The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 21, 1889, Image 5

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lm'j ', ,r .' uTigjg
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l"''"- ' ''"'''''-'Ta WT'f "'' " im ' BBa4f.''''. ...t-r'i':tl-;'liTisv"ip-;--?''v,'''J-V . ... "TtTmJ'k irrimri iig--f i-Ymfy-niT'
- - - - - IW-1 ....- i....-.. A..v- ',A-JB:'." 4K- -.. hi ii i f ill'ff i I' II ' B'ii I ' 'I hi m mftt t "IHMMIif.1 I iTl1.?-- i ' - M&m
Absolutely Pure.
his powder ntver V2rl25. Marvel of pure
strength and wholesomenea?, more economica!
than the ordinary kind and cannot be sold in
eompetion with th? multitudes of low test short
lgbt alum or phosphate iovdors. Sold only
means. i:o VAL BAKIM'.rOWDEBCO.
i Wall treer. X. Y. Oltv-
The ihr v isutl firief.
i. C. 0-!E.
Published rwrv TrMr-v nioniins from the office
Ea.-t Side Webster :., between 4tu and tu
Avenue, Ked Cloud. Neb.
I have the agency for tea different
loan companies, and can give you the
benefit of any of their peculiar plans
of making farm loans. Therefore I
can make a farm loan quicker and at
lower rates than any other agent in
Webster county. I make option
loans or straight loans for 1. 2, 3, 4, 5.
, or 7 years, also on first class city
property. Coranare my terms before
placinc'vour farm loav, and save mon
ey and resrrets. G- W. BARKER.
Rear Red Cloud Xat'l Bank.
Gathered Up by Cblef Reporter In
Aad About tlie City and Coaatjr.
Jelly glasses at 50r per dozen at
. - the Fair store.
Jim Burden of Bladen, was in the
city "Wednesday.
Geo. 0. Yeiser has been appointed
notary public by Gov. Thayer.
Y"e noticed John Barney of Camp-
Jiell. on our streets Wednesday.
Wick Rush of Oberlin. an old friend
of 3. Day, vras in the city this week
The street commissioner has done
some fa'r grading in the south en 6
of the city.
The county jail is progressing
rapidlv and is a fine structure. It is
certainly ten-: tut..- ind dollars well
Preaching in the Presbyterian church
next Sabbath. June 23d. by Rev Fox,
the new pastor. Services at the usual
The Chief has all of the new and
elegant styles of type for job work.
If "you want a first-class job at hard
time prices call and see us.
Red Clond can boustof some of the
finest blue grass lawns in the state.
Thev are both numerous and hand
some. There is so sxcuse now that
people should not have fine yards.
Quite u number of Red Cloui boys
were in Eastings Tuesday attending
Burr Bobbins' great wild west show.
They will feel some tamer upon their
arrival in this city.
Tfie Chief can't exactly imagine
why south Seward street in Jackson's
addition should be ditched out so
much, ii leaves the street railway
high and dry and simply spoils the
We understand that Doc McKecby
has been chosen editor and manager
of the Big 8 steet w.e aPP-!
hend that the docky will 'find his
$1500 chattle mortgaged outfit a
heap of trouble before the snow flies.
Mr. M. R. Bentley has the finest
patch of white clover we have ever
seen in the west on his lots in the
north part of the city. It does a
fellows eyes good to feast upon the
sight and puts him in mind of his
old home '-back yonder."
A correspondent wants to know
ijwhat has become of the poor house
fund that was levied two or three
Roofing ptch and coal tar at Deyo's .
Sheriff Scott was in Caaba this week.
9L B. E diem an has been west this
Bird cages at 45c at the Fair
Neals celebrated carriage paints at
Deyo: all colors.
Just reetired a lot of fine glass
ware at the Fair store.
Furniture of all kinds cheaper than
ever at F: V. Taylor',
J- F. Winters is home again after
an extended business trip.
Deyo has the largest r.tock of of fire
works in town. Buy of him.
Geo. Gilford was on the sick list
this week. He is better now.
County Treasurer McNitt was in
Omaha this week on business.
Henderson Bros, have painted
their livery stable up in nice shape.
Mrs. D. F. Parker left Thursday
morning for an extended trip to
Indiana and Ohio.
Ira Sleeper has returned from his
trip to Omaha, where he has been
visiting his children.
