The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 06, 1889, Image 8

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.nt -. J.oV " " .-" '
John Feiser has gone to Dakota on
a business trip.
A brother of Hon. James McNeny
is in the city.
Furniture of all kinds cheaper than
ever at F: V. Taylor's.
Miss Stella Packer will attend
school in Lincoln this fall.
Me. Myers, of Kansas, is visiting
with Otto Stocke this week.
Carrie McBride has accepted a po
sition with the New York store.
il. B. Smith and wife will go south
in a few days to remain several weeks.
The republican caucu3 of Garfield
has been changed to Friday, Sept. 13.
Read S. M, Seal's new advertise
ment in another column of to day
Our foreman, Mr. Frank Potter,
Esq., has been taking in Omaha this
Mr. A. Williams, one of our Bladen
readers, invaded our sanctum on Sat
urday and ordered Tiie Chief for an
other year.
Mr. L. P. Kcnney, formerly an em
ploye of this office and later of the
Telescope, Belleville, Kansas, has re
turned to Red Cloud.
Dr. J. S. Emigh and family are so
journing in Illinois for several weeks
recreation. The doctor will return
to Red Cloud about the 17th.
The attention of our readers is di
rected toward the advertisement of
Berg & Galusha the popular clothiers,
opposite the postoffice. This firm
carry a large stock of goods, of the
latest makes. See them before you
Joe Graves has lately blossomed
into a dog shooter, and like the old
fable "he bent his bow" to shoot an
otber fellow's dog, but instead missed
him, shooting his own dog stone dead
valued at $25.
At an adjourned meeting of the
fire department on Monday evening
the resignation of M. H. Warner as
treasurer and E. M. Perkins as secrej
tary, were received and accepted.
The company filled the vacancies by
electing A. J. Tomlinson secretary,
and M. S. Marsh treasurer.
In another place in to day's Chief
will be found the new advertisement
of C. Wiener, who has just returned
from the cast with all of the latest
goods in his line. Mr. Wiener buys
for cash and therefore has the advan
tage of his competitors in many in
stances. If you want a bargain go
and see him. He keeps all kinds of
clothing, gcnU furnishing goods, &c.
It is a matter of fact that when the
county builds bridges, it should build
-good ones. The one projected for In
dian creek is certainly inadequate.
.and will be a waste of money to build
it.' The biidgc should be built at
least 100 feet long, and put in in a
substantial manucr or not at all. Do
the work good gentlemen and it will
be much better.
Tlic Pride or Woman.
A clear i:irV tni'iinarcnt skin is al
ways a t-iiru oi ,uiu blood, and all persons
troubled vvii'n d:.t, greasy, vellow or blotched
skin cm rest assured that l!eir blood is out of
order. A few doses of ring's blood purifier
and blood r.aker v. .11 re- '0 the cause and the
skin will become cl ar ui.d U insparcnt. Try it
.and if satisfaction U notion it will cost you
.nothing. It Is fully a; -ranted. U. L. Cottin?,
If yoit want to Loom our county,
Make the worl J st. ud up ancTstare;
Save your biggesi ci.'ti and pumpkins
For the "Webster couuty Fair.
Why I.-v it
Tliat ico)le linger along always complaining tired feeling? One bottle
of Besir's bloT.l puriner a-id blcod maker v. ill
remove this feeling, give them a good npjietite
and regulate digestion. C L. Ootting, drugst
Sjiccl'l Itat.
On August G to 20, Sept. 10 to 24,
and Oct. S. the 1). & 31 will sell round
trip tickets to point in Colorado, Mon
tana, Utah, Wyoming and Idah foor
one fare for the round trip.
E. E. Harris, Agt.
There will b3 a raectinK of the
equal suffrage society at the residence
of Mrs. Tait on Saturday, Sept., 7th
at 3 o'clock p. m. AU cordially in
vited. Mrl. J. A. Tait, Sec.
ekllai'a Arnica Salve.
Tlirt'beat Bft've in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, tait rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns: and all ekin eruptions, and
positiVely cures, or no pay required.
k is guaranteed to flivc perfect satis
faction, or mancy refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For sale by Henry
Cook. ,
Are you going to b'.ij a carpet. If
so do not fail to call and examine my
stock and prices. : V . xayior.
