. I. 1 Xxx . fl it 4 . . , i j! E -IF" " ' ' ' 4J2X ' ';, .j ' ; I" V-.. K "" " "HBHBaiL-. -"' ' '" ' -' ' 'iasSBamtasarSSEBscSt: . - ' ' -- '---7 ' Ss5maUatfc f 7 IBmmE " ' "iimamwam Vgse:a' " Tam.1 aa5l5pis55E . Vamrnw amfamBamw?amFmmmmmP g 5aatt5K - l P''- . -1- ' w5 FJiU-. -' 4- 'fr -. 1 1 ammHalimWePfammBm B fl I iiH I -sj j Hil3HBBBBHHKRIiKBHnfll0K mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmUYmmmmmmmmmmmmwammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmSLa dl " ammmmmmmmmmmmmmwRmmmmmSmmammamaaiwEammmmmmmmmB ffll BEStfj-rja-- :"-W'rPWBMBMiBwMMyM aaimammmmfmammmmmmmmmmlammmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmml 'awTm tb E9SKEmEKM IbI Vol. 16. Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, June 28, 1889. No. 48. Hacker & Parker, THE GROCERS BED CLOUD, NEB. New Billiard Hall! P. L. Jeffers, Proprietor, Bio, REDCLO D. 1 1 Fine tables, reasonables rates, nice treatment, is one motto. Come and see us. THE CITY LIVERY STABLE. McAvoy & Farrel, Props. Keep Fine Rigs and Good Teams At Reasonable Prices Commercial men and others will find this the best livery stable in the city. First door east of Holland House. RED CLOUD, NEB Ml In ymi u i ajr CHEAP FOR CASH ! DEALER IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Millinery, fcc., is again before the public with a large and choice line of goods, and is selling close for cash. Latest Styles in Millinery nlways on hand. THE TRALERS LUMBER CO. WHJi MAKE mfck4tkMkM v4ftjft POSITIVELY . Lower than any yard in the world The Strike is Over ! And G. W. Dow invites youi attention to a few of ''emu? Flow beams Flow handles lister shares Wagon bows Buggy springs Thimble sheins Iron axels Bolster plate? Box rods Horse shoes Pole coupling 'A? handles 14 articles he keeps iu stock. Iron Steels B1ts Note Washers Rivets Clevises Wrenches Spokes Felloes Bolsters Plows Breakers Double trees Single trees Neck yokes Cable chain Fcrk handles Boggy wheels Harrow timber Learner dashes Whip sockets Wagon breaks Blacksmith coal Spade handles Couiter hubs Repairing of every description done with neatness and dispatch. Sattsfactiaa ' V guaranteed in every case. Aring cash in your purses and I will do kv you good. G. W. Dow, Blacksmith and Wagon Maker, BED CLOUD, NEB. KMM1UL Anent the political situation is Webster county theSigaal a few weeks ago advanced the idea that the large majority of the people of the eommty the farmers aid the basiaess me gea? erally outside of a few professional politicians would be pleased to see all the present coaaty oficera retura to their preseat positions for another term. We are strengthened in that opinion by many things we have sees and heard since, but it is just as-well that the people should be informed of the fact that there is a good deal of hard work being quietly done by the "outs" who would like to be in to counteract that rapidly growing senti ment. Particularly should this be known and understood in this part of the county, for as usual our represen tative come in for a full share of this opposition from the source mentioned. It is well known to those conver sant with the affairs of the county, that in the election of Mr. Bailey to the important office he now holds this part of the county recieves its first and we believe its only prominent recognition in the distribution of the county offices, and if the import ance of the office had not been under estimated at the time we would sot have received that recognition. ' A pretty strong effort was made to wrest it away from us two ytarajgo, bat the office had been so well filled and the work so satisfactorily performed that the rank and file of the party not only here at home bat all over the county, and particularly in the rural districts could not sec the slightest reason for a change and when the time came for the convention Mr. Bailey went in virtually without opposition. Hereto fore Mr. Bailey has been put forw ard more particularly as a Guide Bock man. but his ability and