The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 06, 1889, Image 5

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' Berg &
oooo ARE oooo
Candidates !
oooo FOR YOUR oooo
Good Goods, Best Fitting, Low
est Prices is their platform.
tout support frem these principles. They are the only firm
handling the
And if once used, always used.
Their stock this fall is better se
lected than ever.
Their line of "Press SoitV is larger than ever shown in the city.
Their line of
All Wool
nits for $8.50 are a little better than anyones.
see them when you want
Reliable Real
Investments for non-residents,
Invest Now to Catch the Incoming tide this fall
Porisd property is rapid !v advancing. Corresrordence cheerfully answered.
IJoard of I:nznl?rttfion. Address firm, 30 Ash St. l'ortland, Oregon,
Willi G. Brown.
Paints, Oils, Varnish, Stationery,
Books, Etc.
Red Cloud, - Nebraska,
New Jewelry Store.
Webster St. west side, window in Haines' furniture store,
S. M. SEAL, Prop.
Jewelry, Watches.. Clocks and Spectacles. Repairing: Watches and fitting
Spccticles a specialty. Call and see me, at Spokesfield's former stand.
Fort Abstract
H. FORT, Manager.
Furnished to all Lands m Webster County, Accurately and
mmzz tad tc jecri .ijerinpe In eonnty record and oce of the most complete set of Aj
swiut jwk in Ihe state, we guaraatte satisiBetJon. Toar faTor soJIcitM
All pn!r filled ptomitly. 10H0 dollar bod lild
and approved. Address or talli
Go and
goods at honest prices.
Estate Agents !
profit larpe, quick, and no risl
Lafayette Hushes.
Geo. H- Broa.
Co., Red Cloud,
of Title
L. H. FORT, Manager, lied Cloud. Neb.
he $td gland &(.
Published eYerr FrUav morwAax trtm the
East Side Wefeeter 8C between 4th sod 5th
Avenue. Bed Clnai. Neb.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. Marvel of pure
itrenthand wholesomeness. more ecoooaueal
than the ordinary kind and cannot be sold in
conpetion with th multitudes of low test short
Ight alum or phosphate powdors. Sold our
1 Wall .street. JC. Y. Citv.
I bare the agency for ten different
loan companies, and can give yon the
benefit of any of their peculiar plans
of making farm loans. Therefor I
can make a farm loan quicker and at
lewer rates than any other agtnt is
Webster county. I make option
loans or straight loans for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, or 7 years, also on first class city
property. Compare my terms before
placing jour farm loan, and save mon
ey and regrets. G. W. Barker.
Rear Red Cloud Nat'l Bank.
Gather O ay Cteler ep.rter ti
A a Aaaat the City C.watjr.
Look on last page fur city news.
Look at the fine display of box
stationery at C.tting's.
Go to Cottings for your ink, tab
lets, paper, pens, pencils, Ac.
Senator Moon, proprietor of the
Moon block will be in the city this
The finest line of guns in the val
ley just received a A. Morhart's, the
popular hardware man, Red Cloud.
School commences next Monday
and for the next nine months the
school bell will be heard in the dir
Jos. L. Grandstaff. one of Webster
county's best farmers came in Satur
day and added his name to the Great
Family Weekly. Thanks.
Cane bottom chairs for 75 pachi.p, ,,,;.. . ", t.
. . or a community to pernor 4t It is
at Haines' new furnish inir emporium.
west side of Webster street in Spokes
field old stand, Red Cloud.
Dickerson & Smith, the well known
commissionffirm of the city have dis
solved partnership, Mr. Smith with
drawing from the firm, and will prob
ably locate in l&eatrice. The Chief
will be sorry to lose him from our
business circles.
What are the people going to do
about the electric lights? It ife a
shame that any set of men should con
nive to keep the city in darkness.
Let the lights be turned on. It is a
matter of much importance and we
would suggest that our people peti
tion Judge Dundy for the use of the
engine for that purpose.
31. W. Dickersoa who is well known
to our people as the rustler in the
commission business has purchased
his partner's interest and will run the
the business which has been continu
ally increasing, until he finds it nec
e?sarv to occupy larger quarters and
consequently he has moved in to the
north room in the Moon block. The
Chief wishes him success.
In our announcement column today
we take plcasnre in announcing our
young friend. George W. Barker for
county judge. Mr. Barker, though a
young man, has lived in the county
ten years, and is fully known to most
of our readers a? a vounsr nan of ster-
line worth, a eomrvetont attnm .;
. - ' .. . "V
iu every way capawe or attending to
the office of eonnty judge in an able
ianur. While George was not a
soldier, he was ail the same, a soldier's 1
bob, which shows that his people were
ot loyal stock. He has also beea a garten school, upon the Frocher
hfelong republican and stUI wears sy.em if a class of thirty or more pm
the insignia of a good tepubhean. He V T J '
is certamlv familiar with the dut!e
of that ofTic-p.
