The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 26, 1889, Image 5

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5,?iVriri7ivs i ,i """T ,l . 1X
IBIl r, una-!
gfe cd j&foud jghuf.
A. c Bxr.i:,
rnblished every Friday morning from the office
East Hide Webster St., between 4th and Stb
. Avenue, lied Cloud, Neb.
Absolutely Pure.
his powder never varies. Marvel otpure
trengtliand whok'someness, more economical
than the ordinary kind and cannot be sold in
oompetion with tha multitudes of low test short
tantalum or phosphate iiowdor-. Sold only
)cc Wall street. X. Y. Oitv-
I have the aguuey for ten different
loan companies, and can give you the
benefit of any of their peculiar plans
of making farm loans. Therefore I
jta make a farm loan quicker and at
lower rates than any other agent in
Webster county. I make option
loans or straight loans for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, or 7 years, also on first class city
property. Compare my terms before
placing your farm loan, and save mon
ey and regrets. G. W. Barker.
Bear Red Cloud Nat'l Bank.
thrJ I7 kv calef Reverters la
Aad Aaeat the City ui Co a at y.
Hoofing p'tch and coal tar at Deyo's
, Judge Sweczy was in Bluo Hill this
D.F. Trunky was in Blue Hill this
Drink California orange mead at
J Standard mowing machine. G. W.
tow, agent 50 2m
Cotting makes the best sticky fly
pap in town.
White Rock mineral water, ginger
ette at Cotting's.
Neals celebrated carriage paints at
Dejo, all colors.
Deyo has the largest stock of of fire
works in town. Bny of him.
There were no services at the M .
E. church last Sunday evening.
Call on G. W. Dow and gatjrices
cMcCoravck or Standard skewing
machines. 50-2m.
Considerable damage has been done
to bridges in this county by the late
Several probationers were taken
into full membership at the 31. E.
church last Sabbath.
Frank Hatch who has been sick for
some time, has recovered and will
arin assume business on the road.
Ve have about two dozen agricul
fral reports that we will give to onr
farmer friends on calling at this office.
When you want genuine bargains
iarotlons, ribbons, laces, and white
goods go to Young's C. O. D. Em
porium. ,,'3W.
A bum print who has bcej3loaJdMg
on rot cut for several weeks was., jaiejd
mnt of the citv this week by Chief.
I oan save you big money on furui
tureand carpets. 100 different pat
terns of carpets cut without waste at
F. V. Taylor's.
In our tournament article last
aek wc failed to note the decora
tions ok G. W. Liudscy's meat mar-j
ket They were nice.
Charley Smelser is a very Lappy
man all because it is a boy. It pulled
the beam at the usual Nebraska
weight Ciagars Charley.
It is said that Keby 'Pierstoff" two
hundred and thirty dollars at one
?me invhis county. Woe be unto the
Af hilistines even unto the 4th and 5th
It would not be a bad thing if the
eity owned its own electric lights.
This could be done at a liberal figure
and would be more satisfactory all
.iwtnil wp Rhonld iudce. Now would
be a "ood time to consider the matter
Pete Sailor of Bladen -was in tha city
F. P. Bonaell of Superior, was in the
city this week.
A email water spout !a said to have
broken on' Penny creek last Monday
A new gutter was pot in across 4th ave
nue this week, That was right, it has
long been needed there.
The city council wisely concluded
jLo procure an electric bell signal, to be
placed between the city engine bouse
and firemen's headquarters.
These dark nights makes fellow ap
preciate the electric lights more felly than
ever. A fellow can only aDfireetate the
pleasures of life, when be is shut off from
Win. Hayes, of this county, had two
ponies stolen last Saturday niget. Two
boys named respectively Claypooi and
Cleveland are ffmpicioned as the goliy
The other night, the Bed Cload cornet
band was reorganized with seventeen
members and the following officers;
President, L. P. Albright.
Musical Director, O. M. Plumb.
Secretary, V.B. Fulton.
Treasurer J. R. Shirey.
The band proposes to build up a strong
assocation and be ready for business at
all times. In this connection we should
like to suggest that our boisiness men
raise a little fond for tho boys and have
Saturday eyening concerts. This would
give the boys a charge to bnild up and
at the same time be a means of draw
ing a large crov.d together on our streets
Saturday evenings. There is nothing
nicer than band concerts of the kind
mentioned. Lets have the Saturday
night concert by all means. Help the
Viotobix B. 0.,iuly 17,1889.
