0S.""Ji t i i 5. J -a? I I ;cowlks. G. A. Harris Las bought E. Gil ford's store building here, and will ' more bis stock of goods as soon as the ihside of it is fitted up. Mr. Harris has moved into the 'mas that Sir. Gilford's family occu pied. Last Saturday morning during a thuader shower, Mr. Gilbert's resi dence was struck by lightning, tear ing the roof some. Mr. G. and son were in the house bat were not injur ed. Q. S. Gibson has taken a position is Fuller & Good's store. C. W: Fuller intends moving to Lawrence in the near future. Mrs. J. W. Waller and Mrs. A. A. Peak went to Franklin to visit friends aad relatives. The Cowles bank will be moved in to the back part of Mr. Harris' new store. A heavy rain last Tuesday caused the creek to raise considerable. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lewis visited the 5rst part of this week with Mrs. Hen 7j Waller, Mrs. Lewis' mother. Pickwick. You Cannot Afford At this season of the year to be without u good reliable diarrhoea balsoni in the house, as cramps, colic, diarrhoea ami ull inflaiuation of Uie stomach and bowels are exceedingly dan gerous if not attended to at cac.1. One bottle or Begg's diarrhoea balsoni will do more good in cases of this hind than any other medicine on earth. We guarantee it. C. L. Catting druggist A MEAT STATE FAIK. Everything indicates that the coming Nebraska state fair and annual exposition to be held at Lincoln, September 6 to 13 next, will be the most extensive, instruc tive and entertaining of anything of its kiad ever held in the, United States. While Nebraska state fairs of lata years have been universally cor.eed.-ed by all to be unsurpassed, it ia ie ami 0f the man- jageauat this year to eclipse all of its pre- j .deeeseors in all zr Jpects. The fact is re .agnized that m agricultural products in Nebraska an'j the new west generally -were never e 0 promising as the present . Jr Tb e stato i,oard of agriculture "aMs T o bring all to the front, and pre- "' .o the world in full forco and to the 1f poesiblo advantage, all the rosouccs . the state. The live stock interests was never before so throughly aroused. Speed men are also to the fore. A better line of horses than ever before will be on hand. Secretary Furnas announces that aore accommodation are already engaged thaa ever before, three to one. Some of the best herds of cattle and horses in Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota and Wiaconson are already booked. Some from New York and Ohio. They seem to under stand where they can show to a paying advantage. The $1, 000 premium offered for sweepstakes on cattle attracts atten tion all over the country. The liberality, too, of the board in offering a like sum f $1, 000 for county collective exhibits, will bring to the fair, especially all the aew counties in Nebraska many area! ready booked for space. Besides the seiid agriculture factors, usual and essen tial at fairs, the boards has made extra ordinary provisions for instructive and interesting attractions this year. At great expense, a flock of seven f nil grown, faU plumed South Africa ostriches will be oat free out door exhibition each day on the fair grounds. Not of the cooped up menagerie sort, but something nice aad fresh from ostrich breeding farms Mad, Marantctte, vrith the finest trained and educated horse in the world, "Wood lawn," will be on hand each day day. Also she will drvic on the race track tho fastest double team in tho world. She has made 1 :34 1-2. There will be rare and. instructive attractions. During the evening of the fair the city of Lincoln Kill show the finest trado'3 spectacular display and pyrotechnic exhibition ever produced in the Treat. This will bo ac companied with a reproduction, revised, corrected and improved presentation of the King Tartarrax pageant, unsurpass ed even by tho famed Veiled Pr ophct or Mardi Gras. Altogether it is repeated, the coming fair c t Lincoln means to stand without a rival. The Pride of Woman. A clear pearly and transparent skin is al ways