The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 11, 1889, Image 3

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Death off the Late Governor of Kantu at
His Home is Atchison Sketch of His
Atchison, Kan.. Oct 3. Ex-Governor
Martin died at 6:30 o'clock yesterday
morning. Mayor Wagoner ha called a
Meeting of tbe people for this evening to
make arrangements for tbe funeral on
Ex-Governor Martin' death followed
an illness of more than two months. Hi
diiease was a mysterious one, and at no
time were the physicians able to intelli
gently diagnose it. Iii death had been
expected for some dav.
Ex-Oovcrr.or John A Martin was born March
1 Ifa, at Hrownsvillc. Fayette County. Pa.
"When a mere lad he learned the art of printinj;
In the office of the Ilrownsi-ille Clipper. lie
cmljrrated to Kansas In 1857 and located at
Atchison. In lsrj he purchased what was then
known as the Squatter Sovereign and changed
its name to the Freedom's Champion. Later
the name of the p iper was chanted to the Atch
ison Ch xnpion. With the exception of the Troy
Chief It is the oldest paper in Kansas. Gover
nor Martin was early and late a staunch
Free State man, and was first and last an r.r
dent Uepufoiiran. He entered early into pub
lic life, and he was elected to the State Senate
Jrom the district comjxed of Atchison and
Urown Counties before he was twenty -one ye irs
old. He was secretary of the Wyandotte Con
stitutional convention, and served as a dele
pate to the Territorial convention at Lawrence
in 1-Ci. He was also a delegate to the No
tional convention at Chicago which nomi
nated Lincoln for his Hrt urtn. He was
seer tary of the Sta'e Uailroad convention,
which met a Topeka in ltl to devise a rail
way system for the State. During the summer
of 1-01 he assisted in organizing ths Eighth
Kansas infantry, of which he was appointed
Lieutenant-Colonel. The regiment served on
the Missouri border during the fall and wintet
of IW1. Early in 1S52 he was appointed Pro-vot-Marshal
of Leavenworth, and in March ol
the same year his regiment was ordered tc
Corinth. Miss., with Lieutenant-Colonel Martin
In command. A few weeks after ami ing at
Corfcih the regiment, with the division tc
ahich it was attached, was ordered to join
General Iluell in Tennessee, and thereafter,
during the whole war, it served in the army ol
the Cumberland. Lieutenant-Colonel Martin
was promoted to Colonel on November 1,
Kc! and was provost marshal of Nashville,
Tenn., from December. ISOi, to Jtine. It!.
The regiment which he 'commanded took
part in the battles at Perryville and Lan
caster, in Kentucky: In the campaign
aga nst Tallhoma and Chattanooza: the
storming of Mission Itnl;e: the campaign from
Chattanooga to Atlanta nnd the subsequent
pursuit of Hood northward. Colonel Martin
commanded the Third brigade. First division
of the Twentieth army corps, on the second
day of the battle of Cbickamauga and during
the siege "J f Chattanooga. At the cloe of the
war he returned to Atchison and resumed con
trol or the Champion. The first number of the
Daily Champion was issued March tri lSVi.
He represented Kansas as a delegate
to the National Republican conventions
of lf, lsw. lsT-- and ltM). He
Vis a member for many years of the Republican
National Committee, was elected Commander
in Chief of the State encampment, G. A. It :
rras a member of the United States Centennial
Coaimiv-i n: was one of the incorporators of
the Kansas Magazine and of the State Historic
al Society. He was elected mayor of Atchison
in 1W. and was elected by the two houses of
Congress one of the roard of managers of the Na
tional Soldiers Home in 1-CS. In 1n he was
elected Governor of the State of Kansas and
re-elected in lSVi. His wife, who survives him
s-as the daughter or Dr. 'William L Challis. o.
Atchison, and the result of this union was four
children. Ex Governor Martin leaves a hand
frouie estate, the value of which is estimated at
from STj.'.'W) to MiM.ooi.
Thre of the New Stat-. Are Republican
l'nitiibitictii Snowed Under In North Da
kota. Helena, Mont, Oct. 3. Returns are
coming in very slow and the figures are
suc'.ose that the majorities will not be
much either wiy. The Democrats claim
tbe State by 3 K to 60) and the Republic
ans by COO to l.UW. The Dtmocrats con
cede Carter's election to Congress.
