The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 12, 1889, Image 8

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The man who is continually stand
ing around on the street corners, find
ing fault with everything that any
, body else does; and never trying to
remedy any of those things that he
thinks is wrong, is a nuisance to
whatever town that is so unfortunate
to have him for a citizen, and the
sooner it can get rid of him the hot
ter it will be for it.
A Strap ri'aiicr Save Her Iilfe.
It was just an erdinary scrap of wrap
ping paper, Irat it saved her life. She
was in tho last stages of consumption,
told by phjMsiaes that she was incurable
and could not live only a short time; she
weighed less thr.ii seventy pounds. On a
piece of wrapping paper she read of Dr.
King's Kew Discovery, and got a sample
bottlo; it helped her, she boaght a largo
bottle: it helped her more, bought ahotli
er and grew Letter fast, continued its use
and is now fetrong. healthy, rosy, plump,
weiehine HO pounds. Fhr full particu
lars send stamp to V. H. Cole, druggist,
Fort Smith. Trial bottles of this won
derful discovery free at Hsary Cook's
dragsters 4
A New Barker Shop.
S.T. VanHorn who is well known
in tais city, and who for the last year
has tried his lack elsewhere, has re
tamed to this city and has purchased
tnetsrber parlors of Robert Barklej.
He 4as -fitted them up i nice style
and invites his old and new friends
to call and see him. Ho will give
yon a shave or hair cat in the latest
style of the art. 47-tf
Cancers can be cured, having devo
ted a good deal of time for the last
3a years to the study and cure of can
cers, and having never in one single
instance failed where I had the pa
tient before the cancer commenced to
cat and agrate, and many where they
had --commenced. Come right along
iear friends to my house and I will
send -you home in five days rejoicing.
If I cannot euro you I will tell you so
like an honesc man. References;
John Stoddard, Walnut creek, Neb.;
Mr. -BearJslcy, Logan, Kan, My
house is 12 miles south of Red Cloud,
is Smith county Kansas.
18-tf J. L. Elliott.
4. farmer when he gets old and de
crepid wants to move to towo and
spend the evening of life. The mer
chaut, after the strife and dissatisfac
tion of .mercantile life, hopes to 'be
able to buy a good farm and move
away from the noise and tumult of
the city to live honestly and die hap-
This is what yon ought to have, in fact,
yoa must have it, to fully enjoy life.
Tkousauds are searching for it daily, and
mourning because they find it not, Thous
ands upon thousands of dollars are spent
oaanally by our people in the hope that
they may attain this boon, and yet it may
be bad by all. We guarantee that elec
trie rbitters, if used according to direc
tiara and the use persisted in, will bring
yoa igood digestion and oust the demon
dyspepsia and install instead enpepsy.
We irecommend electric bitters for dys
pepsia and all diseases of liver, stomach
ami Sidneys. Soid at 50c and $1.00 per
botfletby Henry Cook, druggist. 4
The only men who are of worth to
town -or commodity, are those who
Can forgot their selfish ends long
eaeagh toncourage every public and
.private wrtrpris3; who are ready with
braets and purse to forward any pro
ject calcslated to build up the town
and enhance its importance. The en
terpajec and push et a town or com
manity is the foundation to its per
manent success.
Dr. -Jaque's German worm cases
destroy worms ami removes them from the sys
tem. Safe pleas uit ani effective.
Good mothers use Or. Winchell's
teotblug syrup fur children Willi colds, sow
throats, and to regulate the boicls.
Uncle Sam's nsrva and bone ifni.
rncut will relieve upraios, bruises, neuralgia an
rheumatism, Dr.D. L. Field, Ne. 55 East Ma
ltese. Uncle Sam's condition powders
nhe best for horses, cattle, hogs and poultry.
Get the best EUerts daylight
lrrr pills, for scar stomach, torpid liver and
Cure your coughs and colds with
"iilerts tar and w ild cherry. Ali druRgists keep
t, Large bottles fifty cents audone dollar.
Happy Home blood purifier is
the people's popular med ieine for urifymg the
blood aud malarial diseases etc. Lar?e bottles
fifty ceats and one dollar.
Carpets! Carpets!!
Sirs. M. . .Huffman, living two
fflilca west of the city on the Kaley
farm is prepared to weave carpets on
short notice. Orders by mail will
. receive prompt attention. tf
-The greatest wonder of the 19th
entury, a carpet exhibitor showing
jut how a carpet will look when on
the floor at F. V. Taylor's.
