8iSSbsw. !. - V i'ir " im - - -!& -. --- 'T7---r5E23e a ' - r " ,.- - t v"t ' r ,-? Tt ft K u 55 AH 31! f3 N s I .:.... ?..... rl. ,e I oil II IH ''"-'- -" , Read the foIIyw:ii: Sir. C. H. . ., Newark, Ark., -i.y: "Wc down wiil scessof Lmij,'i :mJ frit-xl and ph. cians pronounced me an Incurable Co. sumptive. iicBau taMii-i ur. ihj Discovery for Cmumptiun. am now on my bird bottle, sird b to oversee the work on uiy tarni. It ia the finest med icine ever made." Jesse Middkwart, Decatnr. Ohio, says: 'Had i not been for T)r Kind's New Dis covery fur Consumption I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up ly doctors. Am now in best of health." Try it. Sample bottles free at Henry Cook's drugstore. ietlsil ttatc. The B &. M lias issued a circular x of speci ii. rates for s-pucial occasions, the f ollo;vipf of hich are of more or less interest to this soctio-j. Omaha Fair and Exposition. Sept. 26. Round trip f'r one f.w, .")0 cents added for admission to tlie ground. Parade Assoc:.uii-n of Priest of Pallas. Kansas City, Oct. 1-1. On fare for io:nd trip. Twenty-third national encampment G.AK., Milwaukee, Ang.2G-31. One fare for r .! d i" - ''' pl5a' fs. .. J2. Harris, Agt. MH--.ClF?""- SAIaIS. Notice Mlion-by Riven tint "mlwn,l JV'S tueof ofanonUrof ja!e i?Mied J.y 1.. ".Fort clerk of thi'.IMMi't'Ouit in ami for Webstei county Nebraska in an actum pendm:- " court wlier.ni the Xi'in..- I-oan & 1 rust Co. is plaintiff :uii! Cfnnc 11. Spriiitrer Abraham V il liams Luanda V.'i.li mis and .MarvC. Moore are defendants I -hall ..tf i .rsale :.t imMiij cn dueforciwhiiilMml to tue highlit Judder at theea-tdo.rof the con t honv in l!ed cl'iud Webster oo.fit v Nebi.iM a.yhat btins the place where the last 'form of sail court was lioMcii onthelstd.i7oIrtPter13S at V) o clock a. m. the follow i nc described property to it. the south ea: 4i.arterlx..,'r-eciou eulu 18 in township four 4j norih of range eleven 11 west of the oth 1 m ju Webster county .Nebras ka Given nndcriny hand this 28th day of Au gust 180. II. C Scott, Sheriff. J. M. Ka:ax, VlaiiitiSTs Attorney. CKa-.t.-1 3SirtKK Sale. Notice is hereby even that by virtue of a certain chattel inurt;sue dated June M 1ns ad duly file din Hi ufiicf of the cour.iy rk of Webster county, Nebraska, on the 1 lull ilay of March 1VJ and i-vi-em-d by N. XcDanicl to John J. Garner toswun the payment of the aim of SBJM aud ii.ttre.: at the rule of ten per cent per annum from .Uinc-sMlsss with an en dorsement of fiv- do'la's.iim-13. ltss on said note and costs for k-pi'ijr. advertlMnc, and sel IhK. Default bavin. lieen uudeiu the pay ment of said Mini and no suit or other proceed inssat lwhrvi.u-lcen instituted to recover said debt oran part thereof. I will selltho uropert- h-i-lu dw-rit;-d viz: One orcau, Kimball make at public auction in front of the Mint National Baal in the city of Bed Cloud in Webster county, Nebraska on the 7th day of September IKS, at two o'clock p.m. of Mid day. IJeted this 15th day of August 1&9. By W. G. Smth. JoiiM J, GARBBB. his attorney. 3-3t Take Notice. to Charles W.Kaley, Jacob L. Kaleyand Ku- fus M. Largent. You are htrebv notified that on the 2nd day of Dm. 1887 I, L. Baum purchased at private to sale from the county treasurer, M. B. McMtt, at the court house in Ited Cloud, W ebster coun tr. Kebraska for the laxt.s of the year 1886. anountiiut to 917.13. The fo'lnuin? described Uad, sltuati'd in Weneirr uuuly NeOraska tax e in the uatse ! cb.