. -f 1 1 I ! vytl lea .. &10H, tv- j..c. nos3u:it. - d lmj. Proprietor. ANNOUNCEMENTS PerSacria. D. G.Gtice takes tbis method of announcing to tlw people, of Webster county, that he will he a candidate before the republican county eoarention for the office of sheriff. If nomina ted and elected he promises to All the office In a first-class manner. For Jadse. Believing tltat the people ought t have an op portunity to discuss the qualifications of candi dates for public office. I take this method of an nouncing that I will be a candidate before the republican county convention for the office of ceantyjudge. D.F.TacxKEr. For County Clerk. I desire to announce myself to the peopte of Webster county as a candidate for the office of county clerk subject to the will of the republican convention. All rumors that I am nota :candi date arts untrue. If elected I will do my best to till the office In a manner that 4wiu 3e sausiac tory to my constituencies. H. E. Pokd. mcNeay for Coagrraa. Now that there is a vacancy in the 2d congressional district, brought about by the death of Hon. James Laird, The Chief desires to suggest the name of a man from Ked Cloud who could fill that important place with honor to the district and his name is the lion. James McNeny. Kr. MeNeuy is iu every way tuny qualified for the position. He is a lawyer of ability and gained a state reputation for being among the best legal talent of the west. He has a thorough kuowledgc of the ueeds and demands of the "Big 2." There is not a man in the district that could fill the vacant scat with more ability and honor that the Hon. Jas. McNeny. Johu Sull.'van was np before a Mis sissippi court for prize fighting. The judge sentenced him to one year in the county jail. However John ap pealed the case to the supreme court, &e bond and loft for Boston. It will be an easy matter for him to for feit Lis bond of $1500, than go to jail for a year. It should not be said however that he docs not deserve pun ishment, tor he docs as do all prize fighters. The Lincoln Call's low-bred assault on the Hon. James Laird, should be frowned down, and a paper of vhat character should not be countenanced. A man's faults should be baried with him. It is anything but brave to make an attack upon a man's record or character after bo ha been con signed to the tomb. Peath ought to settle all questions and the mantle of charity should bn thrown around the life that has passed to the great court on high. Hea, Janca Laird Dead. Oar community was somewhat tartled on Saturday afternoon by the news of the death of the Hon. James Laird, congressman from this dis trict. Mr. Laird bad hundreds of friends and admirers in this city and eounfcy who will fed greatly grieved over his immature death. He was a soldier true, and the G. A. R. boys Had become used to looking upon him as a great leader, all of which he was, never letting an opportunity pass to help the boys who wore the blue. He was a whole-souled genial man. wbose big heart went out in sympathy to the distressed, in fact he was one of the people. Lofty po sitions in life did not bother his head to that extent that he could not ap preciate where the honors came from that were thrust upon him time after time, lie appreciated all of those things, and his elevation to such high and responsible places did not make him feel above his fellow man, hence his thousands of friends and admir ers among all classes rich and poor. Alas! he's gone, the angel of death has come and taken one of the shin ing lights of onr state. Let his body rest in peace while his memory will be ever cherished by those who knew him best He was a brave soldier, a noble man, a true patriot and a citi zen of inestimable worth. Thus the bright and promising career of James Laird is suddenly cut short by the hand of.death. Peace be to his ash es. sEraaaaaaaaam,a W. W. Gilbert, Wishes to notify his friends that he has leased the Watson Barn ! Located east of Piatt & Frees Lumber Yard where he will keep Boarding Horses' Feed Barn I At reasonable rates, rose one and all. Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud, L. H. FORT, Manager. AfoiitFaetsi of m ft Famished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and ON SHORT NOTICE. Having bad ten years experience in county records and ono of the most complete set of Ab stract books in the state, we guarantee satisfaction. Yotr favors solicited All orders filled promptly. 10.000 dollar bond tiled and approved. Address or call on L. H. FORT, Manager, Red Cloud, Neb. Prices Knocked Out For the next 60 days. S. F. SPOKESF HAS Special train in charge of Conduc tor Haynes left Hastings at 11 o'clock on the Northwestern for York, at which place it arrived at 12:05, leav ing there at 12:20 and arriving in Hastings at 1:25. The time made was a mile a minute. Agent Daub ncr, who went out on the special, said tnat the rate was about as fast as he cared to ride. The train brought iu a large delegation from points along the line to attend Mr. Liird's funeral. Hastings Nbraskan . In another place in to-dav's Chief will be found an article taken eviden tly from a Hastings paper in regard to our jail, in which Chas. Cather is spoken of as having been in that city and while there took the opportunity to investigate the Pauly jail contract with Adams county. The article tates that the company put cells in the Hastings jail and more of them for less money than they put them in for our county. This w.uld be rather misleading if it was not known that the company built jail and all here, while we understand, t bey furnished only the cells there. The Chief thinks the hoard got a better job and get it as cheap as they would have done had they taken regular bids for same from various companies. We presume that the jail company did Bake a little money by reason of sub letting the contract to home parties who bid very low, in fact so low that it is doubtful whether they will get Out whole or not, yet that is no fault of the county, or the jail company. The county wanted a ten thousand dollar jail aid whea it is all finished a pet coalract it will have cost near ly that aaoant, allowing, of course, a good Margin for the contractor's profit Mr. Cather perhaps can see a iig bonus in it, being used to bo sea. Vat The Ciuef can't see any lie a Ike county jail thus far at Haw is this. A tablet irith 200 leaves far 10c at Dcjo's. The Chief, Argus and republican Red Cloud are in it up to the neck. We fear somebody will weaken bc- forethe wrangle is over and restore to the tender mercies of the law. Hosmer with his usual vim and vigor is making a number of telling hits on the Republican. The Republican man, like ur chestnut, stoops very low when he is compelled to bring outside innocent parties into the brawl. Stand up and fight Decky, and win the battle on the merits if you win at all. Blue Hill Leader. An advertisement in a Dakota pa per reads: "If John Jones, who ten years ago deserted his poor wife and three year old baby, will return, said babe will lick the stuffiu out of him." WANTED. An ensrgetic man to represent us in Red Cloud as Sale-Agent. Waxamakkr & Brown, Philadelphia. The largest Clothing and Merchant Tailering House in America. . Carpc im Carpet ! ! Mrs. M. E. Huffman, living two miles west of the city on the Kaley farm is prepared to weave carpets on short notice. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Leave or ders with C. Schaffnit ft 4th Avenue MEAT MAEKET. J.McAPTHUR, - - - Proprietor. (Successor to J. . Cowgill.) Keep constantly of hand a full supply of FRESH AND SALT MEATS. Pays the highest market price for hides and pelts. Market, first door west of Post-Office. REMOVED to Miller-Cotting Block, Two doors south of his former store, and vill now sell you goods very low FOR. CJ.x.55iti B. CLARKE President, Albany. N.Y J. A. TULLEY, Robt. V. SHIREY, Treasurer. Vice-President FAHlf NEBRASKA & KANSAS. LOAN CO PAID UP CAPI1AL,$50,000. f Ked Cloud, Neb. Albany, New York. DIRECTORS: H. Clarke, Albany. New York Geo R. Bench, BalstonSps N.Y. W. H. Robeson, Albany, N. Y. E. S. Francis, Pittetield. if a R.V.Shirey D.M.Piatt K. K. Highland. J.A. Tulleya M.B.McNit MONEY LCANED. On improved farms in NebnMca