The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 06, 1889, Image 2

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A. O. KOSHER, Proprietor.
Summary of tho Doily Newo.
The Governmeat aasdetermiBed that of
ficers of Americas vessels shall be natives
of the United States. It is expected that
the retirement of Canadian officers on
steamers on the Bt Lawrence will be de
aaanded. James B. McGee, of Kansas, a cleric in
the office of the superintendent of the free
delivery service. Post-office Department;
has been appointed a post-office inspector
ob free delivery service.
Tbk denial by the President of the re
port that he had stated that an extra see
sion of Congress would be called has
dampened the enthusiasm of the candi
dates for offices of the House and the
newspaper correspondents, who were the
chief supporters of the extra session the
ory. President Harrison has tent a letter
of condolence to the widow of William H,
Short, one of the (marshals of the Indian
apolis soldiers' monument parade, who
was fatally injured by a fall from his
Tbx Inter-8tate Commerce Commission
fcas extended for fifteen days the time al
lowed the Chicago& Alton Railroad Com
pany to nuke answer to the complaint of
the Inter-State Railroad Association and
the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Bail
road Company.
The Post-office Department will pay a
reward of $1,600 for the arrest and con
viction in the United States court of any
person found guilty of making an armed
attack upon any stage coach or railway
mail car having the mails in transit.
A combination of Eastern capitalists
has been formed to purchase all the coal
property along the Monongahela river
and control the river coal business.
The sixteenth annual Tri-State Grang
ers' Exhibition and meeting began at Wil
liams Grove, Pa, on the 26th.
Claus Spbxcsxls expects to open the
Philadelphia sugar refinery October L It
will have a yearly output of 300,000 tons.
J. K. Smith's lumber mill and bobbin
factory at Black Falls, Vt, were destroyed
by fire the other day. Loss, $75,000; no
Johic 8. Mackintosh, wool puller of
Milton, Mass, has assigned with $100,000
The great shoe factory of Coburn Sons
& Co., Hopkinlon, Mass., was detroyed by
fire the other day, causing $100,000 loss;
fully insured.
Bostlet & Godchakler's rolling mill at
Scranton, Pa, was partially wrecked by
a boiler explosion on the 27th. Five men
were killed and two fatally injured.
All the Democratic officers in the cus
toms department of Vermont have been
asked to resign by G. G. Benedict; the
mew collector for the State.
At Newport; R. L, H. W. Slocum, Jr.,
beat Q. A. Shaw, Jr., 6-3; 6-1. 4-6, 0-2, and
won the amateur tennis championship of
Amorica for 18S0.
Philip Heinicexe, living near Paradise.
N. J., set fire to bis barn and deliberately
threw himself into the flames, burning to
The Eastern green glass manufacturers
have decided to resist the demands of the
workmen for increased wages.
It is said that the Bell Telephone Com
pany has issued a call for a stockholders'
meeting September 12, having in view the
acceptance of an act of the New York
Legislature authorizing an increase of tho
company's capital to ?20,OJO,COO.
Considerable typhoid fever is reported
at Johnstown, Pa.
George Fawcett Rows, the actor and
dramatist, died of Bright's disease at New
Ex-President Cleveland has ex
pressed bis willingness to act with the
World's Fair committee of New York.
The business portion of the historic vil
lage of Sackett Harbor, N. Y., was de
stroyed by fire the other night; involving
a loss of about $40,000.
The value of the personal property of
the late Charlemagne Tower, of Philadel
phia, has been found to be $6 461.004, while
the real estate is placed at i9.000.00tt
Joseph Armstrong jumped from the
board walk into the water at Atlantic
City, N. J, the other day and broke his
neck by striking the sandy bottom.
Br the npsetting of a ladle of hot metal
in Carnegie's steel works at Homestead,
Pa, recently two men were instantly
killed and seven others severely injured.
sirs. Catherine Sullivan, mother of
John L. Sullivan, the pugilist, died at
Boston on the 30th after a long illness.
She was fifty-two years old and a native
of Ireland.
E. H. Bowman, a prominent citizen of
Chicago, was drowned at Seaview, Mass.,
recently while bathing.
All the men employed on the water
works at Washburn, Wis., struck the other
day for a raise of twenty-fire cents per
day, which the company refused to grant.
It is charged that Leon Hang Sang,
Chinese Consul at Ssn Francisco, has mis
appropriated $300,000 of the moneys
awarded to Chinese sufferers in various
Pacific cities.
