ongretr lonn
jiod1 wit- lieiu ate. . Kaiej s re-neuce ana
was a first c'a affair. We luu heard it
spoken of ery highly.
K. JI. Martin and wife lute gone to Chicaro,
where he will mircl H-" a Ltr-e seS of drj"
good-and willojien a fine store in thf Moon
block. .Mr. Slanin Is the prince uf jn d fell.iu a
aud will run a first class store, 1
tlie itlir ila lie
tUr.n Ilg Ir zlzzt tac ro-a tram taiem i4 mi- cny
would be bui'.t. Hoiw -o. R-J Cioud Is the best
basinets cent,r iu the state for her size.
W are -orrvtn learn tlmt the Iittl girl baby
actdibout six wc-K- of Mr. and .Mr-. V. .
hea. of this ci:. who are vi-itini m St Jo-oph
Mo., died on tne -Jo:u ot ning lever, 1 he unitr
alo.ip with their tnaay friend-, extend its heart
feltsj-mpathies to the r-ereaed parents,
Tlie voters of Webster county are warned to
keep -hy of the boitinc outfit of McKeeby
compan wlio art u-emg their le-t endeavors to the republican nominees by making a tie
up with Fassier. who has agreed to put tlie
fun-ls iu the K. & M. bank if they will sign his
bond. If l.e is elected.
If the It. 31 t'Q want to do the nice thin.:
fcvRnl Cloud the -bnuld appoint Aaron Con
over ag-nt. He is a iiuchty nice feitoiv to do
bum-s 1th and the fc M. oiu:ht to cive
bin: the luaieasa ior in- luiuum-r.e--to
ddtv and business. The chief would
ba pleastd'to Iicar cX Iii-appoiatmon.
"5. IV in. tl"" Un'uyt. puts us in iu mind of
th naWican Jr. old " ti-j'--, who wen in' the
temple a'.d t. uikea his iirtkt r tra' lie was bt
tT thin t it , itoi-li Such. ti"'.eba "S.D."
are vert -:ll f.d f-1' wide their inark, as
en-Ndv Who'vs ; o-or:e Hun-meii- be
yond repruaca us ag a.d ciiritian,
3i?Ktfby. tb vil iacr ofcood cltlzas, and
:hi pr'nee ol'r-g ont'it-, 'i i" The sur-m- tC
f.r.aierv to -at in .t "he .itioiMl Rank I
the ci.'.v ,e :.s..t;J - for te county funds.
tU -h " a I'e : c u-o-'ap ' on- it it
v. hen be know - full w-'.i thttt tlie V. sr. lunk
i- u;;nir.-r he i. u a .d vt1 t - r 1 rjs.'er ta
tl-mt iate Iiom.liee ai.d that he 1 iiiKfOt i-a-'-T"i"
tlmt I'-' t'-iin n t-efit't. 'A do
not b-l rhnt : - i-o" e vfil vauc.1at..o
ruth la.-ehtKHls a.- icivi-l writes.
An""'t!r-,-511 -hd'Th-Y y C A ' '
next lutr-d.i eveinrj:i'iis:pnujUit del::rij
wlioattjuit tte-t.uet.'iHfiino'iat(iii:tlia. AVe
du not pretend to kt.i v.- mue.. tL-viit V, M, C. a.
cnurcnti'iav.l.ut we rcili-t that this one a.It
eclipse :dl previOiL- avails 01 the Und in the
; Tlf si."a. i"s vtjio.uMre - the gathering
rsre irsr c'sir.w:', 'i-aitia: iiety. ...u i-.u.
leave their :n:7"rc-soa on ti dc!esa:e-. nit-r"-fore
tf tsiii'iaifooi 10 mi the nnvileg-kindly
;Ttfnii5't'.ci''!'tii'es It el It. 1.. A 01
chestra will fumL-h C s ma-.c
Thevctersof v."ejurt. i:y Ji'.i.d li-iz onf
for the Ms aar ti lyvi z ura:.or tey 1 c
hs.1" .i- s. . - :L.itiI .'t ttfja in- ptp.;
ilnnnc th-H) v -ck It'e tarts a-i- thit
"K"evy ' - ist Ms L'tkltcz. a.t ptu-1
tUinsauxitiusoi u". rum-over me e.-ur-v on
11.1. .e-ii. i..iiiii -11. rt-.:rvr. 'it i: wUl
be well lor the people to tak- their -Torie- with
? jiv ti"?' ''.ii. T .'u ji sa.e haps
onlT ., jnt to 'et J. -lii ol iue -oant funds ior
theprrno- ti s uLtt.oi, v d Imve mail- -i Up
up with" ra-:!er torth:.. pario-t.