Editob Chief,
Possibly a letter from tho Queen City
might be of some interest to some of my
old, old school friends and papils, so if
you have room for this the Cms may
have it.
Two holidays, the 24th and 25th of May,
were neccessary to celebrate Her English
Majesty's birthday, as she is now seventy.
The. first day, the usual grand regatte
and base ball. The second day a sham
fight on Beacon Hill, the contestants be
ing the Navy and tho "C Battery.1'
The earlier part of the day was given
to the Canadian game La Crosse, athlet
ic games, racing and cto. Mr. Johnson
the champion bicyclist performed aston
ishing feats with his wheel, After taking
the small wheel off, he went around the
track backwards as easily as the usual
It the evening the Government grounds
and buildings were illuminated, and fire
works were lavishly used. All the bicy
clist had a parade, the machines all car
ried lanterns.
On Dominion day, July 1st., all the Sun
day Schools had their annual picnic
On the fourth we all Went on an excur
sion to Port Tovnsend W. T. Althoagh
the people there are expecting a rail road
and are building several fine brick blocks
it has a poor locationon verysteep bleffs
Take for instance, two of the principal
treats running parallel, one fa over 110
feet higher than the nest one aad to
reach it, most directly, Is to cliatb the
"zigzag," a nearly winding state. It ia
too steep to mognt othwwtsa oanL bal
loon traveling is comjeener.
. t . .: ....
Cn our rernrn, starting auout aix
o'clock, the regular beat form the Boamd,
the Olympian, and oua boat the Islander
trlod speed. The American bor.t is a side
wheeler, and the Lender ia a propeller,
built at Glasgow last year. -Of coarse the
Olympian beat us by a few minutes.
Our boat nearly had a lire, as its smoke-
stnehs became red hot, and burned the
wood work around tiiwn f a tho cabin.
Thcsmoko discovered it ifi time, and
Uic hose easily put i: otiL Still it was
considered at lira;. &cst ?D get every
thins ready to icavu ii became necces
sarv, and th boats vere rea dy to launch
with their oars in j.lace.
It did not create mncn excitement, as
those not sick wort, &5 duck, so it was
;eot known geuc-r&lly; lici k was over
There was a big sea on sad the waves
were high taapgh tj briafc over the up
per deck.
The Sound islesiULt; A lf antly fin
ished and fumihd. having the electric
light. The upper yar!; of all the doors
in the cabin are laitd eoayes in oil on
Our city is tm-ring an electric street
rail road built new, and the new Jebilee
hospital is bjeing erccltd-
Bealy I am afraid this in too long, so I
will stpp writing.
Eta W&ijseb Clbtilasd.
You can buy ladie- fcose at Young's
C. O. D. Emporium ei lower prices
than anywhere, ladies grey mixed at
5 cents per pair "not damaged either"
You will find our hose stoek complete
frnm cheaD hose to b hcst in the!
Young's C. O. . Emporium.
special Bate
On Angust 6 to JO, Sept. 10 to 245
and Oct 8. the B. . M will sell round
trip tickets to poke in Celerado. Mon
tana, Utah, Wyoming and Idaho fof
jeme fare for the riuad trip.
Fj. Ezrls, .W.
Aaethor Ceacmaach.
On last Tuesday morniag the flood
gates of heaven were gently ajar and
the rain poured down in torrents until
there occureda small Conemaugh flood
in this section. In this city the
streets were one sheet of water and
in many plaees streams as wide as
good sized creeks were rushing down
towards the placid Republican, which
along towards evening got its back up
in short order. It raised two feet in
fifteen minutes, and continued to
rise until it was bank full Finally it
took out the mill dam at a loss of at
least 11500. The dam out and of
course the electric lights could not
shine. Under the present condition
ef affairs it will probably be sometime
before the plant is in running order
again. In the eity I he fiats were
inundated, crooked creek was away
out of its bank, sidewalks floated
around promiscuously, cellars were
full, in fact some of them were too
full for utterance, houses that never
leaked before leaked, and men who
never cussed before just said a few
by-words when they found the aqua
pura coming in at every crevice Over
on Ash creek five bridges were wash
ed out and the same can be said of
nearly every stream in the county.
Whsither the small grain crop was
much iniurcd remains to be seen. It
was a very hard rain and a tellow who
witnessed it and then conld have the
hardihood to say that it "never rained
in Nebraska" ought to be removed by
J eleotricity.
- a
Tae Caatj Fair.
