The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 05, 1889, Image 4

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Doc. McKeeby, and his organ, are
ow working up a sympathetic feel
ing on the part of the soldier element
in this city and county in order to
cause a fellow-feeling on behalf of his
henchmen. However the wheedling
nolicy'of our very eminent friend will
not avail him much consolation as the
people are onto his vindictive efforts
to. even up old scores. His rapa
eiousness has been properly "dubbed"
bj one of our local contemporaries as
"pusillanimous." We doubt, even
with the aid of his sophistry, that he
ac his organ will be able o make out
case (he used to be a lawyer) that
will not mako the people believe tbat
ho is not just a little punctillious.
Bb, dockcy.
A pious old mau of Red Cloud went
to the can the other day to see his
daughter off. Securing her a seat, he
passed out of the car and went around
to tbe car window to say a parting
word. While he was passing out the
daughter left the seat to speak to a
friend, at the same time a grim old
maid took the seat and moved up to
the window. Unaware of the import
ant change, he hurriedly put his bead
up to the window and said: "One
more sweet kiss, pet." In another in
stant the point of a cotton umbrel
la was thrust from the window, fol
lowed by the wrathful injunction:
"Scat, you gray-headed wretch!" He
Moral Let some otter fellow kiss
the old maids.
W. C. Picking was in the city this
week looking after the 125 Jthat hej
had invested in the Republican .in
labor and which tbe company would
ot pay until sued. To stop jurther
proceedings the amount was juAd to
Mr. Picking, and he returned home
feeling as gay as if he had drawn a
qrite in the Louidaila lottery. There
is lots of money in the concern
it a
fellow knows jut how to get it.
Mr. D. F. Trunkcy brought to this
nice Monday, from the farm of C. C.
Cox on Elm Creek, sonit of the finest
and largest timothy, clover and red
top grggs we ever laid eyes upon.
Many of the tituothy heads lncn&urcil
eight or ten inches in length. i
ave the timothy in our office for
inspection. Call and see it.
Ic is said that dewn in Missouri
thejr have introduced hugging socie
ties ' The following is the scale of
prices: Girls under 15. 15 cents a
bug of two minutes, or 10 cents
a squeeze; from 1G to 20, 50 cents;
from 20 to 25, 75c;school marms 40c,
another man's wife, $1, widows, ac
cording to looks; old maids 3 cents
a piece or two for a nickle; preachers
are not charged; deacons half rates,
editors pay in advertisements, but
are not allowed to participate until
everybody else is through, and even
then he is not allowed to squeeze any-
but old maids and school marms.
Lew Albright wns hoard to remark the
other day that docky kceby had "lost
tore brains than Warren or Hoemer ever
had" Or words to that effect. Well, after
having examined the premises very care
tally we virtually agree with Lew, with
a few exceptions, and we would suggest
that a detective be employed to find the
lost articles and restore them to Btatne
aao as they aro sadly needed, and if
there is any to spare, we would farther
mggest that Lew recei?e them, "they
would be cheap but fillin', like bean soup."
Iiumer school for Stlbaln Study.
A summer school for bible study
willjbe held at Hastings. Commutes
Young Men's Christian Associations.
The object of tl.e school will be to
combine recreation with the study of
the Word of God, and affcrd the
young men of the State an opportun
ity of spending a pleasant and profit
able vacation. Christian young men
of all denominations', wheiher mem
bers of association or not, are cordial
ly invited to attend. The forenoons
will be devoted to Bible Study under
the instruction of able and well
known teachers. The afternoons will
be given to athletics, for which pur
pose fine grounds have been fitted up.
Prof. M. S. C Jvin, of Beatrice, will
have charge of ihc music, and from
one to two hours will be spent daily
ib practice. An orchestra of several
pieces is expected- llev. Addison
Blanchard, Pastor 2nd Congregational
Church, Denver, Colo.; Rev. Walter
C. Veazie. Wichita, Kansas. Mr.
Geo. S. Fisher, State Secretary Young
men's Christian Associations of Kan.
Other Christian workers of note
are expected. Thcic will be a rate
of one fare and a third for the round
trip on all railroads. The entire cost
for the week, exclusive of railroad
fare, will be $4.00. This will be the
pportunity of the season for becom
ing better acquainted with the Word
of God and it is expected that at least
two hundred young men will avail
themselves of it. For information
write A. Nash, State Secretary Y. M.
C. A., Omaha, Neb. All persons de
siring to attend should address the
above, that accomodations may be prepared.
