zr T-.ir? SJi-niMjjJlUA J ? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamaaatlLaaaaEriaiMjBaaaaaaaaafcaWWWBAUgj aaaaaaaaaaIMaawwiiBr-jgi&L8 --v aaaamrM'Tff i ji. i 'j i '",,T1'i'TMrTat!?'wgSJ??B"Rp'-': -rsasaag , J "--'- H -yT-?"T'W''-"'-,"'jlti'--t-,,-"''"''' . ( ..rnrnT,rtfinmiFnTiniTtni,...M.. ., , I 'J Berg & Galusha oooo ARE oooo Candidates ! oooo FOR YOUR oooo PATRONAGE ! Good Goods, Best Fitting, Low est Prices is their platform. THEY your support from these principles. They are the only firm handling the PATENT SHOULDER SUITS, And if once used, always used. Their stock this fall is better se lected than ever. Their line of ''Dress Sun" is larger than ever shown in the city. Their line of All Wool uits for $8.50 are a little better than anyones, Go and see them when you want goods at honest prices. HUGHES, BROWN & CO. Reliable Real Estate Agents ! Investments for non-residents, profits lare, quick, and no risk. Invest Now to Catch the Incoming tide this fall Portland propertv b rapidlv advancinz. Correspondence cheerfully anwereL Reference Board of Immfr&tioa. Address nrm, 30 Aah M Portland, Oregon, G. X. Pcrbeck. "Willis G. Brown. Lafayette Hughes. Geo. H- Brown. HENRY COOK DEALER IX WALL PAPER Paints, Oils, Varnish, Stationery, Books, Etc. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. New Jewelry Stora "Webster St. west side, window in Haines' furniture store, S. M. SEAL, Prop. vewelrv. Watches. Clocks and Spectacles. Repairing Watches and fitting Spccticles a specialty. Call and see me, at Spokesfield's former stand. trvest Exeanlaa, Send the names of your friends in the east whom you wish to Tisit you. or who are seeking new locations, to J. R. Buchanan. General Passenger Acent ef the Fremont, Elkhora 4 Missouri Valley R- R- Co., Omaha. .Neb., that he may send them infor mation relative "to the "One-Fare Harvest Excursions," which occur August 6th and 20 th, September 10th and 24th, and October Sth. Merit Wlaa. "We desire to say to oar citizens, that for rears we have been selling Dr. Kings new discovery for consumption. Xr. Kings new iife Dills, Eucklms arai Br dye and eleccA bitters, and hav never handled remedies that sell so well, or that have given such univere sal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee tbem everj time, and we stand readv to refund the purchase nrice. if satisiaciory reeuiu uo not JbOlovr tbeir use. lhese remedies .nve won great popuiarny purely on ASK Special Bate. The B dc M has issued a circular of special rates for special occasions, the following of which are of more or less interest to- this section. Omaha Fair and Exposition, Sept. 26. Round trip for one fare, 50 cents added for admission to the ground. Parade Association of Priest of Pallas. Kansas City, Oct. 14. On fare for round trip. Twenty-third national encampment G.AR. Milwaukee, Ang . 26-31. One fare for round trip, with special terms. E. E. Harris. Agt. BteaaaMeaa Cairat, The republican electors tf QarfaM township are reqaested to meet at th Keat schoolhonse e Friday alterwJDn at two o'clock, Sept. 13, 1889, for the purpose of selecting aelejjate to attend the republican eoareniiun which meets m Bed Cloud, Fneav. Sept.. Hh. and for the transactren of scch other business a may properly come before rh canens. L. DeHaet. Co-nnnfneeixjan. ghe gcd &L.ud fjiitf. X.C. Fvaarietsi Published every Friday morning frwn the office East Side Webster St. between h aad Sth A venae. Bed Good. Neb. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Ibis powder never varlrs. Marvel ol pure ftrength and wholesomeness. more economical (nan the ordinary kind and cannot be sold in compeuon witb lha multitudes of low test short weight alum or phosphate powdors. Sold only in cans. KOYAL BAKING PO WDEE CO. 10C Wall street. N. Y. tty. FABX I.AXS. I have the ageney for ten different loan companies, and can give you the benefit of any of their peculiar plans of making farm loans. Therefore I can make a farm loan quicker and at lower rates than any other agent in Webster county. I make option loans or straight loans