The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 11, 1889, Image 2

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TAB, you Abrum,
go aa' git the gen'le
men somethin' ter
drink," called out the
rotand black auntie
of s dilapidated
Southern plantation
mansion as two
young surveyors
rode up to the door
and asked for some
"Abrum," or
rather Abraham
Lincoln Jeff Davis
Dalgreen, started to
obey his mother
while the visitors in
spected the premises
which they had often seen from a distance.
It had ence been a handsome property, but
was sadly pone to the bad. The mistress, a
broken-down woman almost insane, having
lost bcr all in the war, bad sunk to the level
of tboso who had served her, and lived with
tier two daughters m painful poverty upon
the ruin of, her old splendor. Auntie and
the young ladies picked berries, worked in
the fields did every thing possible to feed
bcr and themselves:
The girls did not appear at this time to
be present, though the horsemen strained
ibeir ores looking for them.
It was with Abrum that the surveyors
became first acquainted. Like the imp of
iaf kn'ess that he was, lie smoked, chewed,
aug, danced, swore, and was happy, lie
followed the Northerners about like a pet
ioa, und was always willing to do them a
As be banded them the gourd of spring
water this morning bo leered at them and
wickedly suggested:
'Dy ain't noivhars around."
Who ain't'' asked Frank Drayton.
"De gals, ob course, dat's who you wants
to sec."
Frank threw the water at him an he and
Bnracr rode away.
"lie next, morning when Frank entered
the carpenter shop where the surveyors
kept their instruments he was startled to
sec Abrum's eyes glaring out from a pile
of shavings.
'Get up, you little scamp!"
"Ease what for, Has'r Yank I" replied
the youth.
'You're too dirty to be here."
'YeU ain't goin' ter cat dese shavin's, bo
ye J" and Abrum opened wido bis eyes in
assumed surprise.
"No, but I don't like such a dirty boy
around." t
"Hub!" exclaimed Abrum; ('ef you
linowcd what I knows you'd let me stay
here an' gin me a chaw besides."
'No, I wouldn't. But what's the se
cret J"
"Gimme a quarter!"
"Our young ladies, is powerful han'somc,
an' dcy's sweet, too, an you fellers is sweet
on 'cm. Dat's it."
"But they always run when we are
"Dat's 'cause ob ole missus. She's proud
and cross as de evil one; but do gals don't
care dcy'd jest as soon have Yanks as eny
body. Missus hates Yanks."
"Is that all the secret for a quarter!"
'I hope so."
-"So's dey. When dey can sneak off, dey
goes up to de Bend, an' teaches in de nig
Sunday-school. If you goes up nex' Sun
day you'll see 'cm an' bear 'em sing. Dey's
jjaoiverful siveet singers."
"But what's the secret!"
"Dat's part of it, de res' is datdey done
'tired out wid bein' friz an' starved an' not
'lowed to teach 'er sew ner notliin' dat's
nice-an' dey'll marry you fellers if you ask
"Oh, you're lying."
'I doesn't have ter lie," said Abrum,
-drawing himself up proudly, "I kin get my
livin' widout. But don't you tell, on me 'er
missus '11 skin me alive. I was skinned
alive twice last week."
Frank did not tell on him, but the next
Sunday and for many Sundays thereafter
t;vo buggies instead of one were standing
near the "nig school-house" at tho Bend
"dxt ain't sowmns akousd."
during tho session of Snnday-school and
one of them belonged to Frauk aud his as
sociate, Homer Wilson.
Of course they were not long in becoming
acquainted with the pretty, modest, but
poorly-clad Dal green girls, Kate and Fan
nie; and before many weeks the return
drive was made between tho school-house
and Cie old mansion with Kate and Frank
in one buggy and Fanny and Homer ia the
One hot July afternoon the quartette too'.:
their usual drive through the woods and,
tying the horses, entered the school-house
to spend an hour with the colored truth
seekers. It was one of Abrum's mischievous days.
Without much difficulty ho induced achum
of his to drive one rig, while he took the
other, and in a short time they were out of
sight down the road. They went further
th:m they intended, and soon it was too late
to return to the Bend. Besides, a storm
was coming up and Abrum argued that the
youcjf folks must be homo by that time
any way, so he drove there and hitched
the horses in the stable.
When the Sunday-school was over the
young people coming from the school-house
found their conveyances gone and a storm
arising from the south.
