The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 04, 1889, Image 6

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    i 3
f ? -
- - rr.
Th consuraptioa of peanuts U
MOO.000 buihels a season.
The wealthiest oolored man in the
.South if a New Orleans sugar planter
named Marie. He has an incomo of
$40,000, and is a cultivated gentleman.
The once fighting Modoc Indians
hare become industrious fanners in the
past twelve years and half of them
kava professed Christianity.
A Wisconsin lover wrote to his
sweetheart: "There is not a globule
of blood in mj heart that does not bear
your photograph.11
A colored aaa, on trial for rob
bery in Washington, instructed his at
torney to oaaUeoge every negro on
the Jury. He said he preferred toon
frost hls.caae to whlto men.
A fanaer in Huntingdon County,
Pa., caught an owl and put it in
his ban to fight his rooster. The
wl fought, and the rooster did the
bast he could, but when the battle was
ver the rooster was dead.
A Kingston (N. Y.) minister mar
ried a couple one night recently, and
when signatures were asked to the
certificate it was found that neither
the bride, groom, best man nor brides
maid could write their names. They
all signed by making marks.
A Georgia colored man is very
fond of alligators as a food product.
He captures the saurlans, and, after
daly preparing them, cures them as he
does his hams. In his smokehouse at
present fivo or six of these reptiles are
hung up undergoing the smoking pro-
The crowd of immigrants that
may be seen in Castle Garden any day
at present are subjected to a more
rigorous examination than tho immi
grants of former years were A good
ssany are sent back to the countries
from which they came, on the ground
that they .belong to the excluded
iAt one of the cross-roads in Brazil,
an idol carved from the wood of an
orange tree was placod for the Indians
to worship. On one occasion it was
noticed that an old red man omitted to
perform his act of obeisance. On Do
ing commanded to kneel he stubbornly
replied: "No; I knew him . when he
was an orange tree."
A Washington woman, prosecutor
in a late assault and battery case, who
called the court's attention to the
marks on her face, the result, sho Bald,
of the beating she had received, almost
fainted when the judge ordered an offi
cer to closely examine the injuries.
He rubbed a handkerchief over her
tee, when the marks instantly disap
peared, having been made with paint
The case was then dismissed.
A trader at Amerlcus, Ga., boasts
(having a remarkably smart wife.
Although ha has been married tern
years, she has never asked him for a
dollar and he has never given her any
money. Ho generally borrows from
her, and she makes more than he does.
She sells all home products, such as
meat, lard, chickens, wood, hay, etc..
and beats his Etore. He docs not buy
any thing but sugar, coffee and a lit
tle rice, as ho has every thing clsb to
sell off his place-
i-On the evening of May 20, 1766,
the citizens of Boston celebrated the
repeal of the Stamp act by hanging
one hundred and eight lanlorns in the
Old Liberty Tree en Essex strocL
Ono of tho lanterns, 'which, according
to its inscription, was hung on "tho
west bough, opposite Frog lano," has
been in the Hunncman family over
since, and was recently presented to
the Bostonlan Society by tho widow
and children of the late Joseph H.
Hunnemaa. of Roxbury.
A San Francisco spinster of uncer
tain age, possessed of much woalth
and little beauty, agreed" to give a
marriage bureau $100 to6ocuro her a
husband. Forty dollars was paid down.
A marriage resulted, but the remain
ing C0 was not paid, whereupon Mrs.
Meyer, proprietress of tho bureau,
sued for $185 for services rendered.
This included tho unpaid $00, $100 for
board and lodging and $20 for a wed
ding breakfast The bride, to avoid
notoriety, compromised by paying
At a recent fashionablo wedding
in New fork tho father of thobrido
wore a broad grin as ho walked up
the church aisle with his daughter.
Paring the ceremony he chuckled sev
eral times, and nt its closo he broke
into an unmistakable laugh. As he is
a- prominent citizen of unimpeachable
sobriety, and is known to have tho
teaderast regard for his family and
for this daughter in particular, many
were somewhat scandalized by such
an apparent breach of decorum. At
the wedding reception tho good gen
tleman solved 111 mystery. Ho had
suddenly remembered that the last
titno he had been inside of any church
was whet be was himself married la
that very edifice.
