. PieretoffHeep" wants peace. We should jude that he acquired quite a little slice off of his loan to August, Amauwhcwill akin the poor by heavy interest and larger bounsea ought to inherit a place that is hotter than this. "Were the farmers of this county to sit down awl calculate the lossiesult ing to them by bad roads, they would find that they of all men should first atir themselves to secure good roads. Bad roads moan to the agricultural population loss of time, decrease in Talue of their marketable products and a not inconsiderable loss in wear and tear of vehicles and horses. A complete and good system of roads would be of inestimable value to their land and its products. By our dispatches it will be seen that the couut of the cash in the treasure at Washington has been com pleted. Thoro was a shortage of $8 found in the new silver vault and of $15 in the old silver vault, in all $23. This is $3,75 a year for the four years of democratic administration. "When the democratic party came into power in 1S85, a count of the cash in the treasuiy, after twenty-four years of republican administration, showed it to be just 2 cents short and the 2 cents were aftcrwrrd found on the floor of the vault: It is refreshing to recall the fact that the democrats In 1SS4 wanted to "see the books." Omaha Republican. A few yearn ao doo McK.ci.by come to lied Cloud in the rele of a lawyer, and after a few years vainly trying to make a living at that profes sion, concluded that medicine was his forte aud branched out in that line. jNot? h i? ri'nnmg a newspa per that is backed up by a number of political snystcrs and kept up at a decided loss on their hands for the sole purpose of running the county politics and getting control of county offices This would be a great scheme for the outSt, but fort jnately the people of Webster county have had experience with that same gang in years gone by and naturally keep shy of them. Wc take this opportunity of telling the people the truth in their case as the doctor is too "mod est" to say so. Docky is the right man (?) for their leader, as he has been a lawycr-doctor-money-loaner-and-now-editor. Eh, Docky? iff. a "Heep" o' fun. Yolsran 17 "So 1 Seventeeu years ago Red Cloud was but a very small place, inhabited by a few people who had left friends, home and former acquaintances to take Horace Greeley's advice "To go west and grow up with the country." It was a great trial, for the Republican valley at that time was anything but inviting to the civilized portion of mankind. Indians, buffalo and wild animals had full sway, but with great staying qualities the white man held his own, and to-dav we find the result brought about only by perseverance and industry. The then barren hills are now made to bloom "Like unto the Oarden of Eden" with all kinds of agriculture, etc. About that time the people conceived the idea that Red Cloud should have a paper, The Chief was the result of their counsel, and from 1873 to this date the paper has "fought, bled and almost died" several times in maintaining a liveli hood from the frugal support that it rc cieved in earlier days. However it has lived through all of the trials incidental to early pioneer life, and today lives to see its seventeenth anniversary with a larger and better support thau any paper in this neck o' the woods: Many efforts have been made to squelch the paper for its manly stand on all questions of im port to this city, and those who have been in the way of the city's progress have felt its sting, and they have been taught to know their place. This all has been none in a friendly spirit, and the consequence is that "ed Cloud is the metropolis of the valley and The Chief a living witness of her grand achievements, thanks to those who stayed by a fearless and outspoken paper. The Chief has no spites er grievances to work out against anyone, but is here te do what it can for the upbuilding of Red Cloud, and will do that at all times in the future as it has in the last seventeen years. The Chief will be found in the front ranks at journal ism, battling for the rights of the people with all earnestness, and for the continued growth of Red Cloud and Webster county. We again thank our many friends for their support in the past and hope to mer it the same liberal reward in the fu ture that we have in days gone by. Prices Knocked Out For the next 60 days. S. F. SPOKESFIELD HAS REMOVED to Miller-Cotting Block, Two doors south of Iris former store, and vill now sell yon goods very low FOR jwSjtjLm His Btock will be much larger than heretofore kept, and will he glad to see his friends at his new place of business. S. F. SPOKESFIELD. Miller-Cotting Block, 2 doors south of old stand . Just Received AT THE M Ml UN EAGLE CLOTHING HOUSE, RmuH s -It Tmw ' U '& U&sS g, "&&! ev fOrts ' Wt'W iix' wia ". tSSV'Ti VX&.