The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 06, 1889, Image 1

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Vol. 17.
D. B. Spanogle,
Real Estate
and L oan Age
Rcl Cloud.
Marble and
Granite Worlcs
a. M. imowN, iBor.
Fine Monuments
and Headstone
Eln r ""d 4tU Ar.. Ni Oloinf.
Street Cars
From the Depot
To Bradbrook
Photo Studio
QEO. o. and r. d. yeiser,
Vionr County Mii M
Complete and only set of abstract
books in Webster county. Grazing and
arming lands and city property for
Great English Remedy.
Murray's Specific.
, A guaranteed cure for all ner
vons diseases such as weak mem
ory loss of brain power hysteria
. lieadaclic pain in the bark ner
vous prostration wakefulness leu-corrha-a
universal lassitude sem
inal weakness imnotency and gen
eral loss of power of the Genera
tive Organs; i!i eithei sex.caus
d by indiscretion or overexertion
mil wliirh liltinmfplv 1h:ii1 In
SafcftTakiac. i-kkmatuisi: mj aok, imsax-
it v and cosBUiirTiojr. jmua
box or six boxes for S3 oo. Sent
by mail on receipt nf price. Full
particulars in pamphlet, rent
iree to every applicant
IVelGiiaratitcc Mi Boxen
to eureanv ease. For e err ST.
order received we -end six boxes
with :i written gii.irantee o re
x.....i i... ........... ir .,w.tfir
loe not effect a u-e. Address MtSf KMs
all cnimuu'ileatn, :is to the ole
iaanulacturcrs. Tin: Mikbw Medicine Co.
Kanas'ity Mo.
55?"Sildiii Red Cloud by C. 1.. CUTTING sole
Denver to Chicago, .
Denver to Kansas Grty
Denver to Omaha,
Omaha tc Chicago.
Kansas City to Chicago,
Omaha to St. Louts,
Through tickets over the Burling
ton Rouo arc for cc'.o by trio Union
Pacific, Demf r & Rio Crando and
all other principal railways, and
by all agents of the "Burlingtcs?
For further Information, apply ta
enj aeont, or
p. S. EUSriS.ticflX'k'tABX
EJ?5iVJ jj fl d f W ' BnnnniSNK
" ' 'f
i '
tlmB will nurir nn cmllnn fif the DMt
Hittera known, which will CUKE ladicMUOB.
rate in the Stomach, Fever and Ague, mad
acta opon the KMaejs mud Bladder; toe bat
TcruckoawtL. Cm banned with or without rointa.
JVlr tag the cheapest mnaJy known. Full direo
tioiw ca emdi ptcksae. Sold by Pracgfeu or ent by
mmd, poedwe prepd. Prk30ct.lorinKle,
two pacteu for 68 cts. U.& Etamps taken ia
patymCBt sLOCutttf w
CEtt G. STEKETEE, Grand RiM$, Wch.
J-Al trays mention thu paper.
Artesian witter throughout the hnuse.
Only two b.ocks from city tail.
1:U UtliSt. Denver, Colo.
RATES $1 25 and $1 HO PEll DAY.
The house and fnrnisnings aro all new.
Elegant rooms with fir?t class meals at
moderate rales. First class livery and
boarding stables in connection with the
Fremont, Mom $ He.
(Chicago .V Northwestern Itallmad.)
.1. V. D.vt HNKI', I.oral Agent.
AirHe. l!ies.
leetiser 4.':4r. pjni.
Acnmu :in:t Freight .".:00 p,in
via Northwestern route.
Arr es at York r:.a p.m. Fremont K:13, ma
ha, tti p.m. Chicago, li in. St Paul !U ,ui
lx;aes Chic.ipi Omaha ar
rixesat tis!ius2;ti u.n:.
Omana St. Paul, iioux
City, and. all p jints
Thcoliiv line to Miuthem Nehrisk. l:i!cot.i,
liotSiiin. iie !i:tck Jlllls. and
Ceattal Wxotuiiv:.
