-r" mifiLL' ' T1THW .pxp -?S -4- iy:7Tlr.ittitvrtt?r?trrmrinKUirrt'7m,":xr' BfcLa3ta4yjiat&aJrf.acwa M iH W!muSni,iti . jiLi'iiM&as,i:6s&'atgi & i i j U NURSERY RHYME FOR TOURISTS Oh, we are little children I Who lore to po and play ' 'Mi.' n that Cfeat P'ay -ground over there, - Three thousand miles away! They hare such pretty dolls there. All dressed like kings and queens; French horses running races And puppets making scenes, VTho stamp and scratch and tellow That they know best of all Their playmates how to manage The game of kingdom hall. i Then pops Nurse Pate out, crying: They make her head go round: And she gives ew-h lord a whipping, h J Quite mistress of the ground, There are mariontVtt climbing mountains yr Which make them look so small; And up they go In spite of The way they break and fall. Sometimes there's a big army Of funny little things That goes and tights a smaller About two bran-stufiVd Kings. Sometimes a flre-cracl:er Csplodes when no one sees. Because some dolls won't answer "When others scold and tease. When we go to this play-ground We have a jolly rWo In such a crowded steamboat With little holes inside Where we play sleep and comfort; And then pretend to cat Some sand and shaving provender. And call tho Captain sweet. This play of "going to Kuropo"' Makes us all feel so grand! Because we cross the water Instead of crossing land. Rose IL Lathrop, la JJ. Y. Independent. MIRIAM. By Manda L. Crocker. CoprmcnT, 1SS. CTIAPTEIt VIII. CONTINUED. A fortnight after parting from Arthur a note was handed her by a servant. It was from her lover, and stated that he had per fected Ills plans for leaving for the mines, and that ho would be at tiie entrance to the park from the highway with a carriage for her on the morrow. In tho afternoon, dearest, he had written, "I will come; there is no need of mc asking you to be punctual in meeting mo at the iron wicket near the chase at three o'clock, as I know you will not fail." Fail! No, not for worlds, yet a strange yearning for the dark old Hall, a longing to be reconciled to tho gray haired father, took possession of her. But more bitter than tho waters of 3Iara came tho prompt ings of pride a:l wounded filial affection. It is utterly useless to grow morbid over impossibilities. She must bow to the rod of a heartless destiny, and go unpardoned and unloved. The morning dawned at last that closed the losg. nervous sennight of waiting. Miriam woke from a terrible dream of death, and in an agony of doubt and terror she sprang from her couch. 'It was but a dream," she said, smiling faintly to her scared reflection in tho mirror. 4but a dream." Yet she could not help but think that even dreams were significant some times. She dared not mention it to Peggy; for that credulous creature would, with her Irish propensities for the mysterious, r:"""erpret a terrible revelation, no doubt. And the yawning mines, the black pits, and the black-covered hearse of her night vision would bo all but dire realities by the time Ciarksou would be done with them. She must not dwell on this; she must prepare for her flight. Her face assumed an ashen hue and her eyes dilated as she thought of this the last day for her within the hall as its heiress. Disinheritance would be her doom. That was what had fallen to the others; those that had gone before her, and whose portraits she had so often seen in the gallery. Oh ! yes. She must needs pay a visit to her kindred of tho silent room, doubly her kindred now, for the day had arrived at last that another child of the Fercivals was ready to depart from the frowning shadows of Heathcrleigh. How many sad hearts had gone from beneath its roof, with the day of wrath treasured up against them. "If itmustbe, itmust," she said, bitterly, as she walked the shadowy, silent length of the low gallery alone an hour before her departure, taking a last view of the re versed faces, hung in line "like so many gibbettcd souls," she murmured. "I can not help being that 'eldest child,' neither am I to blame for the curse of an ancestor falling to hapless posterity. Ah ! you dear, proud one,' she exclaimed, with a tremor wi mm r ''firm v"";i' "alas! alas! that i am oxe or Tor." of anguish in her tones, as she turned the last portrait of the doomed to the light. "You were a youngest child, poor Allen! and whero arc you to day? Ah! my fair, noble-browed relative, I fancy some one will stand here some day and ask that same question concerning mc; perhaps not so very far hence, either. "Alas! alas! that I am one of you!" sho exclaimed, wildly. "What a thing love is; to win us all away from our ancestral balls ino so-called mesalliances, bringing down thereby the wrath of our fathers and dis inheritance. 