Toole. Democrat, is 300 ahead of Powers
for Governor, with three counties, claimed
bv bo!h parties still to hear from. The
Democrat have the Legislature by a
t-raall majority. The Republicans elect a
majority of the minor State officers. The
Independents c!a:m the election of Toole
by St 0 to 400 and a mnjority of nine on
joint billot in the Legislature for the
Seattle, Wash., Oct. a The Repub
licans have made gains in every comity
tmt thU (King). Kittatus' majority in
the State is probably 7.000. The Repub
licans will have a majority of twenty on
Joint Legislature ballot. The Constitu
tion is adopted, but none of the three cap
ital rivuls will have a mnjority.
both Dakota's hepcblicax.
St. Facl, Minn.. Oct. & In the Dakota
electiors it is evident that both the North
and South States have given a decisive
majoiky for the Republican ticket
It seems that while North Dakota last
Hovember gave 5,000 majority for the Re
publican candidate fcr Delegate to Con
gress, the new State will iot be able to
Rive a greater ma j jrity f v,r the same party
this year.
For Governor, John Miller, the Repub
lican candidate, received 5,000 more votes
than V. N. Iloscli, the Democratic nomi
nee. AH returns yet received indicate
that the vote for Congressman drew out
at least 2.000 votes, mak ng the mnj rity
for H. C Hansbrough tor Congress 7.0O0
or more. Twenty Repub'ican. five Demo
cratic and nnr Independent Senator and
forty-two republican nnd ten Democratic
Representatives are elected, as shown by
returns from twenty-six counties out of
The new judges are: First district. C
F. Tcmplcton, (Dm.); Feond. D. E. Mor
gan, (Ke:.); Third, IT. H. McConnell,
(Dem.): Fourth. IV. S. Linder, (R.p);
Fifth. Roderick Ross, (Dim.); Sixth, W.
IL Winfon. (Rep.)
Pieriie. Dak., Oc:. 3 South Dakota's
first Stat election descended to a de
grading scramble for capital location.
Mellette was elected Governor by over
JtO.OuO majority; l'ickles and Gifford go to
Congre; the Republican maj irity in the
Legislature will bs at least sixty, insuring
the election ot two Republican United
States Senators. For the capitol Pierre,
Huron, Watertown, Chamberlain. Sioux
Falls and Mitchell were entered. Th9 re
ports indicate a vote for Pierre of 6,000,
Huron 21. CM). Sioux Falls 11,000. Water
town 10.000, Mitchell 7,000 and Chamber
lainS.OXL. Fargo. X. D., Oct 3 Returns from
State elections are anprecedentedly slow
in reaching State committee headquar
ters. The Republican majority in the
State will not exceed 7,000 and tbe sprink
ling of Democrats in tbe first Legislature
will be far greater than has ever before
been the case with tbe representatives of
the North division. Ssveriteen counties
return a net majority of l.S 0 against pro
hibition. Tbe State will go oTer 1.SC0
against toe inhibitory clause.
Aa Infernal afaehincw
s:roA. Oct 3 An infernal machine
was discovered near the royal palace here
yesterday. The d scovery was made just
la tine to avert a disaster. '
The Deep-Water Convention Meets at Ts
peka A Large Attendance Prosalaeat
Men Present.
Topeka, Kan., Oct 2- At four o'clock
yesterday afternoon tbe deep water con
vention was called to order by ex-Govern
or Evans, of Colorado, president of
the permanent extCJtive committee, ia
tbe Grand Opera House, in which all ses
sions will be held, and was packed from
pit. to roof. The delegates were seated
by States and Territories. On the stage
were many distinguished men among
whom were Governors Franci-1, of Mis
souri: Thayer, of Nebraska; Humphrey,
of Kansas; ex-Governors Evans, of
Colorado; Hubbaid, of Texat; Glick, of
Kansas; Senator Plumb, Congressmen
Weaver, of Iowa; Crain and Martin, of
Texas; Carpy. of Wyoming; Funston,
Perkins, Morrill and Kelley, of Kansas;
ex-Senator Armstrong, of Missouri; Major
Fulton, of Galveston; C. S. Cume, of
Omaha, and many others. Tho stage was
handsomely decorated, the most notable
features being two obelisks thirty feet
high of Kansas corn and grain, and one
bore the inscription, "Gulf Port" the
other, "Liverpool," and flags and bunting
were displayed everywhere and the gen
eral aspect was that of a great polit
ical convention. The invocation was
pronounced by Dr. J. A. Lipnincott
chancellor of the State University, and
Chairman Evns addressed tbe conven
tion, indorsed on behalf ot tbe inter
State committee the call aad supple
mental summons issued by Governor
Humphrey and thanked the delegates for
their prompt response to these calls. He
called attention to tbe object of tbe
gathering and outlined tbe work of the
committee and its success in having a
commission of eminent engineers ap
pointed to examine tbe harbors
on the Texas coast This con
vention, be said, is not to say where
the port shall be located, but to secure tbe
co-operation of Congre-s. the source from
which the appropriation must coma The
appointment of a temporary chairman
being next in order. Hon. James Legate,
of Leavenworth, nominated Congressman
Cbailes H. Mansur, of Missouri, who was
unanimously chosen. On taking the chair
Mr. Mansur made a splendid speech
which captured the convention outright
He counseled harmony between the rival
factions representing Galveston, Aran
sas Pass and Sabine Pass and said tbe
peopld of tbe North are not so much
interested in where tbe harbor shall be
locited as that you shall have a harbor.
