is! -r ).fci- z tZmSk " ' ''' "'"'P" i ir fftri ippwf flpiaafiij ifhiiii ii"iJijiii lit hi tfifii stilt iHflTiyiHfV1'11' H1 .--0;- ".- .V.fiMM1 . . -;.-. v-- H 'r& s.CKsWBKWSEW'iow-, -. " r-,'-5JiwTr(j., ,. Vsbs:.-- " .v - Sv; -,.: -" ;?T iT?-? T'j?.- '..' - aBm&$&virvx Vol. 17. . lJ ft "-T- -.' Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, October 4, 1889. No. 10. f3 ii irwc W f JLrf rM mw n era. vi wears'- flar-ai4Kfea Dry Goods n ouse. Grand Fall Opening. We now have all of our fall oods in and ready to show you and invite your inspection. Largest and finest stock of Dry Goods and cloaks. We have ever shown which we will take pleas ure in showing you, whether you wish to buy or not We will cali youi attention ' to our large stock oi. Dress Goods AND dress Trimmings In which we have taken special pains to get onlj the newest shade. and styles You know that oar prices :ire so far below what others ask for the same goods that v.c will not mention tfccm here In cloaks oar stock is simply immense and everyone asks what arc yoa going to do with them all, you Lave Liiojgli J-aki to supply every lady in lted Cloud Our reply is that we arc sing to supply not only every lady in Red Cloud, but the whole valley. Our Cloak Room Is Entirely separate from the rest oQhc store, with plenty f room, fljcr carpeted, cic. You can take all the time you wish to select or think it over Chairs, etc free and you will not be bothered with other goods being strewn around We have over SIXTY PLUSH SACQUBS, JACKETS, EW MARKETS :md MODJESivAS, alsn hundreds of Cloth Cloaks of all descriptions ia Children's Misses' and Ladies all new j-tyles and MARKED at PRICES THAT WILL SELL THEM 'JUT FAST We also wish to call your attention to one grade oi CANTON FLANNELS Which we are selling at 10 cts per yard, as good as yon can get anywhere else at lfi cents. We only have 50 piece? and can not get any more at this price so come early On the'lst of last January wc staitcd in to double the trade of last year or quit the town, so far we have succeeded and will try awful hard to keep it tip and if hard work, low prices anl good treatment will do it, wc will stay with you for years, if not wo quit the first- of next January. Come in and see us We wi'l treat you well and save you money on dry good or cloaks of any kind GEERj RED CLOUD, NEB. 'EXT TO FIRST NATIONAL BANK: te"" SCriOJl- AND CHURCH. Ruv. Augustus Tottoa, the only colored CVuoJie priest in this coun try, is the pustor of St Joseph's Church, Quincy. III. Rev. Walter L. Huffman, of Peru, fnd., has married over 1,200 couple and preached 1.800 funeniJ services. His surpasses the record of any other clergyman in the State. Lord Carnarvon is urjjiny that tha Anglican churches ought to be opek on'week-days for private worship, anC tho Archbishop of Canterbury and the other churchmen agree with him. Kentucky has six counties Har lan, Knott, Perry, Letcher, Roll and Leslie that have never had a church within their borders during' the sixty or seventy years of their existenco as counties. Germany Is doinjr considerable foreign missionary work now-a-days. It has eighteen societies nnd supports 522 missionaries, who look after their 210,000 converts. Last year tho total receipts In money wcro over $700,000. A rector writes to tho Guardian that s "celibate order among tho clcrgyis one of the imperative necessi ties of the time," tho reason boinj the impossibility of supporting a wife iad family upon the ordinary incomo of a curate." The brother who murmured in his heart against God whilo tho drought lasted, but did not thank him for thd Messed rain when it ciuno, la very much liko the rest of us ready to aa cribe nil troubles to Providence and oM felesBings to chanco. Christian Advotl Biahop Vladimir, tho new Russian Bishop of California, Alaska and Aleu tian Islands, brought to thli country a full boy choir of forty voices. Tho now Bishop is transferred to the United State3 froiv Japan, and his special wopk will ''e to improve tho now wretched condition of tho Creoles and Indians in Alaska. John Carswoll, a deacon of tho Scotch National i;hurch at Blooms bury, Eng., was: recently fined fivo dol lars in a jjolico court for assaulting tho vifo of Johnson, a village pnintor in tho church. The evidence was that he struck her with the pedestal of thl offertory box and pushed her so thai ehe became, ill and had to leavo the church. Tho assault was tho part of o row between tho church officials and the pastor, Rev. J. Maekio. Philadelphia has a new religious sect whose title is fearfully nnd won derfully constructed. It is"ThoEc-clesia-of Israel; the Cyipz of Worship ping Congregation of Our Father's Kingdom on Earth." They havo re vised tho opening sentences of the Lord's Prayer so that they read: "Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy hand of power our soul do fear; Thine car of lovo our prayers do hear; Thy voico of light Illumines our feet; unto Thy house our atop?, we bend, eternity with Thee to spend; Thv kingdom has come; now let Thy will bo dono on earth as-it i i Heaven." According to a London contempo tovy, among tho offers recently re ccivod for mission work was one from "a married man' with a small family of fourlcan," who was quilo willing to proceed to China and to leave his fam ily behind him, for a largo family he found a "great hindrance to grace." Probably he is going a little too far to find grace. If lie would stay homo and look after hii family perhaps ho would vecurc moro of the precious article than by abandoning his family for & foreign trip. This declaration recalls the disinterested patriotism of the late Artemus Warl, who was willing to facrifico his wife's relations in tho war. CJtristian at Work. -A& agricultural papet says1 When flies are bad, wash tbi horsq all over lightly with a weak tolulion of carbolic acid." Wo should think it would bo a better plan to wash the bod flies all over with a solution of carbolic &cid. It might tako longer to catch "em, but it would requiEe lesa acid. Norrhhtnn Herat d. Little Slargarct for two or three nights refused to ray ho. prayers. One night her papa owed his faco with his hands aurt sa!d: "it inakca ...... ..:-i. ' ii.:.!. m m. .t pJ)U lU'Cl Lililv IU UiUlli :!,. illl v.oa F j ay her prayers. "t :-:,a Jeol nck? I "Yes, dear.' "Fa'j letter takejf fasseroiL" Iho s;ijct of prayers was no longer diseased that night. W. W. GILBERT, Wishes to notify his friends that he l;as leaFert tlte Watson Barn ! Iiwatt'd fast of :l:att &Trws Lumber Yard when he will kuop Boarding Horses' Feed Barn ! .- At reasonable rate, Come one and all. THE TRAbERS LUMBER CO. Witt MAKK- if viy I; jjlp 1: M I m ' ft POSITIVELY Lower than any yard in the world F. V. TAYLOR, KEEPS THE FINEST LINE OP Furniture In the city at prices that all can afford to buy if in want of anytb ig in his line. pposito First National Bank, Red Cloud. R. "V.Shiuey, l'res. Henuy CLARKE,Vice-Pr. p . .7 no. R. Shibkt, Cathie; Howard B. Cather, Assistant Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BANK Red Claud, Nebraska. CAPITA?. $75,000 Transact a general honking business, buy and sell county warrants, ali county, precinct and school district bonds. Buy and sell foreiga exchange DIRECTORS: - Jas. McNeny. J. A.Tulleys, O. W. Lindsey. R. V. Shirey. John R.Shirey. E.F.Highland. Henry Clarke, A. J. Kenny. Hacker & Parker, THE GROCERS RED CLOUD, NEB. Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud, L. n. FORT, Manager. . A)siraHs ol Title, Furniled toaJl Lands in Webster County, Accurately and ON SHORT NOTICE. . . i Having had ton years oxriencc in county records and ono of U:e most complete set of A strsot- looks in the state, ru guarantee s:itigfactioiu Yosr favors solicited ' '" " All onlcrs filled promptly. 10.009 dollar liond filed ' and approtetl. Address or call on ."''.': L. II. FORT Manager, Red Gload, Neb. : New Billiard Hall! P. L. Jeffers, Propriefor, RED CLOUD, ... Fine tables, reasonables rates, nice treatment, is our motto. NFBRASKA. COMM MRS. G.S.ALDEHS Millinery Emporium. Ladies will lintl it to their advantage to examine my stock of niMiaery a4 fancy goods before parchaseinh elsewhere. My goode ate ali New and First-class. : V S-iS . 1 :-- -yr - A Us jkw.:--- .r.llil' . " --. - Hi: . V """ " - EPtlZ.t & ? J! T. -3S J'' yjffl "A -- - i '.VV cJ" --xV--1? :-z, : "?& sS'v. h v''S .-r. -- !,- . "s,. 1 '" '. ' ? '-'. :.-li r" iS'i- Lv a .-H. r; . :- m -if- a.- . TS -'- i5fc3-.:.- "sr. 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