nanalP i i 1 -a II r . I f & I vfl J t- r 1 ' fit M l " t m 1 w It k HH"RSiQgrVuffMcttuuMuui Vol. 16. Hacker & Parker, THE GROCERS RED CLOUD, NEB. New p. RED CLOUD, L. Jeffers, Proprietor, Fine tables, reasonable rates, nice THE CITY LIVERY STABLE. McAvoy & Farrel, Props. Keep Fine Bigs and Good Teams At Reasonable Pnces, Commercial men and others will find this the best lirery stable in the city. First door east of Holland House. RED CLOUD, NEB. 1' !T71v I WISH CHEAP FOR CASH ! F DEALER IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Millinery, &c is again before the public with a. large and choice line of goods, and is Felling close for cash. Latest Styles in Millinery always on hand THE TRALERS LUMBER CO. WUX MATTK w s- POSITIVELY Lower than any yard in the world C. SCHENCK, NOTARY PUBLIC, .PEOMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ia rf spkgy Collections, Taxes Paid,j&c. Office with the County Judge, Moon Block Red Cloud, Nebraska. MARVELOUS Si! 6SIS sli DISCOVERY. OaiT OrEMice tsrwursi o("3Ieasory ( Mlai wnnd-rirjr cured. A tt ckiid asu atfilt sremtiy T3jrcss- itli onhnna. c! IJr. TTi lausil. tbe wcrld-feaed xziaz is Sbad r.A.Hu. AstmssrtS- 1 ftirJuird Pro-tor, U Soca, tfniaiis. zd ct2 v. -, ii. f res lij -v. - aaaaS jEa) aar Ifif.W yiil MiieNiiHiWMHPinpmi feagssstvfaayttfgifazr.! .il.,- Billiard Hall! NFBRASKA. treatment, is ocx motto. Come and see cs. S53 a f2 SHEKIPrS SALE Notice is hereby iven tliat under and by vir tue of an order of teile Lwued out of the district court of Ujc 8rh judicial district in and for Web ster county, Nebraska, spun a decree to an ac tion pending IctsaM court wiierein Howell Beds. are plaintUTs aad Kofcs MIksch, Warv S Mikscii. Anas K. and Wn. J. Kitsch defers dant. I suaU oSer for sale at public vendue for cash in ind at the east door of the court-honse in Bed Clond in said cornirv, (that beixurthe .tm. -Cffirs h liaf rami Av -:j TTr hoIden)OB the I3th dayof An-ra-t JS83 at 2 oclocft K SL. the following described propertv, to-wit-Lot rand 8, Mtjcfc l in Lno's additioc to the tnT-n (low city' of Eed Cload, Webaer Coinitr, yebrasfca. (tiven Jinuertny nard thi Dih I'-ofJaU-. f. .-H.C3VCTT,"5Iieria.' Case&35eny.riinnaiat:oR:ov. So. 39. liiji Em ! DO 4, J mmBmW&iZ3ttBiis&& Il1"" "i' JL!Ii"i,jiit . -.-,-. . w Kt--rv " l.:. wjfc -raiBfcaMBaMMMKMgifeiggMMw: iUhMiaar rrTitaiifaaBBsiBTiBiBlBBMWWrTlBTI ggM5?sse8Sg38LSSSKaeiu)k.Wllllll M HWTB1W '" - . -7'- ;"- - -- fW"- .. . . - - - -.- mc-. j.m ATfM. wn -r.- - . m ! ii-m iiimiimm ii - "f TJSWT 3 J - TW- VTV - -- & Red Cloud, Webster County, pwkr jair y Mia Cto. Cast your eyes o?er the hri ex- of eouatry ealled the trailed Statos Mi Wholu tie biggest taiag im the way of enterprise jet en deek. What do you see? The greatest place ia tie world to spread. Aa oaxly settlers ia Nebraska lived ea her bread prairies for 30 years. The range of vision was so vast, and the prairie? so immense that after he had been here five yeara his ej es stuck oat like the glass of a bull's eye lan tern, and before he died he had so stretched his eves bj locking that when he slept his mouth few open to furnish tbe skin to shut his eyes, Here, in this land lives and flourishes the biggest boasters and braggers otjjhe world. An Englishman riding within American in Kentucky, was boasting of the fleet footed horses in J the old country, you know, when the American said '-I'll show you a little trotting myself whereupon he touch ed his roadster with his line and away he flew. Faster and still faster they went until the Englishman held to his seat with oae h and and to his hat with with other. Aad still the speed increased. "What grave yards are we Boating?" exrliimad the foreigner. Graveyard," answered the Ameri cas, "why, man, these are mile stones!' The same Englishman was at anoth er time boasting of the large cannon made in England, when he was supris ed to here the American tell of a can non made in Philadelphia so large that the ball was pulled into it by a yoke of oxen. "How do they et the oxen out. then?" inquired tne Eng lishman, supposing he hai cornerd the Yankee. "Drive 'em up through the touch-hole, of course," responded the champion of American big things. In this great country, which is the only one that hts a genuine Fourth of Jaly, we have the biggest cros of wheat and eon, of hags and cattle, hare the most gold., the most liars, the oat atarrying, the meet school. houses, charches aad whisky in the j wide, wide world. m "' .... 0 among a crowd of foreign travelers in a London hotel, listened to their mar velous tales of aire attire aad hair OTeadth escapes until they hai ex hausted themselves with there yarns, when he began a tale as follows: "Well gent lemen, when I was cross ing plains of the United States in '49 in a company of tea, we camped one evening by a small stream. We had i noticed sinns of Indians all day. It was my turn to watch that night. About midnight, when all were asleep I heard suspicious sounds, and tnrn- ing saw the faces of Indians peering through the bushes. They gave one wild, unearthly yeil and fell apon my sleeping companions. I rushed for the prairie, pursued by the remainder of the Indians, and just as I jeached 1 the open country one cf them threw tomahawk and hit me squarely in the I head killing me instantly!" He was thereupon acknowledged the champion liar, and so suffered the reputation of the country to be lowered. This 