his strict at tention to the duties of his office have obtained for him a just recognition all over the county and he will enter the coming compaign more as a can didate of the people without regard to sectional division, but all the same he will find his home precinct back ing him up with her old time unani mity. Guide Bock Signal. A good soda fountain for sale cheap for cash, can be seen at Spoke field's store, and a former owner of the stme. For price enquire of E. A. Youno, C. W. Kalky, J. L. Kalby. KALEY BROS. A TTORNEYS AT LAW. Agents for theB. J &M.B. K.lauits. Oficecm Webster street IteoCloml. Nebraska. I. W. TULLEYS.M.D TJOMOEOHATHIC PHYSICIAN, U. S. EX Jl am ining Surgeon. Office opposite First National Bank, Red Cloud, sebraska. Chronic diseases treated by nail. O. C. Case, Jas. McN'kxy, CASE&MCNENY. a TTORVEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LA W A Will practice 1b all courts of this state Collections as well as litigated business careful y and efficiently attended to. Abstracts fumlsn ed ob aDDllcatioa. Offic-k. Orer First Natteaal Bank. Cloud. Neb Great English Remed Murray's Specific. A gaaraateed cure for all ner fvou diseases such as weak mem ory loss of brainpower hysteria headache pain la the back ner vous prostration wakefullness leu corrboea universal lassitude sem inal weakness impoteneyandgen eralloss of power of the Genera tive Organs; in elthei sex, caus ed by Indiscretion oroTerexeitlou and which ultimatelr lead to mmtaT8m rmKXATUBZ .old age. may- itt and coHStrxpnoji. fiwi box or six boxes for S5 6ft. Sent by mail on receipt of price. Full particulars la pamphlet, sent free to every applicant W;cwratee Six Bases to cure juiv case. For every as order received we send six boxes with a written guarantee tore fund the money If our spedSc does not effect a cure. Address all communications to the sole raaniUacturers. the siubbay hedicutc go. Kansas fltv Mo. GerSold in Red Cloud byCL. COTTlNGsole agent. Zfttflettal cemijBs Plenty of raia. Miss Nettie Paden has returned to her former home ia ReynoHs, Neb. Dora Ward isvisiting relatives aad Id school-mates. Prof. Probasco has just closed a saeeessfal term of school. He is heldia high esteem by both pupils aad parents. The afternoon exercis es of both schools passed of ia a highly creditable manner. Miss Bes sie Wright's little ones did extra well they surely show what earnest effect ive work has done. Mr. Probasco re ceived an elegant aibuui, and Miss Wright a pair of beautiful vases from their scholars as tokens of their res pect and love. Our new post-mistregs is pleasing all parties well. It is refreshing to see a smiling face through the little window. Ed Bates has moved into George Wells' house. , Ed Gilford is visiting in Cowlcs. George Harris and wife have re turned from their wedding trip and entertained their many friends with an ice cream and cherry supper. . (Geo. Wells and son Ray are visi ttag frieads. Mr. Wm. Hard and Miss Loaie ffrigbt were married last Saturday morning and took' a trip to Kearney., Joplin. i v, ;-rr Are you going to boy a carfft. If so do not fail to call and. examine my stock aad prices. F.T. Taylor. PMOBATE NOTICE. State of Nebraska, 1 ., ' Webster County, f35 In the county court of our'saideoaatyof Webster, la the matter cf the estate of Joseph T. Norris. deceased, now on the3rd day ef June 1888 came Nellie W. Norris, executrix in this matter, praying a Snal settlraent and allowance of account, and that she be discharged from this trust, and that a distribution of said estate be made to the persons by law entitled thereto.' It Is therefore ordered that July 1st IS99. at ten o'clock ia the forenoon, at my office in Red Cloud be fixed as the time and place for examin ing and allowing such account. The heirs of sait deceased and all persons interested In this estate are required to appear and show eaase If such exists, why said account should not be al lowed. It Is further ordered that the executrix herein, give notice to