2MW?yWJI!,!IBE?,ifJWJP'RHw-- w,a. ir I I aa iwt ' r i j I ! I 1 I 5 in ilM WE MAKE NO BONES OF FT f fe Ifr ffcj iiif. That oar success is due to the Liberal Patronage received in the last six jears and to keep the eastern of the past, we will continue to sell yon good goods at lowest prices, nereauer. naming just returned From Market nd being able to use large quantities for our STORES, have been able to close out some large .tMlOSSn. . . Iirirlrtor nrnibrv m w W rnFAirf TWO lots it mm low BakinP H0WDEH THK BAY NA!HK. The OM Mlilrn Keualea -will take place at Red 4'Ieaa, Me at car ter 17, IK, laa30. aawawPft .L.avBaaW Prices Knocked Ouf For the next 60 days. S. F. SPOKESFIELD HAS iS&TKR! FECT1 Which we arc willine to give our customers the benefit of. This is no advertising dodge, but have Good Bargains I To oiler you in all our departments aaaaaK9HaaV aaaaWra'JuKlEBam aaaaw BaaBBW,flBDBBU aYBBW IN Miperlor excellence prmen in millions of ionics tor more than a qu:irtor of a century. It is uswl ly the United siat,, i.nvrmm..ii, iAk doredliy ilie heads of the jn-eat unherel'iei if? ffe- Wro.n"'t. lin.st.ano most Healthful. Dr. 1'rices Creuin Baking Powder iloes not con tain anioiiia, linie. or alum, hold only in cam. PKICK BAKING POWUKlt CO. KEW VOBK. CHKACO. ST.UICI. CITY CLATTER Bastlcd by Oar Alert Report!, aad Prepared for Oar Reader. REMOVED Being able to buy goods where they are offered the cheapest to us, we are not forced to buy where our credit if good, We -an therefore give you many advantages over others who re not so lucky. Our bargain are not only in the ClothluKliae, but our Look on the last page for city news. J. II. Smith ras in the city this week. t"Www' "v.,, BOOTS AND SHOES Arc narked ery low. Kemeuiber we sell Ike elz shoes The Cock and Bull Stories Of some Conscienceleec Dealers bring us new customers daily If anything from this house isn't right come to us and we'll MAKE IT RIGH T. C. WIENER, RED CLOUD. WYMORE. a -- , - . . i - ... i ... . i .-.,-... H. CLARKE President, Albany, N.Y.. J. A. TULLBY, ' Vice-President Robt. V. 8HTREY, Treasurer. NEBRASKA & KANSAS. FAFvM yiM CO PAID UP CAPI1AL,$50,000. Red Cloud, Neb. Albany, New York. DIRECTOKS: H. Clarke, Albany.. New York Geo R. Bench, BalstonSpa N.Y. W. H. Robeson, Albany, N. Y. E. 8. Francis, Pittsfield, i a B.V.8hirey D.M.Piatt E. I'. Hitsbland. J. A. Tulleys BI.B.M.Nit MONEY LCANED. On improved farms in AiebraKaaud' Knnpas. Money furnished as soon as the security is approved. Principal and interest payable in Red Cloud a f 111 k m TI1K SECONa OISTHICT. (Omaha Bee.) The Itallread Caaaaalwrtea KlSht. All ing opportunity now offered to secure your Tablets, Books, Slates, Pencils and other school supplies while the stock is complete. Mlv,'Epe The Hasting Nebraakan hears it stated confidently that "either Ben Cowdrer dep ot secretary of state, or Smith T. Cald well, etato oil inpsector, would be appoint- ea vj tne goremor to succeed laws is the state capital, and that would create another vacancy to b filled. It is easy to see, therefore, tnatthu line of success Ion would personally interest a number of individuals ambitions to get office, and enlist cortain aid in behalf of Mr. Laws." you that this is the time to' felect from the finest line liner of sclool tablets 4n the citv- rVorral la tae Bare. The Seward Reporter is glad to know that its townsman, Ben'or Norral, is con sidered a strong possibility in the con gressional race. 