The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 19, 1889, Image 4

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    tt I'
A report of the official worfc of re
lief accomplished in the Concmaugh
valley since the flood has just !ecn
pat into the hand of the mayor of
Philtnelphia by the state relief com
aiinion. It would appear that the to
tal expenditures to date in the Cone
jaaugh valley, Johnstown and vicinity
segregate two million tvo hundred
tfcaisand dollars. The number of
persons fed has varied from a maxi-
of thirty-two thousand to a pre
test commissary roll f seven thou
sand, while the number of distinct
claims to be passed upon involving
the interests of families or dpendent
relatives number nearly four thousand.
Four hundred portable houses and
two hundred to be built on the spot
are allready under way and the num
ber will be increased as fast as practi
cable. There has also been a large
distribution of shoes and clothing
and its form of relief will be continu
ed for some time longer to the ucedy.
The magnitude of the work in hand
may be realized from these facts and
figures and explain where it is that
the vast sums have gone to. It ia
that purpose of the state relief coin
mission to extend help in all needful
direction with the greatest dispatch
consistent with the best judgment
The problem confronting the commiss
ion is one certaiuly of delicacy requir
ing the utmost celerity and the
wisest discrimination. In there pur
pose to afford relief, not to make
good the lossci-for property dest'-.u-d.
the commission has adopted tin
reasonable course that could Le pur
sued in accordance with the wish of
nine-tenths of the people who cantri
buted to the fund. Omaha Bee.
F. H. Mellor, whose name is pre
sented bv Alinena Tvvuship for the
office of County Treasurer, is an hon
orable, popular and enterprising citi
zen of Almena. He came here from
Red Cloud, Neb., and started a Real
Estate office, afterwards accepting
the position of Cashier of the Bank of
Almena. His experience in financial
transactions and as book-keeper pre
eminently fits him foi the office. His
honesty aad intergrity cannot be
doubted. He has the entire support
of Almena Township, and has many
friends throughout the country, and
in presenting his name to the Repub
licans of Norton county we feel that
we are presenting the name of one in
whom no fault can be found. Ue is
a through Republican and worthy the
support of the party. If elected the
duties of the office will be faithfully,
carefully and honestly performed.
Almena Kan. Plaindealcr.
Mr. Mellor, the gentleman named
in tie above article is well known to
The Chief and citizens of Red Cloud
generally as a gentleman of fine abili
ty and unimpeachable character, and
in every way fitted to fill the office of
connty treasurer of any county. The
Chief would be pleased to see him
Bonrinated and elected feeling assured
that the people will never regret hav
ing placed him in such a responsible
position. Norton County, Kansas, is
a little out of our political jurisdiction
yet we can cheerfully and unsolicited
reccomend him to the people of that
county as a safe and honorable man to
place in the treasurer's office.
A Rich Ga Well.
While the corps of well-borers in
the employ of L. Strickler & Co., of
this place, were putting down a well
on the farm of Gustavus Anderson, in
Sparmouth precinct, this county, at a
depth of 373 feet suddenly and with
out warning the well auger and iron
tubing were blown out of the well with
tremendous force by a discharge of
natural gas, which lasted several
hours and subsided. The auger was
again put down, together with iron
tubing, but had scarcely gone down
five feet when again all the machin
ery was thrown into the air. Some
ihave suggested igniting the escaping
:gas, but the Swedes will not tolerate
.such a proposition, sajing they will
leave the settlement, as they fear it
will cause an earthquake. The find
has created xnach consternation and
cscitment among those in the pre
cinct. Omaha Bee.
The Nebraska democrats, especial
ly those of Omaha, are mourning tho
loss of their organ, the Herald. How
ever Colonel W. R. Vaughan " will be
here in a day or two to supply their
wants witii the Inter-State 3)emocrat,
which he propose? to capitalize to the
extent of a $1,000,000, with three or
four cyclones thrown in. Omaha Re
publican. A t.- on o:d2 to buv a carpet. If
so do not fail 3 .-.y -wd examine ay
tori- nl p o- - "
A Ci:iC IT S r.5.TE FAIR.
Everything indicates that the coming
Nebraska state fair and annual expositfcm
to be held at Lii-coln, September 6 to 13
next, will be the most extensive, instruc
tive and entertaining of anything of its
kind ever held in the United States.