Ben Summey has returned from
Revenue Collector Jacobson was in
the city this week.
A pencil box with lock and key
for 5cts at Cotting's
The report that Geo. W. Lindsey
had sold his meat market turns out
to be a false alarm.
I can save you big money on furni
ture and carpets. 100 different pat
terns of carpets cut without waste at
F. V. Taylor's.
- 9m - -
Here's YerBarb Wire.
Adam Morhart the popular hard
ware man has just received a car load
of Glidden barb wire, which he is
going to sell very close for cash.
Call and see him at once if you want
of the high school and grammer depart
ment of the public schools will have to
furnish their own books. The old books
will be for sale cheap by applying to A.
S. Marsh at the post office.
Dont forget the ctnnty fair and make
an effort to have some article on exhibi
tion. If you want strawberry plants send
your orders to L. H. Rust. He is the
largest grower in the west.
Dr. Wm. D. Dillard of Lexington, Ky.
and brother of Dr. Dillard of this city,
died very suddenly at his home in that
city, on Sunday evening of appolexy,
aged 67 years.
With this issue of The Chief we com,
menee a new serial entitled "aririam or
the romance of HeatherleigH hall," by
smnda L. Crocker. The story is said to
be one of the best ever published in this
The Hon. G. R. Chaney of this city is
very highly spoken of as a candidate for
congressional honors by the state press.
mt. c. is an able Iaywer and would be a
credit to the district and his constituency
if he should receive the nomination and
election. The honors could not fall on
any better man for the place.
The Webster Co. Teachers Association
will met atCowles on Saturday Sept. 14th,
at 10:30 ji . m. The program is as follows:
Essay Miss Alice Shufflebarger.
Paper Economy of time in county
schools, Miss Emma Dodge.
Essay Addie Hayes.
Paper Tremnor Cone.
Talks on educational subjects Messrs
Steely, 8cott, Hagar and Carrier.
D. H. Humteb, Sec.
Dr. Jaque's German worm oases
destroy worms and removes them from the sys
tem. Safe pleasant and effective.
Good mothers use Dr. WinchelTs
teething syrup for children with colds, sore
throats, and to regulate the bowls.
Uncle Sam's nerve and bone lini
ment will relieve sprains, bruises, neuralgia and
rheumatism, Dr.D. L. Field, No. S3 East Ma
ple st.
TJnoleSam's condition powders
the best for horses, cattle, hogs aud poultry.
Get the best. EUerts daylight
liver pills, for sour stomach, torpid liver and
Cure your coughs and colds with
Elicits tar and wild cherry. AU druggists keep
t. Large bottles fifty cents and one dollar.
Happy Home blood purifier is
the people's popular medicine for purifying the
blood and malarial diseases etc. Large bottles
fifty cents and one dollar.
The Omaha Fair aad Exposition.
The F. E. & M. V. railroad will
sell excursion tickets September 2nd
to Cth at $5.05. Good to return
September 7.
Special Kate.
The B & 31 has issued a circular
of special rates for special occasions,
the following of which arc of more or
less interest to this section.
Omaha Fair and Exposition, Sept.
20. Round trip for one'f arp, 50 cents
added for admission to the ground.
Parade Association of Priest of
Pallas. Kansas City, Oct. 14. On
fare for round trip.
Twcntv-third national encampment
G. All., 'Milwaukee, Ang. 26-31. One
fare for round trip, with special terms.
E. E. Harris, Agt.
Tfce New DUcovery.
You have heard your friends and
neighbors talking about it. You may
3'ourself be one of the many who know
from personal experience just how
good a thing it is. If you have ever
tried it. vouare one of its stauncn
friends, because the wonderful thing
bout it is, that'when once given a trial
Dr. King's New Discovery ever after
holds a Ttlace in the house. If you
have never used it and should be affl
icted with a cough could or any throat
Lung or Chest trouble secure a bcttle
at once and civeita fair trial. It is
Suaranteed every time jr money rcfun
ed. Trial Bottle Free at Henry Cook's
Drugstore. 6
arpctal Carpet!!