We, in Missouri, are wedded a!mottoa
man to tho improvement of the Mississippi
river and if we aid you we expect that in
due time you will aid us in our pet project
of improving not only the 'Mississippi but
its tributaries, the Missouri and Kaw. In
approaching Congress let us do it not
with baled breath and bended knee, but
as free men demanding our rights." F.
S. Dana was elected company secretary.
The committee on credentials were then
Oa motion of Mr. Legate, of Kansas, the
delegation of thirteen from Illinois was
admitted to the floor as delegates and
granted all tho privileges of the conven
tion. A committee of five from each State
and three from each Territory was ap
pointed on permanent organization. The
convention will report this morn
ing in favor of Senator Plumb, of Kansas,
for permanent president, and F. L. Dana
for permanent secretary. Governor Fran
cis, of Missouri, moved a call of tbe roll
by State?, and that each btate hand in tbe
names of five delegates and each Terri
tory of three each on order of business
and on resolutions, two separate commit
tees. There was a lively little fight over
this motion, but it finally prevailed, and
the committees were named:
The committee on resolutions is: Utah,
H. D. Johnson; California, Colonel A. 8.
Johnson and J. F. McGrath; Wyoming,
H. F. Cabbe-i. F. J. Stanton, J. M. Carey;
Arkansas, W. M. Fif-hback; Louisiana, 8.
P. Watts; New Mexico, Richard M. White,
W. B. Brunton, W. W. Griffin; Iowa, A.
P. Chamberlain, J. N. Camp, Eli Wilkins,
Philip Crapo, N. R. Jones; Nebraska,
Champion S. Chase. H. M. Busbnell, G.
M. Lambert son, H. C Smith, A. R. Tal
bot; Missouri. D. H. Armstrong,
Thomas Shackelford, Noah Given, M.
J. Muroby, E H. Allen; Kansas, Cvrus
Leland. Howell Jones. J. S. Emery, J. M.
GraybilL J. H. Downing; Texas, A. W.
Houston, Walter Gresham, T. W. Ford,
J. H. Garrett, Major E. C. Douglass;
Illinois R. A. D. Wiibanks. R. H. Cable,
J. R. Clark, Charles Wallace, J. W. Ela.
The delegation from California reported
late and was authorized to fill up its
places on the committee. A motion to re
fer all communications and resolutions to
the committee on reso utions without de
bate prevailed. The convention was
invited to attend a reception at
Representative Hall and take a drive yes
terday and then adjourned till this morn
ing. The reception last night was a bril
liant affair. Representative Hall.the larg
est in the city, was elaboratety decorated
and ablaze with light All tbe departments
cf State were thrown open and the rooms
nnd corridors were every where hung with
The St atement Shows a Reduction of Over
Thirteen Million Dollars.
Washington. Oct 2. The public debt
statement issued yesterday shows the
d"hr. including interest to be 1 G6775 -bCS
82. After deducting the cost of items
available for the reduction of the debt
reserve held for the reJemption of
United States notes and no cash
en hand, the net debt is found
to bo tl.07),f,55,530.9G, or a reduction o(
;13,6i94.2 since September. Treasurer
Huston's statement shows assets $713,266,
023.55 and liabilities $612,023. 257.05; surplus
(46,541,42&75, not includin g minor or
fractional coin; receipts of the Govern
ment for Septmler. 31 416.29&92; ex
penditures, 51C,4CCC0.17; expenditures for
three months ended Monday were
$16.9SO,000 wer the same period last
year. as follows, rivers and
harbors, 1.200,000; military establish
ment, $L9.V000; navy, $1,226,000; defic
ency in postal revenues, $1,696,000: pen
sions, $10,(C?,00a From this should be
deducted the interest and pr-mium paid
less this year than last of $1,675, 0(a
Miners Starving.