While Nebraska state fairs of late years
bare been universally conceded by all to
be anserpassed, it is the aim of the man
agement this year to eclipse all of its pre
decessors in all respects. The fact is re
cognized that all agricultural products in
Nebraska and the new west generally
were never so promising as the present
year. The atato board of agriculture
means to bring all to the front, and pre
sent to the world in full foree and to the
best possible advantage, all the resouces
of the state, The live stock interests
was never before so throughly aroused.
Speed men are also to the foro. A better
lino of horses than ever before will be on
hand. Secretary Furnas announces that
more accommodation are already engaged
than ever before, three to one. Some of
tho best herds of cattle and horses in
Iowa. Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconson
are already booked. Somo from New
York and Ohio. They seem to under
stand where they can show to a paying
advantage. The f 1,000 premium offered
for sweepstakes on cattle attracts atten
tion all over the country. Tho liborality,
too, of tho board in offering a like sum
of 1,000 for county collective exhibits,
will bring to the fair, especially all the
new counties in Nebraska many are al
ready booked for space. Besides the
solid agriculture factors, usual and essen
tial at fairs, the boards has mado extra
ordinary provisions for instructive and
interesting attractions ibis year. At
great expense, a flock of seven full grown,
full plumed South Africa ostriches will
bo on free out door exhibition each day
o-i tho fair grounds. Not of tho cooped
u;. menagerie sort, but something nice
and fresh from ostrich breeding farms
Mad. Marantette, with the finest trained
and educated horeo in the world, "Wood
lawn," will be on hand each day day.
Also she will drvio on the race track tho
at..-t donblu team in the world. She
has mado 1 :34 1-2. There will be rare
and instructive attractiens. During the
evening of the fair the city of Lincoln
will show tho finest trade'3 spectacular
display and pyrotechnic exhibition ever
produced in the west. This will be ac
companied with a reproduction, revised,
corrected and improved presentation of
tho King Tartarrax pageant, unsurpass
ed even by the famed Veiled Fiophet or
Mardi Gras. Altogethor it is repeated,
tho coming fair a t Lincoln moans to stand
without a rival.
In oldcu timed they used to punch
holes in peoples tongues that were con
victed of lying. If that custom was in
vogue at the this era, wonder how the
editor of the BIG 8 sheet would be fix
ed for tongue? It would be "more
bo1'" than his porus plasters, after his
long winded desseration on George
Warren and A, J. Kenney la9t week.
It was a perfect tissue of falsehoods.
A man who sails under the somewhat
euphemistic sobriquet of "lawyer-doc-tor-cditor"
ought to be a little more
careful deaciple to truth veracity, Oh!
well, he ought to be excused, bacaute
ho is not used to it. Eh: Dockey?
Miss Lota and Carrie McBride are visiting
with their mother in this city.
We notice by the Republican that Hacker and
Parker are dealing in a new kind of delicacies.
Ik ConamaapUoB .Bearable.
Read the following: Mr. C. H. Morris,
Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Ab
scess of Lungs, and friends and physi
cians pronounced me an Incurable Con
sumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, am now on
my third bottle, and able to oversee the
work on my farm. It is the finest med
icine ever made."
Jesso Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says:
"Had it not been for Dr King's New Dis
covery for Consumption I would have
died of Lung Troubles. Was given up
by doctors. Am now in best of health."
Try it Sample bottles freo at Henry
Cook's drugstore. 5
Notice is hereby given that I will
examine all persons who may desire
to offer themselves as candidates for
teachers of the public schools of this
county, at Red Cloud, on the third
Saturday of each month.
Eva. J. Kino.
County Sup't.
To Trade.
What have you to offer for a good
cow and calf, a Buckeye mower, (good
as new) and a Steele rake. Address
"W. care Chief.
Electric Blttr.
This remedy 13 becoming so well known
and so popular as to need no special men
tion. AH who have used Electric Bitters
sing: the same 6ong of praise. A purer
medicine doe3 not eist and it is guaran
teed to do all that is claimed. Electric
Bitlcrs will euro all diseases of tho Liver
and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils,
Salt Rheum and other affections caused
bv impure blood. Will drivo Malaria
, from the system and prevent as well as
cn-e jll Malaria fvvor-. For care of
Headiche, Consumption and Indigestion
j try Electric Biters Entire satisfaction
I guaranteed, or money refunded. Price
) cts. nnd 1.00 per Lottie at Henry
Cook's drugstore.
