"s; mSZSE? mi, m, ..-.- . T?rr: : v- : . rw '-- - -. i -S.v-acTHJf'T?UCJWLfflflLAfliyfrpfrr-ltf .. mi -XWMWW-W1W I! .' it H III M 5 w i 1 H BED CLOUD CHIEF " A. C. HOSWIEIt, Proprietor. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. -CURRENT COMMENT. . AcconWNG to the latest official state saaat the contributions for the relief of the Johnstown sufferers aggregate f3.500.OOQ. A sugar refining company with a capital Qjr:$l,000.000 has been incor porated in Baltimore by prominent mnd wealthy, citizens. The novelty of seeing two women arraigned for highway robbery was recently one of the features of the pro ceedings in the Tombs police court at New ilork. A State immigration convention -was held in Louisville, Ky., recently under the -auspices of tho State League of Commercial Clubs. Governor Buck ner presided. All Heke, the imported English stallion, owned by Burgess Bros., of Winona, JJL, recently died at the State Fair grounds. He was four years old and valued at $10,000. Emperor William has refused to mitigate the severity of the imperial regulations concerning passports, and the inconvenience to which hundreds of travelers in Germany are daily sub jected seams as far from removal as ever. Newspapers in the City of Mexico demand of the Government that it for bid the entrance into that country of Syrian and Turkish beggars. A num ber of Chinamen arrived at Tampico recently and departed immediately for Texas. , Ten double-cabbed monster locomo tives will soon be out of the shops for use on the Rock Island road. It is stated that this road will endeavor to make the fastest time between Kansas City.and Denver of any of the compet ing lines. The New York Daily Graphic has fione into the hands of the sheriff. It 'was an experiment in the field of illus trated journalism and has never been .successful, though every thing that ouM -be- done for it by changes of ownership and politics has been tried. In an interview General Boulanger said he had no hope of his party hav ing a majority in the new Chamber of Deputies. He had not, however, lost faith- in the future. The Government, lie declared, had everywhere stolen votes, with raven-like characteristics. The Republican majority would prove unmanageable, he said, and France would soon lie calling him to power. A late dispatch from Helena, Mont, says that the half has not been told of the ravages of drought and fire this season in that State. The long con tinued dry weather and great forest and prairie fires have left the grazing lands in such condition that the cattle can not obtain proper subsistence from them. The cattle are already in xery poor condition, and if there should come a hard winter many of them would perish. Secretary Tracey has decided to accept the new cruiser Charleston, which is at San Francisco, from its builders, but has not given any orders to that end. as he is awaiting the ac tion of the bureaus of engineering and construction, who are now considering tho official report on the last trial of the vessel. The Charleston, during her trial, showed an average speed of over 18 knots an hour and a horse power of over 6,800. - The Opera House at Hartford, Conn., was crowded to overflowing the other evening to witness the historical tab leaux given in part as a testimonial to .Mrs. Harriet Bcecher Stowe. The tableaux illustrated national events from Columbus to dale and were de signed especially to show the progress of woman. The authoress and man ager was.. Miss Cora Scott Pond, of Boston. 3lrs. Livermorc was lecturer. Mrs. Isabelle Berry Hooker person ated Mrs. Stowe. Before Justice Prindivillo at Chi cago recently James Nicollet, an Ital ian, accused his wife Emily of living with Salvatore Lemor, also an Italian. Tho woman said her husband had tired of her and sold her to Salvatore for $10. Salvatore corroborated the statement, and tho woman said: "Of course I obeyed James when he told me to live with Salvatore. I do not think I am guilty when my husband ordered me to do so." She also said that the child was not her husband's as he had sold it for $5. Nothing was done by the Justice in these matters, but Lemor was fined $30 for carrying concealed weapons. A general combination of the win dow glass factories west of the Alle ghany mountains, which has been so freely talked of within the past few weeks, now appears to have been given up. Along with that went also a scheme to build an immense tank factory by capital furnished by the various manufacturers. After weigh ing and investigating the matter sev eral Pittsburgh manufacturers and Eastern capitalists who were interest ed arrived at the conclusion that to organize a trust or to purchase a con trol of all factories or to build tank furnaces of any size was now not the Abing for several leaspns. NEWS OF THE WEEK. GlMMd by Tatogzmph and IfalL personal and political. Thb Secretary of the Treasury baa ac cepted the resignation ot Or. James P. Kimball, of Pennsylvania, as Director of the Mint, to take effect October 15, and has granted him leave of absence until that day. It is reported in Washington that Rep resentative Nutting ot New York, who has been seriously ill for a long time, will resign toon unless he recovers, so as to give another Republican a chance. J. Q. A. Brockitt has been nominated for Governor by Massachusetts Republi cans. Republicans of Alabama have nomin ated General James R. Chalmers for Gov ernor. Thb Wyoming Constitutional conven tion has adopted a clause positively for bidding combinations to prevent compe tition or control prices and products. Republicans of New York met at Sara toga on the 25th. After adopting a plat form the following ticket was nominated: Secretary of State, John J. Gilbert of Franklin County; Comptroller. Martin W. Cook, of Monroe; Treasurer, Ira Hedges; Attorney-General, James Varnum, of New York; State Engineer and Surveyor, W. P. Van Ranssalear; Judge Court of Appeals, Alfred Height; of Buffalo. Bishop Abrak R. Kimball, of Salt Lake City, died on the 25th at Kanosb, Utah. Samuel Caldwell, ex-president of Vassar College, died suddenly on the 26th after a brief illness. He was a native of Newbaryport, Masa, and was for seven years president of Vassar. William Walter Phelps, the new American Minister, has presented bis cre dentials to the Emperor William of Ger many. Thb Wyoming Constitutional conven tion on the 26 h selected Cheyenne as the seat of government for ten years, or until a majority of the people vote a change. The President and party arrived in Washington from Deer Park on the 27th and proceeded direct to the White House. Emmons Blaine, son of Secretary Blaine, was manied at Richfield Springs, N. Y., on the 26th to Miss Annita Mc Cormier, daughter of the late Cyrus Mc Cormick. of Chicago. Many distinguished guests from Chicago and other portions of the country were in attendance and the wedding although a quiet was yet quite a brilliant affair. MSCELXAKEOCS. Thb National Bankers' Association met in annual convention at Kansas City, Mo., on the 25th. Thb rest mail train on the Mobile & Ohio road was held up the other morning by robbers at Buckatunna. Wayne County, Miss,, and the mail car rifled. Lewis Bros. & Co the dry goods com mission merchants of New York, have made their formal offer to their creditors to compromise at 57X cents on the dollar. This is "? cents more than they and the assignee thought they could pay when their schedules were filed. Eliza Cook, the English poetess, died on the 25th. She was born in 181& Thb men employed in Parnell's quarry, Ireland, threatened to strike recently be cause of an obnoxious foreman. The boiler at the sawmill of Pritz Bros., Berlin, Pa., exploded recsntly. John Pritz, Edward Pritz. Oliver Ross, David Ross and David Baker were instantly killed. Two brothers named Brant were badly injured. Sol Purn ell, a negro, was hanged re cently by a mob at Winona, Miss. He had assaulted a white girl. The jury in the Ives case at New York disagreed, standing ten for conviction and two for acquittal. He was remanded to the Tombs for a new trial. It is reported that Christians In Crete are being flogged and tortured and wom en subjected to gross indignities. A Greek gunboat has been dispatched to Crete to pnt a stop to outrages. A Racine, Wis., special says: Rev. A F. Packepe, a Lutheran minister who came here two years ago, has absconded with a portion of the money raised to build a new church. He caused a split in the congregation shortly after bis arrival. Aloito the line of the Mississippi Cen tral the whites are organizing in oppo sition to the blacks, already organised. A grave state of affairs exists. A Miss Glkasox was killed and Mr. and Mrs. Gale were seriously injured by their carriage being struck by a freight train recently at Hardin, near Greeley, CoL Thb schooner Alpha, of Port Townsend, Wash., is thought to have been lost at sea. Five hundred men working on the Bay de Chaleurs railway, in Canada, have struck for several months' back pay, amounting to f40,000t Bliss & Co.'s syrup factory at Kansas City, Mo., was burned out early on the morning of the 27tb. Loss, $50,000. In surance on contents, $15,030. A brisk snow storm prevailed on the 26th in Northern and Western Wisconsin. Two miners were killed by b'ack damp in an abandoned shaft near Pottsville, Pa,, recently. Emery's large soap factory, Ivorydale, O., was destroyed by fire the other night; causing $125 000 damage. The Temple of Heaven atPekin, China, containing the great throne of the sacred dragon, has been des Toyed by fire. The M. Lnflin and Rand powder mill at Cressona, Pa., blew up recently. The ex plosion was terrific in force. William Schropp. Samuel Stotsf and Henry Reid were killed and a number of other work men injured. Br the collapse of an unfinished house in Milan, Italy, five persons were killed and twenty injured. The first convention of the Union Pro hibitory League of Pennsylvania, a non partisan scheme, having for its purpose the suppression of the saloon outside of party lines, was held at Harrisbnrg, Pa., on the 26th, with about 100 delegates in attendance. The fifth annaal convention of the German-American technicker verein was in session in Washington. At the business meeting of the society of the Army of the Tennessee held at Cin cinnati on the 26th. officers were elected as follows: President General W. T. Sherman; recording secretary. Colonel L M. Dayton; treasurer. General Force; corresponding secretary, General A. Hick enlooper. The fourteenth aaanal convention of the American Bankers' Association ad journed at Kansas City, Ma,oa the 98th, The following officers wars elected: Charles Parsons, ot St Loais, president; Morton McMicbaels, ot Philadelphia, first vice-president; George F. Baker, of New York, treasurer. William B. Greene, of New York, was elected secretary; D. V. Reiger, of Kansas City, was made vice president for Missouri and J. R. Molvane, of Topeka, vice-president for Kansas. Several hundred Blackfeet and Sioux Indiana recently held a grand "ghost feast" at Fort Abraham Lincoln, Dak., which was given by the relatives in honor of those who died or bad beea killed hi battle. At Carnegie's Edgar Thomson steel works at Braddock, Pa., the bottom of one of the largest blast furnaces gave way and tons of molten metal poured forth. Injuring several persons so severely that they are likely to die. Thb Canadian Minister of Customs has ordered an inquiry into the smuggling of whisky into Canada, whole shiploads of American whisky being brought into Can ada by the St Lawrence route. Two tramps recently took possession of the town of Holland, Iowa, intimidating the constable and setting fire to a build ing with a broken lamp. They then went to Heinbeck, where they were overhauled by the sheriff. In attempting to arrest them Archie Neat was shot in the neck by one of the tramps, receiving fatal in juries. Dr. J. E. Blaise, one of Euglewood's (111.) prominent doctors, has been arrested on the charge of performing a criminal operation on his niece, Mrs. Jessie H. Bar ker. The woman was said to be in a crit ical condition. Five persons were lately drowned in a shallow pond at South Watuppa, Mass., by the capsizing of a rowboat. One at least of the party was said to have been drunk. A recent telegram from Ensenada, Lower California, said that city was threatened with total destruction from brush fires, San Carlos, a neighboring town, was reported in flames. A fire at Cresco, Iowa, recently burned twenty-two business places. Loss, $80, 000. Congressman W. I 8coTT lately ad dressed a long letter from Erie, Pa., to Governor Fifer, bearing on the Spring Valley troubles, and claiming that he was paying for mining all that he was war ranted in a competitive markot. Thb Utab Commission on the 27th passed resolutions favoring Chicago for the World's Fair. A dispatch from Cauajoharie, N. Y., said that a frightful collision occurred on the 27th on the .New xork Central rail road, near Palatine bridge, in which the death Use was likely to foot up twenty or more. Thb dock laborers at Rotterdam went out on a strike recently and the cigar makers and other occupations joined the movement. At Walker 8tation. Ala., the other day Deputy Sheriff King Vann was shot and killed by a negro named John Steele, whom he was trying to arrest The negro was afterward captured by a mob and his body riddled by bullets, causing instant death. A recent dispatch from London said that the first consignment ot Chicago cattle bad arrived at Mains, and con tracts had b;en made for a portion of SO, 000 head more during October. The plan of shipments to the interior cities in the Continent was no longer doubtful. The fourth annual convention of the Brotherhood of St Andrew began at Cleveland, O., on the 27th, with about 250 delegates present M. Morqanstein, secretary of the Polish National Alliance and Endowment Insur ance organization at Chicago was reported as having absconded, Joseph C Harvey, a wealthy mill owner of Philadelphia, has been sent to the in sane asylum through brooding over the burning of one of his mills in which fifteen persons lost their live. Iwo bodies have been taken from the del ris at Johnstown, Pa. One was ident ified as that of Mrs. Ed Swineford, of St. Louis, who met her death on the day express. Business failures (Dun's report) for the week ending September iS number 192, as compared with a total of 108 last week and 193 the week previous. For the cor responding week of last year the figures were 22). The Jive-story building of the Westing- house Electric L:ght works at Pittsburgh, Pa., was partly burned the other night The origin of the fire was unknown. Loss, $60,000, fully covered by insurance. ADDITIONAL. DISPATCHN. The report of the Rochester Asylum la vestigating committee entirely exoner ated Dr. Bowers from any cu'pable neg lect in the management of the asylum, but makes stringent suggestions for the regulation of attendants, by whom twenty atrocities are proved to have been com mitted. Hon. & B. Stile, one of the first settlers of Denver aud twice mayor of that city, died there suddenly the other afternoon of apoplexy. A sensation has. been caused at Ports mouth. N. H by the discovery that med ical diplomas were sold by a bogus med ical college called Trinity" University of Medicine and 8urgery, having nominal headquarters at Bennington. Vc. Besides Now England being victim'zMl, hundreds had been purchased throughout the South and West Colonel Robert Patton Crockett, the only remaining son of Davy Crockett died recently at Rucker's creek, near Gran bury, Tex., aged seventy-three. Clearing house returns for the week ended September 28 showed an average increase of 2.1 compared with the corre sponding period of last year. In New York the decrease was 0.6. American securities were not very buoyant on the London market during the week ended September 28. Continental bourses were qniet but firm. Suit has been brought in the United States court against the Des Moines Nav igation Company and others to determine the title to the Des Moines (Iowa) river lands. The expenditure of $50,000,000 by two English syndicates for the control of an extraordinary aggregate of industrial en terprises in the United States was com- pleted in Chicago on the 28th. The deal , embraces a chain of elevators from the , Minnesota and Dakota wheat districts to i Chicago, flour milts in Minneapolis and breweries in Chicago and the Eist Attorney-General Rogers, of Louis iana, admitted lately that baby bonds had been abstracted or otherwise tam pered with to the amount of $400,000. Ac cording to hi i figures the defalcations al ready discovered will reach more than $1,200,000. A congress of tbe Socialist Labor party convened in Chicago oa the 28th. The delegates are all Germans. A recent dispatch from Guthrie, O. T., said that there was a movement among three Indiaa tribes the Iowas, Otoes and Missouri to consolidate and that the agent at Rock Creek agency, L T., was unable to check the movement A grand reunion and parade of the Grand Arssy posts of Eastern Pennsyl vania took place at Reading. Pa., oa tbe 36th. Over 5,000 seen marched ia line. Grand Rapids and Holland business men propose to ran a canal from the former city to Holland and Lake Michigan at a probable cost of 42,000,000. NEBRASKA STATE NEWS. H. P.-Sutton, an employe of the Omaha gas work, recently left work and went on a spree, during wnlch he attempted suicide by poisoning. He was pumped out There are over thirt?e;i hundred pupils la the Hasting school. George Davis, living near Cbadrou, was recently arrested for sending obscene and threatening letters through the mails i to a neighbor. A train of twenty-one cars of sheep was badly wrecked the other day two miles from Wisner. Cattle on tbe trackwas tbe cause. Tbe engine and several cars were piled up a total wreck. The sheep lay in great heaps bruised and dead. Tbe en gineer was the only person injured, and he not seriously so. While Thomas Duncanson with bis wife and child were out riding near Aurora a few days ago the team became frightened and ran away. In attempting to shield her child Mrs. Duncanson was thrown out of the buggy, receiving very serious injuries. Jim Buss&r, who deserted his family at Mad son some time ago, returned tbe other day and failing to persuade his wife to depart with him borrifi-'d the neighbor! by producing a bottle which he said con tained laudanum and which he proposed to drink, and die. He swallowed tbe liquid, but while in the "agonies of death" a physician examined the bottle and pronounced the contents nothing more than colored water. Bussey recov ered 1mm -diately and left town in disgust A party of York boy recently played hanging, using Charlie Sbreck. son of Sheriff Sbreck, for a subject anl a ladder as the gallows. There was a bitch ia the programme and they came near finishing the young sheriff. Help came in time to save his life. The thirteen -year-old son of Peter Peterson, of Stringtown, ran away from home recently, and as yet no trace of him has been found. Thb other day 8. A. Ripley, a butcher of Weeping Water, secured a railroad velocipede of tbe car repairer and went to Avoca, six miles south, on business. He started back at about three p. m. and collided with a freight train and was killed. Deceased was a prominent G.A-R man and a member of the LO.O.F. He was an old settler and leaves a large family. Henry Hanson, a Dane, who lived near Eldon post-office, hanged himself in his hen bouse tbe other day and was not dis covered until the following afternoon. He was a bachelor and in good circumstances. Joe Big Bear, one of the Indians con fined in jail at Pender for tbe murder of the Benjamin boy, died the other day. A post of tbe Grand Army has been or ganized at Craig. Western Nebraska comes to the front with wheat averaging twenty-three bush els to the acre, raised by Iaac Child, who lives seven miles southeast of Ansel -ma He has just finished threshing 2,377 bushels of wheat and 826 bushels of oats. A fund is being raised at Tobias to de fray the expenses of bringing to justice the rascal who recently assaulted a ladv at that place. About $200 has been sub scribed. William Van, a riprapper at work near Nebraska City, has narrowly escaped death by fire thirteen times. The body of a man supposed to be James Larrity has been found in a corn field near Albion. It is supposed that the man had been dead three or four weeks, as tbe last time be was seen he was on a spree at Newman's Grove, over a month ago. Larrity was an old soldier. A MAN at Cornlea, Platte County, owns a cow which recently gave birth to a six legged calt which is alive and healthy. The city marshal of Norfolk has offered ten cents apiece for unlicensed dogs, and the boys around town are making money by capturing can. ties for slaughter. Jones and Turner, the burglars who were captured while bloiving a safe at Ainswortb, have been sentenced to four and three years in the penitenticry re spectively. Many Lo?an County farmers are sow ing fall wheat, they having discovered that it pays a great dual better than spring wheat Recently Mrs. Henry Schneyer, of Scranton, tried to cut off tho head of a chicken with an axe, but instead she clipped off about an inch of her thumb. A man by tbe name of Hagan died on the B. & M. passenger going south be tween Broken Bow and Ravenna tbe other day. His body was embalmed and await ed tbe arrival of friends. He was about Ave feet six inches in height, wore a full beard, bad dark hair and was about forty years old. It cost Scott Bluff County $12,000 to send Arnold, the murderer, to the penitentiary for fony-nine years. It is said that in the beginning of their deliberations eleven men of the jury were for hanging the prisoner, while the twelfth was for ac quittal. This man declared his intention of staying out a year rather than agree to a verdict of murder in tbe first degree. It fa estimated that over one hundred thousand sheep will be fed in Dodge County this winter. The Orleans oat meal mill recently shipped a car of its product to Philadel phia and one to S in Francisco. A Kearney plasterer recently lost all four of his children within twenty-four hours of scarlet fever. Cnar.LES Church, a young man living at Blue Hill, recently was caught in the machinery of a sorghum mill and instant ly killed, bit skull being crushed. He leaves a wife and child in destitute circumstances. John Martin, the sixteen-year-old son I obtainable at this time it seems that sev of a Pierce County farmer, was recently , eril hundred negroes at the mines have killed by lightning while on the prairie armed themselves and threaten to lynch bunting. A dog which was with him was J Maxwell and burn the town. The white also killed.' I people became much alarmed and sent Mart Blair, of David City, has secured I messengers to th city Legging tbe sheriff. a judgment of 4.500 against a saloon keeper for personal injuries resulting from the sale of liquor. An Omaha distillery which has con sumed 1,000 bushels of corn a day during the summer, recently increased its capac ity to 1,700 bushels, and will soon use 2,000 bushels daily. Tbe distillery has contracted to feed 2,000 head of cattle next winter from the slop. Regular trains now run on tbe new B. & M. line between Crawford and Alli ance. Compant E of tbe First regiment, N. N. G., from Fremont, was awarded the Gov ernor's cup in the competitive drill at Beatrice. Hknrt L. Sutton, of Omaha, recently drank two glasses of gin and died of hemorrhage of tbe brain soon after. Nebraska farms are selling at from $2,000 to $6 000. Brax Southern. living near Fallerton, lately made aa ineffectual attempt at sui cide by drawing a razor across bis throat; but failed to get deep enough. Sunlap, Dawes County, will sooa have a loorisbing mill in operation, claiming a capacity of oae hundred barrels per day. Tbe motive power Is furnished by the Running Water. A FIEND'S CRIME. A Younsr Lady Dru8f ed. Outraged and Left For Dead. A Reign of Terror Among- the Women ia Consequence of Ilia Numerous Threat A Search Organized Uy Masked Men. Sabetra, Kan., Sept 3D This city was plunged into a state of wild xcitenient shortly after noon yesterday by the re port of one of tbe most fiendish outrages that has ever occurred in this part of the country. For some wetk9 past the com munity have been periodically shocked by tbe dastardly actions ot an unknown villain. Young ladies returning from places of worship bavo been assailed by tbis fiend. A number of ladie. some the wives of respectable and wealthy citi zens, have received letters written in red ink warning them upon pain of an agonizing death to leave their hus bands and fly with the unknown writer. Mr. Jerome J. Hostetter was informed that unless he immediately abandoned hi w f-t that be would be shot and his wif abducted. Mr. IIo-.tetter was not at home when the letter wast received and the alarmed woman, almost paralyzod with fright wrapped her baby in a blanket and left the house, taking refuge in n grain field, where she was discovered upon her husband's return. She has s-nce been confined to her room by sicklies; brought on by annonyou letters. Last Wednesday evening Miss Eva i'urtty. tbe twenty-year-old daughter of Oluer Purtty, one ot the wealthiest farmers in this neighborhood, received a similar mestge. Both of the you tic lady's pa rents are in tbe East, leaving Eva at home under tbe protection of two stalwart brothers to care for tbe bouse. Although somewhat alarmed herself by the receipt of tbe missive. little apprehension was felt for her safety by tbe boys. After eating a hearty breakfast the two brothers left tbe house to visit a neighboring farmer and signifying their intention of being absent several hours. While clearing away tbe dishes from tin dining room table a masked man silently stole into the apartment and upon turning arou-id Miss Purtty was suddenly th'oroformed by the brute, who warned her to make no outcry and take the medicine which he. held in a bottle. The terrified young woman immediately screamed and be gan a strugglo to escape from her captor's toils. The bottle. which contained chloroform, was applied to her nostrils and she quickly lost consciousness. Raising the limp body in his arms the fiend carried ber to a corn field, where be committed a horrible out rage, mutilating ber person in a terrible manner. After having accomplished his vile purpose the monster took a vial of car bolic acid from his pocket and poured the contents down the victim's throat, and leaving h?r for dead made his escape. An alarm was given when she was found an hour later and nearly 500 armed men. under the leadership of Express Agent L W. Phillips, mounted their horses and started for the scene of the crime. An or ganized seerch throughout this conntry resulted in the capture by Messrs. Phillips and Don Rnsell of a trnmp who answered tbe description given cf tbe perpetrator. Tho prisoner who gave his name as Rich ard Hollow claimed to be working his way to Kansas City whore he had friend. On a-count o' tbe enraged feeling of the populace the tramp was taken to Hia wnth. where he was placed in tbe county jtil to prevent lynching. An investiga tion fails to identify Hollow with the dastardly deed, anl after a sufficient length of time be will probably be lib erated. It was developed that a great deal of jealousy has existed among the residents of the eastern portion of the town, and rumor bints to a discirded lover of Miis Purtty as th? perpetrator of tbe outrage. The victim, who is at the hcne of C. J. Hooper, is beyond all hope of recovery anl will die. The mouth and stomach are horribly burned by the dead ly acid. An indignation meeting was held yesterday afternoon and steps are being taken to fasten the crime upon tbe suspected lover, who resides within a few miles of Mr. Purity's house, if the facts will warrant it The unfor tunate young lady regained conscious ness for a few moments about six o'clock this evening and was able to give a fair description of her assailant who she be lieves bears some enmity against her. Dr. Irwin, who bacbargeof the cas,says that it is one of the most agcravated of Its kind that has ever com? to his knowledge. "The victim will not live until another unset," said tbe doctor, "as the acid has burned through tbe lining of the bowels and peritonitis has set in, which will accomplish the work intended by her murderer. Many ladies who have re ceived similar warnings from the in human monster are in a state of abject terror, and