FJBBBEBwHWlBiiHWBBiWBS,-Ea ft- Hu sm up SsaggSgPg -.ggg 11 - iMWi ' LiuMy nl I III HI ! '" P ' J ,Pa&V- - M ' BBM 'BLKBSBBiBiaB5.SSSl elsa bbbbbV BBsssaeiBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBr saasan ' " " saaaaaaaanaaaaaaanT'iaaaB SBBBsawiaBBn sbbbb " BmllBBBP'BBBBBBBBV "anaaianaaT"Baaaaa"3r"'anM --- - - - t if-' isss. nwsaaanaBaaaasrj sMesJaaaaal sn fM H iHHHH saaaaaaaaaL t - - saaaaaaaaPaasaaasaaaaaagaW mH sbbbb: BH Km enaBEiBBBEBBBBBxHBi.jell2 .-.. - t. . T ' SBBBBB-:-aE&SBBSBB , 'AaaaMJtl H ' KJBBMBB2aBBBMBW bbbbi bbbbi 'naBtteBBBBBs ETJk bbbbTzbbbbb Kh&l LnP mi m l - SrBBBl -BBtBBeSBBBaBBBBfBBBJl JBBI iBBBBBBBfcMBBBBBBW"--- BBBBTBBfflBBBr T7 BbT bbbbI bbbbI BBTbB -BaaaafciBBBBBBBWBBW CBBB nV lfW - , ' j JyltBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBTTMffeBaBBBBBBBa'BBBBBBtBBBBBB bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbQbbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBH t -r3 - i""""""""""""""""""""""g"""""""fc-"i"i" X T ESflB JiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBEBBBBBBBBnBBBBBBnHanBn BBMTWvCTtfvH 7gJBBBeiBBBlMEjrjrfe: " tX lV TarTanr Jwl aa'l'maiBBBBBBBBBmTBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKrBBBBnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBn A "P BT'' A "Jz BBBBBBBbW WB3jBBB'BB3ffBBBffSBr JC" - "BTJBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBB3i5BBTBTBBvBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.BBBBBBBBBBK iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnil! " jBBBBBBjBPBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbFb1 fllffB saa sr".jT' - ti!' -i.--fi -mM Vol. 17. Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, August 9, 1889. No. 2. Hacker & Parker, THE GROCERS EED CLOUD, NEB. i - - -.- ... New Billiard Hall ! P. L. Jeffers, Proprietor, RED CLOUD, NFBRASKA. Fine tables, reasonable? rates, nice treatment, is out mono. Come and see us. u THE CITY LIVERY STABLE. McAvoy & Farkel, Props, E ep Fine Rigs and Good Teams At Reasonable Prices, Commercial men and others will Snd th the best livery stable in the city. First door east cf Holland House. RED CLOUD, NEB THE TRALERS LUMBER CO. Wli-L MAKB Hfv $ POSITIVELY Lower than any yard in the world Framcls 3lMrph7 o PraklMUea. The well-known total abstinence ad vocate, Francis A. Murpny, was in Chicago the other day, and when ask ed what he thought of the prohibition movement, which he has always op posed, he said: "The prohibition cake is dough. I knew it would prove so, and I hope they are beginning to find out you can't legislate a man sober. Prohibi tion means free whisky, and thats all vou can make of it. The idea of a Prohibition law proving effectual in !hicago, for instance is ridiculous. In a sparely settled country, or in small towns, perhaps it could be made so, but never in the centers cf population. I believe a prohibition law would simply tie our hands as to restrictive measures and then wi'h prohibition that did not prohibit, where would we be?" -What do you think of the submis sion of prohibition amendments in South Pakota?" "Are they going to do it? Well they will carry them. They can do it out there where the people are scat tered, and possibly when they are passed the laws may actually prohibit but I maintain that it is against all reason. Only thin of it. Telling a man he shall not produce an alcoholic beverage whea the natural tendency of every fruit of every garden and or thard is toward fermentation. You never can prohibit, but men can quit getting drunk if they wilL" Mr. Murphy attributes all prohib ition third party efforts wholly to the desire of a few to become a factor in politics, and ridicules the reason as signed by prohibitionists for their re cent defeat. Yob raiaot AttorA At tills season of the year to be without a good reliable diarrhoea balsom in the house, as cramps, colic, diarrhoea and al! in'kuuation of the stomach and boweLj are exceedingly dan gerous tf not attended to at once. One bottle of Begg's diarrhoea balsom will do more