! "
j When in lied Cloud call at the
furniture store of F. V. Taylor, oppo-
site the F. N. bank, and pick you Out
a fino kit-hen or parlor satt.
Of Interest to School -era and Fa
traas of oar Public Sekoola.
The school officers of this county have
been requested to meet at the county
&eat August 9th. It is earnestly desired
that all, who can possibly do so, will re
spond to this ealL Many matters of vital
importance to our schools are to be con
sidered at this time, among others that
of the adoption of a uniform course of
study for Webster county.
Many of the patrons and some of the
school officers themselves fail to recog
nize the full extent of authority which (
the law confers upon the district boards
of this state.
The school officers of the various dis
tricts are the only parties who can legal
ly adopt a uniform course of study.
State and county superintendents can
only recommend the adoption of such a
We believe that more satisfactory re
sults will be reached if we so organize, so
arrange oar schools, that the connty
superintendent may have more direct
supervision over the school work of each
child in the county. This may be accom
plished by the adoption of a uniform
system of country school work. We do
not mean by this that all text books in
the county be changed this we cannot
afford to do nt this time, neither is it
necessary. If we desire children of a
certain nge or grade of advancement to
learn about the "Battle of Lexington" it
is not necessary that they learn this from
tho same text book. If we wish them
taught rapid and correct methods for
multiplying fractions, it is not necessary
that they solve the same problems but
they bo tanght correct principles. The
same facts, the same principles, may be
learned from different books, from differ
ent teachers.
This system of uniform county work
has proven a great success in many
counties. A very brief synopsis of the
plan of work is as follows: First, each
school district in the county adopts a
course of study and classification record.
Second, classification blanks are sent to
each teacher at the opening of school.
Third, the teacher after completing or
ganization and classification of schools,
makes a record of it in classification book
and sends a duplicate of this record to
county superintendent, thus enabling
this officer to suggest, at the beginning
of the term, a remedy of defects in class
ification etc. Most of our schools begin
at same date, a superintendent cannot
visit eighty different schools at the begin
ing of their respective terms. If he
visit two each day five days out cf each
week, some will be closing before he
reaches them. Besides this leaves no
time for necessary office work. Fourth,
at the close of the term, the teachers
enters a record of the entire terms work,
this work must accord with plan precrib-
ed by course of study, a duplicate of this
record made at close of term, a also to
be sent to superintendents office.
When a pupil has finished s ceetain
grade of the coarse of study, and passed
a satisfactory examination, said pupil
should be granted a certificate of promo
tion. Pupils finishing entire course to
receive a common school diploma.
We desire the public generally to
carefully consider this matter. Our
schools are doing a great deal of good
bnt we may make them more efficient,
more effective. The course of -toby
which will be brought before school
officers in August will be so arranged as
to comprehend the essential things re
quired for a common school education,
Valuable time is now being wasted on
unimportant things, some of our pupils
learn about all the cities axd villages in
Africa but leave school unable to read an
ordinary newspaper article intelligently,
unable to write a legible letter. This is
all wrong, the selection of studies should
not be left to chance ox whim of the pupil
We need a definite plan of work for eaeh
term, an objective point to reach under
this plan of uniform work. "The new
teacher" will not waste several days up
setting former organization and finally
commence just where the last teacher did
the first day of last term; but, having a
complete reeord of work done by each
pupil and by each class, will proceed with
outline of work as laid down in course of
study. E. J. Kino.
Webster county teacher's institute
opens July 29, 1889. Lesson two weeks.
All persons desiring to teach in the
county during the year required to at
tend. The Pride of Woman.
A clear pearly and transparent skin Is al
ways a sign of pure blood, and all persons
troubled with dark, greasy, yellow or blotched
skin can rest assured that their blood is out of
order. A few doses of Eegg's blood purifier
and blood maker will remove the cause and the
skin w 111 become clear and transparent . Try it
and If satisfaction Is not given it will cost you
nothing. It is fully warranted. C. L. Cottlng,
A New Barber Shop.