'Ah 1 good-bye no ! farewell to you all; I am doomed also, and must be going!" She turned the face of the hapless Allan to the wall again, and waving a sad adieu with trembling hand, while tears of anguish bedimmed her vision, she 4eft the long, Jonely gallery, shutting the door gently as If on the beloved dead instead of on so many portraits only. "This is my last visit to the gallery, she -whispered with prophetic lips, "the Iaittime I shall come. Iff' VMV'M : &. ft, Fv 'fi ii i ttr ' frM:Di i is CHAPTER IX. So it happened that after having sought ber father in a last hope of reconciliation and failed, insomuch that the eadingproved to be but a stormy Interview and wrathful parting, Miriam stole quietly out through the park to meet her future husband. Tue dull gray afternoon seemed sur charged with an oppressive silence, and aa evil seemed lurking in the very air; or was it but a nervous fancy lending a miserable influence! Miriam put ber hand on the wicket open ing out toward the highway at a quarter to three o'clock with a sigh, and found she was a little early. Her face had been white and drawn with grief and pain, and her beautiful eyes had in their depths such a wild, despairing look when Peggy Clarkson met her in the hall directly after the interview with Sir Ru pert; but now her face glowed with satis faction, and the fine eyes had a pleasant light as she stood bidding a silent adieu to tne dear, familiar grounds. Ahl what an iron will upheld the fair girl; truly she had the indomitable spirit of the Percivals. A sound of wheels coming slowly toward tho chase, and ber heart throbbed wild ly with expectation. She stepped outside and crossed the common. "Yes, there he comes," she said, and in a flutter of delight she flew back to the pl&co of meeting. 'Dear Arthur," she murmured, "I have never known but two f nends, mother and you. She has been taken from me, and I have only you left," and the pearly tears of memory dropped on the trembling band on the gate. "Poor mother!" But the carriage drew up and Arthur Fairfax alighted, smiling happily to find his beloved Miriam punctual. He kissed her where the tear-stains showed plainly on the fair cheek. "Why these tears, dear est!" he asked, tenderly. 'I was thinking of of mother," she an swered, and ho understood, for his vision was misty with emotion as beheld her for a moment in silent caress. 1 eggy Clarkson came up with numerous. bundles and faltering step. This was to her a sorrow greater than that she felt for the dead mother. But she bore up bravely for the sake of the beautiful girl before her and whom she loved as her own. Her ownl Ahl yes; away across the channel, in the mother country on the shores of Killarney, restmjr peacefully, was Teddy. Dear little Teddy, who closed his blue eyes to this world in his third year, and was laid away forever. with bis flaxen curls clinging to his white baby brow. Poor Peggy! Many sorrowful days bad gone over the cycling arc for her, but this one seemed to her the hardest to bear. She wiped her tears away as she came up with her bundles and tried to appear cheerful. All unconscious of treachery, Sir Rupert was taking bis accustomed afternoon nap, and while his only child was leaving her home forever and caring but little for his gray hairs, he was dozing the hours away in his quiet apartments. "Perhaps father may relent,'' ventured Miriam, as her lover handed ber into tho carriage. "Oi doubt it, me darlint," sobbed Peggy, wiping the tears away from her dim old eyes in order to get a last sight of Miriam. "Oi doubt it, but may the blissid Vargin pro tect ye, onyway." "Do not feel so badly, I pray, Mrs. Clark- son," said Arthur, "if Sir Rupert never forgives us. Surely you can trust Miriam with mc, and feel that she will be happy, and that is more than she will be here." "An' you're livin' might, me mon, Oi kin thrust the childer wid ye; an' far be it from roe to help ye on in yer runnin' away, sir. if Oi couldn't." "Thank you kindly," replied he, taking her trembling hand in a last good-bye. "Cheer up; you shall hear of Miriam fre quently. Have acare, Peggy," he added, in a lower tone, "that Sir Rupert