A slick tongue rascal is working
some of the farmers on the old agency
r.icket. Two of them decided to accept
au agency fora certain manufacturing
eompany. They were getting a "Soft
snap" and were to make big money
and not have to invest a cent. How
ever, they did sign their names to a
harmless" contract. Imagine their
surprise when notified that a bank had
bought their notes for 400. They
squirmed, but it did no good. These
sharpers generally catch the men"who
are too poor to take a paper."
klafcaaaa Matl Kalea.
If the bugs are troublesome you'll
find the kloroform in a bottle on the
Gents goin to bed with their boots
on will be charged extra.
Three raps at the door means that
there is a murder in the house and
you must get up.
Please rite your name oh the wall
paper, so that we'll know you've been
The other leg of the chair is in the
closet if you need it.
If that hole where that pane of
glass is out is too much for ycu, you'll
find a pair of pants behind the door
to stuff in it.
The shooting of a pistol is no cause
for any alarm.
If you are too cold put the oil-cloth
over yoar bed.
Caroseen lamps ex tray: candles
free, but they mus'nt burn all night.
Don't tare the paper off the wall to
lite your pipe with, 'Nuff of that al
Guests will not take out them
bricks in the mattress.
If it rains through that hole over
head, you'll find an umberela under
the bed.
The rats won't hurt you if they do
chase each other across your face.
Two men in a room must put up
with one chair.
Please don't empty the sawdust
out of the pillars.
Don't kick about the roaches. We
don't charge extra.
If there's no towel handy, use a
piece of the carpet. Spokane Globe
, late Auead a Ball G
la K4 Cleat.
Well bois, you are just as mean as
you can be, and I'm another, bat
that's nothing to do with my visit to
what tha called a ball park last week.
It was the first time that I ever took
myself to such an entertainment, and
it was aw full v aniusin' to me as well
as a whole lot of other fools.
I'll tell you how it was plade.
There was a lot of fellers dressed up
for runnin'. There was 2 sets, one
set done the hittin' and the other set
done the chasm' the ball. There was
a feller called a pitcher and a nother
called a ketcher. The pitcher fired
the ball at the ketcher and it was the
business of the feller that held a
taperin' club by the little end, to hit
the bali and nok it. If be didn't nok
it when he tried 2, a feller called um
pire, would sa ::onc strike," and if the
ball was not a fit ball 2 nok he would
sa -'one ball." Then the pitcher
would lik the end of his fingers and
fire the ball at the ketcher so hard
that it went ker-whiz. Then the
umpire would say "2 strikes." Then
the hitter would rub his hands .on
the ground, pound on the home plate
that's what tha called it but tha
didn't eat from it and the nitcher
would put more spit on the ends of
his fingers, roll the ball around in his
hands and then fire it at the ketcher
in a circle. The hitter would blaiz
Nebraska State Firemen's Associ
ation, to be held at Bed
July 16th to 19th,
Dr. Zengcr, of Prague advocates the
use of the photograph for weather
prediction on ship board, or at stations
in the tropical cyclone belt. He says
certain appearance of the sun infallible
indications of approaching trouble
at least 24 hours in advance.
Would'nt it be a good idea for Gen
eral Greely to see if Dr. Zenker's sys
tem would work up this way? If it
did it would be an improvement on
the present system. Omaha Republican.
A large jewelry store in New York
where $5,000 worth of gold is used in
a day, gold is not weighed out to the
woikman and nothing but the honesty
of the employes prevents loss. But
while the gold is allowed to be thus
exposed, tobacco has to be locked be
cause it has been found that the men
who would not steal a erain of his em
ployer's gold would not hesitate to ap
propriate his neighnor's tobacco. Ex.
Mtactljr tha Patau
EnnoaCmtt": Tkromghyomr valsable
SMaarlwkhto ask aaMtiea ia regard
toaarfaaUe aekaal. IamJerstaaatkat
tkasehoal board has eiaplojea a princi
pal at 0 a year, or about $7 par day,
or over $1 per hoar of aetaal teaeaiag.
Kowaaa't tkia took as thaagh tha board
wa paving too large a eatery for a towm
ao larger than Bad Ctoad. Than again
tfci.v af it, ia it met oat of all reason,
eoaparea with teachers of oaly $30 to
$40 per attain. Mr. Carram received
oaly $1200, and that oaght to obtaia a
Aaa maa: it did im Mr. Carran's ease,
aad woaU bow. Explain please why itl
is aeeessarj to pay snob a price?