Thiotish th'keN and hagisigu clus-kiil to des
tination. For rates, time tables etc, will oa
.t 11. DAL'IINKK, Agent.
Hastings Neb.
II. :. Item, d R. lttvii.v.x,
Cell. Manager. !tn. Pas. Agent.
Oiiiahn. ;-b.
l'ir.-t i'Of niiril' ! Cit ihikiTx. r
ritt'! mimI tlio.oiihly vquinui-d We
toni'ctli.lh -"lien .iur tiatroima
guariititi'oiiifCPHtisfa'ioti i" everj- case.;
t)i;n Mott.i: Will be o pleuse nil
wlin uivh ms their trade All vnrk
din"i:i a tin-tri'I:iinntnir atnl in thr
Inu-.-'i ("! i ii. pifiM-M-ti'i..
TlIsC hasgtven cn!ver
sal satisfaction In the
cure of Gonorrhoea and
Gleet. I prescribe itasd
feci sate iu recommend
inr It to nil sufferers.
DecalM-, ML
Sold by Praia HW.
yrJr'T.riZX , afnatr
at acmroi. ' Toa caaaoi aipuow omr iiirxs
9RS?aoJlli u tfwteatt which can be Mat
ahlcct to approval aeon neelptof enoMh naoaey
to rauantMretara Shanes. We send rnleaf or
KlStNmwtMTwe lBport our material
and SSSUSmwttJRm, ChleaftAlll.
ScterenceAUai KaUonal Bank. Chicago.
ram HOTEL !
BB xraeairferaa
Red Cloud, Webster County Neb., Friday, September,
RepnMlean coaatjr Convention.
The republican electors ol Webster county,
are requested to send delegates from the several
townships to meet in convention at the eouit
house in Red Cloud, Friday, September 201 h,
1889, at 10 o'clock a.m. for the ptirose of placing
in nomination one candidate for
County Cterk.
County Treasurer.
County sheriff.
County Jude.
County Suprintendcut Public Instruction.
Couuty Surveyor.
County Coroner.
Also la delegates to the republican .state con
Teiu ion tobeheldat Hsistiiuts Nebraska, Octo
bcrsth, ISA, and 10 delegates to the congres
sional convention and to transuct such other
business as may properly come before the con
vention. Tlie several townships are entitled to repre
sent ion as follows, bused on the vote cast for
Hon. George II. Hastings, presidential elector
In 1SSS, giving one delegate at large to each town
ship and one tor etery 13 votes or major fraction
Red Cloud Township 7 Walnut Creek Twp 3
Guide Ruck " 11 Red Cloud City 1st w 8
Stillwater " 5 Red Cloud City 2d w 10
OakCr-ek " 0 Line Township - 3
I'LHd.un " 8 tSarlleld " 5
Ratin " 3 Reaver Creek Twp 0
Gienwood " C Elm Creek " 5
Harmony ' 3 Rleasant Hill " 5
InaKile " 4 Catherton " 4
It is rec uuueiidisl that no proxies be admitted
to seats in the comentioti except such as are
held by persons reidiug in the townships where
the vacancy ocrars.
tt is rA-onnnended thnt the primaries in the
several precincts be held on Saturday, Septem
ber 14th, at two o'clock pjn.
feecrctao. Chairman .
To whom It may concern: Believing it to be
for the liest Interests of Webster county we
wish to announce the liiiine of Henry .r'cottfor
theoliice or.sherill of Webster county. He luts
tilled the onice iu a man tier tliat is entirely ac:
ccptable to all and we w;th many others desire
his re-election. Many Votes.
Red Cloud. Sept. 4th, ISSi.
D. C.Grice takes this method of nnuonacing
to the people, of Webster county, that he will
be a candidate before the republican county
convention for the olllce of eriff. If nomina
ted and elected he promises to fill the olllce iu a
first-class manner.
For Juder.
