I THE PENSION OFFICE. THa Complexion of th Kepnrt of the) Cammhinn that Inrtisatl the Pen sion OBtn, on Which CnmmilaDfr Tinn. OSriuI Held Fell-PrHDrrt that 0:!im will Also b Kelezated ta Pnvat IMfe. Waseisctot. Spt. 27. The Evening' Capital pcblish-s the folliwia: "The report of Has rs. Exias. Campbell and Brnce, the commission that iavsti:rated the Pension OS--, thontrh. closely uard ed by Interior Department oScials. is jr-adially becomm:- fcio;rn. Printed -"copies of fii report are no-v. and have been for some time, in the Lands of all the members of the Cabinet. Commis sioner Tanner ha wie. a also has 3f j jr "Warner aad Colonel Dally. Br de crees its contents, arts Iwm:r dirsfcjai Is is known that the report tain ap each re-rating cise septsratelv aad each ca-;e is aa exhibit ia Itself. Stress is laid upon th f .ct that Depny Commissioner Hiram Scuta. JrM received over slxthoa saad dollars a3 a re-ratia. This action of his comes ic for s-rere criticism ia the report. Whether 31r. Smitn bn re taraed this raoa-j or ait the report doe not state. Air. Smith receives his pension at the Topeta aacv. Sec retary Zvjsle. ta vie of the report of trie cnmrnissio-t, has himself questioned Sir. Emith a to fte fact-; attending the r-s-ratiaj. It is not kaosra definitely -ranker ilr. Smith's certificate of re-ratiaj is signed by himself as acting commission er or bj- Commissioner Tanner. The pa pers ia his ca.se 'R-eat through daria Mr. Tanner's absence from the Pension Of fice. The report alsc condemns Mr. S-nirej la rtwnd terms, especially for his actioa ta maim; cases special. It states that ilr. Sqnires possssed the stamp of Mr. I Tanner as Commissioner, aad affixed it to paper withoat the Commissioner's taowle-ice. The number of snch cases a ery lar-e nnmber Is trivet, aad Com i&iasioaer Taaaer is criticised for hi pro.- carelessness ia thas iatrastia; hi3 official prerogative to a taere prirste secretary. who w dated the confidence reposed ia him. The names of th- P-a-e.oa-Offlce oficials who caased them selves to be re-rated form a conspicuous, part of th report. S-rreral were di charzed at she time by Secretary .Sob!-, aad they no point to the fact that the oae who received the largest amount of all Dtrpaty Commissioner Smith is still ia -iffi-e. Said a member of the board Trhicn mads tbe iaTettatioa: "There was bat oae of two thiar for the Pr-'-'ideat to do ia view of oar re port, either to disatiss every oae of as froai the serrire as aaworthy of belief, cr lse relieve Mr. Taaaer froai o3ce." The saaie raeaiber iatiaiat-d that th chief calprtt were s'ill ia positioc bat woald ooa follow ilr. Taaae? iato pri rate life. THE CORN CROP. The Amount Accortlinr to the Various Cora- Producing Statr. Chicago. Sept. St The Farair3' Se--ritfw puiil:he-. the foilovriaa-: Preseat ia dicatioas po.at to a larger crop of cora thaa ba tr;ea aatic.pated by stafsticiaas generally. The qoality. however, will not he eqsal to that of liiS. except ia low-, ili-soari. .eatcc-y aad a.an--ai Tn- latter State w.II harvest a fine crcp thi- year to cfTet the failure of lat Tee eoaditioa of cora ia 2iebraka was excel lent daring the early part of the growing sea-oa. but hot winds m Ausu-t brought , down the high average ia sr.me count.es, and earlv frosts damaged late planted i cora 'a local tie. Tee ow coad tioa of ma z in other States is eas.lv accounted lor by til anfarorable sea-oa: I!'inoi', Iadiaaa. Ohic, il.ch.gaa aad Wbc-Q-in' sutf-red from a co i, wet spnag. which was v-ry favorable for cut worms, fol lowed by a long drourat :a Jaly and Au gust, il-aaesota aad Dikota suffered for rain the sea-on througa. It is as yet too ear y to et mate tae probable yield of shelied cora. but from the reports of cor respondents we estimate the crop as fol- low: -- -ir l T.r.r. .v tis. :.- 3 C7S.TJ- 5 :ra,2Ki .T-T Ci 3" I' Z.-6 , ' V73- ,i7i 4 iT6.0cK.73 j -j ' AStil H t ii S tj.Tsn j 4.er.vr: t5 2tt: 57T.O : aJ.i-i.'' -47.WI a irl.'trUTS -:e : Si .4u,;a ( SM.V. IUir.ot Inciuina Otuo Kentijcicy . .. MWocri . . Iowa Ivin-;- Nra-tei .. Michigan ... tT; o2-:a SLnneiOta Dakota . . As -am .ag that the crop in other Stat.