The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 11, 1889, Image 1
Hf Tf i. 2 vt. ' V i BM,.M.M- y. jtTT . . ,. I, ,1 r - I,,. ' - . t ' " ., , - - -i i , - If .1 - - ' V" '"" '-' v " - ' - -- '." ' ' ' ' vi . Vol. 17. J-1 -u.'-'tj..-1 Cheao AND More for Less Money Wiener, Tram; mm Of Southern Nebraska, ere buyers in need of following &3ines, Better Goods and at Lower ' ' Price than ever, - And it will save you money if you will call and examine stock and prices of his Clothing, Men's Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, We are always ready to make good any errors, or refund monuy for goods, if upon examination they are found dif ferent than represented, before goods are worn. C. RED CLOUD. Warner trsrvws r x lfe8 1300IS UU id Boots Bill ! "We have rumored (o onr NEW QUARTERS jost North of the F. & M Bank and now have the Largest Stock of Boots nd Shoes Ever scea in KcQ CIoaiL and they will be sold at prices that will make , Ultra go fast, in fact we are going to Sell our Goods Cheap for Cash ! Wo have Iho largest stock te Red Cloud, .'.jfj-'x 'Ji'gwaa u.jlijjijuw '.'..l'.hj. tter ! WIENER, WYMORE. & AF "3 Biffl Wolfanger' Shoes Shoes and warrant onr stock. I H7etiT Webster County, Neb., Friday, October 11, jbuui ti-j.jliji mjj'jb tanw CITY CLATTER. RiiNtlcd ti)-Our Alert Heport'-rn, aud Prepared for Our Readers. Bound Looks at Deyo's for li."cts Mrs Josselyn of Orlcnn?, was in the city this week. Mrs. John 'O. Yei.-er went to Omaha Wednesday. Business is picking up lively in Red cloud just now. A new stock of gold pens and holders just opened atCottings. A. W. Rnst of floliin-1 county Kansas, is vi siting his ut.clo L. II. Kuit. Book binding done at this office. If yon hae any old books, bring them in. tf (Jotting will sell you all the Caxton Edi tion of 12 mo. books that you want for 25 ct per copy When L. H. Rust can't find yon a place in the floral hall for every thing you bring it is sure to be full. Our officers have been busy hunting Hel ler, the counterfa; tor, this week bnt they can not even got n clew. Wm Parkes has had his shop fixed up nicely and can now be heard singing: "John Brown's body lies moulding in the grave while his 'sole' goes marching on." All pocket knives that I sell are warrant ed. I do not pretend to sell at cost bnt I Gell lower than any house in town. C. L. Coxtiko. John B Shirey, cashier of the First National Bank, Ellis Shirey, and D. F. Par ker of nacker ft Parker the grocers were o ji west on a hhootiug exposition this week they report a good time. On Tuesday night at the Demorest con test, Misa Pearl Skecn took the medal. There were eight others in the contest. The medal was very handsome and very much appreciated bv Miss Perl. Pap Rust takes exceptions to our state ment about cnickens last week at the fair and says he was "thar"' with a few pallets, and that B. F. Kellogg and charley Seeiy exhibited some nice chickens. Good. We arc pleaded to make the correction Pap. J. W. Honeycntt end n. W. Gulliford have purchsedthe real estate and loan busi ness of Mr. Stowe. and will enter the busi ness at once. Both gentelmcn are enter prising, and will make the fur fly in the loan and insurance '"biz", the Cbicf wish es them success. The Grand Army boys had a very interest ing meeting Ia-t Monday evening at which time they wusterpd in a number of new re cruits. After the work Imd been finished the W. R. c Indies came in npon them and gave them a grand banquet . A very pleas ant time was the result of the evening. A $SO wntehfor$3.'. At one t1olliri'rw'k. Call on L. H. Wallace, jowlerawd official watch examin er for B. M. R. R. Republican fan ma. The electors of Batin township are requested to meet at the Anderson school house on Saturday afternoon at two p. m. October l'.tth for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for township officers. James Asdebson, Committeeman. CiUIBK HOCK. Now that the .smoke of battle has cleared away, the half dozen slain, quietly buried, and the ucort; of wiuiiiried made comfortable. e are teinuing to Oil up the line of march to tlicl pons in oveinner. iconic oi I lie boys goon crutches yet, but we apprehend (we stalwarts) that on the ee of the election the crutches wil all be discarded, and next day we will roll up one of the Wctcst majortlcs yet recorded in this me uanuer township oi our cunry. Our fallen half dozen foil while pnde.