With rapid i ace they set out through the
forest-lined path homeward. The wind
beut the tall magnolias until they seemed
like stalks of corn, so easily did they sway.
Dark clouds drirted across the sky and the
lightning's flashes sent terror to the hearts
of the young ladies.
Overtaken by the fury of the storm when
aboifrhlfl63aeniv ecmpleted the
-jSrTv foul refuge in a dilapidated hut,
when fortwo hours they stayed, until the
rain ceasing they were able to resume their.
"jfit whv the common danger brought
hcm closer together to hard to explain: J
ut it Is certain tnat as "
lunr to their cavaliers the latter were en
dowed wjtk a tender boldness that caaMed
them to whisper words very weet to the
SoutherBearT Aadwhea they came cm
.kX?"-ft J.-S-
" - m i. iw &. -tiSkii'srMairasrt amaw
U'' L'MjfriTi mfwiw iffT T"
more into the bright glory of the sunset the
faces of the quartette shone with such a
luster that it seemed as though the light
ning had left some of its splendor In their
But the hardest part was yet to come.
When the surveyors arrived at the home of
their charges and had had a settlement Tith
Abrum and ids dusky confederate, they
sought "missus," whom they had only seen
never met.
"My children have the blood of the Dal-
greens in their veins and shall not associate
with low-bred Northern workmen who make
railroads and such dirty things," was her
answer to thoir stammered explanation of
their acquaintance with her daughters.
"De blood ob de fiddlesticks," put in
auntie, indignantly. "You mought be glad
iat dese 'spectable Christian gen'lemen
would look at us, poor and ragged as wo is."
"You hain't any more spirit than a poor
white, auntie," sobbed tho mistress of the
house, hysterically.
Upon being acquainted with the real sub
ject of the young Northerners' visit she
grew more violently angry, and, declaring
that she would have the officials of the
rounty arrest them, took indignantly to her
room and ordered ber food sent up to her
But auntie put her on short allowance and
she was soon brought to terms and conde
scended to come to the table again.
After a few days, seeing that she might
as well give in first as last, she consented
to her daughters' choice or. the condition
that their lovers should quit work and turn
gentlemen. "And," she added, "1 will go
North and live with you."
Frank and Homer did. not accept ths
whole of the proposition, but began imme
diate arrangements for the double wed
ding. When Abrum heard the plans he laughed,
cackled, crowed, cracked his heels together,
danced and cried out: 'Tse goin' Norf, too,
kase I made dese yere matches."
"You! What had you to do with it!"
asked Homer.
"Ebery ting. Didn't I tell ycr wher dey
went Sundays, an' didn't I run off wid de
rigs so's yeh could walk wid de young ladies
"Yes, and wouldn't we have found out
wtere they went ourselves, and didn't you
get a licking for leaving ns to come home
through the ram!"
"But it was me put it in yer heads to try
fer 'em, an' tole ye dey'd marry yen, mas'r,
an' you onght ter take me Norf ter lug yer
machines around fer ycr."
"Well, you stay in the South until you
learn to be sensible and we'll see what can
be done."
Poor "missus" never saw the North
which she so much hated. A few weeks
thereafter and just before the wedding she
grew tired of breathing and gave up tho
The young surveyors immediately married
the orphan sisters and took them North, as
well as auntie to serve them.
Abrum was so wretched at the thought of
being left behind that it was finally de
cided to take him, though he was threat
ened that if he did not behave, himself lie
"would be sentenced to the penitentiary for
life.',' Charles i. Habger.
A Utile Incident Which Gives Oae an
Idea of the Yastaess of the Territory.
The immensity, not to say vastness, of
the Territory of Dakota is well illustrated
by the following incident which occurred
some time ago.
A postmaster in the northwestern portion
of tbeTerritory forwarded his resignation to
the Postmaster-General, and it was appro
priately filed with Mr. Henry A. Drury,
the appointment clerk for that section. He
showed the paper to Hon. George A. Ma
thews. Delegate to Congress from Dakota,
andiisked bim to recommend a suitable
person to appoint for the position. Mr.
Mathews replied:
"What are your opportunities for know
ing the best men in the vicinity of Boston
or Springfield, Mass., for appointment as
postmasters in the little towns of that
Mr. Drury replied that he had absolutely
no acquaintance in that part of tbe country
and was without means of knowing the
good, b:id or indifferent men there.
