The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 05, 1889, Image 3

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    BMmatMrnamBmBmBmammam " " - 'rL
' . - ' . r-V-'
A. C. HCSMER, Proprietor.
pct rrrn.
Xt isn't that I've got a thin g ag'ia
yoa. Parsoa
Korpela the many tried aa' true.
It met
xnere ev'ry week.
It's not fi.r tLts re stayed away so many Sab-
ba days
TToni the mtle xaouat'ia meetia'-house, where
ort Tve fiaed la praise.
But listen if yoa care to know aa I will tell
you ill.
Ztoiak 'twas "boat two year ago, or wae it tare
last fall!
The wealthy members voted that they'd hae
the seat made free.
Andmcstofcs was willia with the notioa to
Perhaps the meaaia' o' the word I dida't quite
For the Sunday after, wall-ia'Toag wit Elsie
haad la fcaai
Toa kaow the little blue-eyed girl; her mother
bow is dead:
And I am Elsie's jrraadpi: but let me go ahead.
Well, thialtla e the Master, aad how horse-like
It would be
To take a seat most anywhere, sow that the
seats was free;
I walked in at. the open door, aa up the center
An sat dowa tired, tot happy, in the light e-f
Elsie's stsile.
X listened to your preachla with aa "Amen1 in
my heart:
Aa whea ihe hvnias was Eivea out, I tried to
do my part.
Aa my love seemed newly kindled for th one
great Power abore.
An' sometaia' seemed to answer back, "For
love, I give thee love."
But when the beaedictioa come, aa we was
pasiia out.
A Tew words whispered with my name, caused
me to turn about
Twji not exactly words like these, bat that
which meant it all;
"It's strange that ptv-pers never know thslr
place is by the wall.
It wasn t 'bout myself I cared. Tor what the
speaker said:
Bet the little bios: oat at sy side with pretty
upturned head.
An lookia down at Elsie there. I thought ef
Elsie's mother.
An thoughts my bet'er natcr' scorned, I tned
ia va:a to smother.
I've teea to meetia" tTice siace then, aa" set
dowa by the wall:
But kept a tttnkia' thinkia till my thoughts
was turned to gall:
Aa whea the old familiar hymns was j-ivea out
to sic;:.
One look at Elsie's shiaia' curls would choke
my uttena.
Aa so, I thought it best awhile to stay at home
aa' prai'e.
Or take a walk in field or wood, aad there trace
oat Hii ways.
"It's better so. my old heart said, -than gather
Aa let yonr i eelia's rankle o'er a real or fancied
Bet ra prayin" Parson, all the time, aa wish
you'd help me pray.
When cse an" all are gathered home, la the
great romin da?:
When men are ;udged by honest deeds, aa" love
to fellow eta,
I shan't be thouzat a pauper, ia the light I'm
teen in then.
KathaKse H. Terry, ia Good Housekeepias-
The Plucky Girl Who Saved the
Bed Gulch Stage.
"Click, click, click, click." treat the types
as they were thrown into their respective
boxes "by the type setters ia the Daily Cal
liope oCice. It was early Sunday morning
and they -were almost through with the
night's work. One of the compositors, a
dark-haired girl, was particularly deft at
her task; aad the nim'oleness of her stained
fcurers as. without an error, she rapidly
sorted the letters, was a sight worth watch
in?. Though the only lady in the office, and
but a child at that, she was as quick aad
rapid a worker as any.
The Calliope was one of the experimental
dailies, that had started in western towns
lor "booming"' purposes.
The city would be called a mere village
by Eastern visitors, but standing as it did
Jar out on the plains, amid the foot hills of
the liockies. it hid quite a metropolitan ap
pearance. After fce lcuraes upon leagues
of unbroken prairie or rolling bluffs and
precipitous banks, it really appeared like a
center of civilization, and despite the ram
bling character of its buildincs and the
srnallness of its population, its daily paper,
electric lights and waterworks did not seem
so much out of the way.
As the fingers of the girl were nearing the
end of their task, a voice was heard behind
her. She recocnized it as that of ilr. Fer
rard, the editor. He said: "Miss JIadge.
here are three short items 1 wish you would
put in type. Take pains, please, for I will
rot have time to look at your work.'
The morning paper was nearly ready for
the press and handing her three slips of
manuscript covered with his almost un
readable scrawl, he left her and went to at
tend to other matters demanding his at
tention. I wonder what that can be, thought the
ciri. puzzling over the badly-writtea sen
tences. "Ob. yes. I see now," and she
quickly put into type :
To-day ia the glorious anniversary of the
resurrection Easter. The word is sw;t with
s-uj-j-estica. It speaks of bepe. ' joy. of a iir
lire. That oar readers may enjoy hope and hap
piness and that a new life may come to each
heart is our wish."