An ilu'u; r liondlc.
There is oi! parer 'a the county auil only
oz.l o .-r i.s mc iiuij .ari:tu. tnat ;:a-
C j
Its superior excellence proven in million os
homes for more than a ijUHrter of a century. It
is used bv tlie United .-lates government. En
dorsed bt lhe heads of the great uuiter-nes
as the Stronge-t. Ilirest. anc most Healthful.
Ir. I'rice- Cram Baking i'owder doe not cnu
uun auionia. linie. or alum, N)ld only in cans.
Editob Cnixr: If yon think the few
words which I have to say qre worth a
space in yoor columns yon may then pub
lish the same, aa the political trickery
which as a general rule effects cities and
especially the wards in large cities seems
to have emigrated to Webster county, and
especially Red Cload. I. aa a straight
republican rise and protest against such
frnnd. and more so airainst some few
so called republicans who are so vindictive
because they can not rule that they pro
pose to ruin. In the firrt place waB nor
the republican convention at Red Cloud
conducted on square, honorable, and up
right principles wa not the 104 delegates
-sho represented the republican party of
Webster county at that convention, honest
reliable men and men of true principle?
Did not the- -ame delegates to the bst
of their judgment and belief nominate to
the .-everal othc-rs those in tneir belief who
were best qualified and to the general m-tere-t
of the county at large. Then why
should a few .-ore-head? who cannot be
king over nl! the survey, be tolerated in
circulating the blasphemous lies broad
cast overthe count v with the malicious
intent of injuring tha straight ticket as
nominated and if po--ible defeat the same
or that portion of it which doe not hap
pen to meet witn tneir personal upp.u,
Such men I say should be read out of the
republican party at the very next conven
tion and it is my opinion that the dele
gation from thi precinct will be 0 in
structed to assist in doing it. If 104 del
egates as the representative of the repub
lican party don't know who will serve
to the be interests of the county, then
I spy that we had better do away with the
pre-ent system of conventions antl let the
half dozen principals in the bolting fac
tion 0 the'business instead of the nrijor
ity. In ccncla-ion I will szv that every
delegate at the late county convention
should take the work in his otra hand and
see-that every true republican is as the
polls onihe 5:h day of November, coid that
' vctcsii straitrh. as
at the convention. The ticket Is r. straight
republican cud i composed of farmer
who are the peers ofjtho-e who wish their
Jofet. Ho pins to sea s. splendid major
it for the ticket and thnttricksters nave
JiiateJ to n.ore seaucUvc clime-. I
remain as ever.
A TntjE Blue RErcELiCA.
Do you know that
Has the largest supply of STOVES Ln-tlie valley, both
Heating and Cooking Stoves
Of all descriptions.
Don't fail to see him if you rant a stove ior he will make
you prices that can not help hut make you buy if you
are in need. Also a full line of
Hardware, Tinware,
Copperware, Hails, Etc.
In car load lets now on sale, in fact he has everything you
could wish. Call and see him in Opera Homje block.
Farmers Cook Your Feed.
Red Cloud - - Nebraska.
H. CIiASKE President, Albacy, N.Y J. A. TIJIiLSY.N'Vfce-I'raaident
Kobt. V. SHTBEY, Treasurer.
m 9 t- l I?f rmt I
im jjiai
j kp
If you
We lmvc rovd to cr KEW QUAKTEK5 3-stKorth of the F
. bzm T r ind now z th?
r. 4 il
! ---
Boois oiid Shoes
ices that will make
Ever swa sn u t-.-id. nud they will Iw sou at price
tirnt go htiX. in fact we are going to
Sell our Soods Cheap for Cash !
T7- have tha and warrant onr stock.
