abjwgd4aw gr&S" & SPg5jgsasjg: 3 gyyggasiS & (. IC'-gggg ' " -v3 fc' --& '(ll - ' -S r.Ht.. - KyK vit . jl. - SS J-W Jj 4 J ' " -iT'iifli slft t r t fc 'a 4 ?'; fc" T, A. ."! ' COMPARATIVE WORTH SOTAL (AftsalntriyPgn) l LEASTS Ufcan. Powder). ZTJITOKD'S, irbea fteh.. MANFOEirs, Vba ftv.. MMEAirs BSES -'-' -f-'- AJLLZON (Ahi Powder) . j CtETELAXDort-i)! PIONEER (SttFrascisco)... CZAR 1HL PRICE'S SNOW FLAKE (GrsTs)... LEWIS PEARL (Asgre-ra 4 Co.) wn. .... UtlJOi W-.i GULErs AXDREWSCO.-Ee;rar VUJUUK (Alcra Powder)... . 'ilA.1' JTV?VI f jjp--r?jEFinBB qZSSSHB V -y TaEsmememei BULK (Powcer scM lccee). . .. H BUiirOEDS,So:fre!: B BEPOHTS OP GOVERNMENT CHEMISTS AstoParltyrmd'holesor.icncsoftheRoyalBaTiingPoTvder. "I nave ics- 1 a clears cf T.rjs.1 Bjhiaz Ponder, vliich I Tarchasa'l ia the open market, ct i 2nd it eomposMi of pen." and wLolesoaie iacrediems. It is a cream of tartar powl.r of a hir-b Je 'if merit, aai docs not contain cither alaa or phosphates, or other ibjiirijc sul-stances. E. G. Lo Fh.D." " Ii is a saleailfic tie; that the Loral Baking Ponder is absclatclv pars. "IL A-Mott, Ph.D. "I have examined a packac? cf Eovsl Bakiar Ponder, purchased by myself fn the market. I Snd it eiiti sy fr-v frra sicai, terra alba, or acv other insurious sub stance. Heskt Hostus, Fiv., Irtsidea: of Steveas Institute of Technology." " I hare analyst a package of Koval Bakinr Powder. The materials of which it Is compoeJ are jera airl whiles-jzae. 5. Dasjl Hates, State Assayer, Mass." The Boval Bikinc Fo der re 'ived the highest a anl ever ail competitors at the Vienna tt rMs Exposition, 11; at the Ccatenaid, PhiladplDhia. 15TC ; at the American In.- .. ate, New York, aad at State Fairs throushout the eountrv. No chcr a-. -J ; of hyrar. food Las ever received such Lih. emphatic, and uni versal cn-Iursrmcac from emmam chemists, phvsicians, scientists, aad Boards of Health all o er the vrorld. Note The above Diagea Castrates the comparative worth of varices Bairn Powders, as shown by ChemicalJL2alysi3 aad experimeats made by Prof. Schedler. A pound can cf each powder was taken, the total leavening power or volume fa each can calculated, the resal; Uulj as indicated. This practical test for worth by Prof. Schedler oaly proves what every olservant consumer of the Royal Baking Powder knowr by r-actical err ;- -hat, -fcile it costs a fcr- cents per pound more than ordinary kinds, it is far more economical, and, besides, tffords the advan tage of better work. A siarle trial of the Royal BiH Powder will convince any fair-minded person of these facts. "While th; diarram shows some of the alam nowders to b of a hfc-hsr Arvr f itrensth than other powders ranked sg mat xney uive any value. Ail rcn po nuoe avoiucu aa ;,i-jeroaa- ghc gcx (tsju'J (Tlrrf. A. c. nosnrr.. I'r3jr;ptns pnblished every Tn Jay momlna from tbe ofnee ast side Webster sL. Ittneen 4tli and jth Avenue, lied Cload, Xcb. FAir?I LOANS I have the agency for ten dinerent lnin crciTiiriTns fnr fnn rr'.r-n -,-n fTlf " !.. c f ,!,;, Mi.n" u . f making farm loans." Therefore 1 1 can make a farm loan quicker and at , lower rates than auy other agent in j "Webster county. I make option j loans or straight loans for 1,2, 3, 4, 5, j C, or i years, also on first class city rropertv. Comrire mv terms before J placing your fan- loa-,and save mon ey and regrets. G. W. Barker. Bear Red Cload at'l Bank. SPLINTERS .. , . , n . ... ture and carpets. 