- ? will be eoual to that of 1&-S or 523.273.000 lnh-l. tee total crop of liis wi.l be 2,'t.Sa.r9:". acuiit a total in Is-: o l.Sr-T.TCj.'.X We summarize the report of correspondents relative to the present 5 cand.tioii of com as follow: Illinois. Si : percent.: Indins. 54.. Ohio, sit Ken-J rucr-v. 101; ilisourt l'i: Iowa.lCo; Kaa-, sa, "lit): r-einsks. t-3: Wiscoasic TV; j iIichigaa.CS; Miaaesots. -2: Dakota, TL TROUBLE BREWING. Important ACldavits JJt to the Great Strike of 1SSC Liketr to Cau-e Trouble in the K. ofL. St. L.cis. Sept. L Important deten tions besriag upia the great strike of I;so have been taken here vsry quietly, but when th r"sit become- kaown w T'-zlz become- I20n in Kn chts of Labor c.rc-e- j 'ike'y to raae a lrgs -m-HS row. iae rceat war b'twe-n lortimr u ju. u. mm -i-, llortim-r D Snaw. o: tnis ci h iT-r-r Wrrtman Powderlr. in waich , a number of prominent knight-of th.s city f became involved, and which is brisgiag t Ma-ter Workmaa Powdery- aad his en- ! tire exca:ive board to Sa Louis, is r-ally the cause which has I-d to the present trouble. The dspa tias tagen xvere irom a number of dusatined kn ga-s waa har- iag been ia th nide of the atla.rs o. tae zreat str k-. have been able to gi testi- n -, xj.-.fl ,;i-,- rh rh iri:i b a-ei ia d- fease at the dattia-e salts mstirnted bj the si-n prtnecuted for the AVyandotte trata rrtr--nc xaese uio3;iuii3 ." rTtiirr charges aram st the leaders of the ka rhts. Anion-; other thin-rs alleged is a plot to blot ap the bis IUdi bridge here. Gold 311ntn-j in Chin. Poetlaxd. Ore-, Sept. 25 Ne" of the discovery of rich co d-h-ariag quart ia the prortsce of Caatoa. China, anout VM miles froai :h- ctrv cf Caatoa. Las beea reciTed here by Seid Each, a prommea Cninese mere: at. Cninese merchant of the Paciac coast havs orjraalzert a coaspaay. Experts from 2er Tors who examined the Iedie report that the rock assays from $CT3 to $400 per ton. The ledge is a mile end a half long ana thirtv fett thick. The Governor of the province issned a prcdamatioa agaiast tninin. It is the intention of the ccm- r to spend SiiV,Vi Ict macaiaery 1 e Uai:d Suites. FRIGHTFUL WRECK. Colllaion IWweca Two Section of m XW Turk Cntrl Expre Trm SeTrl Sleepers Crowded Witb Pjsencer Wrecked llmnjr Victims. CAyAJOHAEn. y. T., Sept. 2. A frizht- fn fatal accident happened on the Cectral raiiroai near Palataie bridge last nisht , aad three sleeping cars are :n a shapeless niass, while many lives have been lost. The accident occurred two miles east of Palatine bridge. The first section of the train fcroie down and before the second section cocld be Si?ed it ran iato the first sect.on. The first section cf the St. ( Louis expres "o. 5. which left Albany at tea o'ceci: last aisht, brote down aad stopped for repairs two miles east cf Pala tini bridge. The rear brtxeatan was sent back to slaaal the second section, but for some naicowa reason failed to perform his daty. The engineer cf the second sec- ' tion says he did cot -ee him and the first thins he saw was th Hants of the arst sectxoa directly in his front. The first sec tion was made np of burgage, mail, ex press aad three passenger cars, packed with people, and a VTazner sleeper on the end. The crash was terrific The second sec tion telescoped into the first section, knocking oat the lights and plunging eTry thins into darkness Up to two o'clock four bodies had been taken out of the s eeper aad it was feared the total namter of deaths would run up to tweaty-five and poibly more, as the car was fuIL It is d.fficult to get par- , ticslarst j Engineer "Worth of the second section j was so badly injured that he is not ex pected to survive the night. He reside in Albany. DETAliS OT THI DI5ASTZE. kw Yobe. Sept. i A newspaper cor 1 respondent telegraphs: A serious acci dent occurred on the 5ew York Central road at 11:40 last