tv ' I 1 State Ticket For justice of Supreme Court. T. L. NOKVAL, of Seward county. Tor Repents of State University. C1IAS. II. MOKKILL.of Polk County. J. L. II, KNIGHT, of Custer county. Republican County Ticket. For Clerk, II. D. KANXEY. Jor Treasurer, C.IiOHCEW. HUMMEL. Forjudge, IDA VII) F. TKUXKKY For Sheriff, CIIAS. A. TKKL. For Supeiintewient of Schools, MISS E.J. KINO, ForSurvejor, V, E. TIIOKXE. For Coroner, 1K. C. SCIIENCK, CITY NEWS. Cal Keiiady is working for Mr. Mc Farlufid. Couib.;, tobth, nail and hair brushes at Dcyo's. A fine lot of carpet warp at the New Yoik Store. The conundrum social at Mrs. Wm. Cather's as a yiaud success last eyc- J. W. Smith adds his autograph to the long list of Chief subscribers this week. One must sec the underwear before they can appreciate the low prices at which 0. Winner is selling it. F'nest line of cutlery in town and at prices r.ot oq-n'iled in Nebraska, at Pe:kiui old stand. D. 3. Heard. Situation wanted at stationary en gineer. Four years experience. Call on or address, K. C. Bntcher, Red Cloud, Neb. 94t Lost: An overcoat (changeable) near Potter's timber claim. A reason able reward will be paid on leaving at this owce. Oe who buy sgood, 'goods for little xnoney,'bua witeiy. Follow out sav ing by buying at I). B. Heard's, Per kin's old stand. Mrs. D. G. Myers, teacher of the kindergarten school has been quite sick this week and Miss Rcmsberg is filling her positioa. Come to 1). B. Heard's for cutlery. Eighty patterns of pocket knives to select from ard twenty patterns of table cutlery all at Chicago cost. Featherly & Aultz dealers in new cider, apples and peaches. Also grape juice at 50 cents a gallon. In Featherly building. no5-tf Now is the time to build. I can save you 25 percent on all building Enteral, Bids solicetcd. Perkins dl stand. D. B. Heard. Wjencr, the clothier, is also head quarters for Loots and shoes. You can find Selz's hand made goods and cheaper grade there at rock bottom prices. C. II. Barber of Almena Kansas, one of the I aire number of our honored subscribers invaded our wigwam this week and paid a years tribute to The Chief, Thanks Charley. Those people who have not been in to look at the immense stock of cloth ing, at the Golden Ea?lc mill be as tonished to (hid such an assortment and trin low prices marked on them in plain fifties. We undcrstanl that Plumb has been swallowed boots and all nv an alliance with Numc Richardson & Co. So look out for some heavy end work for that outfit from the grat prohib. His shafts of .nalice won't hurt any body however. nDon't neglect to see the new arrivals in dress goods at Youngs C. O. D. Emporium they have the digest barg ins in hanrio,i.i cloth at 40o per yard, that usually sells for 65c. Now is the time to bny a dress cheap at Young's C. O. D. Emporium. Mr. M. Lester one of the prominent farmers of Inavalc called at our sanc tum tliis week and placed a cart wheel very quietly in our bands for the great family weekly. By the way Mr Les ter is the patentee of anurader of very useful articles. Call again Mr L. fuu-wcrajfT PUft p'PMCEjg CREAM gAKlNg 5ttKHFECTM0; Its superior excellence proven In million os homes for more than a quarter of a century. It Is iimk! liy the United Mates government. En dorsed !y she heads of the great imiver 5'ies as the Strongest, IMirest. ami most Dr. Prices Cream Making Powder does not con tain nmonia, Iune. or alum, .'old only m cans. PRICE BAKINO POWDER CO. NEW TOKK. CHICAGO. T.LO01S. With this issue of the Herald, our brother. W. A. Honeycutt, takes ehargo of it and will net as bnsine" manager until January 1. 