docsn'tever dream of your being mixed up in this leave taking, or that you were aware of Miriam's going." The old housekeeper answered him by an affirmative nod, and turned away to hide her tears. With a final good-bye, away they whirled. Miriam waved an affectionate adieu with her handkerchief as the turn ot the road shut them forever from the park and the tearful Peggy at the wicket, "Ochboon! andmoould heart is broke intoircly," moaned she to tho silent land scape, while the clouds lifted and a ray of sunshine shot athwart its dullness. The brambles and the heath by the way side were tinged with a beautiful flush of autumnal scarlet, and leaves tinted with the faintest gold went flying hither and thither in the breeze. The sunshine which struggled through the gray canopy and cast a ray of promise across the day for Peggy, lay glinting on the sea for Miriam and her lover as they neared Hastings. Tnrough the lanes, past the hedges where the blackberry briars formed a dense barrier, with their browning leaves and luscious clusters, all familliar nooks and old friends, who seemed to say "good-bye! good-bye!" past all these they had come, and the downs, tho sea and the cliffs were uncommonly beautiful in the setting light. The sea-breezes blew up across the country, refreshing and sweet, tho wind-mills on West Hill were whirling their great arms, and the old castle near by caught the western glow with a peace ful contentment, which seemed to say: "I am glad to be left to picturesque ruin and forgctfulncss." The quaint little church at Fairlight was the destination, but they had taken a cir cuitous route to avoid trouble, did the mas ter of Heathcrleigh determine on following them. Miriam's heart went out to the gray haired, feeble father whom she never ex pected to sec again, and with whom she never could be happy. She revolved the possible scenes of wrath and, perhaps, sorrowful regret that would transpire when he should be made acquainted with her flight. Then her thoughts turned af fectionately to Clarkson, who was so "dc tarmint to help the childer away unbe knownst," and her heart ached for the old housekeeper when she should fall under the interrogative vengeance of her master. And a great many other things connected with the Hall floated before her mental vision; some of them coming like reproach lul reminders, while others were so dis tasteful that she drew a sigh of relief to find them really turning like a bad chap ter in the history of the past. She looked about ber. Ah! would she ever stand here again and look far away to High Wickham and the sea! They were passing gaunt, grim Minnus rock now, and the sea lay a dark strip in the distance with the faint sunset light showing purple-tinted on the sky above. For answer the breeze swept by with a low, mournful music, and died away in the dusks of eventide. Arthur, partly divining Miriam's specula tions by the pensive look on her sweet face, drew ber to his heart with a fond caress, saying: "Never mind, dearest, I will try hard to make all this up to yon. Be happy. Bee! we have left the clouds behind us, and as in happy emphasis the last rays of the setting sun gleamed brightly from be- ith a cloud and ! the seal af "Yours was a beautiful home," he con tinued, as she looked up with a smile of trust and confidence, "but you were not happy perhaps never would have been within Its fateful doors." "No," she answered, in a positive tone, "that I think were impossible, but I shall be nappy with you." Then the dreary weight left her soul and a wave of happiness, as brightas the circlet of western gold, swept aside all misgivings and the joy of assurance beamed on her face. Behind them were desolate Becchwood Terrace, which might never more welcome the one, and ivy-crowned Heatherleigb, which could not, would not ever again open its doors to the other. Before them was the quiet, unpretentious wedding ceremony in the little chapel of All Saints; near by also Uncle Earle Fairfax, who was to serve a de lightful little dinner just after the wedding and just before their departure for their future home in his pretty villa over there. Was that all that was before them I No, not by a great deal. There lay a beautiful sea of happy sailing for the two hopeful hearts, but beyond its narrowed limits broko the billows of a dark and moaning flood. Happy for them, as for us all. tho fut ure is vailed from our inquisitive hearts; else we would