The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 20, 1889, Image 8

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nmrimmsi .
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4 fj
?v; . a-Bsa-a-a-a-a-a-a-Bssa-ssi fc
i f Prices KnocM Out
-T- -.-
I?6r the next 60 days.
v. ; t'
i 4 A
to Miller-Cotting Block,
Two doors south of Iris former store, and vill now sell you
t goods very low
Pis stock will be much larger than heretofore kept, and
; will be glad to see his friends at his new place
' t ' of business.
Miller-Cotting Block, 2 doors south of old stand.
H. OLABSE President, Albany, N.Y., J. A. TTJLLEY,
Robt. V. SHJREY, Treasurer.
Ked Cloud, Neb. Albany, New York.
H. Clarke, Albany. New York Geo B. Beach, BalstonSpa N.Y.
W. H. Robeson, Albany, N. Y. E. S. Francis, Pittetield, If a
K.V.Sh!rey D.M.Piatt E. Y. Highland. J. A. Tulleys M.B.McNit
On improved farms in ATebraKa and Khnpjw. Money furnished as Boon as the
security is approved. Principal and interest payable in Bed Cloud
Restaurant and Lunch Rooms.
Oysters and Ice Cream in Season.
Meals & Lunches
We make fresh every day Ladyfingers, Jelly Rolls, Dnugh
nnts, Cookies, Bread, Cakes, Pies Buns, Etc.
Boarding and lodging by day or week.
Jos. Herbukgeb Prop.
tCftoat English Remedy.
(fturray 8 Specific.
A rfi:tnfiit fMira fn fill nnp
K ous disease sucli as weak mem
ory krs of lmuii lHiwer listeria
)iead.u'hc iiin in the hacknr-
ous .rotnitum wakef nllness lou
rorrhi'iunivrsa! lassitude sem
inal imiK)tency Hiidcen
enillot.s of power ot Hie tJenera
tie Organs: in eithei hex, caus
ed by ludisvre'Ion or overexertion
-T and whleli uUiniatelv lead o
BjifarcTMuaz. i-ukmatcier old age. ixhks
ixv andcoNSUMPiio. uva Twrnt
1)0 or six lnes lor s eni
bv iiuil on receipt of price. Full
particulars in pami Wet, stiit
free to eery npplicaut
It'elGuarantec Six Boxcm
to cure any esse. Forecry S5
onler receiv d we send six boxes
with awiitten j:"aratitee tore-
does not (.fTi'ct a cure. Audreys ARM ltUfi
all coniimuiications to the sole
mauutacturerb. The Muiuc vv Medicixe Co.
KansjusCitv Mo.
SarSoliliu Ked Cloud byC.L. COTnJiGsole
B'5 C t3Elven unlrer
sal cntisfactlon in the
cure of Gonorrhoea Mid
Gleet. Tprcscribeltaod
f eol salt in rccomBCBd
Idc It to All sntTertn.
Sold by DrotfUU.
C. li. Cottiso, Agent.
Take Notice.
To Joseph W. Warren and tJco. IV. Ball.
Yon are hereby notifled that on the 28th day of
January 188., I, I Baum purchamjd at privere
tax sale from the county treasurer M. B. Mc
Xitt at the court house in Ked Cloud. Webster
county Nebraska, for the taxes of the year 188G.
amounting to S7.4-",cn the following described
land slUtated In Welwter county Nebraska tax
ed in the name of Joseph W. Warren and fo.
W, Ball. 'llc south-east nonh cast ?
section It. town 2. ranj;e 11 crrnininji 40 acres
the timefor redemption of said land from the will expire January 2Stn
1W0 and If not redeemed before the above date
expires, 1 will make application for treasurer's
tax deed. Bacm.
1Yai5rffim&nrtifled that on the 28th day
of January 18sS.L.Bauui porcaased at private
Ux bale, iromthe county treasurer M.B.Mc
Kitt -it the cocnty court house in Red Cloud,
Webster county, fceu., for Untaxes of the year
lamounUng to t U.7J, the f oUowingdescnb
Jdlkna situaV& in Webster county Keb.. taxed
to ttoSaMOl C. B. Hosford. part of tte orth
east ot the south west H. of aectioo i urn il
Shi containing 2 acres. The time for re-wJ.I-t9Wiiyg..
t from the Henof saia tax
11 P"!" " . . . --" -U ab4 ir M.
it ill ! mar ina nph p
j.rZm A
1 Hf
Wt TO ft DATS.