D Report of school in Dist. No. 33 for
month ending June 28 1889. Num
ber enrolled 15, number of davs
taught 20. Those nt absent during
the month are, Ansil Crabill, Luther
Crabill, EulaRunchoy,Dickfiunchey,
and Christima Sorgensen. Not tardy,
Ansil Crabil, Luther Crabill, Freddie
Anderson, Guy Lindsay. Those who
have been perfect in deportment are
Guy Lindsey, Mina Nelson, Christinia
Hansen, Mary Jasperson, Christinia
Sorgensen, and Charley Sorgensen.
fniMMA 1. 1 V . m
juudv wuvsb Bcuiarsnip ana arc
portment entitle them to CO per cent
or above are. Dick Runchey, Eula
Runchey, Freddie Anderson, Ansil
Crabill, Luther Crabill and Christinia
Effii: Smith, Teacher.
whr is it
That people linger along always complaining
about that continual tired feellnc? One bottle
of Begg's blood purifier and blood maker will
remove tliis feeling, give them a good appetite
and regulate digestion. C L. Cottiug, druggist
When visiting a printing office
keep these rules in view: Enter
softly, subscribe for the paper, pay in
advance, keep six feet away from the
devil, hands off the manuscript, don't
talk to the editor, don't carry off ex
changes, and don't read the type on
the galleys. To this we might add
that when we are ready for you to
read the paper if you are a subscriber
you will find it in the post-office.
Fine growing weather.
Small grain never looked better.
Pastures and meadows are good and
cattle doing well.
A great deal of milk is being carried
from this quarter to the factory this
Several new binders arc being
bought here this year.
Corn is not large but doing well.
A heavy rain last week which came
in a regular downpour like a cloud
Mr. J. G. Overman's mother and
brother from West Point, Illinois, arc
making him a visit.
Harmony Sunday school is flourish
ing with a steady increase in numbers
and iatercst. Those who missed the
quarter!' review on last Sabbath miss
ed a treat.
If not too late we will correct the
"Big Indian," Mrs Judson is not
superintendent in 33, hut in Harmony
Dist. 50.
Furniture of all kinds cheaper than
ever at F; V. Taylor's,
Tax Path.
Carpet Waarias;.
Mrs. M.B.Hufman announce that
she is prepared to weave carpet of
all classes. Leave orders with C.
c.v.4rn: bo Moon Block. tf
Will Eamas bas pareaasea tbe street
sprinkler eatlt.
Tbe board of aapervisors in semi-an-
maal waiiaa on July f. mm.
The little child of fred Ftamb died tbie
montag. The parents bave tbe sympa
thy of the eoautamity.
Tbe city water aulas will be exteaded
this season. That's right, The ire pro
tection oaght to be as perfect as possi
ble. The oacial program gotten ap for the
anneal toaraaaMat, aad prepared by John
ToBUiasoa, is a aeat job end a credit to
John's ability and eataasiasm.
Oar estcesaed friend, W. . Jacks is
again grandpa. This week Will's wife
presented her hatband with a nice baby
boy. Weight tan pounds, and grandpa is
(extremely joyfnl.
On Wednesday evening June 26, Mr. L,
H. Arehard of the Enterprise, at Odell,
Neb. was united in marriage to Miss Mag
gie Canffman, the ceremony taking place
at the bribe's home, seven miles north of
Bladen, Rev. A. B. Whitmer of Superior,
officiating. They were the recipents of
numerous presents,
V. 8. Hall received a car load of lime.
J. Burnett is busy laying tbe founda
tion for tbe Congregational charca.
Some of oar enterprising fanners com-
ateaeed catting barley oa Monday.
The lemon sociable at Joseph Pashby's
was a eaeeese both financially aad socia
bly. Joan MeOaUaat and W. B. Cramer eaeb
hipped a ear lead of lae bogs from here
awa and nok the ball behind and
the umpire would yell "fowl" when
there wasn't a chicken to h smb.
Sometimes he would sa "fowl" three
or four times consekyewtively in a
row, and the fellers that belonged to
the same set the hitters did would sa
"you'r findin' them Shorty." Then
Shorty would hit the ball square be
tween the ize and it would go soarin'
awa out in the field and lite in a fel
lers hands and the umpire would sa
"batter out." To my mind that was
poor advice, for if he hadn't bat
ted it out in the field he wouldn't
been out and it looked so foolish any
how to see the hitters nok the ball
rite into tbe hands of the other fellers
when there was lots of room where
there was no other fellers.