-Wk i VU3' - ! 912 j' W HUGHES, BROWN & CO. Reliable Real Estate Agents ! Investments for non-residents, profits large, quick, and no risk. Invest Now to Catch the Incoming tide this fall An immense assortment Flannel coats and vests, Seersucker coats and vests, Alpacca coats and vests, Prices from $1.25 to $5. Portland nrorertv is rauidlv Board of Immigration. advancing. Correspondence cheerfully answered. Reference Address tirru, 30 Ash St., Portland. Oregon, Altogether 'foo Thin. With great eclat the board of trans portation in order to make a little buncombe for themselves announce with a flourish of trumpets that they have knocked the freight down ou coal in this state. It seems to us, (may be we are wrong) that this de sire on the part of the board is all put on to gain favor in the eyes of -the people, when the fact is known that there is noL a coal mine in the state of Nebraska, henca the rate has no effect on the railroads whatever, as it is governed solely by the inter state commerce act. Those who try to ''feather their nest" and build up ft reputation at the same time on the susaceptability of the people, should Iraild on something firmer than a- coal rate over which they have little or no control. Of course the coal jobbery in this state is a matter of much con cern to the people and ought to be re duced if possible but the railroad commissioners have no more power to fix the rate on coal that is hauled into the state than our devil has, (we wish they had) from- the fact that coal for Nebraska is loaded on cars in - other states and therefore comes un der the head of the inter state com amerce act. Garher's wisdom would have been all right could it have been enforced, but he, as well as the board knew that it could not be. When -will men in high places throw off the cloak of deception and quit catering to self interests by building hopes Spun a foundation that is so thor oughly transparent as the so-called reduction on coal rates. If there was coal mines in Nebraska the rate would be all right, bat as it is, it is absolutely a dead letter. The little boys of lied Cloud with their hook and ladder cart attracted more attention than almost anything else. It was a wonderful feat for these boys, no one of them appeared to be over ten years, to run 100 yrds and send one of their n amber up a 16 foot ladder in 25 seconds. Their work was hardly as artistically done as was ihat of the Tork company but it was great for boys. -Biverton En-tenT7 G. A. Ferbeck. Willis G. Brown. Lafayette Hughes. Geo. II- Brown. Miss Emma Hart is visiting her si3ter, 1 Mrs. F. V. Taylor. Rev. Dannenfeldt and family were in Red Clond this week. Read oar new ads and old ones too, for that matter and'be happy. W. L. Haines is moving into the room lately occupied by S. F. Spokesfield. G, S. Chaney lost a large number of legal books in the Hastings fire the other day. Mr. R. BenUey and wife left Thurs day morning for a pleasure trip to St. Paul, Minn. Henry Moore has leased the Gardner House, and from this on will be a genial landlord. Henry will make a good ho tel man- H. C. 8eott, our worthy sheriff returned from Omaha on Wednesday. He had been there looking after the interests of the Red Cloud Milling Co. The probabilities are that before the Great Family Weekly reaches its thousf ands of readers the electric light plant wOl be running in fall blast again. Mr. Stingley, the popular young man who has been doing tonsorial work for R.P. Hutchison has purchased the shop of Mr. H. and will hereafter run the same. He is a good barber and will do yon good work. The fanners of Webster county are in deed prosperous this season. Large fields of corn the finest the land affords, can be seen on every band. Small grain is