a sign of pure blood, and all persons troubled with dark, greasy, yellow or blotched skis can rest assured that their blood is out of order. A few doses of Begg's blood puriSer and blood maker w ill remove tbe cause and tbe skin will become clear and transparent . Try it and II satisfaction is not given it will cost you aothlag. It is fully warranted. C.L. Cotting, druggist. The latest newspaper Bensation is the sale of the Lincoln Journal to the Omaha Republican, the transfer of which takes place on Aug. 15th, when the Republican-Journal will be issued simultaneously in Omaha and Lincoln. The job plant goes with the newspap er. Mr. Rosewater. of the Bee, was ', bidder for the Journal, but was out- ':i by Mr. Nye. Rumor has it that t. Hitchcock, of the Woild Herald at Omaha, was also after the property. Hasting Gazette-Journal. . . War I That people linger plon? rJwajs complaining ataatthat continual tired feeling? One bottle of Begg's blood puriucr and blood maker will remove tbii!-"-.--'. ''"-' ""' """ '' Showing the amoaat on KIND OF FUND. Consolidated State County General. stating Road Bridge Railroad Boad..... JaiL Insane Poor House Folding Boad Road Warrant,.... Bridge Judgment. . Court House. Safe Poor Surplus General.. .": Bridge....! special Bridge... School District. Bond.... " Mandamus. Fines and Licenses State Apportionment. Township Guid Rock Precinct Bond. Red Cloud City Bond Red Cloud City Blue HiU Village. Guide Rock. Road District. Labor Tax.. Interest Advertising. Errop Less Overdraft. Cash Balances. Fees aad commissions collected from January 1st to June 30th, 1889, inclusive, 91151.52. Registered warranto i unpaid 1888, $1998.61. Railroad boad $47;500i due January lit, 1894. I. M. B. McNitt, Treasurer of Webster couaty, Nebraska, hereby certify the above to bo a correct statement t of a&iaxee, fees and ceamisaioM collected; atti moneys disbursed by me, as County Treasurer of Webster county, frem tbe 1st ot January to tbe 30th of Joae, II $9, inclusive. Also the itdobtcdaeeo aecerdiag to the records in this office, and the best of my knowledge and belief. 1LB. McNITT, Treaeocer Webster Coarsy. taMIaalaalppI Olt is hoped that in his eagerness to capture Sullivan and get him back to Mississippi to be tried for the misde meanor of priie fighting Gov. Lowry will not over look an unpleasant occur ence which took place in his state Sun day. It was the lynching of a young negro charged with tho murder of a white mar.. That tV negro did kill the white man is not proven. The colored man was taken out of jail and strung up to a tree. This lynching is a worse crime than the one committed by Sullivan. Will Gov. Lowry let it pass unnoticed, or will he try to pun ish those who have thus brought dis grace on the reputation of his state. Chicago Tribune. . A 8ww Legal plateau B. Bainbridge, afundaj lag, Coaaty Atty., Clay Co Tex. saos: 'Have ased Electric Bitters with most happy resalta, If y brother also was very lew with Mala rial Fever and Jauudiee, hat was eared by timely ase of this anedieina. Asa satis fied Eleetrio Bitters saved hie life." Ifr.D.L Wfleoxsoa, of Done Cave, K.T.raddsaliketeatiBMmy,sayiag: He postivel y believes he would have died, had it not been for Eleetrie Bitters. This great remedy will ward , as well as care all Malarial Diastase, aad for all Kidney, Liver and Stomaeh Disorders stands ccegualed. Price fiOe. and $1. at Henry Cook's, 6 - The latest fad is at all public exer- oiaoa wtipn the Mn.vor of the eitv nre-1 sides, or takes any prominent part, for the young ladies to present him!.ToN D Fox:Take Vmtu handsome bonoueta of flowers. Now i wc expect that Mayor Holland will at once call a public meeting say in he interest of the water company and with bis sad-eyed far-away smile and in his new suit he will be so im pressive that bouquets will literally shower upon him. The New Blaeavery You have heard your friends "and neighbors talking about it You may yourself be one of the many who know from personal experience just bow good a thing it is. If you have ever tried it, you arc one of its staunch friends, because the wonderful thing bout it is, that when once given a trial Dr. King's New Discovery ever after holds a nlace in the house. If you have never used it and should be affl icted with a cough could or any throat Lung or Chest trouble secure a bcttle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time r money refun ded. Trial Bottle Free at Henry Cook's Drugstore. 