-.rlesW. Kalcy, Jacob L Kaleyand Kofus At. Largent: the north-west K section 22, town t, ranpe to. containlnir ICO acres 0e time for redemption will expire December T. 1889. and if nor redeem'! liefore the above 4ate expires I will nuwe application for a treas urer's tax de-d. 1Baom. Take Notice. T William Arnold: You are hereby notified that on the 7th day November; MS7.I, ! llaum purchased at public tax sale from the county treasurer, M. B. McMtt. at the court-hoiiw: in Ked Cloud year 188C. amounting to .ft.. The following dewrtbed land situated ia Webster county. Nebraska, taxed in the name of William Ar nold. The noilU eu-.l.1,.l Utesoiiiu-Hcst Ji Mction C, ranKe a, town 3, west .of the 6 p. in., containing 40 acres. The tunc for redemption of said land from the Hen of said tax sale will expire November 7th, 1?), ana If not redeemed liefore the above date expires I will make application for a tieasurera tax deed. L. Bapm. 'Alike Notice To M'E. Gordon:: You are hereby notified that on the 7th day of November 187,1, L.aum purchased .at public taxsale from the county treasurer l. B. Mc Ntttatthe court iouso m lted Cloud. Webster county Nebraska, for the taxes of the year 1886. amountiUR to Szsjsr, on the following described land situated in Webster county Neoraska tax ed In the name of M K. tiordon : 1 he south-west X. south-west H section ffi. town 2. range 9, west of the 6 p.m. centKlnlujj lto acres, i he time for redemption of said land from the hen of said tax sale will expire Novcmlier 7th 1889, and ir not redeemed before llwaboie date expires, 1 will make applh atioa for tieasurer's t:x deed. Take Notice. To William Arnold: You are nercbv notified that on the .thday of Ko ember lsT. I, U llama purcliaed at .public taxsale from the county treasurer, M.B. Mc Nitt. at tlie court-house in Ked Cloud, Webhter county, NebraaLa, lor the taxis or the scar 1S amounting to fc.a". the follow uw described land situated iu Webster eouniy Nebraska, tax ed in the name of William Arnold : Tlie soutb west J of tlio southwest h. section ti. toiuiS. range v, west ol the c pja. eoutaiidn 40 and KJ leetn acres. Tne tine for ledcinption of said land from the lien ol said tax sale will expire November 7th, 18S. and It not redeemed before the above date exphc I will make application for a treasurer's tax deed. L. baum. I.W. JUU.EYS.M.1 TTOMOEOlf ATHIC 1'IiYSICIAX. U. 8. EX- M aminiim Suireon. Oflice opnosito Urst Xsilonal Bank, Ked Cloud. Nebraska. Chronie dlwistreat-! by mail O. C. CASE, .IAS. McXKNV, CASE & 7.ICNEN Y. ,. TTORNEVS AND C-aXSKLORSATLAW -" Will practice in all courts or tins, state rll:t;ousawellasIitijfatod business carefw- :ad efficiently attended to. Abstracts fumlsa- lea application. ... . . 07Firic. Over Flrt Xational Bank, bed Cloud. Xeb C. W. Kales. . J. I- Kales. 'i.l.!.S I'lim. A 1TOR X t 8 A r LASV . Agents for the B. &S!.K..laiids. tHiceonsveusTcr sireet Cloud. Nebraska. allMlMtWakh ripm myiiiwtiwilSUwir. tlel "Wteh Comftatj: SJ to wcU'taBwn tlt .1 1 m Y. Ii.i. mtmm mm Wods tiratch to OUlXiB rrr .i . n iiiihsa acrvniloua atlvezUNn This Watch I.M "flJ. bwi. imim u """ ksowtx our oisunm wio speak agoo! won iorw, and our inrrM4 tnda om Watches. JeweiTT, aurrr ware, etc, will couaHr liv! jar oar ion on m tww tbocsana or inrm amv twin Watch, TbeotUf adirerti5iEfinwhWiteli liK D I-CTClUnci-S in r-l to kltw their fntadi. It cil!i aitrntion to all our rb. THE WORKS ar tenume. hicb-f--. panuen Lilsnte, qoiek- ti-n. lint1v -ntelttMl Sin"tand. CASE tho jifjl 1it1fH nril TwrhraD 'yriifcinr traicr ana uuji yprJt fru'trnne, wamnteJ onJ s-MrarciLb-f the preai iTLebeTCt-forMraar. Ber- eie-1 cmnl. I LO mits in ritiJ'v .r trrtTMtnttf aa ' a ftnetfe cf rood faith, wfl - t ...111. -lf.A.1. 1 a I'UUUi mU I j fcj.j.ir uui UJ iWirMUilUlUUU. aiU- M ottftirasywCcn'tr'r Ioar A.T. LTANSiCO. NTT rav HMri .KR WQBMKEr 3vKy '-3ra. flPZ''''-'Vt."