The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 20, 1889, Image 1

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i I
HHBBHWaBSSISLiiE j5?biH - """ fSSaBBBBv JR QBBBBBBBaBat'w r jk bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbl' jyaBaa rJ BBfia:--'- - m i jpSBBt&J w BEBtJj?'-mJi j"E53eBBBr ' i
Vol. 17.
Dry Goods
Grand Fall Opening.
We now have rll of
ready to show you and invite your inspeetior.
Largest and finest stock of Dry
Goods and cloaks;
We have ever shown which we will take pleas
ure in showing you, whether you wish to
buv or not We will cali voui attention
-to our large stock of.
Dress Goods
dress Trimmings.
In "which we we have taken special pains to get only the newest shades and
styles You know that our prices are so far helow what others ask for
the same goods that we will not mention them here In cloaks onr stock
is simnlj immense and everyone asks what are toh going to do with
them ail, you have enough cloaks to supply every lady in Bed Cloud
Our replv is that we are coins"' to supply not onlv every lady in Bed
CIcnd. but the whole vaHev.
Our Cloak
from tife res: off the store, with plenty of room, oor carpeted, eic: You
can take all the time vou wish to
and vou will notirfbotho-red with
and MOD JESKAS. also hundreds of Cloth Cloaks of all descriptions is
Children's Misss' and Ladies' all new styles and MARKED at PEICES
"We also wish to call your attention to one grade of
"Which we are selling at 10 cts per yard, as good as you can get anywher
else at 15 cents.
"VYe only have 50 piece. and can not get any more at this price so come early
, On the 1st of last January wc started in to double the trade of la3t year or
quit the town, so far we kave cncceedcd and will try awful bird to keep it up
and if hard work, low prices and good treatment will do it, we will stay with
JQU for years, if no: we quit the first of next January. Come in and see us
We will treat jen well and save you money on dry cood or cloaks of any kind
an (J
fell sroods
Room Is
select or think it over Chairs, etc'free
other goods Deing strewn around "VVe
Red Cloud, Webster County Neb., Friday, September
Board met Tuesday, September 17th.
as adjourned, ail members present.
The minutes ol the last meeting read
and approved.
On motion fiOO was granted to
Batin township to build a bridge in
said township on section line between
sections 21 and 28.
The report of the appraisal of the
w J and ne of nw section 27, town
2. rs.n6 2, was approved by the board.
The w i was appraised at 84 50 and the
lie I ot nw J at $4.00 per acre.
Jones, Eeatou and Hummel were ap-
pointed to appraise five acres of land
in tne southeast corner ot sw J of sec
tion 16, town 1, range 12, and appraised
the same $5.00 per acre which was
An appropriation of $150 was granted
to Potsdam township to build bridges
on section line between sections 82 and
33 in said township.
An appropriation of $100 was granted
to Beaver township to build a bridge
across Minnie creek", between sections
2 and C3.
An appropriation of $100 was granted
to Oak creek township to build a bridge
across Crooked creek between sections
5 and S, bridge to be 30 feet long and
16 feet wide.
n Petition a roa( was closed in Har-
between section 14 and 15, town 4,
range 12, and on petition from the same
parties a road was ordered ooened on
one-h&lf section line running north and
south across section 14. town 4. range
12. and the owners of land on said sec
tion grant tne right of way. said
owners being M. Alexander. Elroy
Pettj3. Albert C. Smith and H. G.
Board adjourned to September 18.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
The chairman being absent Isaac
Fish was called to tne chair. The
clerk being absent G. P. Cather was
appointed to keep the records.
The following resolution was unani
mously adopted.
Resolved that we as members of this
board, who drew over 2.00 per day for
our services before July 1st 1689, under
a rcisapprenention of the law, do re
fund to the county such amount by
crediting to our several accounts with
the same.
On motion an appropriation of 50
i was granted to Guide Bock township
to build a bridge across Star creek on
Guide Kockand Burr Oak. Road,
An appropriation of 390 was granted
to Garfield township to build a bridge
across Deer creek on quarter section
line ot section 7 said town and range.
On motion the Red Cloud Chief was
designated by the board as the paper
to publish the delinquent tax list ot
On motion county treoasurer was in
structed to pay ballance found due on
the isil contract to the Pauly Jail Buil
ding Co. from any fund not otherwise
appropriated to be replaced
tr isi jail
lund when collected.