1890. Hi will bo con stantly in the office ready to transact nny business that comas under the head of printing. There are a great many of our subscribers who are indebted to the pa per for from one to two year subscrip tion. Heretofore we have been very mod est about it and have scarcely mentioned that we need money. Bat matters have been so shaded that we must havo money The Herald will be managed by our brother but we will continue as editor. This week we go to Red Cloud to com mence business with Mr. H. W. Gulliford who has recently bought oat R. K. Stowe's large Real Estate, Loan and Insurance business. Mr. Stowe had the most exten sive business of the natnre in the west. and his office and the agency of all the companies he represents have been turned over tons. Mr. Stowe will remain with us a fevr weeks then he will go to Omaha and engage in a similar business to what he has been engaged in at Red Cloud. We invite all our friends who wish to make a loan on their real estate, or get their property insured, or if they want to bny or sell a farm to call on Gulliford Honeycutt, successors to R. K. Stowe, Red clond Nebraska. Cowles Herald. BLABEN . Mr. W. H. Person left Tuesday evening on a business trip to Denver Colorado. C. L. Andrews had a new globe wind mill erected on his place this week. Mr. Zopf of Kankakee 111. who has been visiting his son returned home Monday morning. The bank of Bladen was reopened cs a state bank last Friday with Mr. McLaugh lin of Hastings as cashier. Joseph Pashby and family started this evening to Holdrege where they wiil spend a few da 8 with his brother before go ing to Iowa to spend the winter. Joseph Kralla' sister and her husband returned to their home in Illinois after a few weeks stay with friends in thevacini- ity. The Sunday school concert called out a large audience and was a grand success. mere win be another one m four weeks, November 3. Onr new postmaster, James Burden took possession last Monday, moving it in to his store where he is having it fixed up in good shape. Judson Heyde moved onto Joe Pashby place. s . No. 3 best man of Webster county Albert Mul ford 1st prize. Jiertie Sawyer 2d prize. No. 4 best maji or the United .States, Willie Hefflebower 1st prize. Albert Smith 2d prize. No, 5 no award. No, C Lest set of book-keeping books, Lucy Cone. No. 7 best exhibit of free-hand drawing. Wil lie Kellogg, 1st prize, Artie Panburg 2d prize. No. 8 best collection of press d leaves and (lowers, Kosa Tliorne, 1st prize, Uuiiie Koek 2d prize. No. 0 best model of Webster county, Dist.SS. No. io best collection ol bugs ana insects, illie Clark. 1st Drize, Din. 4s 2d prize. Sl'ECIAL in EM It' MS. I5est collection of leaves and (lowers Dlst. 3 diploma. Ansi.l Orabill 2.1 prize, lJcst M samples clay modeling. Dist. 93, di ploma. Best collection of butterflies, Lucile MeKceby diploma. si iticr vvorK, xvora .Mce, uipicma. Sixteen maps, best individual collection. Wil lie Hefikboirer. Uirge map" of Nebraska and South America, illie Ucaucheru. A New Barber Miop. S. T. AranHorn who is well known in this city, and who for the last year has tried his luck elsewhere, has re turned to this city and has purchased the barber parlors of Hubert Uarklcy. He has fitt.-d them up in nice style aud invites his old and new friends to call and sec him. Ilo will give you a shave or hair cut in the latest style o.f the art. -17-tt Carpets! Carpet ! t Mrs. M. E. Huffman, living two miles west of the city on the Kalcy i arm is prepared to weave carpets on short notice. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Leave or ders with C. Schaffnit. The finest line of guns in the val ley just received a A. Morhart'g, the popular hardware man, Red Cloud. mm. m . . The following officers were elected for the Wtbverco.wy agricultural society at the an nual meeting last week, ios v.arbcr. President. 1M II. Bust, viee-president, v A, K Funk, secretary. V . S. tiarber tr usurer, SoAiHioi' Dikeivoks K. L. Alyca. M, It. M;"nt,.i. L. .tliiit-r, l:. V. tthircy, J, S. ;i!i.:.ui, U.'.i. Varren, A. .i Tomhnson, .i. :. and u W K night. Wtn. Stinglcy has moved his bar ber shop to the stand where V. W. Gilbert formerly kept, lie has nam ed bis tonsorial parlors the "Commer cial barber shop." He is a goad bar ber and desires all of his former pa trons and friends to call on him. He is bound to treat you nice and give you as good a shave as you cau get in he west. Take Notice. Joseph W. Warren and !co. V. Ball. You are hereby notified that on the Sstli dav of January, tss.s; I. Baum purchased at Itrivate tax salt; from the county treasurer, 51. . McNitt. at the court-house in Cloud Webster countv. Nebraska, for the taxes for the year lstfi). amounting to .7.t3. The following described land situated in Webster cotiutv, Nebraska, taxed in the name of .Joseph W. Warren and tJeo W. B.ill, The north west J4,of the north-east section 12, town 2, range It containing -M acres. The time for re demption of .s.'iil land from the lieu of said tux .sale vvilie.xp'ire January 2Stli, lr, and if not redeemed l)efore the above date expire I will make application for a t;euurer's tax ileeii. L. B.vuji. iCoArer Addition. LOT. BtK. TAX. BmUett AddiUtn. iggaa mtmim.imAcmn 1 iini S!IKI!!!";'i Nf.v. ?: Notice Is hereby given that under and liy -, g- , clerk if the dutnrt court in and for Webtter -r ! couuty Ni br.ikii In an action imiii1iii. m vii.i err 1 court whert-11 th- Ne ir-ik:i Ui: 'lniitt.. Is Wil- Takc Notice. Joseph W. Warren and Geo. W, Ball. oit are here y untiiied that on the 25th d ly of .January lsw, l Baum pin ciiaseil at private tax sale from the county treasurer 31. It. McNitt at the rourt hoiLsu in Bed Cloud Webster coun ty Nebraska for t'w taxis of the vear ISni amounting to jn thu following described lands situated in Webster coiintv Nebraska, taxed in the name of .lo-cp'i W. Warren and Geo. W. Ball. Thesiiitli wst 1-t oi the north eastipiarter. see 12, town 2 range 11 containiug 40 acres. The time for ritlcuipL'ou of said land trom ihe lien of said tax sale v ill expire Jan. 2S l:fti) and if not redecr.i"d before the above date 1 will make amplication for a treasurer's Ui deed. L. Bauji, To (J. B. Hnsford. Vou atv hereby notitied that m the 23th day of Januarv i.sss. r. liitiiiti purcha-d at private tax sale, from the county treasurer M. B. Mc Nitt at the county court house in Led Cloud, Webster county. Neb., for tint taxes of the year l$t;, amoantiui to Jt 1 72, Ihe following teserit eil iitiae.I In Webster ciuntv N ' taxed In the name o: C. II. Ilusfoid. paitof the mirth east n of the 3011th ivjst U of section 2, town 1 raii're II containing 2 acres. The tuns for re demption of said laud from the lien of said tax sale, will expire June 2Sth lwK, and if tut re deemed before the above date, 1 will make ap plication for a treasures'. tax deed. , L. Baum. Tyla's Addition. r luauuii: iilelCenr !! Nurin-. gi I llaiiis lai .imta W I Hams ana Mary C. .Moore are G7 ""-"-""."n-1 -tnwi iu..ri4ir.saV .t itutille veil 67 , due forciuh it, ., iad to the lil'u-t Wilder at 5- tl'Kitil,,1(lt.1. ,,..! t house ..1 l.ed.ltud '7 !,Vi ttr,","; l "''Rsk.l,ltha oelr.-tlieplaen 67 l . Vi ,"i . "' T',t!"lfail eoi.rt u-., hoi lenl gj. ,otiuioisriiv at le ..'el.K-k . 