"Well, you live as near those points and
know as much about tho people there," said
Delegate Mathews, "as I do concerning the
people of Northwestern Dakota. It is about
time that the Territory was divided into two
States, so that four Senators and three
Representatives may look after the offices
and interests which are at present confided
to but one man."
Think of it. A man in Washington City
lives as near the people of Boston, and
knows as much about them, as does the
Delegate in Congress from Dakota who re
sides at Brookings concerning the 'people
of the northwestern portion of what will
soon be the State of North Dakota. The
Territory is as large as all New England,
New York and Pennsylvania combined; and
yet it will make but two States.
Was Lincoln Left-Handed f
At a state dinner during the Lincoln ad
ministration tbe wife of one of tbe Cabinet
Ministers sat at the left of the President.
During the progress of the meal Mr. Lin
coln reached out with bis left hand and
drank from the lady's goblet. She im
mediately said : "Mr. President, your gob
let is on the other side of the table, and you
have been drinking from my glass."
Mr. Lincoln looked surprised for a mo
ment; then, placing the" two glasses to
getber, be said:
"I beg your pardon lor toe mistake; out,
as you c$n sec, tbey are as like as two
peas." " " '
Why They Jumped.
"I see in the paper," remarked Smith,
"that two masked men robbed a train near
Kansas City the other day and jumped off
while the train was going at the rate of
twenty-five miles aa hour. It's a wonder
they did not break their necks."
"Pity that it didn't," exclaimed Mrs.
Smith, indignantly. WI wonder what made
tbe fool robbers Jump oft without fret stop
ping the train?'
"I don't know," replied Smith. "I sup
pose, though, that they saw the train-boy
coming and was afraid ha would rob them."
Talmage Discourses on
Proposed World's Fair.
Its Moral and Religion Importance-En
vious Rivalry of Cities Kebaked Atireat
Peace Congress Suggested War's
Glory Departed Conclusions.
In a rfent sermon at Brooklyn Rev. T.
De Witt Talmage took for his subject
"Ibe Coming World's Fair: Shall It Be
Made a Blessing or a Cur-e?" His text
was Ezekiel xxviL 12: "They traded in
thy fairs." After announcing that be
would soon viiit the Holy Land on a two
months' leave of absence in order to gain
a personal knowledge of ths places sacred
to all Christians. Dr. Talmage said:
Fairs may be for tbe sale of goods or for
tbe exhibition of goods on a small scale
or a large scale, for county or city, for
one nation or for all nations. My text
brings us to the fairs of ancient Tyre, a
city that is now extinct. Part of the city
was on an Island, und part on tbe main
land. Alexander, the conqueror. was
much embarrassed when lie found so
much of the city on an island, for he had
no ship. But his military genius was
not to be balked. Having marched bis
army to the beach, be ordered them to
tear up tbe city on the mainland and
throw it into tbe water nnd build a cause
way 230 feet wide to the island. So they
took that part of the city which was on
the mainland and with it Luilt a cause
way of timber and brick and stone, on
which his army marched to tbe capture of
that part of the city which was on tbe
island, as though a hostile army should
put Brooklyn into tbe East river, and over
it march to the capture of New York.
That Tyrian causeway of ruins which
Alexander's nrmy built is still there, and
by alluvial deposits has permanently unit
ed tbe island to the mainland, so that it is
no longer an island, but a promontory.
The sand, the greatest of all undertakers
for burying cities, having covered up for
tbe most part Baalbec aud Palmyra and
Thebes and Memphis and Carthage and
Babylon and Luxor and Jeiicho, the
sand, so small and yet so mighty, is now
gradually giving rites of sepulture to
what was left of Tyre. But, O, what a
magnificent city it once was! Mistress of
the sea! Queen of international com
merce! All Nations casting their crowns
at her feet! Where we have in our sail
ing vessels benches of wood, she bad
benches of ivory. Where we have for our
masts of ship sails of coarse canvas she
had sails of richest embroidery.
The chapter from which ray text is
taken, after enumerating the richest
countries in all tbe world, says of Tyre:
"They traded in thy fairs." Look in upon
a World's Fair at Tyre. Ezekiel leads us
through one department and it is a horse
fair. Underfed and overdriven for ages,
tbo horses of to-day give you no idea of
the splendid animals which, rearing and
plunging and snorting arid neighing, were
brought down over tbe p'ank of tbe ships
and led into tbe World's Fair at Tyre
until Ezekiel, who was a minister of re
ligion and not supposed to know much
about horses, cried cut in admiration:
''Tbey of the bouse of Togarmah tradod
in tbe fairs with horses."