Sometimes the umpire would sa a
hitter was out, and the hittin' fellers
would all say he wasp't. Then tha
would huddle 'round the umpire and
after a whole lot of wind was wasted
the placrs would go bak to wore, and
the hitter stayed out just as the um
pire said he was. Then the fellers
doin' the chaisin' the ball would ask
the hitters if tha wanted in umpire
made to order, and sa l-0 no, you fel
lers ain't kickers." didn't, leave vour
paul to home this time," and other
tcasin' remarks. Then three of the
hitters would be out, and the chasers
would bekum hitters and the hitters
chasers, and viscera Vesuvius; that is,
tha traded nlaces. ana the trhn- aefc
was repeated. After this had been
done 9 times the game was out and
the fellers that had run 'round the
squar dimond the most numerns num
ber of times was ahead, and the friends
of the ahead set up and yelled like
fools and the whole act was completed.
It was a awfully amusin' game, and
everybody went home talkin' base
ball, and the game was plade over
997 times on the streets the next day.
Yours with tbe fever,
Al K Lie.
First pay, Tuesday, July 16.
Reception of Firemen,
Meeting of Board of Control at 8 p, m.
Serenade in evening, Red Cloud Cornet band.
Second Day, Wednesday, July 17.
Grand parade at 10 a. m.
company, Silk Banner. 1
Best appearing
p m ureen hos
" ,
r"ra. 1-1 .4- -.-. L1 i. )-! i 1
2 p m, Green hook and ladder race, 1st
pi ize $75, 2d prize 50,
3 p m, Chiefs race, prize fine 32 comb
Firemen's Helmet Hat, valued at $15.
4 pm- -Foremen's race, prize, fine belt, val
ued at
Voa Caaaet Atr.rd
At this season of the year to be without a good
reliable diarrhoea balsom in the bouse, as
cramps, colic, diarrhoea and all inflaiuatioa of
the stomach and bowels are exceedingly dan
gerous if not attended to at once. One bottle of
negg s diarrhoea balsom will do more good hi
cases of this kind than any other medicine on
earth. We guarantee it. CL-Cottlng druggist
ChacSast lost a fomrhaaared pound
begoaae a at of the heat at the steak
yatia Monday.
Frad Arehard and aistar of Atkiaaoa
this state, attended tha wedding of his
C.C. OanWd started oa Tuesday to
Hajes eoaaty, Neb, where ha has aosae-
staaded a piece of land. 8aeeM to him.
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Arehard started
Wednesday morning for their fatare
hosae ia Odell, Neb. S
Peaale Take If aUce
Parties that can entertain gaasts dar
ing the tournament, andeoald entertain
mom if cots were famished, can procure
them at 75c per week, by calling on John
Toailinson. chairman tournament com
To the person who comes into our
oflice saving: -I know vom're awM-
ly bnsyaad Iwoa'! stay long," we
desire to present the assurance of our
most distinguished consideration.
But to the person who coaes iu say
ing this, aud then rita ou the comer
of our desk aud thinks with his lanes
by the hear, we desire to say that
nothing would pve us more inefable
pleasure than a few of his brilliant
fashes of silence, accompanied aad in
terspersed here aud there with a dean
cooling draught of his distinguished
The Pride arm-
A clear pearly aad transparent skin is al
ways a elm of aun bkwwi. ani ait w..-
troubled with dark, snanr. vettav or hi
akia can rest assured that their bUadu mt
order. A few deses of Begg's blood puriSer
a oiooa maxer win reaove the cause and the
skin will become clear aad transparent. Trylit
and if satisfaction is not sti .
notalnr. ItiafuUv warranted or. rvttti.. I
10 a m, -Hose race, 39 class, first prize $100
2d prize $50.
11a m Hoojc and ladder race, 44 class, first
prize $100, 2d prize $50.
1 .30 p m, Ladder climbing contest, Firs
prize handsome tournament ladder, valued
at $50, 2d prize Silver Cud.
2.30 p ny Coupling contest, first prize, State
viicimpionsnip iviedal and $1 D, 2d prize $10
3d prize $5
4 p m,- -Champion wet run, 1st prize $75
2d prize $50
Fourth Day, Friday, July 19.
lOamPompier corps, first prize $50. 2d
pnze $25
11 a mTugf war contest first prize $10
and State Championship Trophy, 2d $5
1 :30 p nwState Championship Hose Race
first pnze, 150 dollars and State Cart, 2d
pnze 75 dollars.
3 pm State Champion Hook and Ladder
Race first prize 150 dollars, and Champion
belt 2d pnze 75 dollars.
tfeduced railroad fare, siraial T
tel rates, Liberal premiums.
For full particulars,Jaddress A. J. Tomlinson,
chm. ex. committee, Red cloud