&jaVjjjatiwKtt& .& i.'sS!' ecwc?xc4 t i c si s i T8 t y C it m f fe ? had &hf. A. C HOSIER, Freprlctcx Published ever)' Friday morning from the 'Office East Side Webster St., between 4th and K h Avenue, Red Cloud, Neb. POWDER Absolutely Pure. his powder neer varies. Manel of pure dtrengtband wholesomeness, more economical than Uie ordinary kind and cannot be sold in competiou with tlia multitudes of low test oliort lghtalum or -liophate powdors. Sold only In cans. KOYAL BAKING rOWDEK CO. IOC all street. N. Y. City. FAB9I LOANS. I have the agency for ten different loan companies, and can give you the benefit of any of their peculiar plans of making farm loans. Therefore I can make a farm loan quicker and at lower rates-than any other aguut in Webster county. I make option loans or straight loans for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 years, also on first class city property. Compare my terms before placing your farm loan, aid pave Tn- ey and regrets. G. W. Barker. Rear Red Cloud Nat'l Bank. SPLINTERS atfcered Up ly Ckler Reporter fa And About tle City County. Mrs. Will Smith of Naponce was ia the city this weak. -Standard mowing machine. G. "W. Dow.asent. 50 2m Mrs. Allshulet- has returned home from her visit at Omaha. Geo. Barker, Esq. is said to be a candidate for counijr judge. Deyo has a few more barrels of machine oil whirh km would lke to .close cat. J. A. Tullcvs and wife have re- trnedsl.omc from their trip to Min nesota. Deyo Las the largest and finest line of school supplies ever brought to Red Cloud. Dr. MoK-nville is moving into the Chambers tesidence in tka north part .of the city Call on G. W. Dow and get prices onMcCornrck or Standard mowing machines. 5--m "The finest Rne of guns in the val ley just received a A. Morharfc's, the popular hardware man, Red Cloud. A big game of base ball takes place this afterneen between the Red Cloud team and tke McCook club. The -cells in the new jail are all ready for prisoners just as soon as the building is accepted by the county board. I can save you big money on f urni tare and arpets. 100 different pat terns of carpets cut without waste at F. V. Taylor's. Mrs. Alden has moved her millin ery store into the Moon block, where The Chief wishes her success. Her new quarters are much nicer. Frank Kcuhn has just returned home from 3Iissouri. By the way Frank is a good fellow and the only republican among a large family of democrats. The Blue Hill Leader suggests the name of Jeff Ward as democratic ommce for county Judge. Now, CL Thomas Jefferson Ward, jedge, womldn't sound so bad. --. anitMent was created tcnoA &AKIH r y-y' H V&tfii hm : r"- rzriLMiLm nvr the KMamtn" i.-"t a"iV-. - i.-i.- -:n V? 'J-3 MlUnC Ilguva n ky some parties v trouble for the i5? S-2 IsMwtin-- them use the jAm dam can oe replaced te time before ttcy t F. A. Harmon of Bloomington was in the city this week. Furniture of all kinds cheaper than wrerat-Fj V. Taylor' Frank Falkenburg has a position on the Franklin Republican. The republican ecntral committee met at .Blue Hill Thursday. John Tomlinson's fine herse "Ed die" valued at 13,500 died this week. Mrs. L. H. Deyo has gone to Wau- scon,:Ohio, on a visit to her parents. Mrs. Alden has gone east to buy goods for her millinery store this week. A. large number of our boys go to Hastings on the 24th U see Fore- paugh. Jim Blair, an old resident of Red Cloud, but now of Almcna, Kan, is in the city this week. There was a surprise party on Rev. Tsggart Friday evening last. A large number were present. The matinee races at the fair grounds -Saturday last were a grand success and were largely attended by our people. David Kcsler, II. E. Sanford and "W. M. Viacher was in Burr Oak this week figuring on a larc contract ia that burg. The fire department accompanied by several of our citizens took in Denver this week. They will have a pleasant time. Cane bottom chairs for 75n each at Haines' new furnishing emporium, weht side of Webster street in Spokes field old stand, Red Cloud. A large number of G. A. R. boys went t Hastings Monday to attend the iuncrai ot Hon. James Laird which took plaee in that city on that day. Fine lot of new mouldings and new furniture at Haines' furniture em porium, nevf store on Webster street, three doors south of 4th Avenue. Gus Roats has commenced suit against the Amboy Milling Co. and otheis for d-imagee, alleging :s u conrsc tct they sold Ima cholera hogs. The editor of this Great Family Weekly has gone west for a couple of days, cad should anything bz mis placed or misstated please excuse hitste and a bad on. J. fi. CowL'ill and Itoy Hutchison have gene (o the Black Hills to look up a locat:on. The bos left Mon day soon, overland. Wc hope they will meet with success in their jour ney. The couaty uads should aim to put in substantial bridges when they build them. Good pile hutments arc what should be used iu every instance as our streams arc so turbulent when they do raise that the mad rush of waters takes everything before it. The north end of the river bridge should receive the prompt attention of the road overseer. A team cross ing there has to jump off about a foot or two, and in guiug south it is almost impossible for a team to p ult a load