The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 05, 1889, Image 8

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    'v; i--
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Subscribe for The Chief, the
oldest and newsiest paper in the
county. Job work in all its vari-
ous branches in best style.
Stateof Xebraskayl.,.
" Webster County, .j85
In tile CfllllltV Wll'I nf mi., cni.l ... .r
Webster, hi the matter of the estate of Joseph
T.JNorns. deceased, now on thesrd day of Jane
JOOi mini ihiui w. rnT!, CCCUtTIT jll tht.S
:matter. praying a final sjttlment and allowance
of account, and that hcbc discharged from
this trust, and that a distribution of said estate,
ne Iiiaile to the uersans In- i.iw oni iti i.nn
-It is therefore ordered i that July 1st 18S. at tail
jiV.Ti V . u"?"k. ai my omce in Ked
Cloud Ikj luted .is tlie tiuK and place for exarain
;? 5- aUw,nH ,lcu -account. The heirs of
Hl,tmeJtoeil ,d aU lKons interested in this
estate are rwunrpt nnmu-n..... i...... :'";
wLe,s,t.sS.hy.?lia account should not oeal-
....... v.. luuucr uruercci mat the executrix
.said estate by Iiavins a copy of this order to'
be published in theltod Cloud chief anew -
Toiler printed andin general clrJutatton taSfl
S2rSV?lS5 ffi?SIV0 Prior to thel
W itness my official signature, and the seal of
he county corns of said Wit y olWetVteri Sus
3ddav of June WW. & A. S
i3x..j ,ji county Judge.
C. W. Kalbv, j. t. Kuar
A & v sFl Xir t?6 ,or'e B.
A amining Surgeon. Office opposite First
Chronic diaeasesireated by mail.
o. c. cas
edon appltertfoa: lunusa-
cloud?Neb. ?Cr rirSt Ka"0,uU ex
Notice is hereby given that under and by vir-toe-clanorderof
rale issued out of file district
22"Jw hiucial disttiot In and for 2
Jter county, Nebraska, upon a decree inanac
Mou pending in said-conri wherein Howell BroL
are plaintiff's and Kufos MikBch, Mary s
Mlkscb. Amos Wm. J. Msdi are defend
A& L "!? J? -nabhc vendue tSt
place -where the last term of tald court was
r.M.. the following described property, tvwU
Lots 7 and 8, block 4ia Lutzs Addition to the
jSbcffl W &raterCoumy!
'Given under my land this ttkday of June.
"S ft McXeny, nalaataafikoW-
State of Xebraska 1 m
Webster County f;
CiindsWettriCt00Ur 2reof tue chtn iU
lite Nebnuka Loan and Trust Co., Plaintiff.
8t.?dXi. "eri0. Krug. . 'Krug, his
wife, first najae unknown, and Charles H.
l'otter, defendants.
wotick or sun.
The about named defendants Krederich Krug
ad- r.Krug. his wife, whose first name Is
to the plalntiflT unknown, are hereby notified
that the above named plaintiff has filed in the
abovA named court its petition against them.
aad the defendants, Jaaws Wan, Bouelia Wall
aad others, the object and prayer of which netl
tiea are to foreclose a mortgage bearing date
December 1. 1896. executed by the said defen
daats James Wall Kotaella WaU his wife, to Se
plaintiff oa the north-west M of section thirty
three (33) ia township one (l) north and ranee
eleven U) west of the sixth (6) principal meri
dian lo said Webster county, and to have said
real estate appraised, advertised and sold to
layoff aad discharge the debt with interest and
costs WBica sara mortgage waa given to secure.
Great English Remed .
Murray Speelflct
. KUAiAiiiKni f-nrn taf ii ma
voas diseases such as weak juem-
.J?t. " unuu power cystcria
headiiclte pain in the backn"r-
corrkcea universal lassitude scm
HS aka?a toPotencyindgen
?& f Power of the GeMra-
lor fadHcretlon oroverexeaion
SSiJ. ultimately lead to
1TV ami rwmTtwnn S. TT "J
box or six boxes for $5 OX Sent
by stall on receipt of wiee. Rnii
particulars in pamphlet, sent
free to every applicant
WelGaauraatee gu Bxea
to cure any case. For every $&
f r 55,lve WJ send six boxes
With a Written minranfAa .
fund the money if our speette
does not effect a cure. Adtess
all OMUHinications to theaS
Hianuiaeturers. Thb Mimauv HxDicnrc Co.
gold ta Bed Cloud by C.COTTlSJfile
You are further notified that you are hereby re-
Monday, the Sth day of August.
to annear and answer Fald petition on or
mm - f .. .. . --
lore Mouoay. we &u aay ot August, itws.
