The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 14, 1889, Image 1

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"9r- Vy,
Vol. 16.
Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, June 14, 1889.
No. 46.
EC vv BlillijieFy step
On 4th Avenue, Ped Cloud.
The ladies of Red Cloud are cordially invited
to call on me whenin need of Millinery
Goods. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Mrs. A. M. MAYBEE.
MM ! M I . - -
Hacker & Parker,
all and examine our bargains. Correspond
ence solicited,
OnerajHouse Block Red Cloud
. t; j ;
Subscribe for The CIEF, the
oldest and newsiest paper in the
county. Job work in all its vari
ous branches in best style.
Bcjwrtaaeat rtk. latarter.
Wabhimhton, D. C. May 1.
Tke various saeiieal association
aid the medical profession will be
glad to lean that Dr. John S. Bil
liags, smrgeoa U. S. amy, hat eon
seated to take elarge of the report
oa the mortality and vital statistics ef
the Uaited Sutes as retimed by the
eleventh ceasms.
As the United States has no sys
tem of registration of vital statistics,
such as is relied upon by other civili
ized nations for the purpose of ascer
taining the actual movement of pop
ulation, oar census affords the only
opportunity of obtaining near an ap
proximate estimate of the birth and
death rates of much the larger part
of the countrj, which is entirely un
provided with any satisfactory system
of state and municipal registration
In view of this, the census office,
during the month of 3Iay this' year,
will issue to the medical profession
throughout the country "Physician's
Registers" for the purpose of obtain
ing more acurate returns of deaths
than it is possible for the enumera
tors to make. It is earnestly hoped
that physicians in every part of the
country will ee-operate with the cen
sus office in this important work.
The record should be kept from June,
1, 1889, to May 31, 1890. Nearly
26.000 of these registration books
were filled up and returned to the
office in 18S0, and nearly all of them
used for statistical purposes. It is
hoped that double this number will
be obtained for the eleventh census.
Physicians not receiving registers
can obtain them by sending their
names and addresses to the census
office, aid, with the register, an offi
cial envelope which requires ao stamp
will be provided for their return to
If all medical and surgical practi
tioners throughout the country will
lend their aid, the mortality and vital
statistics of the eleventh census will
be more comprehensive and complete
than they have ever been. Every
physician should take a personal
pride in having this xeport as full
j and accurate as it is possible to make
It is hersby promised that all in
formation obtained through this
source shall be held strictly confiden
tial. Robert L. Porteb,
Superintendent of Census.
e4ace4 Fare ul
Free rates, both ways, will be gives
ob shipments of fire engines and
other fire apparatus from points on
the B. 4 31., in Nebraska to Red
Cload aad return for the tournament.
Provided notice is given chairman of
the tournament committee on or be
fore the fint day of July.
Passenger rates have been arranged
for via the B. 6 M. railroad as fol
lows: From points trithin seventy
five miles of Red Cloud, one fare for
the round trip: from points where fire
companies are located, who will attend
meeting at Red Cloud, uoc fare for
the round trip. All other territory
in Nebraska not included in above, at
the rate f a fare and a third on the
certificate plan. For further infor
mation, address.
A. J. Tomlixsox,
Ch'n Tournament Committee, Red
Cloud, Nebr.
Dry Goods, Groceries, Millinery,
-Nfec., is again before the public with a large and choice line
of goods, and is selling close for cash.
Latest Styles in Millinery always on hand.
Hcklla'a Aralea Salve.
The best sa' ve in the World for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns; and all skin eruptions, and
positively cures, or no pay required,
it is guaranteed to ffive perfect satis
faction, or maney refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For sale by Henry
In the year 1840 the population of
the United States was about 17,000.-
000. the census tor 1890 will show
70,000,000. The conclusion is that
the people of United Sutes have been
doing as well as could be expected
mmder the circumstances.
Ttd a i t?to t TTHFDT?n rr
11 -J. xvi-i.ijz,rvo ijillci. vyj.
Tke New MacawsT
You have heard your friends and
neighbors talking about it Yott may
yourself be one of the many who know
from personal experience lust how
1 good a thing it is. If yow have ever
tried it, you are one of its staunch
friends, because the wonderful thine
v.. tt. :. . v : . ...
uvui t b mis nueu ukcb men m tnmi
Dr. King ' New Discovery ever titer
holds a viae in the house. If yow
mavs never uses u ana snoota be affl
icted with a cough could or amy throat
Lung or Chest trouble secure & beetle
at once and give it a lair trial. It is
guariateed every tune J? mosey refun
ded. Trial Bottle Free at Henry Cook's
Drugstore. 6
Louver than any yard in the world
A. J. Tomlinson chairman of the
tournament committee at Bed Cuud
has received favorable replies from
the following gentlemen to whom
courteous invitations Were extended
to attend the firemens tournament to
be held July 16th to 19th inclusive
in that city. Gov. John M. Thayer,
Ex-Gov. James W. Dawes, Don. Geo.
W. E. Dorsey, Hon. A. S. Paddock,
Hon. Chas. F. Manderson, Hon. Ewd.
Rosen u? or, Dr. Geo. L. Miller. Hon.
John M. Thurston, Hon. II. W. Hardy
Hon. y. G. Hastings, and many
others of Nebraska's most prominent
Will Attea the Tearaey.
Yesterday afternoon J L Templeton
received the information that the
railroad rate desired by the fireman to
attend the Nebraska tournament had
been given. The Council Bluffs
teams will all attend. Now it is in
order for the road s to grant the rate
favor of Iowa fireman in order that
our state tourney may be made a
grand success. Omaha Republican.
lee! IceU lee!!!