Post Towssknd. W. T., Oct i Four
miners have arrived from Forty-Mile
Creek, Yukon river. Alaska, via St Mi
chael's Is'and and Ounalaska, and report
that three hundred miners on Upper Yu
kon, 1,600 miles from any settlement; are
in destitute circumstances. The newly
built steamer Arctic, which was laden
with supplies for them, was wrecked a
few days after leaving St Michael'. The
old steamer Yukon has been dispatched
with twenty tons of provisions but it is
very doubtful if she can reach tbe Bitters
in time, and only a very few can retarn
oe her. The season will be closed aad
starvation will face 300 men, wbo will aa
doabtedly be attacked with scarry.
The Deep Water Conveatloa Adopts Itesa
latloas and Adjoaras Aa Assessment
Made to Pay Expenses.
Topeka, Kan., Oct 4. The deep harbor
convention adjourned at noon yesterday
after a two hours' session, which was the
liveliest of the week. Coitrarv to the
exnectat'ons of many thelVxis delegates
remained harmonious to tbe very las., but
Kansas threw a looib into the convention
which, for a time, threatened to do much
damage. It was removed, however, be
fore tbe fuse had burned down to tie
exploding point, and the convention
finully accomplished satisfactorily the
work cut out for it
There was barely a quorum present when
the gavel fell yesterday morning. Chair
man PJumb had been called away on busi
ness and x-Governor Hubbard, of Texas,
called the convention to order and pre
sided throughout the session. Senator
Armstrong, of the committee on resolu
tions, announced that the committee was
ready to report and read the following
reso. utions, which were signed by all but
two members of the committee:
ViiEitEs, The general welfare of our coun
try, in so far as it relates to navitraolc r.vers,
harbors and commerce, is committed by the
Constitution or the United States to the ex
cltsive charge of the Congress: and
U'hekeas, Cheap transportation of our com
mercial pro-tucts constitutes on6 of the most
important elements of the general welfare: and
whereas. The Congress has donated to pn-
- . !... .AKU eWnn Ana hiinriPpH mil
lidnsof money and upwards of two hundred
millions of acres of our National lands with
which to construct artificial, and therefore
much more expensive highways owned by pri
vate individuals, while they have neglected to
make adequate appropriation for eien one
feasible harbor on the northwest coast of the
Gulf of Mexico, which would not only afford
very much cheaper transportation, but which,
by our organic law, is under tbe exclusive care
and control of Congress: and
Whereas, The vast and rapidly dereloplng
area lying west of the Mississippi river, com
prising more than three fifths of the National
domain, and yielding largely more than one
half of the agricultural, meat and mineral
products of the entire country, is by this nog-
lect forced to tranfprt its commerce tero-s , more admirable than the prompt way
the continent by way of these artificial and ex- which th 6'Kirmishing compa
pensive highways, subject to such exactions of i . ii. .,.
private cupidity as amounts always to a serious i Dies laced about to meet the un
burden, and sometimes to total interdiction to j expected danger, and the cool and
both consuraerand producer; and , ;d manner in which a body of thcir
Wheheas, There can be no justification of,' . .. J ..
this discrimination in favor of public highways ( supports lormed up in line at right
which, during the last year cost the commtrco angles to the menaced riflemen, thus
of the West an enormous loss in transportation
expen-c. estimated at more than one hundred
and twenty millions of dollars, or upwards ot
ten nvllions per month, therefore,
Knotted, That in reufflrmance of the action
of the Denver convention, and of the com
mittees organized thereunder, it is the sense
of this cenrention that it is the duty of
Congress to appropriate permanently
and for immediate use. whatever
amount is necessary to secure a dcepwater port
on the northwest coast or the guir or .Mexico,
west of the M1 degree west longitude, capable
t nJmittnn fltA 1irAct t-Accptc anrl nt ivrilrri
the best and most accessible harbor can be which in real warfare must have emp
secured and maintained in the shortest possi- tied everv single one of their saddles.
ble time and at least cost: the time, place and
cost to be as ertained from the board of en
gineers appointed under an act ot Congress
passed at its last session.
Jlfiolrul furthfr. That this convention, in be
half of tbe people it represents, thanks the Con
gress of the United States for the prompt and
atisfactory action heretofore taken in recogni
tion of the request of the Denver deep harbor
Retolcft. That the thanks of this convention
are due to the permanent committee appointed
at the Denver deep harbor convention for their
efficient action in the past and said committee
is hereby requested to continue earnestly in
the work so well begun, and said committee is
instructed to present thse resolutions to the
President of the United States, with the re
quest that he. in his annual message to Con
gress, recommend such an appropriation as
may be reported necessary to secure the per
manent deep harbor on She coast of Texas,
which may be recommended by the report of
the toard of engineers.