night, two xaLes east of ( Palatine bride. The first s-ctiorc of the St. Louis express, which left 2ew York at six o'clock had broken down, an accident having happea-d to the steamchest, when the second section, which was com posed of eight vestibule sleepiag coaches drawn by a sixty-ton en g:a aad running at the rate of tntrty miles an hour, dashed iato it. The first" section was drawn by Coaductor '.Veeks. had a bajgige, express and mall cars and three coaches which wire packed with people, one Wagner sleeper and two private coaches. The private car K.acka kee telescoped the firt vestibule sleeper for half it3 length. The only damage done to the day coaches was the crashing of the windows and putting out the lights. ' The first, third and fourth tracks were littered with wreckage. i "Just how the acci ieat happened is at this boir (oae o'clock) not determined. Conductor Weeks says his rear brakeman was seat back, but Engineer "orth, of the t second section, who was very tadiy hurt, says he did not see him. 2orth is ia a bid way. He had a pillow under his face and rooked very ghastly. "Every seat in the car was taken. One 1 half of the passengers were wemen. They made a wild break for the door, bet were deterred from jumping out iato the dark bv the cooler-headed passengers. The wreck could net have occurred in a more unfavorable p'ace. On left r .feet below is the roaring ilohawk river. The lights had ail been extinguished and all was total darkaets. Oae-half of the pas- singers were wrapped in s;uaiDeriag dreams and awoke to Sad themselves in extreme darkness and all confusion. There was not a scrgeon or a doctor on th train and it was wih the greatest d faculty that whisky and brandy were procured for the wounded. It was not till a large bonfire was In It oa the north side of the traci teat a real sing cs- cf the acc-.dnt was obtained. Already six wounded passenaers. including' one lady, had b-en taken from the Wanner sleeping car. Ax, saws and p.cks were procured and wil.ing hands at once st to work to cutaway the side o" the telescoped car. How many are dead or wounded it is Lu pous bie to teK a-j yet. Engineer Weeks of the first sec tion saidt ily engine had broken down and I was out by tfai side of my engine when the crash came. I immediately sent my fire man back to see what was the matter and Condnctor Abel dispatched a fiazman to " Palatine bridge, two miles away, for as- " sistance.' I "It was just by a miracle that the dis- ' aster was not rendered ten fold more territle. Within five minutes after the cra-h tne meat express came tearing along the fourth track at the rate of thirty miles an hour. It was stopped just in tJtie. else it would have dashed into the debris of lhe wreck. The second Atlantic express due in New York at 7:3) a. m. was hailed at the station jut as it was pulling IS MRS. BENDER ALIVE? 4 An Old Woman Thoaeht to Be Her Living I in "iles. Mich. , i NnJ. Mich.. Sept. 2s. Mrs. Bender, cf ' l the notorious Kaasis fami y of that aame. ' is said to J e I.v ng in this town. The I Bender John Badjr aad his wfe aad ' thir daughter Kite lived in a sparsely settled nart of Kansas year ago and are known to have mardered maay chance pa nge: for their mosey aad bwr.ed the-r one of todies. The murders form the mo: sensational chapters in the history of Am-ncaa crime. The vroman supposed to be 3Irs- Bender has been a wandarer all her i.is. She has had ' many hu-taads aad many temaorary homes. She has lived here about ten ' y-ars, but claims sae was here at the time cf th Kansas murd-r She says she rented a bouse of Judge Fish here cne'.eea years ajto, but the Judge's book -how that it was between ten aad ' sleven vears aro. She comes and goes. no one knows where, and pretends to be p-dd.ig. A tintype of the suspected woman seat to a maa named Ccle in 2ew York, who knew the Benders aid was at th-ir fiicht, was seat tacit -with this rep'v, -This picture is an exact like- j , jiess of Mrs. 3der.'' Oae seat to L B. zm--. a.s.vm -? - -e