Fred Hummel wants his friends to
know that he has piles of fine river
icr for sale which he will offer to the
trade in se?son. Reserve your or
ders for him.
Take Notice.
To William Arnold:
You are hereby notified that on Hie Ttli day
of November! 1887,1, L. Batm purchase! at
Sublictax safe from the county treasurer. M.
'. AlcNttt, at the court-house in Bed Cloud
Webster county. Nebraska, for the taxes for the
year 1SW. amounting to SG.9.. The following
uesi-riueu lauu suuaieu ill CU3ier COUIuy,
Nebraska, taxed in the name of William Ar
nold, The n e H, sec C, town 3, range 0, west of
the G p.m., containing 40 acres. The time lor
redemption of said land from the lien ot said
tax sale will expire November 7th, l&9,auaif
not redeemed before the above date expires I
will make application for a tipu4nnr tn--
deed. l. Baum.
Take Notice.
To William Arnold:
November its:, I, L. Baum purchased at
You are hereby noriSed that on the 7th day of
November ifS7. 1. L. Banm tuirehavd at niihll
.. -. -- ; . - - r
tax saieirom me county treasurer, M.u.jfc-
Nitt. at the court house in Bed Clond. WrtMt
county. Nebraska, for the taxes of the year ISM
amounting to 9Gff. The following described
una situated in venster county .Nebraska,
taxed in the name of William Arnold. The
north-west "iot The sooth-west M. section fi tows
3, range 9 west of the p.m. containing 40
uiu i-iuuia acres. iue one ior reaempuon
of said land from the lien of said ta-r ai
will expire November 7th 1S89, and. if not re-
aeemea Dciore xne aoove date expires I wiu
make application for a treasures tax deed.
Take If tleet
canity. Nebraska,
i Arnold: Thesoet
Xr. vhiUm Arnold:
iouare neresraoiueauiatoBiaena
Noveatber IS87I. L l
tax sate troat tke eouatr traanr. H. B. Me-
Nittatttae courthouse in Sed Cloud. Webster.
county rteorasia iorjae saxes ocineyeari
aasonnungsv se, im
sttaated ta Webster e
tke saaw of William Arnold: Thr in nth aist If
ofthessoth-westsectioB (.towms. rsage.
west 9t the 6 pan. containing- 41 ami SHtetb.
acres, xae iibw ior reaempota ex aua maa
from tbelienof audtax aue wul exMreve
vanber 7th. 188. and if sot redeemed before
the above date expires I win make application
for a treasurer's tax seed. L.Bacx.
President, Albany, N.Y., J. A. TTJLLBY,
Kobt. V. SHIBET, Treasrarer.
PAID UP CAP11AL,$50,00Q.
Ked Cloud, Neb. Albany, New York.
H. Clarke, Albany. New York Geo R. Beach, BalstonSpa NT.
W. H. Kobeson, Aibanv, iN. Y. Ji S. irancis, nttsdciu. Has
R,V.Shirey D.M.Flatt E.'P. Hichland. J. A. Tulleys M.B.3IcNit
On improved farms in tsbrn'.ka vud Khn.A.i. Mouev furnished as soon 88 the
security is approved. Fnncjal ana interest payable m Ked Uioud
TheMONAECH Mixed Paints!
This is gaaranteed and proved by chemical analysis
to be composed of strictly pure lead, zinc and linseed
oil, with no adulterations of Barytes, whiting, alkalies
water. The best is the cheapest. For sale by
C. L. COTTING, Druggist.
B. V.Shirey, Pres. Hknry CLARKE,Yice-Pres. -Jno. R. Shirey, Cashier
Howard B. Catiiee, Assistant Cashier
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
CAPITAL, - $75,000
Transact a general hanking business, bey and cell sosstj; Trarrants .'.
county, precinct and school district bonds. Buj and sell foreign exclianu
Jas. McNeny. J. A.Tulleys, G. W. Lindsey. B. V. Shirey.
John R. Shirey. . F. Highland.
Henry Clarke, A. J. Kenney.
Paints. Oils, Varnish, Stationery,
Books, Etc.
Red Cloud, - Nebraska,
Just received a line and complete line of
Ladies' Summei Goods, Lace and Swiss
Embroidery, Flouncings, Hamburgs,: '
Laces, Jerseys; Challies, Lawns,
Sateens the latest styles. Shirtings ginghams, dress trim
minga, hosiery and gloves, , Goods sold at the low
est figures - ' -otil.u
You are aerebrsnUled that on the 7th day ef
s OTeaaoer 1887, j, i.
tax sale froathe
Bvrchued at pubUe
eoHBtr treasBrer. M . B. Me-
tiitt. at the coarMwase la Ked Ckd, Webster
Kentucky is chewing the quid of
content. Three hundred million
pounds is the estimate of her tobacco
crop this season.
county; Xebraska, far the taxes or the year
lamaaMHUHBgw sjinouuowing aeseriDea
land situated fit Webster county Nebraskav tax
ed in thename of William Arnold: The south
west Jiot the southwest ;. section 6. towns,
ranze 9, west of the 6 pja. containing 40 and 82
louth acres. Tne tine for redemption of said
land from the Hen of said tax sale will expire
November 7th, 1889. aad if not redeemed before
above uate expire I will mate application
tor a treasurers tax deed.
Furnity re 1
- unit ' ' -
- .
In the city at prices that all can afford to buy
if in want of anytbf g in his line
Opposite First National Basic, Red CIod.
i 1
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. ifXi,
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