go down into tho depths of despair sometimes ere the battle of life should begin. But with hope for the anchor and love at the helm, their ship had spread sail for tho untried waters, which looked fair and se rene in the offing. Ah! here was tho chapel at last, in the dusk and silence, open to receive them. Uncle Fairlax and a few friends waited them in the dimly-lighted chanceL Miriam paused a moment in the shadowy porch for a little whispered prayer and then passed down the narrow aisle on tho arm of a mend to where Arthur and bis il'iV. m 'XATUBB 9ZEX3 TO HAVE PUT OS MOUBNINQ FOB CS.rt uncle awaited her. A soft, sweet light shone from her dark eyes, and the marriage service was responded to in low, clear tones, without hesitancy. On the arm of her newly-made husband Miriam left the chapel, but there were none to strew flowers in her way. All was si lent and gloomy without, and tho dream of the previous night recurred to the bride as she crossed the church-yard. The head stones gleamed through the darkness like mile-stones of the past, and Miriam Fairfax hid her face on her husband's shoulder and shuddered. He noticed it and asked: "What is it, dearest?" "Nothing!" she answered, '-only this is a gloomy wedding night. Nature seems to have put on mourning for us, Arthur." "Why! why, little wife," he said; 'I am so happy I do not seem to remember aught of shadows. As to the gloom, dear est, I had not thought of it. Surely you do not regret" "Hush! Arthur, that were impossible, when 1 love you so." But the light and warmth and happy re ception at Uncle Fairfax's superb home brought back the smiles to Miriam's face, and Uncle Earle's blessing settled like a holy benediction on their heads. For gotten were all the shadows and gloom of All Saints in the well wishes and God speeds showered after them as they started for their home near the mines. Arthur had invested what money he had in buying shares, under the supervision of his uncle, who had great experience in this matter, and who owned much mining stock. He was not going to tho mines as a laborer, but sent in the interests of the company; ho resolved to be faithful, and hoped to rise to positions of more importance, and double and treble his finances. And when this was accomplished he would leave tho mining districts and retire to comfort and happiness in some beautiful home near the sea, as his uncle had done. Then Miriam should be happy in her elegant home, and he well, he would be the proud est, happiest husband in England. Together the happy couple planned the future, as they occupied the pleasant, quiet compartment carrying them to Bradford. "That seems a koinde of happy omen, though," mused Peggy, watching tho sun shine checker the dancing shadows at her feet. "Koindo o' happy, but mo heart is broken for a' that," and she wrapped her withered hands in her linen apron and crept along stealthily toward the Hall. "But tho swate misthress is boun' to have love and gude thratement where she's goin', an' that's more than she would win from thtt masthor. th rlnrlini Through the clustering oaks sho passed in fear of being seen by Sir Rupert, not withstanding he was pretty sure to stay in his own apartments the remainder of the day. "An' conscience makes cowards av tho whole av us," she muttered, slipping tnrough the shrubbery like some cruiltv thing bound for a friendly covert. roor old I"eggy! She had Darted with all that was left her to love of the proud family which had known her as house keeper for years. The bonnie brown hair that Ancil had praised so much had grown white in the service of the great HalL She dragged herself into the servants' quarters, where old Ancil was waiting her return in great trepidation, and sat down, moaning and rocking herself to and fro in the extravagant manner of her countrywomen, expressing her inconsolable grief. Ancll said nothing, but his beard ed lip quivered as be sipped his ale, and his little blue eyes filled with tears as he looked at his wife. Sir Rupert, feeling weary and somewhat indisposed, had his dinner served in his own apartments, and never did James serve at a quieter hour. Sir Rupert said but a word or two, and those were low monosyllables; the serv ants, knowing of Miriam's flight, went stcathily about their several duties, as if they feared the very walls would cry out and implicate them. James came and went like a thief fearing detection, and whenever his master looked his