ifyg? ' t. I. I" f I 7 t rv la usassiBqs! gi. -- -;-l ,'inJ liKjfccx-jslnTnnmnmamamamamamaamam M ' nmamamamam)mama- m " ' " '"tt"" T"'.r? rSfeH'5viHniKfSHB2iwlunliMvK-Hr' BnnaanaannannannannannannannannannannannannanB flui KMW m uMAMmm -. aanaanaanaTinMmammntiniJhiiy "Tnmannai ffittffe35mamamamamamamamamamamamamamEsaM m HBW''JBIilBTffilllfTMil mmBmBmBnmBmBmwBsm9'"BmiiBmBmw - Vol. 17. D. 13. Spanogle, Real Estate AND L.OAN AgE Red Cloud. brown s Marble and Granite Worus A. 11. iUCOWN, lKOP. Fine Monuments and Headstones Elm Sr, and Jti Av.. ttod Oloml, TAKE THE Street Cars From the Depot To Bradbrooks, Photo Studio MOON BLOCK. '.ftiOIlt, a & lb. (Chicago & Northwestern Railroad.) J. IV. Dachnek, Local Ageut. Arrives Leaves. rasenger i!:45pjn. 350 p.m Accom. aud Freight 3:05 p.m. 5:00 p,m HASTINGS TO THE EAST ia Northwestern route. Arrives at York 5:32 p.m, Fremont 8:15, Oma ha. 920 p.m. Chicago, 12.-00 in. St. Paul 9 JO a,m Jjeaves Chicago 5:J0p.m. Outaha 8:40 a.m. ar rives at Hastings 2;45 o.m. Omaha St. Paul, Sioux City, and all points NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST. Theolny line to southern Xebrask. Dakota, liot Springs, the Itlack Hills, and Central Wyoming. Through tickets and baggage checked to des tination. For rates, time tables etc, call on J. B. Packxer. Agent, Hastings, Neb. H. G. Burt, J. B. Bochajtax, Gen. Manager. Gen. Pas. Agent. Omaha, Neb. Denver to Chicago, Denver to Kansas City. Denver to Omaha, Omaha to Chicago, Kansas City to Chicago, Omaha to St. Louis, BEST LINE FROM WEST TO EAST! SURE COHHECTWIS LOW RATES BACCACE CHECKED THROUGH. Through tickets over the Burling ton Rout are for sale bv the Union Pacific, Denver Rio Grande and all other principal railways, ana toy alt agents off the "Burllngto Route. For further Information, apply ft any agent, or to R. S. KUSTIS,sTT, McOkHtrtn ja ,"Y&t.XfractiUaa fiiimTiiinnwimMl las it to all MPMiii. i.4.STtaO,MA PRICE.fl.se. . Sold by DruggUm, C. L. Cottixo, Agent. m . aawi b m fun. v Eel km namanmHmamilai SruT'aBsase'SbAl afc L TT"g?ggBr ' '"" """" '' ' ilBBSggite Red Cloud, KepnMIcaa coaaty Coaveatlen. The republican electors of Webster county, are requested to send delegates from the several townships to meet in convention at the couil house in lied Cloud, Friday, September 20th, 1889, at 10 o'clock a.m. for the pmpoae of placing in nomination one candidate for County Cleric County Treasurer. County sheriff. County Judge. County Suprintendent Public Instruction. Count)' Surveyor. County Coroner. Also 13 delegates to the republican state con vention to be held at Hastings, Nebraska, Octo ber 8th, 1889, and 10 delegates to the congres sional convention and to transact such other business as may properly coxae before the con rentlon. The several townships are entitled to repre sention as follows, based on the vote cast for Hon. George H. Hastings, presidential elector in 188s, giving one delegate at large to each town ship and one Tor every 15 votes or major fraction thereof Red Cloud Township 7 Walnut Creek Twp 3 Bed Cloud City lstw 8 Red Cloud City 2d w 10 line Township - 3 Garfield " 6 Beaver Creek Twp 6 EtaiCreek 5 PleasantHlll " 5 Catherton 4 It Is rec jmmended that no proxies be admitted to seats In the convention except such as are held by persons residing In the townships where the vacancy occurs. it is recommended that the primaries in the several precincts be held on Saturday, Septem ber Uth, at two o'clock pan. 1. F.Trukkbt, I. O. llARTUr, secretary. Chairman. ANNO UNCEMENTS Fr8fcerM.' To whom it may concern: Believing it to be for the best interests of Webster county we wlsb to announce the name of Henry Scott for the office of sheriff of Webster county. He has filled the office In a manner that is entirely ac! eeptable to all and we with many others desire his re-election. MaxtVotebs. Red Cloud, Sept. 4th, 18S9. D. G.Grice takes this method of announcing to the people, of Webster county, that he will be a candidate before the republican county convention for the office of sheriff. If nomina ted and elected he promises to fill the office in a first-class manner. For JHdure. To my many friends in Webster county, I de sire to announce myself as a candidate for county judge, subject to the will of the repub lican convention. SAMX West. I take this method of stating to the people of Webster county, that I will be a candidate for county judge, subject to the action of the re publican coiuenuon. ueo. w. dabkek, Believing that the people ought tA have an op portunity to discuss the qualifications of candi dates for public office, I take this method of an nouncing that I will be a candidate before the republican count v convention for the office of county judge. I. F. Trcvkbv. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of county judge of Webster county tor the ensuing term, subject to the decision of the republican county convention. Respectfully, C. SCHCNCK. For county c erk. I desire to announce myself to the people of Webster county as a candidate for the office of county clerk subject to the will of the republican convention. All rumors that I am nota Icandi date are untrue. If elected I will do my best to Oil the office in a manner that will be satisfac tory to my constituencies, IL E. PoD. For County Tremsarer. I lioicbvanounccnnself as a candidate for the office of comity treasurer, subject to tlw action of the county convention. If elected, I promi-.e to administer the affairs of the office in a proper manner and satisfactorily to the people. C. B. Cboni I hereby take this method of announcing to my friends and the ieople ofWebster county, that I will be a candidate for treasure of Webster county, subject to the decision of the repcblican convention. E. II. .Tones. Yea Cannot Afford At this season f the year to be without a good reliable diarrhoea balsom in the house, as cramps, colic, diarrhoea and all inllamation of the stomach and bowels arc exceedingly dan gerous if not attended to at once. One bottle of Begg's diarrhoea balsom will do more good in cases of this klnd than any other medicine on earth. We guarantee it. C. L. Cottlngdruggis - e- Bncklla'a Arnica Salve. The best sa've in the world for cuts, braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever ores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, com?; and all tkin eruption?, aUd positively cures, or nn pay required, it ia guaranteed to Hive perfect satis faction, or maney refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Henry Cook. Furniture of all kinds cheaper than ever at Fj V. Taylor's. Guide Rock " 11 Stillwater " 6 OakCrrek " 6 Potsdam " 8 Batin " 3 Glenwood " G Harmony " 5 Inavale " 4 ! in tw.-M hi ! m i fy w .-t'-?-- riMTranTTri 1 1 i i n irmuwi iB iiii'i ! i fc -. - - i i n- iinMnnnnnnnnmaM,nmamamamamamar'amamamamaman,nmamaaai mnmmmfcmBBEmBbrnvmmGV rwusM'viiBKTai . --w. "' -- v)ii;ajm.a --visnanv'immeEBMc-urmv-ir-''a'm .rh YWBkam?mBmBmBmBmBBBBB- . -nai Webster County Neb., Friday, September 13, 1889. WALNUT CBEBE. The following touching lines en titled "Caesar's Lament" are respect fully dedicated to his "Nibs. " 4 An editor of Bed Cloud Was lying, nothing new, He wasn't feeling very pert, In fact was rather bine; A comrade stood beside him, And wiped away a tear, In hopes the editor would see him, And order up the beer. The "dizzy" editor faltered, Aa he took that comrades hand: And he said, I neverwaut to see My own, my native land. Take a message and a token, To my friends just take a tale, I am out of place in Red Cloud, I've lost cast in Inavale. Tell my partners and companions, When together th6y all get, To hear my mournful story, By HartwelTs big whey vat, That I fought the battle bravely, And when the day was done,' I found that I was badly scooped, By that bloody Man in the Moon. He touched me up on every side, He just danced upon my toes, But I'd haye lived through all of that, If he hadn't touched my nose. But now its done and finished, My very worst is said, His hand is spread, thumb to his nose, And I think I'll bag my bead. Tell Mrs. B. not to weep for me, And sob with drooping head, When the Man in the Moon comes back again With glad and gallant tread; But to look upon him proudly, With a calm and steadfast eye; Oh, why did I ever shoot at him, For me he is too high. And if the school board ask her Just tell her in my name; There's no one there to insult her now Or make her her cry with shame; And to hang this motto on the wall In letters long and broad, "Ha that slanders women Will most surely not see God." There's another, not a tid bit, I wish I was in Guinea. When 'ere I think of that mash of mine, Wicked deceitful