Baoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ii i--K'.viigy5ai.,r !! m i I mi gggggeRggsagsgsa Ml ,. IIIITW m l-J ...... , & ft fr w. P 1? g , r & ft r yt fe ft. f i mA t sW- -i .sean -fHP!f.lR,' 5M$Jf ' im - -- .mMmkKUmmiMniwmmrmaKm-t mm" -----rr r- - mmnumM'm n . - .. HSEISMPoHIa -wm-Mta(!eK-iaB --- -,-'P sH ' MB l Vol. 16. Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, July 19, 1889. No. 51. Hacker & Parker, THE GR0CEB3 BED CLOUD, NEB. New Billiard HaU! P. L. Jeffers, Proprietor, RED CLOUDS Fist tablse. i onabljea ntw,tce treatmeat, is oati 3IFBRASKA. i and b as. ftlE CH'YfilVERY STABLE. McAvoy & Farrel, Props. Tf ep Fine Rigs and Good Teams At Reasonable Pnces, Commercial men anfi othe rs rill.r.l this the best livery ft&ble ic tlhe city. First v" door tst ef Holland Hooe. RED GLOUD, NEB Mii 1 fi 1 - S F CHEAP FOR CASH --S7 DEALER IN u P. f ? ft5- & rr Jt fe !fe Dry Goods, Groceries, Milliiiery, &c, is again befove the public with a large and choice line of goods, and is telling close for caeh. Latest Styles .in Millinery always onharad. THE TRALERS LUMBER CO. WILL MAKE 5. fmFl' w RswR!In Mm ; $ S' ti. POSITJVELY Lower than any "yard in the world SAVED BY HER MOT.i.R. ft IftaaUhy .Matrlmoalal AetTrnf ter Nu 4y Marries Hla Own UMsktcr. "It happened about eighteen or twoaty year ago right boro in this eity. A certain man, whose tname you thatk of whenever you read about sew-lap-machines, because he was one of (he first and most generally '.known in vontors of that useful implement, paid very little attention to the laws of this ma mage. M said a country bearing on Hew street man. - "Never mind what his -name was; fou ought to know whe-I an talking bout, for his matrimonial vagaries attracted even more -attention to him than did his valuable .Inventions in Connection with the sewing-machine. I When he died, hi 1876, he left nine recognized widaws, -and mo one knows hew many' children, -for some of his widows' did net snake -sufficient of a fight f or a share f hk testate which, by the way, amewatedreo thirteen arils Ion dollars te reveal cheir ideality. Well, as I started eiefi you, this eld fellow was the father of somanychU 4rea by hie half secereof 'wives' tint fee dtda't knew aaere than one in every tern of kls oflsating.wkan heeaw themv Be had te be iaaredacea to t aemv In order the mere ruootwefully to fcembuff these deluded-wosaem to whom he oaetalaed the rslaUea Of kbieeadhe 1 gave a different oamote oodl of theaw oad he used imaoy namtBe that I guess he forget seme of oheoa.. Be woo always a great admimtaf pr )tty girio, and would spend a small frtuao ta win the favor ef any : handier Be female at whom he became enamoicd. One of the employes in the salesropm of his sewing machine company told; him on day of an extremely pretty jrirl, who was playing in an amateur tlramatio society over in Brooklyn. Sb was 80 pretty that all Uic young folio ws were talKin about her. penses with a belt, anil curves out slightly an inch or two below the waist line, showing the graceful tapering of (he figure, while the drapery gives stvlish fulness about the hips. Coat sleeves prevail in thick fabrics, but are fuller at the top and have elaborate cuffs. Collars are very high at the kefir, but the front