100 different pat--Gathered Up by Chief Heportcrt. In r And AboHt tlie City ana Coonxj-. Jelly glasses at ol). per cozen at the Fair store. A laice number of our people have returned from Crete. K. Skeen and Dr. Emigh returned from Beatrice on Friday last. Mrs. M. H. Abbott, sister of 3Irs. F. V. Taylor, h returned to Abeline Kansas. B. V. Shirey and wite and Mr. Clark and wife are visiting in Denver this week. John B. Shirey, cashier of the First National bank returned Friday nl"ht from the east where he had been on business. This week County Treasurer McNitt is settling up with the county. Messrs Frame, Thomas and Cather are representing the county. We again call the attention of the - city dads to the fact that there sholud he another pomp pot in at the engine house. This is a matter that shonld not be delayed. The eiitor of thisFaxnily Journal was in Beatrice lst wee. Beatrice is one of the prettiert as well as most enter prising towns in Nebraska and will be tne third city in anothei year. rC. L. Funck, known in the princi pality of Line as 4tJedge" is probably the happiest justice cf the peace in Websttcounty, or for that matter in the state, and all because, because we hate to tell but then we must ! ause it is the first baby. When ihe squire found out for sure that he was pa,le waltzed up before his judi cal bench and cave himself six months of h? pinera to eUrt ca- Cigars C of BAKING POWDERSL mB -" -"--- b-low them, it is not to be taken as indleat- waers, no master sow fiiga tatir i Hoofing p'tch and coal tar at Dejo's Bird cages at 45c at the Fair store. Drink California orange mead at Cotting's. Cotting makes the hesi stickv 3y paper in town. White Rosk mineral -water, ginger- eIte at Cotting s. als celebrated carriage paints at eJi a" colors. j)Cy0 has the largest .stock of of fire orks in town. Buy of him. The finest line of silk ribbons in .. tfcp Clt7- Mrs- G- - Alde- F. V. Taylor has returned from Lincoln where he was in attendance upon the undertakers association of ! the state. I can save you big money on furni j terns oi carpet: F. V. Taylor's. On cur local page to-day will be found a striking and instructive illus- I 1U t ration of the comparative worth of the various baking powders now in the market. Earl Pond, entertained his young friends Monday afternoon at a party in honor of his 7th birthday. He re ceived a large number of presents. i All had a pleasant time. Mr. Molpoer is in the city. D. F. McFarland, Bfc M roadmaster will soon more back to Republican City. The marshal wishes to notify all people that fast driving will not be allowed on the streets. The city council will purchase another pump for the city water works, It is ab solutely neceasary. Oar people should follow Mr. Bentley in the good work of catting down weeds over the city. His lots look 100 per cent nicer with the weeds down. Jim Johnson had the pleasure of "abid ing at the csge1 this week, for tunning a bagnio. If more of her stripe were com pelled to lay is the calaboose for awhile, there would be fewer in the city, A fellow known in this city as "patch- eye' was arrested by Sheri Scott ewe da this week and turned over to the ten der mercies of the sheriff of Harlan coun ty en information filed by W. W. Gar dner. The city street commissioner has been instructed to have the weeds cut down in the streets and in front of all lots in the Qty. The people of Bed Clond should fall in line and do sack- work out of pride for the looks of Red Cloud. It will onlr be two weeks mor9 before the eity will be swarmed by thousands of firemen visiters, and oar people shcnld take a pride in making the cirj appear aa nicely la Cease Bxeiteaweatt. The following epistle received by the sheriff on Tuesday morning caus ed quite a commotion in this city. The note was addressed to Sheriff Scott and started out with the ex clamation: 'IIOHEOE OF nORXOES. We have just discovered near Bur tis house in the weeds, three dead bodies, apparently mother ani three children. Some one at Burtis' home or barn will show you the place. In haste, Lutz fc Patjioe." July 2, 8:30 a. m." The sheriff like the good official that he is, promptly hired a rig, and with a number of his fellow men, sol emnly entered the vehicle and pro ceeded to the residence of Mr. Lutz, and asked that gentleman to indicate the position of the dead. Mr. L. did so. and upon arriving at the barn the sheriff and his deputies jumped out of the wagon and thinking of the ghastly find they trere about to be hold (and at the same time holding their noses to prevent tne fumes of a distant poVcat from entering therein) indicated to Mr. Lutz to lead the way. With slow and solemn tread the party started in the wake of the guide and when Mthin a few feet of the barn, :n the- weeds,behold: lav the tnni rk aV n .. 