The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 20, 1889, Image 4

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ttmzilY.,-- -
Kr -"!.-
U'P' M1KP. 1 HIlFlTli!
That our success is due to the
receive! in the las s.x jears and to keep the custom of the past, wo will
continue to sell you good goods at lowest price, hereafter. Hitting
just returned
From Market
- ncl being able to use large quantities for our
STOKES, have been able to close out some large
At Bran
LOW Ills
. the
e r.'i
arc willing to
fi rf
it. i-
BBBBaa aaaaaf
our customers
is no advertising
lge, but have
Good Bargains!
To offer you in all our departments
Being able to buy goods where they
are offered the cheapest to us, we
are not forced to buy where our
credit if good,
Wc ran therefore cite you many advantage over others
who re not so lucliy. hir iLirptuw are not only
In the Clothing Hie, but our
Its! jw-uui in
homes ror more tlian a quarter of a century. It
is used by tl o United Mates soverniiiriit. hn
dorsedbv the heads or the great universities
.t!it Mrinu-1. Iiir st. ano nn: 'faithful
Ir. i n e Cruim faikuu, i v der :oes not eon-
laiu aiiioni.i, ime. or alum, tM oniy in caus.
nticE baking rovi:i: co.
RaMlcd by Oar Alert Reporters aad
Prepared for Oar Reader.
Temple was out west this
Mr. Cowden and
in the east.
wife are visiting
Street Commissioner Simons has
been let out.
R. A. Simpson of Blue Hill in the
city this week.
See Shetland shawls at the
Xew York!Storc.
Are narked very low. Remember we sell the Selz .shoes
The Cock and Bull Stories
)f some Conscienceless Dealers bring us new customers daily
If anything from this house isn't right come
to us and well MAKE IT RIGHT.
ing opportunity now offered
to secure your
end other school supplies
while the stock i&
you that this is the time to
select from the finest line
line of sclool tablets
in the city-
Druggist and Bookseller.
Dock MoKeeby wii'ti his usual gall
CDmes out in big putrid sheet, with
ft $180f mortgage on tt, and tries to
- aiake the people believe that he has
- discovered a mares nest in the bridge
0uit and in the treasurer's office.
sPoor dock is np a tree and and don't
- ftnow just what to do. He kuotra
ftis stories about. MoNitt and the
ftridge fund rre lies, but he has told
them and naw wants the people to
- fcclievu his a&sertfons in order to help
- ftiiu out of his dilemma, and perhaps
ive him torn prestige. People
-ttn't believe any thing you or your!
japer sava dock, and you might as
.veil let up at once and save your,
Imputation, of which as a newspaper
scan yrm have bat little, and for that
dnatter the entire "utfit outrun with
aaeed thtir reputation renovated and
often taken It small doses. Eh,
aUges Caters Cvajrji "iraa.
-It gjvin? sptendid satisfaction to t!i trade
-tad tke sales are posittrl; marrelons, which
da te accounted for in uo oth.r way except
4Pjitttlawttnoiitfloabtt!isbetoa tueaurket.
fcfflean oe sure voa get Kia genuine. Wo
IKSBIC OLCsttt. Druggist.
A Wlnalax Card.
The following program could bo
utilised for a drawing feature of the
Red Cloud fair. We offer it for the
kind consideration of the managers.
Reclining in tke arms of
Npme Richardson,
Riding in a Gorgeous Snow White
Drawn by Four Beautiful Snowy
Whits Mares.
A La Texdem.
Railway Commissioner S. Garber sup-
porting me oeauumi rauirary
physique of
in a drag drawn by Two Jet Black
stallions ornamented with brass
buttons, with banners unsul
lied, inscribed in words
of spotless puri
tj. Heavy Striker,
Wright Thornburg. Jake Miller. H.
B. Simons, et al and big 8 gener
ally each astride a
Small Brindlk Muls
With prdigious hind legs and feet
and ears.
A La Electioneering in ward poli
ties. Docky's henchmeu with banners ap
propriately lettered
"Republican for sale, dead horse, $1
800 mortgage, a big jumbo,
much experience,
We think the above affair would
create a sensation ana oe tne means
of drawing a great orowd providing a
sufficient amount of disinfectants
were strewn over the grounds the ae-
- m a
gregation irom becoming too offensive.
The ladies of the B. H. M. society
will have a social at Mr. S. Perkins
next Tuesday evening, Sept: 24th.
A pleasant evening and good refresh
ments may be expected. The public
generally arc iuvited.
. All members of Webster county
Teacher's Association are hereby
notified that there will be a special
meeting held at Cowles, Saturday Sep
tember 28th, 1889.
E. J., President
Come in and see our new line ef
tinware, lanterns, coffee mills and
agate ware fresh frost Chicago aad
at Chioago cost. Perkins old stand.
D. B. Heard.
Owing to the reunion, a big rush
of job work, and the county conven
tion, x iik umEiMsa day behind.