6 Special Bate. TheBecMhas issued a circular of special rates for special occasions, the following of which ate of awe or less interest to this sectiea. Omaha Fair and Exposition, Sept, 26. Round trip for one fare, 50 ceats 1 added for admission to the ground. Parade Association ox Fneit ox Pallas. Kansas City, Oct. 14. On fare for round trip. Twenty-third national encampment G. A R., Milwaukee, Ang. 28-31. One fare for round trip,, with special terms. M & E.' Harris, Agt. jIM a Are yoa going to bay a carpet If :o d not fail to 1 -r "airnTXi inv County hand January 1st, 1869, the cotfcetions siaee made;.wisbursements and am ount remaining om bawd at tha clow ottfce 1869, ia each and'all of the several funds stated. t: ST g. a gSs s H7XB8 bt fi ts fi 5516 68 1296 25 8230 41 5861 79 20 59 38 34 178 02 122 ISO 126 06 2144 7 41 132 16 99 13 25 134 2019 11 4437 40 55 35 47 25 140 5110 47 2634 32 2068 83 3273 75 160 1371 63) 13 31 164 78 49 29 44 408 784 6 28 204 42 971 79 4 14 40 34 41 91 1 41 85 38 39 701 168 2 55 64 9 96 167 160 175 186 16 35 I 22 223 District Account 45 50 6806 03 10074 57 245 18 State Apportionment Dist. 25. Bond Acc't. Fines and License 2063 75 800 . 09 997 49 764 72 114 85 7474 34 12 22 54 65 47 181 219 49 756 00 4439 29 728 38 946 26 57 43 9 88 17 67 48 16 Labor 248 420 424 428 472 61 1055 54 427 92 150 42 28 67 3502 86 362 39 8 69 43: 122 01 5 55 County Col 227 .315 84 Labor 231 1043 00 174 927 91 (179 47 00 46 30 31863 22 54900 70 927 91 1 65 62 67 .1 31798 801 Thanks. The officers and members of com mittees wishes to express their sincere thanks and kind appreciation for the services and assistance received from the ladies and citizens of Red Cloud, during the tournament and will recip rocate the courtesies whenever the opportunity is offered to do so. Very respectfully, A, J. Tomlinson. Chairman Tournament Committee. Notice is hereby given that I will examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the public schools of this county, at Red Cloud, on the third Saturday of each month. Eva. J. Kino. Count Sap't ill i Furniture of all kinds cheaper than ever at F. V. Taylor's. Take Netlee Xo William Arnold: You are hereby Bodaei that eatae 7th day of November 1887. L L. Bauai Mrctawd at public tax sale from thecouatv treasurer, M.B.MC- Hitt, at the court bob hi Bed Cloud, Webster county. Nebraska, for the taxes ot the year isss amounting to SGS. The foUewiag desertbed land situated in Webster couatv Nebraska, taxed In the name of William Arnold. The north-west of the south-west J section C town 3, range e west of the 6 pjb. containing S andn-lOOta acres. Tbe time for redempaea of said land from tbe lien of said tax sale will expire November 7th 1889, and if not re make annlication for & treasures tax deed, deemed bfflore tne above date expires i will 1 t. nvrv You are hereby notified that on the 7th day or uciouer, lew, j, u. tsauni purcnasea at Private Tax Sale, from the County Treasurer, M. B. McNitt, at the Court-house in Red Cloud, Webster county, Nebraska, for the taxes of the vear 18S5, amounting to 84."7. The following lot situated in Webster county, Nebraska, taxed in the name of N. D. Fox in the village of Cowles, to-wit: Lot 8, block 9. Tbe time for redemption of said lot from uie lien oi said tax sale, will expire October 7th, 1883. and If not redeemed before the above date expires, I will make applicatiou for a Treasurers Tax Deed. J. UAUM. Take Notice. To William Arnold: You are hereby notified tbat on the 7th day of November 1887,1, L. Baum purchased at public tax sale from the county