11 ...!-- . . . . T. nM .1m.. .. . . , , ., Iritmne 'nninar thin r-n niil " A smile was visible on Bro. David's phiz but the sheriff's brows knitted, and the fee was demanded for his servi ces. A serious look is now worn by the practical jokers, who we pre sume did not imagine that seadinc the sheriff on a wild skunk chase was no laughing matter, and it may cost them some money before they are through with it for triflinc with the majesty of the law in such a frivilous manner. The ioke was well conceiv ed and worked to a charm, the boys oiting like little suckers. Vonas'i C. O. X. EnporlBM. Ladies hoe 7c. per pair, worth 10c. Ladies fine fast black hose fer 17c. per pair would be cheap at 25c Chal lies at 6$- cents per yard that sells for 3 and 10 cents other places. Fans 5c, Se. 10c, and 15 cents that are worth twice the money. We carry the largest stock of ribbons and sell them cheaper than any other house. Our whit :oods and embroid eries, laces tf. are the best value for the money in the City. When you want to save mey call and see us. YorNcs O O D. Emporium. 31 r-. C . Al Jen. Millinery ar I iiJies' furnishing goods, 4th aven". ?. doors east of McFarlands. Y.i ill find in my stock silk glrtv..-, ;s. dress shields bustles, plain at-d i-ted vailinss and the finest line v -,wers in the city. I will sell my r-u .tinr goods cheap to make room for a ge stock of fall millinery and -t.e work matirials. Examine mv -r.rs. before buvins. Furniture f hree room house. Good dres mak"r- -land and good trade. Reason f - Hing poor health Possession given a' nce. Apply to Mpp L B. Molpoer. Webst.r St, oppo":-1 Moon block. i:-dCInud, Xeb. The matrimonii' ta trket for June. 1889 was rather dull. I;ren-e to wed having been isued from the county court during the month as follows: CA-H-Byrum 30 7 Jennie Chapman 26 (L. A. Harrington 26 7 Amanda G. Bowen ...19 ( Louis M. Vance 2S ( Carrie D. Newhonse 12 5 Orange P. Taylor 25 I Clara Hnrray 18 (William C. HurJ 27 (Lou Wright 21 Carter The entertainment committee of the fire department wish to extend their thanks to the ladies and gentlemen who attended their beiltaJely 4. They es pecially desire to thank all for their good conduct on that occasion, and will say tfiat t no lain r? will ers lnn(hr haTI and hope all will attend. The fire boys are always thankful for the liberal turn outs at their danees. : TKZ. The 4th of July was daly observed here yesterday and over the county. Lou. Kenney, formerly foreman of Tee Chtkk office, and now an employe of the Belleville, (Kan.) Telescope, is in the exty this week visiting his parents. Lou is a good printer in whatever position you may put hint. Geo. W. Hutchiaqoa, for the sat year with our popular artist, F. Bradbrook, has gone toWilleox. Neb where he will opar s raCery for himself. George is good photographer, sxd we wiaa i scseess in Lis W vertnre. Tlie TearaaaBcsu. The tournament committee are building a big amphitheater and are getting everything ready to entertain the fire laddies and the thousands of people that will be here during that period. Red Cloud is making every effort to give the people a grand ova tion and we feel the tournament will be the grandest affair of the kind ever held in the state. The departments from all over the state and from Iowa, Kansas and Colorado will be here, be sides a large number of spectators will be variously estimated at from five to ten thousand people. If you want to have a nice time be sure and come and puc in the four days. It will pay you and you will see some thing that you only have a chance once in a life time to see. Since the copy of the extra premiums of the official programme was placed in the press the tournament committee at Red Cloud have received several special premiums from various parties which now swell the prizes and pre miums to the amount of over $2,000. FIEE "WORKS. The tournament committee have purchased direct from the manufac turers $l,a00 worth of fire wor .'