3 ?tM- Y ;T .-! wWto i , r WANTED! AT THE NEW YORK STOKE. tTMMltl gfgl 11500 PEOPLE. To help canv off those sreat bargains that have been coming for the past ten days of American and foreign production, of all the latest styles in OODS! Dress Goods and trimmings to match. Flannels. Blankets, Comforts, Underwear and BIsck Iiosierv warranted not to fade. An elegant stock of shawls and woolen yarns. LADIES" SHOES in all grade and sizes. A good shoe for $1.50 DPIY MEN'S 1 TO & K BOYS We also carxj a. Ia.rgc stock of the C. M. Henderson Red School house shoes. The Little Red School house shoe i? nor six years old and last year "was worn by two hundred thousand children. Call and ?ee us and we will do you Good. Best goods and lowest prices guaranteed M K Chas. Schaffnit. BLOCK. Red Cloud, Neb, THE TRAILERS LUMBER CO. WILL MAZE TL 1CF POSITIVELY Lower than anv vard in the world w .. sac a - q F. V. TAYLOR, KEEPS THE FTSEST LlE OF Furniture In the city at prices that all can afford to buy if in want of anvtb. 12 in his line. r.rcrir Firs Natkmal Bank. Bed Closd. R. T.SniaEY, Prcs. Hesbt Cr-AaKE.Vice-Prf-s. .T50. R. Shiest, Casbici Howard B. Cathx, Assistant Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Red Cloud, Nebraska. CAPITAL - $75,O0O Transact a ceaeral banking business, out and county, precinct ana school district bonds DIRECTORS: sell countv vimste, als. Bav and sell fors exckns Ja. MeXenv. J. A. Tulleys. G. W. Lindsey. R. Y. Shire?. John R. Shirej. E. F. Highland. Henry Clarke. A. J. Kenny. Hacker & Parker, THE GROCERS Vkt Men ?:;:::? 'kicf. c. 2i.-sz:s. i"roj..rietc; fsbIihHl ev-rr Friday morsinr Irons th office Eire Mi- T7eNr SL. between 4th sad 3th Avenne, IW Cloud, Neb. RPR POWDER Absolutely Pure. This T" f-vc never varfi-. Mwel of pure itreapth and wholcon-a-ss. Rior economical thari the ordinary kind and cannot i sold in rocpeaon with :hs cuttimdrt of lot test short wsUnt .un er pho-iha& powdors. Sold only mean. KOYAL BAKING POWDER CO. ifl6 Wall trrt N. Y. Citv. RED CLOUD, NEB. FAB 71 LOANS. I have th sjrencv for ten different loan companies, and can srive you the benefit of any of their peculiar plans of making farm loans. Therefor I can make a farm loan quicker and at lower rates than any other ag.nt in Webster county. I make option loans or straight loans for 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, C, or 7 year, also on first class city property. Compare my terms before placing your farm loan, and saxe nos er and resxets. G. W. Barker. " Rear Red Cloud Natl Bank. SPLINTERS Gathered Cp r Chief Reporters la A a AMU the City aattf. C.t-aiy. The best corn busker's soap is seld by Deyo. A. L. Funk and wife were in Lin coln this week. Could one ask Tor more beautiful weather than this. J. W. Smith will trobabiy open up his meat market Saturday. Watermelons of the most delicious kind are still oh the market. ThtTe will be an oyster festival at the T. 31. C- A. rooms next Thursday evening. Geo. Philips and wife of Union ville. Mo., are visiting at Anderson Hedge's this week. Frank Hu5er is the happy papa of twins which makes him feel consid erable bigger than usual An elegant arGma pervaded the at mosphere of Webter street.on Thurs day. Did you sniff it afar? Ed. Hilton the handsome P. 31. of Blue Hill was in Red Cloud this week. and called at these headquarter Have the wloons the free drinks to We should judge so. Howi- it doeky. In another place will b found a very interesting document from the pen of Oliver Downs. Evrry man in Webster county should rend it. The Golden Eagle as usual has a Iaie stock of gloves and mitten?. Buying ail kind of goods in large quantities enables him to buy and sell cheap. Come ia and see our new line of v-inware. lanterns, coffee mills and asrate ware fresh from Chicago and at Chicago cost. Perkins old stand. D. B. Heard. The big 3 crowd are doing their lev el bet to iujure George Hummel the republican nominee for treasurer. If that crowd can't run thing they will invariably bolt the ticket, or knife it silently. Read C. Wiener's new adTtrtise ment. Ir. W. is one of Tux Chief's Dest an-ertisers. tie carries a verv Iarse liee of clnthiLg. etc. and eT them vy low for cash. He carrita the Urgest stock west of Omaux. C. SctaSnit. the popular dry govds and notion man. is still selling goods at remarkably low agarcs. Hi coun ters are laden with all kind of dry good, etc . and it will pay all of our friends to call and tee hiai. His stock is certainly mammotk. and look ver the goods. Glass and putt at Deyo's. See thoje Shetland shawls at the Xew York Store. Furniture of all kinds cheaper than veratF. V. Taylor's. All goods are sold at the New York Store at the lowest cash price. A fine line of jean. ca?s?xnores and Sannels at the New York Store. The New York Store is headquar ters for the the best makes of boots and shoes. Deyo i selling albums 20 per cent cher-per now than you can buy them for during holidavs. Deyo takes subscription for anv raper or magazine published and saves you expense ot sendinr. You can't miss it if you buy a pock et knife at Cottings. He has notning but new good and his prices suit these lose trees. Ribbons, ribbons, ri'ibons. A big lot of remnants will be sold at !?? than half price, at the Xew York Store. I can save you big money on furni ture and carpets. 100 different pat terns of carpets cut without waste at F. V. Taylor's. In another plaee in todays Chief will be fouad the report of the First National Bank. It will pay oor read era to peruse it. The bant is in a splendid condition and through its able management ha become leading intitution of it kind in this section and we wish the institution combined SU3CC8S. What's the matter with Plumb? He eems to be noting aroud in the republican party. Thnnght he was a prohib. Better stay by your party 31 r. I', and jou'll be better off. Re publicans can attend to their own business and fights, if they have any, without your help, besides you might get contaminated, you know. The Democrat seems to have sud denly fallen in love with its big Jum bo brother, the b:g 3 sheet, and pub lishes a column cr two of that paper's boeh this week. We have always presumed that tey were twins, and are now fully convinced that they eat political soup with the same spoon. The people are not stuck on the big 8 to any alarming extent. By the receipt of "At Home" cards we learn that 3Ir. Will Hough ton, the affable manager cf C. Wien er's tailoring department, was recent ly united in marriage to 3Iis Clara Becker of Lincoln. Will is one of Red Cloud's model young men. an? 3Iiss Becker is the fcccomplisbed daughter of 3Ir. A. U. Becker formerly of this city. The Chief taks pleasure in congratulating the hamv conpl : and wed- s quit setting up the big ? outfit? i wisn.es ttem a long ana napoy ded life. Dock 3IcKeby. the great GuIIiver ian -Olully Ully Gue" and his gang who have been doing their level best to defeat the regular republican tick et, and still at the same professing thrcugh their infanous sheet to be supporting it. are unworthy the confi dence of our people, if indeed they ever had it. Through their engineer ing and conniving they have succeed ed in putting before trie people a tick et that bears on the face of it a dem ocratic ticket, which when sifted down to a n'cty is nothing more or less than a big S combination and will re main so whether ihey deny it or not. The big 8 propose it pos.