i -. V. BnSEaWaat7awiBaaaaEiBBaaanBaaaH SaaBaanamaBBfaanEiaSBrEHss '9' BSBi i ' ag:-I,arft,F 'j ' 'j. . - igaasaw, - K BSWBHW SHsSSSMHE B BgKSEKaBSJMajJjBfcfc:-v jjfiaEi '-ml:!:'aam fMEPoaalrEmaaaaaa mLBKj0gl;jErQm ' MBnaan?Halaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasa! TiT" BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanHBBBanaal - II "- : 1 " '- - . I Vol. 17 DUCKER'S CASH Dry Goods House. Grand Fall Opening. We now have all of our fall . goods in and ready to show you and invite your inspection. Largest and finest stock of Dry Goods and cloaks. We have ever shown which we will take pleas ure .in showing you, whether you wish to ,f buy or not We will call youi attention !'T to our -large stock of. Dress Goods AND dress Trmunings. In which .we hare taken special pains to get only the newest shades and styles You know that our prices the same aoods that we will not mention tLtiu here In cloaks oar 6tock is simply immense and everyone asks what are yoa going to do' with them all, you have enough cloaks to supply every lady in Bed Cloud Our reply is that we are 'goings Cloud, but the whole valle-: Our Cloak Entirely separate from the rest ofthe store, with plenty of room, flaor carpeted, eic: You can take all the time you wish to select or think it over Chairs, ctc)free and you will not be bothered with other goods Deing strewn around TVe . have over SIXTY PLUSH SACQUES, JACKETS, &EW MABKETS and JIODJE5KAS, also hundreds of Cloth Cloaks of all descriptions ia Children's Misses' and Ladies' all new style and MARKED at PBICES THAT WILL SELL THEM OUT FAST We also wish to call your attention to one grade of CANTON FLANNELS a "Which we are selling at 10 cts per yard, else at 15 We only have 50 piece? and can not get On the 1st of last January we started quit the town, so far we have succeeded and will try awful hard to keep it up and if hard work, low prices aid good treatment will do it, we will stay with you for years, if not we quit the first of next January. Come in and see us We will treat you well and save yo money on dry good of cloaks of any kind J. J. DUCKER, -' . BED CLOUD, NEb. NEXT TO FIBST NATIONAL BANK . " are so f.r helcw what others ask for to supply not only every lady in Bed Room Is as good as you can get anywhere cents. any more at this price so come early in to double the trade of last year or Red Cloud, Webster County Neb., Friday, September Republican County Ticket. For Clerk, IL Df HAXXEY. For Treasurer, GEORGE W. HUMMEL. Forjudge, DAVID F.TBUNKEY For Sheriff, s CHAS. A. TEKL. For Superintendent of Schools, MISS E. J, KING, ForSuneyor, V. E. TUORXE. For Coroner, PR. C. SCHEN'CK. WALWVT C1EEK. The Bubicon is passed and Walnut owns a road machine. The trial came off last Saturday in the presence of quite a crowd who appeared to be great ly pleased with it and who by a vote of of 10 to 2 decided in its favor. It wn nerepted by tho to?ra board by a Tote of 3 for to 1 against. The one con trary member giving aa his reason, that the Towntbip could not afford it and furthermore Inavale stood ready to take the machine provided Walnut did not want it and he advocated letting them take it, and if it was a good thing Walnut could then get another in time 'for next year. The machine undoubtedly did good work, and all of that, bat so we ased to think about riding cultivators, Cabill attachments, Jack Brown seeders, ate. We thought we ooald'nt get -along with oat any of them and nearly every bagger of us bought one. How many are ia ase to-day? However the machine u bought, the xeeple endorsed it, and no one can blame the town board ia "the sweet bye and bye". There appears to be a diversity of opia ion in regard to the repabUeaa ticket, one kicker remarked in the altering of Denais "That convention did'nt have any sense'' Well maybe they did'nt but ypn can go your sweet life on it that they had plenty of dollars. Sam Heaton is again going to achieve fame and fortane by feeding cattle the coming winter having purchased about one hundred head of fine steers from W. N. Richardson. Ia regard to polities the people of Webster county every two veers rare, tare and swear as to who shall be county Treasurer, Clerk, Sheriff, etc. while the men who interest as, who levy our taxes appropriate onr money etc. via. the Su pervisors are passed by without attention. Inexperienced and incompetent met to say nothing of boodlers are elected to what is really the key note of the situa tion. To illustrate, the following is vouched for by a prominent citizen of Walnut: At ;b !a-t raetinp of the board of Supervisors, two members who contrary to law had awarded themselves contracts for building bridges brought in the bill for labor, charging the county S2.50 per day, whereupon another super