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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1889)
WTnT ti r irf " m fTT - . ,,. m i ajm ra-ir- - - - , , , , aaaaaaaaaaaajjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaji yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw i r a i i i aaaa n a. iImbi wi'aM nWm f tt- " yfrgy--y TaTam J?" i I I "i 1 9 B - -"" - r!"5Sr?ff33ESJP? " aHaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaWaaaawff " "" WSsSfTaarg-"1 iii"jjii ?"'' V; fZJGE3Evr 'i'HB I 8 v V? v . " " I , ' . Vol. 17. tj2 WE MAiMO BONES OF FT That our success is due to the Lieeral Patronage. received in Uic laet six jears and to keep the cnstom of the past, we will coatian' ;i vl yon good goods at lowest pricey hereafter. Having just returns!! From Market Ind liit? ablt to use large quantities for our TWO STOKER, have been able to close out some large lots Altl A iUiiiUili I I I 4 li II 1 If IA U Which we arc willing to the benefit of. This aV' aBBBHBaam ' aBaBPHSaaaBi The Of some Conscienceless1 Dealers bring us new customers daily If anything from this house isn't right come to us and we'll MAKE IT RIGHT. C. WIENER, RED CLOUD. WYMORE. RiOi Warner & HOOT S Boots Boots We have removed to oar NEW QUAKTEHS jest North of the F. A M Bank and now have th9 LVgest Siock of Boots olid Shoes Ever seefi in Ke.2 Cloud, and they sill be zoll at pries that tyill raaie fl them go fria.t, in fact we are going to Sellour Goods Cheap for Cash ! IVp ve the Ia-get :ock and vya-mal iu- to--i. W EDI give our customers no advertising is dodge," but have Good Bargains! To offer ypu in all our departments Being able to buy goods where they are offered the cheapest to us, we are not forced to buy where our credit is good, We can therefore gsv you many advantage over others noire nut oluct'v. Our baraias are not only in the Clothing line, nut our Y t , v - BOOTS AND SHOES Are marked ery low. Kemember we sell the SfAz ifaoes Cock and Bull Stories Rill! Wolfanger, IE Shoes Shoes Red Cloud, Webster County,. Neb., Friday, October 4,. CITY CLATTER, . jo?. Rantld bv Oar Alert Report f re pared for Oar Keadrfc3- Glass and putty at Deyo's. Mr. Earl Newton and wift-re ia'J the city. See those Shetland New York Store. KL l- shawls t-Jkhe Furniture of all kinds cheaper than-j erer at F. V. Taylor's. Will McMillan, foreman of th Ar- gus is quite sick this eek. Corn huskers soap, pine tar and rubber fineer cots at Cotting's. All goods arc sold at the New York Store at the lowest cash prices. A fine line of jeans, cassimeres and flannels at the New Yorlc Store. W. W. Gardner and daughter, Miss Yaabti, were in the city this week. . Read D. B. Heards' advertisement and locals elsewhere in to-days' paper. The New York Store is headquar ters for the the best makes of boots and shoes. Bound voluntas of our best authors at 35cts each at Cottings, over 100 volumns to select from. The finest line of guns in the val ley just received a A. Morhart's, the popular hardware man, Bed Cloud. Finest line of cutlery in town and at prices not equalled in Nebraska, at Perkins old stand. D. B. Heard. At the county fair this week Blr. C. C. Coon's collection of melons, fruits, and vegetable were very fine. Situation wanted at stationary en gineer. Four years experience. Call on or address, B. C. Bntcher, Red Cloud, Neb. 9-4t J, W. Myers will move into the new jail, and will look after unfortu nate humanity who may find their way therein. Oe who buys good goods for little money, buys wisely. Follow out say ing by buying at D. B. Heard's, Per kin's old stand. There will be a new harness shop started in this city soon. One by one the monopolies have to fade be fore competition. L. A. Haskins left at this office a fine bundle of premium millet which we presume will be hard to beat. Also some fine corn. El Young has commenced suit against Dr. P. Janss of Grand Island for alleged forgery. The case will be tried in the county court soon. Come to D. B. Heard's for cutlery. Eighty patterns of pocket knives to select from and twenty patterns of table cutlery all at Chicago cost. The person taking that light color ed coat and feather pillow tffb) the floral haU at the fair groundsrriday, should return the ame to the owner. A lad uamed Cowden, from Belle villc.. Kansas, while riding a horse at the fair grounds Wednesday, as thrown off and badly injured. He is recovering however, slowly. David Kaley's bronchos are high Siyers. They undertook to have a little fun at the fir grounds Friday and had it not been for to or three men. Dave would have had a serious, accident. Wm. Stingley has moved his bar ber shfp to the stand where W. W. Gilbert forraerly kept. He has na'ja. j ed hi? tooporial parlors the "Cor,-ner-cial bail - shop." He is a z'd bar- ber and dasires all of his tonacr ra- irons rum 'rjcn s to r-i-. . t.: -n is bound to treat vcv. nice and ci re yoa .-u pood a shavt- as you can get. in he Kcst. " fLl?63fiiJte8'd!easare in pre- the o of.tbe lion. C. E. &u$er1fef'ds a proper roan . -tan iatoof Nebraska as Wa?eVehtflbf 'the state nni- .mrr49 iS an able gen WhhrarkhH would fill the tlew J ?4aw&:-rj&;to himself and the 7;JA'pjii'i;e.