as Mrs. Sender. The dicoTery that Sirs, Bender wns lir- ia-r here is said to hare been made by the meruit chance is Kansas. Tbe Secretary f the Interiw Readers Decision on an Appeal Ctue. VrAPHTyGTOSV Sept. 2s Ia the ex parte case of Abraham L. Hiaer. on appeal from the decision of the local officers of Marys- Tille, CaL, the Secretary of the Interior in a decision rendered holds that nader the school grant of the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections to the State of CJi f ornia, the title rets on the date of inr Tey, and if the lands. althoeh in fact mineral, were not then known to be min eral, the sabseqnent discovery of their mineral character do- r.ot affect or direst the State's title. This decision overrules that in the case of Colorado, rendered by Secretary Vilas December 10, 1S58. THE BANKS CLOSED. Close of tle Great Bankers ConveaUom at Raasas City Officers Chosen. Kansas Cjxt, Mcv. Sept 2T. It a neariv eleven o'clock yesterday when President Parsons called the Bayers' convention to order. He introduced Rev. Heary Hopkin, who invoked the divine blessing on tae coaventioa. A numb-r of papers on subjects relating to the financial qaetion were read by t;tle and referred to the secretary with instructions to have them pr.nted in the proceedings. A reolutioa memoria'is'ng Congress to enact such laws as would effectually put America on an equal footing with all the other nations in the matter ol marine traSc wfcs offered aad was unanimously adotted. Mr. Sneed. of Kentucky, offered a res olution g ving it as the rente of the convention that section 5195 of the law governing National Banks should be so amended as to leave out the clause governing forfeiture interest. and requesting Congress to make the chaag-. The "ew York delegates were firmly opposed to the resolution, as the law. if so chaczed, would mfi.ct hardships on them and operate diSereatly in Kentucky and Uew York. J. R. ilulTane moved that the resolution be referred to a special committee of three to be appointed by the president. ilr. Knox, from the executive council, reported the following substitute for ilr. Sneed's resolution, which was adopted: That the association apply to the Con gress of the United States to so amend said section 51'JS that no forfeiture to ex ceed the amount taken in excess of lawful interest shall be exacted of any National bank." TCI SEW OTFICERS. Vice President Johnston, of Alabama, took the chair as the report of the nomi nating committee was announced. The committee was composed of C. M. Seley. F. W. Tracr. W. H. P.hawn, J. P. Odell. J. H. Smith. C McCarty and Gorge H. Morrison. The name of each officer, as Td. was greeted with cheers and it was aprarect that the wcrk of the committee had been satisfactory to a great majority if not all of the delegates. The report was at once ratified and confirmed on motion cf Mr. ExalL electing the following new officers of the association: President, Char.es Parsons, president State Bank of St. Loan. Ma First Vice-Pres:dent,Mortoa McMichael, cashier First National Bank of Paila delpnia, Pa. Treasurer. George F. Baker, president of the st National Bank of Sew York City. Members of the Executive Council for the term of three yeari: John Jay Knox, president of the National Bank of tne Repub.ic. 2few York City; W. H. P.hawn, president National Bink of the Republic, Philadelphia; Asa P. Potter, president Maverick National Bank, Boston. Mass.; L. J. Gage, v.ce-presIJ-'nt First National Bank, Chicago; A. U. Wymaa. vice-p esi dent National Bank cf Omaha, Neb ; Ejiery Wendell, pre'sident First National Bank. Detroit. Mich. ; S. A. Harris, presi dent Ncrtuwestern Bank, Minneapolis, Minn. For the term of two years: W. P. Si John, president Mercantile National Bank. New York Ci'j; J. J. P. Odell. vice president Union National Bank, Chicago, L, H. P.oots. president F.r3t NaTional Baafc Little Rock. Ark t J S. Chick, president National Bank of Kansas City, Kaaas City; R. M. Nelon. pre-ident Commercial Bank, Selma. Ala.; M. M. White, pre-ident Fourth National Back. Cincinnati. O ; S. G. Murphy, president FirM Nitional Bank. San Francisco. Cah fcFor the term of one year: Lottan C Murray, president United States National Bank. New York; J. T. Sxith, cashier National Baak. Baltimore. Md.; H. E. Camp, president First National Bank. Milwaukee. Wi.; David T. Porter, presi dent Memph.s National Bank. M-mphis, Tenn.; James S. Barrett, cashier German Security Bank. Louisville. Ky. : W. E, Schmertz. president First National Bank, New Albany. Ind. The convention then a-ljoamed, A DESPERATE ASSAULT. Sister CatnMle. of the Convent of the Sacred Heart at Emporia. Sererely Beaten By Crank. , Emporia, Kan.. Sept. 27 Wednesday evening, about dusk, a brutal assault was made upon Sister Camille, af the Convent of the Sacred Heart, in the convent school i hous. after the scho.ars and other teach ers had left. She was struck over the head a number of times with a slung shot 1 or other weapon, until knocked uncon scious, and then k:cked and stamped up on until supposed to be dead. Hr as sailant is snppo-ed to be a young rail . roader from Terre Hauti. Ind.. named J Murray, who became infatuated with , ' her while she nursed h.m in a ' hospital in Terre Haute, and w h ch place hi persecutions forced her to leave i to avoid him. Learning that she wsf here. h followed her, and this is the third afempt he ha? made upon her life be cause she refused to lave the conventand become his wife. The previous assaults. as thi-, oce. occurred in the schooi build ing and were kpt from the public in hopes the police would capture the brute, and this would not have become known had not seme -chool children heard the screams, wbicn caused an inquiry to be made. The po.ice r-fused any iafor taetiOT and th above facts were learned from Father Leonard, who is ia charge of the church and coaveat. Sister CamiTt lies ia a precar.ous condition and .s unable to answ-r questions as yea Th criminal is st H at Iare. but as he is known it U thought he will be captured. a it wii; b eay to identify him. one of his hand having only a thumb and for- nnr-r on it. Fa'her Leonard is maca t -xcrk'd no ever the affair and sems to think that the criminal is net iTke!y to be r either captured or punished. The people, s0 Iar 3S acouainted with the matter, are extremely indignant and denounce the villain as wcthy of Ivnching. Emmons Klaine Marrieti. R:chtii-i.i SpcnG5. 2. T.. Sept. ffT. Ernmocs Elaine, son of Hon. James G. Blaine, Secretary of State, tra married to Miss Anita McCormick in tbe Presbyterian Church here yesterday at neon. a " Sircp Work Barned. KTatsas Crrr.Ma. Sept. 27. Fire broke oat at 2:13 o'clock this moraine in the sirap rehnery of J. F. Bliss & Co., at 2inth and Liberty streets, and entirely destroyed the three story brick bnildins and contents. The telephone alarm was given about about half an hour before the department arrived, and then the fire was nnder way and the Games bey end control The build in;; is owned by J. L Reynolds, cf the firm cf Reynolds. Tramfccll & Allen. Mr. Bliss having assigned at that time. The machinery located in the basement is believed to be a total loss- The loss on the bnildinj; is JSa.OQO. fully insured, aad oa the contests abect the (a tne, CONCLAVE; KNIGHTS IXSaPLAJL. r The Triennial Kaoka to Be Held ia Washington fD. C) Oct. Sth to lita. 1S89, Inclusite- Tickets for tais occasion via the Chicago. Rccb Island & Paciac Railvray, will be so.d at One Fare the Rouad Trip, conditions and -. .it- u- o frt .rtrc Ar.ii!! stirinn or ..fcj xji. jra j iuaw .. - . . 1 the east of the ilissouri River, Oct. 3d to j ota laciusiTe. ctKxi tor guuij; fcif-' llIJl titer thaa trains arrmng in Washington Oct. Sth. aad for retara nassasre to s'.amag pamt on or before Nov id, liaO; at stations m Kansas aad Nebraska, Oct. 3d to 5th. good for goui nassae cot later thaa traias arriving ia Wishmetoa Oct- sta. aca for return.-Nov. 3d, l!f&: at Colorado points. Oct. 1st to 4t'a inclusive. limited goiag. to Oct- sth, ar.d for return, to Nov. Sth. Is9. S5p over adowed only oa re turn coupons at junction noicts east of Bui-io and Pittsbcra-a. Persons de siring to za cr retura via New York, can do so by rayiag $W additioaaL To secure sleep'iag accommodations via C R. L & ? R'y," aapdcations should be made at oace No eff jrt will oe snared ijy the Rock l-.acd to make the trip of every person passing over its line oa this occaicn satisfactory and pleasant. For tickets or farther infor mation, app'vto anv of oar reoreseatative. or addres-. Suny Seba.-tlo.". Geaeral xieet at Paaseager Aeat, at Caicago. A Samoan beat rv is an Americas wiuotv. tmrty-six years old. .? ?-T. aas IaO.lw acres of laad- Ore on. tlie farailiMt of Farniers. Mild, equable ciimate. certaia and abuadact crops. Best fruit, praia. grass, stock cocutry in tae world, r uJ. information tree. Aacress Oregoa Immigration BoanLPortlaacLOregui. Tsr birth-rate of L-elaad is less than that of any European country but France, Rus sia ataadiag'at the head" of the list. Have voa suffered long by reason of Ma laria: tried everyta: the conclusion teat ig. aaa nca:iy come to -!1 i-- nri linr5 Sead oae coar to Dr. A. X Shaileacerger. Rochester, pa., aad get a bottle of his Anti dote for Ma.ana. If not cured in a week. say so. aad the moaey will be immediate.: returned to vou. It young mea will not believe in them selves ao man or womaa can believe in them. Yoc hardlv realize that it is medicine, whea takiagCarter'u Little Liver Puis: they are verv small; no oae ettect.-, : ah trouoies torpid liver are relieved by their use. Up to the ecd of Aurust 14.4ati.UC0 tickets were takea .it tha Pins Exposition, la IsTi the aumber vca3 oaly T.125.C0O. Tnosr who use Dob Dins Electric &ap (and rheir name i Ik io) save their clothe? and streasrth. aad let the oip do tne work. Did yra ever trv itl If not. do o next Moa ttayiurs. Ask your grocer for it. A LTTTL2 seeing saves maca looking: a little saeakiaff saves i Woek for workers! Are yon ready tc work, aad do vou waat to make money Taea write ta B". F. Joanson & Co.. of Rica menc. Va.. and see if they can cot he.p you. Rror3gn impertinence i.a't wit, acy more thaa insolence is aniliaacy. Foil a Cough or Sore Tarcat the best medi ciae is Hole's Hoceyof Horehouad aad Tar Pike's Toothache Drops Cure ia oae miaute. Hs who waits to co a great deal at ence will seldom co aay thiae at al m Pais in the Side aear.y always comes from a disordered liver aad saroma'tiy re-ie ved by Carter's Little Liver PuIa.Do'a't forget tais- - Gp-atitlde is the music of the heart when it chords re moved by kiadaess. Exnns freedom from iaj rious drugs maxe -TaasuTs Punch'' 5c Cigars mast popular. Brrr. easiest to use and cheapest. Pisa's Remedy for Catarrh. By druggists. 2.c THE GENERAL MARKETS. KAX5.V5 CITY, Sept. 3). CATTLE Shipping steers ...S3 i 3 4) Bntcaer steers 3 ' Q, 3) Native cows. 131 S 2 25 HOGS Good to choice heavy. ) ft 30 TVEEAT No. red 63 S 3, No. --sort t: a tii CORN No. "i S3 & 2S oats No. s it a :t4 EYE No. 2 3t fe Si FLOCH-Patents, pir sack. .. 1 33 S 2 00 HAY Baled 4 00 -S !W ELITES Choice creaaiery.. 13 a ) CHEESE Full cream 6 7 EGGS Choice 14 15 BACON Hams 10 104 Shoulders 5 & t$4 S.dss ....... " S LAKD 6rjt S POTATOES S 3D ST. LOCT3. CATTLE Shipping steers ... 4 00 U t 43 Batchers' steers... 3 . S 4 3i E035 Packing 3 73 ft 4 20 SHEEP Fir 10 choice 3 i Q 4 4 FLOCE Choice 3 .'-1 Ji 4 33 VEE.7-No. 2 red 51 S i CORN No.2 Si3 xh. OATS No. 2 171-5 17S EYE No.2 37 a 3-i BCTTEi: Creamery 2rt a 2:1 poek. :: c a :i & CHICAGO CATTLE Shipping steers.... 3 0 G 4 50 HOGS Packmc and shipping. 4 (X) G 4 33 SHEEP Fair to choice 4 0) a 4 &) FLOCK Waiter wie.it 4 40 f& 4il WHEAT No.2 red 01 a 214 CORN No.2 Zl'---2 31 OATS No.2 13 ft 10--4 EYE No. 2 41 ii 41 BUTTEE Creamery L" G 13 POHS 11 CO G II 10 NEW YOEK. CATTLE Comnioa to ?rjz.Z.. 4 00 O 4 50 EOGS Good to choice 4 0!) G 5 13 FLOCK O-iod to choice 4 40 w 3 : TVHEAT No.ired 56 a S6-i COEN No.2 4-)S 41 OATS Western mtied 21 d. 28 SCTTEK Creamery 11 a 17 POEK Ii23 t2 73 GRATEFUL COMFORTING. EPPS'S BREAKFAST. -Eyatliorfn'A knowleiire of the ramral la ic-htcii potts t-e cprarlcin of U:s-tic nu rio tr.JO. aad St a carar.il aMli"-""5.3. 