Joq, M. Sagan, riaintUTs Atty. 47-Dt
Keconkia by Natwndbta.
Iho best way to learn about the derelop
t of insects is to observe tho process for
aeseli, says a writer in tho Country Gentle
am. This can easily bo done in the case of
one of our common butterflies, and it would.
be difficult to name any simple study in nafc
aral history of so much interest and instroa
It is best to begin with tho egg stage, ami,
therefore, tho first thing to be dono is to
find tho eggs of butterflies. They can
usually easily bo found, by careful looking,
attached to the under sides of the leaves of
plants upon which larval butterflies feed.
These larval butterflies arc commonly called
"worms;" every ouo has noticed such sc
aalled worms upon tho leaves of cabbage,
tomato and milk-wced plants. If then, for
axample, tho leaves of cabbage plants be
carefully examined in early summer there
will oe found upon them clusters of eggs
destined' to hatch and develop into the com
mon cabbago butterfly. The eggs arc oval
In shape, of a yellow color, and have ridges
running lengthwise, their appearance, as a
whole, being somewhat like ears of yellow
A leaf with eggs attached should be pulled
ft and placed in a box with a glass cover,
such a cover both admitting light and en
abling tho observer to watch tho process of
development. A wooden box, like a school
Chalk-box, the sliding cover of which has
teen replaced by a piecoof glass of like size,
is a convenient form of box to use, but any
tin or wooden box with a piece of window
glass for cover will answer.
The leaves of the cabbage-plant being thick
aad hardy, they will probably not wither, if
Kept in a shady place, until the eggs have
Batched. Each egg produces a small green
aad white worm. The went sboaldat
ace be supplied with fresh cabbage leaves;
it will be found to have no lack of appetite
It grows with surprising rapidity, attaining
within a week or tea days its full sise, an
length an inch or inch and a half. ItaV
taches itself along the edge of a leaf, aad,
with its sharp-biting nwuth-parts, devours
K bit by bit until it is entirely eaten,
at speedily attacks another. Its body
swollen by its constant gorging. The truth
is that it is to pass into a resting condition,
when it takes no food, and it must now im
prove its time so as to gather strength ta
last it in its period of abstinence.
At the end of ten or twelve days the worm
Is ready to pass into this resting stage
what is called the pupa stage. At this time
It will be seen to abandon its leaf and crawl
about the box, somewhat eagerly, as if
gsarching for something. This uneasy ac
tivity may continue for some time, but final
ly, as if having found a suitable place, it
proceeds to spin a net or web, in which it
may suspend itself during the approaching
period of inactivity. This net is not a co
coon, such as tho larva of some insects spin,
but a slight web serving merely to suspend
the pupa. Tho extreme appearance now
ahaages. The bright green color becomes
doM, and several rings into which the skin of
the worm is thrown become less distinct,
and finally It assumes tho characteristie
pupa fomvan oblong, angular bciy, mora
pointed at one end than the other. What
has taken place is the molting of the skin,
that is, tho skin is separated from the body
aad becomes simply a firm, hard case fat
which tho living insect is contained.
lathis pupa stage now often called a
chrysalis-it remains for tea or twelve days.
Of coarse all the while important changes
are gstagoa within; the energy stored up
toiagits period of hungry activity now
arras to carry oa those vital processes that
saaaa the dull and seemingly lifeless papa
sawiwi oy me spngavy, nandsome but
tsrly. These changes affect the entire
tructuro of the "mslt internal scarcely
ess man external; we uiterny has a dif
ferent nervous, digestive, -circulatory, ota,
system than the larva,
At last the batternyemcrges from the papa,
the wall of the latter breaking away atone
nd.prebably by tho growth and movements
f the insects within. It is ono of our plain
yellow buttcrfies; yet one can imagine that
it has quite a triumphant bearing as it
merges from its confinement It soon ex
tends its wings, and after a few flutters,
if allowed to cscspo, soars away.