way he grew pale with fear; butas8ir Rupert caked no questions he was glad that the revelatioa kad not been Us to sake, and that the austere father re auiaed in ifaeruce as yet of Us daugh ter's flight aad subsequent marriage. "Okl the disclosure, Mttend a, as a T II r... r)'; f, L iwl iff it 1 1p Ttnm C&2 Mil I I w tI wYiwc-Aii. a "Wii n. r i Taw 'M - r, : K-.U . . M - I IX.U - Wf W" "-' S-Mf . .YCirWsJ " ,S. i "'"' ',T" ' came down stairs with the trencher, and be skivered in anticipation of the morrow. CHAPTER X "Howly mother! an' we'll put it off till the crack o' doom if we can," Peggy ejacu lated later, when Sir Rupert had re tired, and the servants had all huddled around her in the west wing to bear the de tails of Miriam's departure. Nothing suited her better than to entertain them in her graphic way and impassioned manner with weird and strange recitals of fortunes pos sible and impossible, and often she had held them spell-bound until the great clock of the central hall warned them of midnight. "But ye all know full well," sho reflected, "that the mastlier tcill be knowin' uv it ter morrer by some manes, an' mark ye," mov ing her right index slowly around the circle like tho finger of destiny, "mark ye, there's not a mother's son of ye knows a single wurrud of tho runnin' away whin tho masthur's wrath runs hoigh." And all promised with one accord to faithfully keep their knowledge a secret for the "Swate childcr's sake," Peggy said, while her auditors knew full well that it was for her own sake as much, and more, than foi Miriam's that they were enjoined to such secrecy. "An' wo must kapo tho saycret for the loifc uv us," supplemented the housekeep er or.co more, as they were about to sep arate for the night; "ye know if ye don't we'll bo whooped out o' the Hal! quickern' a wink; ony way, maybe we'll be kilt night on the spot, an' which is wurrust uv the two Oi'm not to say." At breakfast the next morning Sir Rupert settled himself in his accustomed seat and looked about him; he would wait for Miriam, something ho scarcely remem bered of having to do, she being an habit ual early riser. The butler stood respectfully near. Quak ing in every limb, in dire anticipation of the impending storm about to burst over their unlucky heads, and perhaps sweep them from Heathcrleigh like chaff. "Miriam is late," said Sir Rupert. "Call the housekeeper." Clarkson was waiting in the next room, and at a look from the terrified James came forward as if by magic, halting at a respectful distance, demuro and innocent looking enough to win the favor of anyone, however austere. It was evident that she was in better trim for the emergency than her fellow servants were. "Ask the maid if Miriam is ill," the mas ter commanded, rather than said. Then he relapsed into a silence to bo felt. He was thinking that perhaps the disagree ment of tho day before had unnerved the almost heart-broken daughter. Perhaps he had been too harsh ah ! perhaps he had. Little did he dream when he asked for the maid that she had gone. Declaring that she would not stay to hear the anathemas sure to fall, little Mary Ferris had left only afew hours after her mistress went away ; and, at the time the master of Heatherleigb. called for her, sho was relating again the instances in connection with the flight of Miriam to the dwellers of ber father's vine covered cottage, some three miles from the HalL Clarkson went, without a moment's hesi tation, in search of the girl, whom she knew to be far enough away. "Howly mother," she murmured, as she went up stairs, "defind us in swate marcy! The masther'll be for the kiilin' av us all in less an no toime. Oi feel it in mo bones." Opening the door of Miriam's room she peeped in cautiously, as if fearing that the woeful tradition had taken form unto itself and was bat waiting to slay the first in truder. Then, remembering the fair, proud face of its late occupant, Peggy went over to the bed and knelt for a moment in prayer, making the sign of the cross as she did so. "Oh, me darlint, me swate mauvourneen, an' it's a towerin' pashun yer faythur'll be in!" ITO BE CONTINUED.1! m A QUEEN'S THOUGHTS The "Philosophy of a Princess Koted for Her Philanthropy. Forgiveness is almost indifference; who really loves does not forgive. A man in love is like an ostrich; he thinks ho is not seen because be does not see others. Maternal love is an instinct, but there are instincts of Divine origin. A woman does not become a mother; sne is one from her birth. A numerous family satisfies her vocation; it does not create it, A household without children is a bell without a clapper. Tho latent sound would be beautiful enough were there something to awaken it. Jealousy in a lover is a homage; in a hus band an insult, Friendship based solely upon gratitude is like a photograph; in time it fades. Friendship diminishes when thero is too much happiness on cither side and too much misery on the other. Thero is but one happiness duty. There is but one consolation work. There is but one delight the beautiful. Happiness when at a distance appears so great as to touch the sky. When it enters our door it so dwindles that very of ten wo no longer recognize it Happiness is like the echo; it answers but docs not come. Seek consolation only in immortal things, in nature and in thought The power of doing a good action is happi ness enough. Misfortune may make us proud; suffer ing makes us humble. Wo are always the martyrs of our own faults. Great misfortune lends greatness even to an insignificant person. There is a sort of instantaneous brother hood between victims of misfortune. When you have long been in mourning you xeei attracted by every black cloak you meet. The respect people show you in your mis fortune diminishes long before you have be gun to outlive it, and you are irritated at being treated as before. One must indeed be unhappy to attempt suiciae a second time. Suffering is our most faithful friend. It often returns. Often it changes its garb aid even its face, but we soon recognize it bj its cordial and intimate embrace. When you are young grief is a tempest which prostrates you; at mature age it is simply a north wind which adds a wrinkle to your brow and one more white hair to your head. Suffering is sensitive and clairvoyant Happiness has firmer nerves, but not so true an eye. A beast in pain seeks solitude. Man alone makes a parade of his misery. When we have a sorrow which we do not wish to mention, we apeak of others which we hid formerly. Grief is a hot spring; the more it is re pressed the more it spouts Carmen Sylva, ia London Life. A stsdicats of Philadelphia capitalists has purchased the grspbophoas rights to all countries outside of the United State sad Canada for 500,NL GARDINER'S ISLAND. A WHdrn of Tang-led Boasty aad la. drserlbabla Graadear. Nowhere within one hundred miles of New York City can such a complete wilderness be found a wilderness of tangled loveliness and grandeur as is found in the vast forests of Gardiner's Island. The fame of the forests on this famous old island has gone abroad, and thousands of people have visited them this year. The Gardiner's Island forests occupy a large portion of the interior of the island. They are composed chiefly of gray oaks and gum trees, standing at such distances apart as to have per mitted them to grow to great size, while the srround is covered with fine sweet grasses. Many of the trees are heavy with Florida moss and festoons of poison ivy and wild grape vines, lending to the landscape an especially tropical effect At one point in the center of the forests the paths come together before' a stile of rails. Here, in a dark, leafy glade is a directory of this year's visitors to the forest. Hundreds upon hundreds of cards are stuck into the chestnut fence rails and Bteps everywhere. In some places tho leaf of a noto book bears the name of a whole party. In the collection are names from all corners of tho United Stntes. The woods are literally full of game birds and animals, but hunting them is not permitted. Passing over a narrow table land from the shore to enter the forest a reporter scared up an immense flock of quail, which whirred a few rods away and dropped in the grass only to dislodge another flock of similar proportions, and a great flock of cooing wild pigeons broke out of tho edge of the forest as he entered. Midway in the forest are the blackberry swamps, the resort of reed birds, bobolinks, and blacksnakes. The latter are as thick as hail there, but the island colonists say they will not hurt any one. al though last year a large blacksnake gave one of tho farm hands a severe flogging. Further on the tree limbs are piled high in places with dead sticks and leaves, and great gray birds are circling high in the air overhead, crying wildly. They are fishhawks. The stick piles are their nests in the