aikI Kjnas. Monev furnished as soon as the security is approvea. Principal and interest payable in Red Cloud His stock wiU be much larger than heretofore kopt, and will he glad to see his friends at his new place of business. S. F.SPOKESFIF.LD. MiUer-Cotting Block, 2 doors south of old stand . HUGHES, BROWN & CO. Reliable Real Estate Agents ! Investments for non-iesidents, profits largo, quirk, and no il!c. Invest Now to Catch the Incoming tide this fall Portland property Is rapidly advancing. Correspondence cheerfully answered. Ikxinl of Immigration. Address firm, 30 Ash St.. I'ortl.inil. Oregon. Keferenc4 The Pride of Woman A clear pearly and transparent skin Is al ways a sign of pure blood, and all persons troubled with dark, greasy, yellow or blotched skin can rest assured that their blood Is out of order. A few doses of Eegg's blood purifier and blood maker will remove the cause and the skin will become clear and transparent. Try it and if satisfaction is not given it will cost yon nothing. It is fully warranted. C.L. Cottimjr, druggist. Notice is hereby given that I will examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the public schools of this county, at Bed Cloud, on the third Saturday of each month. Eva. J. King. County Sup't D. B. Spanogle, Real Estate and Loan Age Red Cloud. Fremont, Hun i Mo. (Chicago & Northwestern Railroad.) J. W. Dauutcb, Local Agent. Arrive). Leaves. Passenger 2:45 pjb. 3:50 p.m Accom. and Freight 3:05 p.m. 5:00 pjn HASTINGS TO TUB EAST via Northwestern route. Arrives at York 5:32 p .m. Fremont 8 05. Oma ha, 9:50 p.m. Chicago, I2.-oora. St Paul 9:30 gra Leaves Chicago SUOpjn. Omaha 8 :40 a.m. ar rives at Hastings 2;5o.m. Oma ta, Cfciceco, St. Fan, onx City, and all points NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST. Theolny line to southern Nebraska. Dakota, Hot Springs, the Black Hills, and Central Wyoming. Through tickets and baggage checked to des tination. For rates, time tables etc, call on J. B. Daciiher. Agent, Hastings, Teb. II. G. BUKT, J. B. BCCIIAXAJf, Gen. Manager. Gen. Pas. Agent. Omaha, 'eb. WALL PAPER REMNANTS. At less than cost. I have a few that it will pay ycE it examine. .Best quality of Paints, Oils, Drugs, etc. Ma chine Oils, the best at the lowest prices. C. L. COTTING, Druggist. G.A.rerbeck. Willis G.Brown. Lafayette Hughes. Geo. 11- Iiro.vn. m Rave Mm R. V.Shirey, Pres. Henry CLARKE,Vice-Pn.s. Jno. R. Shirxt, Cashier Howard B. Cather, Assistant Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BAnK; Red Cloudy Nebraska. CAPITAL,, - $75,000 Transact a general banking business, buy and sell county warrants, als county, precinct and school district bonds. Buy and sell foreign exchange DIRECTORS: Jas. McNeny. J. A.Tulleys, G. W. Lindsey. R. V. Shircy. JohnlLShirey. E. F. Highland. Henry Clarke, A. J. Kenney. HENRY COOK DIALER IN WALL PAPER Paints, Oils, Varnish, Stationery, Books, Etc. Red Cloud, - Nebraska, IllI? Wm Mmw1mmBm Just received a fine and complete line of Ladies' Summei Goods, Lace and Swiss Embroider7, Flouncings, Hamburgs, Laces, Jerseys, Challies, Lawns, Sateens the latest styles. Shirtings ginghams, dress trim mings, hosiery and gloves, Goods sold at the low est figures, Warner & Wolfanger, BOOTS Boots Boots SHE Shoes Shoes We have removed to onr NEW QUARTERS just North of tho F. fc M Bank and now have the Largest Stock of Boots and Sh oes Ever seen in Red Closd, and they will be sold at prices that will make them go fast, im fact we are going to Sell our Goods Cheap for Cash ! We hare the largest stock and warrant oar stock. REMOvED ! J. L. Miller has moved his im- srwti pu.cn mi IKJ IBB mense stock of harness under the Far ners & Merchants bank, where you PU71MT1 CEafXKw parenase narness, saddles, bridles PinnnlPrmi II nd "iB8 in the harness line, UDOOUIOK63ilORC cheaper than ever 4 Adjust ItMlf to any in order tn rmtnri mv low,o. ot- f Nona's latk, v -- . CT tWO ROWS Of g X WIU SeU 0fl tune at Stitching, cash prices wiih ten per cent interest. Will hold Hmim wu aD see me and I will da you n disc batter than trocd. any othar Cellar. J. L. Mjlleb: ill aa 1 .4