treasurer, M. V.. McNitt. at the court-house in Bed Cloud Webster countv. Nebraska, for tbe taxes for the year 18S6, amounting to S&ftk -The following described land situated in Webster county, Nebraska, taxed in the name of William Ar nold. The north east ?4, of the south-west X section c ranee 9. town 3. west of the C p. m containing 40 acres. The time for redemption of said land from the Ilea of said tax sale will expire November 7th, 1889, aad If not redeemed before the above date expires I will make application for a treasurer's tax deed. I. Bavx. Take Notice. To M'E. Gordon:: You are nereDy nouneo uai on me tib oar oi November 1837, 1, L. Baum purchased at public taxsale from the county treasurer M. B. Mc- rntmtv Nebraska, for the taxes of the aMMintlne to 8335 oa thefoUowlBK desci land sttaated ia Webster couaty Nebraska tax ed in the name of ME. Gordon: The south-west u south-west 34 sertion?. town 2. raaces, west of the Sp. m. ofBtatalag MO acres. The time far rMiMBntinn of said land tram the Hen of MM taxsale wlU expire November 7th 1888. aad if aot redeemed naiore ih aoorv uawapmi wfll make application for treasurer's tax deed. L. Bauv. Take Notice. To Wtttiam Arnold: Y'ou are aereby noUled that on tbe 7th day of November 18SV. I. L. Baum purchased at public taxsale from the couaty treasurer, M.H. Mc Nitt, at the courthouse ia Bed Cloud, Webstex couaty, Nebraska,, for the taxea of the year me, amWuBtsVa5 the feBowiac descrlhed 1..J .ihiotAH In WlMar animiv Vhrslrs tav. ed in tbe name of WUUam Arnold: Theaoath- westsiOliBO soma west secuoau. iowbj, range 9, west of the 6 p.. coataintac 48 aad 83 Wtn acres. Tne time for redemption of said lut fiiia h Ha ttl aald tar aafa ln xnirR November Tth, 1889, and it not redeemed before tae above date expires i win maae sppucauoa for a treasurers tax deed. L.Bax. I.W.IULLEY8.M.D, H OMftfrnHATHIC PHYSICIAN. U.S. EX atninlni; sunon. omce opposite rirsr T' Treasurers Semi-Annual 2a cs TBANSFBRED3fxOM. t O-l o pi 03 13934 11 7284 10 49 44 68 58 0511 86 8431 47 4019 26 .2155 16 2007 61 10 26 9 561 3 17 39 70 255 64 9 96 15 35 16 73 2 and 28 Bond I 2 2871 7587; 42 25902 91 12766 3073 46 844 42 1183 844 1 26136: 48 122 85 7587 43 11300 27700 Tax Account. 5279 72 1210 871 3774 1172 1914 1946 11 93 . 90 984 2019 47 3978 94 521 50 lb0 23 Road. I Cost 21' 42 Tax Account 32.-00! 389 26 103 00 9137 91 93 301 8084:762TO 95776 61 48348 Cancers can be eared,, having devo ted a good deal of time for the last 35 years to the study and core of can cers, and having never in ene single instance failed where I had the pa tient before the caaoer comsaenced to eat and agrate, aad many where they had commenced; Come right along dear frieads to my house- and I will send you home ia five days rejoicing. If I cannot cure-you I wiX tell you so like an honest? man. References; John Stoddard. Walnut creek, Neb.; Mr. Bearisley,. Logan, Kan, My house is 12 males south ef Red Cloud, in Smith county Kansas. 48-tf J. I Eluoth Nettae. Bailders and enractorswUl take notice, fnaM the school hoard- of Diss. No. 75 wfll recelvst hide, oatheereeskmoX a school house la saJl Dbt;uattl Monday boob, jaly.23. rlaas aad specitcatlonaeaa be seen at ClkCotnaa's drug Store. Board reserves the right to reject any or aUMde. Dhmtalbideto H. C, Weber, Bad Cloud. Neby A.B. Pierce Moderate H. C Wber Dfreetoaj K. D. XcCuae Treasaxet.- I Take Notice. To Charles W.Kaley, Jacob L. Kakyajxt Ku- fusM. LaracBt. Yea are aereby notlfed that on the and day of Dec 1887 I, L. Baum purchased at private tax sate from the county treasurer, M.ljL McNitt, at tbe court bouse In Bed Cloud. Websteacoun ty, Nebraska for the taxes of the year 1888. amouBtimt to 817.43. The following described land, situated in Webster ounty Ntbraaka tax ed in me name oi vnaries w . Baicy, jacoo u. Kiley and Kutus M . Largcnt : the north-west ? section 22, town l, range lo. containing J80 acres The time for redemption will expire December 2, 1889, and if not redeemed before tbe above date expires I will mane application fera treas urer's tax deed. i BaUm. Notice to Bellaawestf. Notice is hereby given that tbe interest and rental and tbe contracts of sale and lease tb the following described educational lands, sttuatt-d in Webster county. Nebraska, set opposite the names of the respective holders thereof U de linquent, viz: w CM, Sheldon, assignee. fraenHnc1, see 31, town 2, range 9. Samuel L.Fraser, e!i ne i, sec S6, town?, range 10. J. W. Kush nel-4 ne 1-4 sec 16, town ifwfige ti. E. Scott w l-2el-l!ec3GtowBlraogelo. Ferry Sawyer, ne l-i ne 1-4. sec IS town 1 rag 9. 