-nnrintr tn lead the forlorn hope of the Jonesites. Now, not one word of fault have we to find w ith Mr. Jone, who is a perfect gentleman, but when he wants Office he would do .veil to steer clear of the faction who compassed his overthrow this time by their supposed supjiort. ('.') uuriauen neroes nae visitou us in gnnsuy and mysterious wIiisiKirincs for a few niehts since the convention. Jlireatenmp dire tengaii'-e in.Hn me party ior Having nominattii uuiniiit I, hut as our fellows h-ive but little reverence for these restless, disembodied spirits, the ghosts nave eeasen 10 w.iik ami eiiauer upon oar streets ami now all uoes juoothlv on as in the olden times Kocicirr. A Good Coukh Syrup. There is nothing narents should be so careful alKiut as selecting a coiu;Ii syrup. IScjks' Cherrv Cough jinip i-osts no more tho cheep" and inferior nostrums thrown on the market. "J'he hest is nae to good, he sure and getBKCCVCHKKKY COUJH SYKl'l'. V.e keep it on hand at all times. C. L, Cotting, Drujrgist. Here Yerlb "W ire. Adam Morhort the popular hard ware man has just received a car load of Gliddcn barb wire, winch he is going to sell very close for cash. Call and sec him at once if you want bargains. "What will you do with all the clothing, etc., is asked every season of C. Wiener, but when one sees that the piles of goods are way down at the end of the season wc do not wonder what induces the Golden Eagle to lav in such heavy htoeks. People appre ciate big stock? and much more the low prices that are always given by C. Wiener. rHta4 sZZ m syrrr; t7"-:? 'awmm.t.ii.'ijiii aVi.. .tm .siM-maE'A.'ui ' '.n v .i WHY? I, nit a Soldter, Vote l!t- Republican Tlikcl. in April im;i the war begun. That war gate to men aud parties a recoid, Truethoe men aud parties after they trade this ivtonl could reform, but Iimk at the rect.n! of the democrat ic party during and ince that time and .ste if liter! is any evidence of a reformation. Who in the nortticru .states talked iigiWist and tried to discourage enlistments. The dem ocrats. Who said the war was "w ickcd,un!:ury.di.ibcl leal The dehi'icats. Who org.uiied riots agattist the dni!t, The democrats. Wboo.giai.i: t-jciC-I t.oitt i-i :nu'.' rt'i northern states 'fiie Kuighisof the :ol. i. Cir cle &c ) that give all the aid and comfort they could to the Kehels m the south. The demo crats, Who openly in their national platform in the fall of!8GJ, the darkest days of the war, the time when all men who could not say an thing to lighten the gloom that wa settling like the pall of death over the loyal hearts of the north should at Ic-ast bae kept their mout!s shut, de clared thatthc war was a failure. The demo crats. No man thinl-.s more of nor can give nt-jre honor to the thousands of democratic soldiers then In the Held (of which I was one) who open ly aud by their actions declared this statement to be a lie than I do. To give aid and comfort to an enemy in time of w ar is t reason. To what party did those per sons who gue aid and comfort to the soiuh be long? The democrats. Who were willing that all of the whites, the learned aud the ignorant alike who were all dis loyal, should have the right of franchise aud the c dored men who weie all loyal should not have the right to vote. The democrats. Who byintiuddation and threats drhe the colored men from the polls today. The demo crats. The United States lave made more progress since 18GI than in twice tbo time before. Who have almost invariably fought every measure in congress that was introduced in the inter ests of the people or the nation. The democrats In allnieasuies or bills that have been hitrj duced or passed by congress in favor of the old soldier or the colored people of the south, wno have to the amount of TO per cent at least voted and worked sigaiust such measures. The dun.v crats. Who almost to a man Lave voted for all such bills. The repulihcans. Who during the last two j ears of Cleveland's administration