When in Bed Cloud call at the
furniture store of F. V. Taylor, oppo
site the F. N. bank, and pick you out
a fine kitchen or parlor suit.
July -1th just received a Sne line of
oret's arm lace, hat and lounet
frames- Mas. S. G. Aden.
Mrs. Amelia Bafr, tho writer, is
described as a nice old lady with white
Margaret Sangster. the poet, has.
the reputation of beinjj one of the
clearest-eyed and most sensible of hor
With the exception of tho compos
ing room Jennie June has worked in
every department of a. newspupor
The two son of Jo?l Chandler
Harris, Julian and Lueien. arc called
"Brer Fox" and "Brer Rabbit" by
their friends.
Helen Mathers, the English author
ess, wrote the novel which made her
reputation in tho hope of brinping
back her lover, who had left her in a
fit of anger.
George W. Uhihls, the Philadel
phia editor, keeps three houses always
in readiness for occupancy. Ho can
sleep, therefore, in Philadelphia, at
Long Branch, or at Bryn Mawr, and
still be at home. He stops at any of
his homes just as the fancy seizes
A. W. Loagfellow, brother of the
late poet, is a prominent figure in
Portland, Me. He closely resembles
bis famous brother, both in manner
and person. He is nearly seventy
years of age. He is described as a
great literary student, spending a
large part of bis time in his study.
The statement that no book has
been burnt publicly for over a hundred
years is contradicted by a contributor
to the London Star, who says: "Not,
perhaps, by legal authority, but plen
ty of books have been burnt in popular
fervor of one kind or another. If I am
not mistaken, Mr. Froude's Nemesis
of Faith'' was so burnt by High-Church
students nt Oxford in 1843."
Mrs. Julia D. Grant is reported to
have received from the General's book
about $450,000, and has a pension of
5,000 from the Nation. She also has
the income from the 250,000 raised by
George Jones from Jay Gould, James
Gordon Bennett and others. She
also has the income from $100,000
raised by George W. Childs. In other
words, she has the income on not far
from $1,000,000.
M. Zola, in an interview on the
subject of journalism, ridiculed the
opinion that the work of a newspaper
nan is a pastime. The public, he
said, were inclined to believe that jour
nalists pased fheir time in cafes, drink
ing places ana boudoirs. In his own
experience, newspaper life consisted
of earnest work. The amount turned
out in the course of a single year by a
single journalist was truly amazing.
At the San Francisco public library
key give every one who enters a red
ticket, without which he can not get
out again. When he gets a book at
the desk he gives up his ticket to the
librarian, and it is returned to him
'hen he hanfe in the book. By this
Wlan, as ingenious as it is simple, any
body may safely be permitted to draw
8 many "books for reading as he
chooses, with the certainty that he car
BjuftVearjy any-cf them off with bim.
For Sale.
two span of horses, and one span of
mules. A. U. Decker.
B. ?. HUTCHISON, Fropietor.
first doer north of City Bakery, re
fitted and tbesoughly equipped. We
respectfully solicit your patronage
guaranteeing ss.tisfatwa in every case.
Our Motto: Will be to please all
who give ig their traae. All work
done in a first-class manner and in the
latest fad of the profession,
R. P. HoTcmxsoH.
State of Nebraska, aa
Wcbster County. fss
In tlie county court of our said county of
Webster, in the matter of the estate of Joseph
T. Norris. deceased, now on the 3rd day of June
U89 came Nellie W. Korris, exeeutm in tins
Blatter, prayinga final settlment and allowance
of account, and that she be discharged from
thht trust, and that a distribution of said estate
be made to the persons by law entitled thereto.
It is therefore ordered that July 1st 1889. at ten
o'clock in the forenoon, at my office in Ked
Cloud be fixed as the time and place for examin
ing and allowing such account The heirs of
said deceased and all persons interested fti this
estate are required to appear and show cause if
such exists, why said accoustrtiould not be al
low eu. it is lurtneroracrea tnat the executrix
herein, give notice to all persons interested in
said estate by having a copy of tills order to
be published in the Ked Cloud Chief a news
paper pruned and in general circulation in said
county for three successive weeks prior to the
day set for the hearing,
witness ory official signature, and the seal of
the county court of said county of Webster, this
3d day of June 1889. F.A.Swbbzy.
seax. 45 3t County Judge.
C. W. Kalkt. j. l. Kaley.
A TTOgXEYS AT LAW . Agents for the B.
&M.K. Rjaads. Once on Webster street
Bed Cloud. Nebraska.
fTnniTKT? ..YL"V.? "S" "m
Chronic diseases treated by mail.
O. C. CASK. , jas. McNesv.
flL Will practice in allcqurts of this state
ColIecMons as well as litiratcd business careful-
y and efficiently attended to. Abstracts fundai
ejd on application.
Omrt-ther First Natloaal Bank. Bd
cloud. Neb.
Enterprising Thresherman
knows that
the threshing machine
that will
work the most rapidly,
clean perfectly,
and save all the grain
will bring him
the best jobs and best prices,
and so he will
Write now to
at once investigate
our claim that
beats anything heretofore
made in .
all these and other points.
wide-awake Fanner
will also get
our circulars and
satisfy himself
whether he can afford
to have his grain
by other threshers
when he
can make money
by having his grain
with the New Vibrator.
Our pamphlet giving
full information
Threshing Machinery
Traction Engines
sent on application.
Big G has given nnlrnw
sal satisfaction in the
cure of Gonorrhoea and
Gleet. I prescribe itaad
feel safe in recommend
Ins it to all sufferer.
Sold by DracsttS.
C. L. CoTTijio, Agent.
Take Nstlee.
ToM. E. Gordon:
You are hereby notified that on thc'ih day of
November l?, I, L.Baum iturchaaed at public
tax sale from the county treasurer M. B. Mc-Xlttattht-
.nut ioiihc in Ked Cloud. Webster
county Nrtir.iskii, for the taxes of the year 1886.
amounting in SVO on the following described
land sJtu:iKl in Welwtrr county Nebraska tax
ed in the !i:imeorM K. Cordon: The .south-west
V south-west J4 section . town 2. range V, west
of the tip. in. cext.itnuig mi acres, the time
for redemption of said lnnd from the lien of said
taxsalu will expire November "th ISM), and if
not redeemed before Ihertlmte date expires, I
will make sipplicution for treasurer's tax deed.
1.. It VM.
Take Notice.
ToX,I. Kox:
Ton are lierebv notiiled that on the 7th day
of Oetolter, l$j7, 1, 1 Ifcimn, purchased at
private Tax Salt', from the Comity Treasurer,
M. B. JleXitt, at the Court-house in Ite
Cloud, Wcbxter county, Nebraska, fo'the tues
of the year l8$.,amountlng to 70c The follow
ing tot situated in Webster cauuty, Nebraska,
taxed iu the name of X. 1). Fox. n the villiage
of Cowles, to-wit : Lot 7, block . The tlrae for
redemption of said lot from the lien of said tax
sale wDl expire Oeto4er 7th, 18rt and if not re
deemed liefore the above date expires. I will
auke application for a Treasurer's Tax Iteed.
Take ffetlee.
ToNMI. Fox:
You are hereby not I Bed that oa the 7th 4ajr
of OeUber, 18X7, I, L. flaunt purchases at
Private Tax Sale, from the County Treasurer,
M. B. McXitt, at the Court-house In Rea Ooad,
Webster county. Nebraska, for the taxes of the
year 1SS5, amounting to 34.27. The following
lot situated in Webster county, Nebraska,
taxed in the name of N. D.FoxIn the vilare
ofCowte3.te-wlt: lots, block. Thetlraolor
rederapUon of sa'tl lot from the lien of eaM
tax sale, will expire October 7th, 1SS9. and If not
redeemed before the above date expire. I win
anke application for a Treasurer's rax Deed.
U Baom.
Take Ktlee.
To Wlllhua Arnold:
You are hereby notifleel that ou tlie 7th A
i day
of November: 1837,1, L. Baum purchased at
public tax sale from the county treasurer, M.
B. McXitt. at the court-house in Bed Cloud
Webster county. Nebraska, for the taxes for the
year l&fl. amounting to &9?i. The following
described land situated in Webster county,
Nebraska, taxed in the name of William Ar
nold. The north eattUfOf the south-west i
section G, rnuge 9, lowu 3, west of the
c p. in., containing 40 acres. The time for
redemption of si(t land from the lien of said
tax side will expire November 7th, lS'., and if
not redeemed before the above date expires I
will make application for a treasurers tax
ueeu. i MAU3I
Take Notice.