A warrant has been issued for the ar
rest of J. J. West, late editor of the Chi
cago Times, on a charge of illegally
issuing 1,000 shares of stock of the Times
The parade of veterans in connection
with the Grand Army Encampment at
Milwaukee, Wis., took place on the 27th.
Fine weather made the demonstration
more than a usual success.
The Montana Democratic State conven
tion nominated J. EL Toole for Governor,
H. Conrad, of Billings, for Lieutenant
Governor, and Martin Maginnis for Con
gress. At Chicago oa the 27th a Rock Island
engine ran into the Santa Fe vestibuled
train en route to the Grand Army En
campment Fortunately no one was seri
ously injured.
Ex-Treasures E. D. 8teadman, of
Benton County, Iowa, has been arrested
far embezzlement; there being $10,000
ahortage is his aeoounta,
The Streator (III.) accident was sot so
bad aa first reported. All the injured
were out of danger excepting Mrs. R. R.
Tackersmaa, of Topeka, and Mrs, George
& Peters, of Emporia, Kaa.
A bespirate assault was made the
other night oa Gas Klahr, the Chicago
tinsmith, who last week identified Martin
Burke as the maa for whom he soldered to
gether a tin box May 26, which, it is sap
posed, contained tho clothing of Dr. Urn
film. "
Ohio Democratio coaveatloa at
Daytoa oa the 9Beh nominated James H
Campbell, of Butler County, for Governor.
Tbb Iowa State Auditor's annual repent
shows that ex-AUorney-Gsaeral Me
Phersoa has failed to tan Sato the treas
ury $2,841.80 of public moneys collected by
hint. McPherson claims to be able te make
a satisfactory balance.
General Russell A. Algkr waa elected
by acclamation Commander-in-Chief of
the G. A. B.
The Merchant and Vlticnltnrlst esti
mates that the wiae product of California
will not exceed 12,000,000 gallons this year.
This Is a reduction of 8,000,000 gallons
from early estimates. The reduction is
due partly to damage by sunburn and
mildew. The same paper estimates that
the State will produce 1,000,000 gallons of
brandv this year.
The Chicago papers recently said that
ex-Commander-in-Chief Warner bad been
offered and accepted the editorship of the
Republic, a New York monthly magazine
devoted to the Grand Army. Major
Warner's son says his father was offered
the place but declined it
At Fresno, Cal, the other day Oliver
Monetti. at Barton's winery, jumped Into
an open vat containing pomace two days
old and was overcome by carbonic acid
gas. Peter Vuissan went to his rescue
with a rope and ladder bat was also over
' Michael Posset, of 8helby County, a,
is a defaulter to the amount of $13,000. Ho
was county treasurer.
Two ladies, Mrs. Dodson,of Wauwatosa,
and Mrs. Dennet of West Granville, were
killed at Milwaukee, Wis., while crossing
taeVliet street crossiagof the St Paul
railroad. They were sisters and were
visitors to the encampment
The charter was defeated at the election
at Oklahoma City, Ok, by aa overwhelm
ing vote.
Judge McConnell, of Chicago, has de
cided that all the defendants in the Cronia
trial must be tried together with the ex
ception of Frank Woodruff. He said that
ia view of Woodruff's confessions it woald
be manifestly unfair to allow him to go oa
trial with the others. Exceptions to this
ruling were taken.
The Citizens' Bank, of Prairie City,
Jasper County, Iowa, has failed with
liabilities estimated at from $75,000 to
Charles Kummerlb was instantly
killed by the Heisler system of electric
light at Pueblo, CoL, the other night
Rev. Dr. Yost, Chancellor of the Uni
versity of Florida, has presented to Heid
elburg College, at Tiffin, O., a museum of
curiosities valued at $60,000.
The estate of Henry Shaw, valued at
$2,600.0001 has been left almost entirely to
the city of St Louis.
Boston will be the place for the next
Grand Army Encampment.
A man, whose appearance indicates a
substantial German farmer, is conducting
a clever swindling scheme among the liv
erymen of Northern Iowa.
The cotton crop of the Chickasaw Na
tion is the best on record this year.
A member of the Chickasaw Legislature
named Benjamin Cunning Chubby has
been assassinated.
The San Diego (Cal.) Water Company's
works have been sold to an Euglish syn
dicate for $1,490,000.
Two unknown girls who were rowing In
the harbor at Milwaukee, Wis., the other
morning were drowned by the capsizing
of their boa.s from the swell of a passing
tug. The bodies were not recovered.
Advices received from Tishomingo,
Chickasaw Nation, say that the official re
turns from the election for members of
the lower house of the Chickasaw Legis
lature show a decisive majority for the
Progressive party.