is susceptible of great variety, sometimes having a short vest collar, which may be straight, or pointed downward to show the throat, or else the fronts may omit any collar just below the throat, and the vest be merely cut high, with rounded corners lapping in a very aretty way. There aro a great many turned-down collars of velvet or the ether fabric used for trimming tha dress, but these are as high in the back as standing collars, and in many eases are sewed to standing bands, Kwyer's Sazar. CLARKE Prealdent. Albany. N.Y., J. .A. TULLET, Robt.V.SHIREY. Treasurer. Vice-Preaidet NEBRASKA & KANSAS. FARM LOAM CO. PAID UP CAPI1AL,$50,00Q. Red Cloud, Neb. Albany, New York. DIBECTTOKS: . H. Clarke. Albany. New Tori: Geo K. Beacd, wgP; W. H. Robeson, Albany, N. Y. E. S. Francis, 1 kujim B.V. Shiny D.M.PIett E. V, Hiehlsnd. J.A. TuUeys M. MONEY LCANED. ... On improved larms in KebrnMca a:d K hwoh. Monev furnished, as j,. security is ayproyea. xriii'!it """ -' itiiouu .Itcnit THE FARMER HOMs. a.i. ateete better m m mmw a -! it ever so humble there Is ae lace like bome ! a seatimeat that wiUbeld goat as Wag as the world Tfee eeaalii peasaat ia ever- aaaatries where the lordly rich holddomiasertng sway aver the ia bis thy bat aliajttemets to as ranwundiags aad eoadb arecrnshei, r nipaedbji the bad. o, mere Ckety, aa bod is -ever allowed ee-fena. So H aays are Kat in aa mending Teued of wretchedness, yet bisliumVIe est 3 hi heme. All his jBteasmrac. :howeer 'meagtr, center 1 Aero with his iaaiily around him. -But wsth the Jarmers of the United Statoa.btw different the conditions! The iormorl 'ot U dependence, .and thclat ter's ie Independence. Sa it would .seem thtt the American farmers should i nntn timmt T t- li . ..... l.m. 1 --A TT- ,- ., l 1 1- "-l . A. f "" l .UiUIUI U1ULI' litIM JiUiilC ilUl "uuio.iiuiugCr,uowiiOTuei what a home ba:i , fifty-two yeaw of age, found o ut when .Jlomo? . w lllca that a homo she vas to mr-ke her next appc sarance, 7oc a lacu wllick f;irmei. c.m . and secured front seats tor tfco per- herc Ms cllildn;a .u aroJulfd .uriuumx-. w iuii .iueio F iu 3lim lo s of dLs;I.lJtioru The l)U;jd 9n9 liti i fi'i tf h OM-k rriHi hninvta t . j ,u lu,o .uiu uiu. ., , j, should bo kept in ood reuair. The days mamiired to secure an in troduc- tioa to her. Then he offered h br dia monds, dresses, uniehed house, WALL PAPER RENIN tHlS. At lew than cost. Ilutve afew that it wrfu pty Joa U examine. Beat quality of Painta, O flBi Dmg n chine Oili, the beat at the loweitpr j C. L. COTTING , Druggist zssssBBBSBiBBSSsas asssBsgmaBSf&msasam R. V.Sbimet, Pres. Hbt CLAKB,viee- &,., Jko k SniMMtt Casaier Howard B. Catm, A ggatoat Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BAnK; Red Gioini, I Nebraska. i CAPITAL UIVIJS chrilllH Vir.L-..,il In r,.,1 .,....,;.. r t, .. j. u .. ic;ian. W W I mn tdl ijliitttll It. n.,kiU, f ...,..1 . .1 A j J. r-uwjitiu uu UIU-'U 1UUCUUUIIU lUllUU- ed. .Shado and fruit trees should be cctoutin abundance around tho dwell img. There should also be a nice gar- warrants exci horses and carriages, and. in f act, ail j with VCffctnbies fruit3 and beprfes ! .those things which a- richpersun can (procure, and almost all women yearn for, if she would marry Slim. Her meetings with the