trees. Gardiner's Island is one of the breeding spots for tho osprey on the North Atlantic coast, because the Gar diners would never allow their nests to be pillaged. Tho original Gardiner directed that all game be protected from ruthless invaders, and it has been. Fat woodcock and lazy rabbits barely rolled out of the reporter's way. A raccoon was sighted, then a wild cat, and finally a deer. Nearly all of the eleven proprietors of this magnificent entailed estate have been buried on the hill overlooking the manor. The first one. Lord Liou Gardiner, was interred atEasthampton on Long Island. John Lyon Gardiner, the present proprietor of the island and manor, who is said by his depend ents to possess all the virtues of his ten predecessors, has made an inter esting addition to the Easthampton cemetery, in the recumbent figure of his remote ancestor. The Knight, in complete armor, lies on a sarcophagus in a Gothic marble chapel surrounded by a low iron fence. It was designed by James Renwick, the architect ol Grace Church and of St Patrick's Ca thedral. On the sarcophagus is in scribed in Old English: "Lion Gardiner, an officer of ye English Army and an engineer and Master of Works and Forti fications in ye Leaguers of ye Prince of Orangt in ye Low Countries. In 1635 he came to New- England in ye service of a Company of Lord! and Gentlemen. He builded and commanded ye Saybrook Fort After completing his term ol service there, he moed in 163U to his Island, ot which he was sole owner and ruler. Born in 1599, he died In this town in 1G63, venerated and honoured." A red cedar bar on two posts of the same material marked Lion Gardiner's grave for over two hundred years, un til the present monument was erected. Before this work was done, as there was some doubt as to whether the first proprietor of the island was buried there, the grave was opened. Seven feet below the surface the workmen found a layer of stone, beneath which was a skeleton nearly perfect in pres ervation. A physician examined it and found it to bo a man's frame. The skull was white and hard, the jaws square, the teeth good, locks of brown hair were found, together with five of tho coffin nails and a bit of cedar wood. These relics established the fact that the grave was that of the first lord of the manor. They were put back. covered with cement and stones, and the monument was raised to his mem ory. N. Y. Tribune. Will Carleton's Ready Answer. A story of Will Carleton which shows the popular poet's aptness for making a ready answer. He was recently the invited guest at a public dinner of jolly book-sellers and stationers. Upon ris ing to recite one of his poems he was exceedingly annoyed by the loud talk ing and laughing of a group at one end of the table who had indulged too freely in the beverages served. Seeing that a steady glance did not prevail the poet said: "You will pardon me if I wait; it would scarcely be polite for me to recite while those gentlemen over there are talking." At this the most boisterous of the group shouted across the table: "Go ahead, old fel low, we're going 'over the hills to the poor-house.'" Quick as a flash the poet answered his interrupter with: Yes, and to the asylum, too." The diners shouted at the neat rejoinder, the boisterous member was crushed, and the poet proceeded to the renderinc of one of his best poems. W. J. Bok, ia Boston Journal. The mouth of Calumet river, emptying into Lake Michigan, aafl moved east 2,800 fet sinos 1836. FARM AND FIRESIDE. Poultry at certain seasons sometimes over-stimulated "by high feeding to make them lay. It must bo remembered that fowls can be injured in this way. If a fruit tree is not bearing as it should, stir the soil well and apply a dressing of rotten manuro. If, in a few days after, a' ..dressin of wood ashes can be put on it will make it all j the better. Prune well, especially when cutting out all the old, diseased wood. Roasted oysters: Take oysters ia the shell, wash the shells clean and lay them on hot coals. When they are done they will open, when the up per shell can be removed. Serve the oysters in the loose shell, with -a little melted butter poured over each. Bosr ton Herald. Sandwich Dressing: One-half pound of butter, two tablespoonfuls of mixed mustard, three tablcspoonfnls of salad oil, a little red or white pepper, a little salt, yelk of one egg; rub the butter to a cream, add the other ingredients, and mix thoroughly, set