good In cases of this Kind than any other medicine on earth. We guarantee it. C. L. Cotting druggist c. sc NOTARY PUBLIC, PEOMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO Collections, Taxes Paid, &c. Office with the County Judge, Moon Block Red Cloud, Nebraska. brown s Marble and Granite WorI:s A.fl.BSOWN.i'BOt. Fine Monuments and Headstonu 1 8C ad 4th Ati Bed Ckmd. TAKE THE Cabs " . i rv i "Srorn tne ueeor To Bradbrook Stkeet k Photo Studio MOON BLOCK. Great English Remedy. Murray's Specific .. A puaranteed cure for all uer ou diseases sucn as weasc mem ory loss of brain power hysteria headache pain in the baelrnr vous prostration waMfiillnws lea 1 eorrhoca unirtnal laasttude sem- VtST Inalweatawwtmpoiiweyandgren AjV enllon of power of the tineca fc live Organs; in eitaei tea. caus v ed by Indiscretion or overexertion pk and which ultimatetr lead to liNM raJDtaTUBa old agb. iksak- rrr ana ooncirno. i u m boxorcix boxes for as so. dent by mall on racelpt of pin-. Full ptattculars in pamphlet, sent free to every applicant to cureaBT eae. ForeTeryas order reeeiTed we send six boi witb a written guarantee te re fund the money it our speciCa does not effect a eur. Adorm all ntaamuBicattons to tne ao II utacturera. Tin Mckbat Maeicnra Co. Kascaa Cttr Mo ild in Ked Cloud bjcl. cOTTCf G ole apaat. MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. OilrOMriMlnHaarli Krmwr UU mmi mimtt creasry hmmmtumi. IIbBiiII ii lieHwiee .IHiTwiiiT V ! JHB9VaKMy JPvVW.OTfHwlrWH-iB-fr KasB. w v. AjHev sawe vvwjsesw flSSMaT FnCjt'uaicrtu 5T el ififc- VlllhA-mwll.T. A Fertfaeat Qaeatlea. Boring the past thirty-five years twelve states iiave adopted prohibi tion and abandoned it after trial more or less prolonged. These states are New York, Illinois. Massachusetts, Connecticut, Ohio, Maryland, New Hampshire, Delaware, Rhode Island, Michigan, Indiana, and Nebraska. Among the states that in recent years have rejected prohioition amendments are Ohio, Michigan, Texas, Tennessee, West Virginia, Rhode Island, Oregon. Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania. Here are seventeen different states that have rejected prohibition before or after, and it is in force, nominally, in only four Main, Vermont, Iowa, and Kansas and manifestly grow ing weaker in popular estimation every day. What possible hope, then, can there be of the adoption of a national prohibition amendment, which would require the affirmative votes of thirty-two states, after tlu four new states are admitted? Aflar thirty-five years of trial, prohibition is the law in only one-eighth si the number of states necessary to the purpose the third party prohibitionists claims to have in riew, and prohibi tion in these four states is daily weak ening. Is it not about time that the Prohibitionists concede the honesty of the wnlespred opinion that prohibi tion is an ineffective temperance measures, and turned into help the cause of temperance en lines in which the great majority have confi dsnee? Ex. A New aartwr &. S. T. VanHorn who is well known in this city, and who for the last year has tried his lnck elsewhere, has re turned to this city and has purchased the barber parlors ef Robert BarkJey. He has fitted them up in nice style and invites his old and new friends to call and see him. Ho will give you a shave or hair cut in the latest style of the art. 47-tt UVLTHKIBHT PURE 0?PWCEfc CREAM AKffl 'OWE sflBafEBrlMg Its superior excellence proven in millions of homes lor more than a quarter of a century. It is used bv the Utiited .-lates government. En dorsed bv he heads of the great univerlrles as the Strongest, l'ure.