From this on our fanner friends as
well as our town friends should be
gin to look after our county fair
which is not far distant This season
has been a prolific one and there is
no reason why the Webster County
Agricultural society should not have
a successful exhibition this year.
Let the people of the county in gen
eral put their shouldeis to the enter
prise and push it to success this
season. It is an enterprise that
every man, woman ana cnua in tne
county should be interested in and
no petty jealousies or previous fail
ures should stand in the way of mak
ing the fair a blooming reality; this
season. The managers should do
their level best to give the patrons a
good fair and one that can be appre
ciated by all. Such inducements go
a long ways to make the fair what it
should be. Let everybody join
hands, with the avowed intention of
doing all they can to make a good
fair this year.
Doe. McKeebyhas begun throw
ing mmd at A. J. Kenney a man su
perior in every way to the dudish
docky. The facts are that A. J.
Kenney has done more to build Bed
Clond up than any one other saan in
it, and if Doe McKeeby had been
doing likewise instead of loaning
money to poor farmers at 50 per cent
per annum he might talk. We know
of one instance of this kind and per
haps others may come up. People
who reside in glass houses should be
careful about the use of clubs. There
are others in tne outot who loan
money at usurious rates of interest,
who we shall bring oat to public
scrutiny when the proper time comes.
It is ccrcainly a niee looking outfit to
talk about a man, that is bead and
shoulders above them all when it
comes to honor, integrity, respepta-
btlity and enterprise.
. y
The fire tournament was a . grand
success in every way except financially
and that was caused by the failure of
outside parties to do as they agreed.
The boys will be about $600 behind
and the burden will fall on about five.
This is cmtirely wrong. jjUor Cttizens
should not let these men pay that
amount, for they canflot afford to do
so. The tournament was a source of
great benefit to Red Cloud in many
ways, and onr mtftehante and capital
ists should make np the emonnt at
once. Let some of our enterprising
men get to the front and help .the
boys out of the hole. It is nothing
sore than just. The city received
the benefit and not the men who have
to saddle the deficiency.
There wilt be a special mooting of
Charity lodge No. 53, Saturday eve
ning at 8 o'clock sharp for work in
the third degree.
M- B, NcNrt, Master.
Mrs. P. W. Shea, wife of our es
teemed traveling friend, P. W. Shea
goes to St Joseph, Mo. for an extend-1
cb pleasrare tour
A aealal. j
Editor Chief:
My attention has recently been call
ed to an item in the Red Cloud Re
publican, charging me with having
written an article for yonr paper,
abusive of the Republican editor. In
fact my attention has quite often
been called to similar accusations
printed in th at wretched travesty on
journalism, but I have never felt call
ed ipon to give them the slightest
attention until now. In this instance
the sweeping charge is made against
me of having stirred np a great deal
of strife in tais community by writ
ing numerous personal articles for
the papers of this eity during the
past few years. This is quite a seri
ous charge, Mr. editor, under which
I am- certain this community will
not expect me to remain silent. The
accusation is all the more annoying
to me for the reason that I am entire
ly unconscious of having established
among my neighbors the reputation
of a mischief maker. On the con
trary I had gotten the impression
that I was in the habit of attending
strictly to my own affairs. I am
quite certain of this since I had al
most forgotten that there was still
living in this community a man by
the name of McKeeby. I bslievc
that's the fellow's name who is now
the reputed editor of the Red Cloud
It is difficult for me to understand
the motive pro mptin? these repeated
attacks. It is possible that I may
have been in his way sometime.
The accusation that I wrote the ar
ricle in the Chief abusing the Re
publican editor, or that I suggested
it, or even knew of its having been
written prior to its appearance in the
paper, is false. I am compelled to
beliave though relucantly that my
accuser is guilty of writing and
printing not an ordinary falsehood,
but a nalafious lie. Malicious for
the reasoathat no man with half a
thimble full of brains can comfound
the Chief editor's original stvle of
composition with my own plain, mat
ter-of-fact style. Besides he has
beenwMtred thfwt am not contribu
tingtqe columns of the Chief. 1
have before heard of this' fellow
sneaking through the alleys and by
ways, whispering his tales of slamlcr
to willing listeners. He is the earn'
individual who told interested pat
ties some time age that I was the
author of certain articles published in
the Chief relating to the live stock
markets of this city.
That 1 have written, or even sug
gested one line for your paper for .wo
years, is equally false. That I ever
wrote anything for your paper or fer
any other paper of a personal charac
ter is false. That I have contributed
to any newspaper in Red Clond for
two years, save in two instances,
months ago, and once when the editor
was tcmporarially absent, ia also false.
