1 S.I VS"- J iT i-r a - fZ3USr.l z.vesiva :2fc. t ffo $? ghnut gw A. C HMSEBi Proprietor. KepaMlcan CohbIjt Ceweutfeii. Tlie republican electors of Webster county, awe requested tenl delegates from tbe several townships to meet in romcuftm at the eouit bouse in Ked timid, Friday, September 20th, 1S83, at 10 o'clock a.m. for the iwrpifec of placing in nomination one candidate for County Clerk. Couuty Trcuiiurer. County sheriff. Couuty Judge. County Siiprluteudent Tulilic .Instruction. County Sureyor. County Coroner. Also 13 delegates to the republican state con tention tube held at Hastings, Nebraska, Octo ber 3th, 188.1, and 10 delegates to the congres sional convention and to transact such other business as may properly eouie before the eon ention. The several townships are entitled to repre- sentlonas follows h-'d on the ote cast for Hon. tlcorge II. Hastings, presidential erector in 1S3S, giving one delegate at large t each town ship and one ror every 15 totes or major fraction thereof Ked Cloud Township 7 Walnut Creek Twp 3 (iuideltook 11 Ked Cloud City 1st v 8 Stillwater - 3 I Jed Cloud City 2d w 10 Oak Creek " LineTowiihlilp - 3 Potsdam " 8 iJarheUl lutin " 3 Beater Creek Twp C (Kenwood " c Elm Creek " 5 Harmony 5 I'leatant Hill " 3 Iutivale " 4 Catherton " 4 Itis ree lUimendcJthat no proxies be admitted , to seats iu the" convention except such :is are held by iiersons ret Ming in the townships where the vac mcy occurs. it is recommended that the primaries in the eeral precincts be held on Saturday, Septem ber 14th, a two o'clock pan. 1 . F.TnuHKEr, I. (. MABTijr, Secretary- Chairman. ANNOUNCEMENTS FerSfcerlft. D.C.Criee takes this method of announcing to the people, of ebstcr county, that he will be u candidate before the republican county convention for the oflice of sheriff. If nomina ted and elected he promises to fill the office in a first-clasH manner. For Jaecr. Bel!eiugthat tlie iieople ought to have an op portunity to discuss the qualifications of candi dates ror public office. I take this method of an nouncing that I will be a candidate before the republican county contention for the office of county Judge. I . F. Titcx ki:v. 1 hereby announce nil self as :t candidate for the oliire of county judge of Webster county for tlie ensuiug term, subject to the decision of tite republican county contention, ttespectfully. j. SL'HEXCK. C. Wiener. HAS JUST Prices Knocked Out JFor tlie next 60 days. Returned FROM THE East! For County Clerk. 1 desire to announce myself to the people of Webster county as a candidate for the office of county clerk subject fi the will of then-publican comeution. AH rumors that 1 am not a candi date are untrue. If elected I will do my best to till the office in a manner that will be satisfac tory to my constituencies, II. E. Fond. C. B. Crone who has been one of our honored citizens for se'eral years past, announces his name in another column for county treasurer. Mr. Crone is a thorough -gentleman and .-eehnlar and if elected to that office would fill it with ability. For County Treasurer. 1 hereby anounce myself as u candidate for the office of county tieasurer, subject to the uitiou of the couuty convention. If elected, I promise to administer the affairs of the office iu a proper manner and hatislactoraily to the people. C. B. CBONE. I hereby take this method of announcing to my frieuds and the people of -Webster county, that I will be n candidate for treasure of Webster county, .subject to the decision of the ri'Iiehllciiu contention. K. II. Jo.NK-. WITH A FULL LINE OF CLOTHING! Gents Furnishing Goods. Watch this column next week. S. F. SPOKESFJULD HAS REMO s & T5r W e r i'J Vi D and building The "Big 8" outfit have been want ing office for a long tine. In order to appease their desire and at the Mime time give them an office that in the future will be decidedly appopri ate when that much mortgaged con cern '-winks out," we hasten to no minate Dock McKeeby for coroner. He could fill that office with credit if he attended to business strictly. The Argus man winds up the infla ted big S outfit in good shape this