The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 16, 1889, Image 1

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Vol. 17.
.jaaaaa LaaaTa aau-i aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaCir " "' " " a-' ! m i -7-" ti r i jesjfc1 .Ja; .J . --. . , " r.rr.ji' yim.
T-xy" g "" jJJ""BWl"-" BKT-T'f"rMHBBtBKiBlt"" -r- BFtEBF- - BBaBV BBbb BBaa " BBSS H BBaBBBBaa aBaV BBBBBaBBaizziZSBBa BBbb " aBaaaBB m. - . - .Cm
Hacker & Parker,
New Billiard Hall!
P. L. Jeffers, Proprietor,
Fine tables, reasonables rates, nice treatment, is our motto. Come and see as.
McAvoy & Farrel, Props.
Keep Fine Rigs and Good Teams
PI At Reasonable Prices,
ComtSrcial men and others will find this
door east of
Ti" Tat
Lower than any yard in the world
3fv? Jhbsk. JEE9Es JBsjhH
Collections, Taxes Paid, &c.
Office with the County Judge, Moon Block
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Marble and
Granite Works
Fine Monuments
and Headstone
Elm tH. and 4th A v.. Bed Cloud,
- "! "
'Street Cabs
From the Depot
' $ To Bradbrook
Photo Studio
T - t -v a- , JP ----' .IP-
GR 0 C E R 8
the best livery stable in the city.
Holland House.
Great English Remedy.
Murray's Specific.
. A guaranteed cure for all ner
vous diseases .such as weak mem.
ory loss of brain imwer hysteria
headache jiain in the hackn-r-voutprostratlon
wakefulliiess leu
eorrlHra universal lassitude sem
inal weakness imiotencytt!i(l gen
eral loss of ixnvcr of the Genera
tive Organs; in elthei sex, caus
ed by intlieretionoroverexerUou
and which ultimately lead to
111 OUULVJIBUArilvn. 7 uv a
box or six boxes for ?5 00. Sent
by mail on receipt of price. Full
particulars in pamphlet, sent
free to every applicant
freHSaaraatee Six Boxes
to cure any case. For every S3
order received we scud six boxes
with a written guarantee tore-
fund the money if our specific.
does not effect a cure. Address
all communications to the sole
manutkcturers. The M ukhay Medicine Co.
Kansas ritv No.
tar-Sold in Bed Cloud by C. L. COTTlStS sole
Oaly Reaelae Sjetei TMesMry '
h'mmr Bmkm lVearaea la eae tc
Ewy eaM aal atalt mrmmflj a
Trmmutlm. Hk OpMoaa of Dr. Waw A. Baa
wjSrTtlwVDrtUajgi Opt Id U MafltSgr
aie GHaN, JtUSF.
', WWrlWif .
--1-M- - " - -r '
llfiktiMi liiTiJ fi. hi
mi. Mt Aiwxoarxaa ass j
tfVBjiV wVa
Red Cloud, Webster County,
In a Dead !Ian' Pocket.
Stephen A. Price was a man who
was liked and looked up to by all who
knew him. He was honest, kind and
true, a warm friend and a good neigh
bor. The boys and girls all liked him
because he never forgot that he had
been young once himself. He be
came rich, was made major of New
York City, and lived to be very old.
He lost his life in a steamboat disas
ter. Those who found his dead body
found a scrap of printed paper in his
pocketbook. It was so worn with oft
reading that they could scarcely make
out the words, but this was what was
upon the paper:
Keep good company or none.
Never be idle.
If your hands cannot be usefully
employed, attend to the cultivation
of your mind.
Always speak the truth.
Make few promises.
Live up to your engagements.
Keep your own secrets, if you have
When you speac to a person, look
him in the face.
Good company and good conversa
tion arc the very sinews of virtue.
Good character is above all things
Your character can not be essenti
ally injured except by your own acts.
If any one speak evil of you, let
your life be so that none will believe
Drink no kinds of intoxicating
Ever live (misfortune exoepted)
within your income.
When you retire to bed, think over
what you have been doing during the
Make no haste to be, rich, if you
would prosper.