Mrs.. M. E. Huffman, living two
miles west of the city on the Kaley
farm is prepared to weave carpets on
short notice. Orders by mail will
receive prompt attention. Leave or
de rs with C. Schaffoit f
Noeal Legal Aplaloa.
E. Bainbridge, Munday Esq., County
Atty., Clay Co., Tex. saos: "Have used
Elect ricBitters with most happy results,
My brother also was very low with Mala
rial Fever and Jaundice, but was cured by
timely use of this medicise. Am satis
fied Electric Bitters saved his life."
Mr. D. I Wilcoxson, of TTorse Cave,
K. Y., ndds a lika testimony, saying: He
postively believes lie would have died,
had it not been for Electric Bitters.
This reat remedy will ward off, as well
as cure all Malarial Diseases, and for all
Kidney, Liver and Stomach Disorders
stands unequalcd. Price i0c. and $1. at
Henry Cook's.
Harvest S-:vcuiioii.
Scud the names of your friends
the east whom yoa wioh to visit you.
or who arc seeking new locations, to
J. I. Buchanan, General Passenger
Agent of the Fremont, JIkhorn &
Missouri Valley It. 11. Co., Omaha
Neb., that he may send them infor
mation relative to the '-One-Fare
Harvest Excursions," which occur
August 6th and 20 th, September 10th
and 24th, and October Sth.
Notice is hereby given that I will
examine all persons who may desire
to offer themselves as candidates for
teachers of the public schools of this
county, at Red Cloud, on the third
Saturday of each month.
Eva. J. Kixo.
County Sup't.
All person that have killed wolves
or coyotes in Webster county during
the present year arc entitled to 1,00
from the Siate for each animal so
killed. Certificate of county clerk is
necessary. Hed Cloud, Aug. 27, 1S89.
J. II. Bailey.
The greatest wonder of the 19th
eentiirv. a carpet exhibitor showing
just how a carpet will look
the floor at F. V. Taylor's.
when -on
DON'T BUY a UmIms Watch
Fran an, lirwuutuihtoidf.
Stnd to a weU-kaawn rtU
MsCrm. Wa hera era oar
trvtoi nmien uniDUT. a Watch to OUAlU!f-
TEE. and Tt tell as low u thoM
cxtnncantlr described fcy un
scrupulous adTtttucia
This Watck 3.60
Usually teld by test Jeweler at
ij&i. m cut price m iwi,
knowing our ctntomers will
apeaa a M WOTtA lUT u.
ana our innraw iraueeu
Watches. Jewtlrr. sum
inn, ete.. will counter
balance our Ion on a tew
thousand of these adm
ttainc Watches. The only
dvertisinc in eacn waicn
however, is a vaper Ubat
placed inside back eoter.
which purchasers are ask.
ed to show their friends.
It call attention to all our
goods. THEWOUCSara
genuine, hifh-fraJe, ex
pansion balance, quick
train, adjusted to 4 posi
tions, elecantlr nickeled
Swiss kind. CASE is the
cenuine water and dnst-
Broot Sdnnne. warranted
and stamned. by the great
DaeberCo.forSOyear. Cer
M crystal. It 10 cents in
Mtwy or stamps are sent us as
(maraoiee ox gsea iaiin. wo
1 sead this Watch by Express
sahlect so full examination. If en
tirely satisfactory, wnd us baUnea
f 11.10. athtffriwyoB
it pay apeemjr- A .T. KTAX3 CO .
Aiaee. lUftrenees: Continental 1UO Bank. Chieayo: Duna
223 anybSaia VS. Uwbr.WiUhwarranted3 jean
Fcml-Antjoal Fashion
Catalogae, publi&rd
Sept. loth, and mailed free
cpon application ; listing and
illustrating with over 3,000
lithographs and wood
cuts, everythtns; nerded for
Ladies'.Gcnts'and Children's
W Wearandadornment; House
keeping Goods, Curtains Upholstery, etc, etc.
and do the largest and most reliable Mail Order
Trade in the country. Their Fashion Cata
logue is indispensable to parties prevented by
distance from doing their own shopping in
Nctt York." -IItral.1.
6th Ave. & 20th St., NEW YORK CITY.