Ten persons boarding with Mrs. Med
min at Chattanooga, Tenn., were made
seriously ill the other day after eating
meat which she had purchased for dinner.
Mrs. Medmin's husband and child were
also poisoned.
The glass and crockery men about
Wheeling, W. Va, deny that a trust is
being formed by the window and table
glass and crockery manufacturers.
Four hundred white families and 8,000
negroes are under contract to go from the
Carolinas and Georgia to Arkansas, where
there is a lack of labor of all kinds.
The Globe, of Durham. N. C, learns of
the death of "Granny" Boston. She was
one hundred and twenty-one years old, a
pensioner, and remembered the battle of
King's Mountain. Her corpse weighed
only fifty pounds.
Bishop McClosky, has ordered the clos
ing of St Joseph's College at Bardstown,
Ky. The reason is that a faculty such as de
sired could not be made up for the ensuing
year. Rev. C J. O'Connell resigned the
presidency some time ago to give bis time
to his duties as Catholic priest
Jake Kilrain, the pugilist; contem
plates a sparring tour. Parson Davies
has made him an offer and other propo
sals have been made him. He said over
tures had been made him to spar Sullivan
during the Mardi Gras at New Orleans,
bnt unless terms were more favorable be
would not accept
The city of Frederick, Md,, proposes to
endeavor to collect $200,000 levied upon
tho people in 1864 by the Confederate
General Early on the ground that the city
did not receive the Federal protection to
which it was entitled.
James M. Newbaker, a politician of
local note, was assassinated at Satlta,
Miss., recently. .
The reported lynching of the two col
ored editors of the Selma, Ala Independ
ent proved incorrect
Mrs. McPherson, of Baltimore, Md.,
widow of the old defender, Captain Mc
Pherson, claims that the original flag
which floated over Fort McHenry and in
spired the 'Star Spangled Banner" is not
in the possession of Eben Appleton. She
states that the original flag was wrapped
around her husband's body and buried
with him in Greenmonnt cemetery.
A cave of unknown size has been dis
covered by well diggers near Rome, Ga.
It promises to surpass the Mammoth cava
Robert Armstrong, a colored school
teacher. complains of having been
whipped by masked men on account of
politics, near Napoleonvllle, La.
Jack Spaniard and William Walker
were executed at Fort Smith, Ark, on the
30th. Spaniard, a Cbesokee, murdered
Deputy Marshal Owen; Walker, a negro,
murdered another negro. Both crimes
were committed in the Indian Territory.
A meeting of the bondholders of the
Oregonian Railway Company was held
the other day at the office of the company,
Dundee, Scotland, at which by unanimous
vote, the sale of the railroad to C. P.
Huntington for 180,000 was approved.
The company had lost at the rate of 300
weekly and desired to consummate the
sale as rapidly as possible.
A dispatch from Athens sajsj (hat tho
negotiations between Chakir Pasha, the
Governor, aad the Cretan Commission
have been ruptured. A peaceful solutioa
of the question is regarded as donbtfml.
Tbb resignation of tho ruler of Cash
ere has beea accepted by the Viceroy
of India aad the coaajtry has beea placed
under aaative council.
Man. Matbbick will shortly be removed
to the convict prison at Woking, ia Surrey.
Her friends can visit her there once every
two months.
M. TRTES8E, a Boulangiat member of the
Chamber of Deputies has beea ar
rested for resisting the police at a Bou
laagist meeting.
The steamer City of Paris has again
broken the record, beating her own best
time from Queenstown by three hours and
forty-nine minutes. Heractual time from
Queenstown to Sandy Hook lightship was
five days; nineteen hours and eighteen
minutes. Among the passengers were
Russell Harrison, Andrew Carnegie, John
A. Kasson and Joseph Medill, of the Chi
cago Tribune.
A disastrous storm, accompanied by
flood, has raged at Dakayama, Japan.
The H. C Frick Coke Company has pur
chased the Scbooamaker Company's plant
of 1,600 ovens, 6,000 acres of land and
twenty-five cars.
The village of Tscherlacb, ia St Gall,
Switzerland, was destroyed recently by
the fall of a portion of Mount Rulbisberg.
The villagers escaped.
Thb Brazilian Government has nego
tiated with the banks of Rio de Janeiro a
loan of $10,000,0:0 at 4 per cent per an
num. Oh August 6 the Rush captured the
British sealing schooner Lily of Van
couver while taking seals in the Bebring
sea. In all there have been fourteen seal
ers boarded by the Rush and warned out
of the Behring sea besides six captured.
Tbb Government of Paraguay has ac
cepted the invitation of the United 8tales
to attend the congress of American 8tates
la Washington in October.