Small and steady gain give compe
tency wiih tranquility of mind.
Never play at any games of chance.
Avoid temptation, through fear you
may not withstand it.
Earu money before you spend it.
.Never run into debt unless yon see
plainly a way to get out again.
Never borrow, if yon can possibly
avoid it
Do not marry until you are able to
support a wife.
Never speak evil of any one. Be
iust before you are generous.
Read over the above maxims at
least one a week.
Yew Caaaat ASTera
At this season of the year to be without a good
reliable diarrhoea" balsora la the bouse, as
cramps, colic, diarrhoea aad all lnSaaiatloa of
the stomach and bowels are exceedingly dan
gerous if not attended to at once. One bottle of
Begg's diarrhoea baboon will do more good in
cases of this kind than any other medicine on
artu. We guarantee it. C. L. Cottingdruggist
A Caata Mcetlac ! at.
He Have we everything prepar
ed to start now, my dear?
She Yes; there's the eatables, the
lawn tennis, the croquet, the fishing
tackle, the target gun, the hammock,
the swing, some novels, and lee me
see maybe we'd better take a testa
ment with us to use in case of nec
essity. .Their BaatacM Boeatlac
Probably no one thine has caused
such a general revival cf trade at
Henry Cooks Drug store as their giv
ing away to thier customers of so
many free trial bottles of Dr. King's
iew discovery ior jnnsumption.Tueir
trade is simply enormous in this very
valuable article from the tact that it
always cures and never disappoints.
Coughs, Coulds, Asthma. Bronchitis
Croup and all throat and lung diseases
quickly cured. You can test it before
buying by petting a ' trial bottle free
laiee size $1. Every bottle warran
ed. 3
special Bate.
On August 6 to 20, Sept. 10 to 24,
aad Oct 8. the B. & SI will sell rouad to point in Colorado. Mon
tana, Utah, Wyoming and Idah foor
aqe fare for the round trip.
- E. E? Harris, Agt.
Neb, Friday, August
They are building wire fences on some
of their extensive ranches on the plains
and charging them with electricity by a
stationary engine. An exchange gives
the following account of such a fence in
Carson Co., Kansas: "On Saturday a
party hnd a demonstration of its effec
tiveness. On one side of the fence stood
some dozen or fifteen steers, on the
other side stood one alone. He under
took to break through and go over to the
majority. He had an idea he was tack
ling a buzz saw when he struck the
smooth wire fence. Well, sir, he jumped
like he was lilt at once by forty million
hornets, and witli his tail coiled over
bis back he wheeled and only struck the
ground in high places. Then the fifteen
made a dash to join and follow him.
One by one they rubbed the electric
fence and as fast as they did they jumped,
bawled, kicked, wheeled and sailed off
as though they had urgent business at the
north pole and only had a few hours in
which to make it. That electric fence is
a stunner it is the eighth and greatest
wonder of the world. Not one of the
cattle was hnrt, but not one of them will
go near that fence again."
Whr Is It
That iieople linger along always complaining
about that continual tired feeing? One bottle
of Begg's blood jmritier and blood maker will
remove this feeling, give them a good appetite
and regulate digestion. G I Cotting, drngst
Weather very warm.
The Indian creek "scbo-1 marm's
dads" have blooming visages since
the closing of the teachers' institute.
Wm. Hayes has moved his family
to Red Cloud.
Uncle Tommy Wright looks very
feeble since his return from Iowa.
Well as plowing corn, harvesting,
and stacking grain, are things of the
past, and Big Injun has some little
time to read your paper and write a
few words.
Indians work on the reservation so
I have to wtork on the creek.
Corn and vines of all kind look
The order of the day now ia thresh
ing, putting up hay and reading the
names of candidates.
Bio fair;.
The bank is moved in its new and
more commodious quarters G. A.
Harris' store
A. A. Peak is in Cowles again.
Moore and Gilbert shipped 10 cars
of catle to Chicago on Tuesday last
The post office is moved into the
the building recently occupied by the
bank. Mrs. Haves will occupy the
I remainder of thejiouje.
miss juary rarics 01 jucuook a
nece of Mrs. It D. Carrier who has
been visiting on Willow Creek, has
been quite sick atK. Adamson's.