On motion the committee on supplies
was instructed to purchase 30 tons ol
Canon City coal and to pay tor the
' same about 7.55 per ton and the coun-
j :y clerk was instructed to draw war
I rauts to pay for the same when ordered
4 30 to do or said committee.
I On motion the committee on county
I property was instructed to pice an in
surance on the court house to the
amount of 25X).00.
Thd following claims were allowed
ana Warrants ordered on the county
general fund of 18-59.
W. J- Harris snnnlifa fnr rnnr t AS
j Omada Republican county' 25
C L. Cotticg
5 o
1.25 to 75
13.76 to 11 00
Omaha Republican
F. V. Taylor coffin Wilson 11 00
G. J. Warren printing 52 50
L. H. Fort postage and ex 6 93
J. F. Grime's medicine poor... 3 75
A. J. Haves supplies poor. 7 30
G. M. Plumb printing '11 00
S. 31. Seal fixing clock 1 50
J. Stahl & Co, board for Tan
Benson 7.75 to 75
E. J. King salary etc 265 00
W. G. Wolf supt jail 42 50
E. J. King postage 18 75
H. C. Scott summoning jury. . . 18 50
L. H. Deyo supplies county 10 49
W. C. Laird sup. seiTice. . . 9 00
G. W. Hummell " ' ... 9 "0
A.H. Kaley " ... 12 10
Isaac Fish " . . S 00
T. G. Wilder " .., 5 00
W. H. Barcns " " ... 2 60
J. L. Frame " . . 13 60
D.McCalluna " ... "20
Jos Garber " .... 6 20
G. E. Coon " " ... 6 40
James Groves " " ... 8 00
L. D. Ihoma3 " " ... 10 10
S. S. Wells " ... 8 10
Samuel Heaton " " ... 7 40
Jotham Martin " " ... 2 80
These claim? were allowed en tne
bridge fond of 1883-.
B.S.Prondfit supplies f 4 56
... 69 52 '
13 45
42 52
7 75
10 30
5 C5
45 to 170 91
M. B. Marsh ' 8.60 to.
Piatt & Frees .......
R. S. Tibbitts work en bridge. .
A. Barcus ' ' ..
S. J. Whitten material
7 ;
17G 55
50 00
12 00
34 33
8 00
11 11
IS 00
106 CO
17 25
12 50
66 60
28 50
3 00
7 00
13 00
12 50
24 00
9 00
V. Williams work
G. F Pope work etc
G. E. Coon
rial . .
James Heaton
C. Shelley
Sam Miller
G. E- Coon
W. T. Grunel
G. A. Scoless
J. M, Scoles
S. Roof
Sam Heatoo
4.75 to ... .
11 50
W. H. Barcns
W. C. Laird
G. W. Hummel
21 00
' . . 19 00
"."..". 25 65
' 9 20
John Beauchamp "
Otto Stock
James Groves
B. F. Ross "
X.Cone " 14 03 to..
S. J. Whitten material
S. W. Hull work
John Swisher "
G.W.Dow "
C. Spooner
O. W. Hall "
S.S. Wells "
L. B. Thome material
A. I.athron '
10 25
56 94
14 00
13 00
81 45
1 00
1 50
9 90
3 50
9 75
5 50
3 30
5 55
Claim of J. C. Warner case of Fully
insane for 545.15 was allowed.
Claim of F. V. Taylor, coffin for
Eve-sen for S20 was rejeoted.
FMi. Martin and Wells were r.ppirnt
ed to appraise the SE i of NE i of It 1
The Board now adjourned until Nov.
12, 18S9. J- H. Bailet,
County Clerk.
An EnferprlBS How.
One day this week Tax CniTF
while making the rounds of the busi
ness houses, dropped into J. J. Duck
er's exclusive dry goods stor, and
there found one of the largest stocks
of goods ever seen in a western store.
His cloak room was well filled with
handsome plush cloaks, jackets, new
markets, &c. of all kinds and descrip
tions, and the largest stock ever
brought here for our people to selact
froniT In the dry goods department
we found new and nobby dress goods,
elegant dry goads, cottons, fiannels,
notions, etc., in fact the store is liter
ally crowded with all cf the new and
seasonable scods. He invites his
friends to call and view the goods if
they wttnt bargains.
