The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 30, 1889, Image 5

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lrofrRi. ;
PuMNbfd evrrv I'ridav inominir i om the oSce
Ea-t Side Webster St., W tui-er -, th arid Mb.
Atenue, Ketl Cloud. eti
Absolutely Pure.
his inriler never varies. .Marvel of pare
strength and wlmlesoniene.-, more economical
thau the ordinary kiinl and cannot be sold m
comitetion uitiiilinxnu'.tirudes of low lot short
l;dit aluin or j lioophate iKWtlnrs. Sold only
lv. v.'aii street. ::. Y. .v.
1 have the agency for ten different
loan companies, and can give you the
benefit of auy of their peculiar plans
ot making farm loans. Therefore 1
can make a farm loan quicker and at
lower rates than any other agent in j
Webster county. I make option
loans or straight loans for 1, 2, 3. 4, 5.
6, or 7 years, also on first class city j
property. Compare my terms before
placinc jour farm loan, and save mon
ey and resrets. G. V Barker.
Bear Bed Cloud Nat'l Bank.
Catlicrod I'p by ChieT ltopurtrro in
And About tlic City and County.
Standard mowing machine. G. "Y.
Bow, agent. 50 2m
.Tas. McXny and 11. V. Shirey are
in Dakota this week
Mrs. B. V. Shirey and sister are
in Indiana tl:ifc week.
Go to Cottinss for your ink, tab
flfcs. paper, pens, pencils, &c.
Earl Xewtou has severed his coh
nection with Henry Cook, and gone
to New York.
The B & M train was delayed three
hou. Wednesday night by running
out of steam between. Blue Ilill and
Bed Cloud.
The Nebraska and Kansas Farm
Loan company have moved into
the rear of the First National bank,
where they have more commodious
In another column will be found the
advertisment of the Western hotel
of Denver. Tue Ciiikf can assure
all who go to Denver that they will
be treated nicely if they stop at the
Western Hotel, on 12th street.
The following people joined the
31. E. church at Amboy, Sunday last:
David F. Tronkcj, Mary E. Think
ey, Y. 31. Corbitt, Louis A. Corbitt.
Sarah Miller. A good strong chmrch
association was organized and starts
out in good shape.
In our announcement column will
be i'oand the name of Dr. C. Schenck
for the office of county judge
The doctor is thoroughly conversant
with the duties of that office and if
elected would fill it with honor to
himself and county.
Edwaid L. Smith son of E. B, Smith
of this city, was married ednesday
sight to 3Iiss LidaL. Huffman dangh
ter of our esteemed friend, 31r. Wm.
Huffman a prominent agriculturalist
on Indian creek. The happy couple
have our best wishes for a long lift;
of happiness.
V. H. .Inns, one of Our old resi-
dents of Webster county announces
himself in todays CuiEf as a candij
date for couotv.treasarer. 3Ir. Jones is
well qualified for the position baring
filled that office several times in the
early dajs of Webster county. He is
a good ubstantial citizen and will
have a strong support.
At tke last meeting of the board of
supervisors they selected Mr. Geo.
IP. Cather as representative of Web
flter county to the state fair. Mr.
Gather is a good man for the place
and requests those who wish to tend
specimen? to the state fair leave them
witli him or at The Chief office. The
time is near at hand and trie articles
will have to be fitted np by the "?h.
J lIic75w mw
J. J. Backer has gone to Illinois.
Geo. Bill of Akron, is in the city.
Ed. Bohxnan and family are in the
The fire boys are home from
Will Mitchell and family will move
to Orleans soon.
E. H. Jonet- is a candidate for
county treasurer.
Furniture of all kinds cheaper than
ever at F; V. Taylor's.
How is this. A tablet with 200
leaves for 10c at Deyo's.
Hon. J. L. Kaley and wife are
home from their extended trip east.
Beyo has a few more barrels of
machine oil which he would like to
close oat.
The little babe of Charley Smelsei's
died one day last week and was buried
on Sunday.
Deyrj Las the largest and finest line
of school supplies ever brought to
Bed Cloud.
Br. J. S. Euiigh and family, leave
next Tuesday for a sojourn in Illinois
for several weeks.
Call on G. W. Dow and get prices
on MoUoniruk or Standard mowing
luaeLines. y0-2m
The finest line of guns in the val
ley just received a A. Morharfi-j the
papuhr harlrrc man, Bed Clond.
A. K. Gowdy, and family have ar
rive.! in Bw-d Cloud. They will occu
p- E. F. Highland's handsome dwell
ing. C. Wiener, of the Golden Eagle
clothing house has returned from the
east where he has been in search of
Miss Miunie Johnson of McCook
who has been the guest of 3Irs. 31. B.
Bently or the past week has return
ed home.