armed guards have ben placed to watch the houses, although tho fiend will hardly attempt another out rage so soon after his last fatal work. m A RIOT. Several Ilnndred Negroes Arm Themselves and Threaten to Ilurn the Town. Birmingham, Ala., Sept. 29. Sheriff Smith I?ft for Pratt mines Friday nic;ht with h strong civil posse and the Jeffer son Volunteers to qaell a reported race riot or attempt to Ivnch Deputy Sheriff Maxwell. From tbe most reliable reports to send them help as quickly as possible. A train from the mines arriving bere at ten o'clock brought in about 200 women and children, who are seeking safety in this city. The trouble seems to have grown out of tbe killing of a negro womin by Deputy Sheriff Maxwell. It is said that the negroes at the minas have been very troublesome of late, and were planning mischief of some kind. The killing of the woman sems to hun for. nisbed them tbe opening they were wait- me tor. .aiany or tne negrco there are ex-convicts and very hard characters. Itosnd Over For Stealing Supplies. Spokane Falls. Sept. 29l Lieutenant Colonel Sidney D. Waters was held in $7,000 to await the action of tbe grand jury, on the charge of stealing supplies for the sufferers by the great fire ia Au gust Waters is a member or the City Council and i Commisary-Geaeral oa Brigadier-General Curry's staff. A Bis; Caaal Setoem Proposed. Holland. Mica,, Sept 29. Grand Rap ids and Holland business men propose to run a caaal from Grand Rapids to Holland and Lake Michigan at a probable cost of $2,000,000. A committee of members of tbe board of trade and other wealthy men of Grand Rapids and Holland will fuliy investigate tbe route. TANNER WRITES A LETTER- Corporal Tanner Write m Letter to I'rf- s-ate Iatzell About tho Itisiou Olltco- Muridle. St. Louis Sept 27. A speclnl to the Republic, trom Caldwell. O.. gives the fol lowing letter which explains itse t. Ita aathcnticitv Is fullv vouched for: DnfutTME.vr of Tin: Istetmok. Wamh.ncto.v. Sept. J'J, lst'J. ) Hon. J. Jf I)jl;rll. Calt, cell, O.: My Dear Dalzell: I hare your or the Ktn. T think I have read all that bai been printed as coming from your lips or pen. Koryour jtrwifc warmth ot kooA feeling I thank you from tne botto-n of my hrart. And now. once for alt, about the ilcpM-bbip. I want to say to you that the President u vr said one word to tne about you. I can not couiff cut and sav that publicly, yoa nmt not quof; It: but it is God's truth. The one appointed first deputy wo. from NohleS State, and h.iJ lost two limbs. Of course. I could not kick. 1 imagine that your keeu eye h.is caused you to discern, ami that you are rcnteinp:.it.iiK tho effect in Ohio of two thin recently done in the; Pension Otllce When I say recently. I uie.i-i since I practically went out. for. wh..e 1 ura Commissioner, and will be until my si.-ers-.or is appointed ami ij'ialilk". I am taking no part. In the duties of the office. hoMin my own leave. While Commissioner I is. tit 1 two cr ders which I thought, and Mill Until;, uro mighty good one. First, that ttie :ct.'Kii) n.en on the pens:on roll at less lh.:n it a mouth should all. unless they had hatt a m.-'it-il r. animation within a year, be ordered for ex amination before their home board, w t i a view to putting them up at least i per tn infi pension or drop them oil tho roll, for it w.i-. am! L my opinion that for a man who l worthy or any pension at all, tl a week is small enough to consider a pension. My, second order was that thereafter in the settlement or a pennon ciainr the word of a private, if he was a man of t;ood standing and character, should amount to :n much in the settlement of the claim as thiv word of tbe man who had perhaps worn tho shoulder straps of a Second Lieutenant. The Acting Commissioner revoked b.tliof these or ders, according to the Washington Io-.t and other papers, but as he i a man who dare not say his soul is his own. he did it under the direc tion of Noble or Husscy. I am told this afternoon that the order re voking my decision of the small pension ease-. has been rescinded, but you oan see wh :t the spirit Is: and how. under heavens, are they Ing to make the boys believe that there is to be no change in the policy? Smith also issued an order stopping all rerat ings. lie did not object to it until after I hud rerated him and put him up to i7i for the I .s of his arm and leg. thereby putting ';. j in hi-, pocket. I held, and still hold, that he was clearly entitled to it; but is it not contempti ble that a man who bad that done for him and who acquiesced in it cordially in his own case should now be so pronounced against the rerat lng of poor devils who. perhaps, from the effects of malarial poisoning, chronic diarrhea, or vnuu disease of that kind, suffers twice as much