But the world has copied these Bible
mentioned fairs in all succeeding ages,
and it has bad its Louis tbe VL fair at
Dagoberr, and Henry tbe L fair on St.
Bartholomew's day, and Hungarian fairs
at Pesth and Easter fairs at Leipsic, and
tbe Scotch fairs at Perth, (bright was the
day when I was at one of them), and
afterward came the London World's Fair,
and the New York World's Fair, and tbe
Vienna World's Fair, and Parisian World's
Fair, and it has been decided that in com
memoration of the discovery of America
in 14M. there shall be held in this country
in lt-92 a World's Fair that shall eciip.e
all preceding National Expositions. I
say, God speed the movement! Surely
the event commemorated is worthy of all
tbe architecture and music and pyrotech
nics and eloquent and stupenduous plan
ning and momentaiy expenditure and
Cc nressional appropriations which tbe
most sanguine Christian patriot hns ever
dreamed of. Was any voyage thnt tbe
world ever beard of crowned with such
an arrival as that of Columbus and bis
men? After they had been encouraged
for tbe la-t few days by flight of land
birds and floating branches of red 1 erries.
and while Columbus was down in the
cabin studying the sea chart, Martin
Pinzon, standing on tbe deck, and looking
to the southwest, cried: "Land! Land!
Land!" And "Gloria in Exceisis" was
sutig in raining tears on nil the three
sliips of the expedition. Most approp- iate
and patriotic and Christian will be a com
memorative World's Fair in America iu
lc92. Leaving to others the discussion a
to the site of such Exposition and I won
der not that some five or six of our cities
are struggling to have it, for it will give
to any city to which it is assigned an im
pulse of prosperity for a hundred years I
say, leaving to others the select'on of tbe
particular locality to be thus honored, I
want to say something from the point of
Christian patriotism which ought to be
said, and the earlier tbe better, that we
may gettbeusandsif people talking in the
right direction, and that will make"nealtb
ful public opinion. I beg to consider
prayerfully what I feel called upon of
God as an American citizn and as a
preacher of righteousness to utter.
My first suggestion is that it is not wise,
as certainly it is not Cbristian, to con
tinue thi3 wide and persistent attempt of
American cities to belittle and depreciate
other cities. It bat been going on for
years, but now the spirit seems to cul
minate in this discussion as to wher tbe
World's Fair shall bo held, a style of dis
cussion which has a tendency to Injure
the succ s of tbe fair as a great moral
and patriotic enterprise after the If cility
has been decided upon. There is such a
thing as healthful rivalry between cities
but you will bear me out in saying
that there can be no good t) come
from tbe uncanny things said about
each other by New York and Chicago,
by Chicago and St. Louis, by St. Paul
and Minneapolis, by Tacoma and Seattle
and all through the States by almost every
two proximate cities. AH cities, like in
dividual", have their virtues and their
vices. All our American cities should he
our exultation.
Another suggestion conceruingthe com
ing Exposition: Let not the materialistic
and monetary ilea overpower the moral
and religion's. During that Exposition,
the first time in all their lives, there will
be thmsandsof people from other lands
who will see a country without a Stats re
ligion. Let as by aa increased harmony
among all denominations of religion im
prest other nationalities as they come
beietbat year with tbe superior advan
tage of having alt denominations eqaal in
ths sight of Government. All tbe rulers
and chief men of Europe belong to the
State religica. whatever it may
be. Al-
thoagh oar last two Presidents have bjea
Presbyterians the previous one was aa
Episcopalian and the two previous
Methodists, and going further back in that
liae of Presidents we find Martin Van
Baren a Dutch Reformed and John Quincy
Adams a Unitarian, and a man's religion
ia this country is neither hindrance nor
advantage ia tbe matter of political ele
vation. All Europe needs that. AH the
world needs that. A man's religion is
some'hmg between himself and bis God,
and it must not, directly or indirectly, be
interfered with.