L. H. Fort, clerk of the district
court and his sister in law Miss Leatha
Culbertson are visting parents in Peru
Mr L X. Taylor, wife and family,
of St. Francis, Kan., and former resi
dents of this city, are here visiting
friends and relatives.
W. G. Wolfe, who is superintendant
of the new jail work, entered our sanc
tium this week and ordered the Great
Family Weekly to his address. Thanks.
Mr. Henry Clarke of Albany, N. Y.
presidont of the Nebraska & Kansas
Farm Loan Co., with his wife and
family, will arrive in the city tomor
row where they will remain for a few
P. L. Jeffers' little girl fell off cf a
stairway, in the rear of the Sleeper
block, a distance of twelve feet, on
Tuesday but fortunately was not ser
iously injured. It was a very narrow
Miss Lida Huffman has finished
her school in Smith county. She
leaves there recommended as a teach
er and has the reputation of being
a faithful worker. She will spend
vacation at home.
The Cowles base ballists and a Red
Cloud nine measured bats across the
diamond ia this city last Saturday.
As usual this season the Red Cloud
boys got scooped by a score of 32 to
24 in favor of Cowles.
Sheriff Scott of Red Cloud was ar
rested for contempt of court. He had
levied on property held is the Su
preme Court. He was promoted from
prisoner to receiver of the property he
had levied on. Heidly Rustler.
The Red Cloud base-ballists com
plain of Blue Hill's courtesy, say
ing that they did not extend the us
ual compliments such as supper etc.
When the Blue Hill chaps come to
Red Cloud they may expect to be at
The tournament committee at Red
wants it distinctly unuerstoou mat
there wil 1 be no entrey fee charged
for any prices or premiums. AH fire
companies have the right to compete
for any or all premiums for which they
The Saunders Lindsey case over
little Mable Saunders was up again
Wednesday and the day was princi
pals occupied in arguing a motion to
release the prisoners from custody.
The motion was overruled and the
case will go to trial this week again.
Dr. Denney has entered the field of
journalism. The doctor is one of
those whole-souled fellows who can
readily apply himself to any positionin
life, and The CniEF hastens to con
gratulate him in his new and enlarg
ed field of labor for the elevation of
The Red Cloud base ball club went
to Superior Wednesday to play ball
Oar boys report a fine game, which
went in favor of the Superior boys 7
to 4. Red Cloud must get up a club
that can beat somebody if they are
going to play ball. Can't stand it to
be beat all the time. No sir.
The board of education met on
years ago"?"' The levy was made in
due form and there remained about
$900 in the hands cf the county treas
urer last January. What disposition
has Decn made of it by the board we
nn nGt know. We do know that a
poor house "u:
county larijuj.-.
Tuesday and elected Mr. Gowdy of
Pawnee City. Neb. as superintendent.
The Misses Hulbtirt, Brown, and Cul
bertson, and Mrs. D. C. Myers were
elected teachers. There are eight
more to select. It takes something
be built and the like $5,000 to pay the teachers of our
public schools in leu Lioua.
M. W. Dickerson is in Lincoln,
R. V. Shirey was m Indianola this
The F. and M. bank have moved
to its new quarters.
A large number of the young folks
picnicked at Araboy on Wednesday. '
Walter Carran has gone to Omaha
where Le expects to sect a lucrative position.
Mrs. Visscher entertained her Sun
day-school scholars on Thursday with
ice cream.
Mrs. J.'B. Boyce of Shelbina, Mo.,
and children are s'i:r uests of Mrs.
Molpoer this week.
3Ir. I. Shirey of Indianola father of
Robt. V., John R. and Ellis Shirey,
was in the ity this week.
Mrs. L. II. Fort entertained a num
of her friends with a tea party last
Friday and Saturday evenings.
Our old friend Mr. Fred Kelley
of Lincoln was in the city Friday and
made The Chief a pleasant call.
A large number of our ci'izens go
to Crete oud Beatrice to attend the
Chautauqua circle at those cities nest
I can save you big money on furni
ture and carpets. 100 different pat
terns of carpels cut without waste at
F. V. Taylor's.
Hacker and Parker have the fir?t
symtoms of cholera, in the shape of a
fine watermelon. Price 50c, you'-paj s
your money and takes ybur chaw-us."
Jim Johnson the west end harlot
was brought before Judge Sweezy oa
Thurslay on the charge of running
a bagnio. Tbe case was continued.