Such is an outline of tho development of
insects, in which the metamorphosis is com-pleted-that
is, insects which, besides the
egg stago.pass thronoh three states, named
successively, the larva, pupa and imago, or
perfect insect But in many insects the
transformation is ineomslete that ia to
say, the metamorphosis is aot so marked
the several states are not so distinct
Take, for instance, the grasshopper. Ia
this insect both the larva and pupa resem
ble the perfect insect inlorm, walking and
feeding in the same manner, and differing
chiefly in the absenco a! wings, though evca
too wings aro present, in rudimentary form,
In tho pupa. And there arc groups of in.
aflcts in which there is no metamorphosis at
au. These are of the lower orders, and in
clude the insects unfavorably known as
lice. In these orders tho insect, when it
emerges from the egg, is qoito like tho full
grown specimen, excent in size.
After alL the dcveloDment of the hnttrfl
and the other insects of complete meta
morphosis is no more wonderful than that of
othor animals. The transformations through
which tho insects pass are in no essential
respects different from those through which
other animals pass in their .development
The chief difference is that in the insects
these transformations take place after the
egg-stage, while in many other animals as
"the birds and most reptiles they take place
within the egg. Ia the insects theenris
very small, and there is not enough food
matter contained initfor the growing em
bryo. It therefore breaks through the egg,
and is able to seek food for itself. But in
the birds the egg is large, and has a supply
or food suBcicnt for the nourishment of the
embryo until it ha3 attained full structural
development Hence it goes through its
transformations within thojegg. In the in
sect the development is icr'a time arrested,
so that the larva con gather a supply of
food, both for its immediate wants and for
gaining a store of energy for tho nextstage
initshte-history. In the birds and most
other animals the development prooeecB
without interruption until the young is
brought forth.
THE Grain-Saving, Time-Sav-ing,
Money-Saving Thresher
of this day and age.
'AS More Points of Exclusive
Superiority than all others
LVERY Thresherman and
, Fanner is delighted with its
marvelous work.
"OT only Superior for all kinds
of Grain, but the only suc
cessful handler of all Seeds.
PNTIRE Threshing Expenses
rH (often 3 to 5 times thatamoont)
" oade by extra Grain Saved.
and Finish UyoodaA comparison.
IBRATOR owners get the
best jobs and make the most
ity, Efficiency, and Dofsbftity.
BYOND aU rivalry for Rapid
Work, Perfect Cleaning, aad
for Saving Grain.
,EQUIRES no attachments or
rebuilding to change from
Grain to Seeds.
BROAD and ample Warranty
given on all our machinery.
RACTION Engines Unrival
ed in Material, Safety, Power
and Durability.
UR Pamphlet giving full in
formation, sent Free. It tells
about this great
EVOLUTION ia Threshing
Machinery. Send for pam
phlet. Address
Big G has given univer
sal satisfaction la tha
core of aoaorxBoeaaBd
Olett Ipreseribaltaad
fttl tafti In rrmnnnimd
lag It to all tafftran.
Sold by Draggtsts.
C. L. Cottixo, Agent.
. e Notice.
To M. E. Gordon:
011 are hereby notified that on the 7th day of
November 1887, 1,L.Baum purchased at public
tax sale from the county treasurer M. B. Mc
Nittatthe court house in Ked Cloud. Webster
county ieDrasKa,ioriiie taxes of the year 1886.
amounting to $335 on the following described
kuid situated In Webster county Nebraska tax
ed in the name of M E. Gordon: The south-west
ii south-west !i section 2. town 2. range a, west
of the 6 p.m. containing IGO acres. The time
for redemption of said land from the lien of said
tax sale will expire November 7th 1889, and if
not redeemed before the above date expires, I
will make application for treasurer's tax deed.
L. Baum.
. v Take Notice.
To X, D. Fox:
You are hereby notified that on the 7th day
of October, lj;, I, L. Baum. purchased at
private Tax Sale, from the County Treasurer,
M. B. McXitt. at the Court-house in Ke
Cloud, Webster county. Xebraska, for the tixes
".J?A wouuiuuuuib IU iuc. ie IOllOW-
ing lot sKaated in Webster caunty, Xebraska,
taxed in the name of N. Vnx. m tun viniom.
orcowles,to-wit: Lot 7, block 9. The time for
reuemTHHm m saia lot irom tne lien 01 said tax
sale will expire October 7th. 1889. ami If not re-
uevraew wiore me anove oate expires. I will
make application for a Treasurer's Tax Deed.
Take Notice.