Bm wwitrtw m
Bm rcBijbjtu
a, f'wa aww-v-iA a
Notice is hereby given that under and by vir
tue of of an order of sale issued by L. II. Fort
clerk of the district court in and for Webster
county Nebraska in an action pending in said
court wherein the Nebraska Loan & Trust Co. is
plaintiff and Geon?e II. Pprinper Abraham Wil
liams l.ucinda Williams and Mary C. Moore are
defendanto I shall offrr for side at public ven
due forcas'i in Innd to the highest bidder at
the east door of the cou t house in Ited cloud
Webster county Nebraska.tbat being the place
where the last term or sala court was holden
on the 1st day of October 188i at 10 o'clock a.
m. the described property to wit.
the south east quarter 4of secion eiht f8 in
township four i north of ramie eleven ill
west of the cth 1' m in Webster county Aebras
ka. Ciivennndcrmy hand this 28th day of Au
Kiin 18ffi. II. c. ott. Sheriff.
J. m. ItAOAX, Plaintiff's Attorney.
Take Notice.
To Cliarles W. Kaley, Jacob L. Kaleyand Bu-
fus M. I argent.
You are hereby notifled that on the 2nd day of
Dec. 1887 I, L. llauin purchased at privato rax
sale from the county treasurer, M. B. McNitt,
at the court house in Red Cloud, Webster coun
ty, Nebraska for the taxes of the year 1886,
amounting to $17.. The following described
land, situated in Webster county Nebraska tax
ed in the name of Charles W. Kaloy. Jacob L
Kilevandltufus M. Largent: the north-west U
section 22, town t, r.mse 10. containing ico acres
Tlie time for redemption will expire December
2, 1889. and if not redeemed before the above
dale expires I will mane application fora treas
urer s tax deed. L. Bacm.
Take Notice.
Joeph W. Warren and Geo. W. Ball.
You are hereby notified that on the 28th day
of January, is.?, I, U. Baum purchased at
private tax: sale from the county treasurer, M.
B. McNitt, at the court-house in Red Cloud
Webster county, Nebraska, for the taxes for the
year 188C, amounting to 87.43. The following
described land situated in Webster county,
Nebraska, taxed in the name of Joseph W.
arren and Geo W. Ball, The north west tf.of
the north-cast U section 12, town 2, range n
containing 40 acres. The time for re
demption of said land front the lien of said
tax sale will expire January 28th, 1890, ana If
not redeemed before the above date expires I
will make application for a treasurers tax
L. Baum.
Take Notice.
Joseph W. Warren and Geo. W, Ball.
ouareherenynotinedthatonthe 23th day
of January 1888, X. Baum purchased at private
tax sale from the county treasurer M. B. McNitt
at the court house in Red Cloud Webster coun
ty Nebraska for the taxes of the year 1886
amounting to S7.45 an the following described
lands situated in Webster county Nebraska,
taxed in the nam of Joseph W. Warren and
Geo. W. Ball. The south west 1-4 of the north
cast quarter, sec 12, town 2 range H containing
40 acres. The time for redemption of said land
from the lien of said tax sale will expire Jan.
28 1890 and If not redeemed before the. above
date I will make application for a treasurer's
tax deed. L. Baum.
f. W. TULLr.VS,M. P
waiwiMg aurgeoa. uncooppeeue ruse
Happllr Marri.4.
By a D03tal card received this
week from Zanesrille, Ohio, we learn
that Miss Minnie Wilson daughter of
our esteemed friend Milon Wilson,
living near this city, was married to
Prof. W. F. Gates, late musical di
rector of Doant college conservatory
of music at Crete, Nebraska. The
Chief is pleased to note the occur
ence, and wishes the young lady and
her husband a Ion? life of prosnoritv
and success. They were married in
Chicago, September 11, by Rev. Mr.
Coolcy,and left immediately for
Ohio, where they will remain for
several weeks, and then will go to
Boston to study music and elocution.
May their happiness be abundant is
the best wish of The Chief.
Tlie Ligkfa ?lHt Shine.