He talks about generating bad
blood. We ' never had any till the
advent of this mischief-making,
peace-disturbing fellow. Since then
this little community has been in a
state of turmoil, and every public en
terprise inaugurated seems to have
been blighted by his touch. It is
possible, Mr. editor, I may have
committed some offenses in my life;
in fact very few men live to be my
age without doing so, but I have
heard offenses charged to my accuser
of which ,1 am certainly not guilty:
I have never been aecused of coming
to Nebraska in the capacity of an
Ajax, ready to- strike down' any man
who dared to cross my path; I have
never been accused of coming Jo Ne
braska to praotiee the cruelties of a
Shylock I have never been aecused
of exhibiting toward a fellow eitizen
the venom of a whole nest of vipers
and the ferocity of a Spanish bull; I
have never been accused of winking
at the open and shameful violation
of law when in an official capacity;
I am certain that I never soueht to
break up the republican party simply
because it wasn't run just to suit
my notions. I have never made my
place of business headquarters fer
democratic politicians for the pur
pose of defeating republican eandi
dates, and Mr. Editor I a
very cer- j
tain that I have not edited a demo
cratic newspaper during my residence
in Red Cloud.
I understand that he has some
thing to say about my foraging
for public office. "Upon what
meat deth this our Cesser feed" that
he should dispute my right to run
good on that score. I was 45 years
old before I was a candidate for any
office, save that of school director,
and seven years of that period was
spent in Nebraska. How many re
publicans in Red Cloud can show as
good a record? I am certain, how
ever that in none of these foraging
expeditions have I surrendered my in
dependence and manhood by approach
ing a political foe and with all the
meekness of a common tramp asking
for bread, beg for support as my ac
cuser did when he was seeking the
position of surgeon of the B. & M.
Co. It was he, with the cold, selfish,
cunning ways of a Uriah Heepwho
was ready to sell out his little crowd
of followers, if myself and friends
would measure our consciences with
an india-rubber string and consent id
bis appointment as surgeon. Possi
bly I should not have mentioned the
real character of my accuser, l am
afraid the small boys will fall into the
habit of pointing him out to strangers
as the Uriah Heep of Red Cloud.
Yours Truly,
A. J. Kenney.
The managers and croakers
big 8 sheet want to control the
county offices, (they need the money)
and in one form or another have been
trying to get hold of the funds for
years, but the people have held them
off at arms length with the exclama
tion "No such as you wanted," In
years past they have been willing to
spend large sums ef money to gain
. a a .
tneir enus ana are still willing, we
have no doubt, to spend more in or
der to get their clutches on the coun
ty provender. The people will do
well to watch them. Their paper was
started solely for that purpose. They
saw that they could not use the other
city pipers to further their schemes,
hence, at a great financial loss, (and
a continued loss ever since) they put
iu a printing outfit in order to fur
ther their plans and pull the wool over
the people's eyes. They will deny
that part of it of course, but never
the less it is true, as not one member
of the outfit is a practical print
er or a printer in any sense
that the word implies, hence
the paper could not have been
started for a pecuniary benefit, and
if not for that, at must have been for
furthering of their designing politi
cal schemes. The name "Republican"
as applied to that sheet is a misno
mer. It would sound better under
the heading oiNitx Vomica" Eh!
It Oagatta he Fixed.
The water standing on the bot
toms near the depot should be made
to disappear by some method. Jt is
some ones duty to see that the water
is drained, from those lands, and it is
either the city's duty, or the railroads,
one or the other. The health of that
portion of the community is certainly
jeopardized by long . tending cesspools
and standing water that will surely
breed malaria if not abolished. The
city board of health should view the
situation at once and ever duty
it is, should be made to attend to the
matter at once. There should be
prompt action in this matter.
A slick trick was played on one of
our attorneys this week. It seems
that the gentleman had levied on a
certain lady's goods for a husband's
debt, 'and the officer nad had them
loaded on a dray and brought up
town: While the dray was standing
on the street, a young lad came up
with another team and hollered out
"that the matter was all settled and
that he wanted 'the goods." The
drayman presuming that all was right
innocently let the boy have them,
while the attorney was confidently
rubbing his hand?, thinking what a
neat job he had done in securing the
goods in satisfaction of his clients ac
count. The fun of it is that the
goods can't be found just now, and
the cussing is somewhat mixed with
metaphor bordering on the blue.
