1. If . I f I J if 1 it J i : I- ',? i 4r Si It t Hf h If I r f. MJMMMyyMWpiMPhJtfp'Si'',P I M h 1 xl..- - T-Ts.'. . --iiTim r ll-' ..JJaaaaaaaaaaaaaaIaaEaaaaaKiSMSSLaia1 saaaaaaaaW saaaaaaaPswllswaWK3HPBHBMBPP y JK3WTfiSsrwcagwggeq!55S ' ' " Baaaaaaaaaaaaa - ------- -- - -- -- -- ....ii-ir.i t..i.i..ii-i i i hi Hi igii ilMW Tnii ! I ' i-SsSEjaaaaaPLm1" ' i """-"BBBBB 4:aaaaaaaaaFi:aaaaaFcSaaaaaaaaPaaaaaPaaaaaaaaa "' 'IjLJ f BC3aaaaaaaaaPlaaaaBaal "" ' "V '" " rH. :-,fiv)c aaaaf9t6tBKHHBa-va BWmiBjkiBklvHIVB&s 4BIBv jsaaaaaaaaaE aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarjlaafisaaaSFfcsi SBB 91 i KpkjSA tr''BV Vol. 16. Hacker & Parker, THE GROCERS RED CLOUD, NEB. New Billiard Hall ! P. L. Jeffers, Proprietor, RED CLOUD, - NFBRASKA. Fine tables, reasonables rates, nice treatment, is oar mono. Come and see is. THE CITY LIVERY STABLE. McAvoy & Farkel, Props. Keep Fine Rigs and Good Teams At Reasonable Prices, "Commercial men and others will find this uoor east ci RED CLOUD, NEB MS WR CHEAP FOR CASH ! S F SPOKESFIELD. DEALER Q? Dry Goods, Groceries, Millinery, fcc, is again before the public with a large and choice line of goods, and is felling close for cash. Lc test Styles in Millinery always on hand. THE TRALERS LUMBER CO. WILL MAKE VTfcl; POSITIVELY Lower than any yard in the world C. NOTARY PSOilPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO Collections, Taxes Paid, &c. Office with the County Judge, Moon Block Red Cloud, Nebraska. MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. 4... .XK " . jij uniuH anwa i axe l'r 8Mb Uantl ta rTnUatac " . Miad wxajirlif cared. j, Ererr ofcfl mm adalt craasly he r ' Ontat JLauoiuiH t OomaacadaaMi V lropctn8. trilh opcuja of Dr. Wa. A. Hi amnitmtk trorltUubtl 8peula in Mind Dimm, laairlJraralearTliaaiaaattaiMl Pwchot- Aoeitr,S. karri.Prartar, tte 8fatiB -S -rm z. the best livery stable in the city. First nouacu nonse. PUBLIC, SHERIFF'S SALE "oice Is herebr giren that under and by rir tne ot an order ot sale iraed out of the district court or tlie 8th judicial distriat In and lor "Web ster county, Nebraska, apon a deeaee in an ac tion peojUne in said court wherein Howell Bros, are plaintiff's and Kntas Miksen, Marr S JHitch. Amos K. and Wa. J. Miksrti ars defen dants I shaU offer lor sale at public endue Xor casb in liand at the east door of the court-house in Ked Cload in said countv. (that being the nlaee where the last term or said court was hoidesVm the 13th dav of August 1SK at odock. 1. y.. the followiiiK described prapcm-, to-wit-li 7 and fc. brock l in Lutzs addition to tie tovn(nou citi) of Ked Cloud, tebster County. 'ebtaska. Given under my liand this 9th day ot July. 1SS9. H.C. -tvrc Sliff tase&McVcny. Kaictiffsaaornej-. Xa ZO. 1 lllll u l afv jih Red Cloud, Webster County, -fuibwnmrF PURk P?PMCC CREAM AKlH? WDEH sSpPDJTOTlttS Its superior excellence pnven in millions of hones lor more than a quarter of a century. It is used by the United tales government. Kn dorsedby the heads of the great uuhenities as the strongest, purest, ana most healthful. Dr. rricet cream bakim; powder does not con tain amouia, lime, or alum. Sold only in cans. PKICE BAKING POWDER CO. 5CW YOHK. CHICAGO. ST.LOCX. The Nebraska State Holiness Asso ciation will hold their anuual Camp Meeting this year, at Ben nett Nebraska, commencing Ausust 20th and continuing ten day. Rv. J. B. Fo ote, of New York, and Dr. C, F. Creighton, of Lincoln, will have charge of the meeting. The usual reduction will be made on the B. & 31., U. P.. and Mo. R. . The management is making arrangements for and espectiug the bet meeting ever held by the Association. All possible will be done to make it pleas ant and profitable to all who will at tend. Address J. G. South wice, Ben nett, Neb., for information regard ing grounds or tents; for n.her infor mation apply to the Secretary, "W.H. Prescott. Lincoln, Neb. Circulars giving full details