(t6m. rotding the eHWfc;toiV iiherty" owned by mat Di.a asfgon oi usurers, mat, me editor had ' forWtten that his outfit had offered tlia-Borth ward delegation' $1000 for- their proxies if nKe6ver to the biz S prior to tfufconifention, and that several attempts were made to by other proxies by the same crowd and offered as high 'as f 30 each. People who live in glass houses should be careful rocks, docky. about heavinz THE WEBSTER COUNTS FAIR. Th IVoit Saeeeasfal Exhibition Ever Held. The 17th annual exhibition of the Webster county fair which ended to day was one of the best fairs, finan cially and agriculturally ever held in this county, with one or two excep tions. The,' exhibition of live stock was very fine as was also the display of agricultural products. In the line of agriculture we noticed many evi dences hr.t would go to show that Webster cuunty need not aWe a back seat for any county in the state. Fine eorn, fine millet, fine potatoes, fine melons, and everything in that line that could not be possibly beaten by any state in the union. The horti cultural department was well filed with beautiful native fruits of all kinds, and in many respects the fruits equaled those of the celebrated Cali fornia varieties. In the fine art departments the la dies of our city and county showed themselves equal to the occasion as the display was very fine and had we more time and 'room we should give the various articles the very proper mention that they deserve. We also noticed several displays made by our merchants, viz: Hacker de Parker. C. L. Cotting, F. V. Taylor. Mrs. S. F. Spokesfield, Mrs. G. S. Alden, Mr. Haines and others. The school children's department was very fine and makes up one of the handsomest as well as the most intellectual exhibitions that have been produced at any former fair. In the poultry department Mr. J. Severn's of Guide Bock was the only exhibitor, but his collection was the finest that we have ever seen at any fair in the state and deserve much credit. In fact every one seemed to try and outdo the other. The horse, cattle and swine exhibit was excellent and some of the speci mens would b2 hard to beat in any state. In the speeding department we must gay that that part of the pro gram was carried out better than in any former year, and ranch credit is to be placed on the management for stopping Che usual foolishness in starting Jne horses. The ich'ariot races were the great cent.r 0f attraction lad drew hun dreds of people who never attend f'-ars. It was a eveltyand one that $ook, -which goes to show that fairs Lo be a sucoess dust have an attract ive program and the present fair was wholly due to the fact that the man-n-tinent furnished an entertainment ( that the people could appreciate. During Thunday and Friday lully 10.000 people fcttenaea tue ia:r The maruErement and the people f should feel cofd'over thq success of , the fair. - ,cf j T f&MfG. ?& 1889. Ho, There EVEMYBODY Bo you know that Adam Morha Has the largest supply of STOVES in the yalley, both beau; ;ii h Sim Of all descriptions. Don't fail to see him if yon want a stove for lie will make you prices that can not help but makeyou Buy if yoa . are in need. Also a full line of Hardware, Tinware, - Copperware, Nails, Eta. R i H I Barb Wire, In car load lets now on sale, in fact he has everything -you could wish. Call and see him in Opera House block.. Bed Cloud - - Nebraska;, C. NOTARY PUBLIC, PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO Collections, Taxes Paid, &c. Office with the County Judge, Moon Block Red Cloud, Nebr aska. The Webster County Teachers Association will meet at Blue Hill, "vt. l. at 10:30 a. m. The pro)rram isasfoUoas: A. M Class exerches in History. How to teach disco erics. Mi M. Thornton, Ten questions in regird to history before Ten questions in regard to English discov-.f ene. Miss Roth, Ten questions is rejranl to French discover j. MissIIurlbutt. Taper, Indian traditions. Mr. W. S.Mi'Jer. P. M. Paper, Advances of Mack board drawing Hr, F.E.Weils. General OlscasMonkd by Messrs j, a, Hall and A. L. McCauley. Class eiercise inilrawin, Miss ftot'j. Goneral discussion. Query box. Committee o rausic, Iis M, Thorntoi. D. M. IIcxteb. Se:y. The 2d elocutionary contest for the Demorest silver medal, will be held in tLe Congregational church next Tuosday evening, Uot tstk lbSD. A - i Come evervbodvand hear the chil-! drea sneak. Admission 10 cts. i 1 Fcatherly & Aults sail C. C. Coon's j watermelons, the be?t ia tha marketj No. 10. 9 4- ru' ib Don t forget one of the most impor tant short-horu sales of the season, tQi of J. Russel Lotucs at Baitings Atch occurs Tuesday, October 8tk. Air. Lownes has bred short-horns all his life ,and good ones too: as he has drawn from the celebrated herd of J. H. Potts & Son of Jacksonville, IU.r and other well-known herds. Befor leaving Illinois. tevn years ago, he saved out the best from a sale of his herd to bring tc this state. His nerd has now increased to a larger number than he desires to retain, to he has decided to sell about forty head as per announcement ia another column. He has no cull or inferior cattle in this offering, .but' good, useful and well acclimatad y!.-.iska bred Short- ,nor. Write Urn at L . . T.-nrnTn Vk for Ia catalogue. . j -..., ti :.,'- -? .t.-.. i lha proietor o th.d piper aos -1.1U fi l V t L ki l if tlllC not hold himself rosponibie for the. remarks r view of correspondemte published threi. m-h .I. 1' " A!v?rD tE5w u3l 5B I - i i iz