all persons interested in said estate by having a copy of this order to be published in UhKcU Cloud Chuck a news piper ptfnted and in general circulation In said county for three successive weeks prior to the day set for.thc hearing, . Witness my official signature, ami the seal of the county court ot said county ol Welster, this 3d day of June 18K). F. A. Swbbzv. Isealj j3i county Judge. cklln'a Arnica Salve. The best sa've in the world for cuts, bruises, seres, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains. cornf; and all pkin eruptions, and positively cures, or nn pay required, it is guaranteed to filve perfect satis faction, or mancy refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Henry Cook. ' . Notice is hereby given that I will examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the public schools of this county, at Red Cloud, on the third Saturday of each month. Eva. J. Kino. County Sup't $6 will buy a good harrow at A. L. Funk's.. I.BGAI. NOTICE. State of Nebraska I as Webster County . In the district coot thereof of the eighth Judi ehd district. The Nebraska Loan and. Tmt Co. FlalatuT. james WalLRomelia Wall his wife, James C. StotoardrFrederieh iKrug. . Kraf,hls wife, first name nmknowB, aad Charles H. Potter, def emdanta. xoncBOFSurr. ,,, The about named defendants Kredenon Krug aad .Krag. hlswife, wto0S J2gaed uuttbeatam immedBttl bMlMd lathe above named court its petition aealnst them. Settle defendants. JaaSn WalhTomjito and others, the oMeet aad prayer ofwhfca peti tion are to foreclose a mortgage tearing date December L 1B8S. executed by the aM def en dants James Wall Romella WiH his wife, to the plaintil on the north-west J4 of seettoa i thiity fcree(33)Ui towashlpoBaJf) north and iaan eleven (10 west of the sixth (6) principal meri dian in said Webster county, and to have said real estate PPaIsed advertised aad aoM to pay ot aad discharge the debt with interest aad costs which said mortgage was given to secure. You are further notified that yon arc hereby re quired to appear and answer said petition on or before Monday, the 6th day of August, 1889. C3 The Nebraska Loah & Tbust Co. , JnaM-Kagaa. MaintirsAtr. 47-St ' B. OLABSB PreaMeot, Albany, N.J. A. TULLIY, VIco-Prekle Kobt. V. SUIHmT, Treaaorer. NEBRASKA & KANSAS. FARM LOAN G0.t PAID UP CAPI1AL,$50,000. Ked Cloud, Neb. Albany, New York. DIRECTORS: H. Clarke, Albany. New York Geo B. Ber.ch, BalstonSpa N.T. W. H. Robeson, Albany, N. Y. E. S. Francis, Pittarleld, Maw B.Y.8hirey D.M.Piatt E. V. Highland. J.A. rtU!ejs M.B.MclH MONEY tCANED. On improved farms in Nebrarsa :id Knpp. Moner furnished as soon as tmt security is approved. Pnncnal and interest payable in Bed Cloud WALL PAPER REMNAH1S. EBBBBK-.-Vy?.iA3t At less than cost. I have a few that it wiltpay yon to examine. Best quality of Paints, Oils. Dru?, etc. Ma A. chine Oils, the best at the lowest prices. . C. L. COTTING, Druggist. B. V.SHiaxy, Frcs. Henry Clarke, Vice-Pri.s. Jno. B. Shirrt, Casbiar Howard B. Cathbr, Assistant Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BAnK, .. Red Claud, Nebraska. v -. .-., ,, f f Transact a general banking business, buy and sell county warrants,. -.'- county, precinct and school district bonds. Buy and sell ibreiga exch:.ii DIRECTORS: Jas. McNeny. J. A.Tulleys, G. W. Lindsey. R. V. Sbirey. John B. Shirey. B. F. Highland. t Henry Clarke, A. J. Kenney. HENRY COOK DEALER IN WALL APER Paints, Oils, Varnish, Stationery, Books, Tiltc. Red Cloud, - Nebraska, nor CS! NJiaii B?m$ cKr Just received a line and complete line of Ladies' Summei Goods, Lace and Swiss Embroidery, Flouncings, Hamburgs, Laces, Jerseys, Challies, Lawns, Sateens the latest styles. Shirtings, ginghams, dress trim mings, hosiery aiid gloves, Goods sold at the low est figures, F. V. TAYLOR, KEEPS THE FENESTLINE OF - Furniture In the city at prices that all can afford to buy if in want of anytbi lg in his line. Opposite First National Bank, Bed Cloud. tt! v-m i ' 3 ' i "Jt JS -jAj Mm i m m ..