- rvf the finest kind which will be dis- l played on the grounds on the second and tcird ever. ni;s cf the tournament r - w (July 17th and ISth. WORKS OF ART. One of themost attractive features of the tournament will be the $29,000 art and brie a brae exhibition. No finer exhibition of art has ever been placed before the public for inspec tion west of Omaha than this will be. Vinong the works will be seen pain tings which won first premiums at ihe New Orleans exposition. THE USE OP FIEE APPARATUS. Fire departments who have been making preparations to attend the tournament, and are prevented from doing so by the want of proper apper atus, will have the same famished them free by making application to th" tournament committee. Death of Wilt IV. Kin?. Will N. King died at a late hour Thursday night at St. Joseph's hos pital, of consumption. Peor fel'ow. natumlly very bright, he would, but for his weaknesses, have been a mo.e than ordinary successful business man. His last days were anything but happy. He had beed released from a charge of petty forgery to go to his death bed. He was impulsive, and at times would do anything for a friend. At one time he was editor of the Red Cloud Helmer, and has for several years past beeu an advertising solicitor for various papers in this city. He was a married man, his wife beint: in the east, dependent entirely upon her own exertions for a liveli hood. His father, living in Ohio, was wired as to the disposal of the body, and the wif e replied to bury her husband here. The funeral occurred at C:30 last evening from Tagart's undertaking rooms, to Forest lawn cemetery. Omaha Republican. Gus Boats is one of our leading far mers and stock raisers. Daring the past winter he has Jed 140 head of steers, as fine a bunch as you would wish to rest your eyes on. He has fed the steers 1600 bushels of corn at a cost of nearly $4,000. W. N. Rich ardson has fed 300 head about 40,000 bushels, making a total corn cost of $10,000. Webster county has a large number of men whe feed from 25 to 150 head of cattle making an outlay quite large. There arc over 21,000 head of cattle in the county. When it comes to stock Webster county takes the cake. Chas. Schaffnit who for many months was the well known manager of the Southern & Western Mercantile Asso ciation has purchased that stock of goods. 2nd is bow in full possession. Fr c? : z 3 a J Mr. S. is an experienced dry goods man and will make the business "hum" from this on. We bespeak for him a good trade and in return wfi can assure the people that they will be treated in a first class manner. He has had years of experience in the business and will proceed at once to put in a good sew stoct such as tne trade demands. The Ccicr wishes him szeess and prosperity in his new role as proprietor. X. Trade. V rat tsvc ycc tc oaer tor a gooa lecT? end caif. a Bnckeve mower, (goodlosaach, of long or short standing y f c 2..t-.i. . JwiUsttrleyfindieBefryuwnfE!Hi las zewlacds bteeJe rate. Adawmt-? cm .cv ..a t 0 W. care Caar. Just Sonare Dealinc GOLDEN EAGLE CLOTHING HOUSE, An immense assortment Kmmk WmMXk WmWm amwBamemVVtsamV emmrVLV mKyV bbbbC'Tbbbb! bbbbbbsbVB amemeKamV emmB emml emssaTxl Flannel coats and vests, Seersucker coats and vests, Alpacca coats and vests, Prices from 81.25 to So. I guarantee you bottom prices on all goods sold by Red Cloud and Wymore. IFcnry Clark, president of Com. Nat'l Bank of Albany, f. Y.. and pres ident o 3eb. & Kan. Farm loan Co., of Red Cloud, Nee., and F. V. Wiley, a large :ipitalist of Dallston, K. Y., accompaii.d by R. V. Shirey, mana ger and treasurer of Neb. 4. Kan Farm loan Co. and president of 1st. Sat'l Bank o;' Red Clond, were the guests of I. S- Shirey laat Saturday. All expressed tht mselves as very much pleased with this .