abundant, cattle fat, and the people gen erally happy. Don C. Dwyer has commeaeed suit against Ex-Judge MeKeighan and bis bondsmen to recover a certain sam of money that he claimed the judge had in bis possession while he waa being treat ed for insanity. This wfll be an interest ing suit. In another column will be found the real estate card of Hacess, Brown, Co. Portland, Oregon, of whioh firm Rev. Geo.H, Brown formerly pastor of the Baptist ohureh in this dtj is a member Tne nnn is doing Tan Gnxnr public nice business and recommend them to the Far Sale. All my household furniture and if not sold by next Saturday, will be sold at auction on the premises Saturday after noon, sale to commence at 2 o'clock sharp Residence 1st corner west of Red Cloud Natiodal bank. atne.aUTXin A. Hall. Far Beat. My residence property in Red Cloud. Possession given immediately, Apply to Mrs. Mattie A. HalL Second hand organ, walnut case, good smooth tone, nearly as good as new, for sale at a bargain if taken at at once. Pebkins & Mitchel INSTITUTE NOTES. The Webster County Teacher's Insti tute opened last Monday with an enroll ment of sixty-five, this number has in creased since, toninty-two teachers be ing in attendance this (Wednesday) eve ning. The teachers are working hard, and great interest is being manifested. All seem thoroughly imbued with the desire for self improvement. Mrs Edwards of Lincoln had charge of the work in methods and drawing. No work of this description has heretofore been undertaken in our institutes. Mrs. Edwards has a very attractive manner of presenting her work; the teachers are delighted with it, they are required to take careful notes of all matter presented. Prof. J. M. Tipton has charge of classes in geography, algebra and orthography he also has charge of the music The work in Orthography is particular help ful. Mr. D. M. Hunter of Guide Rock acts as secretary and teaches classes in ad vanced arithmetic physiology and book keeping methods for computing inter est have thus for occupied the attention of the arithmetic class. Miss May Jones conducts classes in grammar, geometry, natural philosophy and botany. Miss Jones makes her work exceedingly inter esting. Mr. Jas. Seoles, one of our county teach ers has charge of one arithmetic class. Mr. Seoles is a through and efficient in structor in this branch. Miss Ludie Tuell of Henderson, Ky., arrived in the city Tuesday evening and will probably remain in the city until next Tuesday. She is one of the training teachers how are introducing the Synthetic System of reading and spelling. The Pollard De partment has sent many workers into Nebraska this summer. The Red Cloud teachers are giving partieular attention to the method aa there is some prospect of its introduc tion into the city schools. The superintendent's reception to the teachers Monday evening was well attend ed and all report a pleasant time. Praf. Tipton addressed the teachers this evening at the Presbyterian ohureh. T he superintendent and instructors an doing all in their power to make this in stitute a real practical help to the teach ers. Bxpoktzb. SMEHIFF'S SALE Notice is hereby given that under anil by vir tue of an order of sole issued out of the district court of the 8th judicial district in and for Web ster county. Xthraeka. upon a decree in an ac tion pending in said coirt wlitwin Hnuvti itn.e are plaintiff's and Kufus Mikscb, Mary S. MikMrh, Abios K.and Wm. J. JllJcsch are defendant--, I diall offer for sale at public vendue for cash in hand at the cast door of the court-houe in Ifed dotal in said county, (that being the place w litre the last term of said court was holdcnton the rah day of August lt9 at 2 oclock P. M.. the tollowing described property, to-wit: Lots 7 and 8, block l in Lutz's addition to the town (uow city) of Bed Cloud, Webster County, Nebraska. J Given under my hand this 9th day of July. J?89:, v- , .JIC- cort. Sheriff. Case & 3Iceny. Flaintiffsattoruey. No. 50. I guarantee you bottom prices on all goods sold bv C WIENER," Red Cloud and Wymore. ira Mi Taku MaliM. fo Charles W. Kaley, Jacob L. Kaleyand Ku- You are hereby notified that on the 2nd day of Dec. 1887 I,L.Baum purchased at private tax sefrom the county treasurer, M.B.McNitt, at the court house In Ked Cloud. Webster coun