It is certainly a shame that there
cannot be some arrangements made to
have the electric lights run. Those
who hold the franchise should make
an effort at once, or we have no doubt
but what the citizens will take the
matter in hand and procure a dynamo
of their own. The streets must be
lighted and those who are blocking
the present owners for pure spite
work from doicg that we believe
should receive the condemnation of
our citizens. If the company could
have had the engine for a few weeks
longer the dam would have been re
placed and all would have beed made
right, but no, some Smart Alec had to
clog the wheels for a time and cause
the company much difficulty. The
lights must be running souu or a new
company will be smarted we under
stand. It seems very important to us that
the city council should pay the
re department the amount due on the
tournament deal. The boys are back
on the payment of claims four or five
hundred dollars and it seems to a man
up a tree that the least tho city could
do would be to devise some meth
od to help the boys out
of their difficulty. Here they
are a volunteer company working
gratis for the citizens, and in fact
have purchased by their own efforts
much of the paraphernalia that they
are in possession of and if the council
should take that off of their hands
they could pay out. The tournament
was a big benefit to Red Cioud in
more than one way and there should
be no stinginess on the part of the
city eouncil in a case like the present
one. If the city had to pay for the
departments service they would find
that $4,000 a year would hardly cover
the expense. Will the council help
the boys out of the hole?
Rev. Fox who has so acceptably
filled the pastorate of Presbyterian
church in this city for the past few
months has been called to a profes
sorship in a college in the new state
of Washington, nearTacoma. The
reverend gentleman and his estimable
wife have made many friends while
here, who will be exceedingly sorry
to hear of their removal from this
city. Tiie Chief wishes them suc
cess. U is curious that the chief of the
fire department will allow the fire bell
to hi rung rapidly when there is no
file. It is a positive fact that sooner
or later if that practice is kept up
that the people will not pay any at
tention to it whatever. It is all wrong,
Notice to JarjaieH.
The jury drawn for the September
term are hereby notified that they
need not appear until further notice.
L. H. Fort,
Clerk of the District Court.
Dr. Jaque's German worm cases
destroy worms and removes them from the sys
tem . Safe pleasant and effective.
Good mothers use Dr. WincheU'a
teething syrnp ror children with colds, sore
throats, and to regulate the bowls.
Uncle Sam's nerve and bone lini
ment will relieve sprains, bruises, neuralgia and
rheumatism, Dr.D. L. Field, No. S3 East Ma
ple st.
eSam's condition powders
the best for horses, cattle, bogs aud poultry.
Get the best. Ellerts daylight
liver pills, for sour stomach, torpid liver and
Cure' your coughs and colds with
Eilertstar and wild cherry. All druggists keep
t. Large bottles fifty cents and one dollar.
Happy Home blood purifier Is
the people's popular aedicine for purifyiug the
blood and malarial diseases etc. Larre bottles
flit? cents and one dollar.
The greatest wonder of the 19th
century, a carpet exhibitor showing
iuat how a carnet will Jaak wkes M
Notice is hereby given that I will
examine all persons who may desire
to offer themselves as candidates for
teachers of the public schools of this
county, at Red Cloud, on the third
Saturday of each month.
Eva. J. Kino.
County Sup't
Carpets ! Carpets ! !
Mrs. M. E. Huffman, living two
miles west of the city on the Kaley
farm is prepared to weave carpets on
short notice. Orders by mail will
receive prompt attention. Leave or
ders with C. Schaffnit.
Harvest Excantlon.
Send the names of your friends in
the east whom you wish to visit you.
or who are seeking new locations, to
J. K. Buchanan, General Passenger
Agent of the Fremont. Elkhorn &
3Iissouri Valley It. It. Co., Omaha.
Neb,, that he may send them infor
mation relative to the !'0ne-Fare
Ilarvest Excursions," which occur
Angust Gth and 20 th, September 10th
and 24th, and October Sth.
Another wonderful discovery has
been made and that too bv lady in
this count. Disease fastened its clu
tches upon her and for seven years
she withstood its severest tests but her
vital organs were undermined and
death seemed imminent. For three
months she coughed incessantly and
could not sleep. She bought of us a
bottle of Dr. King's New Discover, for
Consumption and was so much re
lieved on taking firpt dose that she
slept all night and with one bottle has
been miraculously cured. Hnr name
is Mrs. Luther Lutz.'. Thus writes
V. C. Hamrick & Co., of Shelby, N. C.
Get a free trial bottle at Henry
Cook's Dru-Store. 2
Mrs. Thomas Ellam who has been visit
ing witn her sister, Mrs. Ed. Parkes has
returned home to Council Bluffs.
Miss Lucy May Parkes has gone on a
visit to see relatives at Council Bluffs,
Miss Rena Cashmer has gone to Coun
cil Bluffs on nn extended visit.