visors objected saying he could hire all the carpenters he wanted and good ones at that for $2.00 per day. The two worthy supervisors thereupon with drew their bills and made them over and again presented them to the board at f::.00 per day and said bills were allowed by board of supervisors. Give us a careful, economical board of supervis ors who will not "snow ball4' each other with wads of county money and what difference is it to the taxpayers which bank controls the county money. At the last meeting of the supervisors $1,250 were ordered drawn on tne bridge fund, the lost meeting before, that $1,500 and so it goes. Some of the bridges are needed but most are not, being voted on the principle scratch my back and 111 scratch yours." Dennis has been often asked how much our supervisor Mr. Heaton has drawn. It is a matter of public interest and he aecordinclv looked up the records with the following result: Services supervisor $80 00 Examining bridges 4 00 Bridge work , 52 00 Total 136 00 As croinz to show that "a. -nnhlin nffini. is a family trust" the following bills may also bo interesting: Jas . Seholcs. labor on bridge 74 on O. A.Scholes " 700 James Heaton. " " 17 25 Total Total divided amtngst the $98 25 of Wal- nut creek Nix. And now as regards the expense of oat present town board, ap to date aai -este member of the board has piesaatsi a bill nor drawn one eent for set They have been accused of holding iage to buy lower, yet notwithstni this they have been -able to meeti adjourn without towing their pay: A. other instance iaTsewKiteeaxsupervkon, a member of the present aoani oaTered to bet a cow that he could present any bffl he taw it to the supervisors ami have it snowed. There is aobobVua this way that ie williawto -.zr- . hist. Candidates for nublie H eisa ae closely serateaissa this fsJt aai taxi m Bawaw .BVVaBBV m:z TT . "" " noKwaasiBB oisau ansac: waat Bsaraan waBiaiaw wa tmmj hwt uepui IWWt. S3 T Declines to be a Candidate. After mature deliberation I have decid ed not te be a candidate for the office of sheriff under any consideration, and shall not allow my name to be used for that position under any pretext whatever. H.C. Scott. We learn with regret that Col, Gage jumped his haard bill at the Holland House in Red Cloud while attending the Inter State Reunion; and then had the cheek to inclose a lot of cancelled postage stamps to the proprietor in payment after his return hone, Holland sent them baek with the information that they would not bny bread and meat. But the Enter prise feels that the honor of the sol diers of Ft aaklin county i involved and asks an explanation of Col. Gage. There ran be no mistake about the facts as our informant is Sergeant Cole who assured us with tears in his eves that Gage "really did say that very thing." Riverton Enterprise. The Chief moves that the gallant Col. be court-martialed and drammed oat of camp for ever offering cancelled postage stamps for chuck. MM. CAVB, MntH " FAIHLKSSatEHTIgTS. are now very busy at the Gardner house. They guarantee.to extgitit ore teeth than any tea -fleatistV f smi bined. Each and everf,fatiov ' strictly painless. oauszaetioa in every ease or no charges Bade. Re member that we are the same men who extracted so .many teetb.at lied Cloud IaBfTyear. " We havtTdaaeas of testimonials from the best lien iu Webster county and elsewhere. Call early and secure appointment. .Pricef for the finest den tal work theostf- reasoaable in the state. It eostsryoa nothing to call and learn our prices, and find out what can be done for your old aching teeth. Consultation free. WEBSTiOl COl'SITY AII me Cleat, Ketf. octefcer 9, 3 aai 4. PITKRR $VtO. FIbst Oar, Tuesday Oct. 1. Forenoon will be spent in arranging articles and "tTniin in their respective classes. U0p.k. Fastest trotting farm team; first premium $4, second . Fastest trotting form bone, one-halt mile, best S in 3; first pr.-uiium $ 2.50; second $1.25. Best broa ex-ts pcay. 2 p.m. Boman chariot races; four horses to each chariot, driven at full speed. County trot, in which no horse with a record shall be allowed to trot. Five to enter, three to start, best two in three , entry 10 of perse. Purse will bo flxfl !y executive board before the fair; 1st. 2d and "3 cioney will be given. Cunning race for horses without a record. Furse and rule lor this race will be arranged by the board before tho lur. Romtn tanditic race cr running and mount race. IrottiEs:. to-y ear-olds', one-half milo best two in three. Stoso 1at, 'WEBxrTDAY Oct. 2. . Trottuii;, three xuinttte cisis. Furse $75; $35 to first, $25 to second , $15 to third. Butchn-'s vehicular gymnasium. This must be seen to be appreciated. Trotting for three-year-olds , one-half mQe heats, best three in five. Furse 50; $25 to first, $15 to second, $10 to third. Fony running race, one-half mile, best two in three Furse $20; $10 to first, $7.50 to second; S2.30 to third. Uuunisg, saddlo dnd mount races. TmnD Bat. Thursday Oct. 3. rVcir.g, three nnnate cIhse. Parse S75: 35 to first, 25 to sreend. $15 to UiirA. iltusipace one heat in three minutes. ,c Boman chariot race. t K Banning race, mile beats, best two in three, four to fill and two to Btart. Purse $125; S65 to fit Kt , $35 to recocd. 