To my mauy friends in Webster county I de
sire to announce myself as a candidute for
county Judge, subject to the will of the repub
lican convention. SAM'i. West.
I tate this method of stating to the people of
Webster couuty, that I will be a candidate for
county Judge, subject to the action of the re
publican convention. Geo. w. r.AKKKK.
Belieiug that the ieople ought t have an op
portunity to discuss the nualilicatioiis of candi
dates for public office. 1 bike this method of an
nouncing that I will lie a candidate before the
republican county comcution for the olliceof
county Judire. 1). F.Tjm'SKEY.
I hereby announce iut,el fas a candidate for
I the office of county Judge of Webster county
lorthe ensuing term, subject to the decision .f
the lepublicuu county convcntioi:.
C. Schexck.
For county clerk.
1 desne to announce uo.svlf to the people of
Wt-biter county a a candidate for the oflk e of
county clerk Mibjecf U the w ill of the republican
coiicut!o;i. All rumors that 1 :im not a candi
date are untrue If elccteil I ill tio my he.-t to
till the office In n Manner that .'!1 le Mdisfae
toiy to my const ituemie, 11. E. I'oMi.
For Count) '1 rcsiMirvr.
I hereby anouuceuij self as a candidate for
the office of couuty ticasmvr, subject to the
n-tion of tiie couuty convention. If elected, I
pro:ni.-e to administer the rJIaiis uf the office
in a pRir-cr manner and satfcfactur.iily to the
C. 15. Cj.'o.nk.
1 hereby take this mcthofi of announcing to
my friends and the cople of Webster county,
that 1 will be a candidate for treasure of
Webster county, subject to the decision of the
repeblican concntion.
E. II. .Tones.
You Cannot A flora
At this scsison of the year to in without u good
reliable diarrhoea balsom iu the house, as
cramps, colic, diarrhoea and all intlamatlon of
the stomach and bowels are exceedingly dan
gerous if not attended to at once. One bottle of
Begg's diarrhoea rulsoni will do more good iu
cases of this Kind thau any other medicine on
earth. We guarantee tt: CL.Cottingdruggis
A New Barker Khop.
S. T. VaaHoni who is well known
is this city,: sad who for the last year
has trie is liek ekewkere, hasre
tunaed to tkis city and has purchased
the barber parlors of Robert Barkicy.
He has fitted them up m nice style
and invites his old and' new friends
to call and see him. Ho will give
you a shave, or hair cut. in the latest
style of the art. 47-tt
lied hot times on Walnut and that
isn't all, it is still "heatin ."
School has commenced in district
3 with Miss Alice Downs in charge,
which fact guarraiitacs a successful
term of school.
Uncle John Stoddard is responsible
for the following: What is the dif
ference between a tax payer of to
day in Yester Co. and our present
board of supervisors. Atis: One is
pensive and the other is expensive.
Uncle John got away alive.
An ice cream fostivaltw;S ' held at
the Stone school house Satui day even
ing which was largely attended and
greatly enjoyed, the proceeds going
(or should go) to provide an iron
fence, 10 feet high around the build
ing, that it may be preserved as a
monument to the stupidity of those
who are always willing and anxious to
te bonds.
Uncle Joe Holcomb was sinking
hands with friends on Walnut last
Sunday. In a conversation in regard
to the actions . of the couuty board!
force of habit was so strong that he
unconsciously remarked: "Sired by
extravagance, dammed by everybody."
As you arc doubtless aware Joseph is
horse editor of the Democrat.
Our new road machine is here, "but
be not afraid," Sam says that if the
people will keep their shirt on until
the board of supervisors meet he v ill
"compromise" the matter for us,
probably by getting "2 machines.
II. H. Bode has been to Missouri.
While he was there ht purchased
some blooded cattle also 20 or 30
yearling mules.
The lumber for the new brides is
on the ground. The piling for the
Dry creek bridge was hauled by the
:over!and route" from Cowles To
relieve all anxiety Dennis didn't do
the hauling.