He trill rccciTe tronjrl
sapper. Eatfnd.
Many warm personal friends in a
quiet way name James B. MeXeny
aa their frit choice for a successor to
Jaaes Laird to represent the second
district in congress. Mr. McNeny
is a profound lawyer. In all hi.t
labors at the bar and in the mseharge
of all obligations imposed by the
various trust3 confided to him. he has
won the distinction of being a practi
cal man. He is a close student and
ranks n the procession that represents
the advanced thought of the day
on current issues and intere-t-. of
state and society. He is a man
whoes inheritance was the genius of
work, ofmorf than average hisity,
his powers are thus multiplied by the
activities aud energies of an indefatig
able industry. Mr. McNeny is also
a typisal western man, having . -reived
his drill at the Nebraska bar in
Nebraska business circles anc '
timate associations with Nebraska roo
ple. He is sehooled in those walks
of western life where the rewards of
culture are bread views, liberal i-i oas.
a tireless energy and sterling integrity.
As a representative of the people, he
would be a sen ant. capable, and cer
tain to offer practical and safe ser
vices. He is no radieal to peril im
portant interest by the dangers of
reckless experiment, be is also no
"sickly conservative'' to accurse his
friendV with whose delays and pro
testations incident to that cowardice
which refuses to be and do. He is
closely identified with the central
portion of the Second Congreasi ocal
District, which section as a matter f
fact, unifies in association all of the
varioas interests of the Second Dis
trict, which can not be id of the
extreme cast or west section. Web
ster eonnty is, by location, the key to
the treat Republican valley, and a
cboiec of one of her sons is an honor
to that important section nf Nebraska.
The Republican has no data to
iatiiMte that Mr. McNeny is in the
race. If the office should hunt the
bub and J as. B. McNeny shr.uld be
th-t choice, the Second Di-tri will
hold its wrestige in the X. bra.-.ka del
egation by the devine right of brains
ability mad energy. Hating Rep
ublican. The eondact of certain drummers
who come to this city N a decided
outrage on our people T.i idea of
allowing such disreputable ir.-.vidials
to carry on in that manner without
the mayor or city marshal rt-fering.
The Chief bas become tir . nf such
rowdyism as those young uien Lave
been guilty of in the pas, ad here
after will insist that they - looked
after just the same as a c-t ini.i-ju man
is when guilty of riotous . du.-t. It
is absolntelv a diiraeef ft - e,-pnnr
far better that such niuij, who are a
disgrace to their fellow um auers, be
run out of town, than allow J to carry
on in such a manner. The city is
better off without them or their
money. If it occurs agaiu we will be
under the painful necessity of pub
lishing thair names for Je benefit of
the public.
Alwaf iae Bleat Tmlax.
To xrx Ecrroa: If in order would like
to make a coggestion. For a long time
our county has had co representation in
the general distribution of state offices.
The time now?eem ripe for an effort on
ocr part. We certainly have the mater
ial to make a congressman in either wr.
Gilham or wr, xcXeay. To make the ef
fort with either of these two gentleman
would do more to unite the different fac
tions ia the Republican party in this
eoBBty than anything else propofd. We
woald not go before the convention with
unknown aspirants bnt with men wbee.
standing throughout the district is goad.
Zither by reason of their superior intelli
gence and education would ably represent
the district aside from the local pride
their candidacy would give our county.
Rxpcbucaw EracToa.
The Cnur takes great pleasure in
endorsing the above communication
and believes that now is the time to
present our men for political favors.
Either one of the gentlemen spoken
of in the above communication would
come nearer filling the congressional
vacancy than any man so far mention-
-1" m" a1 'nse PP
aJ Ttr 4"v f-. . A.t m. a
will be put forth at enee in this
Miss J5. K. Lawrence will oreaniee
and pemaBeatly establish a kinder-
r " eecareu. auj age dc
tWeen 4 and 10- Tuition, reasonable
a- piale. Leave answer at CsiBr.
Red Cloud, v
Successors to the
Western and Southern
Look out for
We will sell you a good print for 5c a yd.
And a good Gingham for 7c
Ladies hose at 5c a pair,
A nice dress button for2 l-2c a doz.
12 yards Linen Torchon Lace, 1 inch wide,
for 20 cents.
And while you are looking for Bargains
please remember that we sell the 'Best
SI .50 Ladies' Shoe Made.
Call and see nsj and we will do you goox
Thanks for past favors. Yours,
v v Nebraska.
Mercantile Association,
bargains in
lac in