Furthermore, during that Exposition,
Cbristian civil z ition will confront bar
barism. We. shall, as a Nation, have a
greater opportunity to make an evangelis
ing impression upon foreign nationalities
than would otberwioe not bo afforded us in
a quarter of a century. Lot tbe churches
of Ibo city where the Exposition is held be
open every day and prayers bs offered
and sermons preached and doxologies
sung. In the less than three years be
tween this und that world's convocation
let us get a baptism of tbe Holy Ghost, so
that tbe six months of that World's Fair
shall be fifty PentecoUs in one. and in
stead of three couverted, as in the former
Penteccs , hundreds of thousands will be
converted. You must remember that tbe
Pentecost mentioned in the Bible occurred
when there was no printing press, no
books, no Christian pamphlet?, no relig
ious newspaper", and yet the influence
was tremendous. How many national
ities were touched? The account t-ny:
"Partbians and Modes and Elaniite-,"
that is, people from the Eastern coun
tries; "Purygiiand I'auiphylia," that is,
tbe Western countrie-; "Cyrene and
strangers of Rome, the Cietes and Arabi
ans," that is. tbe Southern countries; but
tbey were a.l moved by tbe mighty spec
tacle. Instead of tbe s xteen or eightesn tribes
of people reported at that I'e.necast, ad
tbe chief natious of Europe and Asia,
North and Soutu America, will be repre
sented ut our World's Fair in 1802. and a
Pentecost here aud thou would mean tbe
salvation of the round world. But, you
say, we have at that fair tbe people of all
lands and all tbe machinery furgosptdiza
lion, tbe religious printing piesies
and tbe churches, but all ttat would not
make a Pentecost; we must havo God.
Well, you can have Him. Has He not been
graciously waiting; and nothing stauds
in tbe way but our own unbehui und iu
dolence and sin. May Uod bieak down
tbe barrier. ! Tne grandest opportunity
for tbe evangelization of all nations since
Jesus Christ died on the cross will be tbe
World's Exposition of lbt)i God may
take us out of tbe harvest field before
that, but let it be known throughout
Christendom that that year, between May
and November, will bo the niouutaia of
Christian advantage, the Alpine and
Himalayan hoiglit of opportunity over
topping all others for salvation. Instead
of tbe slow process of having to
send the Gospel to other lands by
our own American missionaries,
who have difficult toil in overcoming
foreign prejudices, what a grand thing io
have atde and influential foreigners cou
verted during their visit to America and
then have them return to their native
lands with theglorioub tidings! O, for an
overwbelmning woik of grace for ibe year
lbiti, that work beginning in tbe autumn
of lssa
Another opportunity, if our public men
see it. and it is tbe duty of pulpit and
printing press to help them to see i, will
be tbe calling at that time and place of a
great peace congress for all nations. Tbe
convention of representatives from the
Governments of North and South America
now at Washington is onty a type of what
we may have on a vast and a world wide
scale at tbe International Exposition in
V-'J By one stio'te ihe Gorgon of war
might be slam and buried so deeptaat
neither trumpet of human dispute or of
archangel's blowing could resurrect it.
When tbo last Napoleon called such a con
gress of nations many did not respond,
and those who did respond gathered
wondering what trap tbe wily destroyer
of the French Republic and the builder of
a French Monarchy might spring on them.
But what if t o most popular govern
ment on earth I mean the United States
Government should practically say to
all natious: On the Americnn continent,
in 192, we will held a World's Fair, and
all nations wi 1 send to it tpjcimens of
their products, their manufactures and
Ibeir arts, and we invite all the Govern-m.-nts
of Europe, Asia and Africa to send
iepreentatives to a peace convention that
shall bs held at this same time and p?ac?.
and that tball establish an international
arbitration commission to whom shall be
referred all controversies between nation
and nation, their decision to be final, and
so all nations would be relieved of tbe
expense of standing armies and naval
equipment, war having been made an
everlasting impossibility.
AM the nations of the earth worth con
sideration would coma to it, mighty men
of England and Germany and France aud
all the other great nationalities. Bismarck
who worships the Lord of Hosts, and
Gladstone, who worships the God of
Peec and Boulanger who worships him
self. The fnc: is that the nations are sick
of drinking out of chalices made out of
human skulls and filled with blood. Tbe
United States Government is the only
Government in the whole wi rid that
culil successfully call suet a c ingress.
Suppose France should csll it, Germany
would notome; or Germany should call
it, Franc would not come; or Russia
should call it, Turkey would not come; or
England should call it, nations long jeal
ous of her overshadowing power in Eu
rope would not come. America, in fnv.r
with all nationalities, standing out inde
pendent and alono, ia tbe spot and 1S32
will be the time. Mav it please the Presi
dent of tb'e United States, may it please
tbe Secretary cf State, may it please the
Cabinet, may it please the Senate and
House of Representatives, may it please
the printing presses and the churches and
the people who lift up and put down our
Amer'cin rulers!
To i hem I make this timely and solemn
and Cbristian appeal. Do you not think
people die fast enough without this whole
sale butchery of wai ? Do you not think
itbat we can trust to pneumonias and con
sumptions and apoplexies and palsies and
yellow fevers and Asiatic choleras tbe
'work of killing them fast enough? Do you
not think that tbe greedy, wide-open jaw
of tbe grave ought to be satisfied if filled
by natural causes with hundreds of thou
sands of corpses a year? Do you not
think we can do somthtn? better with
men than to dash tbeir life out against
casements or 'blow them into fragments
tiy torpedoes or send thm out into tbe
world, where tbey seed all their faculties,
footless, armless, eyeless? Do yon not
think that women might be appointed to
aa easier plsca than the edge of a grave
trench to wring their pals hands and
weep out their eyesight in widowhood and
childlessness? Why, the last glory has
I gone out of war.
There was a time when ltdsmsadeJ that
I quality wLich we all admin namely,
courage for a man hid to stand at the
hilt of tbe sword when the point pierced
tbe foe, and while be was slaying another
ths other might slay bim or it was bayo
net charge. But now it is cool and deliber
ate murder, and clear ont at sea a bomb
shell can be hurled miles away into a city,
or while thousands of private soldiers,
who have no interest ia the contest for
they were conscripted, are losing their
lives, their General may sit smoking one
of the best Havana cigars after a dinner
of quail on toasi It may be well enough
for graduating students of colleges on
commencement day to orate about the
poetry of war, but do not talk about the
poetry of war to the men of the Federal or
Confederate armies who were at tbe front,
or to some of us who, as members of tbe
Christian commission, saw the ghastly
hospitals at Antietam and Hagerstown.
Ah! you may worship the Lord of Hosts,
I worship the "God of Peace, who brought
again from the dend our Lord Jesus
Christ, that great Shepherd of the sheep."
War is an accursed monster and it was
born in tbe lowest cavern of perdition,
and I pray that it may speedily descend
to the place from which it arose, its last
sword and shield and musket rattling on
the bottom of tho red-bot marl tf hell.
Let there be called a ponce convention of
1S92. with delegates sent by all the dtcont
governments of Christendom, and while
they are in session, if you should some
night go out and look into the sky above
the Exposition buildings you may find
that tbe old gnlUry of crystal, that was
taken down after tbe Bethlehem anthf ra
of eighteen centuries ago was sung out. is
rebuilt again in tbe clouds, and tne same
angelic singers are returned with tbe
same librettos of light to chant 'Glory to
God in tbe highest, and on earth peace,
good will to men."
Again, I suggest in regard to the
World's Fair that, while appropriate
places are prepared for all foreign exhib
its we make no room for the importation I
of foreign vices. America has enough of
its own, and we need no new installments
of that kind. A World's Fair will bring
all kinds of people, good and bad. The
good we must prepare to welcome, the
bad we must prepare to shun. Tbe at
tempt will again be made in 112. as in
1876. to break up our American Sabbat Is.
The American Sabbath is tbe lest kept
Sabbath on earth. We do not want it
broken down, and substituted in the place
thereof the Brussels Sabbath, the Vienna
Sabbath, tbe S-. Petersburg Sabbath, or
anv of the foreign Sabbaths, which are
no'Sabbatbs at alL I think the Lord is
more than generous in asking only fitty
twooutof the 365 days for His service.
You let the Sabbath gj and with it wiU
go your Bible, and after that your liber
ties, and your children or grandeb 1 Iren
will be here in Amer ci under a despotism
as bid as in those lands where they turn
the Lord's day into wassail and frolic.
Among those who will come here will be,
as at other Expositions, lordly people who
will bring tbeir vices with them. Among
the Dukes and Duchesses and Princes and
Princesses cf otber lands are some of tbe
bast mn and women of all the earth. Re
member the Earl of Kintore, Lord Cairns
and Lord Shaftesbury. But there is a
tnobbeiy flnnkeyism in American society
that runs after a grandee, a Duke, a Lord
or a Prince, though he may b t a walking
lasaretto aud his breath a plague. Is
makes the fortune of some of our
queens of society to dance one
cotilion with one or uese princely
lepers. Some people can not get
their bat off quick enough when they see
sucb a foreign lord approaching, and they
do not care for the mire into which tbey
drop tbeir knees as they bow to worship.
Let no splendor or pedigree or any pomp
and paraphernalia of circumstance make
bim attractive. There is only oae set of
Ten Commandments that I ever heard of,
and no class of men or women in all tbe
world is excused f cm obedii nee to those
laws written by finger of lightning on the
granite surface of Mount Sinai. Surely
we have enough American vices without
raakine any drafts upon European vices
for 1MB.
By this sermon I would have the Nation
made aware of its opportunity and get
ready to improve it. and o( some perils
and g-Jt ready to combat them. I rejoice
to believe that the advantages will over
top every thing in tbe World's Fair.
What an introductirn to each otber of
communities, of States, of Republics, of
Empires, of zones, of hemispheres! What
doors of information will be swung wide
open for the boys and girls now on tbe
threshold! What national and interna
tional education! What crowning of in
dustry with sheaves of grain, and what
imperial robing of ber with eml roidered
fabrics! What scientific apparatus 1
What telof copes for the infinitude above
aud microscopes for the infinitude be
neath, and tho instruments to put nature
to the torture until she tells her last secret!
What a display of tbe munificence of the
God who has grown enough wheat tc
make a loaf of good bread large enough
for the human race, and enough cotton to
stocking every foot, and enough timber to
shelter every head, making it manifest
that it is not God's feu It, but either man's
oppression or indolence or dissipation if
tnre tie any without supply.
Under tbe arches of tbe chief build
ing of that Exposition let capital and
labor, too long estranged, at last be mar
ried, each taking tbe band of each in
pledge of eternal fidelity, while tepresen-
unions oi an nsuum iwau n naa rrjoic-1
ine at the nuntials. and saying: "What1
God bath joined together let not man put
asunder." Then shall the threnody of ths
needlewoman no longer be heard:
Work, work, work!
Till tbe brain begins to swim;
Work, work, work! ,
Till tbe e es are heavy and dim.
Seam and gusset and band.
Band and gusset and seam.
Till ovr-r the buttons I fall asleep
And sew them on in a dream.
O, Christian Ame nca ! Make ready for
the grandest Exposition ever seen under
the sun! Have Bibles enough boaad.
Have churches enough established. Have
scientific halls enough endowed. Have
priniing presses enough set ui. Have re
vivals of religion enouga in fall blast. I
believe yoa wilL "Hosaana to tbe Son of
David ! Blessed Is he that cometa ia the
name of the Lord!"
Through the harsh voices of our day
A low, sweet prelude fiads its way:
Through clouds of doubt and creeds of fear
A light is breaking calm and clear.
That song of lore, now low and far.
Ere long shall sw-U from star to star:
That light, the breaking day, watcu tips
Tbe goldea spired Apocalypse!
Among the places at which Dr. Talmage
will probably preach dnriag his proposed
extended tnpabroad are Rome, Jerusalem,
Nazareth, Bethlehem, Bethany, Samaria,
Joppa, Athens and Corinth, and L Uia
Klopsch, ths reverend geatleaaaa's press
agat, has perfected such arraagemeata
as will enable him to promptly and regu
larly report this exossdiagly interesting
series of discourses.
Fortune's favorites are
thaaghU make ways fer their acUeaa
The Impndenr and itarcea of the no
torious Dr. Graham.
Tho recent experiments with Dr.
Brown-Sequnnla "Elixir of Life," re
call to memory the oneo famous Vr.
Graham, who for some time persuaded
the people of England that he could
lead them to the fountain where played
the waters endowing man with eternal
nnd vigorous youth. Dr. Graham.
who was perhaps the most stupendous
quack that ever jrulled the most guIH
bio of paticut publics, first appeared
in London iu 17Si. and opened a man
sion which ho called the "Temple of
Hoalth." The facade was ornamented
with an enormous gilt sun. and a colos
sal statue of Hygeia. The rooms wcro
gorgeously decorated, and the mirrors
were so arranged as to give the win do
the appearance of un enchanted palace.