S. T. Van Horn who is well known
in this city, and who for the last year
has tried his luck elsewhere, has re
turned to this city and has purchased
the bar'ber parlors of Robert Barklcy.
He has fitted them up in nice style
and invites his old and new friends
to call and see him. IIo will prive
yon a shave or hair cut in the latest
style of the art. 47-tf
Furniture of all kinds cheaper than
av.t at F. ir . Tavlor'o.
Our railroad agent, Mr. A. L.
Morris and Miss Grace Moore daugh
ter of Col. R. S. Mooie were married
last Sunday. Bev. Falkenburg did
the job. The young couple will go to
keeping house here immediately.
Morris is a good boy and every body
here wishes them abundant happiness, i
The residence of I. W. Hummel
was burned last Friday, supposed to
have taken fire from paper too near
the stove pipe on the ceiling. Part
of the furniture was saved, it is a
severe loss to them, there was a small
insurance on it.
The little boy of Mr. Hull's that
has been sick so long died Monday
morning. He had suffered erribly
for three or four years. The funeral
services were conducted by 1 ev.
Moere. He was burried at Ash Creek
The barbed wire has been getting
in its little work in this neighborhood
lately. G. W. Knight lost a fine
marc and has another severely cut
C. L. Eddy had a horse badly cut.
and II. G. Sawyer has a colt injured
Chas. Hunter shipped six cars of
cattle and hogs last week. He did
not strike a very good market.
You Cannot Afford
At this season of tlio year to be without a good
reliable diarrhoea balsom in the house, a
cramps, colic, diarrhoea and all intiauintion of
the stomach and bowels are exceedingly dan
serous if not attended to at once. One bottle of
Begg's diarrhoea balsom will do more good in
cases of this kind than any other medicine on
earth. We guarantee it. C. I- Cutting druggist
The Globe-Democrat says: "A
mugwump organ bitterly complains
that in one day recently President
Harrison removed twelve postmasters
for no other assigned reason than be
cause they were democrats. Well,
wasn't Cleveland removed for just that
reason? And does it not logically fol
low that the people intended the same
rule to be applied to his appointees?"
Omaha Republican.
Why I It
That people linger along always complaining
about that continual tired feeling? One bottle
of Begg's blood purifier and blood maker will
remove this feeling, give them a good appetite
and regulate digestion. C L. Cotthig, drug t-
Cancers can be cured, having devo
ted a good deal of time for the last
35 years to the study and cure of can
cers, and having never in one single
instance failed where I had the pa
tient before the cancer commenced to
eat and agrate, and many where they
had commenced. Come right along
dear friends to my house and I will
send you home in five days rejoicing.
If I cannot cure you I will tell you so
like an honesc man. References;
John Stoddard, Walnut creek, Neb.;
Mr. BcarJsley, Logan, Kan, My
house is 12 miles south of Red Cloud,
in Smith county Kansas.
48-tf J. L. Elliott.
For Stale.
Furniture ef a three room house.
Good dress making stand and good
trade. Reason for selling poor health
Possession given at once. Apply ot
Mas. L. B. Molpoeb.
Webster St. opposite Moon block.
Red Cloud, Neb.
Bnilders and conractors will take notice, that
the school board of DIst. No. 75 will receive
bids, on the erection of a school bouse ;in$ said
Dist; until Monday noon, July, 29. Flans and
specifications can be seeu at CLXotting'sdrug
store. Board reserves the right to reject any or
all bids. Direct all bids to II. C Weber, Bed
Cloud, Keb, A. B. Pierce Moderator
II. c. Weber Director.
E. D. McCune Treasurer
Take Notice.
To Charles W. Kaley, Jacob L. Kaleyand Ru
ins M. I argent.
You are hereby notified that on tho 2nd day of
Dec. 1887 I, L. Baum purchased at nrivato tax
sale from the county treasurer, M.B. McNitt,
at the court house in Bed Cloud. Webster coun
ty, Nebraska for the taxes of the year ltsc,
amounting to S17.4J. The following described
land, situated in Webster county Nebraska tax
ed in the namo of Charles W. Kalcy, Jacob L.