A fine lot of carpet
New York Store.
Peter Hill and Mr. Moore were in
Denver this week.
H. P. Hnllock of Omaha was in
the city this week.
J. J. Ducker and sister have re
turned from the east.
Furniture of all kinds cheaper than
ever at F. V.Taylor's.
Mr. Spocsler of Norton, Kansas,
was in the city this week. y..
Mrs. A. C Hosmer and daughter
were in Beatrice this week.
Mrs. Kedgc of Iowa, mother af An
derson Hedge is in the city.
All goods arc sold at the New York
Store at the lowest cash prices.
Col. Hoover and C. Keohler of Blue
Hill were in the city this week.
A fin line of jeans, cassimeres and
flannels at the New York Store.
uAlf McCall's daughter has returned
home from her vitit in the east.
I H. Nott, representing the Omaha
ilepublicau, was in the city'this week.
Read A. Cook's now advertisement.
He is selling out his tock of boots
at cost.
Hon. Thy.-. Majors of Nemaha, was
in the city thin week attending the" ! '
A Grand Success.
Camp Davis Literally Swarming with
The old soldiers reunion which
was only conceived a lew days ago by
our G. A. R. bovs for this week, came
off per program, commencing on the
17th. A large number ul' old sol
diers from all parts of this state and
Kansas were present.
0.i lite opening of the camp, Colon
el Gage of Franklin was selected as
Commander of the camp, and the fol
lowing soldiers were appointed as his
aides: F. A. Harmon, of Bloominr-
ton, E. H. Jones, O. R. Downs, A. Ma
Talbot and D. L. Groat.
Mrs. Morgan, of Alma addressed
the W. It. C, in a very appropriate
speech. Numerous prominent people
were here from this state and Kan
sas. On Wednesday evening an in
teresting camp fire was held by the
soldier boys which was addressed by
Comrades, Chaney, Cole, Gage and
others, and the war scenes of oter
days were related in an interesting
Manner, ar.d loudly applause'
On Thursday thr baud contest and
parade took place. At 8:30 the pa
rade was formed and passed through
the streets in the' following order:
Hardware !
Wholesale - Prices!
We MUST sell goods, and
ing prices for ca
iru - tollow-
Bafeer lailetl
Wlie $3.75
I will agree to save you 20
Cooks. Heaters and Gasolines,
Best Castor Oil 65c p
D. B. HEARD, Agt,
The New York Store is headquar
ters for the the best makes of boots
and sho es.
Supervisor McCallum added his
name to the Family Weekly
Mnsweek. Thanks.
The Chief adds the name of Mr.
Sam Heat on to its great list of thous
ands of readers this week.
Mr. D. 31. Piatt now occupies the
rooms lateh vacr.ted by the Nebraska
& Kansas farm loan company.
Are you going to buy a carpet. If
so do not fail to call and examine mv
slock and prices F. V. Taylor.
D. F. Scott received word this
week that his father and brother were
very sick at their homes in Kansas.
Ed. F. Highland of Nebraska city,
lormeny 01 mis city, was upon our
streets. Ed is always welcome to Red
Curt Evans' tank line team ran
away on Friday and stove in the tank
line somewnac. not aracn damage
Ribbons, ribbons, riSbons. A
big lot of remnants will be sold at
less than half price, at the New
York Store.
Dr. J. S. Emieh, returael home
Tuesday from his trip to Illinois.
The destor va mighty well pleased
to get borne.
I can save you big money on furni
ture and carpets. 100 different pat
terns of carpels cut without waste at
F. V. Taylor's.
100 gross nice dress buttons and
others will be closed out at 2 cents a
dozen . Don't miss this tale at the
New Yerk Store.
Win. Richardson and Jos. Fogle
came in this week and had the Great
Family Weekly sent to their addresses
for the, coming year. Thanks.
L. A. HasKns, Mrs. Sherman and
two aunts were visiting the north
school in district No. ithi- week.
Miss Jessie Sherman is ths teaeher.
Mr. S. Miller of Ambov, Caps.
Mum-ell of Red Cloud, and Chailes
Stcfia of Jadson. called this week
warp at, me Col G aire and staff.
Cowles brass band.
Division of G. A. R.
Smith Center drum corpu.
Franklin cadets.
Hose Company.
Division of G. A. R.
Red Cloud drum corps.
Division of G. A. R.
Foraging brigade.
Hook and ladder company.
Citizens in carriages.