Uftolo'd, That those States and Territories
represented in this convention and not repre- ,
sented on the permanent committee shall bavG
the privilege ot reporting to the permanent
committee the names of such members ot the
committee as they may be entitled to under
the basis of representation on which that com
mittee is constituted.
Then S. B. Watts, of Louisiana, se
cured recognition and presented a min
ority report signed by himself and W. H.
Cline, of Texas, favoring tbe construction
of at least three harbors on tbe gulf coast
west of tbe Atchafalaya bay.
After a loag debate the majority report
was adopted amid great enthusiasm, and
after a resolution of thanks to tbe people
of Topeka tbe convention adjourned.
In tbe afternoon the permanent deep
harbor extcutive committee held a session
at the board cf trade rooms and made the
following assessments to meet current
expenses: Texas, $3,500; Kansas. $1,000;
Colorado. $1,000; Nebraska, $50 J; Mis
souri. $500; Iowa, $2,000; New Mexico,
$250; Arkansas, $259.
Changes were made in the membership
of tbe committees as follows: Illinois
S. Thatcher, Jr.. George F. Alford. A. J.
Streator. B. F. Fiey. J. R Clark. Nebraska
C. 8. Chase, H. Kountze. H. M. Busbnell.
E. O. Goodell, J. HulL Louisiana J. H.
Putnam, T. W. Pool, Captain James Hine.
Colorado John Evans, Alva Adams, W.
J. Jackson, C B. Kountze, M. J. McNa
mara. Oklahoma Sidney Clark, John D.
Miles, J. H. Foreman. Kansas Howell
Jones, J. S. Emery, J. H. Rice, James F.
Legate, G. W. Clements. Arkansas A.
C Morgan, R. S. Hughe.
The next meeting of tbe committee will
be held at the pore designated by tbe
board of engineers appointed to select a
MV. HV ,.- UvV.b. ,.,... ... MW
suitable location lor n naroor.
An Important Decision.
Findlat, O., Ocr. 4. Judge Pendleton
has given his decision in the injunction
suit of the Standard O-l Company against
the Toledo, Findlay & Springfield Rail
road Company to restrain that corp ra-
nun iiuiu tuuBiiuuiuj; lis ivsuucu
over lands on which the Standard
held leases, on tbe ground that an oil or
gas lease carried with it absolute control
of tho premises for all purposes save
alone agricultural. The judge dissolved
the injunction. He decided that the
leases only gave the lessees tbe right to
use such of the surface as was necessary
to the prosecution of their work in
developing and utiliz ng the gas and iii.
A decision in favor of the company wot Id
have given them and other compan es
absolute control over hundreds ot the a
sands of acres ot land iu Oaio, Indiana
and Pennsylvania.
Minneapolis Flour Output.
Mixxeapolis. Ulnn., Oct. 4. The
Northwestern Miller of Wednesday said: '
"With all except thret. mills in operatioa
and a good deal of steam in use tbe flour '
output naturally reached very heavy
figures last week, notwithstanding the
prevalence of low water. The aggregate
production was 151,300 barrel a averaging
25.21? barrels daily, against 125,200 barrels I
the week before aad 187.100 barrels for the '
corresponding time in 188& This is tbe
largest amount ground in nearlv a year.
Lower wheat has again made the flour
market inactive, though prices are firm.
Host of the mills sold freely when tbe
bulge was on and have enough orders oa
baad to keep them going for some days."
Repeatlnc Rifle and Germany's
Smokeless Powder.
Baron Beck, the Chief of Staff of the
Austrian army, had nn opportunity of
noting; a very interesting' novelty at
, the sham fight which the German Era
peror ordered to be held out near
Spantlau in honor of his illustrious
guest, the Emperor of Austria. Tho
troops engaged, constituting a large
portion of the Guard Corps, were
formed into two pretty equal bodies,
whereof one. named the East army,
had advanced from Berlin on purpose
to reduce the fortress and citadel of
Spandau, to which the approach was
defended by a West army. Into the
details of this battle, the most inter
esting of its kind, for several reasons,
which has been fought for long in
Germany, it would be superfluous for
me to go; but there were two main in
cidents that must bo mentioned, be
cause they attracted the special atten
tion of the Emperor Frances Joseph
and his Chief of the Staff.