K H KlAaWaWt Har'
Take Notice.
To "William Arnold: . , .. ,.,...
You are lierebv notified that onthe .th 1 d.i oi
November 18S7. 1. L. Baum iurcliasedat Pbllc
tax sale from the county ireas"rfr..!.:":
i .. ti.onmirt hnuan in Veil cloud. ebster
county. Nebraska, for the taxes of the Jr ISM
amounting to tsas. inc whohiiis "Si''
land Bitnated In Webster wmt-Nebra.ska,
taxed iutlw name ot William Arnold. The
north-west Hot file south-west H ecttorr 6 town
3, range 0 west of the 6 tun- containing 40
andlMooth acres. The time for ' nM1
of said land from the lien of raWM.9?!?
will expire November 7th IMS. and If not re
deemed b-.-fore tiie above date expires will
make application for a treasures tax deed.
Take Notice.
To William Arnold
are hcrVbi uotined that on the 7th dar of
mber 1837 1. L. Baum purchased at public
de from the county treasurer, M-H-MO-
.,A r..nm tl.i. nntitv
m.v buic ." '"-"",'.oIi7ij Wi.hto.
NIttatthe court nonse ou VfYitiV-.i ir
count' Nebraska for the Vixen of the year 1686.
amountlnBto S3JX, Uie following described land
sSlatedin Webster county. Nebraska, toxed in
thehame of William Arnofd: The southeast H
of the southwest U. section 6. town 3. nveei 9,
west of the c p.m. containing 40 and jJJ
acres. The time for red.-mption of said land
from the lion. f said tax mle iwtll arolre
verabcr 7th. 1MU, at.d if noi redeemed before
to?albove date empires I wul make VVfoMkm
or a treasurer's tax need. 1 vuj.
w.- ui ---mmr
Reliable Mg?
Fira. JL
aiaiBLav aBBBV
-aarc .aaam
ppBV? 'sftaWyx wm
aaLaHaa1af M r l
bbbbbBS .am L'Vfl
m BwixvW ) uwbjbx esxsaeajsjaw m m
can roun cents
District court of Websfrr county. Nebraska.
C. E. liovctt. plaintiff,
Owsir T. Mitchell. William J. Cadle, Jennie
CadK Hannah M. Mitchell. William F. Con
ger, John S.liailey, fleorge W Jonen, John
Van Vlkenbnr. V. I. Brawn, Marcello
Brown, Henry II. Ttist, The vr-t one-lialf
of Uie Mouth-west quarter, and the south
west quarter of th north-west quarter of
section twelve, town one, range twelve, west
in Webster count v, Nebraska. tler-iuLints.
The aboe named tlcfemlants will take notice,
that on the 9th dnv of August, 18W, the
above namcil jilainiin". Illetl nis itition in the
district court o' Webster county. Xebnika, the
object and prayer of which is to foreclose a cer
tain tax Hen for the sum of ;r.,-9 now held and
owned bvthe plaint::', upon and against the said
wet half of the south-west quarter and the
.south-west quarter of the north-west quarter of
section twelve, town one, rane 1 2 in Webster
coualv, aforesaid, arising by viitue of the sale
of ;uil land on Septeml-er 17th, ISiV. by
the treasurer of said Webster county.
Nebraska, to one K. T. Ho:chkiss, for
the taxes dcliuqn-iit uwn said land, for the
vears ItfT. 1J"n lSTT. ISS0, 11, liW., IW,
and lSt. and the taxes for subsequent years.
wlileli said lien is now owned and held by this
plaintiff, ami it is the further object and prayer
or Mtid petition to declare the several liens and
claims of the above named ilefendants Uon the
land nfore.-aiil junior, inferior and subsequent
to the liMt or plaintiff to procure said lanil to be
sold and the proceeds thereof applied to the
pavnient of plaintiff's lieu and claim and tor
such otVi:r, ami further relief as may be just
and equitable. The defendants are required
to answer said petition on or before Monday,
the irah day of Septemler, lil.
By Case & MeNcnv, C. E. Lovett.
his attorneys. '-'-t
In the dhtrlct court of Webster county Xebras-
Frederick K. Gohle, plaintiff,
Jolin i:. Walsh. Spooner 1L Howell, George.
W. Howell, defendants.
Tlic above named nin-resid"nt defendants will
take notice that on the 9th day of August 189,
the above named plaintiff tiled his petition in
the district court or Wt-bster county. 'ebras
ka, against defendints the object and
prayer of which is to foreclose a certain tax
lien held uml owned by the plaintiff, on lot
seven, (.) eight, (f) nine. ten. (i) ana
eleven, fll In block thirty-one. 31 of
the original town of K-d Cloud, Webster county
Nebraska, for the delinquent taxes on said lots
for the years issj and ifccj and subsequent taxes
paid thereon in lsj by htm. There indue plain
tiff by virtue of his said tax lien 011 said lots the
stun of eighty and eightv-iiinc one hundredths
dollars with interest at 20 percent per annum
from April 29, IS.oii $tMW there-f and with in
terest at the same ran from July 1Mb, 1SG on
$'.U8l thereof. Plaintiff prays in said petition
that said lots rouv be sold and to have the pro
ceeds thereof applied to the pavnient of his said
Hen and for all other proper relief.
Defendants arc reqiureuio answer sum i
titiouonorberoie September, ICth 1S9.
Fkkokuick K. Gor.LK.
By Case & McNeny, his attorues.
li-:;al notice.
In the District Court of Webster county,
A. L. Funk, plaintiff,
Christ Blanke, Farmers & Merchants In
surance Co.,Galo Sulky Harrow Manu
facturing Co., A. Garber, C. C. Brad
ford. J. By ington Smith, Nebraska Loan
and Trust Co.. defendants.
The above named non resident defend
ants will take notice that on the 23 day
of January 1889 the above named plain
tiff filed his petition in the district court
of Webster county, Nebraska the object
and prayer of which is to foreclose two
certain mortgage deed heretofore made
and executed by defendant Blanke to this
plaintiff on tho following described prem
ises to wit: the south one half of the
north west .quarter of section thirtyfive,
(33)ton two(2)rango (10) west in Web
ster count Nebraska, one of said mort
gages bearing date the 22d day of Sep
tember 1886 and given to secure the
payment of two certain notes of
said Blanke to said Funk
of even date with said mortgage one of said
notes being for me sum 01 iony uonars ueanu-;
interest at the rate often per cent wr annum
and due November 1st 185 and the other being
for the sum of eighty dollars tearing the same
rate of Interest and due February lstI887,the
other of said mortgages bearing date April 30ih
1S8 and jflven to secure the payment of Uie one
promissory note of said Blanke to said r 1111k of
iven date with saldiast mentioned mortgage
for the sum of fifty-seven dollars with interest at
ten per cent iier annum due December lst.lWi.
Plaintiff claims in his said petition there is due
him from defei-dunt Blanke on:iid notes and
mortgages the sum of two hundred and nine
and live ono-hundredths dollars with interest at
ten per cent per annum Jrom January 19th ISO
and prays therein tlut did lands may be sold
and the proceedi applied to J he payment of his
said claim that the lien of his said Hrst mention
ed mortgage may be held to be Hrst and the lien
of bis said last mentioned mortgage, the second
lieu on said premises that defendants may be
barred of all equitv of redemption or other in
terest in said premises and for ail other proper
and just relief .
Defendants are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the lethday of September,
1SK). A.L.FCK.
By Case & Mcjfcny, his attoraeys.
Notice is hereby given that mjder and 1 by vir
tue of of an order of sale Issued by L. H. Fort
clerk of the district court in and for Webster
county Nebraska In an action pending injsald
court wherein the Nebraska Loan & Trust Co. Is
plaintiff nd Oeoree II. Springer Abraham W il
liaius Lucind Williams and Afciry C. Moore are
defendants I shall offer for sale- at public ven
due for cash in haud Ito the hijyittt bidder at
the cast door i the cou t hou in hed cloud
Webstrr couutv Nebraska, ithat being tue nlace
where the last "term of said court was lioluen
on the Is day of October 1$S at 10 o clock a.
m. the fullowins: deseribeil property t wit.
the south east quarter Ulof seewwi eight TS in
towiwlm. four HI iionli of zanze eleven III
I west ot thecm 1' M 111 Webster county cbnu-
'hivennndermyhand this 23t!i day of A11-gu-t
1M. II- C. cotx, Sheriff.
J. ir. i:a:ax. rialntiff's Attorney.
Chattel Jf erf gaze Sale.
Notice Is hereby Riven that by virtue of a
certain chattel mortgage dated June 'i.'d 1SS
and duly llleu in the office ot the county clerk
of Webster county, Nebraska, on the llth day
of March 1W and executed by V. McDaniel to
John J. tJarner tos'S-ure too payment of the
sum of jJ&JwUO and interest at the rate of ten per
cent per annr.m from June iM 18SS with an en
dorsement ct live dollars .Iuim IS. iwo on said
note and costs for V.ceping,adverti-injr, and sel
ling. Default having been made in the pay
ment or said sum and no suit or other froeeed
iugsat liw h:.v ing been instituted to recover
said debt oranv part thereof. I will sell t ha
protierty herein de-jcrilx-d i.: One or-:iu,
KiiiibaUinukuat public auction in front ot the
First National Hank in the city of Red Cloud In
Welter county, N-nr.iska on the Tth d:iy of
Kepteiulier 1.-83. at two o'clock p.m. or said day.
Dated t!ii 1.1th day of August ls!.
By W. . sni tfi. .ion .i, ijakvkk.
hi? attorney. 3-n
Take Notice.
fo Charles W. Kaley, Jacob L. Kaley and i:u-
fus M. I argent.
You are herebv notified that on the 2nd day of
Dec. 1$7 I, L. iiaum purchased at privato U
sale from the county treasurer, M. B. McNitt,
at the court house in lied Cloud, Wsbster coun
ty, Nebraska for the taxes ot the year 1;.
amounting to 17.4-5. The following descrilied
land, situated in Webster county Nebraska tax
ed in the name of Charles W. Kaley. Jacob L
KaleyandliufiuM. I-irgcnt: the north-west U
section ', town I, range 10. containing lco acres
The time for redemption wiU expire December
2, 18K. and if nor redeemed before the above
date expires I w ill mat e application for a treas
urer's tax deed. L. B.vpm.
araininz burgeon, omce opposite rirst
ional Bank. Eed Cloud. Nebraska.
Chronic diaeases treated by mail.
o. c. Cam
Jas. McNkxy,
Will practice in all courts ot this state
.tactions as well as litigated business carelal
iad efficiently attended to. Abstracts f aralsii-
drriTK.-Over First National Bask, kea
clond. Neb
C. W. Kaley, J. L. Kaley.
hALtl KKO.
TTOR NKYS AT L.VW . Agents for the B.
&M.K. JClamls. uncsou Webster street
Cloud. Nebraska.
4th Avenue
(Successor to J. E. Cowgill.)
Keep constantly of hand a full supply of
Pays the highest market price for hides and pelts.
Market, first door west of Post-Oiliee.
R. V.Shikey, Prcs. Hesry Clarke, Vicc-Prcs. Jno. R. SmitEr, Cashier
Howard B. Gather, Assistant Cashier
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Transact a general banking business, buy and sell county warrants, alsa
county, precinct ana school district ponas. uuy and sell lorcigo exchange
Jas. McNeny. J. A.Tulleys, 0.W. Lindsey. It. V. Shircy.
John R. Shirey. E. F. Highland.
Henry Clarke, A. J. Kcnney.
Boarding Horses Feed Barn !
At reasonable rates. Come one and all.
Lower than any yard in the world
In the city at prices that all can afford to bs
if in want of anytbi ig in his line.
pposite First National Bank, Red Cloud.
New Billiard Hall!
P. L. Jeffers, Proprietor,
Fine tables, reasonables rates, nice treatment, is our motto.
Hacker & Parker,
Collections, Taxes Paid, &c.
Office with the County Judge, Moon Block
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
- -
W. W. Gilbert,
Wishes to notify his friends that
he has leased the
Watson Barn !
Located east of riatt & Fre Lumber Yard where
he will keep
Come and see us.
ar aa -. , , JT . y. T f J