CMr. John Barton, and Miss Lulley May
Pardoo, who is a sister of Mrs. Ed Parkes
were united in marriage at Council Bloffs
Iowa, Sept. Sth 1889.
Here's Ver Barb Wire.
Adam Morhart the popular hard
ware man has just received a car load
of Glidden barb wire, which he is
going to sell very close for cash.
Call and see him at once if you want
special Bates.
On August 6 to 20, Sept. 10 to 24,
and Oct. 8. the B. & M will sell round
trip tickets to point in Colorado. Mon
tana, Utah, Wyoming and Idah foor
one fare for the round trip.
E. . Harris, Agt.
Backlla's Arnica Salve.
Tlie best sa've in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns; and all skin eruptions, and
positively cures, or no pay required,
it is guaranteed to ifive perfect satis
faction, or maney refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For sale by Henry
A New Barker Shop.
S. T. VanHorn who is well known
in this city, and who for the last year
has tried his luck elsewhere, has re
turned to this city and has purchased
the barber parlors of Robert Barklcy.
He has fitted them up m nice style
and invites his old and new friends
to call and see him. Ho will give
you a shave or hair cut in the latest
style of the art. 47-tf
Special BatrM.
The B & M has issued a circular
of special rates for special occasions,
the following of which arc of more or
less interest to this section.
Omaha Fair and Exposition. Sept.
26. Round trip for one faro, 50 cents
added for admission to the ground.
Parade Association of Priest of
Pallas. Kansas City, Oct. 14. On
fare for round trip.
Twenty-third national encampmenc
G. All, Milwaukee, Ang. 26-31. One
fare for round trip, with special terms.
. . Harris, Agt.
ftew Era Kxpesttlon, SpJetepb, Jlo,
Owing to the fact that corn has not fully
matured in certain section of the country, the
Hoard of Directors of the Exposition Associa
tion has decided to extend the time of making
entries in Class A (Individual Exhibit, Best One
Pwen Ears of corn,) to September 25th. All
cntrles'made on or before this date will be
eligible for competition tor the premium.
The following class his been added to the
Premium List,
Class T. Vkgitaulks.
All entries in this class must be nude on or
before Septsmber25tb, and the goods all in place
on that date.
For largest and best display of Vegetables,
all kinds, by society or individual.
First premium SIC) 03
Second "
Third "
Fourth "
Fifth "
73 00
50 00
25 00
SO 00
15 08
10 00
Miss . K. Lawrepce will organize
and permanently establish a kinder
garten school, upon the "Frocbel"
system if a class of thirty or more pu
pils ea-t oe secured. Any age be
tween 4 tad 10. Tuitiea, nasosable
as possible. Leave aawwer at Cmr.
R. Y.SinuKr, Pres. IIbsuy Clarke, Vice-Pre. Jko. R. Shiekt, Cashier
Howard B. Catber, Assistant Cashier
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
CAPITAL, $75,000
Transact a general banking business, buy and sell county warrants, als
county, precinct and school district bonds. Buy and sell forei"n exchan"t
Jas. McNenv. J. A.Tullcys, G. W. Lindsey. It. V Shircv
John R. Shirey. E.F.Highland.
Henry Clarke, A. J. Kcnnev.
W1" mWQPmWmmmmWZ'H
Boarding Horses Feed Barn
At reasonable rate-. Come one anil all.
Lower than any yard in the world
In the city at prices that all can afford to buy
if in want of anyth i ig in his line.
pposite First National Bank, Red Cloud.
New Billiard Hall!
P. L. Jeffers, Proprietor,
Fine tables, reasonable rates, nice treatment, is our motto.
Hacker & Parker,
c. sc
Collections, Taxes Paid, &c.
Office with the County Judge, Moon Block
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Taife Notice.
Joseph W. Warren and eo. W. Ball.
You are hereby notified that on the 23th day
of Jan, 18SL liatun purchased at private tax
sale from the county treasurer M. B. McNitt at
the co art hause in Red Cloud, Webster countj
Is'eb., for the .axes of the year isst amounting
to 87.45 on the following described property to
wit situated In Webster county Nebraska taxed
inthenaaieof Jeseph W.Warren and Geo. W.
Rail the north east of the north east H of
seetioi. 12 town 2 range 11 containing 40 acres
The time of redemption of said land
from the lien of said tax sale will ex
pire January 'J 1S90 and if not redeemed before
the above date expires I will make application
for a treasusers tax deed. L. Uaum.