as a man docs from amputation? I want to say to you that I did no', resign un til the President and the Secretary had both, said te mc in the same minute that Vn com pleted report of the investigating committee which lay before them, contained no wont which would impeach the honesty of my action in the slightest degree. Tnen I had to consider whether I was man enough to decline to con tinue in a position where I knew my immediate official superiors did not want me. even eon cedin? that I could stay against their wishes, which is not at all true. I have not thes!i;tUtet doubt but that I would have been remove.! if I bad not resigned: in fact I know it. Noble harl ce.'ainly pronounced his ultimatum to tnv bead or his resignation, and. of course, a break, in his Cabinet would have cmbarras-ed Harri son greatly. Now that I have completed the report, and have gone through It carefully and iltorouxh'y. I say to you. as one whose good opinion 1 vame. that all under the heavens they can charge mi with is too much liberality ar.rt too much 'p-ed in the granting of pensions. I think you n.'I agree with me that we have had imp cumo.jt;? and procrastination enough. s that it u-otud take more than six months of my time to b::i it up to a decent average. Of the future I know nothing. If the bo"s. and particularly those in Ohio. acquicce. why. it is safe to say that Tanner will be left where he is in the soup. Among the promotions announced in the Pension Office night before last Is that of I! ir rison L. IJruce. of Colorado, to be a tccmb r of the board of pension appeals in the Secretary's ofll' e at ii,OX a year. He had been detailed for duty In the secretary's office for some months, and was appointed by the Secretary on of the Commission which investigated the Pension Office. Don't you think it would bare looked : little better if they had waited at least until after I had passed out of oulcial life before thev promoted him? Some will bo cynk-al enough to retl ct upon cause and .effect, service and re ward. With all my heart very truly your. James Tasnf.ic P. S. I have written you wirh great freedom. Don't give me any cause to regret it by saying any thing about this letter. It is toyo j, solely. MOLTEN METAL. Horrible Accident at a Pittsburgh 2M:ist Furnace. Pittsburgh, Pa.. Sept. 27. AtCr-ne- gie'n Edgar Thomson steel works nt Brnd dock last night furnace "C," one of the largest of tbe blast furnaces, had not been working properly during the dav ami Captain W. R. Jcns, general manager cf the works, called to see If he could not as certain tbe cause and was workir.ir with a. number of men near tbe baso of the fur nace when tbe bottom gave way and in ai instant flimes of fire shot forth. Tom nt tbe molten metal poured over tbe f ui uncv and that any person near the furnace es caped Instant death is regarded as a mir acle. The injured are: Captain Jone, gen eral manager, horribly burned; 21 ciir.el Quinn, twenty-five, so badly t-urnd t r.t bis flesh peeled otT with his clothes uml i,e can live only a few hours; John JIokt!c. badly burned about the body, but no: fa tally; Captain Ned Quinn. burned n' out arms and chest will recover. Trro or three other-workmen are in charge of tho company's physicians ana may not re cover. Th 5,000 workmen at tha EdgarThorn son steel works and hundreds of peop i in Braddock are deeply priv4 Lectin -.o of the injury which Capaii Jones receive! Ho is well known throughout tbu LTm-iI States and Europe wbereversteei and irn t are manufactured. He receives a a ar. r of $2A W) per year and a percentage ot the product of the large mill, maki-ir " income almost $50,000 a year. It w.-s he who took COO men to Johnstown at his m :i expense a couple of days af-er th 11 eI and remained there two weeks direc.i the work of rescue. Michael King, a Hungarian, was pres ent when the seething mass poured out of tbe furnace, and as he can not be fitiii it is feared that he baa beea covered up. About six car loads of the molt eu met.; J poured oat of tbe break. m Toe Xaea, Chloroform. New York, Sept: 27. Otto Stie: a wealthy German aged sixtw-one. head of the New York Glass Letter Company, v :i found dead in his place of busmen yes terday morning from the effects of ch!o-o-form. A towel saturated with the ai ;b taetie was oa his face and it anp-a el that he had made aa unsuccessful efT-rt to remove tbe towel before becoming en tirely aacoascioas. His partner sav that warn be left tbe place ia the aiter-iom Stiets bad deea drinking, and he proi. bly did aot want to go home in that conditio.. aad decided to sleep where he wax. lit was somewhat excited over some I'Bi, for the enlargement of tbe bv..iirS4.Br Madias; sleep difarult ased the chloeiufS iseMBtsrasaawzMSrfrarevKHxas SS3S3 SjSS-Satii.A-'