can be had by writ ing the secretary. It is said that the leading School Book publishing houses of the lrnited States have formed a conibii.ation for the control of the sale of the educa tional works. TLe main object of the combination, it is clamed, is to reduce the expense of .selling publication by changing the methods of competition ameng the different houses Travel ing salesmen are to be dispensed with I and competition with rival bouses will be carried on by means of letter and circulars directly from the head-quarters of the sombine, which means of course that while a reduction will be made in expense an advance will be made in the price of the Looks. Has tings Ga2ette-Jouraal. The Signal is imformed that our es teemed feilov-townsmaf Mr. I, W. Crary has been solicited to make tb race for county treasurer in the cod ing campaign. There is not a man in .this community better or more favorably known than 3Ir. Crary, not one in whese integrity the people have greater coufierrce, and if he would consent to make the raee he would receive the unquestioned and unanimous endorsementof Guide fiock and adjoining precincts there is not a shadow of a doubt of that and there is not a man in the county who would fill the office morp creditably; but The Signal is positively assured that Mr. C. not in the field and will not be. He has prosperous and growing buaiuess interest that demand his time and attention, and aside from that he is one of those who believe in giving Mr. Bailev an uncanditiniwl undhiJed and untrammeled deleea-1 u- ..uui mis precinct, and is w?se enough poljticfan to see that our cnances to get anything for this pre-' .. ... . UVi, uk ia.provea Dy nskonsr too much. Sfcijl. ;BMngBwiiiM mi i ' - '- juBMMkanMMMniBBHniv ' ! - fcTO.iJfcxiuBraiaawgs ,,1-mm-ir n -. .-.. ..--, i " Neb., Friday, July 26, eklta'a A rale Salve. The beat sa've in the world for cute, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, com?; and all skin eruptions, and positively cures, or no py required, ltlsgnarantfed to tfive perfect satis faction, or maney refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale bv Henry Cook. ' ' A New Barker (the. S. T. VanHorn who is well known in this city, and who for the last yar has tried his luck elsewhere, has re turned to this city and has purchased tne barber parlors of Ilobert Barkley. He has fitt.-d them up in nice style and invites his old and new friends to call and see him. Ho will give you a shave or hair cut in the latest style of the art. 47-tt Carpet ! Carpet!! Mrs. M. E. Huffman, living two miles west of the city on the Kaley farm is prepared to weave carpets on short notice. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. tf Dr. Jaque's German -worm cases destroy worms and removes them from the sys tem. Safe pleasant aa4 effective. Good mothers use Dr. Winchell's teething syrup for children with colds, sore throats, and to regulate the bowls. Uncle Sam's nerve and bone lini ment w ill relieve sprains, bruises, neuralgia and rheumatism, Ir.l. L. Field, No. S3 East Ma ple St. Uncle Sam's condition powders the best for horse, cattle, hops aud in.ultry. Get the best. Eilerta daylight liver pills, for No.tr stomach, torpid liver and iiuli-estion. Cure your coughs and colds with Eilerts i-r :md ild cherry. AH dru;s::sts keep t. Large bottles fifty c-nts and ons rtolLir. Happy Home blood purifier is the people's popular medicine for purifying the blood and malarial diseases etc. Large bottles fifty cents and one Collar. The greatest wonder of the 19th century, a carpet exhibitor showing just how a carpet will look when on the floor at F. V. Taylor's. 2811. KEPOKT OF THE CONDITION OF THE First National Bank. AT RED CLOUD. In the State of Nebraska, at the close of busi ness, July 12, 1SS. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $129,407 55 Overdrafts 4M53 U. S. bonds to secure circulation 1S.TM 00 Other stocks, bonds, aud mortgages.. . 