It had been the aim of the defenders
to outflank the invading corps (which,
by the way, was under the command
of the Emperor's brother-in-law. Ma-
i jor-Gcnernl tho Hereditary Prince of
j Saxe-Meiningen). and for this purposo
it began to mass and deploy a large
force on its right flank. This force, in
beautifully developed order, according
to the latest rules of lire discipline,
had been for some time engaged in
pouring a steady firo into the enemy's
lines, when all of a sudden it was
commanded to face about and meet the
charge of a regiment of Lancers com
ing on like a thunderbolt in extended
array. Nothing could have been
inclosing the advancing lancers in a
murderous parallelogram of front and
enfilading magazine lira It is only in
such emergencies as these that the
troops are allowed to use their rifles
as repeaters, and certainly nothing
could have been more awfully and
suiftly destructive than the mus
ketry volleys with which these rashly
daring horsemen were received, and
But in real war they probably would
not have been half so bold.
Having thus disposed of this dan
ger, the defenders again resumed thcir
flanking advance. Wo could observe
little or no attempt at returning our
rifle fire on the part of the foe. But
this was a delusion. The umpires
soon decided that in spite of the appa
rent success of our brilliant flanking
movement, we must face to the right
about and fall back, and with all the
more alacrity, too. seeing that we our
selves, the outflankcrs, had been most
skillfully outflanked bj a large body
of the enemy, which, creeping through
a wood, threatened to fall upon our
rear. Tho fact of the matter was that
we had been lured to our destruction
by thinking that the invader had lost
heart. w4iereas in this particular part
of the field he had only been firing
with powder which emitted no smoke
and comparatively little sound.
Smokeless powder that was the
latest innovation in the equipment of
the German array which its young
commander had to show to his Impe
rial Austrian ally, and the latter was
charmed with the result Berlin Cor.
London Times.
Lady of the house "During the
past week you have had three different
policemen visiting you. I don't pro
pose to put up with any such conduct."
New cook "It's not my fault, mum.
The bill of fare in this house is so
poor that no policeman can stand it
more than two days. That's why you
see a fresh one here almost every day."
Texas Siftings.
Marshall Field is rated tho wealth
iest man in Chicago, with a fortune
amounting to $-2.'i.OO0.000.
CATTLE Shipping steers
4 -a
4 in)
2 0)
4 :i)
Batcher steers
Native cows.
BOGS Good to choice heavv.
. - - -
"HEAT No. a red...
I Ti enff
CORN No. .. .
OATS No. 2...
KYE No. S ...
FLOUIi Patents, per sack.
HAY Haled 10.)
mnTEIi-Clioice creamery..
CHEESE Full cream
I EGGS Choice .
5 &
. UAv.U. Hams
CATTLE Shipping steers....
Butchers' steers...
HOGS Packing
SHEEP Fairto choice
FLOUR Choice
WHEAT No. i red
lKJkl Vm
UA X 3vO,
Xk I Csv ! 2 a a a a
BUTTER Creamery
CATTLE Shipping steers....
HOGS Packing and shipping.
SHEEP Fairto choice
FLOUR Winter wheat
WHEAT No. 2 red
XTt at J" 0
XfcXaCja'Oa Sa a a a a a a a a a a
PUTTER Creamery
3 73
4 41
4 V)
4 31
4 3'.
i9 a
11 6.
4 0)
4 43
4 50
10 w
O 10 75
CATTLE Common to prime.. 4 eO 9 4 65
HOGS Good to choice 400 5 10
FLOUR Good to choice 4 40 a 5 1)
WHEAT No. 5 red ES g24
OATS Western mixed St 19
BUTTER Creamery 13 17
PORK - 125 It 75
Hark, the sound of many voices
Jubilant in gladdest sons.
And fall many a heart rejolees
A tbe chorus floats along:
"Uailtbe Favorite Prescription."
How the nappy voices blend.
"Womferf ol i-eyond description
Woman's best and truest friend.
Well may it be called woman's best friend,
since it does for her what no other remedy
has been able to do. It cures all those deli
cate derangemcuts and weaknesses pe
culiar to females. Cure them, understand.
Other preparations may afford temporary
relief, but Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion effects a permanent cure. It is aariu
teed to do this, or the money paid for it will
b-s promptly refunded. It is the great rem
edy of the age.
The worst Nasal Catarrh, no matter of
how long standing, is permanently cured by
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
A Mrs. Fasxt Veutcm claims that she
holds the title deeds for tbo entire ground
on which Minneapolis is built and Uaa be
gun suit for possession. - :
It is said that Schiller, before composing,
put his feet in cold water.
Oregon, the Paradise of Farmers.
Mild, equable climate, certain and abundant
crops. Best fruit, grain, grass, stock conntry
in the world. Full information free. Address
Oregon Immigration Board.Portland.Oregon
Peach ConnLKH. Line a dripping pan
with paste; lilt with fruit, sugar and flour
in correct proportion; make fast tbo cover
and bake one Lour.
A slot machine gives you proper sized
To impress a plain truth it is not neces
sary to paint it to the eye by comic wood
cuts or sensational pictures of any kind.
Ordinary type is better, if it secures your
confidence. To illustrate: If you are the
victim of Malaria, and wish to be free from
it imincdtaltlu, one bottle of Sliallenberger's
Antidote will naRCotu do the work. It
may pay you to believe this and get the
medicine without delay. Dr. A. T. Sliallen
berger, Rochester, Pa., will send it by mail
for one dollar.
To remove the shiny look from black
clothes wash well, then'dip black cloth in
hot tea and coffee, equal parts of each, and
sponge clothes.
Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia and too
heartv eating is relieved at once by taking
one of Carter's Little Liver Pills flrunediate
ly after dinner. Doa't forget this.
Queex ViCToniA has spoken into one of
Edison s phouographs, as a compliment to
him. He will probably hand it down as an
heirloom in his family.
All that us can say as to tho merits of
Dobbins' Electric Soap, pales into iiothinv
ou before the story it will tell you iUelf, of
its own perfect quality, if you ivMl give it
one trial. Don't take imitatiou.
Chicago has the largest Common Council
of any city in tho world. With the recent
additions the Common Council numbers
Cure your cough with Hale's Honey of
Horehound and Tar. Pike's Toothache
Drops Cure iu one minute.
We arc now to have the Eiffel tower in
paper-weight, inkstand, thermometer and
letter scale, all from a celebrated Paris
bronze worker's place.
Biliousness, dizziness, nausea, head
ache, are re.ieved by small doses of Carter's
Little Liver Pills.
As iron expands with the heat, the Eiffel
tower is said to be live inches taller when
the temperature is high than it is in the
cool of the da'.
Ab Opium in Piso's Cure for Consumption.
Cures where other remedies fail. 25c.
Mrs. Henry S. Kimball, of West Phila
delphia, is receiving tho credit of origin
ating Memorial Day.
Old smokers prefer "Tansill's Punch" Cigar.
Chicago has now 6,000 miles of buried
electric wires.
Picart, the comlo writer, composed all of
his pieces in btd.
'mkt eoriT
Draggiwt and 1 ealers.
Advice to the Aged.
Are brine iBfirsaltiea, swell m alwx-a-tali
bowel", weak bMaexa aad blae
der aad torpid liver.
Tutt's Pills
have a peelflc effect ea tame organ,
atlntnlaiins; tbe bowels, xtvtns; natur
al dlebartfa wltbent straining; r
griping, and
fe tho kidney, bladder and 11 cr.
Tney are adapted to old or young.
I offer ay services and facilities la
Liberal advances, raircom. LowinteresL
Cheap ltorage. Prompt sertlemenu aad
a fair deal, rufrreace-lfarette Bank.
iu s,JrMES W Zaftig.
IU S. Commercial. : trr, LOUI3.
W.atrd laerery retair. SbreaaBeaUartaaSerls.nactioB.
wroonmomKi.upmjM. sat aartajsry. Head 2e. naai.
mm k siiungi Bssat&
. cms aw suasata Tsarly. Ormdaalaa am
tacntiagposiuoaa. tead for Clrcmlar.
iaH Beat Congh Mcatcine. BecomrneadedbTTsicaa, MM
MsgM CoreawheroaUelaelmilB. Fleanmat aad asneaUe to the S
Egl taste. Children take it irfthont olrjectioo. By draKKsSte. WSM
Weak Women
Owe so uteouelvei a doty to take Hoofs Sarsa
pafula. la vlaw of the great relief tt has gtrea
tUoMrhouSer from ailments peculiar to the sor.
Br purifying the blood, rnralsting Important
organs, streagtaeniag tbe nerval, and toning the
wholo system, U restores to health.
I have been for years trrian o cet help for that
terrible central debility and wea".ne o comnoa
to women. Within a year I have taken tun or
tweUo bottles of Hood's SanaiftBrilla an.! tho bene
tltderie.t frost Its uo has been very great. 1 ana
now feeling like a new creature." Una. K. B. Ross.
Marlin. Texas.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. II; six for IS. Prepared onlr
by C. I. HOOD 4 CO.. Apothecaries. Lowell. Mass.