1 A crowded meeting of Protestant was
'held at Belfast recently to protest against
Mr. Balfour's latest proposal to endow a
Catholic univerity in Ireland.
A series of typhoons, anprecedented ia
their fury and destructiveness, have swept
over Japan and part of China. The dam
age to property is incalculable, and the
lowest estimate of the loss of life by
drowning places it at 6,000.
The Comt de Paris has issued aa elec
toral manifesto. He declares that his ob
ject is to snatch power from the hands of
an oppressive faction. He counsels nnioa
of the Conservatives and tolerance of the
Boulangists, whose programme of revi
sion, he says, will release France from
servitude and restore religious peace.
Chakir Pasha, the Governor of Crete,
has Issued a proclamation announcing
that the Turks have occupied the whole
island for the purpose of restoring order,
and that any person guilty of resisting
the Turkish authority will be severely
The Swiss Government has instituted
proceedings against the authors of there
cent Anarchist manifesto.
Mrs. Matbhick has been placed in the
infirmary of the prison at Woking, Eag.,
because of ill health.
The new Ham burg-American steamer
Columbia recently concluded the fastest
trip on record from tho Needles to Sandy
Hook, her time being 6 days, IS hours and
20 minutes. This beats her previous rec
ord, the best, of 6 days, 27 hours and 8
Firs persons were killed in the City of
Mexico the other day by the falling of the
wall of a private residence.
Excitement was reported prevailing
among Americans resident in Chiua be
cause of the influence brought to bear up
on the Emperor to have all Americans ex
pelled in retaliation for the Scott Exclu
sion bill.
The British Parliament has been pro
rogued to November 16.
A dispatch from Shanghai says: Ten
den have been received for the construc
tion of the first section of the railroad
from Chinkiang to Pekiu. It is estimated
that the rails and plant will cost $70,000,
000. Business failures (Dun's report) for the
seven days ended August ia numbered
211, compared with 206 the previous week
and 226 the corresponding week of last
THE uvrcsx.
The steamer Gem City, of the St Paul
packet line, sunk near Alton, IIL, tho
other night The crew end passengers
were saved.
It is understood that both Judge Frazer.
of Indiana, and Judge Sa-nuel Phillips, of
north Carolina, who were appointed bv
President Harrison to act as arbitrators
in the Venezuelan claims, have declined
to serve.
The Northern Wisconsin lone highway
man was captured recently at Republic,
Mich. Me proved to be Reymund Holsbey,
a young German. His last exploit was
the robbery of a stage near Gogebic sta
tion, in which he killed A. G. Fleischbein
aad wounded a Mr. MacArcber.
John Grass, the chief of the Blackfeet
Indians, was reported dying from the
effects of a sunstroke and supposed poison
administered by bis enemies.
Affairs on the London Stock Exchange
were quiet during the week ended Au
gust 3L American securities were firm.
Dullness also characterized the Conti
nental bourses.
Natives at Malayta, in the South 8eas,
recently attacked a ship's crew, killing a
trader and the mate; also fatally wound
ing the owner of the vessel. The savages
were finally driven off with a loss of
twelve killed,
James 8. B. Berrt. charged with com
plicity in the killing of Captain Nat
Kinney, the Bald Knobber chief, has been
Clearing bouse returns for the week
ended August 31 showed an average in
crease of 13.2 compared with the- corre
sponding week of last year. In New
York the increase was 24 9
The Catholic Bishop of Deny, Ireland,
died on the 1st
Hoo cholera has made its appearance at
Britt, Iowa, in a most violent form.
The thirty-fourth general convention of
the German Roman Catholic Association
assembled at Cleveland, O.. on the 1st.
Services of the Armenian Churci were
held tor the first time in Boston ou the 1st
Weltt McCullough, Congressman
from the Twenty-first Pennsylvania dis
trict, died at his residence at Greensburg
recently. He was a prominent member of
tho Westmoreland County Bar Associa
tion. C D. Graham; the barrel crank, was re
ported to have gone over Horseshoe falls,
at Niagara, oa the 1st The trip was wit
nessed by only a few persons aad some
doubts existed as to the trip being made.
Graham, however, was around showing
his bruises aad there was the barrel ia the
eddy, sure enough.
The wreck oa the Vermont Central,
near Brooksville, caused the death of three
trainmen and the serious injury of several
others. The accident occurred on a curve,
an excursion train and a freight train
coming into collision.
Lb Sieclb announces that Boalaager
has decided to submit to arrest the week
after the eiectioa in order to avoid his
seisoft at Paris before the eiectioa.