Gma, chewing, according to recent
report, to the prevailing mania in
Albftm, Nab. Tha dlsfusUng habit
has hm tw fiscal that parents
anftprtacners inveigh against it, but
to) to effect During aerrieee in
charfch last Sunday the dominie deli
cately insinuated that the eoagrega
tidto kWred lika a corral of munching
datltt. so. Industriously did the jaws
wag. Wkilo tha pYeachar was round
isg aifHtoojiemV' peroration on the
beauties of tho echolesa shore, a
sntojaty yell rent the rafters. It came
from tha paralyzed jaw of a Mr. Cato,
who had been suddenly smitten with
lead colic, caused by chewing adul
terated cum. Cato was taken home
and ta congregation dismissed. Next
ey a tan of second-hand gum was
Carpel! Carpet.!!
Mrs. M. E. Huffman, livinjr two
milts west of the city on the Kaley
farm is prepared to wcmvc carpets on
shoit noticr. Orders by mail wiH
receive prompt attention. Leave or
ders with C. Schaffnit.
Dr. Jaque's German worm obko3
destroy worms aiul removes tln-:ti from tlie -vs-tein
. Safe ani i-ir.ctl c.
Gqpd mothers uso Dr. Wincholl's
teething syrup for children with colds, .e
throats, and to regulate the lowN.
Uncle Sam's nerve and bono lini
ment will relieve sprains, bruises, neuralgia and
rheumatism. Dr. I. L. Field, No. 53 East Ma
ple st.
eSam's condition powders
the best for horses, cattle, hops and ii-nilfy.
Get tho beat. Eilerts daylight
liver pills, for sour stomach, torpid liver ami
Cure your coughs and colds with
Eilerts tar and wild cherry. All drujpiist. kce
t, large bottles nftycrnts ami one collar.
Happy Homo blood purifier ia
the people's popular inei'.lftae for purifying tlw
blood and malarial diseases clc. Larye bottles
fifty cents and one Collar.
The greatest wonder of the 19th
century, a carpet exhibitor showing
just how a carpet will look when on
the floor at F. V. Taylor's.
- - . .
Here's YerHarb Wire.
Adam Morhart the .popular hard
ware man has just received a car load
of Glidden barb wire, which he is
going to sell very close for cash.
Call and see him at once if you want
A New Barber Shop.
S. T. VanHorn who is well known
in this city, and who for the last year
has tried his luck elsewhere, has re
turned to this city and has purchased
the barber parlors of Ilobert Barkley.
He has fitted them up m nice style
and invites his old and new friends
to call and sec him. Ho will give
you a shave or hair cut in the latest
style of the art. -MT-tt
o c case. ' McNknv,
Will practice in all courts or tins state
teeHonsasweUswUtisateU business careful-
t& efficiently attended to. Abstracts f urnis'i-
1 w application , , , . . .
OvncK. Over First National Bank, hed
cloud. Neb
ing opportunity now offered
to secure your
and other ecliool supplies
while the sto;k is
it J!
you that this is the time to
select from the finest line
line of sclool tablets
in the city-
Druprgist and Bookseller.
Fremoat, -Mori i.
(Chicago & Northwestern Railroad.)
J. Vf. Dauiiker, Local Agent.
. Arrhoj. Leaves.
Rissengcr 2:43 pjn. 3:30 p.ra
A ceom. and Freight 3:ep.m. 5:00 p,m
via Northwestern routa.
Arrives at YOTk 5:32 n .m, Fremont 8 :15, Oma
ha, 0:50 p.m. Chicaso, 12:00 m. St ranlD:30a,ni
Ixsvcs Chicago cwop.m. Omaha 8:40 a.m. ar
rives at Hastings i';U u.ui.
Omaha St.. Paul, Sioux
City, and all points
Thcolny Hoc to southern Nebraska, Dakota,
Hot Springs, the Mack Hills, and
Central Wyoming.
Through tickets and baggage checked to des
tination. For rates, time tables etc, c; Jl on
J. B. DArBHKit, Agent,
Hastings, eb.
Uon. Manager. . Ccn. Fas. Agent
Omaha, NUi.
BIsQ hwictren onlver
Ml Htisfaction in tba
coreof Oooorrhcr nd
' OUct. X prescribe It ad
It ts lt snfltrcu.
Center. M.
eU br prufgUta.