-ible to get hold of the county fund, by fjir means or foul, and it generally suits their ends bst to work by dark meth ods. The Chief is a straight repub lican aud believes that there could not have betn a better, cleaner or more desirable set of candidate put up by any party, than those composing the the republican ticket, and they will be elected too. in spite of the big 8. CCIDE HOCK. Editor Chief: I want to congrat ulate you on your fight against the big S outfit. The people are with you nd will Bit down on the gang; at the polls harder than they did in the republican convention. Although a life long democmr, I shall vote for nummer tnis laiL Jly reasons n.i rr- : 'soese: tiaamei i a man 'T. u:..r t . i uum au oajKciion can oe raised. The tig S outfit are working every scheme to defeat that part of "the re rublican ticket While McKe:-by (in his paper) is pretending to sup sort the whole ticket. He is at tie are against Call There k but one place to bay hard ware in town, as every sensible man ave monev when he has a chance. and I will guarantee to save va mou- v on anything in the r- Stoves or Ticware line. Berg & Galusha oooo ARE oooo Candidates oooo FOR YOUR oooo PATRON AG E Good Goods, Best Fitting, Low est Prices is their platform. THEY ASK your support from these principles, they are the only firm handling the PATENT SHOULDER SUITS) And if once used, alwavs used. Their stock this fall is better se lected than ever. Their line of ''Dress Sai' is larger than ever shown ir- Lhe citv. their line of All Wool suits for $ 8.50 are a little better than anyones. Go see them when you want goods at honest prices. and HUGHES, BROWN & CO. Reliable Real Estate Agents ! Investments for non-resitlects profits Ixrgi, qtiielc, and no risk. Invest Now to Catch the Incoming tide this Wl Portland prop-rty u rapidlv advancinc. Com?ordence cheerfully answered. Board of Immigration. Address nrm, 30 Ash : Portland, O-ros. HeU- .rc J (i. A. Pf rlck. Willis G. Brows. Ltfayette Hushes. n3. II- Brown. HENRY COOK DEALER IX WALL PAPER Paints, Oils, Varnish, Stationery, Books, Etc. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. New Jewelry Store, Webster St west side, window in Haines' furnittr gtore S. M. SEAL, Pro;p. Jewelry. Watches, Clocc and Spectacles. Repairin . atctes ani fitting Spccticles a specialty.. Call and see me, at Spok -egeia8 former stand. D. M. PLATT, Real Estate and I Km Broker, Real Estate boaght and sold, Money Leaned on farm chattels and personal paper. same time working secretely working j tWy, TowiWp ad School Bntrict B-jads Bought Long tine Commer !LbeSe 3lhl'i M c?al paper, a spmMty A', hcitf CollectioL Office ia Kaley Block over Perkins Hard ware Store, Red Cloud. ted Jake Miller and Joe Garber to work the G. A. K. organization, Cbs. Cather and Lou Albright to wore the prohibitionists, Ed. Parkas the K. of L. while Simons, Kume Richardson and Funk's brother-in-law are to work the ounty generally Then thev le Hardware, ell ns eountjy fellows that they are Remember D. tr "the ring." Nice fellows to Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud, !B. i k L. H. FORT. 3Ianer. Heard. Perkins old stand. A!1 of a rine. Tou will har from m - . I P .- . m ot feware jnven a war witb ! a- again, aner anotner visit from i then. Uatil then. I still remain a Democrat. VIO ! THERE ! ! Jioots i shoes at Cost 3. J-.. - mr.r - rrtUTLTT I "jTJ SE1 Ct- 1 1BS 1 i .very purchase of $1 or orer. ! Plumb muj-t i:et a little anerv when rtT VlllOJr15 t? withdraw patronage NOW FOR USINESS. ,T am disoosincr of mv entire stock of bots HI Xlli5f lfn.aihwpaper.if waayjadi-cfrom Persons bavins lotbin-aw alwav X UlbpOMll& Ul 111V CiiLllC 2LIX.K Ui U.-Uli ' Vur I ft? F-. U .iaM.M ..snM - - mil W a l. I rl and snoes at cost m oraer to ciosc tnem out. Now is your chance. I AM GOING TO CLOSE OUT. -V COOK, Red Cloud bat wfcp honoral Easle 1 . TtT Tl 1 T in-ra-i n: nm cnt.p..iiv ffirnnn r rt - . . Farfefched to .ill Lands in Webster Countj. Aocarately and, Be . philosophical Pkmb, learn tl,ev can deal" with an OV SHORT XOnCE. tl? t'-kTne. wrldeasy, and of all Loe ttke the Go!t!cn rnmii rnn r. t n rnnF a nrnA 9a i r LX - ..v I r. .- , """--' -, p-ntn in tne ipst six years tcis - --,-- --- --. -. - . xa ... r-VAi't Aii' VkMll v.aui. I f dU' -..a I" VV M. t-.- T re.-f.-e with yon. loa Asnii -.mii: 200j an-.thin that is not Uf inter that ther are fire or six r-,..,. tir'A .. j v v Fi-torv. i a i- ia: tear j ways; sat:i i in, on fl 4 4 ts. i t H' i , 1 I i a 3 8: IM ? i : 'i ir '"T Mo ,?! OisZ Ws. rn .- cna l.iv. 'th ,r nj?n'-