To X. 1). Fox:
You are hereby notified that an the 7th day
of .October, 1887, I, L. Baam purchased at
rtiyate Tax Sale, from the Cocnty Treasurer,
M. B. McXitt, at the Court-houi in Ked Cloud,
Webster county. Xebraska. for the taxes of the
year 1883, amounting to $1.27. 'I he following
im sirciHiett in vteoster county, Nebraska,
taxed Jn the name of X. D. Toxin the village Lot 8, block . Thetimefiir
redeasutioii of said lot from tht Hon of nnfii
tax sale, will expire October 3th, 1889. and if notl
rcueemeu oeiore tne anove .mti i-xnirw iuhi
Biakepplication for a Treasurer's lax Deed.
L. Baum.
I - VIrSaSaiLJi
(ChicafO, Bock Islaad Si Pacific and Chicago, Kansas NobraakaBys.)
. ita. aim rm , Drancnoa and extensions west, northwest nui aantin
nr TMSSZLZZttZSSSLTl 522! SrS1 MoU2S. ? Ialaad m
City, Doe lflotnoe,
ihBillliew, WMUlUHsV JBMJUWmm W gelC AjlDaM f- IAfJram
MwtllA wxra.AMA. aai.Kai. a a Z . "at T--T
Centre, and CtouncU BtaStu IOWA-Mlnneapols and SauSaTmaS
SOTA-Watertown and Sioux Falls In DAKCAallatlnTTrenrcaBuiro?
iffiTftS Hutchlneon, Wichita, Benettfc Hoiton.
AbUeno, Caldwell, in KAN8A8-Color3do Sprtng.Donr.PuoblcVinCOLOJ
ataxiu. Traverse new ana vast areas or rich farmina and araalne? laacto.
aflbrdlnr the boat facUltlea of intercommunlcmtkm to older State aad taau
towne and .clttoa In 8ontbern Nobraoka, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, New
Mexico, Indian Territory, Texas, Arizona, Idaho, California. aadPacSa
eoaet aad trana-oceanlc Seaports. """
Of Palace Coaches-leading all competitors In splendor cf equipment and
luxury of accommodationB-run throuirh dUv bet eon b'cagoand CokS
TRAIN SEftVlCE daily between Cnlcairo and Council Bluffa fOmahaf and
between Chicago and KaLnaaa cifrv. Elegant Day Coaches, DintaV fcira.
Bscllnlna; Chair Cars (PBEB), and Palace SleepingjCars. Cafiforalaeur2
slonada&y. Choice of routeato and from SaltXako City, Portlandfs
Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, and intervening localities. Quick time
prompt connections and transfers in Union Depots. .. uue,
Runs stroerblv 1
Bock Island, Atchison. St-.
spoils and St. Paul. The Favorite Tourist Line to tho sconic resorta and
hunting sad flshuur srounds of tho NDrthwp?t Ts Txrr-trtn-arr. ni,t:S
Trains tiailv each vmv rintrcnctn rrhi.o..
Joseph, Leavenworth, K&nsa3 City and Minne-
courses tbxouwh the most productive Ianda of Korthern Iowa, Southwestern
Minnesota, and East Southern Dakota. u
THE SHORT LINE VTA SCTrrarOTA Aim ttaicvatjtpw ,- .m.i. . .
tSSSi.1?!?011 Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayetto, and CouncU Bluffs. St.
Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and St. PauL
ni-wr TSEStul ?& P6!8' or desired information, apply to any Coupon
Ticket Office In the United States or Canada, or address
CHICAGO, ILL. OmlTkxetftftavAfit.
Collections, Taxes Paid, &c.
Office with the County Judge, Moon Block
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
c ana
Granite Works
Fine Monuments
and Headstones
Elm St. and 4th A v.. Bed Cloud.
Take Notice.
To William Arnold:
Ym are hereby notified 41 at on the 7th day
of Xrvember! 18S7, 1, L. Ilauin purchased at
public tax sale from the county treasurer, M.
It. AlcXitt, at the court-bouse In Ked Cloud
Webster county. Xebraska, for the taxes for the
year issc, amounting to $6.95. The following
described land situated in Webster county.
Xi'Uraska. taxed in theramcof William a.
oold, TI10 north east U, or the south-west H.
section G. ranse 'J. towrn 3. west of at
C p. containing 40 acres. Tlie time for
redemption of said land from the Hen of said
tax sale will expire XoTeaiberTtii, lss9,aurtlf
aot redeemed before the above date expires I
1111 mnlrift nnnllnntlnti tnr n trp..imiiit ,ov
L. Baum.
Take Notice.