't1 t.ne properties of '!t-Ievl Cocca. ilr. Epps a proTid-tl our breaifat tA'l-rs "itfa a c-ltcatlr Saronrasl b-Teraje --sich oT "a s nraaj a- aT coct.)r &U!. It by the lndiciou a-e or nc. articKot aietthataconstltntion -nay be s-ail-iaJ-t ba.lt np cctl. strocs enoci-ft t re-tst every ttn-d'-ney to ilia- HnndriHlor abtl alailit- are fic.itl3aroradnsr'aly to attact w!ier-ertiiere Ls a leak point. We say escap: maay a. fatal ---tTie-plnionrselfr w4l lortiSed -nth Dcre blicl and a properly cocrUced rrame- "Cru zmttv. aJe iply --rttli boillrz -ater or n--. SoU onlT tn hU-pocad tins, by Growers, lab!lrd tact : JAMES EPPS k CO.. Hcmeocaikic Cheaiiis, Londart, Engian. BI6 MONEY fcrACENTt -WUlard. IJLXEST and BEST UUBTMea ornrtT Tears. anirlira KhLnmchT aiul Ejurr of tie KCTX. CeATET SELLSK SMCS CltAJITS MEBSOIKS." itaAacoriaamo rtmaritatue aaa brt Co a wumaa ol trst S asaxtW. mm tfc day. ajeaIl IS mt ay. - Aarwawaaa eaa BauSltitr Iar. 5o cztKnA sanMrr. 5 !? -jaiiihrs cr&eacral Axra'. -an c-t tau bock. ForesaaaiT tamurr aad naaral trrca. write mt aaace to sL J. mXTIlicma9-mrmwmirrt,mltm-m. EL BASE BUI CsliWCIS IUU1L T la. x S la. ?0 paces. 1 innlaatesf Corer. CteTBalT BTfT9sfsf cn application encioains one OKI! I i" HCCiscjauap, o y addresae. TIEO00EE HOLLAND. P.O.as)xli,nas.,la. ayaAKtsai,araiaaijtaairsma. GQCGA Mlas Frmemilll DUUli A New Depsrtar From ordiaarv business methods is made bv the manufacturers of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, ia guaranteeing this world-famed remecy to cure all diseases arising from derangements of the liver or stomach, as indigestion, or dyspepsia. bL lousness or "liver complaint," or from im pure biocd, as boils, blotches, pimples, erup tions, scalp disease, salt-meum, scrofulous sores aad svrehinzs aad kindred kLmeats. Moaey paid for -Discovery" promptly re turned if, on fair trial, it don't cure. Don't hatvk. hawk. b..-w. spit, aad disgust evervbody with your offeasive Dreath. but use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy aad ecd it- Doy'T iadu.g3 in the luxury of strong opinioas ia the presence of your elders. 15 aSLcted with Sore Eyes use Dr Isaac Thorapsoa'5 Eye Wter. Druggets seL it.i.c Hirrosr is not fable agreed apca but truth disagreec upon. The Liver And kidnees ar orsaas wiica It is Important snocld be ieptin irwl eaciiiwa. anl yet .tej are Terioriel 2il asujeti 3y ntariy eT-rjocly. onttl ibe; become worn-out. c!o;evl np. o- itlaiel. ilool iariapartil cares a.l ciSesIties w:tn tuei oryiai. roaes theni to hea:tny action, xal lonee tbu wtoleCjes-Te oraaclja. " I fcaTe teea csirs HocC's ?arp.irtla for Izili etvt,n anil l.Ter trosble. It h itreatly t-::e2teU ae. aad I t.ilnX It t' tally as tcool a medicine a claimed. E. a. CEESEBao. cntet ecsmeer lire Jept-.5tociicn.Ct- Hood's Sarsaparilla 5iUlhyaUlrjsits. tl: six for S3. Prepared only SjCL HOOD A CO.. Loweli. IOO Doses One Dollar VTTCI'K SOLD lEST BYTHE DEALERS A Proclamation! Br. I. Gay lwls. rnlici. Ark-, uys: -A TCsr MroX tiad bilioa fever ;Tkttt Itls were hiftilT recHiaifi,Jt tbat I B3J them. Sever did isetieie have a kappir effect. After rm ttr f quarter or a coatarr, I re claim tneca tbe best ANTI-BILIOUS BiedlelBs ever ttcrloe tncaa.n tucd. 1 alvay yr Tutt's Pills Cure All Bilious Diseases. LIST Wfwan Wire Fencing STEEL kWIre Rope Selvage 80c TO S2 PER ROD. . lgiiSMaa(rrtiths.uitaraiii-2 SonlDycsorcaIr tn thtf lirn" rt trvtt. rTJlKllT ?A1D- Istor-ji-uiPn trv. T1IK M.nrXJ.E WOVEV lriKFFOCrra, Ely's Cn am Bala IS SURE TO CURE COLD in HEAD QLTICKX-Y. -s-Ppl7 Ualm into each nostnl E.T EEOS, M Wiirea St. S.X. JONES TXE PAYS TH E FREICHT. 3 T a " afon caie. Iron Later i:a taac-i. Brum Jk T- oa't IJi t;v iar "r-i foji- ?Jrtr price llis -- .' -arr aad aidrrsa JO.'JES CF BIXCHAMTCM. BI5GnAaTO.V, N. jr. Salvation OH Trj- u. : n z?e. 1 nnn nnn acres lapTd I lalllllZa t lllli is Alaauai aad Jlloua I I7WV5VW pPi .sn tae .e . f tci I MUSILEX-!U0 1t.l:. Fj-.'DJ n-irs a.l.lr-9 IAL.V A)l I1M & EEVEU. PUENT i cr ilCK F t3Z.Vic-r-re:latlabl-.AacrJ Earaix- L. 4L irnt. St Lja ' Kk EnJ tn? tlrlrt. E r.VtlE FtiUTIIE IHM 1 TUII; - tw on al to a.. ; i" In AlabaauiB'l'I.w!! -pr m th-3ia(nle .a- a,).:.-. 1? 1 ..Ttw.4cr. .ia'ari 2KL VDtfr liri mad S-Hb.BVaU atbr -ti. nit. Tlctrt oxl forSiifa 1 - Ptra-ii- ( P' -r- t-" Bla". C. U. KI.N H. . H. 1. .V X. JLti.li.H- Mtale. Alaw "" VZt ?iti qSKJfOR W19& k! 3 rBSSmOhBa-v-iKa n SSwlSBMKMabaUjKEPCB! ff&rS5SBrrSsrrSS- fcs?i J'aHB'iASLW lsP'V kHix: 723 rxrts. JOSEPH H. HUNTER ISO'S EEMEDT FOR CATAHRH. Best, tc uie. .Cheapest. Relief is immediate. A It is an Ointment, of -xbicn to the nosils. Price. 50c- EiaiL ..(i-ire!?.?, E. T. r I ESfflKralinHaBaaaRBfisdaaar TO MAKE B JFW ta TCua eseczs fca (WW B H... -.r-aF V MMurrSaV mm. JLmmmW TJACOBSOU For Rctthw, Brnss, dts cd'n'ouiiis. r-cj5i-fcrtscnd Gzrdr AT tterooisrs asd DrA.tzz3 THE CHAHtES A. VOCclFH C0 BaKistare. Ed. ty return ma3. tall tejcnptlT drcurs cX aescrs nw TAItit CTSTUt AnjIiCrcicril-ca-T lni3"l sencts can ea.'.7 amt ;ckJ Icara to cut ana maue any yarmsiit, ta any s. .e to say T.-ir crch-Jd-idcrisa uuui awi, CJT'ar.B, C. GOLD SSDAL, PA2I3, 1S73. W. BAKER & COS MM Cocoa abtoiuttty pure and So Ctiemiccils .- osni ia it rnsnlsiTS. I: !u kirJUa lAn II au U cmll cf Cdns nuifl witii ar a. i-we cr SGfir, al u tierrfur tir ci-irs a nj- It m Urlxuiu. cntirj-.?. c-nainr. EiillT DtttLffia. ia! Mttmmitj iiprrl ttt J'i!i u g a fcrtx-rioca toa. 9Mld by Grogr v?rywhgrc. W. BAKEB 4: C0 Dorchea:er, Kosa. OR' .TS?. fen. "3 CC - C3 S-J-C3 ' C3 - a T3 Wrtl-a To HAVE YOU gRiOES Tae kMt TOJIC la K-tlSTtSti. i esant :.:. But cot a beverage. Cur llliio nns. Grnl Dvbitltjr, lllrcJla LlTrr CoaplalaU Ff cr aid line, etc Z3f AS roCR nirnatsTS ro rr. Mannai--rr-?l 'i McPIKE.t FOX. ATCUl5JN.KAi.t3. mr3an2 tma ?A?sarpi ta ra. I (itr my mrrlm aa J t-aIl-- til rVfHii mcircTiyc vn ; rennu rcisa i wuinsiiiw ivuti wiihiwo. ww.tna Libral .traacn. Fair com. Jj'ffiawnsfl. C.Vr tlnra.". Prumpt wSra'fi ad x fa il-W. Hftmncr L.itxi Boaiu J-iMES" LA TOrittTTK. tit N. Cdsmercul. : iT. LOCLS- PENSIONS! PrKariqaik:y 13 F"y paaiph.t?: a ireziiua aaI E.in3Lars iurrais. AJi. ?. H. FrrZG7.iiU, -. CSaia Area-y for Wmitra ioMi-r. l-...anaK.j.Iai a-3JJt2 tsa Pa?ta wt r PATENTS 7r nrrnvrriis. BOOZ F2ZS. JUr-l T r-ai-.J. kzrsrr :U tc..' - . n 1 yTiwTTTfS ptPsaMr7daM7wt-bk (APA MOSTB A.D BOARD PAIU. PJ JJorlmtlJetcoir.nmiwn antl :W DAT w "r CBEUITto AiT-itoacarXeTr Rook. P.Tr.7IEGLEKJtCO.EriMarieti-.-.Li.sl5jIa T" 1 hi rin Tim 1 nan ' LEftVEl WORTI, KIN SAS. VCTa mm m?.mrm A hM.Mr.1 WI dent property of nit aere. onr tv non-Drsident. Atltlrean. ? M. VKAZEY, 316 West Sixth street. Ktatu City. Ho. PENSIONS MS ALL SOLDIERS, lf'aillaSlil.SaT.'tC- V erter rlieT.. Law rri. i.T KltaUlaa'S-.CaviBjut.ij.,anaaAiatj.l).C. ea-gaxx taa ikfti 1 ijanwa. OPIUM OOK free mini! nit.J.c.MlM..v. iillK-F triiggllHiaialltalJaH PATADDU Carbolic Smok Hall PJIBC uAIAilnnA pol'tre cure for Car.-h.bUnC Bron. "litis. Arnica. Cll la tne hai sal Ttr"a ssilIi-rtarfBaaira. 1113 M tin St. ai-tcia C zj.Ho C IN 3h DAYS;" -10 lOOni-r- orirrs ta IS fr- JaS. H. EaEL.Fniuji:er. atc-i. 1 PA"ta mrv XXTtm f, 1. si yp rrnT. Boi -rtng. f :-.ii:-i?.Ani-. IlllBlk "''.Sti:r-Ji3.nil. ru: -Aoroct.T ti-ltll by i-a.- Circalim ir-t. BatxTTS TOT.1 (7, eaala.S.Tl VfailltftlflCaI-,::irn T-irrapbr an.t BaQraad I iiiimV .vent's Eairi?V,re. aailercr o 1 iitoatioaj. Wntei.D BROWN. edaltA.Mn. CAlinU? MISSOURI ST2H VWSHEH oa triaL X3r3alIZ RiiS ?i?ElaaiJwaarl. A. N. K. D 1259 TB"!IE' WStTTfTSfi TO AD'E1Teit TIX-tSE tiatr tAat a M tlM Ai2acrumcat ia xSLm o c 'r-lI.G'Tr- a PESSlGXi a smaU particle ia applied Slid bj drugcists or sen; HAZTa.xisS'arrea, Pa. a ui20!s -rnrr mm iiMTTTinrin r ' KSjffgfi h smr it HZ l X Is liUB . Ifr . you WANt? cvm 1 1 hi a ft