He also hired the hungry and heart
broken beauty, who has since le
como famous in story as Lord
Nelson's "Ijuly Hamilton." and
exhibited her as tho "Goddess of
Health." lectured upon her as the re
sult of his system, and drove half iho
fashionablo women of the day crazy t
become like hor. glowing with health
and splendid with beauty.
Single admission to his lectures cost
ten dollars a sum readily given. The
Goddess of Health usually delivered a
supplementary leetureaf tor the learned
doctor had concluded. When ten dol
lar auditors were exhausted, his two
gigantic porters decked in gorgeous
liveries, deluged the town with bills
stating that the lectures would be de
livered at five dollars each. The de
scending scale ultimately reached fifty
cents, and at length he exhibited tho
Temple of Health itself at twenty-tivo
cents per head. The quack promised
such results from using his "Elixir of
Life" that many people of high rank
and respectability were known to havo
given five thousand dollars for a sup
ply of it. He then, when dupes wero
not grown scarce hut required variety
in the means of impositions, took to
the practice and public exhibition of
earth-bathing. Ho and his Goddes-s
stood aa hour each day immersed to
the chin in earth, above which their
heads appeared, d rested in tho ex
travagant fashion of the hour. In this
position ho delivered a lecture on tho
salubrity of the practice at sums for
single admission which commenced at
five dollars and ended at twenty-five
cents. When all London had heard
and seen him ho made a provincial
tour; but. in spite of his elixir of life,
he succumbed at the early age of fifty
two; sind. in spite or the facility with
which he gained money, he died in
poverty. In the profession of quackery
Dr. Graham has noverb'en equaled,
either for impudenee or the success;
which attended it- Once a Week.
with Tame
I.rpartla at Dhar.
The following account of hunting
with tame leopards, of the species
called the cheetah, at Dhar. in Central
India, is contributed by Colonel Ward'
Bcnnitt: "We wero staying with tho
Maharajah of Dhar, and ono day ho
said we should sec a cheetah-hunt; so
we started on horseback about four
o'clock in the afternoon. The chee
tahs looked lovely and seemed quite
tame, following the shikaris like dogs.
We went about five miles over very
bad ground, and it was exceedingly
hot. At hist, to our delight, we saw
a herd of deer about a mile oil", and
we at once stopped, while the shikari
went forward with two chectahs.
Prescntly one of the cheetahs stood
still, peered about and lay down,
slowly whisking his tail from side to
side. The men said, 'lie has seen
tho deer.' Soon he got up again,
and went niter his companion,
and seemed to communicate to
him that deer were in sight.
Then they both lay down at once.
After a little time they got up
and began stalking the deer through
the grass. It was very difficult to dis
tinguish tho cheetahs, as they were
much the same color as the ground.
Presently the deer became aware
something was up. and stopped and
looked about; then, suddenly, they all
got together, and began trotting off,
followed at once by the cheetahs, who,
although far behind, gained (round at
every stride, and we could see that
they had each singled out a black buck.
taking no notice of the rest or the herd
;. ; n fli-.;.-. x t,:i
tearing off in all directions. Luckily
they came toward us. and we saw one
cheetah give a high spring, about fif
teen yards, and seize his buck by the
throat and roll it over. We did not
look any more; we knew nothing would
induce the cheetah to leave its prey till
the buck's throat was cut and the ani
mal was enticed away with a Iadleful
of blood. The other cheetah having
missed when it sprang, gave up the
chase and came straight back to his
master with his tail between his legs.
We were very lucky to see the hunt,
for I find many old Indians have never
had the good fortune to witness one.
and the Maharajah seldom allows his
cheetahs to indulgo in this sport."
London Illustrated News.
At a Oinner Party.
Mr. Hodgkins (aside to Mrs. Hodg
kins) Gosh, Maria, I got no less than
six forks by my plate.
Mrs. Hodgkins Hush! You Bast
not notice it-
Mr. Hodgkins But thunder! there,
must be some mistake. I don't want
to corner the fork market.
Mrs. Hodgkins No. it's all right.
Jeff. 1 tell you.
Mr. Hodgkins Well, of course it's,
all well enough to have plenty of forks;
bet I aia't never ifoin' to drop that
many on tho floor as oae a?aL-Chi.
1 afo Americas.