On Peter Hill's return from Chica
go last week he brought a niece of
his home with him from Iowa, we did
not learn her name.
We have received a letter from
Gov. Thayer, rmong other noted sol
diers of the state, requesting the old
soldiern to ittend the reunion at
Milwaukee. The B. & 31. have
made arrangements to run a special
train from Omaha. The Burlington
will sell tickets at half fare.
The transition from long, lingerin e
aud painful sickness to robust health
marks au epoch in the life of the indi
vidual. Sach a remarkable event is
treasured in the memory and the
agency whereby the good health has
baen attained is giatefully blessed,
flence it w that so much is heard in
praise of Electric Bitters. So many
feel they owe their restoration to
health, to the use of the Great Altera
tire and Tonic. . If you are troubled
with any disease of Kidneys, Liver or
stomach, or long or short standing you
2ii r 2 , a-Ts JET r i?l
ai. &.: J at u III !
litters. Sold at 50c. and $1 per bottle
at Henry Cooks Drugstore. 3
in i -
vr ti4aVI"aa
ttMMMfaMi ar
16, 1889.
School oeicer Day at the Teachers
The school officers of the different
school district of Webster county,
Nebraska, met in the school house at
lied Cloud, this 0th day of August,
1SS9, and ivere called to order by Mis j
Eva J. King, county superintendent
of public instruction.
31iss King then stated the object
of c lling us together, which was to
examine the course of study, and
classification of country school, recom
mended by Geo. B. Lane, State Su
perintendent of Public Instruction.
with a view to getting this meeting
to recommend the different school
boards of the county co adopt the
There were 37 school officers pre
sent, divided as follows; 7 moderators,
19 directors aud 11 treasurers, repre
senting 22 different school districts.
Oliver McCall was elected chair
man and G. P. Gather secretary.
Miss King now addressed the meet
ing, showing the many advantages of
the above named course and classifica
tion, heartily recommending this ad
ODtion hv the school boards through
out the county.
A committee of five on resolutions
was then formed, consisting of. Oli
ver McCall, G. W. Hummell,
U: C. Cox, J. B. Cleghorn and G. P.
The committee reported the follow
ingr esolutions, which were unani
mously adopted.
(Resolued that after having examin
ed the course of study and classifica
tion of country schools, which is re
commended by the state superinten
dent of public instruction, and heard
heir merits discussed this meeting
does urge and recommend their adopt
ion, by tiie different school boards
throughout the county.
'Resolved tint this meeting be
lieves it the imperative duty of all
school hoards tli-.t adopt the above
course of study aud classification of
country schools, to require their
teachers to carry them out in full, the
school board sustaining and assisting
them in doing the same.
(Resolved that we tender a vote of
thanks to Miss King, our county sup
erintendent for the very thorough,
efficient at.d energetic manner in
which she has filled her office, feel
ing confident the people will show
their due appreciation for good work,
by re-electing her this fall, by an in
creased majority, thereby serving the
best interest of our schools hy keep
ing them under the best supervision
we have ever had them.
This meeting by a vote desires that
all members of school board in the
county who are not present with us,
do carefully read our proceedings,
and consider well the subject matter.
The secretary is instructed to furn
ish a copy of our proceedings to
each of the Red Cloud papers for pub
lication. The meeting now adjourned subject
to a call from our county superintend
G. P. Catueb, O. McCall,
Secretary. Chairman.
A New Barker ahaa.
S. T. VanHorn who is well known
in this city, and who for the last year
has tried his lack elsewhere, has re
turned to this city and has purchased
the barher parlors of Robert Barkley.
He has fitt.-d them np in nice style
and invites his old and new friends
to call and tee him. Ho will give
you a shave or hair cut in . the latest
style of the ark ' 47-tt
The greatest wonder nf thf lOfti
eentnrv . o.m hiKtM. !,.;
fn.fT.n- , . IT -111 1 T "-""
Jst how a carpet will look when on
the floor at F. V. Taylor's.
No. 3.