Book binding done at this office,
have any c!d books, bring them in.
IVtins-srfll sell yon all the Caxtou EJi
t;oa n; 12 mo. book that yon wont for '2Z
j ct ptr copy
Arother wnndcrful discovery bos
'c.n icu.- .lint to lv 1 Iidy tu
this c-'uety. Dispae faatoued it clu
tches upon hfir and for tevon ya.r
she TitLstGOdits tevcreat tets but ber
vif.l orp"c vcre andcrmiued and
death -eeuied ininiinent. ?or three
month? -he coached ir.ct55antly and
c"uJd not si-pp Hle bus-toius
bot:ls of Pr. Kind's etr Dl-covery for
Consumption and was sc ranch re
Hed l i:'.kt-- lint gosc ; the
PAID UP CAPI1AL.5.50300. '
lied Cloud, Neb. Albany. 2s ew Yor.
Geo R. Beah,
anv, N. Y. tu
D . M. Piatt E. K. Hicbla nd. J . A. rul'cjs
On improvn 'arm:? m ebm a id Ksn-.u. y-nrv vz-nbheH. a? coor. s5 the
securi'y :s approved. Principal and mterst payable in Bed Cloud
Clarke, Albany. Nl Yors
V H.Itcbe.r ," .
V. Shirev
BnU'orSpa N Y.
rAuois, i-itt-tield. it as
S 5 a &&w&&mmw I
freelv placed itself or the rarrt-t for the ! "IcLt J.lniubtr;.d .itli o.e battle ba
cauipa.n. oEenu im tale np the s:de tfipn :niticuio'i.fc5y cired. "Inr uaaie
1ZT. . T.3 .. r .. ...... w-. ...
t:2icu tjuiu j'e.. 4i liiv-. iui:j .
less than three of the anC bo:i!cr
r.a j . '..c sus
refa;:cg to "cott. dovn" the pz.ui.i Li
qii.ctin-1 w-y be czpcct.d to stand for the
"straint iturcet." vae inflaence of k paper
TrM-sth-5'aJ;tcp-ci-r.c, on thj Sie?
of n'?uiTrraiiift r'.h n-chnndif the
boodlers paid Cuch r a price ihty naaie a
poor bnrj;ji:n. Helmet.
Yon. bt yen, Plumb, 'ted tbsfc. is
aboat the boat vrn a-" in jus pot
'Hating gone into the bis; S boodle
outfit yourself, displays sreat fall in
1 calling another fiilo a viper for try-
ms to fall in wits tne 6me cnaps.
I ConaisUnoy thou hast certainly fade
iidh riuaiu fuiu.
ia Mr. l.iuiscr L.utz. . inns vrnt.Pb
V.. (. Hamriuk & C"., of -'tiplby, X 0.
Get a free trial bottle at Henry
Restaurant and jUinch Kooms.
Oysters and Ice Cream in Season,
Kieals & Lunches
We make fresh, every day Ladyfhigers, Jelly Eoiis, Dough
nuts. Cookies, Bread, Cakes, Pies Bens. Etc.
Innorincr rv ncx-.r r.r (L-
-r y x-v. -w' i. .V
Boanlins: and
Jos. Herbueger, Prop.
(Jok'. Drue Store.
;cr she; ani a -'
1.rA''cc; fr-
fec: ttry :he C. 21. Her-darSvE e d. Co
ur.d Striblev Sc Co to fit all. Children i
hoes or aii "ciaGa. iioots ana shoes
for m.-'u and Loys. Best ccKds ind
lc?-cLpr;w?3-aianteed at the 2ew
Yrrt 5t?re.
ib new
Feaierk & Aula dealers
eider, apples and peaches.
I grape juice at 50 cents a alien. Is
Featherljbilig. ae5-tf
W. W. Gilbert,
"Wislics to "ntif j- h' friend? tiiat
he has leased tUe
Watson Barm '
Located ea,tof Piatt ft.Frees Ltsnrr Tori wfier ,
he will kaep i ?
Boarding Horses Feed Barn !
AtnawaaMaratN. fwaimiil.
i bHmjbbBbbb9k
.i.n,-rr .fc.-aa.
T5-: -i