I can save you big money on furni
ture and carpets. 100 different pat
terns of carpels cut without waste at
F. V Taylor's.
Cane bottom chairs for 75c each
at HaLies' new furnishing emporium,
west side of Webster street in Spokes
field old stand, Bed Clouri.
The draw near O. F. Evans resi
dence has been fixed up and graded
in good shape under the direction of
the street and alley committee.
Fine lot of new mouldings and new
furniture at Haines' furniture em
porium, new store on Webster street,
three doors south of 4th Avenue.
Gus B oats one of our most enter
prising farmers has a five months old
colt, raised this Epring, that tips the
beam at GOO peunus. Is there a man
in the state that has a colt of that
age that can beat it?
The Webster county fair should
be'tbe great center of attraction to
the'people this year. Eevery farmer
and mechanic should take an extra
interest in its welfare and try to
make it a great success.
The Helmet man's article on Miss
3Iind and 3Irt Soul, wasn't the kind
of an item that should be published
in religious sheets of that character.
Oar prohib friend should scissor with
more care and deeper thought.
J. A.Bailey of Guide Bock bad the
mirfortune of losing bis son Irving
the fore part of the week from ty
phoid fever. The little fellow was
buried on Wednesday. County
Clerk Bailey went down to the funeral.
Another one of 3Ir. Bailey's children
is sick but there is hope that he will
Mrs. Bently gave a small tea-party,
Wednesday afternoon, in honor of
her guest, 3Iiss 3Iinnie Johnson, of
3IcCook. The following young ladies
were present Miss Yeiser. Mc3Iillan,
Bellows, Goble and Ferris. After a
sumptuous repast they accompanied
the young lady to the train in
While runing to the fire Thursday
morning Henry Cook thought he
would take a band on the hose cart.
When the boys began unreeling the
hose one end of it struck Henry
tlii-owiac bis watch oat of his pocket
aad rippiag his clothing. He thinks
iust a little "fireworks' will do him
Ob Thursday morning the alarm
of fire was souaded. On investigation
it was found that the little frame
bowse where Joe Commiags lived
u n. fire. Is less thaa five miamtM
after the fire, the epartmemt was oa
!. crrnnnilii. tfarowioe water, aad
etranpe to sav saved the bsildiBg
uw .. ,
w,;i7 Tmil tbcv been five minutes!
latter would have been tonsumed.
VYhMe Name "Will probably Appear
Before the BepaMleaa Cea
veatlea for the Tart-
Tue Chief reporters have managed
to pick up the following names of
prominent centlemen of Webster
county, who have been mentioned for
the various offices in the gift of the
people. First among the list we will
mention the name of
who is well known in Webster county
and who has filled the office of sheriff
with credit to himself and honor to
the county. In fact Henry Scott is
one of the best sheriffs the county
has ever had. a perfect gentleman and
a man whose position does sot make
him feel above the common people.
No one can say naught of him, ex
cept it be that he is always true to a
friend, has a heart in him as big as a
barrel, and yet, a man who no one
can use for mercenary purposes. He
will no doubt receive the nomination
for another term.
of Batiu township is also a candidate
for the office of sheriff. Mr. Grice
is an old citizen of Webster county,
and if he should receive the nomina
tion would no doubt make a good
ofitcer. 31r. G. will have strong back
ing frem his township in the county
Several other candidates have been
mentioned for sheriff but we do not
know as to the truth of the assertion.
. We have heard the names of several
prominent men of Webster county,
any one of whom would make good
officers, we presume.
who has held the position of deputy
treasurer for the last four years is a
mnn of good ability, and a gentleman
who would manage the responsible
tffice of treasurer with an eye to the
best interests of the county. He is
a good accountant and is in every way
qualified to hold the office of treasurer.
Mr. C. his strong backing and will
go into the convention well represent
of Line township has been mentioned
as a possible candidate for the office
of county treasurer. Sir. Hummel is
ar.n of the nioneers of Webster
county having settled here when there
was still doubt in the minds of the
people in regard tothe soil being able
to produce anything. 3Ir. H. is well
qualified to fill the office although he
has lived on a farm all his life, or
nearlv so. He is a good man and
would be a creditable officer to the
of Inavale is also talked of as a can
didate for the offiee of treasurer. He
would make a good officer. We hare
also heard the name of
mentioned as a probable candidate
for the office of treasurer. 3Ir. Funk
is well known in Bed Cloud and if
he is a candidate he will go into the
convention with good backing.
It is also rumored that Col. Hoov
er, Thad. Arnold and I. B. Hampton
are candidates for the treasury.
Miss Eva J. King will be her own
successor, as it is generally conceed
ed that she has been the best county
superintendent that Webster county
has ever had. She is a lady of good
education and has brought the schools
up to a higher standard than they
have ever been known to have before.
She will be nominated and electc u
without any opposition.
There are four candidates as far as
heard from. We shall first mention
the name of
4. 11. UAILET
who has manipulated the county
clerk's office for the last four years
with ability, has made one of the
best clerks the county has ever had.
Mr. B. is a thorough scholar and
fally understands the arduous titties
of the office over which he has presi
ded fonr years. Mr. Bailey is also as
old settler having lived in ths sectioa
ever since the comnty was organized.
His owa township (Gside Beck) will
be s.lid for him and besides he will
go into the convention with very
strong backing. Mr. Bailej deserves
another term saw ha entered the nee
with the deeamation of "getting
' who ha beew Ae faithfal depatj in
the county clerk's office for four years
is also a candidate fo clerk. Harry
was an old soldier and served tnrough
the late war with honor, and is now
a candidate fer the support of the
people for the county clerk's office.
He is an honorable man, and has the
ability to fill the office in good shape.
He will also be strongly backed by
his friends.
of Blue Hill is also a candidate for
clerk. 3Ir. B. is wsll known in the
north part of the county as a man of
good ability and well qualified to fill
ine omce oi cierK. Avr. itanney re
ceived the nomination for register of
deeds four years ago and was elected,
but the supreme court decided that
the law was void as far as the county
was concerned and so he was cheated
out of it. He expects to conie into
the contention with strong basking.
who is well known in this county is
also a candidate for county clerk.
Joe has a good many friends in the
county and we presume he will come
lLto the conventiou with ?
delegation ready to battle for him
There are'four candidates as far as
heard from, any one of whom could
fill that office creditably to himself
and the people generally.
who has been in this county for sev
eral years is a candidate for county
judge. Mr. Trunkey is well qualified
to fill the office in every way and will
come into the convention strongly
endorsed by his friends
who has served te county several
years as coroner is alsi a candidate
The doctor is a good scholar and u
man whom thepeople could feel proud
of as county judge. He was an old
soldier and fought nobly for his
cDuntry. The doctor will le backed
by many friends.
who has lived in Bed Cloud for many
years and has always been a good
citizen is also a candidate for judge,
Mr. West is well qualified
for the office of county judge should
he receive the nomination and elect
ion would make an able officer.
one of our rising attorneys is also
mentioned as a candidate for county
George would
make a good
officer if elected and we have no doubt
will enter the convention with a good
substantial backing.
We have heard the name of I. B.
Stanser of Garfield township mention
ed. 3Ir. Stanser would make a good
officer and The Chief would like to
see him nominated and elected to
that office.
If there are any more candidates
for public favor we shall mention
them next week.
The Red Cloud and McCook
baseball clubs had a set-to in our city
last Friday and the score stood 11 to
3 in favorof McCook. The McCook's
used our old friend luck Lookabaugh
as pitcher, and besides had other ex
perienced players while the Bed Cloud
ine are only occasional players.
Harvest Exewralea.
Send the names of yonr friends in
the east whom you wish to visit you.
or who are seeking new locations, to
J. B. Buchanan. General Passenger
Agent of the Fremont, Elkhorn &
3Iissouri Valley B. B. Co., Omaha.
Neb,, that be may send them infor
mation relative to the :One-Fare
Harvest Excursions," which occur
August 6th and 20 th, September 10th
and 24th, and October 8th.
Electric BUttr.
This remedy is becoming so well known
and so popular as to need no special men
tion. All who haye need Electric Bitters
sing'the same song of praise. A purer
medicine does not exist and it is ttaran-
teed to do all that is churned. Electric
Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver
and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils,
Bait Rheum and other affections cassed
by impure blood. Will drive Malaria
from the system and prevent as well as
care all Malaria fevers. For cor of
Headache, Consumption and Indiftotum
try Electric Biters Entire aatiBfaetkm
gmaranteed, or moaer refmnded. Priee
SO eta. aad $1.00 per Bottle at Hear?
Cook's dragstore. 5
Miss E. K. Lawrence will organize
sad permanently establish a kinder
garten school, upon the "Frocbel"
system if a class of thirty or more pu
pils aaa be secured. Any age be
tween 4 sad 10. Taition, wisewablc
as possible. Leave answer at CniXF.
Are yoa going to buy a carpet
se do sot fail to eali and examine i
stock sad prices. F. V. Tayler.
Ited Cloud,
Successors to the
Western and Southern
Look out for
We will sell you a good
And a good Gingham for 7c
Ladies hose at 5c a. pair,
A nice dress button for 2 1 '.2c a doz.
12 yards Linen Torchon Lace,A j sv
tor 1) cents.
And while you are liking for Bargains
please remember th-at wc u gest
$1.50 Lad. Shoe Made
Call and see usand
Thanks for past
trx WW ill ii xj&jszcsz
v v Nebraska,
Mercantile Association.
bargains in
print for 5c a yd. "
we will do you
favors. Yours,
T 'B
3 ii
I ,