Take Notice.
To Hugh J, Jewett :
You are hereby notified that on the 11th day
of February 18, L. Baum purchased at private
tax sale from the county treasurer, M, B. Mc
Xitrat the court house in Red cloud, Webster
county Nebraska for the taxes of 1SS6 amounting
(os&so. tne nortu-east h oi tne souin-wesi .
section 33. town l. ranee 12. containing 40 acres
taxed in the name of Hugh .1. Jewett. The
time for redemption of said land from the lien
of said tax sale will exoire February 11UU890.
and if not redeemed before the aoove date, I
will make application for a treasurer's rax deed.
L. Bacm.
Take Notice.
To Hugh J. Jewett:
You are hereby notified that on thellth day
of February 1883 L. Itaum purchased at private
tax sale from the connty treasurer H, R. Mc
Nitt at the courthouse In Ked cloud, Webster
county. KebrasKa. tor tne taxes oi tne year wb
amounting to S3.3). The north west U, of the
south west H secUon 33, town I, range 12,'con
tabling 40 acres, taxed in the name of Hugh J.
Jewett. The time for redemption of sid land
from the lien of said tax sale will expire Febru
ary nth 1890. and if not rodemed before the
aborc date. I w ill make application for a treas
urer's tax deed. J- Bapm.
Take NoUee.
to Hush J. Jewett: ,
Yon are hereby notified that on the nth dav
ot February 1888, L. Baum purch.ised at pri
vate tax safe from the countv treasurer M. B.
McNitt at the court house in Ked cloud Webster
county Nebraska for the taxes of the year 1889,
amounting to S5J0. The south-west i-t of the
sonth west 1-4 section 33, town I. range licon
tainlngtt acres, taxed in the name oi Huzb J.
Jewttt. The time Tor redeiupuon will expire
February 11th 1890, and if not redeemed before
the above da'o I will make application fora
treasurer's tax deed. L. Baum.
C. W. Kalbv, J. i Kalkv.
A TTORNEYS AT LAW. Agents for tbeB.
4-M.R.Jt.laBds. OSceon Web-ter street
KcuClend. Kebnwfca.
W. W. Gilbert,
V.'Wk a to notify his friends ,at
l.i' l.:a leased the
Watson B arn !
located cast of I'latt & Frees Lumber Yard where
lie v.ill keep
Como and see us.
Take Notice.
To nugh J. Jewett:
You are hereby notified that ou the 11 Ui iiy
of February 18". L. Baum iiirch:icl .it unuto
Ux sale from tfre county treasurer M. li. .Mc
Nitt at the court house in Red cloud. Webster
county Nebraska, for the taxes of the is-j
amounting to $5.50. The south oust i-t oftha
south west l-l. section 33. town i, rarue li con
taining 48 acres, taxed in the nan; of IluhJ.
Jewett. The time for redemption of s.ud iamt
from the hen of said tax sale will Feb
ruary 11th 1H90 and if not redeemed before the
above date I will make application for a treas
urer's tax deed. L. iSALJf.
i SHEKIt-frS S.II.K.
Notice is hereby given that under and bv Ir
tue of an order of sale issued by L. H. Fort.
clerk of the district court of the 8th jndictal
district In and for Webster county. Nebraska,
upon a decree in an action pending in said
court wherein Phoenix Mutual Lifo Insurance
company are plaintiff's, John K. Smith and
Amelia J. Smith et a!, are defendants. I shall
offer for sale at public vendue for cash in hand
at the east door of the court house in Red
cloud In said county (that being the place where
the last term of said court was hofdeii) ou tho
21tdayof October, lKSOatl o'clock i.
pjn. the
following described property to-wit: The west;
onenau. i:f;oi"ie nonu west quarter and tha
west one half Oz) of the south west quarter of
section six (C) in township one 1J north of
range nine, 9 west of thee I. Webster
county Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 17th day of Sont
ea.berI8, . H. c. Scott. .Sheriff.
Kaley Bros. plaintiS'satt'y.
QEO. o. and r. d. yeiser,
I inr Gout; Mid OlStE
Complete and only set of abstract
books in Webster courV. Grazing and
arming lands and city property for
10 F9Uft cetrrs nirn rktir mrr
' ike foor at F. V Tayla.
2 A:
r-tr.- i'
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