-t. ana most Healthful. Pr. JTieo Cream Bakins i'owder does not con tain aruouia, lime, or alum. r'oM only m cans. TRICE BAKING POWDER CO. SEW VOKK. CHICAGO. T.UL"1. School opens September 9. A. L. Funk was in Bladen this week. County Clerk Bailv was iajroide Rock Thursday. Sheriff Scott has been on tne lame list this vreek. Mr. J. Murray is -visiting in Minden this week. J. iL Chiiuin and wife were in the me troplis Thursday. T. C. ILicker has been in the east part of the staie this week. L. H. Fort has commenced the erection of an addition to his dwelling. Ben Summey was slightly injured San day by hi horse pawing him. D. McArthnr haa purchased the 4th ave nue meat market of J. E. Cowgill. Hustings haa been selected for the place to hold the state republican conven tion. Schaffnit'a "foot prints on the walk" is a comparisioa ttory to "foot prints of time." Will Emigh of the firm of Smith Emigh is in Missouri in the interest of the firm. Mr. Edward tfoble of Thompson, 111. is ia the city looking after his .landed interests. In another column will appear the ad. of W. W. Gilbert, who has recently leas ed the Watson livery barn. We take pleasure in calling attention of our 'readers to the advertisement of the Fort Abstraet Cc which appears in another column. The electric lights do shine again after a few days absence owing to the recent high rise in the Republican. The com pany is using the steam engine. Alarge number of our people contem- I plate going to Kearney en the 12th to at tend the soldiers reunion at that plaoe. They will go overland mostly the drive will be only abent 60 miles. One of Jean Totadinaoa'a fin horses eamerery near dying this weak freaa Heeding excessively. Ha was taken in the afternoon while John was absent, bat f ortanaUy wa discovered in time to save him. The Lord made ma and then lost the pattern, says the prises of egotist, the Bev.8em Jonas. To which the Bt. Loais Bepablio deveatly responds: "Thank the Lerd." Ths fewer ssiakters of the Bam Jones atripe the better for the sense af pare religion. Qneen Esther is "'i rapid nra gtess. The singers are deing their beet to have each part perf est and the of both Jews and Fenians are fast tag the mask: and stage baaxnese. The eantata In Mr. Fondraya hands, ia n dra ma in whieh each individual haa a part to perform. The banqnet eeene and the march of the 30 ehfliren are Mr, Fe own arrangement as is also the arisen seenee between Zerish end Hsman, the whole scene and mnsie being new. Wednesday Angnst 14th. The greatest wonder of the 19th century, a carpet exhibitor showing just how a carpet will look when on the floor at F. V. Taylor's. H. CLAEKB PreBideiit, Albany, K.Y J. A. TULLEY, Viee-Preete Robt. V. SHIREY, Treasurer. NEBRASKA & KANSAS. FARM ' IA&& PAID UP CAPI2dL:$50:00Q. Red Cloud, Neb. . Albany, j?ew York. DIRECTORS: H. Clarke, Albany. New York Geo It. Bench, B-'nnSo i V Y. W. H. Robeson, Albiitiv, X. Y. E. . Fr.nci, x'ittsiicld. Jfaa B.V.Shirev D.M. I'latt E.K. Hiabland. J.A-luileya M BOItNit MONEY ICAJC. On improved farm? in t;br:1-.Kaa .d K.hi!,-as. "loriov fnrni?he: -or. it Jha security ia approved Principal ana interest navaHe in Rtl Gloiul mutwj-jJgaTi WALL PAPER MMJifMlS. At less than cost. I have a few that it will pay ynu ts -examine. .Best quality of Paints, Oils, Drugs, etc. Jf a chine Oils, the best at the lowest prices. C. L. COTTING, Druggist E. V.Shmev, Pres. Henbt CLAEKE,Yice-Prc?. .'.so. Ii. Sair.ET, CaehieV Howard B. Cather, Assistant Cashier FIRST NATIONAL., BAjsK, Red CIoTd, Nebraska. CAPITAL,, " $7o,GOO Transact a general hanking business, huy and r.ell county warrants, -'- county, precinct and school district bonds. Buy and sell foreign exc!.:-. DIRECTORS: i Jas. McNeny. J. A.Tulleys, G. W. Lindsey. R. T. Shirey. JohnRShirey. E. F. Highland. Henry Clarke, A. J. Kenny. HENRY COOK DIAL 19 WALL PAPER Paints, Oils, Varnish, Stationery, Books, Etc. Red Cloud, - Nebraska, f Mvm. W. flswitoa Just received a fine and complete line & Ladies' Summei Goods, Lace and, Swiss Embroider Flouncings, i amburgs. Laces, Jerseys Cliallies, Lawnsr Sateens the latest styles. Shirtings ginghams, dreet trta. mings, hosiery and glove?, Goods, sold at the low est iguree. F. V. TAYLOR, SUF8 TBM TOT ggf jgM Of Furniture In die city at pric that all can afford to b7 t if in wanf : of anytb i in his line. Opposite First National B- Red 01. qegU,,! j H V i m r' . .- r) ergsasrf "IP