ty, Nebraska for the taxes of the year less. r22ttBSBlf .st rbe "IH Wribed land, situated in Webster county Nebraska tax ed in the name of Charles W. Kaley. Jacob L. IWeyaiidltafusM. Largent: the north-west 34 section 22, town i, ranee 10. coaiaiainar leo acres P.e time tor redemption will expire December 2, 1889. and If not redeemed before the above date expires I will mase application fora treas urer's tax deed. l. BaumT Warner & Wolfanger, BOOTS Uceto: liaaaeate. Notice is hereby given that the Interest and rental and the contracts of sale aud lease to the following described edUMtlnaal fctula altnatot iu Webster county. Nebraska, set opposite the names of the respective holders thereof, Isde- W4BEU1, u; C.M, Sheldon, assicnee. fracntfnei., sec. 31, town 2, range 9. Samuel L.Fraser, etf ne Ji, see 38, town 2, range w. J. Wjtush ne M ne M see M, tawa 4 ranee 12. K. Scott w l-2-el-.secMtowBlraageieT PerrySawyer.ne l- ael-4, see M tewa t rk 9. a P. Sawyer, nw 1-4 ae M sec 16 town 1 rug 9. ShAr.Sfwis'",J wL 3Sown2ragie I. L. Flagler se 1-4 ne M sec M towa 4 range 12 K. K Iavitt lot S In aac 7 ton limLTlP A. ILMoaa, s H sl-4 sec 13 town lruge 9. FiOTa mat. W W aw I-t ace M tnmm A nu. 19 w'Jv!wks sM se 1-4 see 95 tewa l saage le piOM Frailer Be M see 3StowBl range M. Junes iA. Boggs. ,w K see 25 town t range M. .5J? JeISa.",ScT te w Pelu within ninety day from the date of this aotlee said contracts win he declared forfeited by the Board of Educatkmal Leads aadFaads and said for- iHB wiu am eararea or recoraa la toe provided bylaw. DaatUacoJa Nebraska this 17th day of July a. mm. !. oj uracr m .lunar otkzjt. Com. P. L.4sB Attest: M. B, McNrrr. Treasurer of Webster County. Boots Boots SB Shoes Shoes We have removed to our NEW QUARTERS just North of the F. M Bank and aow have the Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes Everseea in Red Cloud, and they will be sold at prices that will aaake them go fast, in faetwe are goiagto Sell our Goods Cheap for Cash ! We have the largest steak aael warrant oar stock. PaSta MiHm. To William. Arnold ; - louare aereeyaouaed teat ca the 71h daof November 1887 1. L.Baum Durehaaedatmhlk tuaaie inawuecouBiy treasurer, nun. mc Nittatthe courthouse in Bed Cloud, Webster county Nebraska for the taxes of the year 1886, described land ameuatlBcto aue. the situated la Webster count me name or William A Nebraska, taxed In rue souta-east Ji oi taesouui-westtt, section 6. town 3. ranged, west of the 6 p.m. containing 40 and 5-looth The Pride of We A clear pearly and transparent skin is al ways a sign of pure blood, and all persons troubled with dark, greasy, yellow or blotched skin can rest assured that their blood Is out of order. A few doses of Begg's. blood puriler and bl ood maker wm remove the cause aBd the skin will become clear and transparent. Try It and If satisfaction is not given it will cost you nothing. It is f ulrjr warranted. C. L. Cottlng. drn5t. acres. .The time for redemption of said land Mleem ddUc L.BAC3C. from, the lien of said tax vemkjpr 7th, 1889. and if not redeen will nln va. umr Tin. ism. and tr not rMipemmr - . . -- - .... ineaaove aate expiree I will make ai for a treasurer's tax deed. before cation Take If atlce. ToN.D.Fox: You are hereby notified that on the 7th day of October, 1887, 1, L. Baum, purchased at Snvate Tax Sale, from the County Treasurer, J. B. McNitt, at the Court-house in He Cloud, Webster county, Nebraska, for the txes of the year t885. amounting to 70c ThelfeOow ing lot situated in Webster caunty, Nebraska, taxed in the name of N. I. Fox.Jn the vintage of Cowles, to-wit: Lot 7, block 9. The time for redemption of said lot from the lien of said tax sale will exDire October 7th. ikxb. and if ant re deemed before the above date expires. I will REMOVED I J. L. Miller has moved his im- CMMtl DIT 011 1 III MMe 8tCk f kaness under the Far WIMlliril.VBlill!Ders Merekants bank, where yoa fUlsVIl CEiTDra,' P!Me kaness, saddles, bridles CMCboteal Md Mytl,i'g in the harneS3 in order to reduce my large stock to give ae room. I n gell on time at cask prices whn ten per cent interest. Call and see me and I will do vou good. J. L. Miller. saamaa laenmaV MB A BaaaaT'" 'aaaanaV mFiii nanwaMljft HOffM'SlfMfcg ItWOBmWl SttteUaHTn t- M.V-" Trvi:srt on for a Tr"-iirr5 Tn- nl. i i f