Kaley and Buf us M. Largent: the north-west J
section 22, town 1, range 10. containing IGO aeres
The time for redemption will expire December
2, 1SS9. and if not redeemed before the above
date expires I will mate application fora trexs
urer's tax deed. L. Baum.
Notice to BellaqueHtM.
Notice Is hereby given that the interest and
rental and the contracts of sale and lease to the
following described educational lands, situated
in Webster county, Nebraska, set opposite the
names ot the respective holders thereof, is de
linquent, viz:
C. M, Sheldon, assignee, frac nfinc ?, sec.
3t, towns, range 9.
aamuel L. t'raser, e Yi ne , sec 3G, town 2,
range to.
J. W. KiLsh nel-1 ne 1-4 sec 1C, town 4 range 12.
K. Scott w l-u e l-t secsc tow n 1 range 10,
1'erry Sawjcr, nc l-t ne 1-4. ec 1C tonn 1 rn 9
0. V. Sawjer. mv l-l ne 1-4 sec is town l nn: !,
Chas, L. Lewis, j 4 nwl.4 sec3Ctown2rnglt)
K. II Shirley, e 5- mv I- see IS town s ranse 3
1. L. Flagler se l-lne 1-1 .sec 15 town 4 range 12
K. I. Ixavitt lot C in see 7 town 1 range 10.
A. M. Moan, s 4 sl-t sec 13 town 1 range :.
Floyd Burt, w 4 mv 1-4 sec lc town 4 range J2.
W, I, Hawks 3 4 se W sec 25 town 1 raiijre in
.r. S. Gilkane n e 1-1 ne 1-4 and uel-tsw l-nt
lGtown2: ranze 12.
Thomas Frazier ne l-t see ."W town t ranci; 10.
James A. Ilogs. w i ec 23 town 2 r:mu 10.
And if said delnquency is not paid within
ninety days from the date of tins notice said
contracts will he declared forfeited by the Board
of IMuratioual Lands and Funds and said for
feiture will be entered of rccordi in the manner
provided bv law,
lhiti'd at Lmcol.i N'ebmsl-a thi3 17th day ot July
A. I). I3K. Bv order of John Stern-.
Com.r. L.&B.
.ttcst M U MriVtTT.
Just Received
An immense assortment
fe' -Mi ,
r ..
rj -x.. '," -
wnw s'lz-c
Flannel coats antl vests,
Seersucker coats and vests,
Alpacca coats and vests,
Prices from
bottom prices
sold bv
, -,
Y ) 1. 1
.ic .
Tnttitlisut - M:
You are : -:
November JvT. !
tax :d? frtiin t!.-
:"! t'i:t; o-i tin Ttfi d:iv of
. .i ::t iiir !'--t-d at public
. -jiiit. .i-.:r-r. M B. M
i hi ii. :: d lo'id. Webster
,. - :ti- i:. f the vcar
. r. tin' f dNiwiug detcribed
Nitt. at wtf i-cur
enmity, Xt!: a-
land siticiti'rt m v.", bsii r u:i ;. V!.rysk:u tax
ed in the iiatntM'l v.. Kiutii .riiu!: Thesouth-
westuoitli- .!'tni: , f-iiiiii ii. town 3,
range!', wi-t of in- r:m ont-siniiiy-W audKi-loothacrv-.
T r fti? r e ;einit:on of said
land from lit . o .t!' it xilewlli expire
Novemoer TUi. W.. it nm rt Veined heTor ir I .11 iti.tLe application
lor a trrn-mrtr" - tax dr."!. L- ItACM.
' knows that '
.t- - fiifltwni
work the most rapidly;
dean perfectly,
and sare all the grain
- will bring him
Ike best jobs and best prioe
and so he wul
Write now to
at ooce investigate
our claim that
beats anything heretofore
uiauc in
all these and other points,
wide-awake Fanner
will also get
our circulars and
satisfy himself A
whether he can afford
to have his grain
wasted r.
by other threshers
when he -
can make money
by having his grain
with the New 'Vibrator.
Our pamphlet giving J
full information
Threshing Machinery
Traction Engines
sent on application.
. --
,- - --.
$vH w
w& --a
$1.25 to $5.
