The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 18, 1889, Image 1

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Vol. 17.
.A. . v LTiAKrji t.vsvihXvt iaasnvjuysg"-i r4r ri'm-;:,n(in
sA-sc3as-i tfi ,
More for Less Money
11 PE
Of Southern Nebraska,
Offers buyers in need of following
es, Better Goods and at Lower
4v,v. Price than ever,
., And it- will save you monoy if you
will call and examine stock
and prices of Iiin
Mens Furni wiling Goods,
Boots aixii Shoes,
Hats and Caps,
Trunks and Valises,
We are always ivady to l.-ake good any errors, or refund
money for good?, if iipi-n examination they are found dif
ferent than represeiiied, before goods are -worn.
ROfPO Boots
iliiiJ Boots
Rut 6i !
We have rraaovtd to our NEW QUARTERS jnstNerth of the F. fc M
Bank and now have the
Largest Stock of Boots snd Shoes
Ever seen in Red Cloud, and they will bo sold at prices that will make
Ci them go fa&t. in fact wo are going to
f - Selrl&r Goods Cheap for Cash !
Wc have the largest slosk
Red Cloud,
- M - w. 1
.'r Kaaaa! aaaaaaai V
and warrant our stock.
Webster County, Neb., Friday. Octobek. 18,
Handed by Oar Alert Itcport-r, and
Prepared for Onr Header.
Who is this tlnck HcKeeby dad.
The H-oile call so bold.
Is he the trader of this tare,
Whose clothes -ms liuetl with -old?
O es my clnl d he is thejnan
Willi -toekeis fullofold.
And his o!d ;-as to flee" his man, ,
is jetting kiudVr oid.
Alice Jlctcalf received the medal
at tlic Dcuiorest contest the other
Two town bovs were arrested on
Monday for some inbdeumor but
were released.
G. R. Chancy, has just returned
from an extended trip to the moun
tains and Salt Lake.
The nicest and best line of kid
gloves in the city at the
New York Store.
Come and let me figure on your
bills of lumber. I cdn make it an
object for you. R. A. Handy.
Mr. E. H. Calkins, son of R. R.
Pitney of Inavale, was a caller at
this office last Friday. He lives in
St. Louis.
Mrs J. T. McKinnon of Franklin
accompanied by her friend Mrs. C. B.
Northam of the same place were in
the oity. on Saturday last, guests of
their former teachers Mr and Mrs A.
K. Goudy.
Plumb's little "Saul Aanointed"
piece in the Helmet was decidedly a
sickley effort to cast slime on Mr.
Hummel, a gentleman who is his su
perior in every shape or form. Seme
men will do any thing for boodle.
Ladies, for a nice shoe and a per
fect fit try the C. M. Henderson's & Co
and Stribley & Co to fit all. Children
shoes of all kinds. Roots and shoes
for men and bo-". Best goods and
lowest prires guaranteed at the New
York stcre.
Persons buying clothing are always
in fear of being taken in, but when
they can deal with an honorable
house like the Golden Eagle has
proven in the last six years this fear
vanishes. C. Wiener has always
made good anything that is not satis
factory. Good are so'.d by him on
their merits.
What a surprising amount of gall
Dock McKeebv, displayed by trying
to sneak a prosy in the congressional
convention lat Monday. A man that
imagined that he owned so much and
had so little, ought to go and soak
his heal in the slop pail. Dock Mc
Keeby has ccrtainlv got more cheek
than any man that we know of, unless
it may be the balance of his crowd of
bums. However both the committee
on credentials and the convention see
ing the bare faced attempt to steal a
seat in the convention, forced the
docWey to a seat in the gallery. Poor
dock, he's on his last legs, politically,
but we presume his pockets arc lined
with gold, taken from the poor people
who have had occasion to borrow
money of him when h was taking ten
per cent bonus and throe or four per
cent a month, on loans.
IIcre'H Ver Barb Wire.
Adam Morhart the popular hard
ware man has just received a car load
of Glidden barb vriro, wlucr. ho diX,
going to sell very close for cash.
Call and sec him at once if you waut
What will you do with all the
clothinir, etc.. is asked evory scison
of C. Wiener, but when uuc sees tlut
the piles of goods arc way down at the
erjd of the sca.on wc do not woudcr
what induces the Golden Eat-lc to lav
Lin such heavy stocks. People appre
ciate big stocks and much "more the
low prices that are always given by
C. Wiener.
A $50 watcli for 35.
At one dollar per week. Call on L. U.
Wallace, jewler and official watch examin
er for B. &M. li. It.
Book binding done at this office. If yon
have any old books, bring them in. tf
Cotting will sell yon all the Caxtoa Edi
tion of 12 mo. books that yon want for 25
cts per copy
' "- 1t,
To Tin: Knrroit : This lias been a red letter
day lor the eilieii r CniUe Koek, in that they
liavt. had the it'easiiieof ahakiu the UmU 01'
numerous candidates for ofllce. Hotli or the
ureat parlies were reire'cnted. Now. no doubt
e.uh aspirant rctumt-U home to MI his wife
and babies tiiat he has a dead sure thin;; of it.
lint it Noneof the bones of society that all o '
hticai aspirants air m-ire or less M:.eeptil)le to
(lattery, and that theawraxe elector lacks the
moral courage to express hi- real sentiment
wIrii approached by :i would-be onicer.
The vexed nutttiun of how we are goirgto
purge ne polities ot Webster county or the
bone of content!) n that lies in the way of bar
inony, viz. the sinkin r fund, is o:i that'nay
well einit) an -iLle- y 'n rf: i fie -irter
Lut :;.itil ienio)d, ithja.t! to predict tiiat
there will be more i lets dissatisiaction aiming
the people. As mntter of fact it is a quction
of do moment to the people. That is to say. so
long as the public funds are accounted for by
the treasurer the people are juet as well off with
it in the hands of one man as in the hands
of another. If Mr. A. deposits with
the First National the people canuot
borrow at a lower rate of interest than
they could otherwise do. If Mr. It. deioeits
witatlio K.iuujr & MtivLauts ua.i'c, tbt re
sult would be precisely the same. All depends
upon the fidelity of the treasurer, coupled with
the availability of his bondsmen. Now while
the writer believes that until a better system
tan be devised. It would look better to saw up
this bone of contention and distribute it among
the various banks of the county, yetinredity
our public money would be no safer.
For to contend that it would be, is but to im
peach the treasurer's bond. But it is not the
safety of the deposits that has given rise to all
this political tribulation, but the spirit of jeal
ousy thr.t has been eigenJercd nmon? the
friends of the two leading tanks of our county.
The war cry on the one hand is, "anything to
down the First National," while on the other
is. "anything to handicap the Farmers and Mer
chants," and like boys at school the two factions
have taken each other by the ears, and are tug
ging most savagely to see which party shall ain
the mastery.
Not many days since one of our democratic citi
zens here was seen sawing theair with his anus
and with features distorted, declaring that if
Hummel should be elected the people would
never eee another dollar of the Tunds that
should pass into the hands of the said treasurer
And while in Iteil Cloud on the toth inst, a mem-
ler of the Republican party talked openly on
the .street denouncing Hummel as a tool for the
Firt National; said that Hummel could not n
peat the multiplication tabic, and that Hummel
could not write a sentence, gnniatiral, to
which the writer addei "ly" in order to set this
would-be gramanan to rights. Ami so the war
gocson. nut what of the results. Here they
are: November 5th w ill come and go and with
it will come and go the greatest abortion known
to rolitico-Surgico Jurisprudico in Webster
comity. Oh ! it is the merest folly for our repub
lican sore-heads to imagine that they can de
feat the nominees se'ected by the people at our
com ention. Of course it is but natural for the,
leuwrMs to pi:a."h mor-l jrstro.v, ant' d
ilarethPiria:ent'"ou.s ot voting, fer all time to
come, for tho best men. Rut Holy Hoses! Who
ever heard of a democrat voting for the best
matt outside his own party? Let us legislate
this abomination out ot the way uud then press
on toward a higher plain of political harmony
and true manliness. Hut who can tio this bet
ter than the republican iarty of Nebraska?