Fcllt two thousand people attended
the recent old settlers' reunion and barbe
cue at North Bend. An excellent oration
was delivered by tx-Lieutenant-Governor
Shedd and music was discoursed by the
Oakland cornet band. Quite a number of
aid settlers from adjoining counties were
A little sob of C C Crowell, of Blair,
was recently playing with matches in the
barn when he set fire to a large amount of
bay which had lately been stored. He
then ran into the house and bid himself in
the nursery, where he fell asleep. In a
short time the elegant stable and coach
bouse were burned. The horses and car
riages were saved, bnt all else was totally
destroyed. For some time it was supposed
the child was in the fire and the agony of
the family was heartrending. The man
sion was saved with difficulty, but a large
collection of valuable and rare plants was
destroyed. The loss was about ?3.030.
H. C. Mc Arthur calls attention of Ne
braska veterans who served in Crock
er's brigade to the fact that the fifth
biennial reunion of t ie association meets
at Council Bluffs, Iowa, September 18 and
19. He urges all comrades to fill their
canteens with water and attend ia a body.
Reduced rates will be given by all roads
ia the State.
Bomb time since one Fred Colby ab
ducted Miss Ksie Coles, a fourteen-year-old
girl of Palisade, and departed for
Kansas. A requisition from the Governor
of Kansas has been secured for the kid
napper. Tbb cause which led to the recent sui
cide of George W. Turner near Scotia is
said to have beea an affair of the heart
which occurred ia Illinois some time ago.
Taraer was sued for breach of promise by
the lady in the case and judgment ob
tained agaiast him for quite a large sum.
A RUSTIC geatlemaa visited Kearney
the other day, borrowed $250 aad in a fit
of absent-mindedness deliberately threw
the package containing the money into
the street After a two hours' search the
money was recovered.
Attorney-General Leese has decided
that county supervisors now holding of
fice are entitled to the increase of salary
from $2 to $3 per day.
Labor Dat gives Nebraska more legal
holidays than any other State in the Union
eight in alL
Lavina George, the sixteen-year-old
daughter of Jam;s George., a prominent
farmer of Cherry County, committed sui
cide the other afternoon by taking strych
nine. Unhappy relations between the girl
and her step-mother supposed to be the
The other day a committee of citizens
tarred and feathered a couple named A.
M. Forsyth and Mrs. Keler at the village
of Barneston, in the southern part of Gage
County, and compelled them to leave the
place. The two had shocked the commun
ity by their immoral conduct
Martin Uloch was walking across the
Burlington & Missouri bridge at Lincoln
the other day when a switch engine and
cars approached. He stepped aside, lost
his balance and fell into the creek. Ha
could not swim and was drowned.
The nine-year-old daughter of Cyrus
Bardeen. of David City, was bitten on the
ear two months ago by a pet dog and the
other day died of hydrophobia. A calf
belonging to Bardeen also died with
symptoms of the samo disease.
While Frank Howard and two other
men, all intoxicated, were crossing the
river in a skiff at Nebraska City the other
day the boat was overturned and Howard
The other evening Mrs. Nelson It- Baker
dropped dead of heart disease near Ash
land. A firs originating from a gasoline stove
recently destroyed property at Weeping
Wa'er valued at $30,000.
Adolph Wolfe, an aged farmer resid
ing about seven miles southwest of Wy
more, recently attempted suicide with
every prospect of success. He disap
peared from home and was not found un
til the second dov and then be was dis
covered in a cornfield naked and with bis
throat cut from ear to ear. He had been
brooding over the death of his wife, which
occurred five months ago, and it is sup
posed that be was partially deranged.
The attending physicians said that lie
could not recover. Hj is well-to-do and
has qnite a family of grown-up children.
A Durham cow belonging to O. H. Bal
lon, of Plattsraoutb, kicked against being
milked the other evening, and when an
effort was made to force her to submit she
broke away from her still and ran up a '
w'nding stairway into' the hay-loft All
efforts to induce her to come down proved
unavailing and at Inst accounts the obsti
nate creature was still domiciled in the
AStanton Countt farm hand, working '
... v:i. ..., .: i t j
near Pilger, was mysteriously poisoned
the other day. and there are several the
ories in regard to the matter. One is that
he had eaten melons taken from a "dosed''
patch, and another that the poison was
administered by a man who was bit rival
in the affections of a young lady. He will
recover, but the case will be investigated,
A Little daughter of George Yost, liv
ing near Harvard, recently died from the
effects of a mad dog bite inflicted nine
wet ks previous.