SOO Doses Onel Dollar
.Jiff?.. ..Catarrh
I suffered from to-1
tarrh 12 yean. The
droppings into the
throat vctre nauseaM
ing. MgnoaebledcOrX
most daily. Since I
Jtnt day's use of Ely's I
Cream Balm hare had I
no Needing, sortntssl
is entirely gone. D. I
j rL,i,f?kt i i
Boston Budget. HAY-FEVER
A particle l applied Into erh nootril sad Is airree
fble. lrlrMcrntsatdninriitii: by iuiU.rnr!fTrrrd.
tt cents. ELY BROTIIERsTK Warren 8t.. ew York.
jbook TO-WOMAN'wv:
"Byathorongh knowledge of the natural laws
whicngovtrnthe operations of digestion and nu
trition, and by a carerul application of the fine
properties of well-elected Cocoa. Mr. fcpps has
provided our breakinxt tar.len ulth a delicately
flavoured beTcrngc which may Te us many bravr
doctors' bllln. It is by tha Judicious ue of ncli
articles of diet that a constitution tunv be graduafc
ly built up until strong enough every tea
dency to disease. Huwdrcdsof subtle maladies are
floating around uo ready to attack whereverther;
Is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal sliafft
by keepingonrsele well lortiOed with ware blooj
and a properly nourished frame. "Liril SerrUX
Made simply with boiling water or milk. Soil
only In half-pound tins, by Urocers.labelleU thus:
JAMES EPPSfc CO., Hamtnpathic Chemist
LMdee, ERfJand.
L'Art De La Modo.
Hi. rag latest rai asd sew
fafOrderit of your Jfews-deal-
er or send 35 cents for latest
W. J. MORSE. Publisher.
snutinnsL,.icw lork.
You WANTv"'
tftyttPS (plWsueS
rsrr Kino.
7C f-. JBf A MONTH can bemadework
19 IV 9V ing tor as. agents preferred who
can furnish a horse and give their whole time to
the business. Spare moments may be profitably em
ployed also. A few vacancies In towns and cities.
B. K.JoiiVHONJtCo., loeaMaln St..Kichmonri,Va.
X.B.Plta tate age and buttrut ejrjTKnu-r. Srvrr
aind about senrfutir stostp or rrptg. B. y. J. t Co,
raasntTsis rawat nn n jsiits.
a in. iv puces.
laauea lover,
CBajl" g?BPPon application enclojiup one
wa.w a a yzc.) stamp. Djr au A
srxAax tuis rarra eiwj cm im stm.
salBal Address 9. H.
Procured quickly. K-pne
pampnlcton 1 enion and
Bo.intT I-iws SENT FEES.
Address 9. W. FrTiMPa.T.Tl U. S.
Claim for Western oMteu, lncl;anapoIts,In.t.
XAXZ TBIS PAFCK vy fc joa srlu.
I1BEHTS 75 Per month ana expenses
.Yfr!LL- && "T aeths rasa erworau to stll ocrroo.!.
WAnTEObr ampte sad lin at boms. Belarr paid
bcsUn aad MaipKesM F2EE. Waaeaslju
lest aav wul""i nwawrsi Biiv;mraro
ISA UW. o lock 3nt 8308. Hoatoii. Man.
V. . y J low prices. EAHY TERMS.
rnlM climite. variety of crops. Mapsan. I rlrrnlarsTrfe.
TIIIIH. ISE. Iu! tssssiavlaaer, UTT;K BOTE, Alls.
s-NAXSTlIIS fArra.i. j tmijmwnu.
Fer rsVTSTORS. 40-r
1 BOOK race Ad-tm
I W. T. Fiu-rmM. Atumcv
' at Las, WaiUacB, D. C
rSAMCTBIS ritlSirjximamrtf.
Carbolic Smoke Hall PIIDC
uniannn. ... ... ,
.- . ...... .-4s ijati.v rmc lur l.iarru. sew.laa
KMn. Mil.,t r.1.1 In f hn II..J a 4w. .
Seed for Circulars. llUMsln bt, Kansas City. Mo
"130 ORDFJrS -N 3H DAYS;" -lOOnl. r
1", nissawa ln,T- is calU-"!-47crders in IS
hours." Terms rrt e. J AH. II. EARLE,rubiuber.ISosua.
a-XAnt THIS r Area easy tha. vaa sms.
"SSJLa2.CLorT.lA. 4i8pazs.Simapsanl
p1it,l. Circaiars free. M. 8. Baram.3t.Lo3a. Mo.
STCT. Book keetsg.tnman..hlp, Arith
metic, Shorthand, ett.thoroaa-hlrtsuitt
by mail. Circulars frse. laTASra ret I Kg. SaSsls,s.T:
A. N. K. D
wsrrriie to a
ivKjrnaesta pieaie
tsntian an ta
sfiiavrrvrbHstki Aral
sssssssaa rV$B
tea eYsTTie
W aV K tlj
sL'aWsasaVsf ,ll
smasasaV 3
lrlgv1 il
sssassasasaa. l