To William Arnold:
You are lierebv notified that on the 7th day of
November 187, L, L. Il.ttun purchased at punlic
tax sale from the county treasurer, . ft. Mc
Nltt, at the courthouse in Ked Cloud, Webster
co jnty. Nebraska, for the taxes of the year 1S
amounting to "V5. The followiug described
land situated hi Webster county Nebraska,
taxed in tlv; name of Willi:im Arnold. The
north-west h"l 'he south-west section C town
3, range '.) wet of the c p.m. containing 40
and 14-100tli acres. Jhe time for redenitinn
of siid laud from Uicllt-n of said tax site
will expire Xoveaiber7th 18a, and if not re
deemed bsfore tlie above dale expires I will
make application for a treasures tax deed.
L. U.YC.M.
Take Notice.
To William Arnold-
You are hereby notified that on the 71 Ii day of
November 1SS7 1. L. rumm purchased at public
tax sale from the county treasurer, M. H. 31e
Nittnttlie court Iwuse in Ued Cloud, Webster
county Nebraska for tlie taxes of the year isse,
amounting to &.oo, tlie following described hind
situated in Weltster county. Nebrosku, taxed in
the name of William Arnold : Tlie south-east li
of the south-west U, .section C.town3, range a,
west of the C p.m. containing 40 a. id rl-l(.)th
acres. Tlie time for redemption of said land
from the hen of said tax sale v. HI expire so
rpmlior 7tli. 18S9. and if not retl-eir.ed before
the above date expiren I will make application
for a treasurer's tax oeed.
Take Notice.
Tn William Arnold:
You are nereby notiSed that on the Ttli day of
November 1887. i. l. Kium nurt'iiaseo ai ouoiic
tax sale from the county treasurer. '! It. He
Nltt. at the court-house in jwuuioii", weosier
county, Nebraska, for the taxes i (he year
ISncamoillllingiu ?j iiiu iouwii. ucotnucu
land sitiuited in Webster county Nebraska, tax
ed in the name of William Arnold: The south
west U of the south west , sec non c. town 3,
ranzc e. wct of the c p.m. coutiiinlnir-JU and k:-
iontU acres. Ino tine for redemption of said
laud hum the lien ol said tax sjuewiu expire
VnvnmhppTih. 1MR9. ami if not redeemed before
the above data expire I will make application I
Bfl TO t D ATS. W
EZ artr
for a treasurers tax aeea. i sav.
Marble and
Granite Wor!:s
A. H, BROWN, ruor.
Fine MonumeHts
and Headstones
Elm St. and 4tb Av.. Red Cloud.
D. B. Spanogle,
Real Estate
and Loan Aget
Red Cloud.
qeq. o. and b. d. yeiseb,
noniKTOa or thx
Wimr Couly iblfttf OflSeB
Complete and only set of abstract
books in Webster county. Graxinr and
annins; lands and city property for
Denver to Chicago,
Denver to Kansas Ciry
Denver to Omaha,
Omaha to Chicago,
Kansas City to Chicago,
Omaha to St. Louis,
Throush tickets over the Burling
ton Routo aro for oalo by tho Union
Paclflc, Donver k, Rio Crando and
ail other principal railways, and
by all asonta of tho "Surlingto
For ftirthar Information, apply te
ftny acont, or to
l. - EUtTIS, Gen 1 Th't Ag-t,
Street Cars
From the Depot
To Bradbrooks
Photo Studio
Groat English Remod
Nkirray'a pooifio.
A guanuiteed cure for all i
votls disease Mich as nak aw
ory loss of bndn power hysteria
headache pain in the back ner
vous prostration wakefnlhKaa ku-
eorrnva universal lassitude swn
laal weakness impotency and gen
eral loss of power of tlie Genera
tive Organs; in elthci ex. caus
ed by indiscretion oroverexertion
and which ultimately lead to
itt ami consvMtniun. iju n
box or six boxes for 35 no. Sent
by mail on receipt of price. Full
particulars in pamphlet, sent
free to every applieant
WeiGHaraHtee Six Boxen
to cure any case. For every 63
order received we send six boxes,
with a written guarantee to re
fund the monev if our sneciuc aaiaaaaHHaiai
does not effect a cure. Address AftsrTaMes
all communications to the sole
manufacturers. Thb SI ui:ra y MEDiciyc Co.
Kansas t'itv Mo
t-Sold lu Eed Cloud byC.
h. COTriNGsoIe
State of Nebraska 1 ss
Webster County t
In the district cour thereof of the eighth judi
cial district.
Tlie Nebraska Loan and Trust Co., Plaintiff,
.Tames Wall, Kcmelia Wall his v ife, James C.
Stoddard, Fretlerich Krug. . Krng, bis
wife, firs name unknown, and Charles II.
Potter, defendants.
The about named defeud.iuts frcdeikli Krug
asd . Krug, his wife, whose llrst name is
to tlie plaiutflf unknown, are hereby notified
that the above named plaintiff has Sled in the
above named court its petition a gai rut them,
and the defendants, James Wall, liomelia Wall
anit otners, the omect anu praer oi wmen peti
tion are to foreclose a mortgage bearincdate
December 1. lg5. executed by tho .said defen
dants .tames Wall Bomelia Wall liH u ire. to the
plaintiff ou the north-west U of section thirty-
tnrcecnjin townsuip one (i) nortiianu range
eleven (11) west of the sixth (G) principal meri-
uianmsaiu w eiwier couuiy. and to nave saiu
real estate appraised advertised ami sold to
pay off and discharge the debt with interest and
costs which said mortgage was given to secure.
You are further notified that you arc hereby re
quired to appearand answer said petition on or
before Monday, the Stli day of Augusr, lsss.
The Nkiibaska Iaic &.Tkvht Co.
Jno. M. ifagan, riaintiff's Atty. 47-5t
ionrpM com PATAi AIIP LW
worn xeo rSE un bnkvuu t vu i
amar. T , anaaaav
t v
Subscribe for
oldest and newsiest paper in the
county. Job work in all its vari
ous branches in
Ink sMLAaN
oKAoonanrasD with
ajaVrVaBBwBiflTaM' Bi f- J aT7 i ai -T jTif 1 vu- II i TiSaiBaW
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ltaWrw f avvaMasaM-v mTi -fT--'vF Pa&N f iVaT
(Chicago, Bock Islacd & Pacific asd Chizzrrc, Hancas & XeDraaka Bya.)
Its main lines, branches and extensions rrest. northxest and southwest
include Cnicaco, Jolioc, Ottawa, Fccria, La. Salle, iloline, Rock: Island in
ILLINOIS Davenport, Tiuacf-ine, Ottumwa, Oaksloosa, We3t Liberty. Icmra
City, Dea Moines, Knoxvillo, Vintersot. Atlantic, Audubon, Hrin, Guthrie
Centre, and Council Bluffs in IOWA iImueapo!i3 and St. Paul in MINNE
SOTA Watertown and Sioux Falls in DAKOTA Gallatin, Trenton, Cameron.
St. JoBeph, and Kansas City ic MISSOURI Beatrico, Fairbury, and Nelson
In NEBRASKA Horton, Tqpelca, Hutchinson, Wichita, Belleville, Norton.
Abilene, Caldwell, in KANSAS Colorado Springs, Denver, Pueblo, In COLO
RADO. Traverses new and vast areas of rich Cumina; and sraana land"
affording the best tacilitieB of intercommunication to older States and to au
towns and cities in Southern Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, New
Mexico, Indian Territory, Texas, Arizona, Idaho, California, and Pacific
coast aad trans-oceanic Seaports.
Of Palace Coaches leading; all competitors in splendor of equipment "
luxury of accommodationarun through daily between Chicaco and Colo,
rado Sprtaf5.Denrer and Pueblo. Similar MAGNnyiCBNTVEgTIBuLie
TRADX SERVICE daily between Chicazo and Council Bluffs (OaahaT jubS
hafu riilraiin and Fannnn Citv. xlerant Da? CouhM rthriu iTl
Becunlnr Chair Cars tPRBE), and Palace Sleepingl Cars. CaUfbrniaKxciS
Bona superbly equipped Vzprees Trains dally each way
anoaa aaidBt. Paul. The Favorite Tourist Line to tiu mfmmS
flTorxnds of the
i the most productive
. East Southern Dakota.
" aaia namns
ilmnaapca, arij
"ri rtrr "'-"" mm """iivusi uuaTnw: ana uonacu jkus
Jaaebh, Atcnison, Leavenworth, Kansas City. lSraeanoliP?anaat. EX5
oj TJclato, Msps, Folders, or desired inforaation, apply to any Coupon
Ticxet OrBce In the United States or Ccuada, or address wu j
The Chief, the
best style.
rsoic a study or thm map or
Northwest. lea . .. nJLZSr
lands of TiTnitTiini Tmn r-"
i trtC