Minnie. For this earth I thought she was too good, For an angle sure I took her, It makes my tears run dowa like rain, She played me for a sucker. One consolation though I've got, I wasn't there for health, I just put in experience, She got none of my wealth . Tell her last night I drempt of her, We were together just onee more. It was a happy dream to me, Add Tve drempt it oft before. Another thing dear comrade, That I've never told before, As I never like to speak of it, It makes me rather sore. A wondrous tale I did invent, It caused a heap of bother, Fd surely ne'er had said it though, Had I known she had a brother. Dear comrade take this word of mine To the boys in Inavale, Be aura you're right then go ahead, totalling such a tale. Ah, the whole thing is slowly drying out, Why was I such a loon, To jump upon that wayward youth, That wicked Man in the Moon. His voice was getting hoarse and thick, He sadly dropped his head; Says he, ''Let's go across the creek, And paint the country red." His comrade tried to stop him, But he found that he had fled; He left a word behind him, And this is what he said, I have monkeyed with the buzz saw, Found it running on fall time, And I wish I was in Guinea, Or at "Bingen on tne Rhine." The comrade rose up slowly, Says he a mice I've smelt, I Ions have thought and now I know, Caesar wears the .belt . The Man vx the Moos. New Era Expedition, StJesnb, 3Io. Owing to the fact that corn has not fully matured In certain section of the country, the Board of Directors of, the Exposition Associa tion has decided to extend the time of making entries in Class A (Individual Exhibit, Best One Dozen Ears of corn,) to September 91th. All entrles'made on or before this date will be eligible for competition for the premium. The following dass has been added to the Premium list. Class T.VzarrABLms. All entries In this class mast be made oa or before September 25th, aad the goods all in place on that date. PfismnTM. For largest and best display of Vegetables, all kinds, by society or Individual. First premium fioo 60 Second " Third " Fourth " Fifth Sixth " Seventh ' Eighth " .. jse) sa oo ..25 00 .. 29 M ..15 60 .. 10 00 .. 5 00 - .2 . -V?V CITY NEWS. A. Calmes will leave for Denver soon. The board of supervisors meet on the 17th. Capt. Munsell has returned home from Milwaukee. A fine lot of carpet warp at the New York Store. Mrs, M. B. Edleman is visiting in Blue Hill this week. Geo. Warren editor of the Argus is in Lincoln this week. Mrs. Morn art and son George have returned from Omaha, Walter Curran has accepted a po sition in Deyo's drug store. All goods arc sold at the New York Store at the lowest cash prices. A fine line of jeans, cassimeres and flaunels at the New York Store. Corn huskcrs' soap, pine tar, rub ber finger cots, &c. at Gotting's. J. M. Young, A. J. Kenney and George Young were in Lincoln this week. R. L. Alyea"took a fine herd of thoroughbred cattle to the state fair this week. Don't forget the soldier's reunion next week. Every body in the county should attend. Are you going to bay a carpet. If so do not fail to call and examine my stock and prices F. V. Taylor. " Mrs. L. Baum and childrea have just returned from Chicago, where they have been for two or three weeks. Mr. Harris, B. & M. station agent has been very sick this week, but hopes are entertained for his imme diate recovery. Boy Hutchison has returned from the Black Hills and hes gone into partnership with E. L. Smith in the barber business. The old frame building belonging to Senator Moon, on 5th Avenue has aeen moved on the vacant lots ncrth of the Moon block. I can save you big money on f ami tare and carpets. 100 different pat terns of carpets cut without waste at F. V. Taylor's. The following young ladies have gone to Lincoln to the state univer eity: Stella Ducker, Carrie Brown, and Cora Garber. Do not fail to subscribe for The Chief and Omaha Republican fo? $2.50 per annum, and get a premium Every subscriber draws a prize. Wednesday night the city council grantod a petition for a walk on Elm street from 4th avenue to the north end of the street. This is needed improvement. a long We again call the attention of the road overseer of Red Cloud township to the bad condition of the approach to the river bridge. It should be fixed up so icaros could pass conven iently. Attorney General Lcesc has been mentioned as a candidate for the supreme court. Mr. Leese is an able lawyer and jurist and would mako an excellent justice of the highest tribunal in the state. Our old friend R. D. Andrews of Bladen was in the city Monday en route fo: Kansas, where he went in search of peaches. He was, compell ed to stop several beers in the city on account of the sickness of one of his horses. The Chief is pretty well crowded with advertisements tkis week which goes to show what newspaper has the circulation. When people want to advertise their wares, if they con sult their own interests, they will come to this office. Our circulatioa is bonafiile, no sample copies arc issued. w Pinwx.-" H If you want a good pocket knife go to Cot ting's. The New York Store is headquar ters for the the best makes of boots and shoes. Ranny McNitt has decided to be com 3 a lawyer and has commenced his labors in that direction under G. R. Chaney. RibbonB, ribbons, ribbons. A bis lot of remnants will be sold at less than half price, at the New York Store. Mr. Frank R, Robeson of Albany, New York, is in the city, a guest of R. V. Shiiey, president of the First National bank. The B. & M. R. R. will sell round trip tickets during the Inter State reunion at Red Cloud for one and one third fare fifty miles each way from Red Cloud. Tickets on sale Sept. 17 good to return Sept 21. Soon the Big 8 will have to put up another salary for a McKeeby. Dock has an eye for business and proposes to take in the interest in some manner on the money he has invested in the Republican corpse. The reason the big 8 can't get their paper out until Saturday is because they have to wait until The Chief is published "in order to get the news. Oh, we torgot. thy dont read the Great Family Weekly, but somehow they are awfully anxious to get hold of it, Friday attcrneon. Thorc will be a special meeting of the Ladies B. H. M. society next Tuesday afternoon Sept. 17 at the residence of Mrs. Sidney Perkins. Ever member of the society is ear nestly requested to be present as there is important business on hand. Bus iness will be attended to promptly at four o'clock. By order of president. Mr. A. H. Jester who came among us about one year ago, in the capacity of prescription clerk for L. H. Dyo has severed his connection with that gentleman and wiil seek other quart ers. Mr. Jester has been many years ia the drug bnsinessand is a thorough and competent registered pharmacist. He is a very pleasant gentleman and while here has made lots of friends. Both ho and Ms cstimabh wite will be missed in our musical and social eircles. Thf CniEF wishes Mr. J. success where ever he may looate. Take in Tne Fair. O, the pumpkins will pump, apple dumplinga will dump and pears will joyfully pare, and the people will peep at the beautiful sheep, and farrows will happily fare. Cucumbers will eome and girls will chew gum, no matter how people may stare, and beets will turn red, to be pulled out of bed and get on a horrible tear. To matoes will mate on that auspicious datet and carrot? will have not a care. Riding sulkie3 that sulk are forbidden to skulk on the premises everywhere, and chiggers that chig arc requested to dig to" the prairie so brown and bare.. So hasten ye all to come at the call, O, hasten the way to prepare; thuugh laggards may lag get your wagons to wag you along to the Web ster county fair. Adapted. Republican Caneae. The republican electors of Red Cloud township are requested to meet at the court house on Saturday, Sept 14th, at 2:30 p. m. for the purpose of choosing seven delegates to the republican county convention which meets at Red Cloud, September 20th, and for the transaction of any other business that may come before the meeting. Joseph Garber, Central Committeeman. 1. Tv.