away to cool, spread the bread with this mixture and put in tho ham chopped fine.' Lawns, says the Country Gentle man, should be cut frequently, but not so ahort as to deprive the grass plants of their leaves and vigor. As a gen eral rule, the grass should never be sheared nearer than two inches of the ground. A longer growth than is necessary during the summer should be permitted after the middle of au tumn to serve as winter protection. It is well for the farmer to study the character of the weeds that grow upon his farm, for without a knowledge of their habits he can not successfully fight them. Each section of country has its weeds which are injurious to farm crops, and these weeds commonly differ in different localities, though, some of them appear to be common to all. In weed destruction there is need of associated effort in every community in order to accomplish any thing. Corn is the best material with which to fill the silo, and it should ba put in when the ears begin to glaze. Some farmers pick the prime ears, and ensilage the remainder. The more ears that are left, the better, of course, will be the ensilage. The silo need not bo filled in a hurry. It is better to put iu a layer of about two and a half feet and then let it ferment till the temperature rises to about 130 degs., and then add another layer, and so on. till the silo is full. In this way extra expense for help is avoided. Dairy World. ASHES AS MANURE. A Good Fertiliser When Applied la u lied QaantUhM. It has been abundantly demonstrated by analysis and experience that ashes of mineral coal are practically of no value as fertilizers, although the use of these in finely sifted condition is frequently represented as beneficiaL In such cases the benefits are due to the mechanical changes wrought on soils of a texture that required soma such addition. It must be added, how ever, that this mechanical action of coal ashes is, in some soils, injurious. With the ashes of wood the case is quite different, these being classed among the most valuable of fertilizers. The valuable ingredients of wood ashes are potash lime and phosphoric acid, potash leading in importance, according to the popular opinion. It is, however, sometimes difficult to de cide to which of these ingredients the useful effect exerted by wood ashes is due, depending, as it does, on tho amount of each that may have existed in the soil as plant food previous to the application of the ashes, for lime and phosphoric acid are as essential to plant growth as is potash. The ash remaining from the combus tion of wood and plants is very small in volume and weight compared with the amount of vegetable matter it rep resents, but it has been conclusively demonstrated that a plant can not grow in the absence of the substances found in its ash. The ashes of plants are, therefore, exceedingly valuable agents in their own reproduction, for, although they are not all identical in their composition, the ash of each class of plant differing in some re spects from that of others, yet there is enough similarity existing in all to make their ashes generally useful. As they are among the most useful, so, where wood is used for fuel they may be pronounced among the most econom ical manures, and none should be wasted, but all be saved and applied to the land. Leached ashes, though less valuable, contain most of their original elements, except a loss in their potash and soda They may also be advan tageously applied, and will improve all soils not already saturated with taa principles they contain. In general it may be said that a dressing of from twenty to forty bushels of wood ashes will be beneficial on all soils reduced by cropping, never ertheless a continued yearly applica tion of ashes without a corresponding use of vegetable or barnyard manure would eventually be injurious. For renovating orchards and for all plants having a woody structure ashes will be found useful. Asa rule ashes will be found most profitable on soils dei cient ia potash and for crops that ex haust the land of this ingredient The relative proportions of the alka lies in the composition of the ash of a number of the ordinary crops is con cisely stated by Johnson as follows: Cereals (grain), SO; Legumes (ker nels). 44; root crops (roots), CO; fframes in flower, 33. The above may serve to indicate in some measure the crops to which ashes may be mosV profitably applied. N. T. World. -A i i -ij i j-!