It is to be hoped that this city will
make an effort to get rid of this class
of people.
V. C. Picking, recently one of the
editors of tbe Republican, and at pre
sent a heavy stockholder, has sued
that concern for labor as editor. The
amount claimed is $125. The case
has been set for hearing on Monday
next. We imagine that the project
ors of that much mortgaged concern
feel something like the poet did when
he exclaimed in agenizing tones:
"Is there no hope, the sick man said.
The silent doctor shook his head."
Eh, Docky.
3Iethodlt Cliarch 'tic-.
Regular services next Sunday con
ducted by the pastor. Morning
subject, -What is the Resurrection
of Christ to us?"' Evening subject,
The Mother-hood of God." The
public and strangers visiting the city
are especially invited.
Rid Cloud, Jane 14.
Board of equalization met as ad
journed. Seventeen members being
On motion that the county levy
ai ordered yesterday by the board
be reconsidered, carried by the fol
lowing vote.
Yeas McCallum, Barcus, Groves,
Martin, Coon, Hummell, Dickerson,
Kaley, Garber, Fish, Wells, Jones
and Hevton.
Nays Laird and Frame.
The following county levies were
ordered by the county board.
County General 5 mill on the dollar.
' bridge 3 " "
" R.R.bond3 "
" road i " "
" Mandamus 14; ' "
; Jail 14; " "
Also a speial jail tax to meet con
tract entered into with the Panly Jail
Building Co. of 14; mills on the dol
lar. The following Mandamus levies
were ordered on the various school
districts of the county.
School Dist. No. S a levy of 30 mills.
1. 21 ;: f 10 "
" t. 22 " " 35 "
u f. 25 " ,! 30 i
" t: G ' (to (
on sec. 27, 23, 33, 34 the n e of sec 32
town 2, range 12; also sec 3 and 4
north of the river and sec 2 south of
the river, town 1, range 12.
School Dist. No. 12 a levy to pay
$075 on School Dist. No. 12 compris
ing old territory on east one half of
town 4. range 12.
Also the following levies for the
payment of school bonds and interest
on the same.
An immense assortment
Snnday-Seliool OrsaBlzed.
The people of Amboy have organ
ized a Sunday school at the school
house with the following officers:
S. W. Corbett, superintendent.
C. C. Cox, assistant sup't.
A. Williams, treasurer.
D. F. Trunkey. secretary.
Mrs. A. Williams, choiri.ter.
The Sunday school will meet every
Sabbath morning at 10 o'clock a. m.
It is hoped that the j-ople will
take an interest in it and make it a
success. All are invited.
School Apportionment.
J, Guide Eoc, S130C3 12 f 53 10
2, Kcd Cloud. 633C7 43 33 52
3t. ......... -. 4o c 4j... ....... j 83
4.. .... ...... .... J JU 4u. ........... .. J9 40
5.... ..... 43 87 4( ......... 14 0
S.... ............ 4497 48...... 37 19
S 41C8 4 4103
9 4487 53 55 10
10 30 60 51 33 74
1n 71 46 S3 95 "SO
AJ a v m d3 a
14........"........ 3707 Si 5X93
1j.... v .... 5X 21
lUi ..... J K... . dX HO
la .. .... 50 43 5o.... .. d 4 4
X3 . 45 rJ W J f b3
20 use eo 5743
21 2317 61 26 28
22 4340 63 38 74
23 20S3 C4 37 19
24 4108 C5 41 K
Jia.(t..... s $ w.....t.t.... 41 M
6... ............. 4653 68. ....... ..... 2665
28 410S 70 43 42
29 5821 71 45 75
30 34 07 72 39 52
31 8937 73 1C3 33
32 527C 74 Blue Hill... 220 22
33 3251 75 44 97
34 3329 76 5198
35 5432 77 34 SB
3C 4420 78 4810
37 4809 79 10 80
38 4108 60 36 41
39 2638 61 32 51
4U. .... IS 63 62. ... .... 36 41
41. ...... .. &4 83. ...... 42 to
Merit WIm.
We desire to say to oar citizens, that
for vears we have beeu selling Dr.