week. They need it surely if any 'body does. Just think of it, S men -whose sole ambition is -only to gain control of the county offices in order 'to speculate on the county funds. '.Their conduct is so apparent that even some of their own ilk are goin back en them. Bide for School Ileune. The school board committee of school district No 18 Webster Co., Neb., will receive bids for the erection of a school house 20 z 32 feet. Contractor to furnish all material and labor except hauling lumber and bricks. Plans and specifications may be seen at Ino. B. Stanser's or C. L. Cottiug's drug store, Red Cloud, Neb. Sealed bids will be received by lno. B. Stanser until Friday, Sept.,6 at 7 o'clock p.m. at which time the bids will be ojmned. The board aud building committee reserve the right to reject anv or all bids. The contractor will be requested to give bonds for the faithful prefor uiance of his contract. By order of committee. N. B. Wagoner, J. B. Stanser, Director. Treasurer. THE NEW ERA EXPOSITION. St. Joseph, Mo. September 3 to October 5. 1389. Tlie Grandest Option sf Modern lie:. The greatest attractions ever offered to the public. The iiberal premiums offered for agricultural product have awakened a hearty response from the farmers, and will be worth going hundreds of miles to see. The grounds will be illuminated with thousands of prumatie lights arranged in faatistie designs, to Miller-Cottin Two doors south of his former store, anil rill now sell you goods very low FOR KrJ? XX By all means the worl d's exposition .should be held at Chicago, in 1S92, astliat city is by fa? the most accessi ble, has more railroads facilities, better hotel accomodations, &c, than any other American city. Chicago would suit the west, east, north, south, and would acco mmodate more people than any eity named. Certainly the interests of the nation could be bet ter subserved by holding the expos tion in Chicago than any where else. TnE Qeiep is for Chisago. The ".mule" editor of the "Bis 8" -outfit whose braying qualities have recently received new acquisitions . from Missouri is still bellowing aroHBd like a sickly calf, trying to explain . away the facts in Mr. Kenney'a article which appeared in last week's Chief. Of course fce thinks it ought to be suppressed, (here's too much truth in - it for him ta relish with any degree of comfort, them besides he is in the ftiabit of trywg to suppress the truth -y making malicious attacks through -fcia disreputabfo sheet upon every re spectable persaa who does not come when he whistles. The people have become tired of docky and his sore fceadcd-I-want-tc-get - control- of -the-countyfundsoutfit. Years ago the people had to fight the same gan fiercely to keep their hand3 out of the treasury, and bow the fight has to be saade over again, in order to keep the fnnds out of their clutches. Years ago they speculated oa the county lands and art making terrible efforts to do so again, aad will aot stop to spend large saas of mosey to do so, 11 of which they have beea guilty of in the past. -No docky, Tbe Chief's Keaaey article was all so, and not a word in it was tbseeas sior could it -fee constraed that way only by de signing aapriacipled awn who desire to distort facts because the truth' fcaxts tkews. No docky. some off the pedestal, attead strictly to your ated-l ical carver urn leave WMCcfvejHea ou- iftSSSsJMS.4sstttkerew.yoB are traiftiftg with, sad yoa will stake re maaey tftaa job arsaow makuur. is f oar efforts to raft politics aad a newspaper, aeitaer of which yon know BftjtkiBg aboat Yo aad your crowd ftAVfrmii-Mc their calliag. Republican Caaeae. The republican electors of Pleas and Hill township arc requested to meet at the school house in district No. 15, on Saturday September 14th, 1S89, for the purpose of electing 5 delegates to the republican county convention to be held at Ked Cloud September 20th. 1SS0, and for such other business as may properly come betorc tne caucus. Joiix Blaixk, Chairman. Bachs Celebrated Military Bana aud orchestra will give concerts every afternoon;; and evening. Seimons will be delivered evesy Sunday, by the most celebrated divines. Music by a chorus of 1000 voices. Ti jefi3 . ffcV1 -ofc-fc.. His stock will be much larger than ,.cit;toiue kept, and will he glad to see his friends at Ills ufivr place of business. S. F.SPOI.i.SFU-LD Miller-Cotting Block, 2 doors south of ok1, stand . HUGHES, BROW N CO. Reliable Eeal Estat Agents ? Investments for non-iesidents, profits larj;c.qu: !.. aaO i.. ii-.k. The following amphitheatrical attractions have been secured: A realis tic Indian fight and a mimic illostration of the Custer Massacre: 100 Apache Indians; 100 Indian fighters, under the celebrated scout Capt. Jack Crawford, and 500 soldiers will participate. ! Invest Now to Catch the Incoming tide this fall Republican Caucus. The republican electors of Garfield township are requested to meet at the Kent school house on Saturday afternoon at two o'clock, Sept. 14, 1889, for the purpose of selecting delegates to attend the republican convention which meets in Bed Cloud, Friday, Sept., 20th. and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the caucus. L. DzHabt, Committeeman. Ilalloon ascension ani parachute jiinijinK: KNa VonBIuiiieu ami Joie I law he?, champion femalu bjcieleisU; a Iay of field sjiDrt;: the celebrated Woody IJro. male iuartette; Kemp Bros. In Soman Hippodrome races; Capt. Paul Soyton in acuuatic inaneiiwrs; Uroneho Johu theeow boy kinj;; capt. A. II. Boganlus ami 3 sons in rim- -hooting. Other nttmetioiiH i".l beaunoume.t later. Reduced rates on all Railroads. Come All ! JK n. PERKY, JVc., St. Joseph, Mo. Portland property is ranidlv ahancin: Itaird of Immigration. Address Arm, 30 Ash Mi Correspondence r;i "iil!y nnwi-reil. I'ortianu. ureoa. ircferei" (I. A. IVrbeck. Willis C. Brown. Lafayette Iluts. (leo. II- Ilronn. mi liiel mrptmt Carpets!! Mrs. M. . Huffman, living two miles west of the city on the Kaley farm is prepared to weave carpets on short notice. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Leave or ders with C. Schaffoit -ft Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud, L. H. FORT, Mraager. Alisirasi! m Title Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and U" SUUKT JSU11UIS. Uavins had ten years experience in county records and one of the most complete set of Ab stract books in tbe state, we guarantee satisfaction. Yoar favors solicited All orders filled promptly. 16.BW dollar bond tiled and appro etl. Address or call on Warner & Wolfanger, n i m ing opportunity now offered to secure your Tablets, Books, Slates, Pencils and other school supplies while the stock is complete. L. II. FORT, Manages, Red Cloud, .Neb. H.CLARKE Preaident.Albny,N.YJ.A.TTJmjr, Vfoa-Prealdant Kobi. V. SHTBMY, Treasurer. NEBRASKA & KANSAS. FARM LOAN CO.. PAID UP a4PIljtL,$50,000. Ked Cloud, Neb. Albany, New York. BOOTS Boots Boots K Shoes Shoes DIRECTOlvS Mat McXit MONEY L CANED. On improved farms in .Nebnrcica and JtwMas. Monev furnuhed as soon as the ecuniy is approveo. ranctpai ana interest payable in Red Cloud H. Clarke, Alban; B.V.Shirey , Albany. New Yoric Geo R. Beach, BalstonSpa N.Y. W. H. Robeson, Albany.. X. Y. E. S. Francis, Pitteh'eld. Bit sy D.M.Piatt E. V, Highland. J. A. Tulleys M.B.McX Dm'CV'Em you that this is the time to select from the finest line lineofsclool tablets in the city- C. L. CoTTING, Druggist and Bookseller. HENRY COOK DEALIB IN WALL PAPER Paints, ODs, Varnish, Stationery, Books, Etc. Red Cloud, - Nebraska, We have removed to oar NEW QUARTERS jut North of the F. M Bask aad aow have the Largest Stock of Boots nd Shoes Erer seen ia Red Ckmd, and they will be eoid at prices that will make them go fast, in fact we are going to Sell our Goods Cheap for Cash ! We have the largest stock aad warrant oar stock. REMQvED ! J. L. Miller has moved his im- CMHII DIT Ml I in mtnae 8tock rf Un" Mder thc F- OraMCI rll. blLUlI Ben baafc, wbare voa nrariOftflK, ? karftea., saddles, bridles Adfoatattawlf to ftm;., , HMtwoBiwiof PTe wa. I will aall M - fe . SUtcfctoc, cask ,rie . wit. te. ce,ft JllterMfc WM limit ttawmmm Call mmd u. ... . lnphM..tt.r7:.li - wroa-OJOflr W ftthwr Cliv. J L. Miller, c. f s-TJ jKigMWEWi"""8""