for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 years, also on first class city property. Compare my terms before placing your farm loan, and save mon ey and regrets. G. W. B Aft KIR. Rear Red Cloud Nat'l Bank. SPLUTTERS Gathered Ua ay Caler Ateaartera li Aad Aaaat the City aad Caaaty. Look on last pge for city news. Look at the fine display of box stationery at Cot ting's. Go to Cottings for your ink, tab lets, paper, pens, pencils, 4cc. Mr. Byrne, of Bladen was a pleas ant caller this week aad left Tax Csn? a nice order of job priatiag. The finest line of guns in the val ley just received a A Horhart's, the popular hardware man, Red Cloud. Cane bottom chairs for 75e each at Haines' new furnishing emporium, west side of Webster street in Spokes field old stand, Red Cloud. Featherly & Aultz dealers in new cider, apples and peaches. Also grape juice at 50 cents a gallon. In Featherly building. no5-tf School opened on Monday with a large attendance. The Kindergarten school dil not open until Wednesday on account of the buildinc not being finished. Iu another place in to-day's paper will be found an interesting sketch of the Milwaukee soldiers reunion by Mrs. E. B. Knight af Inavale, who is one of the most ardent and enthus iastic ladies in the Woman's Relief Corps. The familior face of Ex-Treasurer Buschow of this county, and now of Colby. Kansas, was to be seen on our streets this week. Charley is doing nicely out at Colby and Thx Chizf is pleased to note his prosper ity. "Ah," says docky, "if youdontlike what's in 'our norgan' sae us. we're responsible." Yes aad so is Satan, but then docky you know how slippery the devil is, and that his great argu meat is lying aad erasioa. Doeky you put us in miad of the devil very much. There was a railroad meeting last Friday evening at which time aad place the profile of the Rock Island railway survey was taken possession of and the money will now be raised. A committee was appointed to act in conjunction with Mr. Bonnell to se cure right of way etc With a great deal of bluster. Dock McKeeby announces that his paper is responsible for its mutteriags. Now, Gilbertus Erusticus McSheeby, just please state how a fellow could get anything off of the Republican which is covered with an $1S00 mortgage, twice as much as the concern is worth? Wq notice by looking over our ex changes that Porter Hedge is rmnniag an abstract office ra Liacelo, that Harry Faikenburg is an auctioneer at Nelson, that C. W. Kaky is a car riage manufacturer at Hastings, that J. L. Miller sell groceries at Norton, and that John Kessler farms in Jewell county. The funny port ef it is that not one of the parties above mention ed are relatives to ocr feiloxrs. AKlN In the last issue of that much mortgaged concern, the Republican, the great Denver terpsichorean editor of the big 8 outfit, blows his bazoo lus tily on the alleged evidence of fraud in the county treasurer's office. The facts are that docky and his crowd -re so used to robbing the poor people by usury and other methods, that they think everybody else is in the same canoe. Just think of the Pierstoff bonus, docky, of $237, and how poor August's farm was swallowed up through usury and bonuses, and then j talk about what the Repiblican and its sable crew are doing for the peo i pie. Oh, shades of the. jewel cons;s jtency. Then, think also, of poor Henry league who in a moment of prosperity thoughtlessly fell into your clutches, and instead of getting richer fell a victim to exhobatant rates of interest and heavy bonuses until his farm and all went and he was penniless. It takes supreme gall a man who has bled poor people of ail they had to now posi as a mers friend Oh, what brazen left for out frontery. What does 't mean? Sim ply that this big S outfit want to get into the money vaults of the county. Nothing more. Eh, Docky?. mm m The street railway was sold on the 9th and was bid in by J. L. Min er trustee of the gentleman wLo held the first mortgage. Now, then, the road should be leased to some good man for what he can make out of it for a