Swan Swanson. of Blair, while recently I
fixingapumpinawell, wa, overcome by .
gas and died before he could be rescued. men are now .employed
upon the sewerage system at Grand
The Episcopalians of the State hold
their next convention at Hastings Sep
tember 18.
Thr G. A. R. post at Niobrara is build-'
Clate Madison, of Superior, was re
cently thrown from a horse, receiving a
severe concussion of tho brain from which
it will take some time to recover. He was
found by the roadside unconscious and
unable to give any account of the acci
dent Milo T. Strigiit, of Chadron, who was
imprisoned under the chargo of disposing
of mortgaged cattle, has commenced suit -
ag-iinst Spargue & Fisher for $2;500 '
It has been repeatedlv announced that !
the Republican State convention would be
held October L The convention meets at
Hastings Octobers.
8. A. Harper, of York, recently found
a rattlesnake coiled up in a box ia his of
fice, aad as 'the reptile sprang at him he
struck it dead with a saw which be had ia
bis band.
Six Thousand peop'e attended tho lata
reunion of old settlers of Butler, Polk,
Seward aad York Couatiee, Bear Gresh
am, and had a delightful time.
ScHUTLxa has voted flP.OM beaaa to
build a high school building.
Warren Whitney, a fanaer, dreaaao!
dead at Albioa the other day. He leaves
a wife aad several childrea.
The story of the capture at Pbrtstaoath
of Tascott the alleged murderer of Mil
lionaire Saell of Chicago, proved to be
the worst kind of a fake.
Outbreaks Im Loulslaam
and Mississippi.
Indfsrrlmtaate Snootier at Gealdabera,
la.. With Several Persons Weaaded
The Negro Alliance la
New Orleans, Sept 2 Yesterday
morning about one o'clock, at Gretna, Ere
broke out in an old frame building occu
pied by two girls named Lunks. The fire
department responded and the fire was
extinguished. Soma time afterwaid an
alarm was again sounded and a crowd
Between two and three o'clock an ex
cursion train, composed entirely of colored
people, arrived at the Gouldsboro depot
from Baton Rouge. A large number of
colored men and women were near the
depot waiting for the train, which
was due at eleven o'clock. As it
drew in one of the ex- urs'oniats attempted
to get off aad fell to the ground. Some
unknown person said: "Liok at t fa
black ." whan the negro urew a pistol
and fired four or five shots in rapid suc
cession, one of which Htruck William
Miller, white, a brother of one of the
Gretna police, in the no and lodged it
self in the back of the neck.
Then the shooting became general, some
four or five hundred shuts being fired in
less than fifteen minutes. A terrible
panic occurred, women and children run
ning in all directions shouting and scream
ing, leaving dishes, baskets bats, shoes,
John Rainy, the superintendent of the
Algiers & Gretna street railroad, who
was about two squares away with four
horse cars waiting for the excursion,
stated that the panic caused by the rapid
discbarge of are-arm was dreadful. He
did not kaow what caused the trouble,
but the cars on their way down to Algiers
1 were fired into aad one of the bullets
passed through a dash board. For a time
be aad his drivers were in immiaent
, danger of losing their lives.
About 4:30 yesterday morning the light
of a fire was seen near the line between
Algiers and Jefferson Parish and an alarm
was turned in and the Algiers fire depart
ment hastened to the scene and found a
large number of men armed with markets,
etc, and a negro church on fire. There
was no water at hand and the church was
entirely consumed.
Just after the fire a colored man named
Ren Watkins, aged seventy-fivo years,
was shot in the breast and slightly
wounded by unknown parties.
The list of casualties in the riot are as
follows: William Miller, white, shot In
the face and seriously wounded; El Levy,
colored, shot through tho forearm; the
wife of Elder Fleming, colored, shot
through the shoulder and very seriously
hurt; Mary Carroll, colored, shot through
the instep and pain.ully wounded; Ben
Wntkins, shot in the right hand aad
seriously wounded.
New Orleans. Sept. 2. The Picayune's
Greenwood, Miss., says: "There
has been for the last month a negro by
the name of Cromwell who has been or
ganizing, as it was thought, alliances in
that part of the delta. On Wednesday of
last week a number of neqjroe belonging
to the alliance demauded that some one
Le3ide Cromwell bo placed at the head
of the alliance movement as they
claim- he was an ex-convict and they
were afraid to trust him. This oc
curred at Shell Mound, ten miles above
here on the Tallahatchie river. A
majority of the negroes' alliance voted
in favor of Cromwell and retained him in
his position. The nexs day Cromwell re
ceived a letter signed 'Unanimously.' with
cross bones', skeletons, etc. ordering him
to quit his work and leave tho country,
giving him ten days. He showed the
letter to the negroes and the some evening
the whites at Shell Mcund received a
warning letter from parties (negroes) who
signed themselves "Three thousand armed
men,' who raid that they proposed to
stand by Cromwell and that if any efforts
were made to disturb him that they would
kill, burn and destroy Shell Mound.
About reventy-five armed negroes
came into town and talked in a very
loud and threatening manner. The gen
eral belief is that Cromwell wrote the first
letter himself and had it addressed and
mailed to him at Shell Mound, with the
object of arraying tho negroes against
the whites, so the effec: would be to make
the negro alliance, that were opposed to
him. come over and join forces with the
other negroes; but if such was bis object it
faUed'Tas "? i"? ?
bim. Last night our sheriff received in-
formation from Sunny Side, fifteen
i miles above 8hell Mound, that
. there were 500 negroes who
were massed in the Johnson
: field near there and help was needed. He
j wired the Governor the situation and
; asked for troops, which was responeded
to promptly by Governor Lowry in per
son, bringing with him five companies of
t militia. Governor Lowry has sent two
l companies to Sunny Side to report to the
,l,eIf .wn! '"'IS h!" J!t!l
""" "LlJr,
A-ith the negroes. The steamboat running
I between here and Sharkey has just
, come in, bringing a numbttr of
women and children. Governor
! Lowry cautions the people to be
free from all violence and not to violate
the law in any particular, but to assist
the county authorities to enforce it There
have been several reports from the scene
of trouble this evening, one of which
. t .I.A m.wA li.jl lafr .I.A wt,inif tr
ma-v him wic j.. ... ,w .......j
of Sunny Side, breaking up in small
bands of twenty or thirty, and seem ed to
be sulky and mad."
Boozht By Uaa Laaoat
New York; Sept L The franchises,
tracks, e'tc, of the Broadway surface rail
road have been sold at auction at the real
estate exchange for $25,00 Colonel Dan
Lamont who was President Cleveland's
private secretaiy. being the purchas-r.
There was no other bid. It is believed
that Colonel Liraont bought the road for
syndicate of which ex-aecretary oi me
Navy Whitney is tbe bead.
Scotch Juearae Object.
London. Sept L Robert Wallace,
member or Parliament for Ediaburg, ia aa
interview said: '-The Nationalists seem
to think that having got Gladstone they
hare got every thing. Not so, however,
tho Presbyterians aad Freekirks rub their
eyes at the proposal to flaunt the scarlet
wossaa. The attempt to eadow aa Irish
Catholic aarrorsity will rally under one
banner all tho eaeades of deaotainatioa
alissa." Edmund Robertsoa, member
from Dundee, said- the Liberals woald
fghtto assaa If tho proposal retained any
thug like its present form. If the Gov
ernment aad the Nationalists meant busi
ness it woald be a hard fight sad ho cosild
aot say where it woald sad.
Reported Compromise anil Allianr Be
tween the Tories anil rarnellites A
Panic Among the Liberal.
London. Aug. 31. Mr. Balfour's promise
to bring in a bill for the endowment of an
Irish Catholic university ouplol wiili M
Parneli's immediate acceptance of tho
proposal, creates almost a. panic among;
the Liberal leaders, who see that ti new
departure of the Tory Government mean
the disruption of their party. It is cer
tain that Mr. Parnell has reached somo
sort of an understanding with Lord Salis
bury's Government ami it is even stated
that the Parnellites will support the Tory
Premier at the next election in return for
concessions which will practically amount
to home rule and a land law which will
quite effectually throw the landlords in
Ireland overboard.
This change ot front on the part of Lord.
Salisbury is certain to lose him the sup
port of the Ulster member, hut be will
probably carry with him nil but a very
few of the Conservative tu-mber and tho
Unionists, while the addition to his forct
of the solid Parnellite contingent and ot
such Liberals as care more for home rule
than for the means of attaining it will un
doubtedly increase his voting strength
materially, notwithstanding the defection
ot the Protestant Irishmen and a few anti
Catholic Tories
All of the details of the agreement en
tered into between Mr. Parnell and i host
whom he has of late so bitterly opposud
are not as yet understood and as a result
there is no end of speculation.