25 to third. Fifty doHurs will be added Co first money if 1 :48 is beaten by the horse winning tho roc. Trotting, 2:40 class. Purse 5100 ;S to first, 30 to second, $2) to third. Itf this elan one heat must be trotted better than 2:45 to entitle an; horse to purse. Boman standing race. Focani Bay, Fbtoay Oct. 4. Facing, free for all. Furse 8100; $50 to first. 830 to second, $15 to third. Banning, one-half mQe heats, best two in three. Parse $75; S35 to first, $25 to second, 15 to third. Trotting, free for alL Furse $900 ;$1M to first, 4 to second, 835 to third. In this class $10$ wflLbe added to first money It 2:38 is beaten ose the horse winning the race. chariot race and aerial vehicular gyn- aesiuni. Any horse distancing the aeld or any part thereof will be awarded but one fceauaaa. Heats ia seek days roses nay be treated aMer motely. at feast are hones to eater and these to iu each rises. totatttec ueetaa iud. ruuutue dose st eight eUcek F-a. of .She sy ase xeee.es sue aa offlee oath grenade. Eaaaeefeel$ 27, 1889. Public Sale Of Short-Horn Cattle, -AT- Hastings, Neb. Tuesday, October 8th 1889, I will sell to the higeest bidder, 35 HEAD OF Thoroughbred I: horthornft These cattle have been bred and raised in Nebraska, are suited to the-elimate and used to the hind of food, produced by onr soil, and if properly handled are tv unmiii to give satisfaction. This offering will consist of p m mm mm m fk , All .females old enongli have bars,eldea anUuuaar33Stirer roval varna 2nd 83439. TIimu Jmiu uin iu nn hnutnm at the stab- fair at the header the nerd, and i will A credit of montes ilme will-be given on goo-1 15th. Sale co:nmences at 1 pjn. color. M. Woods, 'Auctioneer. . PERFECT CURE FOR MALARI awOne package of Brmac will naks i BWerakeown. which will CURE In lineetlwi aBHntaeStoaBackrVmrer udAm. anH artsupoqtbe Klrtewjw and Bladder; toe beet ww KBown. man oeuaeawKn or wicnotrt spirits. SVItUtsr the cheapest remedy known; FaUdireo- uaHaaa K AF KMtc BRF mau, portage prepaid. Prtcf3eets.armgakor two packets for 0 Cts. U.S. stamps tokWin payments Address, . 6E0. & STEKETEE, Crane Raalm Mich. Wdsbern iobel j Artesian vrater throughout the house: Out two blocks from city fcaU O.SCHirElDER,Prop. 1314 12th St. DenrerColo. ' , BATES $1 25 and $1 50 PER DAY. The house and fnrnisaings are all new. Elepaat rooms with nrst class meals at moderate rales. First ehvs livery sad boarding stables ia connection with the house. UC. a.iwii. iss asaBaasass.? 0sjtra4)fer;llrst BaUeual I eftMftOatl ?r j?zr vk.i A 'Al mm an tm ta w - n-s-? i w r. A' -ri rrt STis.ai - - lania: a oFaaafaVirt at f amTaaaaaaaTaaaaaaaaaatTmMaf at rBBnuaOfifl BBBBBBBEaamBBBBaBaHaaSlHaimm V WB graetlee ta afleomu ef this state -Urtlnj., esweUaaHdgmted eaetaesaarelew 3mBalCmBflaVJaaVaaaBBBBl'ia1adtA imadi im - No. 9.- JKSsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaai a ?8HlsBaB9SBaaaaaf "-J m "r been served by the "Cnrick- take pleasure in showing them to all. Terms: bankable paper. Catalogues will le ready Sept. J. RUSSEL LOWNES. Proprietor, Lincoln, Neb. D. B. Spanogle, Real ESTMK and Loan Age" Red Cloud. BROWN S ivlarble and t Granite Vorl3; A. 11. BRO'.VK, i'cor. Fine Monuments and Headstonns Eln. !t. nri Itl, A v.. Rpd Crrv. TAKE THE STREET OAES From the Depot To Bradbrooks Photo Studio -' MOON BLOCK ? at English Remedy. Murraya Specific. A gUj-tniirt-d mre for all aer vous distant ,uca as weak mem ory loss of brrJu power hvstcria headUrhe pn In the backnr vouspostr.ttion waktltllness lou corrhoKa universal lastude seav lnal weakness iinpotencyandgen eial Iots of power of the Genera uye Organs; in elthei sex. can, ed by Indlscreiion oroTerexertion and which ultimately lead to PaXatATTRE )LI :r miv. ix r una uomBimnior-. i uu a box or six boxes for $5 so. S-inT. .. s . . -mM: .. - uj am ou rrcapvui price, r till particulars, in pamphlet, sent free to every applicant to careaav ease. Foreverr (6 order reeetve wc seed six hexes wKh a written guarantee rore- iHaa ue fsnoy u .our speaac i does not effect a cure. Aadresei all coauuualeeaeBS to the sole atasaaaetarers. TaaMvaaArXaoicxKaOQ. i h'lUTsTtrrBfi in KedOeud byCL. OOTTIHGsele aaatlaaBlYaTaaaakaW aaBBBBmaV sAMtaMs jj i efpcrsseiaaa waaw4gjm gumge. tfeewia,--ar"ra Tr. m s &&Zi a -xxmirn i i i i nju miqjtmut