-VB wmmr &"rn 'w Mkm&s t 'ygv im miJJH' qt H1! $y E&i.rv i:i '.y Krai O A i $ I. v?S j v j ia yjn mnv'A'.. Ufcvtir BB?Ct-'ViC' UtM.' 4th Avenue MEAT MARKET. J.McAPTHUR, (Successor to Keep constantly of hand a full supply of FRESH AND SALT MEATS. Pays tlie highest market price for hides and pelts. Market, first door west of Post-Office. R. V.Suirey, Prcs. Henry CLARKE,Vicc-Pres. Jxo. R. Siurey, Cashiei Howard B. Cather, Assistant Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BAnK Red Cloud, Nebraska. CAPITAIi,, - $75,000 Transact a general banking business, bny and sell county warrants, alss county, precinct and school district bonds. Buy and sell forei exchange DIRECTORS: Jas. McXeny. J. A.Tulleys, G. W. Lindsey. R. V. Shircy. John R. Shirey. . F. Highland. Henry Clarke, A. J. Kenney. 0 SPi Boarding Horses' Feed Barn ! At reasonable rates. Cone one and all. THE TRAbERS LUMBER CO. WlbL MAKB POSITIVELY Lower than any yard in the world gga LEGAL NOTICE. In the District Court of Webster county, Nebraska. A. L. Funk, plaintiff. vs Christ Blanke, Farmers & Merchants In surance Co.,GaIe Sulky Harrow Mana factnring Co., A.Garber, C. C. Brad ford. J. Byintrton Smith, Nebraska Loan and Trust Co., defendants. The above named non resident defend ants will take notice that on the 23 day of January 1889 the above named plain tiff filed his petition in the district court of Webster county, Nebraska the abject nrl nnvar nf which is to foreclose two certain mortgage deeds heretofore made and executea Dy aeienaam, luanxe tutaia plaintiff on the following described prem ises to wit: the south one half of the north west quarter of section thirtyfive, (35)ton two(2)range (10) west in Web ster county Nebraska, one of said mort gages bearing date the 22d day of Sep tember 1886 and given to secure the payment of two certain notes of said Blanke to said Funk of even date with said mortKace one of said interest at the rate often per cent per annum and due November 1st 18 and .the other betas IUT euc aiuu vt cikuJ ". .TTZJTTSlZ. other of said mortgages bearimr date April 3Bth ISBB ana sivea iu ucvmo mw wwuinwwv even date with said last mentioned raortgace for the sum of fifty-seven doUan with interestat H .. m- a-. titinnvn ttu TWw-ktnrtf r 1tt 1MVL Plaintifr claims in his said petition there Is due him from defendant Blanke on said notes and mortgages the sum of two hundredsul nine and ?ve one-handredths doUara talfciBtcejrestat ten per cent per annum from Jaaaaryiatn 1889 nilVnnlhinhi that Aid land BMV be SOkl and the proceedi applied to the payment of his SglU Tjimm IIIIMj WIC UVril Ut Ilia o aaa .- ed mortgage may be held to be ftrst and the lien of his said last mentioned mortgage, the second lien on said premises that defendants nay be barred of all equity of redemption or other In terest in said premises and for all other proper and just relief. ., ., Defendants are rwpUred to answer said peti tion on or before the I6tliday of September, 18S9. A. L.TUKK. By Cass a McXony, his attorneys. "RbWpSP CATALOGUE fiff CREAMERY PAGKftOE KSSFQ CO. CREAMERY . Prop rietor. J. E. CowgilJ.) W. W. Gilbert, Wishes to notify bis friends that he has leased the Watson Barn ! Located east of Piatt & Frees Lumber Yard where he will keep ii a LEGAL NOTICE. District court of Webster county. Nebraska. C. E. Lovett, plaiutitf, Oscar T. Mitcheli. William J, Cadle, Jennie Cadle. llaunah M.Mitchell, WilUam F. Con ger, John 8. Bailey, George W Jones, John Van Valkenbnrg. W. P. Brewn, Marcello Brown, Henry H. Post, The west one-half of the south-west quarter, and the south west quarter of the north-west quarter of section twelve, town one, range twelve, west in Webster eountv, Nebraska, defendants. The above named defendants will take notice, that -on tlie 9th day of August, 1889, the above named plaintiff, filed ats petition in the district court o' Webster county. Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a cer tain tax lien for the sum of S3Gv8B now held and owned by the plainUS upon and against the said west half of the soath-west quarter and the south-west quarter of the north-west quarter of section twelve, town one, range 12 in Webster county, aforesaid, arising by virtue of the sale of said land on September 17th. 1886, by the treasurer of said Webster county. Nebraska, to one K. T. Hotchkis, for the taxes delinquent upon said land, for the yean 1874, 1J7, 1877, 1830, 1881, 1882, 18S3, and 1884, and the taxes for subsequent years, which said lien is now owned and held by this plaintiff, and it Is the further object and prayer of said petition to declare the several liens and claims of the above named defendants upon the land aforesaid junior, inferior and subsequent to the lien of plaintiff to procure said land to be told and the proceeds thereof applied to the payment oiplatntins uen ana ciaim ana ior such other, and further relief as maybe lust and equitable. The defendants are required to answer said petition ou or before Monday, theicthdayof September. 1889. By Case i McXeny, C. E. Lovett. his attorneys. 2-it SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice Is hereby given that under and by vir tue of an order of sale Issued by L.H. Fort, clerk of the district court out of the eighth Ju dicial district In and for Webster county, Neb raska, upon a decree in an action pending In said court, wherein, the Nebrasto Loan and Trust Company is plaintiff, and Chaxieji 8. Brown, Phoebe J. Brown, Mary J. Olln, W. O. Dltnlck. George . Haffle, John Doe and Rich ard Hoe are defendants. I shall offer for sale, at public vendue for cash In hand, at the east door of the court house in Bed Cloud. In said county (that being the place where the last term of court washolden) on the 3rd day .f September. 1889, at 1 o'clock p. m.. the following described property to-wlt: The west ',) uU..t .the nerth-east (1-4) quarter, and the west (K) bait of the south-eat (1-4) quarter, of section eight, and the west (') hair ot the south-east (M) quartet, and the north-east 0-4) quarter of the south-eait(l-4) quarter, aud the north c half of the south-west 0-4) quarter, and tlie cast (W) half of the north-west 0-4) quarter of sect ionV) fl v In tnvniMn .'1 ftmr. north of RlDCe (9) nine west otthe 6th P. M. In Webster county, Xe Given under my hand the 27th day of July, 1BB3. a. i, J?t;ir J , aim iu. John M. Bagan. nainuns an y. i-h Take Hatlee. -. jr"""" To William Arnold: Ji. ,tST You are hereby noosed tnat ontne ta aay 01 November 1887. 1, L. Baum purchased at public tax sale from the county treasurer, M.B.Mc Nitt, at the court house In Bed Cloud, Webster county. Nebraska, for the taxes of the year 188C amounting to $65. The following described land situated in Webster county Nebraska, taxed in the name of William Arnold. The north-west Hot the south-west H section e town 3. range a west of the 8 p.m. containing 40 and 14-lcnth acres. The time for redemption of said land from the lien of said tax sale win expire November 7th 1880. and If not re deemed before the above date expire I will make application for a treasures tax deed. I Baum. Take Notice. To WlUlam Arnold: . . You are Hereby nottnea inai on me tu huf i November JW7 1. Ia Baum purchased at public tax sale from the county treasurer, M- B. Mc Kltt at the courthouse in Ked Cloud. Webster county Nebraska for the taxes of the year issc, amounting tn ?3.90, the following described land fdliwted iu Webster eountv. Nebraska, taxed in the name ot William Arnold : TJie south-eat il of the south-west hi, section C. town 3. ranKOU, west of the p.m. eontauiinfr -10 and "u-lnotii stcres. Tlie time for redemption of said land from the lien of said tax sale will expiro No vember Tth. 18S9, and if not md-emeu before the above date expires 