upon to the bridge. It should be fixed at once. Wi have had mailed to us a copy of Hon. G. R. Chaney's lecture ou"A Future Life." It has been printed in pamphlet form and is an article that should be read by every citizen of Red Cloud. The article is full of literary meat and ably written, and is a clear statement of facts. Alf. McCall, one of The Chief's good democratic subscribers had the misfortune to have his team run away on last Tuesday while he was connn" to the city with hogs. When the team passed over Buffalo creek they upset the waon and out went the hogs, nis wagon and harness were badly wrecked. In this issue we announce the name of Harry Pond for county clerk Mr. Pond is a well-known citizen of Red Cloud and an old soldier, having enlisted when at the age of sixteen years, serving through the late war at the end of which he received an hon erable discharge. Mr. Pond is a wor thy citizen and we have no doubt will receive proper recognition at the hands of the republicans of Web ster county at the coming county convention. Lecttirc. Rev. Fox will give" a lecture in the Presbvtcrion church this coming Sab bath evening. Subject. The book of John. All arc envitcd. Congressman Laird's Death. Although the death of Congress man Laird has been expected for some time, the news will be a shock to many people in Nebraska. His physique was so powerful, his vitality up to the begimng of bis long illness so supcrabundaat, that it seemed al most impossible to conceive of him dying at an age when most men are just begining to live. Laird was a picturesque and strik ing character. He was full af a dra matic intensity which was very at tractive. He had to an extraordinary degree that peculiar quality which is known as personal magnetism. His mind was a rich one and his com mand of striking metaphor was un usual. He was a brilliant speaker and his conversational charm was exceedingly great. His influence over those mith whom he came in con tact was immediate and strong. Nat urally aggressive, he was a frank and a manly fighter, a forgiving enemy and a loyal friend. There is no need for reading a homily over l;s coffin. He was what the Almighty made him, and training would have had' little influence in modifying his chaotic nature. He lived every moment of his life up to the time he was stricken down. If he had been in any way different he ou!d nothavceon Jim Laird. Neb raska loved and admired him for what he was, and ranch of the charm of his nature was due to the very un eveaness which hyj.crcriticism would cali a fault. For his years he had accomplished much. lie was a galUnt soldier when not much more than a boy. In his relation to the public he did his duty. His seemed to know things by a sort of inspiration. It his with profound regreat that melancholy news of his death will be received. Omaha Rep ublican. James Laird was born at Powlerville, Livingston conn r, New York, Jane 10,1849 and several years later accompanied his parents to Uichigau, residing in Washte naw and Lenawee counties. He enlisted July 24, 1861, in General Stocton's Inde pendent infantry, allien a year later was changed to the Sixteenth Michigan in fantry. He enliste-J as a private, but was promoted to second lieutenant of Company G, for gallant and meritorious conduct, and lcts than a year later to captain of the cr.iupauy, serving until a -stercd out August "5. 1SC3. Dnring service in the war he revived four mus-kot-shots wouuiK and a puber cut, the ator at Liurel Ui!l, Va., May 8, 1864. At the battle of Gaines Hill he was shot n.w.-xii he body an! '"ft f :r dead on tho field; was picked up bj the confed erates, made prisoner, bnt thirty days later made his e&cape. After the war he tnrnad his attention to the study of law at the Weslyan college, Adrian, Mich. In 1S68 he went to Ann Arbor university, Michigan, and continued his studies there. He graduated in the law college with the close of the term of 1871, and in Jane of that year was admitted to the Michigan state bar, after which he practiced law for a short time at Lansing. He came to Nebraska in July, 1872, located at Juniata and at once began the practice of law in partnership with A. H. Bo wen. In 1877 he associated bimelf with B. F. Smith. In 1879 the firm moved their law office to Hastings. He has alwajs taken an active interest in state politics, was a member of tho state constitutional convention of 1875. and in 1880 was one of the regublican pref ideutial electors of Nebraska. -In 1882 he was nominated by the republicans of the Second con gressional district, and elected to the Forty-eighth congress, receiving 12,983 votes as against 10,012 cast for S. V. Moore, the Farmers' alliance candidate, and 3,010 votes cost for F. C. Harmon, democratic candidate. Renominated in 1884 for a second term, he was re-elected by a vote of 21,181 rates against 17,650 votes for John 8tickle, anti -monopoly candidate, and 1,176 votes for B. Crabbe,' prohibitionist. In 1886 he was again re nominated and re-elected to the Fiftieth congress by a vote of 21.373, against 16,215 votes for McKeighan, democrat and anti-monopoly. In November last Mr. Laird was elected for the fourth time, to the Fifty-first congress, by a vote of 27,650 against 19,120 for Hastings. Mr. Laird was not married, and no immediate relatives survive him. An editor in Iowa, being asked if he ever saw a bald headed woman, replied: "No, wc never did. Why should we? No, we never saw a woman waltzing around town in her shirt sleeves, with a cigar between her teeth, stopping in every saloon she saw. We never saw a woman go fishng in the mountains with a bottle in each pocket, sit on the damp ground all day, and go home drunk at night. Neither have we seen a women yank off her coat, spit on her hands, and say she could whip any man in town. No. God bless her she isn't built thatwr.v. JI7DSON. Editor Chikf: The Republic pub lishes a market report which it tells usis"corrected every Friday morning." In this report it quotes live hogs at 3,C03.75. Now the writer and many from this neighborhood called at Richgrdson's office on Friday and were informed that he would pay $1.60 for the best hogs . This report has run this way for months. Is it fair to publish a report from 15 to 25cts higher than i. ically paid to mislead the seller or is it worked in theintere3t of Mr. Richardson one of the owners of the Republican? The facts are that the buyers at Lebanon paid farmeis from this place thirty-five cents more per hundred than Mr. Richardson offered the same day and that day was Friday the date of the revision of the Republicans report. Red Cloud is a good town to trade in but we all sell our hogs at Lebanon. Sam. C. Cather of this county called in and investigated the contracts of the Pauly Jail Company with Adams county for the purpose of comparing the same with the dealings of the same company with Webster county. He found that they are to put in for that county seven si eel cells and two female cells or its equivalent for the sum of $5,457.18; that there is to be 11 guard windows and the plate is to be inches thick, all bars being 2 x inches. The latter being their heaviest work. For putting in two cells and two female cells in this county they receive $6000, both labor and material being less than one-half what they do in Adams for $5,457.18. They also offered to do work of a lighter grade, possibly the same as they do in this coudty for $4,690 or to discount either job $350 if allow ed to use chrome iron instead of steel. Hastings Ex. The railway project from this city to Salem and Burr Oak is a good one and should be worked for all that is in it The survey is now being made and wc hope it will result in another railway for us. A. man who says we do not need another railway is either against the town, or partially insane we should jud-ie. The Chief is for railroads. True we have already one of the best lines in the country, but if anutbur line will make the town grow, which it wouldundoubtcdly, why then, new railroads should be encouraged. A man who fights the enterprises of his city should be treated as he deserves. At the republican central commit tee at Blue Hill yesterday the fol lowing action was taken: Sept. 14th at 2 p.m. was the time fixed for hold ing the caucus. The convention will be held at the court house in Red Cloud September 20th 1889, at 10 a. m. Each precinct will be entitled to one delegate at large and one for every 15 votes or major fraction thereof cast for George H. Hastings ror presidential elector. Jackson, who defrauded Ed. Parkes out of about $200 or more by selling him mortgaged property, was senten ced to two years in the state prison of Missouri for trying to mortgage another man's farm for $3,000 near Platte City Mo. He is a tough case, and when he gets through with "mis ery" he will bo given lodgings at Lincoln, and dieted on salt water for a number of years which we hope will have the effect of disposing of a portion of his freshness. We are informed that the road running north to Batin school honse is in bad shape, so bad that many of onr farmer friends cannot haul a loid of grain to this city, thereby keeping some trade out of Red Cloud. This will never do. The merchants should help and see that the road is put in travelling shape so that the farmers can get to town with their produce, which at present is going to Bine Hill and other towns. It will make many dollars in your pockets. Harvest Excwralw. Send the names of your friends in the east whom you wish to visit yon. or who are seeking new locations, to J. R. Buchanan, General Passenger Agent of the Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley R. R. Co., Omaha. Neb,, that he may send them infor mation relative to the "One-Fare Harvest Excursions," which occur Angust 6th and 20 th, September 10th and 21th, and October Sth. NEW YORK Moon Red Cloud, v Successors to the Western and Southern Look out for DRY GO BOOTS and SHOES. We will sell you a good print for 5c a yd. And a good Gingham for 7c Ladies hose at 5c a pair, A nice dress button for 2 l-2c a doz. 12 yards Linen TorchonLace, 1 inch Jwide, for 20 cents. And while you are looking for Bargains please remember that we sell the Best $1.50 Ladies' Shoe Made. Call and'seeus and we willj do you good1. Thanks forpast favors. Yours, f CHAS. SCFAFFNTT. STOR Block, v Nebraska Mercantile Association. bargains in rfStSs. CMW1 jg .2 NOTIONS. w ;.' t. w .aft.. """ftyy -T k W'Vi -f "rM -