67 1,i" .,' I,0"A"1-' desrnbcl n"ertv ti it. B7 ""es-onth -itsi ..tmrter'ijinf s.,,,,, e.glit T in b7 lowiisiitii Kf r 1 11..1 in of raiw eleven II f7 Jt",: r u'"-' I" M 111 W-lHterisiauty .xebras- tk g-j f K.l. :ivt'ti tinder my hand this 2sh !a- or u I gtl't l-ti. i ( c,.Tr Shen'f 1 J. ai. ItxisAS. Plaintill s.Vttl.rneiT ' fc Jnirti:r.ckYilk-8 ... , , - '""be ot!ce. tfv ) r K T- - 1!'""'l"'r !!atpnvati Inuu tlie count) tn rr,. xi V. Jle Nit at lhceo-.rtli.ui-e ml:,.,, . t .Iu. uelst, r '."'ll'1. I '' ax- '! is-, .ramiitiiac ,"",,,'-0-.."."'""-tIl''',Nt '"' tee ..iitl, ues. . -etl..n.J townt.rinu'.- !..-,.,itu nig loacn t-v.ii in i. rwin- if lle,, 1 l,.v, t Vhe ti.netiir nilenii.tioiioi -:u. iul il:.- u saiev.-dl expire,.1!v ljitili,i .Hljj If not rede m.-.l ttrfore t.u-n',,. .l.ite I will maVe uppHiatioii tor a tre.turer t.i deed. U llVUM. '"'nice A 01 lee. ' luli.l . i Yen are iicr,.i notified that 0.1 tls ttit ijy of Pebrcary t-s-i r it-min pun-h.-s -a -,t flT lt ii iiifi"ini ineenuniv treiisiircr mi: m-. I 11 'n' 1 t. AVIiat a Fortune. Is a iroodhealthy. pearly skin. Few are Those who want the news, and all of it, sudscribe for The Chief, as onr large ard constantly increasing list will prove. The editor of this paper believer in saying just what he thinks and saying it hard if neccessary with out regard to consequences fear or fav or from tiny source. We don't be lieve in being one thing before the people and another when their back is turned. We believe in hewing to the line regardless of where the chip fly. Toungs C. O. D. Emporiom is the place to get bargains. The house keepers made happy when they can buy goods at the following prices. 2 qt coffee pots for 12cts. 4 qt coffee pots for 20 cts. Double blade minch ing knives, best steel, for 9 cents. Rival eeg beaters, best made for 10 cts. 10 qt dish pan all one piece of heavy tin, only 20 cents. And a hun dred other useful articles at prices about half what ethers ask. The la dies can find the best selection of millincrv in the city and at prices that is known to be below all others. When you want to save money go to Young's C. 0. D. Emporium. The ladies of the 1st Congrecitionnl chnrch will give- a series of entertain ments dnring the fall and winter. A "Musical Soiree" the 22nd of this month, in which the best talent of the city will be represented. The '"Merchants Carnival" which will be a display, that will, interest all business people. One that will interest every man, wom an and child, viz refreshments for the inner man, in other words an oyster sup per. An "Evening with art" being a represen tatlon of sculpture, combined with tab leaux and music. The "Old Fashion District School" which needs no discription, it speaks for itself. The celebration of the birthday of onr beloved ''American Ptet" Longfellow consisting of recitations of his poems, and rendering of his compositions set to music. All are cordially invited. We earnestly solicit tho patronage of the public in gen- ni . mo pains will be spared to make each enterainment all that can possibly be wish ed. Admission to each entertainment 25 cts. Season tickets $1. The lady's solic iting committee, lor trie sale of Heasontiek ctRwill call upon the people at an early da te. About tLIrty schools were represented in the educational exhibit at the fair. Guide Kock, Blullill, und Cowles were all well represented. Districts 3. 3, 9, 17. 22, 23, 2?, SO. 31, XI. SI, 33, 37, 40, 42. 15, 43. 30. S. W, 58, 59. fiS, ft, CS, 70. 