Kings new discovery for consumption,
Dr. Kings new life pills, cucklins arni
ca salve and electric bitters, and have
never handled remedies that sell so
well, or that have given such univer
sal satisfaction. We do not hes:tate
to guarantee them every time, and we
stand ready to refund the purchase
price, if satisfactory results do not
foOlow their use. These remedies
have won great popularity purely on
School Dist No. 4 a levy of 6 mil
; -3 u io :.
i c y ; J
ii (( OS it U y ii
( : 52 " " 5 "
(( 4i jj3 ii u 4
u 65 i 13 .
;: : 15 u a 20 "
: : 3g u u 3
- " CC u t: 4 "
ti a 73 is ;: 5 u
i: it 31 it. n 5 tt
w t; 35 4; t. f :t
t; ;t 10 10 '
,( t: 39 .t 3 tt
.t tt go " " 4 "
If. Jr
Also levies to pay interest onbOLds
due on Dists- No. 77, 45, 35, 62, 55.
4G, GS, 79. 49. 43, 25, 3, (new dis
trict) G9 and 73.
The board f equalization now ad
jouincd and convened for general bus
iness. Od motion the county treasurer is
instructed to refund to C. A. Teel
$S4.G9 taxes on illegal assessment of
On motion the county treasurer
was instructed to refund to M. R.
Bentley $551.09 taxes on claimed il
legal assessment of 1S35.
The following resolution now came
before the hoard.
Resolved, that county supervisors
shall not recieve more that two dollars
per day for any work or service done
by them for the county except as ser
vices performed or rendered by them
while sitting as a board of county su
pervisors in any regular or special
meeting of the county board.
Above resolution adopted by the
following vote.
Yeas McCdUum, Groves, Martin,
Coon, flummell. Dickerson, Kaley,
Fish, Cather, Jones, and Heaton.
Nays Barcus, Laird, Wilder. Gar
ber. Frame and Wells.
On motion the county clerk is in
structed to draw a warrant on the
county general fund of 13S3 for $100
to be used in defraying the expenses
of a Teacher s Institute. Warrant to
be drawn in favcr of Eva J. King.
An appropriation of $75 or so much
as may be necessary was granted to
Garfield township to be used in build
ing a bridge across Hull's creek be
tween 23 and 26. town 1. range 12.
On motion an appropriation of $250
was granted to build a road commenc
ing on the section line east of section
35, town 2, range 11 and running due
north on section line across Red Cloud
Batin, and Glen wood townships to tbe
connty line. Red Clond to receive
$75, Batin $125 and Glenwood $50
of above amount.
The board adjourned to meet June
15th. 1SS3 at 9 o'clock a. m.
Flannel coats and vests,
Seersucker coats and vests,
Alpacca coats and vests,
Prices from 1.25 to 85.
I guarantee you bottom prices on all goods
sold by
Red Cloud and Wymore.
lied Clond June 15. 1SS?.
On mstion the committee on county property
wis instructed to repair ths Scar ol the vault
in the office of thecounry tresrer and clerk
o! the district court.
fhe foUowins claims were aUowcd and war
rants ordered oa ths coiiaty scleral fund of
the 1533 delinquent personal t&es were noted
to &c deducted Unu lh wsrataxri'o i-n-l
tied by the chairman of the claims committee.
D. ii. Francis er as asiisor(i5-7 taxes) SIMM
.S. Vaanoran (1SS4S-C-T 130.C0
M.C.. .-kson ' (1Sjs6-7) " S6.40
Wm.Cn.. 'ill " (K-7) " 9S,G0
Otto SHclver ' 0w " SWO
J. A. Bailey " (1533 " 91.W
J, C, Warae1- services case of Van Beaoa
(1&SC-7 1 1 :es( 21 10
J. C. Warner yerviees diseased animals
(lS8G-7ta.e - 4 09
F. A. Sweezy ser. ices for sundries (1SSC-7
taxes) 3W1 27 31
J. C. "Warner atteu. .nee ou board (1SS6-7
L. Aultz layingwater "'pe (1SX-7 taxes)
A. H. Alexander er. ices lis assessor
John Simpson " M
James Burden "
John Stout
W. F. Eenkle
Adam Walker
A. Koplsch
F. F. Kuehn
O. It Downs
L. D. Wells
A. J, Hayes supphe for poor