J. 31. CUAFriX.
The tenth annual convention of Young Mens
Christian Associations, which is to be held at
Omaha 24 to 27 inst, has enlisted the sympathy
ami rc-ehed the nearty approval oticople,
press, and pulpit through mt the state. Tuo Y.
M.C. A is an institution that has come to stay,
as is evidenced by its past record. It is need
less to discuss at this late day the aim and pos
sibility of the association: for we know full
well, the field of usefulness which it occupies.
The joung men who attend the convention from
this town will, we feel assured, be more than re
paid for the time and money expended. During
the past few months, on account of the lethargy
and indifference of a majority of the memUjers,
the work of MieY.M.C, A. in Red Cloud has
languished, and there has been .some talk of
abandoning o unequal a flsht as a few hive
h.dti.iivii.itai.i. r.utw say. no. WeUbeve
it would be a great loss to the city to permit the
Y. M. C.A. to go under; and we would advise
very severe measures to oppose any such decis
ion. AUerthe conventioa there wi!l be a pub
lic mrjting at whhili the delegates will speak,
aedat wnichLte c u-se torlhe f li'ire i d. !
diseased. A large and enthusiastic gathsrh.g
should bj in attendance.
Progr.-.minc of the central Nebraska
teachers association to be held at Hastings
Nebraska, Oct, 1!. 168'.).
Ioemn3 Session lOAi "t.
Preaiuent's Aare -:; ) . B. Mnlns.
Paper. Prof. L.W. Fike, Nelson.
Iiitcrary E:erci--es in onr Schools.
Discussion,.. Opened by Prof. Stormes.
AFT1-.KNOOS Session.
Paper, Prof. W. H. Wilson, Hastings, Col.
Measurement of Time.
Essay Mi-sHatiie Hastings.
Teaching Children to Think.
Paper Prof. I C. McClelland. York.
Paper Folding aud Drawing
Each paper to be followed by a general
J. B. Moxlux President.
0. C. Hubhell Chairman
Ex. Com.
All pocket knive tiiat I sell aro arrai.t
ed. I do not pretend to sell at cost bat I
sell lower than any house in town.
Do you know that
Has the largest supply of STOVES in tlie yalley, both
Heating and Cooking Stoves
Of all descriptions. .
Don't fail to see him if you want a stove for he will make
you prices that can not help but make you buy if yon
are in need. Also a fall line of
Hardware, Tinware,
Copperware, Nails, Etc.
Barb Wire,
In car load lets now on sale, in fact he has everything you
could wish. Call and see him in Opera House block.
Farmers Cook Your Feed.
Bed Cloud - - Nebraska.
H. CLARKE President, Albany, N.Y., J. A. TUIiI.EY;S' Vice-President
Robi. V. SHIREY. Treasurer.
w ah
PAID UP CAPI1M,$50,000.
Ked Cloud, Neb. Albany, New York.
H. Clarke, Albany. New York Goo R. Beach, BalstonSpa N.Y.
W. H. Robeson, Albany, X. Y. E. S. Francis, Pitteiield, Bias
R.V.Shirey D.M.Piatt E. V, Highland. J, A. lulleys M.B.McNit
On improved farms in .Xebra-.ka and Ksn'.i&. Monev furnished as soon as the.
security is approved. Principal and interest payable in Red Cloud
Restaurant and Lunch Rooms.
Oysters and Ice Cream in Season.
Meals & Lunches
We make fresh every day Ladyfiugers, Jelly Eolls, Dough
nuts, Cookies, Bread, Cakes, Pies Buns. Etc.
Boarding and lodging ty day or week.
Jos. Herburgeb, Prop,
BlV -" Tr stt
Boarding Horses' Peed Barn !
At i-casaaa'j'.e titer, Coso one or.d all.
Mi' " i"WMTilliillliJiniirnM--iMiii ' I 111 I II I""
w -..- - :-.......,
No. I?.
4 W Hh
WtiSLA J?om
W. W. Gilbert,
' Wishes to notify his Trie-ids that
he ha3 leased the
Watson Barn!
Located cast of riatt &"Frccs Lnrater Yard wliero
lie will keep
cfT'S'-'wr isVKi.-
- Tr?5!
t A
) no.
i. iL