any, day while congress wax in session, in course of a tew hours h.ueial.en up and a law that would have taken thou sands of o'd soldiers from the poor ot the land and, thus avoided disgracing the na tion by allowing anyone wno had given the hest years of his life that his country might live, to go down to the grave in 6orrowand dis tress. The Democrats. When i ou hear anyone swearing ut the old soldier element, or crying "fraud" ii ucision matters. scratch his hack and you will find him nine times oi:t of tea a democrat. Whenever a Tew sore-headed npubl.ctT;-,n:i account of purely personal matters wish to de feat a part of their own ticket, an honest man and life-long republican what, do they do? An swer. They scud for a Doctor and take the dem ocratic ticket and sugar coat it by placing a sol itary old soldier on it in lace of the man 'Ley wish to defeat Willthe old soldiers and the people of this county walk up to the ik1!s and swallow t his sugar coated pill. Yours for the right. O. It. Dowxs. 2811. KEPOKT OF THE CONDITION OF TUB First National Bank. AT RED CLOUD, In the State of Nebraska, at the close of busi ness. Septembers), 1889. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 13MS0 1 G,-M2 S , 1S,7..0 0 . C.403 2 10,2.21 SM 18 12-vrj 21 1.VW3 17 Ovi'rdralts U. S. bonds to secure circulation Other stocks, bonds, aud mortgages. Hue irom appmveu "- , I hrre agents 9,GW.T8I Due from other National ( Hanks r93,43J Due from shite b:nks and bankers.. i.wl .( tiiniitnn:iiiil lixtlUVS... Current expenses aud taxes paid.... lTetmunis pain Checks and other cash items 1J57 23 S1.)4.I itillo of otir.r ivitKs FncMonal paper currency, nickels aud cents 1.3(0 W CELT 13 11,722 2 fcpct ic....... -- .... 1 ..-.l ti. Tiilrr lmtiHi. !,5) OT Ued'cmption f und w ithU.S.treas 3 I ly per Ceill. Ol cirvmuiuu. Total S5,U?5SI i.i.uw.iii!o;. Capital stock paid In 7.r.,o) oo Surt.lus fund. Vn Undivided profits -- fi.'CI G7 liink notes outstanding 1C.S75 00 Individual deoslts subject tocheck ..5i.4jj en IK'tnand certificates deposit 23,C4l 21 j 7S.114 82 Notes and bills re-discounted 20,371 S2 Total 5203,453 SI State of Nebraska. County of Websrer. s. 1 J no. ItShirev, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state nn'iit is true to tho best ot my knowledge and belief. .Ino. It. Sbiiey, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 10th day of October, 1M. O. V. Caw Not:irylubllc. Correct Attest : James McNknv i U.F. lli(!iit.iu 5-Dircctors EOIiERTV.SlIIRF.r. S Featiierly & Aultz ssll'C. C. Cocn's watermelons, the best in the market. 1889. Ho, There, EVERYBODY Do you know that A. MORFIART ' Has tho largest supply oi: STOVES in t.u, vaney, both Heating and Cooking Stoves Of all descriptions. Don't fail to see him if you want a stovo for lie will make you prices that can not help but make you buy if yoa are in need. Also a full lino oi Hardware. Tinware, Copperware, Nails, Etc. Barb Wire, In car load lets now on sale, in fact he has everything you could wish. Call and see him in Opera House bloclc Farmers Cook Your Feed. Red Cloud - - Nebraska. H. CLARKE President, Albany. N.Y., J. A. TTJIiLB7,'4'Vlco-Presideiil Kobt. V. SHIREY, Treasurer. NEBRASKA & KANSAS. PAID UP CJLPIlAL,$50fl00. w Ked Cloud, Neb. Albany, New York. DIRECTORS: H. Clarke, Albany. New York Geo It. Beach, Ba!sorSpa N.Y. W. H. Robeson, Albany, N. Y. E. S. Francis, I'ittslield, Mm R.V.Shirey D.M.Piatt K. K. Hicliland. J. A. Tulleys M.B.McN MONEY LEANED. ' On improved farms in .XebraMta and Kknas. 3Ioner furnished as soon ns the security is approved. Principal aad interest payable in Rel Cloud . 5: li-ii CITY BAKERY Restaurant and Lunch Rooms. Oysters and lee Cream ii Season, IVleals & Lunches We make fresh every day Ladyfingers, Jelly Rolls, Dcmgli nuts, Cookies, Bread, Cakes, Pies Buis, Etc. Boarding and lodging by day or week. Jos, Kerburgeb, Prog. Boarding Horses Feed Barn ! At reasonable rates, Coase one wid all. r-W ' - - W - , No. 11. W. W. GlLBER W'Ulies to notify h's 'rends that he has leafed the Watson Barn! Located east.of Watt & Frees LumtOr YardVne he nOI keep A i& "" v v 1 If A 'M ?i li it w 1 fR m m A 9 i". $& 1 rsa m e J 3& (!: