fSSfSr!SryfUNff,f ?yiy3"T-'g' f m t. rCTH "v Wl m - f gri MaDsa!a6afii3Ssss5aaMssaMa Ducker's Cash Dry Goods House ! . GRAND SPECIAL SALE ! From June 25th to July 4th, We have piles of Spring Goods that we wish to clost out before the Fourth of July, and to do so will make you some of the best bargains you ever saw. We will seU you lots of goods for less than cost, BUT IT MUST BE FOR CASH AS WE ARE IN NEED OF THAT ARTICLE 25 do en Ladies Jersey Fittinz Vests at 25c, former prices 40 cent! 25 doiem Ladies Jersey Fitting Vests at 40c, former price 60 cents 25 dozen Ladies Jersey Fitting Vests at 50c, former price 75 cents 25 dozen Ladies Jersey Fitting Vests assorted kinds at half price 35 dozen Childs hose, solid colors, good ones, at ten cents 50 dozen Ladies hose, gray mixed, good ones, at ten cents 1000 Ladies Collars, worth 15, 20 and 25c at ten cents to close! 150 parasols at your own price, they are a fine lot. 50 pieces of good 27 inch Southern Checked Shirtings at 5c, you will never see such a bargain in starting again. All of our BEST Satteens at 15c, reduced from iMc 25 dozen silk Mitts in Tans and Black, at 15c, a BIG Bargain. 50 pieces of Lawns at 3c, 5c and 8c, A BIG DRIVE. All of our Worsted Dress Goods at Positive and Absolute COST. If you are in need of Dry Goods of any kind, now is your time to lay in a stock. You will not have another such a chance to buy at SO LOW A FIGURE, All our goods are new and we do not handle seconds oi any kind. This is no scheme to get you to our store and then charge you regular prices. We will do exactly as we advertise, as you know we always have in the past. ? - i RED CLOUD, NEBBASKA. J. J. DUCKER rH Clearing Out oale OF- Summer Millinery! AT Mrs. McBride's Leading Millinery Establishment Until further notice I will sell: - '3, i, i. X . Ladies untrimmed hats 25c and up. Ladies untrimmed bonnets 25c and up. Children's "Sailors" at 25c. Howers, lips, Ribbons &c. at lowest price to close out. Those who are wanting goods in my line should not fail to take advantage . , of the low prices offered. I am bound to close out my summer stock , 4- - -. T' - - , Regardless of Cost -i Berg & Galiisna 4? "Will make you remarkably LOW PRICES, Vtlfc, For the next four weeks on all Goods in their line. r - , Wi Opposite Post-Office. J i r Bs.ijwsgfgigg