ancient -fwainj were held in secret and without her mother's knowledge. She used aa assumed Bamo when she appeared oc the ama tear stage, although moro-th&n half the persons in the audience jkdew her by the name she was addrestcA by in the vicinity of her residence. Ihe girl listened with boi ears te) whet tho old nisi: said, aC aaHy a&ked him to call xX her home to ce Coive his answer, lie went thorp, sir, OB the appointed evcaing. It was a chcaoly-furnished and small iVouso In a xcrther poor neighborhooii. Tho Oddfellow hadn't beea irrthehouscVive minuses bcioro dm Jermer 'iwfc, thp They girl's -jnothcr. where tc iras. into tH rtom!:;teh C. SCHENCK, NOTARY PUBLIC, l'710-MIT ATIEXTIOK GIVEN TO other, (uid then the cid olwi had?, a txAiu-raisqusrX SlhcuroAdd ztomistaltet is their stason. so that the pork barrel will .only have to be visited at inter vals "Jew and far betwecn.',, The thildron should have a good district sehool education and a winter or two at the .academy if it can be afforded. What stock is raised should be of .good .blood, so that the beys wall be interested and encour aged. Improved machinery ought to be used so that largo results may be retained with an expeadituro of but 4ttle muscle. With the reaper, horse jurtt, vuuey piow una otner riding ma chinery, thelarm and farming have no terror to an ordinary enerjjetic boy. There should be a work-stop whore leisure hours- aud rainy days .may be spent. A few necessary tools h.3uld be there, the more tho better; then when a rainy day conies, the bovs wilf bo there, hard at work raalcing or re pairing soinotlilii' that will please the $75,GQG Transact a gencraloJn'ivingDusince, Day and sell county county, precinct aad school district bonds. Buy and sell foreign DIRECTORS: Jas. MoXeny. J. A.TulIeys, G. W. Limlscy. R. V Shirev. John K. Shi.rey. E. F. Highland. Heary Clarke, A. J. Kcnnoy. iswuivtfl i.- ,,; ...., .... ... - Ho. had Dot-ov-ea hiarishtaaiaeto tts I yi 'J. wqr will, soon .1 '1 . .-.-. . . .j. I " M IC.i Ul 11IO 11A Of wotuan wlien Ire rtiiwidajl har, aat'0iv did -not icsovr Ch'xi he wus the- veaddn and wldelyrkncnfa im,enMtB.ft "Wht w tire uiicf th afflair?" "Well, the ottl-BKin iade aaaad- ' in tu'o use of tnnta. thereby saviu goad-'murbills. Aad aa reardi th hoHso. the homo spe fh'at it Is supplied with roodiog matter SuitaMo to the airagnf th nwcjimnn HE1VEY COOK KALKR IN WALL PAPER Paints, Oils, Varnish, Stationery, Books, Etc. Red Cloud, - Nebraska, - . m i 4 r tnra ' t fe Lh.'vmr ;i a?s. vii iiib t i Si. ; Collections, Taxes Paid, &c. W- Office with the County Judge, Moon Red Cloud, Nebraska. it Block a nm wwa- eMi -. .. r . . IT." -oome yearly aUavranca- to the mother. 4 rTf ""T. Z" n OI KiL' oentthc irfii to VMoaaainscchoal. ati fc W x ' MARVELOUS MEHIORY air l'u DISCOVERY. TrtM rMwirr Trmislafc 'Ccarved ia redif . Tmariaa nm. Ercrr 1iiU mad mialt ereatly OeaaStted. Oreai isdmesiEts to Cotrepodica OlaHM. Pr;M!tas, frith oyiaiani of Ir. Wm. A.IIbSI weia-iMmva aureai: MnaMmr.mM tvrolt- . I' If inbsvd V . W. W.JUtor.JuAze fithssa. JadakP. foair! JrolafThirtpOB,thrTt Pyclir- . JfJ.Al1Kl.r,.WWUlsw fcuw .wwivit nicsBra menq Mv". ."5 irtinUtDdlhi iB.tharektPi edilarof tba CAruttan ,an4 .KrCiiWVKrAfTtX SHEUIFF'S SAI.K Notice Is hereby given