'fo man," it says, "in the diet riot is better qualified for the po sition. He lies ability unsurpassed by any of those in the field, -his personal habits and integrity are spotless, and his popularity is tory great all over the dis trict. In fact, the talk of his being a can didate came from his friends away from home, before the people of 8eward had re covered from the shock of Mr, Laird's death enough to think of who should bo 1 his successor." C. L. COTTING. Aa Able JVaa. The Garfield County Quaver belief ea that 'Hon. N. Y. Harlan, of York, will undoubtedly be the next congressman from tha Second Nebraska districts Har- Ism ao aisVTat ta9 U ft. a. &... DtUggist and BookSSller. Jtiostato inthoaaUs of congress." School books and tablets at Cot ting's. The Kindergarten school building is almost finished. Mrs. Adam Morhart, and her son George, arc visiting in Omaha this week. Mr. Thos. Kllam, of Council Bluffs, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Kd. Parks. O. P. Smith, formerly a clerk in Henry Cook's drug store is in the city to-day. Frank Rickerson and Mary J. Campbell were married Thursday morning, Sept. 5th, 1S89. Mrs. E. S. McDowell of Fairfield, Iowa, is spending a tew days with her daughter Mrs. C. L. Funck of Line. Hon. Jas. McNeny and R. V. Shirey, president of the First Nation al bank avc returned from their north-western trip. Featherly & Aultz dealers in new cider, apples and peaches. Also grape juice at 50 cents a gallon. In Featherly building. no5-tf Where are the promises of a stron" administration, an honest administra tion, a pure administration? Echo, answers, Keeby, doefcy McKeeby. J. C. Warner has been selected as one of the Nebraska state delegates to the Iowa state fair. J. C. is one of the best fair men in the state. The question now is, how much does it take to go to Chicago and re turn? Ask the board of trade, and they will refer you to Keeby, docky McKeeby. Hon. A. J. Kcnney, of Red Cloud, as a sojourner in the Big Third, Wed nesday remembered the Republican as one of his many friends in Hastings. Mr. Kenncy is one of the men that recognises James JJ. McAeny as the peer of all men named for successor to Laird in Congress. Hasting Republican. In another column the announce ment of our friend Henrv C. Scott appears, which was handed in to us by intereitsd friends, who desire to see him nominated again for the oSee of pheriff. There are tern men who have filled the office better than he, or equal to him. fe is careful and accommodating, and always ready to do his duty without fear or favor. It would be extremely doubtful if a bet ter man could be found for that oflice in Webster county. Tnx Chief be lieves that he will receive the nomine tion without a dissenting vote. In this issue of Tns Chiev we take pleasure in announcing the name of our old friend Samuel West, for coun ty judge. Mr. West has lived in Red Cloud, lo, these many years and is known to all of our people as a good, honorable, stiaightforward man, felly competent to administer the affaire of county judge id a manner tl.at will be satisfactory to the people of Webster eounty. lie has been Justiee of the Peace for several year and otherwise understands the duties and necessities of that responsible office. He certain t The members of Garfield Post No 30. G. A. it. hvi boon nuking ar rangements in conjunction with the board of control of the dixtrict com- j posed of Nackrll, Webster, Frank lin, Smith and Jewell counties, for holding the annual reunion, which will take place in Red Cloud. Septem ber 17, 18, It! and 20, 1889. Thin will be one of the grandest events in the history of this portion of the west and hundreds of old soldiers will be present. Kverybody make arrange ments to attend one or more days. Prominent speakers will be present from both Kansas and Nebraska. Don't forget the dates. Farmers, what are you doing to wards making the coming fair a success? The officials are makiag every endeavor to make it profitable to you ard you in turn should show your interest in bringing the best ycu have to show your neighbors and citizens just what you have done. God has blessed the land with a noun- tuui crop tnis year, and tnere is no reason why the annual fair might not w". fev iwuvid nvva. w rejoicing. Make your arrangements to come in during the entire four days with your best productions, both of the field and pasture, and above all bring your wife and children. They need the vacation, the change from the daily hum drum of hard work and it will make them better contented with their lives, to see what other are doing, to gain information such as is afforded at an exhibition of this kind, than they would otherwise be. But unless you do your pait the matter will prove a failure and the society's officers will not be the ones to blame. Shall the fair be a success? Ex. to Miller-Cottinof B 1UV-I. Two doors south of hie former store, and fill roi 11 you goods very low FOR CAfci and His stock will be much larger than heritor.