The Liberal leaders held a meeting; at
which Sir William Vernon Harcourt made
a speech congratulating the Liberal party
upon having successfully proselyted tho
Tory Government Few of his associates,
however, shared Sir William's cheerful
ness aad their Joy at finding their own
principles now supported by the Tories ia
not a little tempered by the certainty that
this support will keep the Tories in power
indefinitely and tbems-lves out
Heavy Disbursement Have Little Notice
able Effect Baalaew Generally Improv
ing;. New York. Aug. 3L R, G. Dun A Ca's
weekly review of trade says: Last week'
suggestions in regard to the monetary sit
uation have been entirely sustained by
the events of the past week. Those who
held large amounts of Government bonds
were induced to sell freely at price
formerly paid by the treasury, which,
has thus been enabled to pay out
about $20,000,000 for bonds. But
tbe heavy disbursements have scarcely
changed at all tbe market for comtnerciaf
paper here, Boston, or at Philadelphia,
though speculation has been rendered
more active and sharp advances in stock
aad wheat have resulted. The Secretary'
belief that bonds to a Targe amount could
be obtained at tbe prices olTorod tin been
justified, and he has done what ho
could under tbe law to prevent monetary
pressure. But the money disbursed seems
likely to relieve speculative rather than
commercial needs, at least until other
operations besides the one in Government
bonds have been liquidated. Stocks haro
advanced just $2.50 per share in a week,
and 1200.000 havo been sold already at
the rising prices. A yet the money for
bonds has not actually gone out of tho
treasury, and its cash hoMin? are
a little larger than a week ago. but its de
posits in bank $500,000 less. Business in
all parts of tbe country continues to im
prove with the stimulus of large crops.
Imprisoned Miner Saved Ity the Heroism
of a Mlnlne Kngiueer.
Cumberland, Md.. Aug. 31. Forty-3ve
men were at work in tbe Allegheny mine,
thirteen miles from Cumberland, belong
ing to the Consolidated Coal Company,
when tbe wall between it and the a j lin
ing worked-out Boston or Etna mine,
gave way from pressure of water Iroia
tbe old mine. It flowed steadily in a
strong stream over four fet in depth and
there Were grave fears for tho-o inside.
Hours passed before any relief could be
obtained by the men inside, and out
side tbe deep concern of wives children
and loving friends were depicted on every
countenance. Finally the water bad sub
sided to a depth that would allow entrance
to tbe mine and H. P. Meeras. the mining
engineer of the company, started in alono
in search of tbe imprisoned men.none of tbe
outsiders being willing to venture. After
wading through tbe water, against a strong
current, up to bis armpits and over an
irregular bed 1.500 feet he came to a group
of forty-three men, who told him of a man
aad a boy being in a far distant room. No
one would go to their relief. He started
on anew, and, finding th two, placed the
boy on his shoulders and bidding tbe man
to' follow, turned back and joined the
group. The men seemed terrified and
without judgment They declined to go
forward until after much persuasion, and
then only after Meems' had taken the lead
with the child oa bis shoulders. For
tunately all escaped.
m m
Terrible Experience or a Party on Long's
Peak ia Colorado.
Denver, CoL, Aug. 31. A horrib'e acci
dent occurred Tuesday on Long's peak,
resulting in tbe death of one man and the
rest of the party nearly lost the.'r lives in
a snow storm. J. C. Stryker. from Iowa,
has beea visiting his brother at Lamb's
ranche, at tbe foot of tbe peak. Last
Tuesday be, bis brother Frank, another
brother and a guide named Lamb, as
tended the poak and remained oa
the summit about an hour. Start
ing down, Frank Stryer. taking his
pistol from bis pocket, placed it in bis belt
in front bat stumbling over a ledge, tho
pistol went off, mortally wounding him.
He walked 200 feet andfelL He died at
ten o'clock that night on the mountain. A
snow storm came up. and the men being
thinly clad, and some ia their
shirt sleeves, nearly froze, but they
could not leave tbe dying man.
Afteraterribleexperience of twodays and
one night, ia which tbe men carried tbe
dead maa three miles, they finally reached
a placs where they obtained a horse.
Long's peak is one of the highest and
most dangerous in the West
The Vaaderbllt Beat
Cleveland, Aug. 3L The Vanderbilt
inspection of tbe Ohio, Indiana & Western
road is completed, and the result will soon
be known to the Vanderbilts and the
Drexel-Morgan people, who are engineer
ing the deaL Vice-President Laying, of
the Cleveland, Cincinnati. Chicago et St
Louis, passed throagh Cleveland, iahis
private car, ea route to New York. He
was accompanied as far as Cleveland by
President Newell, of the Lake Shore. A
Vaaderbilt osscia! said ho had ao doabt
that the deal weald bo eousurcaeted,
though he was aot prepared to speak offi
cially, for the whole matter had yet to be
presented to tho Vaaderhilts for final approval.