that iiiulf r and by vir tue of an onlfr of sale isueI out ( the district citirt of the 8th Judicial district in and for Vttb ster Manly, Nebraska. un a decree in an ac tion pendins in said court uliercin Howell Bros, pre i!aintllT'.s and Kufns Miksch, Marv S. Miksch. Anos It. aud Win. J. Miksch arc defen dant I shall offer for sale at public vendue for ca.sU in hand nt the cast door of the court-house In lied Cloud in said couutr. (.that beinxthc place tihcre the last term of said court was liolt!on)oa th mill day of Aupistissiataoelock P.M.. the foiloinK desoi!blf.roi.-nr, to-wit: It.s T aud S. Mock 1 in Lutz's aililitfou to tlie town (now city) rf Hod Ckmd, V. ebster Couiitv. Nebraska. Civcii under nv I:and fliis 9ih day oJulr, !!. H.C. fc'corr. .Sheriff.' Cic fc McNftiy, l".-.rnticrafnr!itv. yc. w. eUi hon he died ho itSll the asujfitor 1l arar.JeU fo marry. haU a z&ft&qa dclr L?rs. Strajg-stopy, isa4 it? DttJ it atfao ono, utA rot5 of. tho -olcfitLmera' who read it will ramsnAer- the aaaa. Wbdt's his njipie? 1W1; auH hi HQmmcrs tbat'scloBughU. k 22yV-oru. Features oflaw Gowsa -Rat fronts la altats from belt to foot, or olse kag drapoiue3 that neatly corer the lower skirt, ace-seen on tho new dresses. The gfcloUy Empire style forbids mueh fulness in the front of tho skirt, 1ut It i" found Jboregea ersily becoming to cafch ujp tho frorfE breadths sighly on eac side just be low tbo waist, and to father thbvtfqnt breadths to the belt. When eearate irjageiv is preferred ft is very Ionian deed, anu iii usually hooked up aboye the edge af the coreajje, 8ometinio3 only in the back, giving ariteesse effect, and eomctimea all around tho bipa,' !l:e letter pica oftaceals thovhole edge of tho corsage, aad ffvai e escort vooud wafet, afcfcfr aor dja. j lowiejrr.i-kina, howeTer; jve ti&m ciwranv npwspapers, magazine etc. If Le" httYo r. desire for music -et on organ, oc ' K- can be TifFbrdeu. What Continual fo:ist aid po.irer tor good & a musical lasirunie'nt ui a iaxaiy. wh?e all cantr aroad'lu iog,pcaicd to tho jSTvsa Giver. boy thot is brbngit up uader suh Salaonces can be trusted, and,, at the pMfer agp, it would be wfl to gira Siza a nioe carriage, harness aiid horse, Whicli he has- aa'nrind nitav MS -. - . i UD203 oxer, -sua wheat be drives. oat and oiretflates with companions, who, iflthout doubt, will b of the fmg tamp as himgelf, evoa then ho will 0 heme with pleasure because, he was pearea ia a picasant hornje, and whea In leaves it to .fight Ufo!s bVttJeall Jrill be a leave-taking of proto'und sar row. Cor. 'JiuratNcw Yorker. -The hot w.ator cure is hnjbij spoken of. A yonng man of oar ac7. gaainjtasco was cempletely cured o'f a& attachment lor a youhir lady by Ohe hjettiofu!, which. tls alS maji 1" feia have. Costam Commercial" Bul- lOtfaV Just received a fine and complete line of Ladies' Summei Goods, Lace and Swiss Embroidery, Flouncings, Hamburgs, Laces, Jerseys, Challies, Lawns, Sateens the latest styles. Shirtings ginghams, dress trim ming3, hosiery and gloves, Goods sold at the low est figures, F. V. TAYLOR I . . KEEPS THE FINEST IaNE OF Furniture In the city at prices that all can afford to buy if in want of anytb , ig in his line Opposite First National Bank, Red Cloud. "S3 rM , I 1A3 n tT"-3wCr'