Alf. McCall is going to feed steers
this winter, having purchased over
100 head of fine feeders. It is quiet
ly whispered that slock catt.'e arc a
littie ou the rise and those having
any to sell will lose nothing by post
ing themselves.
It is reported that Tim Crowley
has sold his farm to G. W. Hastings.
If true Walnut Creek lose an indus
trious hardworking citizen who made
nobody's business but his own affair.
When a shore time ago the various
townships were numbered, Inavalc
made exceeding merry over the fact
that Walnut drew the unlucky num
ber 13. Wonder how they like it now,
there's luck in odd numbers this fall.
The republican central committee
went pretty far in designating who
were entitled to vote a, caucuses this
fall, f a man didn't vote fer lien
Harrison he is to all intends and
purposes disenfranchised and has no
'voice whatever in our county affair;.
0!i, for the Australian sjstcm of nom
inat'tig and voting. When that time
comes ;:ood live to riuusand bossistu.
I No little gang will say who fchall run
tor office and who shall not.
J. B. V.'ard and his mother returned
this week from their visit to the northern
part of the state.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A . Good went to Omaha
Monday last to attend the fair and hay
Born, Aug. 30th, to Mrs. and Mrs.
Samuel Fuller, a son.
Miss Nettie Hummel was visiting at
Mrs. Hayes' last Sunday.
Miss Minnie Peterson returned on last
! Monday from a week's visit to Axtell.
t School commenced Sept. 2nd,; Prof.
Scroll of Inavnle. principal and Miss
, Besste Wright Mi-tar.t.
1 1'iCKWICK.
6, 1889
The old settlers reunion held in J.
M. Brown's grove Friday, Aug. 30,
was well attended and the grove is a
beautiful one for shade and everything
fixed up for the accomodation of the
people, and the people and the com
mittee deserve credit. J. T. Stonefs
president of the day gave the address
of welcomn in a few well selected re
marks, the song by the choir was good.
Then dinner was called and everybody
respouded iu earnest. The baskets
seemed to be well filled with goods.
Rev. Hummel told us how fat the
prairie chickens were IS years :mo,
also, how he killed the buffalo and
went to mill, etc.
Rev. Wm. Hooper interested the
people for a short time, followed by
Rev. Shercliff, of Womer, with his
experience in Kansas. Others fol
lowed and everybody seemed to enjoy
Our new post master is quite a bus
iness man, as far as telling the neigh-
! bora what conies to his office is con
cerned. H. says the people that pa
tronize his office get lots of love let
ters, or in other words, duns. Now,
Mr. Postmaster, in the first place, we
think it out of place for you to tell
what comes to your office, and in the
second place, we believe our neigh
bors to be good straight, honest men.
although they be somewhat in debt.
Now. if they were getting their living
out of Uncle Sam perhaps they would
i-ot get dims through your office.
There are mon patrons of your office
who did as much for Uncle Sam as
you did and never asked for a pension.
Now, .Mr. Postmaster, don't tell the
public v hat comes to your office.
Guda Springs, Kan., Aug. 31sU
Editor CiliEr: As I promised to
write again and give some of my old
friends a little glance of what this
country is like. To begin with, this
is a good farming country for both
corn and small grain bji winter wheat
is the best paying crop here. They
sow their wheat in September and
October and harvest about the first
of June, then they can list :u corn
or sow millet or sugar cane, raise a
crop and put the ground back in
wheat in the fall la order to show
how wheat growing pays I will take
my neighbors crop, Mr Hammond's,
which is an average crop of 2S bit.
per acre, it cost one dollar per acre to
plow the land. 30 cents per acre to
put the wheat in with drill, i) ccn.s
per acre for seed wheat, $1.50 per
acre to cut and stack with header,
the threshing is done here by steam
machines, they furnish all the hands
aid bonrd themselves and put the
wheat in the wagon for G cents per
bu. a total cost of 5.23 per acre. At
present price 55 cents per bu. 23 bu.
j will coce to $15.40, deductcost $5J3
leaves a balance of $10.17 per acre.