0. r. Sawyer, nw 1-i ne 1-4 sec 14 town 1 rng 9. Cluix, L, Lewis. sM nwl.4 sccsstown-irngio K. 11 Shirley, e H uw 1-4 sec 1G town 3 range 9 1. L. Flagler ae 1-4 ne 1-1 sec 16 town 4 rant; 12 E. 1. Leavut tot 6 in sec 7 town l range 10.' A. M. tfloaa, s K 81-4 sec 13 town l ranges. Floyd Burt, w nw 1-t see 16 town 4 range it. W, I, Hawks, s Y se 1- sec 23 town l mage la j. 9. Gllkaae a e 1-4 ue l-l and ntfl-4 sw M 9 sc 18 town 2: range 12. Thomas Frailer ne 1-4 sec S6 town i range 10. James A Bona, w H sec 25 towu S range lo. And if said delnqoency is not paid within ninety dayi from the date of this notice said contracts will be declared forfeited by the Board of RducatioBal LaBds and Funds and said for feiture will be eatered of records in the manner provided by law. Dated at LtncolB Nebraska this 17th day of July A. D. 1889. By order of Jobx Stbbw Com. P. L.&B. Attest: M. B-McNlTT. Treasurer of Webster County Take Notice, to wimam AraeM: Nltt at tbe court bouse iaKedOoad. Webster couBiyxeoiB8BBiorweiBxes onoeyeaai aoKJueung w pxav, ue iouowibc aescriDea situated ia Webster countv. Nebraska. tamoA ia theBameof WiniamArBoId: Theseeth-eastla of the south-west M section 6. town 3, range 9, west of the S bjl coataiBinr 48 aad 54-lesth acres. Tbe time for redemption of said laad rrom tneueBoc said tax sale will expire wo vember 7th. 1889, aad It sot rvd-emeof before the above date expires I will make appUcatioB wr a treasurer's tax oeeu. lBAU3f. ToN.D.Fox:TkeW-,e- You are hereby aotiled that uh the nil day of October, 18W.I, L.Baum. purchased at B1 2.S,lsIro" Coupty Treasurer. M.B. McNitt, at the Court-boBse la Be Cload, Webster couaty. Nebraska, for the f ixee oftteyearl8KamouBtiBg to Wc. XhetfoBew log tot situated in Webster jeaanty. Nebraska, taxed la tbe name of N.D.Fox.ta tbvUwage of Cowles. to-wit: Lot 7, btock 9. Ttetlmeler redemption of exld lot from the Ilea of said tax sale will xplre October 7th , tao, and if noajw 1 'eontcd beftw xt ul nt Jate cxilrts, I will ' " '"iTixlV Statement: a rUMDS TRiaaurssKD TO 12789 8S: 6845 46: 80 10 06 Head Diet. A 21 42 1303 23 102 69 2168 89 309 11 1 Oil -a.' 18 J' 70 Dm. 2 sad 82-Aec't 280 71 84 42 Diet. 25 If an'do Acc't 14 23 113 00 17.53 State Ac -portionment Softool E list. Aosounts 7587 42 05 21 80 14 47 55 30 00 To'wnshi ip Acsoaats. . Eefed Di st. Accounts. 27 0M 32 TSe Several 2unds.. 927 91 35 43 24! 9012 69 !ti6S Just Received 4 ... AT SlitfE Drald GOLDEN EACLE CLOTHING HOUSE, t mwamwamwamwamwMIP'llftws amHawawsai amwawaawf BwaHwaeimwaHWBmwaff awaftwawaftwaftwaMfcmwf 'r tmHawawl awawBafS -ZXU ,F.T" -JmwamwawamwaT1 immense' An Flannel coats and vests, Seersucker coats and vests, Alpacca coats and vests, Prices from $155 to 5. I guarantee you bottom prices on all goods sold by - Red Cloud and Wymore thirtieth day oP Jane si a- I- a S 8 I 1144 28 ISfMll 438 48 37 64 7SS4 10 64 444 10 668 5208 631 65KSS 849147 40196 21516 lOtXU IB 36 8328 781 1850 37 184S05 1006 501 10 08 3 10 9 561 3117 370 255 4 96 16V3S 122 250091 3073146 844 42 122 85 7587 43 5273' 7S 1210 87 201947 39 70 255 64 9 96 19 73 16 35 1 22 12236 21 1585 68 9 85 1 1505 67 38 66 104 67 2032 80' 3978 94 510 03j 521 50 62 68! 156" 2S 369 2 1B48-00 9277 91 93 30 278 96 57 87 - 82 38415 68 95776: 6t 1683 82! 36731 86 THE 4 assortment C. WIENER, .awa 1 JL mwa&frVAaW mwawawawaw7"amwawBw .BwamwamwamwaV wamwBmV mwaHwaHwaHwmwMM hwrnwawa MawamwaawamwaHawamsm m wawamwawaV mwamwavSmwamwamwamwawaV awamwawaW 4 bB I amwrnwam ttAimmtL