72, and 77, all inauea creditable showing. The energetic wMt-awake teachers were interested in the work and aided in stimulating their pu pils with a laudable auibifon. The following teachers sent woik from their respective schools. Mes-rs. Hunter, Thornt'ii, Eailitl, rrotasco, Miller, Springer, Hall; Misses. Thorn ton, Hoover, irotli. Arnold, Ilradd. IVritcht. AliinilJiivvus, Alice ixivynes, I'robiiseo, lleigle. iiiisuu. diiiihi, AiiiK'er. naves JiarKcr. a- ware of the short time it takes for a disor dered liver to cause blotches on the face and a dark crea?v skin. One bottle of ItEGGS' LLOUD rUKlFlEi: and BLOOD MAKKtt will restore this organ to its natu-al and healthy state, and cleanse tho bio d of all impurities I guarantee every bottle, C. L.Cottiui;, liruggist- Notice is hereby given that I wil examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the public schools of this county, at Red Cloud, on the third Saturday of each month. Eva. J. Kixs, County Sop't .. . Republican Caacua. The republican electors of Red Cloud township will meet at the fair grounds October 19th, 1889 at 2 p. m. to nom inate town officers. N. Sanford, Committeeman. Take rvotito. io Charles W. Kalcy, Jacob I.. Kalcy and IJu- fus M. Ijirirent. You are herebv notilled that on the 2nd day of Dee. 1n?7 1, 1 itaum purciiased at priv.ito tax sale from the county tieasurer, M. It. .McNitt, at the court house in Ked Cloud, W bster coun ty, Nebraska for the Inx.-.s of the year 1ms;. amoutitiuu to .17.4:. The followinc descnled land, situated In Webster county Nebraska tax ed In the name of Charles V. Kaley. Jacob I. KHeyand Kufus AJ. ltrcnt: the north-west ? section 22, town I, ramre t', iinainiii" lui acres lhe time for rc.Icmption will expire December 2, ISO, and if nor redeemed befere tho above date expires I will maie applic:itiou fora trcas uier's tax deed. L. Baum. FTako Notice. To Joseph W. Warren and (,eo. W. RiUI. You are hereby notified that on thc2Sth day of .lanuary Isjw.i, i Itaumpurchaoedatprivere taxsiilc fnnn .the cennty treasurer M. B. Mc Nitt at the court hoiiM! m i:cd4.'loud. Webster county Nebraska, for the taxes of the vear 1SSG. amounting to .7.4.-.on the following described land situated in Webster countv Nebraska tax imI in the name of Joseph V. Warren and Geo. W, Hail. The south-east & north east hi section 1?. town 2. range 11 eeiitaining 40 acres lhe timefor redemption of said land from the lieu of said tax sale will expire January 2stfi ICJuimdif not reJnemed he'.ire lhi nlmrn rtntr. expires, I will make application for treasurer's lax deed. L. Baum. Botch? Subdivision Kohrer's Addition. LOT. ELK. Tl 7 1 1 9 i 12 part 10 1 I part 10.... 1 Xtlion' Stdxlirifitm Rohrtr't Addition. LOT. BUC TA of -.3 The greatest wonder of the 19th century, a carpet exhibitor showing jusu ho iv a carpet will look the floor at F. V. Taylor's. a when on PROBATE NOTICE. State of Nebraska Webster county. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims and demands against Cliarlotta C, Web er late ot Webster county, deceased, that the time iixed for tiling claims against said estate, is six months from the 1st day of October 1X89, all such persons are required to present their 'laims with the vouchers to the county judge of said county at his office therein, on or before the 1st day ef April 1S90, ami all claims so filed will be heard before the said imlee nn th -m dav of April 1390, at io r 'clock a. m. iraieii AepreniDfrsnn is-w. Fkank a. Swebzv. County Judge. TAX LIST. CONTINUE Faton 4TH PACK. Marty' Second Addition. Bonnet Addition. LOT. 10 1 2 3 4 .24 ... -.25 .25 -.23 TAX. tl) 8S 1 71 171 1 71 139 47 Eohrer'i Addition. Are yon going to buy a carpet. If so do not fail to call and examine my stock and prices. F. V. Taylor. 