year or two, and if the cars are run every hour to and from the terminus it would pay from $6 to $ 8. per day in a short time. The receiver, Mr. Holland, has only run the cars at train time, which was of no earthly good to the travelling public be tween the city and depot any farther than to bring up passengers. If the ears could be run so the passenger traffic could be accommodated the railroad would pay fairly well. Of course if a fellow had to wait until some train came in before going or coming from the depot, he might as well walk in the first plice and be done with it. We have been authorized by A. L. Funk, to announce to the people of Webster county that he is candidate for treasmrer cf Webster county. Mr. Funk has been a resident of this eity and county for several years, and dur ing that time has made hosts of friends who would be pleased to see him elected as treasurer. He has held several positions of trust during his residence here, and is in every way well qualified to fill the Oawe of treasurer. He is a straight forward gentleman, a good scholar, and will enter the republican convention wita a strong backing by hif friends. Mr. Funk is certainly no dark horse but a very formidable candidate. Mr. W. H. W ilson, the agent for Nebraska, of the American Building and Loan association of Minneapolis, is in town. He desires to establish a strong local board in Red Cloud. Members of this assuciation arc pro tected by the admirable law which regulates business of this kind car ried on by companies having their authority from the Minnesota legisla sure. The profits to share holders are larger than in a strictly local as sociation and its facilities for loaning may be inferred from the fact that each month brings into its treasury about two hundred thousand dollars. One of our Sunday school teachers on a recent occasion told her pupils when they put their pennies in the contribution box she wanted eaeh one to repeat a bible verse suitable for the occassion. Ihe nrst boy arorpea in penny saying: "The Lord loveth a cheerful iriver '" The next boy drop ped in his cent saying: l'M that giv eth to the poor lendeth to the Lord." The third boy dropped his penny say- IBg: .a. iooi ana ms oiubcj c swuu paited." Ex. SelUac ayTeleafchae. One day this week a elerk in one of our store, aaswered a call at the telephone from a lady castost;r, who wished to purcaase some eggs. He carried a few of the eggs to the 'paoae aad endeavored to show them 'io her aad satisfy her that they were fresh. She explained to kirn that he eould not'see the eggs hut wod call at the store iu the afternoon. Whea the clerk heard this he blushed to such a degree that the 'phone was in daager of being set on fire. Adapted. mm. . , M A Wiaf te cat, Carrected. A statement having come to my ears that I have br.-en fighting H. C. Scott, because he. did not make me his deputy two. years ago as per agreement, l -JSh to state pabhdy that it is arsolately false. la fact he never promised me any oSc at anytime, ana iurtnermore it m my iateatio a to suppori hiss for reelec tion this fall. A. N. Pajcoe. eaaaHcaa Cawrw. To the republican electors of the i second ward of the city of Red Cloud, you are notified to meet at the couit house between the hours of 2 and 7 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 14 for the purpose of selecting 10 delegates to the county conyention, Sept, 20, and to transact such other business as may be necessary. R. D. Joxes. Central Committeeman. NEW YORK Moon Bed Cloud, Successors Western and Southern Look out for DRY GO BOOTS and SHOES. We will sell you a good And a good Gingham for 7c Ladies hose at 5c a pair, A nice dress button ior l-2c a doz 12 yards Linen Torchon Lace, 1 inch wide for 20 cents. And while you are looking for Bargains please remember t iiat we sell the JBest $1.50 Lar lies' Shoe Made. Call and see usjand we will do you gooi;t Thanks for past favors. Yours, CHAS. STORE Block, Nebraska. to thai a r Mercantile Association. bargains in S, 311 NOTIONS. print for 5c a yd. SCHAFFNTT. H3 m i J fci the:r merit- i