Pk-jk IVaI
You are hereby notified that on the 7th day of
November 1K87, 1, L. Bourn purch:ied at public
taxsile from the county treasurer M. II. Mc
Nttt at the court house m Bed Cloud. Webster
county Nebraska, for the taxes or the yearltw.
amounting to SxyB on the following described
land situated in Webster county Nebraska tax
ed in the name of M E. Cordon: The south-west
H south-west 4 section Si. town 2. range 0. west
of tho 6 p.m. containing too acres, 'the time
for redemption of said land from the lien of said
taxsalo will expire November 7th ItW.andir
not redeemed before the abote date expires 1
will make application for treasurer's tax deed.
. v Take Netlee.
Toil are hereby notified that on the 7th day
L 9ct,JSer 188 ' Baum. purchased at
Cfivi?e ai.5ia,ei,i?, HJ? County Treasurer,
M- B.' N,tt the Court-house in Be
Cloud, Webster county. Nebraska, for the tixes
pftheyearl885,amountlr to 70e. Therfollow
inglot situated la Webster eaunty, Nebraska,
taxed m the name of N.lKFov.m thevilliage
ofCowIes. to-wit: Lot 7. blook 9. The time tor
redemption of said lot from the lien of said tax
sale will expire October 7th. l9.and if not re
deemed before the above date expires. I will
make application for a Treasurer's Tax Deed.
L. Baum.
1sr W,(
To N. D. Fox:
You are hereby notified that on the 7th day
of October, 1887, 1, L. Baum purchased at
J711?. T1 Sale. ' the County treasurer,
M. B. McMtt. at the Court-house la Red Cloud!
n Mtir iviiiBt Vhrlr- tir l -,. .u.l
year 1883. amounting to 27. The followlnic
taxed in the name of N. D. Fox in the village
redemption of said lot from the lien of said
AY Hl u-HI MrJ fU. .ii. Ioaa .
redeemed before the above date expires, I will
make application for a Treasurer's Tax Deed.
!. Wl-
To William Arnold:
Will IF hAMhtf Sfctlfff1 Imf An 1. .- .
of November! 1887,1, U Baum purchased at
yuuiciiu siue iriii tne county treasurer. i.
B. McNitt. at the court-house in Red Cloud
Wmlor rannfv Vi,fiiMilr; ft l, . .. rt.
Sear ISbC. amounting to .fear.. The following
escribed land situated iu Webster county?
nold. Tlin north nil 1; rr h em,t. .... i'
flArtinn K rhim i 'tr,.'. .u. .iTT
6 p. m., containing 40 acres. The time for
.vvmPu.,ul o.., , iruiu me ucn ol ,!
tax sale will expire NovemlierTth. lasa.amtir
will make application for a treasurer's tax
deed. t n,.w
k n ri
To William Arnold:
ou are herebv notifleil that on the 7th dav of
November 1887. 1, L. Baum purchased at puIic
Nitt, at the court house in Red Cloud. Webster
county. Nebraska, tor the taxes of the vear lsss
lanrt nitiititMl in nKut. .. it,!.?-"V,-,i
taxed lath name of Willia Arnold. The
north-west ?of the south-wet section c town
rVl,S.?westo1 Uie 6 I-U1- eontainin- io
Srdii Sh0?? iT- The time for redemption
of said. land from the lien of said tax sale
!i5xV,re- rNovember7Ui l-fcO. and ii not n
deemed bsfoje the above date expires I will
. u l.i.k..iivFU ii a ireasures rax iel.
l U.VC.M.
i Take Jfoiice.
k& $ ' "
fe ' 'F5sj
lo William Arnold-
You are hereby notiiled that on the 7th day or
November 1S37 I. !.. llaum put-hased at pul.'ii-tax-
sale from the county tr.-asurer. M. ft ms.
Nitt at the court liou,e in Bed Cloud. Webster
county Nebrnslci forthet:ixe of the veir t v
amountipgtrtj?.iuo, the following leserib,' land
situated in Webster count v. Nebraska txr.Tt
the name of William Arnold: The 't "Ut W
of the south-west t, section 6. town.:, nil'-"
west or the C p.m. containing -lOaijU ZiVS. a,
acres. Tlie tune for redemption o- W'-nd
fri:n the Bene f said tax saW will ex i .:'"-
it' t'0v
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