C. Jj. Cottiso, Agent.
We can sere yoa moner if rem will Mote what
yoa waut r4 send 6c lor sample. We carry an
e:csant ana comoleto stocS of Stlfce Jre
Goviliund laaka for cn!e to consumers at low
cal MmlTbi. Yon cannot duplicate our prices in
OeiwS Hnlta Overcoat which can be sent
subject to approval upon receipt of enoajfti money
to guarantee retmrn cbarces. We send rales for
self-sseaaarement free. We baport oar Bsatettal MkM nHF mra arsinti.
ftn avsM
Nntltvli herehygUfntiiat under :inl byir
eleik of tl-.i d'otrict toun'of tliG li J'nt.cinl
.iMrict in. mil for cli-t r countr. N ..i-t!:!!.
uniiit :i (liM-n-L in an action i : j In Ktl
..mi.- ! ,llilflliY Mlltlll!! I. I .SllfnitCl
ronipnny ."e plainlifl's, John J rimilli aiil
Am Ii J. -'ni:ii et :il. ae iiffi"io..nt I shall
. ,-nr fnr .. . !.t lltlllliCYlMlthhi ftr :fl. !tl I'.'tlMl
.it t!n ,ns. ilonr t'f the court ho:: in Hi-d
cimul l I count v tliat beisii t 'a . wltero
thf Inst tern f.f .".! l court oi'in
I tIvnt O t-ilM-r. IW:itl oVIoit ;ti. lhu
loliowfr.g di-tritil pror:rt to-w t: 'Ih west
niith'ilfi '.)ortln lionh w-:","'rteritinl itn
V.iiliini'hiul :)Ol iueiiiii ipum rui
vs'tion siv (Ct in tov.nshlp ' :.ori'- i
nngmilne, yl ct oftheu i. . . Wc .;
comity NetinLska. . , . t.
(.iven under my hand tins l.tli dnyuf 5- t
en her 1? H. '. r'. Sln-r .
Kalcv Bros. plaintlS'satt-
V,it!.. ;. I ..r..1.t- Mri'ii th:i! Iitlili'r .111:1 liv vir.
tuc r of an order oi Nile ixsueil by I. II. Fort
clerk of thi tlisfict court in and for Webster
county NcbuMKa in an action jwiuimg t:i aiu
court rtliercin lliC rCo'-raka Loan &Trn-tCo. is
I'luititiil.-'ii'K.Li'r c II. Sp:im:er. br.tli.ini Wii
li.ims LuWinla Wi linn-. ami M.irj C. .Moore are
delcndantsf slrilloir r at pnldn ven
due forcash in h-ind l tile inghe-t Milder at
the tat dour of tin ci;i t hi)iic In W I i:d
Vcl-tf r oi.nn Nctini' Iwiii;-1.. ;!: e
wheic the last "term of h.h-2 v,mx .i cl.Sen
on tliclrtliv of Wctobcrl f) nl lo ' I ok :
in. the foliowiin: dc-nhwl pro;vitv f v. it.
the Mulh cast ipinrteri'iJofsi'CHrj eiI.t in
towuIu, t.'itr ill noilh i i-ti'"e vl. 'u 'li
west of tin. l!i i Ji m Wl,torcoim:y l.ebras
ku. C.p.cnnnJ'jrmy h'.r.d this 23t'i Liy of An
gttit 18ji. 1L C. cott, Sl.ciilf.
J. ai. 1Ia A?r, riaintiU's Attoniey.
Tane Notice.
Joseph W. Warren and Ceo. W. Hall.
You are horsby noti'ic d that on the 2fiiii day
ofJan, IStSL Ikiuni ptir-h:i!vd at pritatu tax
sale from the county treasurer M. H. 31eXitt at
the cojrt IiQiis-i in lied Cloud, Webster count
Xeb , for tho taxes of the year isj amounting
toS7.43ontliofollning docribiil property to
wit situated in Wei stcr county NVbniska taxed
in the name of Joseph V. Wai ren and Ceo. XV.
Ball the north east ! of the north east '.i of
sect ioi. 12 town nitige 11 ccntaiuing W acres
'I lie timo of redemption of s-.M laud
from the lien ot said tax b-de uid ex
pire January 'JS 1S"0 anil if not redeemed before
the alKite d.te empires 1 will make application
for a trcasiisers tax deed. L. Uau.m.
Take Notice.
To Hugh J, Jew ett:
You arv hereby notilicd th it on the lllhday
of Februarv is., 1. lluum purchased at nnvate
tax sale from the county treasurer, M, !l. 3!c
Nit'at Ihefoiirt houMi in lied t'loud, viehstcr
roiinty Ncbr.wka for the taxes of IS; amounting
to.'sJ-'iO. Tin', north-east l oJ the sonth-.vest U
section S3, town 1, range !, containing M acre;
ttxed in tin- name of Hugh J. Jewetr. 'Ihc
time for redemption of said land from t'm lien
of said tax sale will expire February llthisoo.
and if net redeemed before the above date, I
w ill make application for a treasmer's tax deed,
Take Notice.