1 will make application or a treasurer's tax ueed. L. Lacx. m EVERY SUBSCRIBER GETS ever made. First Prize Ai AAA Al All Case Harvest $1,000. Cash. Second VI I II II I .BH in-outfit. with prize, a complete ments. Third prize, a span of Clydesdale Draught Horses. Pianos, genuine flcnber. You get any of these handsome pres ents for $2.00. This is the subscription price of the new Omaha Weekly Republican. The AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT of the Republi can, edited by EX-GOVERNOR ROBT. W. FURNAS, of the State Agricultural Bureau, is incomparably the best and brightest feature that ever characterized a western publica tion, and is itself worth the subscription price. BILL NYE'S weekly articles, illustrated, written for the Republican; pop ular short stories by the best American Authors, and many other special departments will appear weekly. EVERY PERSON a subscription rcccit and a coupon entitling him to a premium. The awarding of the prizes will In- done by an honorable public distribution, in which ALL Al AAA flfl AlAII SCKSCIMIJEKS nil! have an ei-mil opportunity to draw the )iIIUaUU llf-wll or any other prize. X" ''iM'.-tp, ImmM' articles are embraced in our list of premiums. A complete-catalogue will lie subscribers m receipt of subscription money fi Subscrilc now, lefore it is TOO LATE TO THE FINEST PKE3IIUM DISTRIBUTION EVER MADE. INow' is thetimej to subscribe. The Chief and Omaha Bepubliean one year for $2.50 with a chance in the above premiums. F. V. TAYLOR, KEEPS THE FINEST LINE OF Furniture In the city at prices that all can afford to tuj if in want of anytbi lg in his line. ppoeit Tint National Bank, Red CIob-L New Billiard HaU! P.;. Jeffers, Proprietor, RED CLOUD, - NFBRASKA. Fine tables, reaaeaables rates, aim treatmeat is oar -aotto. Come aad see as. Hacker & Parker, THE 6R00GE3 EED CLOUD, NB. a sc NOTARY PUBLIC, JPKOMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO Collections, Taxes Paid, &c. Office with the County Red Cloud, In Premiums $1,000 CASH J I. V"lvvv Vflwll steam attach Gold Watches, etc. A who remits $2.00 to the Omaha Weekly Republican, Omaha, Ne braska, by money order, registered letter, or express, will receira EYERY PRIZE IS VALUABLE HENCK Judge, Moon Block Nebraska. SI a premium. The grandest prem ium distribution Premium for Every Sub- mill Til ibs iv wiy 0uu FOR $2.00 BIgG baaflvtm oslTOTk ami MUafactloa la taa cure of OoBorThit-ft mat GIeet.Inmeriblti faelsafa tn recomi lag It to all wft-T a.J.STO-IEB.1 bINJMV Mik pnicE.ai.at. Sold by Draggiata. C. L. C'OTTIXU, A(!EXT. rAleajai ittatpapcc AT KESS-MMS t CUTRM Wen aava m aver if roa wilt state wba aaa BQ r lor iai j ctxt ma eoaante ttoetc or foraale fiinoiiiiiiari atlo Toa eaaaot daaUeata oar anew a la mart SJvereaate wfeiek can be Mat lrf tn imwil umb raealBt ot manmmm moner to aaaraman retara caaraaa. We aeae roles for aetHMaaaraa-ent free. We iaBortjQaa aiurial i(laaeoor own aaneeMa. ,-- . a-mw-rAS.MllKBCateaeIB. aWstaaoe Atlaa NaUoaal Baak. Caicaso. ti9sgamm FaakieaCata- TiMafced Scst. Set. inc open ippScaz Fee :.miz mi 3atnaJivwHii esMACBojBMV-a.ieOeB4 ICM-,. i.n'jihiH aaefel Jar laV. GeaaT aad! Cu2ren Jietoo4fcCumis.U:u". terr.c--etci nfTPIJCr-ri miirt: act-irrvn! ! fitiiiatanamoKrtIiiMcVUi!prifnir"'-.i reirFai03 Clal-3jue iiidjjisCj-. ieranac frevtuttd by dstsee iron crltej.ci VtT?-"- BB rii-r PCRFCCT l!-VAA CURE FOR - 5hi MALARIA GjfO jaTQatfaa'ieot Simmitw lT jkirnaMato oae gallon of tto kaatjr gataalatlwaaaaci. Fergr aaj Af and 2S)a5i CaabeoMdwitliorwitlMBtirita, r r t chwiptar w nwdi haw. TalArce Wir.8Mlypraiia1rtioTa;BtbT ! pwi"?. fttje)cta.ioriagp.of two tadteta tor S eta. U.S. tfa-aM Stela WWWt. AMnm, " , (MfcftfTEIgTEE,&lrtiaaaffcaV MaWH. iaowTflBwl wDaVl ataaaw ftaC aBBaaBaBaBa vZ.J Wtmtfif