100 gross nice dress buttons and others will be closed out at 2.cctit.s u (lizt'n. Don't miss this sale at the New York Store. Rcsck' Cherry Couch Syrup. Is cj ing splendid satisfaction to the trade ami the sales ore nositivly marvelons, which can b- accounted for In no other way except fiat It is doubt the lest on the market. Ask T.r and be sure you get the genuine. We Veep it. C. L. Cot ting, Druggist. Take Notl ;. To Hugh J. Jewell: Ymi are her. v notified tl at on the nth day of February, tsss L. Baum purchased at pri vate tax side rrom the county treasurer M. 11 lcNittatthe courthouse in It ed cloud Webster ec-nitr Vehraska for the taxes of the year 18SI ainotmtiu? to ioJSO The south-west 1-4 of the south west l- section zs, town l. range Is con laiuiug 4 acres, t;ied in the name of Hugh J. Jewett, - The time for redemption will -xpire February lltli iuo, and if not redeemed iiefore the above date I will make application fora treasurer's tax deed. L. Baum. Timber Culture (Notice (Final Proof. Notice for lMblicalion. United States Tjind Offlce. Bloom m;TON, Neb. October 7. 1889. Notice ifJiereby given that De Jav Judson has fllec notice of intention to make final proof before clerk of district court at his ollice in Ked Cloud, Nebraska, on Saturday the 23d dav of Novem ber, lsV, on timbercuKiire application No, 1507. lor the irjrth-ivcst qtirtc. of section o. 21, in township No. 2. north, range lywe-r. lie names as w ltnes.'ts. lliramW. llr.lilredire. ilmisC. Olmstcnd, James W. Vance and Ueorge vv . Jviuglit all of iuavaie. Neb. r. r. Asiir.v, Keuistcr. 11 ud 12.. 1 and 2. 0 12........., 2 amiain! 1 and 2. 12.." 19 and 20. 6 ! a " 4 3 10 Snores SO y 100 rods tU Io A ... 132 rods it. lot a. 4 acres 120 rods it. lot 3 acres J. ris. ei lot c. ..3 377 S 03 4.'. 31 i:;sj io rs s c; it XI ifira 7 21 7 75 13 83 24 21 12 5H 19 07 2 52 1! 3 f ! .. 5 07 49 21 25 19 53 27 4 03 UoTcy'i Addition. LOT. 1 5"""" 4 0 10 12 12Z ... 8 9 W 11 12. 1 :C.'.'Z 5 6 "...., 9 10 1 BUC A ...5 S 5 5 & , 7 .7 .7 LOT. C & 9 10 el's"" 4 an 1 5. 9........ 4......"" -.. .... .... 6 10" Hand 12.. ( ....... ... liLK. 1 . 1 1 1 1 ...3 .3 . 3 -.3 - 3 - 3 ...3 - 3 - 5 -5 -. 6 - 8 -. S -S .. i ISuclmtz's Addition. Suecz's Addition. Ileal. ,,av;,!CreI1' lawman, -Mckinupy, Mcintosh and' VanWotit. lt A, consisted ofvvori: from the graded schools or the county. Lot i: from non-gnideil scliools. Lot C work entered by individual pu- r i v- ,, . 1st prize 2d prize. Lot A No. 1 best general ta1 vi-Y" V " Y BIue H,u Gu!de Kock Lot A No. 2 b'"5t nri- iiKuy'XInblt uilAHs penm.iuship Lot A No. 4 lanxnasre lit A No. 5 collection of Tm".rs- Lot n. No. 6 examination Cowles CuideRopk. iilue Hill Cowles. Uuideliock Cowles Cowles Blue Hill LaaaaHBHBHBHHMBBaBVBBBMBai ' JL g--------------W :o'."." ....'.'.Cjijk B out BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal 'J... ..-........ j""""a"aaaBBBBaaBaaaawaaaaal 8 s s s s 8 8 8 S 8 9 ! 9 ! 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 ....10 10 .10 -10 -10 -10 -10 10 -11 .11 .11 ..11 -11 -11 .11 -11 ..11 .11 -11 -11 .12 -12 12 -12 -12 .12 -L! ...12 -.12 -.12 .12 -.12 -.13 -..13 ....13 ...13 -..13 .13 -13 13 13 13 -13 -14 -11 ...It ...It -.11 ...II -It TAX. S4 9S 454 1 43 143 1 00 1 0 1 43 6 18 1 Oi) 1 00 1 00 1 00 6 03 1 -h 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 CO 76 76 76 7C 76 76 56 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 75 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 1 ll ll 11 .J1 ll 11 11 11 ll v.ei r iiuui;,.iijr... ! .jo t;:vt .. -ji rt . amounting to ?:,.v. the irtii west i,li.. south w."t't se;jn,i v:,j, u I. r.uige liuii tiillilligt'lui.'es. uvxed in ( ii.iin, .,f llue,li .i Jewett. The tune tor rtsleil. tl"ltfs.ii.l l.iud from th IIn ot - it. 