&Bt; nt i. f.. TktiM. day eveningfin J. L. Kalefl office they " -. . endorsed Hon. J. R. Willcox, for county juuge. Lloyd Craybill has purchased the street railway, paying $1,500 No. 7. Incidents of the Rational Convention W. B. C at JtlllWankee. Some of the delegates met the head quarters train at Omaha, in which we tound Mrs. Morgan the department president of Nebraska with a part of her staff which wis increased by oar presence. The gentlemanly passen ger agent of the C. M. & St P. R. R. was with us, and fcunday nc lnvueu, the department president and her staff to take dinuer with him in the dining car and set before us the best menu which we all enjoyed immense ly. On arriving at Jlilwauljcj we found no arrangements for our enter tainment, so. each one had to look out for herself. Five of us found a place where we could get three adjoining rooms and we had high times. Mil waukee is a clean, white beautiful city, and it was beautifully decorated. On Tuesday was the great parade, but it was only about half as large as the one at Columbus, Ohio. Wednesday morning business commenced with an open session of the convention. Wo were addressed bv the governor of the state and the mayor of the zity and seveial others of the u. A. it. aiso some of our own distinguished mem ber, were presented, and made short speeches among them were Mrs. Joha A. Logan, and the famous Clara A. Barton. The second day came the interesting time., the election of offi cers, I have the assurance to believe that I aided materially in electing that grand old army nurse, Mrs. Annie Kittenmcyer for national president. She was elected by only two majority and iust as we were coins: to vote, I found that two of our delegates had their ballots written for the other otndMftto ami T n!cad with them to cjange .to Mw. WliittWMjCT m thnc riiri Knr nnfinnnl sfthinf Vie- thev did. For national senior vice- preaident I am happy to state we elected Mrs. Jelmma Manchester of Lincoln, Nebraska. How much of that election is due to the delegates from this state. You can imagine for yourselves, wse succeeded and that is all that is necessary to state. Friday night at twelve o'clock the committee adjourned to meet next year in Bos ton, Massachusetts. After packing our grips we slept an hour or two and started on an early train for Chicago, where we commenced reluctantly to separate; one going one way and one another until there were only three of us started for home together, and came as far as Marion, Iowa, when I took a train coming to this place, Ot tumwa, Iowa, where I am at the pres ent writing. The fruit crop here is the largest it has ever been for years but I have seen no corn like the Ne braska corn. 1 has been dry here for the past two months till last week there was a little rain. Ottumwa is a beautiful city being sitnatcd on nearly as many hills as Rome. But with all its advantages, and it has many, I prefer my own adoptel state, Ne braska. Emma B. Knight. The big 8 outflt are not contented with trying to get their hands into tfcu county treasury aloce, hut in order to do so they arc knifing their own men ia order to make the treasury. The following comersaUoa was indulged In during a little attempt to capture a certain op ponent: Say let ujioh old and lot him come into the convention with as many votes as he can, he can't get there anhow and III be d d if I wnll vote for the old under any circumstances. The above N a fact and there is not the least doubt but what thcyare kuiflng every friend for the purpose ol getting control of the treasury. Wo staud ready to prove the above as an assertion ma Je by one of the big 3, which we :onii!er a mean, low, dirty, coutemptable underhanded ;nune. It may be politics, but It Is only the kind that comes from such unprincipled men as eoinjKwe the big 8. The district conference of the Young Men's ChrNta'n Association of this district will be held here Sept, CO to 22. This district embraces Adams,"Clay, Nuckolls, "Webster, and Franklin counties. Hastings, Fairfield, and Kcd Cloud are the only places in the district having asso ciations, but In a number of other towns special and dePnita work is being done for young men. In one or two or these towns thea.expect to rganize association this !all. State Secretary Nash will be present and everything possible Is being done ta make Mm conference a suacess. mi II The Priae of Woman. A clear pearly and transparent skin is al n & tin nt nnrc blood, and all persons troubled with dark, greasy, yellow or blotched NsHwanrest assured that their Wood Is outof I . . a,. .. p.- blood nurifler order. A few doses of Eegg's Moon punner and blood maker will remove the cause and the akin will become clearVid transparent . Try it and if satisfaction is not given nwiUcoityou nothing. It Is fully warranted. C. L. Cottlng druggist. . . m 3fe Jilt ?fiv ;? r .v - --. - v t