- - will be glad to see his friends at his of business. S. F. SPOKF V ' MillerCotting Block, 2 doors south of old stT.'t i D I 1 Tne '-Juckamule'' editor of the big 8" turns en his mournful lay in another direction last week, and pour his venom out in large and small quan tities. The fellows whom he smears with his vials of wrath are the same fellows who refuse to follow wheii t-.v whistles, people who are ashamed te be caught in his unholy outfit's com pany. Docky, you and your crowd may be as ''meek as Moses" but you will never reach the promised land, and the editor of thi "Great Family Weekly" predicts that you will not even be allowed a peep into the treas ury box. The people are fully awaie who your outfit are, and are watching with both optics wide open to see that you don't get your clutches on to the county funds, which you desire se much. No, docky, no. Not the least of those mentioned for congressional honors in this district is Hon. G. R. Cheney of Red Cloud aid superior, we sayl Superior in as much as he has a branch law office heie with our energetic and rising attorney, Mr. G. W. Stubbs. Mr Chaney is a law yer of fine ability and long standing for so new a country as this, while in the business walks of life he has proven himself a man of sterling in-1 J -.1 A. VI -i ! legruy anu wuuou a uiemisn on his character or reputation, and should ae receive the nomination, would honor the position as repre sentative of Second district of Neb raska in Congress. Superior Journal. n Little Emery Young, son of John M. Young, was billed to address the temperance contest meeting at the H, E. chm eh the other night, and he did it and did it well, but, however, little Emery is a strong republican, aad note the surprise on the prohib'e face, when Emery, instead of reciting an appropriate temperance piece, gave them some good sound republican THE NEW ERA EXPO .- N. St. Joseph, Mo. September 3 to October 5 i ' ; Us Orulet Ezpc tik & M The greatest attractions ever offered t the public l-K f I .. - Tha liberal premiums offered for agricultural prodacU &rt awakened a hearty ? espouse from tha farmers, aad will be worth going hun4;.J. . miles to e. The grounds will be illnmiaatad with thousand of faatiatie design, prismatic Hghta arranged in Bachs Celebrated Military Band and orchestra will give concerts every aitfernoonj and evening. Seimonswill be delivered evesy Sunday, by the most celebrated divines. Music bv a chorus of HlOO voice. The following amphitheatrical attractions have been secured: A realis tic Indian fight and a mimic illjstration of the Custer Massacre; 100 Apache Indians; 100 Indian fighter, under the celebrated scout Capt. Jack Crawford, and 500 soldiers will participate. Kalloon aacension aad parachute JubhMor; VXstx VonBlumen andJo!elIawkt9. champion female bjoiddsLs.- a day of field sporti: the eelebrad Woody Tros. inalo luartetto; Heap Bros, in Soman IIiMdruDierac;Gapt. Paul Boyton in acqnatlc maneuvers; Hroncho Johnthecow at.y kins; raj. A. H. Bomrrlu and n om in rilte hooUiiff. Other attraction iU be announced later. Reduced rates on all Railroads. Come All ! J5T. n. PERKY. IVe.. Si. Joseph. Mo. mm RweJ! Warner & Wolfanger, ly ha& a large number of earnest dirne. ine pom wM wen taxen friends working for his nomination. and Hsery was loudly applauded. ffi Boots Boots ,11 Shoes Shoes We hart amoved to oar SEW QUAKTEKS jDt North of the F. A 9i Bank and now hare the Largest Stock of Boots j.nd Shoes Fret fen ia fed omd, aad they will be sold at pric, that will mak them go fatt, in fact we ar gats? to Sell our Goods Cheap for Cash ! We have the largest stock and warraat our stock. wiwga5asrea 'jaBSStcSr" sn