'ax ,len 11 e -ire K.bru aryllih K. aa.rif not rc-d.-i. etl before Uie iIm'V" . ' v. :.:.-.:;::; i-iti.-:--oi? firatre.t urer's tax deed. u lt.vuM. TnUc N'i-i-. To Hugh J..f'7.,.U: Youar'he)v nof'ie.1 Her i-itliellth .Uv of helir..ary 1-. L. Cui.m pinvtia.-il at priv.ite t "X s de rrom tl'e e-iii,v trri-..rer M. !!. Me Nitt :.t Ineeo'iit li.Mi-.eiii uc.i . l..i., Webster county Nrbr.lit. foi the of t.'ii ts.; llClenutlKg I. c .'. 1-ll.j so ill e:,.,t 1-4 of Hie so'.l'h urstl t ..s'j ,:r. (,....n ,r.i,'e eiui taming t.icrs, m tue u.uae . i llua.l .wet', ilie time to- rit'.-mp'tot. o" ihI .uid from the hen ot s.llil Mv Ml- will expire Fell- r.-iri r.t:t .. -. r : -st. .Tt,.,i ..r.r'tite abovctat" I vviUf.;ikenid!c:ilitit for a treas urer's tax " j Al . T?T. '. . I V 'ptluv.. T IC, AL A.oiat.i. A4. and L,o an Agent Red Cloud. Cawles Tin ige. ;i9 37 37 2. 12 574 3 12 37 4 12 37 '........... 12 3 19 lo" !l2 3 05 12 12 56 13 12 55 14 .'.12 re, 4 13 1 13 6 13 5 61 7 13 58 8 13 56 ij ,...13 5 :o""!.!i3 7 47 4 14 20 .1 14 IS 9 14 Ifc 10 14 20 11 14 18 12 11 2 13 14 13 9 15 11 10 15 12 11 15 11 12 15 12 13 15 11 14 15 12 15 15 11 16 15 12 QF.O. O. AND K. D. YEI5EK, PKOPKIETOBP OF TUB Veoser My lM M KEDOlOUD. neb. Complete ami only set of abstract books in Webster county. Grazing and arming lacAs and city property For C. . Kalkv. J. L. ILvlev. T-KY BKOS. ATTOKNEYS AT LAW . Agents for the It. &M.R. ILUads. OucvouWeb-tcr street Cloud. Nebraska. I. W. TULLEYS. M. D TTOMtlEOHATHlC PHYSICIAN, U.S. EX XI rvuiiniiig Surgeon. OfUco opposite First National Hank, Kcd Cleud. Sebncska. Chronic dUjj3t.-wi1 tynll. ; 15 to IS. 4 2 and 3 5 150x140 ft west pin 4 5 CO ft east psrt 4,aauub, lto3 4 and 5 . 6 .. 9 to 12. 3 and 4 12 II 10 and 11.. 10 1 and 2 It 16 and 17... 13 and H.. 15 and 1 11 1 and 2..... ..7 -8 S ..8 ! ..9 :i -12 ..13 ..14 -II ,.17 -13 -18 -21 19 4M 4 85 20 1 27 a v) a 197 57 32 4 10 19 3f 3 IS 37 13 7 46 miners.. . Lo: i; No. Cllide l!net uesi genenii exntlilt, 2 e.xatiii!.atIou jKipcrs... Slanguage vvoik 4 penman, pupils over 10 yrs.. 2.s 4? ' .. . " under" " .. iv. -. Cowles 59 7a 53 3. C3 22. 50 ecol'.cftion maps N. America 66 25 ,.rv "' "--'-,,oi 1 maps a. America 2323 lo. uno. ibAt letter written by ien.iI of r ISSlKr, lt '' W P tociS-Thor,i- Tane Nolle. Joseph V. Warren and eo. V. Ball. Ym are hereby notified that on the 2Sth day of Jan. 18M I. Ilaiim purtdiascl at private tiv -ale from the county treasurer M.I:. .McNitt at the co irt lions ; in lied Cloud, Yebster countv Neb , for the taxes of the year is, amoiuiting to S7.45 on the following described projierty to wit situated In Webster cot.nty Nebraska taxed in the r.a v.e or Jesoph W". Warren and Geo. W. Rill the north east li of fie north east h of -e"tiot,.12towii2 nmge 11 containing 40 acres the time of redemption of said laud from the lien of" said t.t.x "snle " will ex pire fanuary 2s tSiMr.n.t if not redeemed before the above due expires I will make application for a treastisera tax died. L. iiur. 2 4 all ll 4 8 6 6 8.. 9 19 1 0 !!. 4 5 1 to 3. 5 o 5 6 ...6 - 7 ...8 -.9 -.9 ... 9 -10 -.10 -.10 -.10 JO 11 11 i 11 .:. 11 u 12 13 I. .Jl T 1(1 TR 1 2ti 8 10 76 3 I 5 4 41 3 13 9 10 76 Vanee'i Addition. 3 S lit 1 26 10 10 76 6 S 2 49 1 26 11 10 76 11 1 3 OH i 10 5 53 12 59 12 10 76 12. 1 J4 03 5 U 9 70 113:5 1 11 76 ,c 1 4 4? ! 11 :ita 12 09 2. .ll 76 1 3 10 2H o 12 2 77 5 04 3 n 76 north 52 3 27 6 12 it CO 5 01 4 11 76 llo 3. 4 9 34 ?. 17 .56 2 21 5 11 76 1 6 6 73 4 n 66 2 21 6 11 75 2 6 37 6 17 56 2 41 7 11 76 :i 6 37 g 17 56 1 26 S 11 76 10 6 94 10 17 56 1 26 : 11 76 7 8 r 93 12. 