The Chief would like to make this
suggestion to the city council and
that is that they procure tiling for
culvert purposes. It is a little more
expensive perhaps than hoards at first
but the lasting qualities will be far
more enduring, and therefore cheaper
I in the long run.
Dedriek Bros, are plastering the
jail and Adam Morhart is putting on
the tin roof.. Soon the music of the
jail bird will be heard carolling
through his wire cage.
Polities are beginning to warm up
lightly, and next week this Great
Family Weekly will publish a list of j
-t,.i?-., .,;, r-ir ;? bcrJ rnra.
A 620000 VIBE AT BLUE 3111,1..
The Bed Cload Fire Department Cal
led to the Becae.
Early Monday morning a telegram
was received in this city announcing
that Blue Hill was on fire and need
ed help. John Tomlinson and six
others, whose names wc did not get.
hurridly prepared one of our hose
carts and taking the morning train
foi Hastings, soon arrived in Blue
Hill where the bojs did efficient
work, having used over 5000 barrels
of water from the railroad tank by
making a forced coupling.
The cause of the alarm was found
to be in three elevators at that place
owned by H. Gund & Co., J. S. Hoo
ver and Trowbridge & Skelton. The
flames in these buildings were dis
covered similtaneopsjy, and ft is !&
supposed work of an iucendiary, as
the clapper of the fire alarm was tied
down. The loss is estimated at $20,
000. covered with insuraaee as fol
lows: H. Gund & Co., $7,000, J. S.
Hoover, $4,900. No one is able to
discover the motive and the fire is
still shrouded in mystery. The hea
viest loser? are Trowbridge & Skelton,
who for the second time lose their
all by the fire fieud. The lire de
partment of the Hilt in conjunction
with the Red Cloud department ren
dered efficient services and probably
saved many other buildings.
XVc Shall Try and Sluice hi Llle
Denver, Col., July 20, 1380.
Red Cload Chief:
Gents: If you want to make
my life pleasant with the women
folks you had better send The Chief
regular. Yours Truly,
W. R. Chaplain.
We shall try and make your life
happy, W. 11., and just as soon as the
last democrat is fired from the rail
way mail service The Chief will come
regular (you sec that it is now a re
publican administration and we don't
know what else to lay it to as it
leaves this office regular.) The Great
Family Weekly must get to its thous
ands of readers or the world would
come to a stand-still, as The Chief
is the only paper that publishes all
the news.
Wc should like to gently call the
attention of the street commissioner
to the fact that the gutters on either
side of We'ister street between 2nd
and 5th avenues should be clcaned-at
least fortnightly as thy need cleans
ing about that often. They get very
foul. In fact the citv instead of
glccting this matter should at
once provide wooden or stone gut
ters. It would be an improvement
that every business man would hail
with joy. If the city council does
not believe that those places are fes
ters on the "body politic" let them
appoint a smelling committee to in
vestigate the pools on the west side
of the street from Miner's corner to
the north end of the Muuu block. It
is really, without joking a matter of
much concern, as the gutters are verv
filthy most of the time.
In another column will be found the
First National bank report. Tois bank
still leads all in the way oflujUness and
is among the most solid institutions in
the north-west aa the report will how.
The citizens of Red Cloud feel jw9ti- .
fiable pride In The First National, "
from the fac's that Jt keeps moving
alonj; in tli2 frent rank of prosperity
and stability. Success to it.
AI. Tulleys has become world-wide
lauious, to much so that 'Mr. De
Nichichi3vich of Alexandric, Egypt"
nas commenced corresponding with
him. The Chief can recommend 3Ir.
Tullevs to our oricnal friend, Mr.
Nichichievicb, as a fair minded gentle
man to deal with in the "wild and
wooley west." We also will say for the
kind consideration of Mr Nicbichie
vich that as a matter of fact, The
Chiep publishes all the news, even
from the remotest parts of this terres '
tial globe. Advertisers jake notice.
Mr. John Davis of Johnstown, Pa. a
brother in law to J. O. Butler, is in
the city. Mr. Davis lost his wife and
three children in the great flood. He
says the half of the great horror has
not been unfolded to the ear of man.
He says it can't be pictured, painted,
or told in language sufficient to
convey to any one the half of the
misery and death of that great ca
lamity, and probably never will be.
The Webster county t-achcr insti
tute commences next Monday with
prospects of a very large atteJance.
Miss King is using her beit endeavors
to compel teachers to proper! v St
themselves for the great rort before
f 3
. .i jj ' argWfc'