To William Arnold:
You are hereby notified tfcat on the 7th da1
ovemuer is7. 1, 1. isanm iiurcnased at
D. B. Spanogle,
Real Estate
AND lx)AN AgEt
Red Cloud.
tax salezrom the count v treasurer. M.R.Mr
NitL at the court house in Ked Cloud. Webstor
cuuiu). twrasKu, iur 1110 unrs 01 1110 year isas
amounting to $G&. Tlie following described
Uud situated in Webster county Xebraska,
taxed in the name of William Arnold. The
north-west !of the soeth-west H section 6 towa
3, raiure 9 west of the C iun- contalninp 40
and ll-lOKh acres. The time for redemntioa
of said land from tlie lien of said tax sale
Denver to Chicago,
Denver to Kansas City.
Denver to Omaha,
Omaha to Chicagot
Kans23 City to Chicago,
Omaha to St. Louis,
arVUR afiHm
Twmxwm r.
PIT, em
A good- soda foantaia for sale
cheap for eash, can be seek at Spoke
field's store, aad a former owner of
tne stme. For price enquire of
. A. Young,
Are you going to bay a carpet
- uw u to can ana examine ay
stock and prices. F. T. Tajler.
Ah IaaperlalAMbeaa.
Archduchess Marguerite 8ophie, daagatar
ef Archduke Charles Louis, of Austria, has
seen installed at Prague as the abbess of a
community of noble ladies of the Hradschin.
The new abbess is only eighteen years old
and she enjoyed the ceremony of retiring;
ironi the world. She was robed in buck,
with an ennino mantle, and the ring and in
aignia of her rank were turned over to her
with any amount of pomp and cereawny.
If she gets tired of seclusion there will be
chance to change her mind, as the roles
ex this convent are not of the strictest.
It was founded under Maria Theresa as a re
treat for noble unmarried ladies, and they
can go away if they get tired, or see a pros
pective husband who pleases them. The
mother of jthe King of Spain was abbess
there from 1S7JS to the time she married.
Wur Couty Abtncf SffieB
will expire Xovember 7th 188ft, and if not re-1 hntAm xtrl,t.- , T j
deemed before tlie above date expires I will I Olc in Webster county. Grazing and
make application for a treasures tax deed. arming lands and city property for
" '"' i BUR.
Take Natlce
To WiUIara Arnold:
You are hereby notified that on the 7th day of
Xovember 1887 L L. Baum purchased at public
tax sale from the county treasurer, M. B. Mc
Xitt at the court bouse in Ked Cloud, Webster
county Xebraska for the taxes of the year 18ML
rsaka. taxed in
The soothfast u
01 toe sown-wes. n, secuon . iuwhj, ranee ,
west of the 6 p.m. containing isaad 5t-leeth
acres. The tune tor reaerapuon or said land
from tbeuenof said tax tali
vember 7th. 1889, aud
Throush tickets over the Burllna;.
Ion Route are for ruilo by the Union
Pacific, Denver A Rio Grande and
all other prit;c:oal railway. -.
by ali agonts of the "Burlingto-
For further information, anetv ta
n.f agent, or to J
r. 9- EUSTIS.eealT'k'tAx't,
lie will oxDlrexo-
If not redeesied before
ABlt sfdawd Advte.
Don'tjudaamanay bis talk. A blank
cartridge anauVs as aaoh seise as the leaded
the above date expires I will make application
for a treasurer's tax oeed. L.BACX.
Take Notice.
To William Arnold:
You are hereby not! ted that on the 7th day ef
Xovember 1887. 1, L, Baam purchased at jmbuc
tax sale from the county treasurer, M. B. Me
Xltt, at the eoart-house In Bed Cloud, Webster
county, Xebraska, for the taxes of the year
iMKamountinK to f&9S the following described
land situated in Webster county Xebraska. tax-1.
ed in tne name 01 wiuiam Arnoia: imsDuia
Ht 11 of the south west U. section 6. torra 3.
ranze a. west of the 6 pja. containuigef and m-i
lesth acres, xae ua.e forredempusa or amid
1 .
Street Cabs
land from the Ilea of said tax safe win expire
Tfni itwrtih insn aad if not redeemed bef ere
the ahsTS date expires I wiRmake asatkatiom
feraksawiBi's taxaeei. usaix.
Fintdoornortkof City Bakery, re-
uwu ww HiuiuuKuir aninnMn. w
xespecuuur souar your rjatraauw
guaranteeing satiafalion in every case.
Orm Motto: Will be to iiTmm n
who tin fis their trade. All Wnir
ddbe in afiieclaee manner and in the
unset au 01 ut pronation.
HwTcmmom 4 Xoou.
From the Depot
To Bradbrooks
Photo Studio