-tion of Nebraska and especially wit' Red Willow Co. Mr. "Wiley holds a large number of Nebraska farm Ioa:: and is pre pared to invest all his surplus fur.ds in Neb. securites. The Parties were joined by their wives, in tne evening and proceeded to Denver 'or a brief recreation. They instructed Mr. Shirey to take all the applications he can in Red Willow Co., Courier. Their Bafttaea Boosalac. Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of trade at Henry Cooks Drug store as their giv ing away to thier customers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for C-nsumption.Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that it always cures and never disappoints. Coughs, Coulds, Asthma. Bronchitis Croup and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. Yo'i can test it before buying by setting a trial bottle free laige size $1. Everv bottle warran ed. 3 A Sew starter S8a.f. S. T. VanHorn who is well knowm in this eity, and who for the last year has tried his luck elsewhere, has re turned to this city and has purchased the barber parlors of Robert Barkley. He has fitted them up m nice style and invites his old and new friends to call and see him. Ho will give you a shave or hair cut in the latest style ef the art, 47-tf The transition from long, lingering and painful sickness to robust health marks su epoch in the life of the indi vidual. Such a remarkable event is treasured in the mesaory and the igency Whereby the good health has wen attained is gratefully blessed. ieuee it w that so much is heard in iraiseof Eieetnc Bitters, go maayl ieel tkey owe their restoration rolf.-,?- . f v. V. Tvlr onr- healti, to the use of the Great Altera! I lis end Tnrie. If vna- mrm tonMA j with asy disease of Kidneys, Ltrer Sold at 50c. aad ft oer J at Bear? Cocke Itostora. J or a iew Received AT THE C WIENER, Dr. Jaque's German worm cages destroy worm and "-emor-a the:n from the sys tem . Sale pleasant an- effective. Good mothers use Dr. Wlnehell's teethinar syrup for children with colds, ore tarcats, and to resuiate the bowb. Uncle Sam's nerve and bone lini ment will reliet e sprains, bruises, neuralgia and rheumatism, Ir. D. L. Field, So. 3 Eat Ma ple St. Uncle Sam's condition powders the best for horse.-, cattle, hop aud poultry. Get the best. Eilerts daylight liver piEs. for soar stomach, torpid Iiveraad indigestion. Cure your cougns and colds with Eilerts tar and ild cherry. All drasists keep it, Larjre bottles fifty c-nts aad oae dollar. Home blood purifier is the people's popular medicine for purifying the blood and malarial diseases etc. Lar?e bottles fifty cents aad one Collar. Cancers can be cured havinir deve- ted a good deal of time for the last 33 years to the study and cure of can cers, and having never in. one single instance failed where I had the pa tient before the cancer commenced to eat and agrate. and many where they had commenced. Come right along dear friends to my house and I will send you home in five days rejoicing. If I cannot cure you I will tell you so like an honest man. References; John Stoddard. Walnut creek. Neb.; Mr. Bear'lej, Logan, Kan, Mj house is 12 miles south of Red Cloud, ia Smith county Kansas. 45-tf J. L. Elliott. lee! IceU lee!!! Fred Hummel wants his friends to kaow that he hxs piles of fine river ice for sale which he will offer to the trade in season. Reserve your or ders for him. Carpeaef Mrs. 31. E. Huffman, living two miles west of the eitv on the Kaley farm is prepared to weave carpets cm short notice. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. tf The greatest wonder of the 19th century, a carpet exhibitor showing just how a carpet will look when oa the floor at F. V. Taylors. When ia Red Cloud call at the -. .- v ik- . 1 ;,V . . e the F.N. bank, aad nick you out a fine k:fhea or parlor I At. July 4tL just reccivid a : line of loMt owers as nee, sew w . "! Hw r r f ae . fls.