The corn crop here this year is tre
mendous, better than I ever raised in
Nebraska. This, is alio a good stock
country, plenty of feed for all kinds
of stock.
Now I tnaut to say a word in refer
ence to Oklahoma, at present a man
can get plenty of land there, thcrs
are vacant claims and others he can
buy out cheap and those that wish to
secure land there now is their chance,
and perhaps it is the best time to
locate there in the full and become
acclimated to the country before hot
weather. If this does not tire the
editor and his readers I may write
again. Yours Truly,
Tnos. Vauuhs.
No. 6.
UYou Want to Ltvo tons.
"If you want the real Elixir of
life," 'says Boyle O'Reilly, "don't
take it throurh a canoe trip down a
river, or a long swim every day for a
month, or a few weeks camping out
in the woods." In other words, live
hcalthil) and naturally and don't
overtax your nerves and strength by
any kind of excesses, cither in tho
way of business or of alleged pleas
ure. Daily News.
Keoubllcatt Caueim.
The republican electors of Pleas
fi ml Tlil! tn'.Tiihin am r en nested to
th gchool ,j0U3e -n tlJstric-t
No. la: on Saturday September 14th,
1889. for the purpose of electing 5
delegates to the republican county
convention to he held at Red Cloud
September 20th. 1S89, and for such
other business as may properly come
before the caucus.
John Blaine. Chairman.
lCcpabllcan Caucuw.
The republican electors of Walnut
ereek tp., are requested to meet at
the stone school house Sept. 14th,
1889 at 2 o'clock p. m., for the pur
pose of choosing three delegates to
the county convention to-be held at
Red Cloud on the 20th, and to trans
act such other business as may come
before the meeting.
II. IIoMikedck. Chairman.
Republican Caucus. '
The republican electors of Garfield
township are requested to meet at the
Kent schoolhou-e on Friday afternoon
at two o'clock, Sept. 13, 1S8'J, for the
purpose of selecting delegates to attend
the republican convention which meets
in Red Clond. Friday. Sept- 20th. and
for the transaction of such other business
as may properly como before tho caactis,
L. DeHart, Committeeman.
Republican CnncHi.
The republican electors of Red
CIoudatownship are requested to meet
at the court house on Saturday, Sep
tember 14th, 1889", for the purpose
of ehoosing seven delegates to the
republican county convention which
meets at Red Cloud, September 20th,
and for the transaction of any other
business that may coikc before .the
mectipg. Joseph Gamier,
'Jentral Committeeman.
Republican Primary.
The primary election of the first
ward of tiie city of Red Cloud, will
meet in the front room of McMillan's
harness shop. Sept. 14th, from 2 to 7
o'clock p.m. for the purpose of elect
in:; S delegates to the Republican
county convention and the transac
tion of any other business that may
b nee-ssary.
M. B. McNitt.
Central Committeeman.
Dock MsKeeby and his outfit, like tho
stink pots of Egypt, when yon come in
contact with tneai there ltnfperf
matter how costly, that -will deoderize
the stench emitted therefrom, politically
speaking. In their last is?ue of the re
publican thev almost rend their apparel
in fragmentary pieces by their vile asser
tions that the county treasurer's office
has been ran loosely, a positive lie, nnd
none know it better thzn .the rotten
outfit who make the assertion only for the
pnrpose of prejudicing the people in their
favor, iu order to get control, if possible.
of enough votes to secure the election, of
their Candida, thereby .getting their
hands into the county funds. If Dock
McKeeby and his outfit are only:as -exact
and honest in their public capacity -as at.
B. ncSiit is, they are certairiy jewels.
Nearly all of them are usury takers, or 1iave
been. Take SlcKeeby's record as major. -How
i, that? In matter or fact, look them all over
and then ask yourself why do they want -to
get control oniieconnly furd? i'oa can rady
answer It without gating off.the witness a'.mifi.
Kh 1 Jockey!