17 56 1 26 10 11 76 0 8 7 48 17 56 6 01 II 11 76 I j S 51 16 17 55 252 12. 11 76 4 9 3 17 I pj 17 5 53 1 96 1 12 76 j 9 3 74 ' 20.- 17 5 53 IN 2 12 76 10 JS. 9 37 22. J7 58 2 27 3 12 76 n Tl! 9 2 26 'S 17 2 07 1 si 4 .. 12 76 l', .- 9 6 561 J... 13 56 12 09 5. . 12 76 liC... 37 6 IS 27 101 r, i-i 7.; . . o inns 7 u k !:Z::9 i AmlioyYillage. ..(HHIItHtHU ifj I, I . i" 13 'J It i l-.'. ELK. TAX. '' 7 10 37 , j t o(j '6 1(. W 141 J o ! 03 0 11 10 37 1 03 " 12 12 37 . 1 OS 76 1 II 5 f 1' r. 1 n. 8 oi 3.... ...........13 76 u :I7 ;" " 1 lis 04 , ,1 6 u -f, ? j 08 52 ;c:::::::r"u 4 ??.. 7........13 70 5...- .1 '' , - " " 1 (j4 s 13 76 I to 3 ;:'"' V ZZl CS . -r- 7r- i-tot k v; "c::z:i 03 iol 2 j 7.; -: : :. l7 1 os 11 3 It 76 I- 1" '. ; 2 03 101 i............n .0 ,. , .,,.-, ' 2 03 2S -'J 6............1 1 76 .....- 4 -. 2 21 7r. X. 7 it 76 tor. BLX. 1XX. J 5 ... 1 12 O; i.......... 1 r .r ,. .j. :i......w......... - I 171 S IS 76 1- r' r'f. ,; 2 03 171 9 14 7C '. 16 11- 2 a, 171 10 14 76 I- 1 i' t 5 03 1 71 A 14 76 L . 8 2 08 2 52 Person's Addition. rnrthtl7 16 lS(x m i fc soa:iiil7. 16 &0l!l- r, YZ 1 00 LOT. T.LK. TAX. ' 1 ' ; "' 9 91 1 1 50 TaJLotCt Addition. . ----- Z 100 JZZZZl 50 HaRd 13 t P 7.3 , ltl.L."Z-. 2 M 170 J-.- 1 50 u to 21 1 2 31 . ,..,. 170 5 i to "toiol 2 '! Iuavaie illafe. 76 6 1 5-3 u 2 8 41' 76 11., 1 5 ,. 2 10 1. jot. CIS. TAX. 76 p 12 1 (.7 utolTZ. 2 4 18 1 !' 12 6 39 76 i 12. 1 50 10 24 2 C12p-Jw2l 6 X 76 13 1 50 j dVHI. 3 7 47 22 io 21 7 2 59 7h It 1 50 3 S 7 43 12 S It 73 15 1 Vi i cr.d 3-. 3 U 22 ' 9 ncd 10 II 4 W 73 H I .VI 6 and 7 3 x'I2 U ' ' 7S 17 1 Ji ; s 3 : M 3 It 27 79 18.-. 1 .'0su,f, 4 f 7.' U Jl 2J 5 04 19 I 50 : 7a.i.dj5 4 SOliJ 't .27 Ut gJ-.-. ...- - 1 jp 5 07 14 to IS 11 12 55 G at English Ramed Murray's Specific. .v granr r.i eitre ror all ner v'i e-.L-f s- h ?h .-:ik mcni- o"v 'w r lir ii i' r hysteria huidariio pain in tlie hack nr v m prostration vvakt frllui'ss b-n-corrhtea iiuivers:d lassitude .scm i'ir '. "..;. j.. 1...1 itency and gen end i."ss of power oi ihe ileucra tive tigans; ineithci .sex.cnu cl !v iiiis.-r"ioiiorov.Texi'rtii)i ........:. .1. ....: ... , . . . .in.. v.iiv. ...ion it;i, ic.i.t Btfr imuaf nKiAn.KE u .vi.i:. insan ity and co.s.slmition. $i n a Tr1 box or.i: v.) . lor ?j . m-nt iij mail on reccij I rnc. i.' particulars in pamphlet, sent iree to every applicant We Cimtraiitct: Six Boxcm to cureativ c?,i 1'or every $5 order rect ived we send six boxes with aunttcii guarantee to re fund the money if our specific does not elTi ct n Cu o. n.Sc-s , all i-oiiiniiuilcatious to tile solu mamitaclurcr- T::'::-. M'fivr. Go. K in s i itv Mo. S3 old i:i .'.eJCI-rid b;. f. I c.uT!IN'Csoh agent. 3L? AfteffTUf u. C. Cask. .'as. MoNkny, C'A.SK.MC-ilirti. i TIORNKVS AND HOL'NSKLORS'ATLAW Will pniciLe in i. c.i.ts of this state "Visions." -v-'l -." I'ttrafed business carefuU 'cl elf ""ivitiendedto. Abstracts furnisly oa spplicattOB. .iFc-i, -Mvcr First National Bank, fted cloud. Neb. G-fc-H ing opixn-tnity now offered to secure your Tablets, Books, Slates, Pencils and other school supplies whiJe t?ie stock is complete. LET IT you that this is the time to select from tho linest line line of sclooi tablets in the city- C. L. CoTTING, Druggist and Bookseller. BlgG hassiven univer sal sat.'sfact.on in tho cure of Gonorrtcsa and CJleet. I prescribe It i feel safe iu rtcoiamead Ing it to all saSfcrera. A.J.STOXrK,Ifc, Oseatur, ill. pr.icr- si.e9. m Sold tr trcs!st. " C. L. CoTTINfJ, AffENT. ,C Dll Eli AmWt TO HATS.l Bm mamanmmn.n WJjM nrd7fcrt HlnstC aICa. nMiaf f"f?! '4eMfM'iirL P' V