It was a short editorial squib. Then she
took up the next one. a news item:
-We learn tnat Ben Haven, the well knows
taqe driver on the Colorado and Kaa-as line
between ttere aad Eed Gulch, has been dis
charged aad his place filled by Joan Horns.
Horns started out on hU first tr.p Friday morn
ing, aad w-11 return to-morrow night."
The girl hesitated. She disliked having
the words go forth to the world. They told
of her father being thrown out of employ
ment, and though the editor had not said so,
every body would know that Ben Haven
had "lost his Job" on account of his dissi
pation. "I must do it. though,' be thought, "for
I want to keep my place here now." aad
this item, too, was made ready for the press.
The third, and her last work: of the night,
had evidently been handed ia from th tele
graph ofllce. It read: -
-A temble blizzard, said to be the worst of
the season, is ragtag la Wyoming aad "Western
Nebraska. It is sweeping southward and will
reach here about coca Sunday. Comiag so late
ia the season KwUl find maay unprepared and
do much camare."
That was ail. and throwing her thin cloak
around her, she left the office and, through
the chill, gray morning, sought her unat
tractive home a frame cabin, perched far
beyond the outskirts of the town, on the
side of Indian hni, with only the govem
meat staae road between it and the Smoky
river. There was a peculiar clearness is
the airjsd the stars twinkled with a strange
masmetic riCIlTk!
it. bover. stfc
' -Easter s flu'rutc
cr noisv carrier bays
delivered the
morning CaHf i
, trz from -ke
- e
"JLadge." called her father, six hoars
. '- t .
later. "haven't you ale pt long enough ? rm
hungry. Get up and fret me some dinner."
The girl wearily arose aad began s-ettint;
the meal that her father had so roughly de
manded. They two were alone in the
world, aad the double dnty of the printing
office and the kitchen fell upon the girl's
shoulders. Her father had come to make
bis days much like hers, when he was cot
employed sleep nearly all day. and alas!
be down town all night. Now he sat by the
kitchen stove lazily blinking at the morning
Calliope which had long ago arrived.
Madge, did you sea this about me!" he
suddenlv exclaimed.
What, father J"
"About my being discharged and that
worthless Joe Harris taking my placer
"Yes, I saw it, was the meek response.
""Why didn't you keep it out then! I
don't see why the editor should attack me
that way."
"I couldn't keep it out, father. What do
you suppose I have to do with things that
go into the paper!'
"O, you don't care. You're like that
worthless brother of yours; if you were a
boy, you'd desert me like him that's all
you care about your father.'
He was in a grumbling mood to-day and
did not spare the patient slave who served
him. She would not allow, however, the
allusion to the boy who, four years ago had
gone forth with a mother's blessing, to seek
an honorable livelihood.
"What has Will done!" she asked, hotly.
To be sure, he has never come back, bat
be has sent you money and will some day
come to us. But never mind, dinner is
She saw that he was waited on. and then
went to the window. Far down in the town
she could see the people thronging church
ward, for the special Easter services had
been widely advertised and the churches
would be crowded. The sky was covered
with a gray, misty cloud that was drifting
swiftly to the southward. She listened to
the gusts of wind that shook the building,
and she thought of the blizzard that the dis
patch had said was coming.
"I'm goin' down town, Madge," said her
father as he rises from the table.
"Stay with me," she pleads, but a slam of
the door is all the answer she receives.
It was a long and dreary Easter. The
biting north wind grew fiercer and wilder.
At three o'clock the snow commenced fall
ing. Not in large, feathery flakes as in well
regulated Eastern skies, but in tiny, icy par
ticles, that pierced the skin of the traveler
exposed to them. The storm bowled on, and
by five, when Madge saw her father come
unsteadily around the corner of the house,
on his way home from a favorite lounging
place where he had spent the day, the snow
was blinding and the cold had almost con
quered the feeble efforts of the kitchen
'Well, air ye goin' to the office!" asked
Haven, in a somewhat liquor-weakened
"So: there is no paper on Monday morn
ing, you know," replied the compositor.
"That's so, forgot about it. It's mighty
cold here: what's the matter!'
The coal is nearly gone. Didn't you get
some yesterday!"
"Didn't have no monev, an' now I'm out
of a job. I can't get none. What'll we do,
I'll have my month's wages soon, and
then it'll be all right."
"I heard somethia' ter-day."
What was it, father!"
That Horris told on me, so as to get my
job. Said to the comp'ny that I was a good-
for-nothin' an' got me discharged. I'll get
even with him, doggonhisdoggoned picter,"
and the man clenched his hands angrily.
Suddenly his face lighted up with a strange
expression. "He comes back to-night from
the Gulch, doesn't he!' he blurted out, and
then went to the door. The wind was still
fiercer, and the air was fairly black with
snow. The thermometer had been register
ing below zero for two hours, and now was
drawing near to the twenty degree mark.
No church bells could be heard; indeed that
Easter Sunday is to this day remembered
as one upon which no evening services were
held, on account of the terrible storm. Cp
from the stream to which the steep banks,
separated from the house by the narrow
wagon road led, came the roar of the waters
as they dashed eastward, as if getting a
good headway for their long, sluggiah jour
ney across the plains to the sea.
Til fix him. the girl heard him mutter
in his half -drunken frenzy, and then taking
a lantern from the closet he went with it
out into the night.
" What can he be doing!' she thought, and
waited with breathless anxiety for his re
turn. It was a long time, but whea he came
it was without the light and with a bluster
ing and blowing that told he had been facing
the storm.
"Where is the lantern, father!' she in
quired. 'It went out, and I had to drop it, to hang
on to myself," he replied with a leer.
Sheisnotsatisfied.butcaa get no otheran
swer: and. as the fire is dyingand the bitter
cold is creeping over her fiesh, she goes to the
single up-stairs room of the swaying cabin,
where she prepares to sleep. Before doing
so. she peers through the curtainless win
dows. She can see nothing, but she can
feel the dust-like snow sift against her face
as it is driven through some crevice in the
walL All is black outside Just as she is
turning away, however, she thinks she sees
a twinkle of light toward the river. She
looks again- Yes, surely it is there. Can a
traveler be abroad in such a tempest!
Surely not. for the light remains stilL She
puzzles over it a moment and then a thought
comes to her that makes her tremble.
It is the lantern which her father has
hung out why! There can be but one an
swer to misguide his rival, who must force
his way through the storm to-night and
bring through the mail and stage from the
Gulcli-. The lizht will cause him to turn to
the right and throw stage driver and horses
over the bank, aad send them rolling to a
death plunge in the ice filled river below.
"In his drunken fury be is not himself.
she thinks, in excuse of the deed, and deter -
-iz:ZZ-i- .v-.-. .:f -. .,k...
mines to undo the crime wmen
to be committed.
Hastily wrapping a cloak around her
shivering form, she creeps back to the lower
room. Her father is sitting before the
stove, apparently brooding over his coming
revenge. As noiselessly as possible she
opens the outer door; arid though the man
turns and sees her supping through, she has
vanished into the blackness of the storm be
fore he can call to her.
In an instant he recognizes her errand;
the thought of the slight girlish form bat
tling with the fearful tempest, sends the
blood back from his heart and makes a
sober man of him in a flash.
He rushes to the door and calls, "Madze !
with all his strength. It is of no use. Noth
ing but the wind and the roaring Smoky re
ply. Putting on his overcoat, which, ragged
as it was, would afford some protection, he
starts to the rescue. He turns thecs-afcer of
the house, and as the blast .strikes him, he
i almost driven- back. Baf har -srgles
on and reaches the spot where be thinks he
left the lantern none is there, nor can he
find a trace of the daughter whose bodviia.
iSifHrnltv be takes his course, aad in aconv
e takes his course,
in agony
TT. j? f3 JL -I.
m -m t . m m
'Bless no, driver, but this ia a hairy sort
' .!: j,. lis'
' t Q T
fa eight, sad the only passenger of the
Bed Gulch stage drew bis ulster closer
about hi -n aad even the shivered a littls
with the cold.
-Yes. we'd orter her stopped back vender
until mornin', but the mail haz ter go
through if we kin git it. Ye see, they is
awful pertie'lar about it an' I ain't been on
the route before. I don't want ter fail on
say first trip."
"You don't mean to say you don't know
this road!'
-Wa'aL I calc'late I know t pretty well,
but I ain't a regler driver, that's alL The
horses hcz ben along here often enough."
"Are there any bad places!"
"One that's right bad, 'bout two miles this
side o' town, 'long side of Indian hill. The
road's between the hill and the Smoky
river. Haven (he's the old driver) used to
have a light in his house along there to
guide him when he came m late. 'Spect
there'll be one to-night. The horses'll just
bear off to the right o" the light, an' we'll be
all O. K."
The rickety old stage lumbered on for an
hour. It was quite dark and the horses,
weary and confused by the now whirling
snow, were picking out the way slowly.
"We're almost thar," volunteered the
driver, Joe Horris.
"Most where !' asked the passenger, who
bad forgotten the former conversation.
Most to the river cut by Haven's house."
"Say, driver, I know Haven and I guess
Til get out at the house. You can take my
things on dtfvn to the hotel, and 111 be
down in the morning."
They had reached Indian hilL and the
river's angry roar came up from below, vie
ing with the northern blast for supremacy
of sound.
Suddenly, midway in the cut, the horses
stopped. As Horris attempted to urge them
on, a weak voice came from the blackness
beyond their' heads.
"There's somebody there exclaims the
passenger, and in a moment he is groping
his way to the heads of the horses, and thea
lifting from the drift a little, girlish form
which, while being carried to the wagon,
dropped into insensibility and was like a
dead thing ia the man's arms.
When, an hour later, the storm-beatea
company drew up to the hotel and the light
of the office lamp streamed full upon the
girl's face, the bystanders, who were
watching for signs of returning life, were
surprised to see the stranger kiss her lips
and cheeks passionately.
"See hyar," blurted out Horris, "me in
sults, young sun, in these parts. We know
Madge Haven too welL"
"Insults !' repeated the youth (for he was
scarcely more), as he relinquished his
charge to the hands of the landlady, "she is
my sister."
And so it proved: for when he signed his
name upon the register, it read, "William
Morris Haven, Portland. Ore."
An hour later. Ben Haven came to the
village to organize a searching party. His
relief when be found his child safe, though
chilled and still insensible, at the hotel, can
not be told in words.
The shock and the agony of that nighi
made a new man of him, and his tender
ness toward the daughter who shared witt
him the secret of his remorse, though they
never spoke of it to each other, was re
marked by all who knew thein.
So effectual and lasting was this reform
that the Daily Calliope was able to give, a
few weeks later, on the same day that it
told of Miss Madge's first appearance upon
the street, this item:
"Mr. Ben Haven has accepted his old po
sition on the Red Gulch stage line, his suc
cessor, Joe Horris. having resigned to go to
the n-ines." Charles M. Harger, in Yankee
m m
Th Spaalsh Capital's Prado aad Its Sstfae
tive .attractions.
Although the French fashionable
bonnets are gradually invading Spain
and becoming much, in vogue among
the Spanish belles, the elegant national
costume, the mantilla, is still predom
inating. It is worn and arranged with
a natural grace which enchants the be
holder. A Spanish lad v seems always
to have some little matter to adjust
which sets off to advantage the quiet
elegance of her deportment. The man
tilla is drawn a little more forward or
gently moved a little less; it is crossed
in front or uncrossed, and through its
transparent network of blonde lace are
seen the lovely head and beautiful
throat rising from a bust of most ele
gant contour. These mantillas are both
white and black, but the latter are, to
my taste, the most becoming.
And the abanico! the fan! O, what
magic there is in that little zephyr
coaxing telegraph! Folded and un
folded with a careless ease which none
but Spanish women can display, moved
quickly in recognition of a passing
friend, elevated, opened over the head
to frame it, so to speak, the fan plays
an important and most attractive part
in the hand of a Spanish lady. During
the delightful summer nights, when
the moon sheds her pure light around,
the Prado presents the most romantic
picture. Canopied by the blue vault
of heaven, with all its bright spangles,
many a love tale is there told and
listened to with favor. In the Prado
Is assembled nightly the cream of the
society of Madrid, and it may be said
with truth that there is a sociability
on this beautiful promenade that does
not exist in places of analogous resorts
m InTKTAi" WArwinnlirnn nttio Inrii.
.. ," ,. ... , " ,
viduals and families are known to each
other, there is a succession of saluta
tions and greetings, and to a looker-oo
it seems as if the promenaders were
ast lines of family or friendly connec
tions. The botanical and public gar
den, called "las delicias," which ad.
join the Prado, add greatly to the
beauty of this lovely promenade.
The roval oalace. which is one of th
nra nxmi ft , mrfliu T.. 1 I
ucrab umuiuixu. viatica iu EurTJLrc,
I rises dazzling white against theUky 4r
the opposite side of thecty ifchetarlsV
of 100 feet bSr9&
the ancient Moorish Alcazar and occu- f
pies an arfca-or2216tt) iqTiaxe-reet' wot c aid;
-wWSttral i'Zjt
epmb r iar-yia rw -wlSwTfifcic,
PjosteSeipA.tff: grpoeryfltorein-Biaa-D
Seld. S. J., and put an end to bumeM
.'or the day. At night they were de
stroyed by burning" stup'Sur:
.U)Hn k fj'i'i 'tlT
FiftF-twe chicks f rax fifty eggs is
a necocdlhat LeaaweeCohnrjrj'Michi.'!
aw ui wuutj r.'-7'wu W9 ucUoll VI UCflK
of h8 hatfthinjj hens.- --;-- "
i.jr w
"tf lias
-- ' -, 'iJ jjf
Dr. Tabnage on the Friendships of
This Ufa.
Th Iaaportaae of Treating- Others Proa-
rijr Takta; Part With th Abi
rriMdahia Bct Frieadshij
G4 th Traest Frtead.
In a recent sermon at Brooklyn upon
the stibj .-ct: How to Make Friend," Rev.
T. D Witt Talmage took hit text from
Proverb xvui. t4: "A man that bath
ixitads must show himself tr.e-iuly." He
AIout the sacred and divine art of mak
ing aad keeping friend I -peak a utj-ct
oa which I never heard of any oh a preach
ing and yet God thought it of enough
isaportanc to put it ia the middle of th
Bible, these writing of Solomon, bouudl
oa one side by tne popular Psalms of
David and on the other by the writing of
Iaiah, the greatest of the prophets. It
Mini all a matter o! haphazard how
taaar frirnds w hav. cr whether we
bar any friends at a L but there is noth
ing acci leotal about it. Thtre is a law
which governs the secretion and disper
sion of friendship. They did not "just
happen so" any more than the tide- just
happen to rise or falL or th san just
happen to risj or set. It is a science, an
art, a God -given regulation. Tell me how
friendly you are to others and I will tall
you how irieadly others are to you. I do
t say that you will not have enemies;
inda.'d, the best way to get ardent
friends is to have ardsnt enemies, if
you got their enmity ia doing th right
thing. Good men and women will always
have enemies, because their goodness is a
perpetual rebuko to evil; but this antagon
ises of foes will make more intense the
love f your adhermts. Your friend
will gather closer around you because of
th stacks of your assailant.
Human nature was shipwrecked a boat
fifty-nine centuries ago, the captain of
that craft, one Adam, and his first ma e
running the famous cargo aground on a
snail in the river Hiddekel; but there was
at Ieait one good trait of human nature
I that waded ashore from that shipwreck,
! and that is the disposition to take th part
of thoie unfairly dealt with. When it is
thoroughly demonstrated that iomi one is
being persecuted, although at the start
slanderous tongues were bny enough,
defender finally gather around as thick
a honey tees on a trellis of bruised honey-
1 suckle. If, when set uron by the fur:,
you can have grace enough to keep your
. mouth shut, and rrescrve your equipoise,
I and let others fieht your battles, you will
find yourself after awhile with a whole
cordon of all es. Had not the world given
i to Christ on His arrival at Palestine a
very cold shoulder there would not have
been one-half a many angels chanting
glory out of the hymn books of the sky
bound in black lid of midnizht. Had it
not been for the heavy and jagged aad
torturous cros Christ wool 1 not hav
been the admired and loved of more peo
ple than any being who ever touched foot
on either the Eastern or Western hemi
sphere. Instead, therefore, of giving up
in despair because you hare enemies, re
joice in the fact that they rally for you
the most helpful and enthusiastic ad
mirer. In other words, there is no viru
lence, human or diabolic, that can hinder
my Uxt lrcm coming true: A man that
hath friends must show him elf friendly."
It is my ambition o proj-ct especially
upon the young a thought which may be
nignly shape their destiny for the here
aad the hereafter. Before you show your
self friendly you must be friendly. I do
cot recommend a dramatized genia.ity.
There U such a thing as pretending to be
en rapport with others when we are their
dire destructants and talk against them
and wish them calamity. Judas covered
up his treachery by a resounding
kiss, and caresses my be demoniacaL
Better the mytholrgical Cerberus, the
three-headed dog of hell, barking at us
than the wolf in sheep's clothing, its
brindled hide covered up by deceptive
wool and its deathfu.1 hol cadensed into
an innocent bleating.
Before you begin to show yourself
friendly you must be friendly. Ge: your
heart rieht wita God and roan and this
grace will become easy. You msy by
your own resolution get your nature into
a semblance of this virtue, but the grace
of God can sublimelv lift you into it.
Sailing on the river Thames two vessels
ran ap round. The owners of one got 100
horses and pulled on the grounded ship
and pulled it to pieces. The owners of the
other grounded ve-sel waited 1 11 the tides
came in and easily floated the f hip out of
all trouble. So, we may pull and haul at
our grounded human nature, and try to
get it into better condtion; bat there is
nothing l:ke the oceanic tides of God's up
lifting grace to hoist us into th s k n-ines
I am eulogizing. If whea under the flash
of the Holy Gjost we ee our own foibles
and defects and depravities we will be
very lenient and very easy with others.
We will look into their characters for
things commendatory and not damnatory.
If you would rub your own eye a li tie
more vigorously you would find a mote in
it, the extraction rf which would keep you
so busy you would not have much time to
sbon lder y our broadaxe an d so forth to split
up the beam in your neighbor's eye, la a
Christian spirit ksep en exploring the
character of those you meet, and I am sura
ycu will find something in them delight
ful and fit for a foundation of friendliness.
Oh, my friend, better cover up the faults
and tx'ol the virtue, and this habit once
established of universal friendliness will
become as easy as it is this morning for a
syrinca to flood the air with sweetness, as
easy as it will be further ou ia the season
for a quail to whistle up from the grass.
When w hear something bad about
somebody whomwe always sappseeTfstw'
b good, take out yoar lea&rssiafcitfiBd
sav: "Let arte see. BeioraJaij-j-2tha$
balefal story against that mauVcharacta'r,,
I will take off from it twenty-flv tier
cent, for th ambit toMiatiMeh
belongs thsjaAwhe trst-- ?
then I will take off. twenty-five PiCab
for th addit-ons which the spirit of-gossip
hiiIerf -YemSriltlrr laifputJ--ipetfBae
fire per cent from th fact Xbat.tha jmrnm.
r have been put tnto circuan-aareajar
m m --
tatafcv oat-amCTlC-sr:eanc-'-fcyT
-j-n-j-'iliflnave not beard his side of the sH&detJ
u. ?a ?? ,J aw?--1 Kf-Wa ! .V
maiatag twenty-Eve per cent." xvxraue
mevsir. TelowHBele-a'wonf-if It 1sH
nafatatweatafiT sveirtr-ejsisa;r
t-aa-.qucldi-W-aer thft iaet-ac
therepsusYne so1aie"Bre.7 -5ok --
smoke fof-yarrarouiu"Jn'ner.efStrtH.
ducer of vaccination 'an -' Sssseia
around Colamtai. t ha discoverer, and th
smoke arcand Martitt Luther and Savona
rola and Gaffie Wrfaol'-ana iTohn and
Cfcost aad mJttaMtrahan was s tre?
That ia-caa-jotj tha. satanic vUlata;!
smiake' ' without ir. .Slander, like thai
o-jq us a - r'kji .. -t7n.
u orld. may Le mad out ft nothing. If
the Christian, lair-nun-led. conininas
ical spirit iu retard to o her predomi
nated in th world we should Uave the
millenn am in about six weeks, for would
not that b Iamb aad lion, cow aad leopard
lying down tcg:her? Nothing but th
grac of God can aver put us into such a
habit of mind aal heart as that. The
whol tendency is in th opposit direc
tion. This is the way th world talks: I put
my aarse oa the back of a maa'j note and
I had to pay it aad I will aever agaia pat
my name on th back of any man's nots.
I gave a beggar ten cents and &rs miuutes I saw him entering a liquor store to
spend it I wilt never again give a cent to
a beggar. I i-elped that young mai start
in business and lo, afier awhile be came
and opened a store almost next door and
stole my customers. I will never again
help a younr ma start in business. I
trusted in what my neighbor promised to
do and h broke his word and the Psalmist
was right before he corrected himself, for
'"all men ar liars." So men become sus
picious and saturnine and selfish,
aad at every additional wrong done
them they put another layer oa the
wall of their exclusiveness, and
another tolt to th door that
shats them out from sympathy with the
world. Thsy get cheated out of a thou
sand dollars or misinterpreted, or disap
pointed, or betrayed, aad higher goes ths
wall and faster goes another bolt, not re
alizBg that while thsy lock otpers oil
they lock themselves in; and sots day
they wak up to find themselves impris
oned in a dastardly habit No friends to
others, others are bo friends to them.
Now. supposing that you have, by a di
vine regeneration, got right toward God
and humanity, aad you start cat to prac
tice my text. "A maa that hath friends
must show himself friendly." Fulfil this
by all forms of appropriate salutation.
Hav you noticed that th head is so poised
that the easiest thing on earth is to give it
a nod of recognit.on? To swing the head
from side to side, as when it is wagged in
derision, is unnatural and unpleasant;
to throw it back, inv tss vertigo; but to
drop the chia in greeting is accompanied
with so little exertion that all day long
and every day you mightpracfec it without
the least s-mblance of fatigue. So, also,
the structure of th band indicates hand
shaking; the knuckles not made so that
ths finders can turn in. as ia clasping
bands divided from and set aloof from the
fingers, so that while ths fingers clasp
your neighbor's band on one side, the
thumb takes it on th other, and. pressed
together, a'l th faculties of the hand
give emphasis to tie salutation. Five
sermons in every healthy hand urge us to
Besides this, every day when yea start
our, load yourself up with k nd thought,
kind words, kind expressions and kind
greetings. Wh n a man or woman does
well, tell him o, tell her so. If you meet
some one who is improvd in health, and
it is demonstrated in girth and color, say:
"How well yon look!" Bat if on the other
hand, under the weir and tear of life he
appears ra'e and exhausted, do not intro
duce sanitary subjects or say any thing
at all about physical conditions. In the
case of improved health you have by ycur
words given another impul-e toward the
robust and the jocund; while in the ease
of the failing health you have arrested
the dec ine by your silence, by which he
concludes "It I were really so badly off.
h would have aid something about it."
We are all, e-p?cially those of a nervous
temperament, susceptible to kind words
and discouraging words. Form a con
spiracy against us. and let tea men meet
ns at certain points ou our way over to
bu-iness, and let each one say: "How sick
you iot-k!" though we should start out
well, after meeting the first and hearing
his depressing salute, we would be
gin to examine cur symptom.
After meeting the second gloomy
accosting we would conclude we did
not feel quite as well as usual. After
meetinz the third our sensation would be
dreadful, and after meeting the fourth,
unless we supected a conspiracy, we
would go borne and go to bed, and the
other s;x pessimists would be a useless
surplus of discouragement. 3Iy dear sir,
my dear madam, what do you mean bv
goinz about this world with dishearten
ment? Is not the supply of g'ocm and
troub'eand m'sfoitune enough to meet the
demand without running a factory of
pins and spkss! Why should you plant
black and blue in the world when God so
seldom plants them? Plenty of scarlet
colors, plenty of yellow, plenty of green,
plenty of pink, but very seldom a plant.
black or blue. I never saw a black flower.
and there's only here and there a blue-bell
or a violet; but the blue is for the most
part re-erved for the sky. and we have to
lookup to see that and whn we look up no
color can do us harm. Why not plant
along the path of others the brightnesses
instead of the glooms? Do not prophesy
misfortune. If you must be a prophet at
al! be an Ezekiel. and not a Jeremiah.
Ia ancient times prophets who f retold
evil were doing right, for they were di
vinely directed; but th prophets of evil
in our time are generally false prophets.
Some of our weatberwis people are
prophesying we shall have a summer qf
unparalleled scorch. It will not be tnat
at all. I think we are going to hae jf
summer of great harvest and universal
health: at any rate I know as much shout!
it as they do.' Last fall all .the weaftfei
prophets agreed in say'sg we should have
a winter of extraordinary severity,- bKs
zard on the heels of blizzard, 'Jft was ttft
mildest winter I ever 'remember to" cave
TnM TnrlMetL thlaainttla iaod'i'tMel
uassed. Indeed; thJaafatBB awT-'ttel
spring almost .shoved, winter ou ' t
procession. Keal'troubWhave no hera'da
raBBingahea4o- tbromber chariots
ladaaose hasa-fjautfcootj;ofiJjB3
to announce their coming. Lod vcurU
op with helpful words and detT: 'Ifne
hymaanc'sunjtia;-chiphes is unfit
to bi'sanV tot? it sirs:
We should snspf-et some danger
rable all the tim.V7Tel
the pianos n quarter of a ceatury a20 was
right: "Kn-i words1 net er die.' Seen
aaTwben they are hatched tmt and, take
ing they circle roan a nrn gnraTnat
gm ia wesc lower saies o: ear IB tbev
tysaiisajimii,riaa hlsjamallml
of Heave tu.t.a
containing the
fft"fi i" .' Wb- asm a
rromeBiSeiea ftrrned, gav bnckto m
tWvtrr-"wisrWf had wttered-tika'aaV-Dn
iore, aaa wua tae same tntoaatiossau
Scold into th phonograph ,aad!it mill
ata-fef-fpev --swab-IC s-Jii!rB-ttee
Bitiapasa- Society , aad, -thao--asrt7
graphs. Give them acerbitv aad
witajh I traatase-sft amaV. aarlUy 'said
-3- -!!- JWJ-?"
T -SB-,- K-TZ. TU. J - -h' . A. m.
wod-wa'-,iea,r lRl.twarwilr'-M!s-utT
them rracMcat fr"endlins and they will
siv l" csrpruc ici! friendliness. A father
asked hi tittle diughier: -Mary, why ia
it that every bod- love yen?" Sh aa
swered: "1 don't know, unless it is be
cause 1 love e very bod v." "A maa that
hath frieals mast -how himself friendly."
What is tin manwarJ is tru God ward
W mast b th friends of God if w want
Him to be cur friend. We cm not treat
Cbti-t badly alt our lives aad expsct Hiss
to treat ss lovingly. I was reading of a
ea fight in which Lord Nel-on captured a
French officer, aid when the Frenca offieer
offered Lord NeNon h s band. Nelsoa re
plied: ''First give me your sword, anal
th-n give me yoar hand." Surrend-r o
our resistance to Go-1 must prec-d God's
proffer of pardon to us. Repentance be
fore forgiveness. You mast give up yjr
rebel ions sword before you can get a
grap of the div n hand.
O. what a glorious state of things to
have the friendship of Go I! Why. we
could afford to hav all the world against
as and all other worlds agaiust us if w
bad God for us. He could in a minute blot
out this universe and in another minute
make another universe. I hav bo idea
that God tried hard when He mad all
thin:s. The most brilliant thing known
to us is light, and for the creation of that
he enly used a word of command. As
cut of a flint th frontiersman strikes a
spark, so out of ens word God struck the
noonday sun. For ths making of th
present universe I do not read that God
lifted so much as a finger. The B bit fre
quently speaks of God's band, and God's
arm, and God's shoulder, and God's foot;
then suppose He should pat hand and arm
and shoulder and foot to th utmost ten
sh$i what could He not make? That God,
of such demonstrated and undemonstratid
strength yoa may have for your present
and everlasting friend. Not
stately and reticent friend. hard
to get at, but as approachable
as a ccuntry mansion on a summer day
whea all the doors aad windows are wide
open. Christ said:", "I am th door."
Aad He is a wide da, a high door, a palaew
door, an always open door. , My four-year-old
child got hurt and did not cry
unt 1 hours after, when -aer mother cams
home, and then she burst into weeping,
and some of the domestics, not under
standing human nature, said to her:
"Why did yoa no: cry before?" Sh an
swered: "There was no one to cry to.'
Now I have to tell you that .Va hamaa
sympathy may be absent, divine sym
pathy is always accessible. Give God
yoar love and get His love: your service
and secure His help; your repentance tad
have His pardon. God a friend I Why.
that means all your wounds medicated,
all your sorrows soothed, and if some sud
den catastrophe shoull burl you out of
earth it wou'd only hurl yon into Heaves.
If God is your friend, you can not go out
of the world too quickly or suddenly, so
far as your own happiness is concerned.
There were two Christians last Tuesday
who entered Heaven; the one was stand
ing at a window in perfect health watch
ing a shower, and the lightning instantly
s ew him; but the lightning did not-flash
down the ky as swiftly as his spirit
flashed onward. The Christian man who
died on the same day next door bad bsea
for a year or two failing in health, and
for the last three months had suffered
from a disease that made the nights steep
less and the days an anguish. Do yoa
not really think that the case of th on
who went instantly was more desirable
than th one who entered the shining gat
throuzh a long lane of insomnia aad con
gestion? In the one case it was like yoar
standing wearily at a door, knocking aad
waiting and wondering if it would ever
open, and knocking and waiting, agaia,
while in the other cae it was a swinging
open of the door at the first touch of yoar
knuckle. Give your friendship to God.
and have Gcd's friendship for you, aad
even the wcrt accident will be a victory.
How refreshing is human friendship,
and true friends, what priceless treasures I
Whn sickness comes, and trouble comes,
and death comes we send for our friends
first of alL and their arpearance in our
doorway at any crisis is reinforcement,
and when they have entered we say:
"Now it is all right!" O. what would wa.
do without friends, personal friends, bus
iness friend', family friends? But W
want something mightier than human
friendship in the great exigencies. When
Jonatlian Edwards in bis final hour- aad
given the last goodbye to all his earthly
friends he turned on his pillow- as-d
closed his eyes confidently, saying: ""Now
where is Jesus of Nazareth, my tru aad
never failing friend?" Yes, I admirehpmaa
friendship as seen in the case of ""David
and Jonathan, of Paul and One-sih(rasi
of Herder and Goethe, of Goldsmith.and
Ravnolds, of Beaumont and FIetcher.'fof
Cowley and Harvey, of ErasaNsma
Thomas More.of Lesswzand.Mendelsaohta
o' Lady Churchill and Princess Anne, pf
Orestes and Py'adee each requesting' that
himself might take the point of the dagger
so that the other might be spared, of
Epaminondas and Pe'opdas. who loaasel
their swords in battle de ter mined 'ds'
together; but the grandest, the mightiest,
tha-teaderest friendship in aRthen-Svers
id.tbe. friendship between Jasns Csrtn4
a believing ouL Yet after all I have said
IT-' feel" I have only doae what 'Jam
Mars-nail, the miaer, did ia IcV-
California, before its go-d mines were
known. He rea hed in and pat n-porx thw
labia of bU'esnployer, Cap'aia Sates-tr
thimbleful of gold dust. 'Where did Yosi
gav faat? said his empftyei-'.1 tfea-'rapry'
wasi l get it this morning fgasa jb-, Ipi
race from which th water .had.beaa
drawn !" Vat that gotti W-rtiwWeV
Soger and thumb was the .prophecy and
specisneB.t hat revealed CaIifvarweaW
to;alInaioa-. ' And tevdasrl have mln
I put befarVyW a'speimen of the vaiae, cj
tnBirMB.Br-4 oaiy- a laiiaatasjn-er
minesieaxhaastibla'aild. iaflmiafrasaea
pall'timeaBa all eternity go oa witS the
l-axDloration. .OS'CCT
XavalXSaets Give PeeltJj.
ArsjiAroirsll.-Jafy ltteowiHg
tmMJI -feral eademjiyjaj,
.& rehiea-taenaeeWUdij-hii,,:
Tmsxhf aaspm.IUsksa,-1f4fe4re'l;
-9mri;j:r-i0, 6?V(-?rVriMW,
n . C. Decker. eo1aKiar T.
Ir-r'Md- tr-aWef-wsJ BartaJO
o'-;iaMs'ji-Hj iatoamft jasiat--V'
fcsusiflhtaaii JE rjBangJ.lav
iSf-IKh thVtfafita-am tfeavsae 'cat-sayr aaar
btrt J 9apar. si&lix'S. jvoz blsosr ir."
FmsmrmiMi Pa Jaly L All of th liat
glass factorial ja taj TTafim. gtatoe have
closed for tasFsameTarvamda-. Taaltat
glass wortesr'alrsMlmasylvaaia.
WeBaMsauAsdd.WjaatrYiniasa haaia
.HiiaBiosi8Bifisrr--" x -- "
1-J3JT r7iar t bwsf'dT-r I ff-
t' '
w- -
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frfoB I'M
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