TolIughJ. Jewttt: , , ,
You are hcrebv notilicd that on liielltli day
of Fbrnarv iSfth'I. Baum purchased at inivate
tax sale from the county treasurer 51. i!. Ie
Nitt at the lourthottM! in Red cloud, VVsttT
counlv, NebKiska. for thu taxes of the jcir l"C
ninouutuig I .",..rA The north wot U of the
south west i. section :, town I, lan-re :2, con
taining H) acres, taxed in the name of inch .T.
Jewett. The time for rcilein!ti"n of said land
from the lien of said tax sale will expire Febru
ary llth ISOn, and if not rede-mad before the
above date, 1 will make application foratreas
urcr's tax deed. l Baum.
Take Notice.
ToHiiuti J. Jewett: , ,
Yon are hereby notified that on the nth day
of Fehnmr. 1SjS, L. Ilauni purcliascd at iri
vate tax sa!e trom the couiitv treasurer 31. B.
McXitt at the court house in Hed cloud Webster
county 'cbr:iska for the taxes of the car ISSD,
amounting to 5-r. The south-west l-l of the
south west 1-1 section 33, town I. range U con
taining 40 acres, taxed in the name of Hugh J.
Jewttt. The time for redemption will expire
February llth 1S1W, and if not redeemed before
the aboe date I will make application for a
treasurer's tax deed. L. Baum.
Tak Notice.
ToG.IL IIonrori1. it ,., ,
You are hereby nutilied that on the 28th. day
of Janunrv is8, L. Baum purcliascd at pnvato
tax sale, from the county treasurer ,l U. JIc
MIt at the county court house in Led rioud,
Webster county. Neb., for tint taxes of ihc year
Isst;. amounting to SI4.7l tlie following dcjerib
od Una sitiutod in Webster county Neb., taxed
.'i flie name of C. B. Hosford. part of the north
exst'j of the south west U of section 2, owu 1
raii"e it rontalidnar2ncrei. The time for re
dmptiou of said land from the lien of 'd tax
s.ile. w ill c' iro June 2th ISO, and if :it re
deemed beft'-e lbs above date, I will imike a
nlicatiuii lor a treasurer's tax deed.
Take Notice.
To Hugh J. Jewett:
You are hereby notified that on the lith day
of Febnuirj" ISSN I'- Birtm purchased at private
Mx vile from tbe county troasuior 31.15. 3!c
Niit attheemirt in Bed cloud, ''"coster
countv Nebr iska. Tor the taxes of the yeir lsC
ameiinting oS."."4). t!iu south cist i-t of ihc
o..ittli .., . t ... tin. t trkit-,, f ,Ml,-i f,.ntl
ttiniiig-ioa.-ics, taxed in the naitie ! Hi:i:hJ.
Jewef. il:i time for redemption of sJd land
from the lien of said tax sale will expre Feb
ruary llth 13 and if not reilc med before the
above date I will make nipJicatioii a treas
urer's tax d-1. . ! B mm.
Take Notice.
Joseph W. Warren and Ceo. W. ILil!.
You sire Jxrebv notified tliut on ihe ISth day
l January, ls.?,I, r llanra piirch.iel '
i.,tt.ii.k liv cnli. frtfii flu, nnimlv tri ifiiirir. M
it. 'aicNitt, at the court-hoiim in Bed tloinV
eubiui uiii iy,.,i-i".i.-v.i, IU1 lilt: l.l J I .ui.
j-car ifi. iiuiountiiig to S7.1".. The following
described land situated in Webster cuuntv.
N'ebnuka, taxed iu the name of Joseph .
Warren and 'leo W. Ball, Tho north west 4,of
the north-east U bcction 12, town 2, liuige 11
contt!ni!g 40 acres. The time for re
demption of said land from tho lien of said
tux sale wiliexpjio January 2Mb, 1SK ami if
not redeemed before tlio above date expires I
will inako aiudlcation for a t insurers tax
dectl. - ttvuM.
Take Notice.
Joseph AV. AVartetinnd Geo. W, Ball.
You nre hereby notified lhat on Ihe 2Sth diy
of Jannary ls&, U Baum pnichafcsd at private
tax sale from the county treasurer 51. B.leMtt
at the rourt house in Bed Cloud Webster coun
ty Nebraska for the taxes of the year 1SW
amounting to $7.43 an tho following described
tands si tun led in Webster county .Nebraska,
taxed in the name of Joseph W. warren and
Geo. W. lfcill. The south west 1- of the north
cast nnarter. sec 12, town 2 range 11 containing
40 acres. The timo for redempt'on of said land
from the Jien ot said tax sale ill expire Jan.
23lS90and ir not redeem before the almve
date I will mate application for a treasurer's
tax deed. L. Baum,
Take Notice.
To Charles W. Kaley, Jacob L. Kaley and Ku-
fus M. Uirgent. . .
You are.hereliy notiftVd that on the and day of
Dec. 1887 I, I Baum purchased at privato ta
sale from the county treasurer, M. B. .lcNitt,
at the court lioute in Ited Cloud, Wjhster coun
ty, Nebraska for the tHXcs of the ycr lfc.
amnunting to 17.43. The following dracribed
iaud. situated in AVeltcr county Nebrata tax
ed in tlie name of Charles AV. Kaley. .i.wob L
Kdeyand J.ofusM. Largcnt:tlienortli-:vcet H
section !, t wn I, range H',con:ainln' liW acres
Tile time for redemption will expire IHreiuber
2, 18S), and if nor rcdeemtd before tb" t)ove
dale expires i will r.ia e application for treas
urer's tuv uoM. L.Bvl'31.
,Take Xntice.
To Joseph W. Wanuti and Uw. V. l!a!l.
You arehrreby notifli U that ou tlioC3:ii dy of
January IS', I. I- Bantu pmchved at ,,nerc
taxsale Iroin the county treasurer M n Mc
Nittatthe lourt'ioio JiilUrJ lioud. Webster
county ctr.'s'.xa, for the taxes rt the tar is;,
umouiitiag to a7.5on the ilrrhed
laud situated in V.'eletcr comity ebraiKa t.-A-ed
In tlie name of Joseph W. Warron .uI f
W, Itai!. ihc Mmth-cK.'t oor.h est
neetljn 1J. tov.n g. range 11 cctining .a'n
'Mic ttmefor reilemitionofsyidland frni tne
Hen of safn .nx sr.Ie will expire Jaii-mry '2Sta
1M!0 and It not redeemed tefons the abw.i- date
expires, 1 will make npplteatjon for tre-xsurr s
taxdteil. Iy. Il.vUM.-
.. -
--t - ?'i - . .rtrr-!''!R7v :-?!.
5r- r- :-w '-?&' ? S, '."
r.- l - -.!) r . . y.-Mv:... i
-Vr'-'- Aw-jrr',SS5MSlrt?lilU
: c hV-'. -Tv ' r SCKJiS?2fiii.B
' - . - ' W!i '. ,X"JAii.mk9rmSm4
--' "''X.'. -?a.Lt5?-.i'aiaiiiJT3
t -. -s-:.i-.x-s.z2s :- za-yj
1 -. fl?. :&!H e-:ii:5A,.-.fnl:)?a
Wesbrn rlobd
Aiteslan tihtcr th.onshirt'l the house.
Onlv l -a b o-.-k-J fr.jai e .'y 5 a'.l
(1. SCHJSrElDIflR,Pro;..
1311 1-th Sr. Uemer.CoTo.
KATES 1 2o and 1 50 PER JAY.
The house and furnisaings nro nil new.
Elegant rooms with first class meals nt
moderate rales. First clas livery and
boarding stables in connection with the
D. B. Spanogle,
Real Estate
and Loan AGKrr
Red Cloud.
Marble and
Granite Worl:s
Fine Monuments
and Headstone-5?
Elm St amMtli Av.. !toI Clou ,
take Tine
From die Depot
To Bradbrookb
Photo Studio
QKO. o. and r. d. yeiser,
Wecser Couiy Mid OiTicE
Complctu and only set of alt ti act
books in Webster county. Grazit.i; and
"irming hinds and city property for
C. W. Kalcv, J. L. K cnv.
A TTORXET8 AT UVU, . Agent for xte B.
f &M.R. K.I.ind9. Ohcoou Webster Htmet
Ken Cloud. Nebraska.
1. W. 1ULLEYS.M. 1)
V amlnim: Surgeon. Olllce opo-sitc Fir.t
!tlo-aI ILirJi", Ked Clnd. Nebraska
Chrorlcdlee?rtmatfd hj wail.
C at English Remedy.
Murray's Specific.
. . A gtianiutenl cure for ail ner
" "' voiKii siicu as weai ineui-
ory lovi of tir.dii fniwet ir pterin
headache iiin in the back n-r-oiw
prostration w-aktfulhic-skMi-ccrrliH'a
univerMil lassitude sem
iual wcak!ies.-i iuiioten'y and gen
eral los of power of the ;-'era-tive
Organs; in cithei sex, cans
ed by indNcre innnroierrxtrtion
utit fliil llllltltlt!l lak nl ti
allllfc iiiti ((vtrffc nail v
txv" cossntrriov. i ro a
boxor-jix for ? 5 irl- J!;"'
by mail on receipt of price, h nil
particulars in pamphlet, sent
fieo to every applicant
WcICuaraatcc Six Boxen
. --. rv.-...-it
IU .cure ant i.ibv. , v.w.j v..
order reccivtd c send six boxes
with a written guaraiucc ions
luiiil ine money u rasrawv. 7.,-t.wi
docs not effect acute. Address JutWltaMf
all cwinmuniiialioRS to ine soie
manuliicturers. TiiK Muuhav Medicixf Co.
3?-Sold in ReilClctt'l hyC.h. COlTlXiisoIa
Beryer to Chicago,
Denver to Kansas Cvcyr
Denver to Grnaha,
Omaha to Chief o.
(Cansa Citv to Chicago.
Omqria tO St, LC?i!J3,
Through tickets over tho Su.Ir.g
icrt Route aro tor cctc by the ' -ci-"ic:flc,
Denver & Rio Gruntfc sr.r
a!! niher ptltJcipr.l rr.Uvayft. t- '..
t;y ah agenta of tho "Surtrlcr
For ftirthor information, cppy tu
nj 0nt, or to
v. . wumum,9t' rcw
2 'm!UXllvmJ35rm&El?jL
r. i m iii if
i'or the next 60 days.
U . Z-
fcsi ; a ts td r-i k m f,r Et b.x,
i r4 - v rv-f ara -j . z. j njwi'; 2. r.i
Two doors south of hie former store, and vill now sell yu
His stock will be much larger than heretofore r pt, anc
will he glad to see his friends at his new place
of business.
Miller-Cotting Block, 2 doors south of old stand.
H. CLARKE President, Albany;
Kobt. V. SHIKEY, Troasuror.
Ked Cloud, Neb. Albany, New York.
H. Clarke, Albany. Now York
W IT nl,..n AlhxTiv "N"
R.V.Sljirey" D.M. Piatt E.V.
On improved lanus in febraKa and i &n."a9. Monov ftirnislied vjt goon a tl
security is approvea. rnnc.nal
Restaurant and Lunch Rooms.
Oysters and Ice Cream in Season.
Meals & Lunches ,
We make fresh everyday Ladyfingers, Jelly Rolls, Dough
nuts, Cookies, Bread, Cakes, Pies Buns, Etc.
Boarding and lodging by day or week.
Jos. Herbuegeb, Prop.
Public Sale
Of Short-Horn Cattle,
Hastings, Neb.
Tuesday, October 8th 1889,
I will sell to tho higcest bidder,
These cattle have been bred and rated in Nebraska, are salted to the olinate
and used to the hind of feed, produced by our eoi!, and if properly handled an
certain to give-witasf action. Thi oSerlug will couuiat of
?i n 31M Hlf ETC? FIVE FW
All females old enough have been served by the Crnick-
ul the statefmr at tne 1 end of die herd, and i will take pleasure in 8ho-.vinS th - .to all Jl:
"tedwonwltaWevzi,. Catalogues will bo reiWcpt.
251b. bale comniencei at 1 ii.m.
Col. F. a. Woods, j. RUSSEL LOWXES.
Ametiwew. Prtftwtor, LiicoIn,Scb.
Miller-Cotting Block,
very low
N.Y., J. A. TTJLLEY, .-Viro-Presidonll
AK Oo,
Geo K. Be.tch, BatetotiSr.u N.V.
Y. VL S. Frunpis 1 i.NIipII. ?.ffl.
Hiciiland. J.A. rulleja M.B.McNit
ana interest, payable in Keu L.ioua
;-5T; ?''
.-:-- i. iw'i --li
. fc$ sw&ij 2
'ru&r - -'rfe i-'