Tiie new book entitled "Johnstown
Flood." publish by H.S. Good peed & Go.,
of New York, is perhaps the latest ork
oat. yot we do not feel ourc!ve$ amitain
pronouncing it also the best. It contains
n most graphic and vivid narration of
that wonderful dinstor, thtory of uhich
will not grow old for many a lonij year.
When the first news of tha TohnHtovru
dias'ter came, everybody disbelieved that
so horrible a story could be truu. But
each day brought freh horrors to the
public notice, till it was universally re
marked that for once tho first r.ccoi'.nt
had not been exaggerated, but even an-.
de.-estimled. Thh is so rarely tho case
that it is a fact worthy of notice in the
history of journalism. Everywhere
thronhout the country the hearts beat
cf sympathy, and kindness showed itself
in the most generous contributions,
which soon rolled up into millions.
Even the Chicago fire failed to stir np
tiie same rtasiounto fellow-feeling,
because there, althoiign ilia lo.s or" prop
erty was great, that of life was coxn
parativly small. Wo cannot but believe it
will be long ere this profound interest
sinks into indifference. This permanent
record will be. welcome by the people of
the land, north, south, east, west, and
wherever people can read . Tho author
seems to have taken pains in writing
an accurate as well as dramatic story,
and tho whol tiling is presr.ited with a
vigor and life liketieas which brings it
home to every heart. Mr. Ferris has
studied the whole matter with great care,
and serves it to the public in admirable
style. The book ii well made, and has
forty-eight handsome illustrations and
522 pages. AVo believe that any one who
has an opnortnnify should seize the
chance to purchase this thrilling work.
Bueklln'fc Arnlrn salve.
The best sa'vo in th world for cut?.
i bruises, sores, ulcere. mH rheum, fever
I Afirptt rli-.minil '..vila K.ilhltins
corns; and all xkin eruption?, and
positively cures, or no j.y required,
it h guaranteed to lFive perfect satis
faction, or nwnry refunded. Price
25 centa per box. For sale bv Henry
Special Kutra.
The B & M has iku a circular
of special rates for .-j.ccia! occasions,
the following of which arc of more or
les9 interest to this .ecrioi.
Omaha Fair and imposition, Sept.
2ft. Round trip for one i'arp, 50 cents
added foradmis3ion to the ground.'
Parade Association of Priest of
Pallas. Kansas City. Oct. 14. On
fare for round -trip.
Twenty-third national encampment
CAR, Milwaukee, Aug .26-31. One
fare for round trip, witlt special terns.
K. l-l. Harris, Agt.
Tne Argus in r:'latiuij it corn story
this week might hae added by way of
a rejoiner that th-j other fciovr had order
ed a 1,000 car loid of cvop ladders to en
able him to husk eis pumpkins which had
ran eo high upon the oorn stalks that he
was unable to get them down before next
spring. Howeve? the agricultural editor
of this Great Family Weekly not to be
outdone by its con torn porarica will relate
a story about corn given on the dead
by a farmer, which he said grew so high
petwten the city and the electric light
plant that itot tangled np with tho 40
foot poles, aid fooled the electricity eo
bad that it went streaking through the
field of corn hunting for the poles. He
averred that as a roason why the lsts
didn't shine on Thursday night.
Dr. Jaque's German worm cases
destroy worms and removes them from the sys
tem . Safe pleasant and effective.
Good mothers use Dr. Wincholl'a
teethii'g ynrp Tor children with eohls. sore
throats, aad to rexutatc the bowls.
TJnde Sam's nerve and bono Unl
ment will relieve sprains, bruises, neuralgia and
rheumatism. Dr. D. L. Field, Xo. 53 Kast Sla
plet. Uncle Sam's condition ptowders
the best for horses, cattle, i;os and poultry.
Get the best. Eilerts daylight
liver pills, for sour stwnacb, torpid liver and
Cure your coughs and colds with
Eilerts tar and wild cherry. All druists keep
t. Large bottles fifty cents and oihj dollar.
Happy Home wood puntier is
the people's popular medirine for i.uiiiy in the
bland llaku dl WStS etc. Larpe bottle
nrry cents and one doitar.
3' I
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