1 country has the biggest and strongest stomach of any nation known to his- tory. When the Goths and Hans trctrrun Borne, sh went down unable to stand the storm. . When the 5 4x0ns we'n over to Brit on to help th c Scots a4 Piets, Brit on heeame s-rnwa VThm the decendant'j 0f Abraham west dcw intoEgy p they became so" numerous o.u P- ir3a1 C(jt scared and turned t 'em V joee. Bt we swallow mere than Neb, Friday, July 12, a Bullion every year eoming from the stinking parts of Earope. and though we same times gag a little aad get iixxj, still we arc assimilating the vast mass right along. So the more I think of tbe great ness of oar eoantry in extent, in en terprise, ia accomplish! facts and in prospect, the store I am inclined to ay "It's a big thing." Did you ever think that people talk about you as you do about them? The next time you stab a person by means of malicious word?, remember you will be punished for your offence, and that you will be punished in the same disreputable way that you pun ished him for then are plenty of mean people to talk about each other. As you sow you shall reap. Ex Any man who harbors malice is liable to commit 'murder. A man who hates another a long time is sure to get into a fight with mm sooner or later, and when the fight finally comes to pass their is likely to be mischief done. Men wait for years fr the first blow, and the first blow is liable to be with a deadly instru ment Don't waste yonr energy in hating people; each a course will aaake job wretched, aad finally get yva into troable. Atchison Globe. A boy being requested to write a composition on a school mans, wrte the following: A school ma'am is a verb because she denotes action wten you throw paper wads at the girls. Switch is a conjunction and i used to connect the verb ma'am to the noun boy. This is a compound sentence of which boy is the subject atd sritch the object. First person, plural num ber bad case. A school ma'em wears her hair all banged on her forehead. She puts paint on her face and has some big feller to come and take her Lome. Ma says a school ma'am never gets to be older than eighteen until she gets aunied. It takes two school all day to cook dinner. Ex. "This thing of certain newspapers continually digging at a fellow after he has been elected or appointed to ftee aint right Whea a man is a candidate for an oSce the newspapers have a right toach him up a little, but after he gets there they ought to let him alone and give him a chance foi his white alley until he does some thing in his oflicial capacity to be roasted for. When I first got i nto office they pitched into me pretty hard, but I went about and did my buisness on the square and paid no attention to these alleged newspapers, and they soon quit trying to bother 1 me. The province of a newspaper is to print the news, and not to deal in personalities and dirty flings at a man's private character" State Jour nal, fincklia Arnica Saivc. The best sai"ve in the world for cuts, bruises, eores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns; and all ekin eruptions, and positively cures, or no pay reauired. it is guaranteed to ffive perfect satis faction, or maney refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Henry Cook. Kotice is hereby given that I ill examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the imblic schools of this county at Bed Cloud, on the third Saturday of each month. Eva. J. Kiss. Count Sup't. T Trade What have you to offer Tor a good cW and calf, a Buckeye mower, (good as new) and a Steele rats. Address W. care Chief. v-JBrt--- 5k JS .- IW- l"0J! 1889. H. GLAJTO Albany. K.Y, J. A. TTJLLEY. Kotot. V. 8BIBKT, Troawcror. NEBRASKA & KANSAS. FARM LOAN GO., PAID UP aiII2jL,$Q0,000. Red Cloud, Neb. Albany. New York. DiREcrroKS-- H. Clarke, Albany. New Tors Geo B. Beach, BalstonSpa N.T- W. H. Kobeson. Albar.v, ". Y. E- 5. Francis, Pittafield. tf as R.V.Shirey D.M.Piatt E.'K. Hiebland. J. A. Tullevs -M.B.McXit MCZY S.CANSD. On improved farms in iebri'-.Ka &uxl Krs-aA. '-loner furnished as soon s the security ia approved. Pnncpal ana interest payable in Bed Clouii WALL PAPER At less than cost. I have a few that it wiD pay yon te examine. Best quality of Paints, Oils, Drugs, etc. Ma chine Oils, the best at the lowest prices. C. L. COTTESG, Druggist. B. T.Sattftir, Pres. Hzwry CLAKZ,Vice-Pres - Jso. B. SarrmiT, Caeaiof Howabd B. Cathsr, Assistant Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BAnK Red Cloud, Nebraska. CAPITAL, $75,000 Transact a general banking business, bay and sell county warrants. - - county, precinct and sehool district bonds. Buy and sell foreign exchan . DIRECTORS: Jas. McXenv. J. A. Tulle vs. John B. Shirey. Henry Clarke, HENRY DIALM WALL PAPER Paints, Oils, Varnish, Stationery, Books, Etc. Red Cloud, - Nebraska, Mvm W$ wli Just received a fine and complete line of Ladies' Summei Goods, Lace and Swiss Embroidery, Flouncings, Hamburgs Laces, Jerseys, Challies, Iwhs,. Sateens the latest styles. Shirtings ginghams, dress trim mings, hosiery aud gloves. Goods sold at the low est figures, . F. V. TAYLOR, . KEEPS TEX FETESTLIXE OF Furniture In the city at pnces thatall can afford to bu.v; - if in want of anytb i ig in his line. Opposite First Jfaiioaal Bact. Ee? CloccL STWZ -?r - ?$&& No. 50. View-: REMNANTS. G. V '. Lindsey. R. T. Shirey. E. F. Highland. Kennfiv. A J. COOK IS VM&2 I.35KI - i IK ' ,m? I a f If . Zi Ll