The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 30, 1889, Image 1

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Vol. 17.
Artesian tiuter throughout the house;
Only two blocks from city tall.
1314 Ulii Si. Denver, Colo.
RATES 1 23 and $1 50 PER DAY.
The house and fnrnisaings are all new.
Elegant rooms with first doss meals at
moderate rales. First class livery and
boarding stables in connection with the
D. B. Spanogle,
Real Estate
m Red Cloud.
Marble and
Granite Worb
A. II. BROWN. I'nor.
Fine Monuments
and Headstone
Elm St. and 4th Av.. Red Cloud.
Street Cars
From the Depot
To Bradbrook'b
Photo Studin
Winer Coisiy iMxii OliicE
Complete and only set of abstract
books in Webster county. Grazing and
arming lands and city property for
Creat English Remedy.
Murray's Specific
A guaranteed cure for ail ner
vou diseases such as weak mem
ory loss of brain power hysteria
.headache pain in the back ner
vous prostration wakefulness leu
corrhfja universal lassitude sem
inal w eakuess imnotency and gen
eral h)ss of power of the tlenera
tive Organs; in elthei sex, caus
ed br indiscretion or overexertion
l and which ulumatelv lead to
Trr ana cossirMirioK. s w a
box or ix taxes for $5 00. Sent
lv mail on rxipt of price. Full
fsirticulars in pamphlet, sent
I to evury applicant
UTa'Guaraateo Six Boxen
l cureauv case. For every 53
order received vc send six boxes
itl! awntten piarautee tore
fund tlie money if our Mecific
doe not eflevt au:e. .Vdaros
sU communication io we s
xaanutEcturcrs. The Mubbay SIroicive Co.
3-5!d in Ked Hoyd by C. U COTriNC5 sole J
tg 1. 1 jj i jymMumma
aKavnnnawI2- wa&laUIi
-t, .1r - H.
LL pure
Its superior excellence proven In millions of
homes tor more than a quarter of a century. It
is used liy the United Mates government. En
dorsed ny the heads of the great universities
as the titrougest, (Purest, ana most Healthful.
Dr. Prices Cream Baking fowder doea not con
tain ainbuia, lime, or alum, Sold only in cans.
Frcmoflt, IMorn S; Mo.
(Chicago & Northwestern Railroad.)
J. TV. Dacbvbk. Local Agent.
Arrheu leaves.
I'asscnger J:t5pL. 330 p.n
Accom. and Freight 3:05 p.m. 5.-00 pjn
via Northwestern mute.
Arrives at York5-.! p jn, Fremont 8:15, Ona
Iia. 9-Sti p.m. Chicago, 12:00 m. St Paul 9:30 an
leaes Cliicago 5p.BL Omaha iM am. ar
rives at Hastings J;4So.tu.
Oma xe. St. Fan), oux
City, and an points
Tlieoluy line to southern Nebraska, Dakota.
hot Spring, the Black Hills, and
Central Wyoming.
Through tickets and baggage checked to des
tination. For rate, time tables etc, call on
J. B. lUBr.! kb. Agent.
Hastings, Neb.
II. . BCftT, J. i:. BC1I !SAX,
Oeu. Manager. . tleu. Pas. Agent.
Onrfbi, Nel.
First door north of City Bakery, re
fitted and thotoughly equipped We
respectfully solicit your patronage
guaranteeing ?tisfa'ion in every case.
Our Motto: Will be to please all
who give 'is their trade- All work
done in a nrt-clus manner and in the
latest fad ot the profession.
Denver to Chicago,
Denver to Kansas City.
Denver to Omaha,
Omaha to Chicago,
Kansas City to Chicago,
Omaha to St. Louis,
Through tickets over the Burling
ton Route are for -oate by trio Union
Pacific, Denver A Rio Grande end
all other principal railways, and
by aii agents of the "Burlington
For furthar information, apply ta
ftnj asontjoz to
P. S. EUSTIS.CcnlTrtAp-t,
i ii iiiiSS
"? Hn Y!lTl TlTeig
Red Cloud, Webster County,
Of the PlalDM, TccmlBs With Euter
prlar, Properlt' and Nucceaa.
On last Wednesday the editor of
The Chief in coiupacy with the Hol
land hose company departed for the
Magic City of the Plains to take part
in the fireman's tournament and to
view the picturesque scenery of Colo
rado. In due season the fire boys
arrived in Denver and were assigned
to positions on the ground?, but un
fortunately were unaole to take any
premiums from the fact that the
judges seemed inclined towards fa
voring the Colorado teams to the ex
clusion of all foreign teams, and in
many instances they wantonly fixe d
the time to suit themselves without
regard to facts. Our boys however
made fast time, but were successfully
counted out and at one time it looked
as if the tournament might come to
an abrupt end by some of the unjust
discriminating on the part of the
judges. However peace was accom
plished by devious methods and many
promises and continued on until the
day came for ending. In justice to
many people of Desver, the manner
of conducting the tournament was not
approved of and generally condemned
as being decidedly unfair to compet
ing volunteer companies from other
states. However, aside from the
iii one of the most charming cities on
the continent, and is growing far be
yond the expectations of her greatest
admirers. Improvements of all kinds
are going rapidly forward, new dwell
ings by the hundred and business
houses by the dozens, are being erec
ted just as fast as money and labor
can accomplish the work. The cable
company are laying track in nearly
every important street and soon Den
ver win nave the benefit of rapid
transit in as good shape as any city
in the country. Denver is the pride
of every one of her citizens, and noth
ing short of Denver's prosperity will
satisfy them in their race fcr wealth,
ambition and happiness. She has all
kinds of manufacturing enterprises,
among the most important are her
mining interests, as a visit to the
great smelting works will readily
show. The city of Denver is certain
ly the wonder of the day, as her sur
roundings, which go to build up most
cities are conspicuously absent with
the exception of her mining interests.
The agricultural prospect is not de
sirable from the fact that the soil ap
pears to be anything but productive
except where irrigation is resorted to.
However the absence of good land ad
jacent to the city dues not seem to af
fect the growth of the place as she
steadily goes ahead, and every
year shows many hundred, added to
her all ready large population. The
nearly all, put up at the Western ho
tel on 12th street, which bj the way
is one of the best general . hotels in
Denver and from there the Nebraskans
radiated to all parts of the city and
to the various mountain resorts to
cake in the scenery of which Colo
rado has many places of interest most
of which has been told and retold,
and yet has many fascinating fea:ures
to those who have many times visited
those places. The trip up Clear
Creek can on. to Georgetown, Silver
Plume and Graymount are features
that make the imaginative mind won
der over and over again how. the first
settlers could ever have the nerve to
leave home and friends and go to
sueh a barren waste, but now things
Neb., Friday, August
arc differently shaped, instead of thc
old California stage road half way up
the mountain side, a good railroad
traverses the foot of the ranges up to
Greymount passing through many
thriving citie?. This railroad and
especially the Georgetown loup whieh
rises to an elevation of 700 feet in a
mile is the admiration of all sight
seers, and the engineer sUll is simply
to be wondered. The canyon every
where is dot ted with mines, miner's
cabins and mining machinery, and
some of the richest mines in the world
are located at Silver Plume. At
Greymount, -Grey's Peak" and the
"Big Professor" mountains were only
a little way distant but nene of the
crowd had any desire to ascend these
somewhat famous mountains. There
are many other places of resort not
ably, Pikes Peak, Manitou, Colorado
Springs, Leadville. ate, etc., a de
scription of which we have not the
space to note. The trip was a very
pleasant one and the Red Cloud peo
ple Made the best of it enjoying it
hugely, vowing that in the near
future they would tike in the beau
tiful city again.
Ya Caaaot Attra
At this season of the year to be without a good
reliable diarrhoea liaison In the house, as
cramps, colic, diarrhoea and all Intimation of
the stomach and bowels are exceedingly dan
gerous if not attended to at once. One bottle of
Begg's diarrhoea halsora win doarare gidhi
cases of this kind than any other mediciLc on
arth. We guarantee it. C. L. Cotting druggist
Mr. Kenyon and son of Hudson, i
Mich., is visitiot; H. G. Sawyer and
Charley Hunter has gone to Omaha
with cattle and hogs. Charley is
putting a nice line of hardware in his
store and is getting a good trade.
Business is improving.
Mayor Irons is unloading several
carloads of lumber.
E. A. VauDyke is building a nice
residence north of town.
Mr. Frank Coulson has returned
from California and will move in Mr.
Orrhard's house for th epresent,
Mr. Wilis from the south side is
showing some corn over 23 feet high.
Farmers arc threshincr in this
neighborhood and the oats are not
turning out as well as expected.
A couple of our enterprising farm
ers got -'hot" over a business trans
action the other day in Sawyer's store
and iavited each other out to settle
the matter, but they coolel off as
soon as the outsid: atmosphere struck
There is some buzzing in the air
arQnd here, partly mosquitoes, partly
Mrs. Knight has gone to Milwau
kee, and G. W. looks forlorn.
Mr. Hart well of the cheese factory
has just got cut a good dividend fo
the month of June which makes the
patrons smile. Fbankie.
WhT Is It
That people linger .along always complaining
about Uutteoutiutul tired feeling-.' One bottle
of Begg's MoimI purifier and blood maker will
remove this feeling, give them a good appetite
and regulate digestion. C L. Cotting, drogst
Cancers can b cured, having devo
ted a good deal of time for the last
85 years to the study and cure of can
cers, and having never in one single
instance failed where I had the pa
tient before the cancer commenced to
eat and agrafe, and many where they
had commenced. Come right along
dear friends to my house and I will
send you home in five days rejoicing.
If 1 cannot cure you I will tell you so
like au honest man. References;
John Stoddard, Walnut creek, Xeb.j.
Mr. Bearlsler. Logan, Kan, 3Iy
honse is 12 mile? south of Red Cloud,
in Smith county Kansas.
43-tf J. L. Elliott.
30, 1889.
IVondrrful ElletK of the Elixir of
To the Editok: My dear sir. I hapten
to coxnmricate to you certain fncts con
nected with the use. by a number of our
people, of the "Elixir of Life" thu great
estand mot wonderful discovery of the
great Dr. Brown-Sequard the French
chemist, whoso achievment is destined to
revolutionize the .physical world in that
this mystic compound restores the youth
of the oldest man in the world if be will
only have the courage to stand for a
while the jeers and scon's of this age of
unbelievers. As an exemplification of
what I Lave been saying, an advance agent
of an enterprising firm called upon a
number of onr eldest and most influential
citizens last night, and after delivering a
rattling harrangne to a lot of joUy old
chaps, finally got their consent to try
as they supposed humbug o the first
water. By mutual understanding each
old fellow was to swallow jost one drop
of the tlirlr at precisely 10 o'clock and
then retire for the night. Wherefore
about a dozen of the jolliest old boys in
town swing off into dream-land a couple
of hoars earlier than asuaL and dreamed
their divers dreams until the early crow
ing of the cock, when, strange to relate,
the villagers were awakened by the sonnd
of tramping feet on th board walks,
shoats of laughter and snatches of school
boys songs such as were only familliar to
the oldest inhabitants alike with these
roistering songsters of tho early morning.
The entiro village was finally aroused and
then the fen began. Of course, those
not on to the racket thought the old fel
lows were out on a bum. The scene was in
some instances grotesque. One old fel
low had his shoes off and with his suspend
ers tied around him, was climbing a tele
graph pole, another had climbed a ladder
::nd was robbing a pigeon's nest under
tho eves of the grain elevator, another
was toning a neighbor's eat. another
robbing a plum orchard, and another
trying to back a backing pony. By and
by the tmnd of a tin horn was heard,
and in a i?w moments the old chaps ca me
dodging in and oat of streets and alleys
speeding like racers in the direction of
the sounding bogle. Once on the ground
and the f nn began. Hats, coats, vests and
shoes came off in a twinkling and oat
onto the common- went the old boys for
a romp. They jumped, turned hand
springs, idayed leap-frog etc. until their
families crime and besought them to
return to their homes. Bat it was bo go
until they werep roi:;ised immunity
from being kept in doors a moment alter
breakfast should have been disposed of.
And oat of the round dozen, it is said, not
a single old lad could be induced to enter
the house with his hat and shoes, bat hid
them away outside the enclosure. Weil,
at this writing (I p.m.) we can hear the
songs, whoops, and boisterous laughter
of this happy little band of adventurous
old citizens who are sanguine in the be
lief that they have struck a good thing.
The agent is still here offering to bet a
hundred to one that the youth of these
old boys will be thoroughly restored "inn.
fid? of six months, and another clan is'
being formed for experiment to-night.
Meanwhile onr doctors look on with .con
siderable disgust, but as a rule have
agreed to await furture results. Now if
this great discover proves to be half
what ia o confidently claimed for it, how
the world will be revolutionized. I will
report fcrtnre progress in the premises
from time to time, so that your readers
may have the bottom facts. But, ray dear
sir, dont hIIow any of yonr obnoxious
contemporaries to get hold of a bottle of
this rejuvinating cordjne, least they drink
and live forever. W1
Sincerely yours,
Brrx WnxouoHBr.
The Omaha Fair and Exponlttoa.
The F. E. & M. V. railroad will
sell excurhion tickets September 2nd
to litn at $3.05. Good to return
September 7.
All person that have killed wolves
or coyotes in Webster county during
the present year arc entitled to $1,00
from the Sate for each animal so
killed. Certincata of county clerk is
nccsss&ry. Red Cloud. A"'.ig. 27, 1SS0.
" J. II Bailey.
- m itiiwaw WMgr
No. 5.
Old settlers rennion no FrMay
Judging from 4tho ay some of par
boys are building new houses tliero will
be some weddings very soon.
Quite a number of our young married
men have built this summer. Chas.
Davis built a new house, Chas. Barrett
has built one, S. Billings is laying his
foundation, James Gillis is getting ready
to build and Mart Payne has made the
I cage and caught the bird but we did cot
taste the cake.
James Billings and wife are vuiting
with his father.
Lyman Stono has gone to Colorado to
f his farm-
J. M. Brown painted the town of Leb
anon red. Sid.
The Pride of Woman.
A clear pearly and transparent skin is al
ways a sign of pure blood, and all peieons
troubled with dark, greasy, yellow or blotched
skin can rest assured that their blood is out of
order. A few doses 0r Begg's blood purifier
and blood maker will remote the cause and the
skin will become clear and tauisnrent. Try it
and If satisfaction Is not given it will cost you
nothing. It is fully warranted. C.L. Cutting,
Mrs. C. W. Fuller, Mian Chloo and two
of the smaller children started on Mon
day last for Iowa to visit relatives.
L, C. Bennet started last Taeaday -for
HL. to visit relatives, Ha took his two
little boys with him.
School commence next Monday. Jar.
Scroll, Principal, instead of Mr. Miller as
stated last week.
O. B. WeOs of Lawrence was vUiting
in Cowles the first pirt of the week.
Miss Flora Brcwn retarned to her JiMne
near Cowles last week. She has been
spending a year in New York state.
Rev. J. M. Steely has bought property
in Cowles and will return soon.
Rev. W. D. Page and wife returned to
their home in Curtis this weak.
BuekllH' Arnica Salve.
The best sa've in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, ealt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns: and all ekin emotion, and
positively cure, or no pay required.
it is guaranteed to Hive perfect satis
faction, or maney refunded. Price
25 cents per 1kx. For sale by Henry
Featherly & Aults dealers in new
cider, apples and peaches. Also
grape juice at 50 cents a gallon. In
Featherly building. no5-tf
Dr. Jaque's German worm' oases
destroy worms and removes theai from the ays
tern . Safe pleasant and effective.
Good mothers use Dr. Winoheli's
teething syrup for children with colds, -M:e
tlireats, and to regulate the bowls.
Uncle Sam's uerre and bone lini
ment will relieve uprains, bruises, neuralgia and
rheumatism. Dr.O. L. Field. No. East -Maple
Uncle Sam's condition powders
the best for horses, cattle, hogs and poultry.
Get the beat. EUorts dayfjght
liver pills, for sour stomach, lorpid liver and
Cure your coughs and colds with
Eilerts tar and wild cherry. All druggists keep
t. Large bottles fifty crnts and one collar.
Happy Home blood purifier .Is
the people's popular mediriue for purifyingthe
blood and malarial diseases etc. Larye bottles
fifty cents and one Collar.
Special Mate.
On August G to 20, Sept. 10 to -24,
and Oct 8. the B. & M will sell reend
trip tickets to point in Colorado. Mon
tana, Utah, Wyoming and Idah foor
one fare for the ronnd trip.
. E. Harris, Agt.
A Sew Barker 8hp.
S. T. Van Horn who is well taown
in this city, and who for the last fear
has tried his luck elsewhere, has re
turned to this city and has purchased
the barber parlors of Robert Berkley.
He has fitted them up m nice style
and invites his old and new friends
to call and see him. flo will give
yoa a shaye or hair cat in the latest
style of the ar.'. 47-tt
- -
Tho greatest wonder of the JOth
century, a carpet exhibitor showing
just h ot a carpet will look ivh'jnrtn
the floor st F. V. Taylor's.
i 9