Jas. McN.ny, Juige G-Lcam ana
Attorney Chaney, three Strong and
aHe men, are the trio Bed Cloud
ruts to the front as congressional
fovorites. Eastings Republican
The same paper further adds: Web
ster co-nty is in a position to reach
for a bis 'sized plum. Around the
pit zv. within the rind of that p'uic
is gathered the fruitage of a large
sized orchard. In politic Webster
county is vegetarian. A dish of crow
is no'temptatian, but tempting fruit
mav be an inspiration.
Then the Nebraskan speaks of Mr.
Cijanev in this wav: "As one of the
possible candidates for the republican
nomination to congress in this dis
trict. Hrn. G. R," Chaney, of Red
Cloud, has received nattering men
tion. The Nebrxskan recognizes
hie: as an attorney rho stands very
high in the profession and a man of
verv conscientious motives."
" -
Hailroad ExcarloB IWf.
To the Sovereign grand lodge o:
Patriarchs Militant and I. O. O. F. at
Columbus, 0., the great Northwestern
road will cive a rate of $25.20 for
round trin from Sept. 12 to 15, good
toretam'till the 36th .
To the Knight Templar conclave
at Waskington. P. C. Oct-13, tickets
will be sold Oct. 3u to 5th for 533.
good to return Noy. 3d. The North
western is the most popular route
from the coost.
st a Fartvae.
Is apxxlhcaltliy, pearly sKn. Few are a
waxe of the short time it takes for a disor
dered liver to cause blotches on the face,
and a dark sreasv skla. One bottle of BEGGS'
restore this organ to its natural and beaKty
crat. nd dtainse th-i blo-nl cf ;1I hnpuritlc3.
- .: l.W wnrJctnl TTPQX
every cXc. Dru I
R.S. Proodfit
Bawman & Lyman
Wm. Irons
C Hunter "
A. Morhart
M. B. Marsh
Cowles Lttm. Co. 207
20, 1889.
As elsewhere in Webster Co. politics is
the order of the dav hereabout.
The republicans held their caucus Sat
urday and the following nominations
ere made delegates to convention: V.
ii. Points, li. P. Hcmmell,H.Holdredze.
For Supervisor. Mark Xoble. Assessor- I
fi.Holdrede. Tosm Clerk. David Dinee '
Treasurer. E- 3. Goble.
Hereupon they paused to cnteh their
breath and after urvevinc their work
a feeling of weariness overtook ?em and J
the meeting adjourned. -Dennis" wv
prejsnt Lit being a Prohibitionist was i
not allowed to vote. '
Mrs. Eliza Eclcoiab, who has beem spend-1
mg tne summer in Indiana has. returned
accompanied by her son. H S. Holcouib,
who is a tj po on the Chicago Tribune.
A F. Hcrtwell of Inavale has returned
from the State Fair feeling at peace with
himself and all the world, having tafcsn
sweepstake on his cheese and on his
chickens. As a consequence he is doing
scxe crowing.
Our road machine still hanffS fire. Sat-
2-day Sept- 21st i3 now Snaliy set for
day of'triL Dennis was pained a day or
twe since to hear a prominent Inaraleite
suggest that the agent bring along a
keg of beer the day of the trial- Only
one keg. its enough to nam one. If
Walnut does not take the machine In
avale is going to try it and in that case
Mr. Dennis suggests that the company
send a female agent to exhibit the ma
chine in order to make a sale
Sam has his new bridge finished. It
is oaid to be a thing of beiuty and will
ungues tlonnHv be a jaw" foreTer or until
something else turns up.
The attention of Denni3 has been called
to the fact that in building the bridge
4 sets of piling W6re aaed, 2 on the banks
and 2 in the bed of the creek, forming an
obstruction on which drifts will lodge.
As brother Mack Fulton so feelingly xuts
it "the people have roundly damned the
bridge and now the bridge will dam the
creek." This is all hearsay, Dennis han:
seen the bridge and is nt apt to right
away as he has a lurkinc suspicion that
he would see stars if he got up in that
The Dry Creek bridge is also finished
and is pronounced by all everything that
co-' be desired, some say, more than is
Did you read the West Virginia letter
in tar -mocrat? After reading it that
rock rooted disciple of democracy John
Stoddard sententiously remarked, in the
name of God what kind of liquor do they
have in West Virginia.