David Dinge-i service-, as assessor
James 3IcCartaey
F, A, Kcuhn attemlasce on supervisors
A. C. Hosmsr printing for connrj-
W, G. Wolf superiutending jail
W. H. Barcus suiMrvisors service
" 2C 10 to
A. H. Kaley
T.J. Wilder
Issaac Fish
J. Martin
D. McCallum
G. E. Coon
M. W. Dickerson '
Jos. Garbr
G.W. Hummel "
Samuel Heaton
S. S.Wells
E. H. Jon
James Groves '
W.C. Laird
D. K. Scneuck case of Van Benaoa
D. Kesler duplicate of warrant Z5t
G. W. Earkercase of Van Benson 7 CO
L. H. Fort sundries
D. II. Kaley road appraiser
F. X. Klchardson -D.J,
John Farrel
G. M. Plumb printing for county 7 50 to
State Journal supplies id za
Omaha Kepnblican mrpplies io: 3)
G. J. Warren supplies
John Veach ooardhiK V:in Beckon etc
V. B. McNitt stamps
L, D. Oatman boardiDR Saunders
These claims were allowed and warrants or
dered on the bridge fund of 1S7 delinquent tax
es to be deducted where noted :
B, S. Tibbets work with pile driver
" ISSMtax
A. Mcintosh work on bridge HHrG-7
Jos. Garber "
" M7tax
J. 7. Webber " - lSS5tax
10 00
40 eO
81 20
101 40
92 00
50 CO
53 00
00 00
65 00
177 CO
73 10
70 80
47 30
;7 30
51 GO
24 10
19 40
20 00
23 40
19 20
IS 40
13 10
IS 20
19 0)
15 70
19 40
20 20
19 CO
20 00
21 00
1 10
4 10
3 70
4 50
3 10
13 00
23 43
1 20
G. W. Dow material for bridge etc 8 30
D. F. icott work on roads 15i7 taxes G3 00
Win, Irons material for bridges G7 CO
T. T. Lacy road damage CO CO
These claims were allowed on the insane fund
delinquent taxes to be deducted where noted:
G. P. Cither case of Mary Hanson IG 35
51. W. Bird FaUey 1581-2-3-4-3 tax
from 60 30 to 47 so
John Barret case of ' issc tax 4 20
K. L. Pelz " 4 a
L.H.Fort " C73
J. S. White M 4 20
I.W.TulIeys" 8 00
D. . Coombs " 3 oo
A. McDaniels ' McDaniels 30 09
Claim of Frans Kuehn for 4 00 "Saunder3'
was rejected.
Board now adjourned without day.
.i. H. Bailey. County Clerk.
- -
supplies l?S7t2
on bridge
W.r.Fultoa '
J. "W. Myers "
J. M. Scales
Wm. Peril - Waff read
K, S. Prondfit supplies for bridifi
J. Vt. lrvin painans sijrns
A. Morhart supplies for bridge 1 1 32 :o
f'owles Laager Co. '
I, H. nucanitl hanlins pi driver
Traders lraber Co. material for fcridxe
15 00
G 73
23 03
12 00
32 00
3 73
23 40
25 S3
4 00
11 SO
21 M
Smith's Park is now open for pleas
ure. every day except on Sunday and
Monday. Ice cream and boats fam
ished at reasonable prices. Also same
to picnic parties and on the 4th of
July a Basket picnic: Invitation ex
tended to all. Boats, ice cream etc.
at reasonable prices. In the afternoon
two cups will be given; one each for
best rowing by lady and gentleman:
Tea, Tfcaak Tea.
It has been noticed that the editor
of the daily Helmet has been donated
a piece of '-pure river ice" and says
it is !4lovely.:' Wonder if he has
ever been dowp there to see how pure
the water is that the ice is taken
A w Barker 9fep.
S. T. VanHorn who is well known
in this city, and who for the last year
has tried his lack elsewhere, has re
turned to this city and has purchased
the barber parlors of Robert Barkley.
He has fitted them up m nice style
and invites his old and new friends
to call and see him. Ho will give
yes shave or hair cut in the latest
style of the art. 47-tf
Carpeta! Caraeta!!
?tlr. M. . Hoffman, livinc two
I dies vrest of the city on the Kaley
xana is prepared to weave carpeu-on
short notice. Orders by Mail will
receive proapt attention. if
The greatest wonder of the 19th
century, a carpet exhibitor showing
just how a carpet will look when on
the 2eor at F. V. Taylor's.
When in Red Clond call at the
femiturfc stcre of F. V. Taylor, oppo
site t!:e F. X. bank, and fiek yow mt
.. ...'iiisitj Ivit-shen-orarlor snit.
c ,' I
..X -