The procession marched through
the principal streets and then march
ed in review in front of the Gardner
bouse where they were reviewed by
Gov. Gatb- r, Col. Hoover, Col. Gage
and otheis. At the conclusion of
the parade the Hon . Tom Majors of
Nemaha made a fine address to the
vast audience which was variously
estimated at irom inree to nve thou- r i T 1 J
sand neople. The foraging brigade Lome anCl See Hie, .rerkinS OlCl Sir
created great excitement when they I
were marched iin the main nXropt hv I
lA AWAl 'Paww UnfaAlS kmJ abJamaJ A
ucuuu aum iinvunu, suu uiuercu 10 1 mm am 4a. a 4a at m aa xr
- o m. .1 mmi mm mm Mm m n F
sxirmisn ior eataoies. xne buyout I JWJTaY f MMt i if t
blue iao. to it as of vor&. ami n!iiii iriflVf a a arf's .--. ...
- y , ..v
they returned they were laden with
all kinds of provender, such as. cows,
chickens, ch?irs, water-melons, apples
stc. 'Hie brigade took tficir goods
into camp, and were ordered to di
vulge and then disperse. About 300
old soldiers registered up to Friday
Tne Franklin sadets were one of
the interesting features of the reun
ion. It is composed ef manly look
ing and soldierly bearing yonng men,
who some day will make their mark
in the unrlu.
In the evening another -.'rand camp
fire was held. In fact the whole re
union was a grand success, and was
much more than was expected for the
short time which the Red Cloud boys
bad to prepare tor the affair. Much
credit should be given to Garfield
post for their able efforts to make the
reunion a success.
' f:
t a
MUlinery Emporium.
! aaatnriallw aitilail tt tVim Saaaioiiil
, K; A," ?t?rel, of California, former- condition of our sreheqni. Thaaks
ly of Red Cloud is in the city. ' cents.
Y. 31. C. A. CoaveBtloa.
Friday Kvksinu.
Sonp service.
Address of Welcome,
Address. "The Ynune Men'.i rhrlstl&n muv-
ciation as an Agency to win Young Men to
Christ and Into His Church." Prcst. W. F.
tungiaua, iiuunKB uouedge.
.Saturday Morktkc
.Devotional Exercises and Bldld Keading, A,
"The Duties ot the DeTotional. Reception.
Inri'atlon and Membership CoauBittees."rI. V.
MontKomerjr. Ilaatlnn.
"The finances of the Association, how con
ducted." K. M. Cochrane. Ked Cloud.
The Young Men's Metting." Roy R. Codding.
How to Der elon more Personal WmkmTn
onr Associations." E. A, NitcbeH, Falrfisld.
Satobday ArrKBSoojr.
The Workers Trailing Class Illustrated," A.
stcture and Entertainments, what should
b provided by the Assoclatisn," Jas. T. Ogden,
Iiistri t work.
State Convention.
(jUMtian Drawer,
Seng Service.
"The Value of a General Secretary," A. Nash.
The Work of thelSovs' DfmrtimBt.' P. L.
Johnson, Hastings.
"How ladles may assist this Work," D.
Frank Parker, Ked Cloud.
Sunday Morxivo.
Consecration Meeting for Christian Young
Cnspel Mc-crlng for Young Men only. Meeting
for Boys only. Abo Latiim (impel mestiujr.
Scwdat Kvbximo.
Union meeting for the presentation of Asse-
ciaiian wurK.
It is no small advantage to Ktil Cloud and
the Association hsre, that thp conference is to
he held at this place. Wc hope the people will
apprecia. it by attending as manyilof the
awetings as poss ble. All the tneeiii'gs, except
those for Mmday afterneoa, are i-ea to every
body. Those who can entertain delega'es aUI
please report to name one of the committee oa
entertainment, K. M, Cochrane, Clark Cataer.
A. K. Mayaen, and Koy Codding,
Ladies will find it to their advantage to examine inj nlov
fancy gooda before purchaseinh else- lioro. Uj ;
u lii.ery and
. I" ill!
New and Fist-class.
Warner &
Wa have rsrnovsd to onr NEW QUARTERS jost North of the F.iH
Bank and sow hava tho
Largest Stock of Boots ond Shoes
Ever saea ia Bed Clond, and they will bo acid at prices ihat wFi make
them go fast, ia faet we are going to
Sell our Goods Cheap for Cash !
Wa have the largest stock and warrant onr stock.
Far the Carat Palaee at SlaaxClf jr.
Ageat of the Fremont, Uora Y
Missouri Talley, aad Sioux City aad
Pacifc Railroad will sell excursion
tickets at one fare for the roand trip.
Inquire of any ageat er af M. J. Ma
honey. Secratary of Sioux ?itv Corn
Palace, Sienx City, Iwa.
Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud,
L. H. FORT, Maaager.
AhmtBmeim & Hita
Fvaidied t(j aU Lands in Webster County, Accatately and
Xt7 mmf Va ' V A MmfJ!!4m
Ummt kaitoayamKjcriaacs in ceantr records aad oaebftbeawss eempieiee f Ab
' wmm,mB arAaiea ssmtacuoa. --Ti-iTTiMllritml
AH erders alied prssspUy. WjMaaBarfeaad aled
Address er call oa
I. If. -TOT If Aifaqw, Rd Gload. Ms.