In discribHgthat Walnut Creek tree
last week Tel Cezet went a little too far
in saying ;ipart of the tree is left." Mr.
Heaton desires me to say that he does'nt
claim that there i? any of the tree left ex
cept the roots.
Bobt. Moore has sold his team, wagon
and harness to F, D. Hutchison and now
talk? of seeking -othe- fields and pastures
George and Sam Heaton will each have
been married thirty years this fall and talk
of calling in the neighbors to show them
how they have stood it.
When fresdooi from her mountain
height, unfurl htr banner in thj air. she
smole a smile bewitching bright, and said,
are you going to the fair?
A Good Coazk Myrcp.
Tiier i3 nothing varcaa should be so careful
abut us tI&:tin a cou?h syrup. Ees
Cherry Cori:h Sprjp eoiH no mors than the
cheep and inXeri r antrum tnrown on the
ni ir!ijt. The btit is nae to stxid. be sure and
ktep :t ot: fcani a: ail times. C. L, Cottin:?,
School in Pis. 2io. ninety has cotn
mencei for nice months term with
Mrs. L. P. Northrap, Teacher.
There will be a Sunday School pic
nic in J. M. Browfl?s grove next Sat
urday. Daacinir seems to be the order of
the nighCtwo or three every week.
Farmers are inclined to have some
sweet things this winter, judging
from the amount of swjar cane there
is raised and net enough cane mills
to make it up. Sn.
Married, at Blue Hill, Neb. Sept,
Ilth 1S59, by Eev. C. Schubkegeh.
Mr. Philip Bock and Mrs. Christina
Lu!m, all of Blue Hill, Neb.
Tlie Verdict Cis
W.D.SuiU)rugRist. Bippus. Ind. tes
ktifies: "I can recommend Electric BittJ
'ers as the very best remedy. Every
bottle old has given relief in every
case. One man took six bottles, and
Was cured of Eheomatism of 10 years
standing." Abraham Hare, dnuczil
Bellville, Ohio, affirmeai "The best
selling medicine I have ever handled
in my 20 years' experience, is Esec
tric Bhters." Thousands of otters
have added their testimony, so that
the verdict is unanimous that Electric
Bitters do core all dlssases of the Ht-
er. kidneys or blosd. Only half dollar
. bottle at hea Cook dr, 2
No. a
. Sfe
fsVI "7k- I
jyOae yeclase ot STgkJiLX'i, Dn U
Brrrzsa xlll t.z'ip eta calkin of tae best
Bttten cxnra. wtxti ni! CICE ladizestiaBfcl
Pains is zte Stomach. Fercr anft Acoe, anal
ciispdte Kktorj and ITlaihlt., tie tosl
Tccic iramrE. CabersedTrilicrittKJTr.fc.l
JVlTs far the cirst iswiiT known. FcIlcfcxsM
ecus ca eaca pacoze. ui C7Dr2ssS3crsso7
rr.xi. poFiie rrspun. met jw ci.t. icr sBk, :
tro rfkna for SO CtS. U.S. saxr UJI
rj n& Adtlras.
6Ea G. STEKETEE. 6n4 RapMs, ffkk
Ai-sajpi oaBxn m tpec
n - . - T-. - .
ltir. ' -ST--
um-mr -jaera&
3 Artesian vater throiul.out tlie hoie:
i)uls r.vo Kocks frani city Ian
1314 lith Sr. Denver. Colo.
RATES 1 25 and $1 50 PEBDJaT.
The house and fumisaings are all cew.
Elegant rooms with first class meals Mt
moderate rales. First class livery mad
boarding stables in connection with the
First door north of City Bakery, re
fitted and thoroughly equipped. We
respectfully solicit your patronage
guaranteeing s"tisfa-ion in every case.
Our Morro: TVill be to please all
who give ns their trade. All work
done in a first-class manner and in the
;atet fad ot the protession.
D. B. Spanogle,
Real Estate
and Loan Aget
Red Cloud.
Marble and
c : tit x
WidilllC VVUI;
A. H. BEOWX. ttior.
Fine Monmnents
and Headstones
Elm 1?L and ith AvBed Cloud,
From the Depot
To Bradbrooks
Photo Studio
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