7,332 95 Due from approved re- 1 serve agents..... SJM2C46 (. ,.-,. Due from other National f i,6S.8S Banks 2G3.427 Real estate, furniture aad fixtures 12,-Va 21 Current expenses aud taxes paid r 49 Premiums paid i,3C7 23 Checks ana other cash iteni$ 912 57 j Fractional paper currency, - 10,220 13 nickels and cents 22 0GI Rpecie , 3,"J) 55 1 Lecal tender notes 3,765 00 1 Redemption fund wsthU.S.tre ' ,,,, w (5per.eut. of circulation) " Total 2S0,C7 27 LIAi:lUTIE3. 1'apit.il stock paid in $ 7'OOOOi Sunilus fiuid joo 00 Undivided profit! 3,376 70 National Bank notes outstanding lG,ao Dividends uniiaid mq Individiud dejtosits subject V" to check 37 3 07 t Demand certificates deposit 2.187 CO 82 let 12 Duetootner national banks... ioe oof ' Duttostutebnnksandbankers M3 99J Xots and bills re-dlseoHnted l'00 43 Tntll 8260.SC7 27 State f Nebraska, Coamy of Wekster. ss iH.WhfiS'H'OS? :?' above named f Pif151"28 t0 . ? knov,Iede ani "" v .. , . -ilu- iiiry, tastaer daWTi?1! SWOrnUj bCo0rc.,CaSI,4th Correct-AUest : J. A. Tcii.T?eUrT Publ,fc a. J. Kaxxar Directors James McSkxt vucw,n Great English Remedy. Murray's Specifio. Buuiew cure fnr an ner SSi25J ?tJi? p ow hysteria vS!iftiS2in he backer. TOrrhPouSY, -?ketulln leu S?ir25?JLT.erjal lassitude scan- ml ln r t- '"I'u Sbu-i iuu ncauins .n........ - Un 6rl. '.K".S ? e?2- MOwhl ji, ultimateiT htad to ..JA,inn - T ' " . fmm- box or six boxea fc oa. Sent by nail on reeeip.er price. FuU parucalars in pamphlet, sent free to every Applicant WafGaaurvuuee Boxes to cure rjiy ease. For every $5 order received wc send six boxes with a written guarantee tore fund the money if our specific does not effect a cure. Address all communications to the sole Us manufacturers. The 3Iukkay MroiccrE Co. 1icmb0 i4-r aV -SoIdin Bed Cloud by C.L. COTTINGsolei 3W5GC V-W'V""r'J ipuji I '" ' ' '' i aaaaaVaV ISS& Alt. n MiaJMJWlMSaaaaaw.... -, ' V " l.-i 1889. H. CLARKE President, Albany, N.Tn J. A. TULLE?, Vice-President Robt. V. SHIREY, Treasurer. NEBRASKA & KANSAS. FARM iAM CO., PAID UP aiPIlAL,$50000. Red Cloud, Neb. Albany, e-sv York. DIRECTORS: H. Clarke, Albany. New York Geo B. Bench, SalstouSpa N.Y. W. H. Robeson, Albany. N. Y. E. S. Francis, Pit!?neld. Ifa R. V. Sbirey D .M. Piatt E. K. Highland. J. A. Iullej s M. B. Mclf it MONEY LOANED. On improved larms in A'ebr.iMca and Ksuaas. Monev nirntslieil as soon s the security is approved Principal and interest payable iu Itsd Cloud WALL PAPER At less than cost. I have a few that it will pay you fcl examine. Best quality of Faints, Oils, Drugs, etc Ma chine Oils, the best at the lowest prices. C. L. COTTING, Druggist. R. V.Shirey, Pres. Henry CLARKE,Vice-Pre s. .Tko. K. Shiret, Cashier Howard B. Cather, Assistant Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BAnK, Red Cloud, Nebraska. CAPITAL. - $75,000 Transact a general banking business, buy and sell county warrants, alst county, precinct and school district bonds. Buy and sell foreign excl-nn-.- DIRECTORS: Jas. McNeny. J. A. Tulleys, G. W. Lindsey. R. V. Shire. John R. Shirey. E. F. Highland. Henry Clarke, A. J. Kenney. HENRY DEALER IK WALL PAPER Paints, Oils, Varnish, Stationery, Books, Etc. Red Cloud, - Nebraska, m !kl '$ ak' Just received a fine and complete lire 0f Ladies Summei Goods, Lace arr Swbs Embroider, Flouncings, riamburgs, Laces, Jerseysv Challies, Lawns, Sateens the latest styles. Shirtings ginghams, dress trim mings, hosiery and glovep Goods sold at the lowestfigures., F. V, TAYLOR, XKBPS THB F In the city, at prices that -all can afford toAujv if ;m want of ahyth 10 in his line. Opposite First jjational Bank, Bed Cloud. No. 52. REMMN1S. m auftjr , r COOK ' FINEST MI OF IT? W K awmxr ii ir&n j y fy m.m wi m niture t. , Jt - r I I M t if ajeni. e? ii m "J aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa H.wj...wwltMM. MMMMMmi,a..iBmB? Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa